
Ok, was away from the internet for more than a day and now I hear people jumping ship cause Cyberpunk 2077 is pandering to sodomites and its no longer going to be a RPG but a looter shooter story game. Is it true? If it is than the that post about the guy who "supposedly" had a friend who was a former CDPR employee and spilled the beans about CDPR turning SJW after Witcher 3 was true after all.

>tfw was seconds away from pre-ordering until lurking.
>wew lad.

Attached: cyberpunk-2077.jpg (800x420, 307K)

Other urls found in this thread:

thetrove.net/Books/Cyberpunk/Cyberpunk 2020/

have sex incel

no u

bump want actual answers.

It's going to play like Witcher 3. If you liked that kind of game, you'll like this game.
It's already been confirmed you can beat the game without killing anyone, so it's not a shooter

The tranny false flags from reset and reddit are pretty obvious. Go back.

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

Yes, ther backpedaled on a lot of gameplay/rpg related stuff only to add 200 genders for mentally ill people.
Witcher 3 success was a mistake

i just wanted to be a cop. why didnt they let me. it's been 8 years. i dont want another single main story focused game. god dammit. god dammit

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someone drop a real answer

>pandering to sodomites
Sodomites were always in Cyberpunk future.
The entire point of Cyberpunk as a genre is that the world went to shit and everyone is degenerate.
>its no longer going to be a RPG but a looter shooter story game
You're still going to be making choices and build favor or disfavor with particular groups.

already did illiterate tranny

>you cant outright join factions: no being a cop, medtech, corpo, etc
>you can only have one apartment: after working your way up in the world, you will still live in the same slum
>you cannot customize your apartment: after working your way up and getting rich, you will still live in the same drab apartment
>you cannot customize your car
>there are no classes, but rather three specialty class perk trees (solo netrunner techie) similar to skyrims mage warrior and thief
>you no longer choose your childhood hero: this was cut, now only johnny silverhand appears. and he always appears, he is a major part of the story
>V has a personality and one voice for female and one voice for male
>game seems to have a very focused story driven approach rather than a more open ended rpg sim approach
that's about it. dont care about tranny shit

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Acknowledging that trans people exist or can be present in media doesn't make a person an SJW. There are plenty of trans people who hate the ResetERA/tumblr/SJW types. This board likes to set up imaginary bogeymen that embody millions of people in a single archetype.

A game about a future where body modifications in are rampant in 2077 happens to include more advanced versions of the gender modifications people get in 2019. Wow, fucking shocker. It'd be really strange if it didn't have that, it'd be a huge thematic oversight. Hell, people would get far weirder body mods than what we have today, I'm disappointed Cyberpunk 2077 isn't crazier. Some people should have six boobs. There should be weird-ass gross furries, because you just KNOW that some people would stick animal ears on themselves once the tech's good enough.

>shooter looter fps
What? So that means the 40 minutes demo is 0% of what the game is like? WHAT?

Where is this post Yea Forums ?

All this talk about johnny silverhand and the game being story driven linear and I saw no source so far, not one.

>game seems to have a very focused story driven approach rather than a more open ended rpg sim approach
This actually has me interested.
Overtime I noticed that there's not a single RPG with branching options where the story isn't absolute garbage.
I wouldn't mind if RPGs got rid of dialogue choices if it meant having some proper writing for once.

go play a fucking sony film

>I hear people
stopped reading there, kys

No because those tend to have very floaty gameplay.
Then again, that applies to all RPGs, which all feature subpar combat and movement systems that wouldn't be acceptable in any other genre, but the RPG genre seems to get a free pass for some reason.

Why do you hyperspergs pretend as if there was any creative authority in generations of JRPGs? They have less story choices than an episode of TellTale games, but they call themselves RPGs because you get to select Attack from a menu.

And people were excited at the possibility of this game being the first to break that cycle instead now it's more of the same.

No they weren't, they wanted to game to be the same kind of garbage branching RPGs are.
They don't care about writing, just about "let me pick between good, meh and bad ending".

if you simply want a linear story with no choices and a predefined characters, there are literally dozens of genres available for you to do so. why do you need to shit up rpgs, the only genre rpg fans have to create their own branching story? it's cruel

and you don't give a fuck about rpgs you fucking retard you just want to watch a fucking movie

Because the RPG genre is absolute garbage and deserves to die.
It's like MMOs, they are anti-videogame genres that put emphasis on anything but gameplay.

No, I want gameplay, good gameplay, which the RPG genre is incapable of delivering.

>if you simply want a linear story with no choices and a predefined characters, there are literally dozens of genres available for you to do so.
RPGs is filled with this. Pretty much every JRPG is exactly like that, which was the entire point of my post you fucking retard.

Cyberpunk actually has choices. Dumbfuck.

>looter shooter
No its not there is nothing indicating this

>its no longer an rpg
It still is a role playing Game.


then dont play rpgs and fuck off. jesus christ
yes, and again, the classic rpgs do not follow this trend. no im not talking about weebshit, that is and always has been a separate category. fallout, planetscape torment, bg2, gothic 2, and on and on, the classics, were all about player choice and agency. this was marketed as similar

>then dont play rpgs
Or lets kill it and prevent any future developers with potential fall for this cancer of a genre.

RPGs deserve death for never producing a single videogame with good gameplay, in fact, they tend to have the worst gameplay.
It's a genre that makes games with absolute garbage mechanics like Morrowind or Mass Effect be praised, it allows bad videogames to get away with being bad.
It has to die.

just fuck off

>Overtime I noticed that there's not a single RPG with branching options where the story isn't absolute garbage
Pathfinder, DAO, Witcher 1...

No, seriously, name a single RPG with combat mechanics that can compete with games that aren't RPGs, you know, games with fun gameplay?
You can't, because even when the mechanics are good, you have shit like having to hit an enemy 10 times or having to unload an entire magazine on them.
RPG is anti-fun, and it sacrifices gameplay for nothing worthwhile.

Are you implying any of those are good?
Specially The Witcher 1?

Have sex

atleast gtav had franklin's houses becoming increasingly better

>muh combat
lmao shut the fuck up. like i said, there are shooty shooty games for you

>no im not talking about things that contradict my argument and make me look stupid
Of course you aren't, fag. Because it would make you look stupid to acknowledge the truth.

First witcher game story was the absolute best one in the series, and one of the best stories in gaming overall. Pathfinder too although there's just a tad too much "illusion of choice" for me, DAO is on par with TW1.

Yeah, who wants gameplay in their videogames when you can just run around and choose dialogue options for 200 hours.

>First witcher game story was the absolute best one in the series, and one of the best stories in gaming overal
I'm not even going to bother replying to this.

btw, planescape torment is a prewritten story.
you do not create your own character.
you barely even have any freedom on classes.
the story is linear from start to finish, alignment doesnt effect the ending whatsoever.
I know you haven't played it but its true. Nice try namedropping games released decades before you were born though.

Nice noargument, brainlet.

you forgot about them calling it "action adventure story" instead of rpg now

Nice defense of your dying genre known for giving birth to modding platforms and nothing else.
The legacy of RPGs will be sex mods for Skyrim, nothing more.

>muh opinions
there are many genres out there for you. you dont like rpgs. yet you are here discussing them and hating people who like them. this i the definition of seethe

How many threads have you made? You should go to bed already.

So it's like Dark Messiah in a Cyberpunk setting? How is that a bad thing?

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Because people who support RPGs support badly developed videogames and lack of talent.

>The legacy of RPGs will be sex mods for Skyrim
You say that precisely as some of the most sold and most well received games in history are precisely rpgs, just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's bad, and disliking something popular doesn't make you special.

Even the billion people who played Skyrim know the writing sucks and the combat is shitty. The reason people like Elder Scrolls isn't because of Bethesda, but rather because of all the pretend they play inside their own heads.

And guess what, even those who play it know they play like shit.
That's why RPGs deserve to die, because they promote half assed development.
Everything they do is half assed.
The combat, the story, the dialogue, even the best rated RPGs are mediocre at best in how the game is built.
For some reason, someone managed to push the idea that RPGs get to have shit combat, shit gameplay and shit stories, all because you can customize your character and make dialogue choices.

The more I see of this game, the less I think of cyberpunk. What happened to this subgenre?

Don't speak for me, bitch face.

It turned into what I expected/feared it would turn like 6 years ago: That they would take their proven Witcher formula and apply it to Cyberpunk, and invent a new main character to replace Geralt.

>Acknowledging that trans people exist or can be present in media doesn't make a person an SJW.
Yes it does, all Trannies are mentally ill, propagating their lifestyle and pretending it's normal instead of offering them mental health services will only hurt thousands of additional children.

>A game about a future where body modifications in are rampant in 2077 happens to include more advanced versions of the gender modifications people get in 2019.
There are no "gender modifications" or Trannies in Cyberpunk 2020: thetrove.net/Books/Cyberpunk/Cyberpunk 2020/

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>Yea Forums unironically falls for this
Why is this board so much gayer than the rest of 4channel?

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That's not a gender modification, that's a furry you retard. Or is that you Patrick? No Butter is not a Gender.

Grafting cat ears and a tail on someone is obviously a lot easier than changing every cell of their body, which even in the world of Cyberpunk isn't possible, much less today.

People so entrenched in video games that they spend the bulk of their time either playing or discussing video games are usually immature menchildren or literal underage posters.

You're probably too young to remember when CRPGs didn't have voice acting and it was possible to have incredibly branching storylines much easier.

Why the fuck do they need coice acting so bad now? It was shit in fallout 4 it was shit in mass effect and its gonna be shit for this

>special extras under the hood
>not a gender modification

I find it hilarious that the threads multiplied after Pondsmith took a dump on whiny trannies and tumblr.
As if whinging on a chinese basket weaving forum is accomplishing anything.

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So its save to assume that the real discussion about the game is going to be again at
Because everytime i post a video about the game the immediate response is

Has there ever been decent gaming discussion on Yea Forums? It's just for shitposting while passing the time. /vg/ and /vr/ are the only real vidya boards.

Read the description, you fucking retard.

>have sex

Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.

if you browse Yea Forums for info on this game you're just going to get disinfo and people getting mad. just wait til the game comes out and you can see gameplay and ignore all the faggots

Furries aren't Trannies you Subhuman Mongoloid.

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>blowing himself the fuck out
Wow you are not only hopelessly pathetic but also equally dumb.

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the utter fury of the trannies that games are being made about things other than their gaping front holes is something to behold.

>"we've spend countless of hours making cool looking guns, so ghost play style is not our focus right now"
Just wait.

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I hate sjws more than the average v poster. I dont care theres a gender slider in a dystopian fetish hellhole city. The trannies seem upset about the fact they are being fetishized and are the flag upon the degenerate ship that is Night City.

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>sees drawings of furries
>automatically blankets all exotics as furries
You are as dumb as the SJWs you hate.

Yes, you can turn into a Mech via Full Body Replacement, you can graft yourself some ears, claws or different skin and turn into a Exotic Furry, but even in Cyberpunk 2020 technology can't turn a man into a woman, because that's not possibly you fucking retard.

>but even in Cyberpunk 2020 technology can't turn a man into a woman, because that's not possibly you fucking retard.
That's why they are called trannies, you raging dumbfuck

>you can attack every manner of thing to the human body but you cant put a dick on a woman

>its no longer going to be a RPG but a looter shooter story game
Come on put some effort in your bait your too obvious

It kinda highlights how retarded Yea Forums is

>picture of a big tranny comes up highlighting mega corps using hyper sexualisation to degrade the fabrics of society
>"Oh, and you can also make a Tranny. We feel it's acceptable given the setting and how much it is about trans humanism, how maybe our preconceived notions about what it means to be a human or individual may not be what it seems"

Inb4 the cop out "Yea Forums is not one person". If my quotes don't represent your beliefs, then clearly my post isn't directed to you, but don't try to act like those aren't the consensus views on this shit hole.

And before somebody calls me a tranny or "dial 8", trannies are absolutely degenerate and i'm glad they're killing themselves en masse. But they definitely fit in the Cyberpunk world.

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Sewing a dick to your body will neither make you a woman, nor will it fix your mental issues, it'll only exacerbate them, tranny.

>get BTFO
>accuse other poster of being a tranny
Everyone has mental illnesses in Cyberpunk user. This doesn't mean that because something exists that it is a good thing.
You have a mental illness, too, but your gender won't matter anyway since nobody will ever be fucking you, fatass.

You can put a dick onto a woman.

But she still will be a woman


>Cyberpunk was always about Trannies ExDEE
>Transhumanism is totally interchangable with Transgender, both words have "Trans" in it after all.
Your mind on too much Söy.

You can put a cat tail on a person, but they're still a person. You aren't addressing the subject of the argument, which is that people can and do use cosmetic surgery on their bodies in every way in Cyberpunk.
The entire setting is about the collapse of civilization into total degeneracy and consumerism.

There is literally a paragraph with rules for sex changes in the lore.

>practically anything is available
>but not that because it makes me so mad reee
I'm starting to think you are a falseflagging tranny trying to drum up hate against the game since it makes trannies so mad. The entire fact that trannies are in a game about societal collapse and everyone is insane is not something for trannies to be proud of.

>>Cyberpunk was always about Trannies ExDEE
Quote where I said that.

There isn't, there isn't Sex change or Trannies in Cyberpunk 2020

Nah, it'll be something like "LOL, wouldn't be weird to have a Cyberpunk universe without killing capitalists?"

>You can put a cat tail on a person, but they're still a person.
WOW, I feel like we're finally getting somewhere. Yes, it turns them into a Furry abomination. It doesn't actually turn them into a cat. The technology to turn a human into a cat doesn't exist in Cyberpunk 2020 either.

Just like the technology of turning a man into a woman doesn't exist. Cutting off your dick will not turn you into a woman, it's just self-mutilation.

The tranny thing is still up in the air, it's possible they just said that to shut the trannies up
But yeah all the rpg elements are being taken away

What is Cyberpunk 2020: When Gravity Falls.

it's literally riddled with tranny shit. In the Buyadeen zone there's literally more trannies than outright women. Stop pretending like you've ever played it

And you can get a sex change. Getting a “sex-change” under Cyberpunk 2020 rules has multiple levels. A “Basic” Sex Change takes one month of hormone therapy and nanotechnology injection, a week of surgical stay and two weeks post-op recovery. Altogether the cost is 4200 EuroMarks, which is roughly the cost of a decent pulse laser rifle. The ability to bear children is another 5000 Euromarks, and the ability to sire children is 1000.

Google is your friend retard

>What is Cyberpunk 2020: When Gravity Falls.
It's an imaginary parallel world that takes place in 2202 in Arab lands and has nothing to do with Cyberpunk 2020 or its setting.

>And you can get a sex change.

No you can't, maybe you shouldn't Paste the first thing you see some Tranny post on Medium, but actually read the Source material yourself: archive.is/dqyxn#selection-381.0-381.517

Thanks for playing though, better luck next time, now go dilate.

Lmao, I can't argue against somebody who's just gonna outright lie (can't have a sex change) and then dismiss the fact that Trannies were involved with Mikes Pondsmiths board game.

You're just gonna be one of those stubborn gits who's gonna drag me into a back and fourth endlessly because you can't admit you were wrong. I'm fine with my argument and anyone who is reading this can google it themselves and see who's right. Peace

>When Gravity Fails by David Ackerman, Will Moss, Chris Williams, and Chris Hockabout is a sourcebook for Cyberpunk 2020.


Sorry kiddo, i'll take the actual wiki from people who've played the game over some seething anonymous incel. Have Sex

>No you can't


You have to love a sourcebook that goes into the rules and consequences of characters getting sex-change operations...

How further are you gonna dig this hole, user?

You made up a Currency that doesn't even exist in the setting because you read it on some retarded Medium post by some Tranny, that's rather pathetic dude.

You got BTFO

Have Sex incel

An Alternate World Setting, set in 2202 in the Middle East that has nothing to do with Cyberpunk 2020, you people really know your Source material.

Attached: GravityFalls.jpg (1024x1624, 824K)

Still apart of the Cyberpunk 2020 world as shown in the official Cyberpunk 2020 wiki. Still a sourcebook, still had trannies, still had seething incels like yourself



>WOW, I feel like we're finally getting somewhere
I'm still where I was when we started, you are just throwing an autistic tantrum that people can also sew sausages to their crotch in a video game for no reason.
1. It's just a game, not RL
2. It's not particularly painted in a positive light, since Cyberpunk is a dystopia


>This category is for all sourcebooks related to Cyberpunk 2020.
>When Gravity Falls


It's funny how desperate pathetic trannies are to pretend their degeneracy is represented in a setting they do not exist in and how far they'd go and still fail.

Just remember, you will never be a real woman and people will always laugh at you.

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someone post the copypasta

>resorts to name calling after getting BTFO
My work here is done

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Come the fuck on. Cyberpunk 2020 does have transexuals by default in base setting, you don't need to fucking pull up unrelated setting to justify your obnoxious shit.
Stuff like this is absolutely normal in pnp games, making a supplement book for some setting which can then be played with rules of original game. When Gravity Fails is not part of canon of 2020.

>I hate sjws more than the average v poster.
why? the average v poster is 100 times more obsessed with trannies than SJWs are
just look at how many threads are up at a time on the board vs reddit

This is an obvious troll

But here:

They are allowing trans/non-binary player characters in addition to regular male and female.

This is not surprising, and it's not new.

Cyberpunk lore already has people getting cybernetic dicks and vaginas.

Oh they also have in-game ads which use transgender people with dicks (probably cyber-dicks) visible through clothing. It's a soda ad with the tagline "mix it up".

>not an RPG
According to all the previews, it is a full RPG with levelling and skills and upgrades.

It's also an FPS

And yes it has loot like every RPG ever

>Mr. Studd™/Midnight Lady™ Sexual Implants: The Mr. Studd™ slogan "All night, every night and she'll never know." captures the adult intentions of these implants; use your imagination to what they are capable of. Wearer add +1 to Seduction checks.

These cybernetic implants are available regardless of gender

>Cyberpunk 2020 does have transexuals by default in base setting
It doesn't though.

Attached: fdee.jpg (335x500, 24K)

See also:

I've fucking had enough with you fags posting excerpts from articles with no sources, and random scans from the books. So I'll do what any sensible person would in this situation, go through the sourcebooks to see if gender change and/or transexuals are actually mentioned in them, and to what extent.
Will report back after I've gone through 3K+ pages of cyberpunk.

Good luck user, you won't find anything though.

For the record, these are the ones I'll be looking through, minus Night's Edge, since ICP books are adventure modules.

Attached: Cyberbooks.jpg (1165x473, 316K)

Imagine it being 2019 and still not knowing how to greentext.
Reditors are an embarrassment.


>a futuristic setting where you can literally augment yourself to become anything, from how your brain works to physically becoming an anthropomorph (furry)
Nigga u dum

You'll probably be one in a DLC.