Will the terrible combat and floaty walking be fixed in botw2?

Will the terrible combat and floaty walking be fixed in botw2?

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The hand really ruined this great work of art

>Will the terrible combat
git gud
>and floaty walking

The art really ruined this great work of hand.

>git gud
It's easy, retard. Just shallow

Maybe, but the awful copy-pasted Ubisoft tier world design probably won't

You might be thinking about KH4, user


play on master mode

>Git gud
>At Zelda
How bad are you at video games that beating Zelda games counts as some sort of achievement?

Doesn't fix the shitty 8 way dodge, enemies that you can hitstun to death, adds in new problems like regenning enemies and no weapons to kill them with

play the trial of the sword in master mode and
g i t

RIP Lasterk

>the shitty 8 way dodge
>enemies that you can hitstun to death
have fun in groups
>adds in new problems like regenning enemies and no weapons to kill them with
git gud faggot


Holy shit, you're unironically bad at video games.

The work really ruined this great art of hand

Have you played a non-nintendo game in your life
>have fun in groups
Same shit, enemies rarely attack and aren't aggressive
>git gud faggot
Beat it and it sucks

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>admitting to not playing the video game

>Have you played a non-nintendo game in your life
youre going to have to be more specific when making claims here
>Same shit, enemies rarely attack and aren't aggressive
ah i see, you didnt play the game either
>Beat it and it sucks

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>please don't criticize my game.jpg

>youre going to have to be more specific when making claims here
DMC, Bloodborne and dark souls 3 and 1 (not 2) are games with 360° dodging
>ah i see, you didnt play the game either
False, played on cemu at 4k60fps :^)

you'll find out soon

Hold up, you really think, you honestly believe, ANY Nintendo game can be challenging.
Just kill yourself already you're beyond pathetic.

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Is she laughing or crying

>terrible combat
>floaty walking
What the fuck

>DMC, Bloodborne and dark souls 3 and 1 (not 2) are games with 360° dodging
not when youre locked on
then you have four-way evasion: sideways and forward/backward
same as zelda
>False, played on cemu at 4k60fps :^)
no wonder youre such a dumbass, you had no investment and so brute forced your way through a difficulty setting meant to be used with environmental kills, elemental combos, and backstabs
how dumb can you possibly be?
you also didnt explain the 'floaty walking' thing either

just digging yourself in deeper pal
beyond embarrassing

Unironic 8 way dodging
Enemies aren't aggressive enough
Enemy attack animations are too fast
Enemy attack variety is too low
Enemies just get hitstunned and slide all over the place while you wack them
Flurry rush is shit and OP

>not when youre locked on
False, you can still do specific angled dodges when locked on. Now that I think about it Zelda doesn't even have 8 way dodging, only fucking 4 way lmfao
>you had no investment
This is pure cope

>False, you can still do specific angled dodges when locked on.
nope. you listed dark souls 1 as one such example and it only has 4 way dodging
so congrats on that
>This is pure cope
nice non-answer
still doesnt change the fact you brute forced your way through a difficulty meant to be puzzled through instead
fuckin idiot

>only has 4 way dodging
No I'm positive it at least has 8 way dodging and 3 has 360 dodging but you've played neither because you're a bingtendie
>nice non-answer
You're admitting you like the game because you paid $60 for it
>way through a difficulty meant to be puzzled through instead
Nice non-answer fuckin idiot

The combat in botw is the best it's been in 3D Zelda

>No I'm positive it at least has 8 way dodging
wrongo, fucker
>but you've played neither because you're a bingtendie
are you sure?
>You're admitting you like the game because you paid $60 for it
nope, i liked the game because it was fun
>Nice non-answer fuckin idiot
>terrible combat
>adds in new problems like regenning enemies and no weapons to kill them with
you already admitted you dont know how to play the game and brute forced your way through
like a rhino or a bull
how pathetic

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What the fuck are you talking about? The hand is the best part.

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>wrongo, fucker
Nah, 8 way
>are you sure?
Fucking kek you only own a switch, how pathetic. How can I take you seriously when the best action games of all time arent even on switch
>nope, i liked the game because it was f
You're clearly visibly angry lmfao
>you already admitted you dont know how to play the game and brute forced your way through
>like a rhino or a bull
Non-answer and physics based kills are shit


Yeah, it blocked the shadow of her cock and balls

The work really arted this hand ruin of great.