Why was it so kino

why was it so kino

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the song

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Because Zack was a way more likeable and charismatic character than Cloud

I actually cared about Zack and even though I knew since the beginning how it was going to end I still cried

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i just wish Crisis Core was a better game. Zack deserves better than that.

The derge of cerberus song.

But user
He got his freedom
It just that the price for it was too high

That's the way my name is spelt. When I see people say it here I always start panicking thinking they're addressing me for a sec.

>Dies in an anime battle to thousand of soldiers, instead of being shot and executed by a small scouting party
I get why they changed it, but I fucking hate retcons.

>post yfw hey... would you say i became a hero?

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because Zack is the best FFVII character, a real chad.

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Truly best boy and best FF protagonist.

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You think floating into heaven with J-Pop blasting is kino? You guys are fucking gay, I swear.

The battle sequence was great in Crisis Core, no doubt. The DMW thing breaking and the flashbacks, that shit is kino. His original death in FF7 was better because it felt fucking bad and senseless. No glory or noble send off for the good guy, just the ignominy of death. A tragic and dirty ending to someone who deserved something better. That shit is kino.

Both are great.
He is a SOLDIER, so dying against a shit ton of ennemies makes more sense than 3 shitty shinra soldiers.

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nah his last thoughts in game was his girl shit was too much user you just dont have a soul

It wasn't

shit was gay as hell. ff7 did the death scene far better. it was quick and to the point. CC just made it so melodramatic. they didn't even address what happened to the army they were fighting against while ff7 double tapped zack and left the retard cloud to die.

The VA and the song + godtier directing.

Imagine claiming to like JRPGs/FF7 and then complaining about things being too anime or not taking themselves completely seriously. You do realize that FF7 is also a game made for teenage boys right? Dumb fucking nigger.

I felt more emotions playing through CC than F7
Zack was just a better MC.

Agreed there. Crisis Core actually got me to care about Aerith for the first time. I don't mind saying I turned into crying bitch when youtube.com/watch?v=M_ipWtjyuIM hit

Probably the only time a FF game got me to shed tears.

>I'll be waiting

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Now you guys like Tabata?

How long did she wait while Zack was kept in stasis? Was it 3 or 5 years?

>give the man a time bomb
>people expect him to do something great with it
They literally sacrificed him, it was basically the Zack(Tabata) against the 1000 soldiers(fans) scene at the end of Crisis Core.

Always hated that stupid slot machine mechanic, but I have to admit it really payed off in that scene.

I'm the only person on Yea Forums who never jumped on the hype train for Versus XII/XV, so I don't hate him for that. Crisis Core ended up being one of my favorite FFs, and I've played almost all of them, so I'll always like him for at least this.

Yoshi P saved FFXIV, and that was in an even worse state

The tragedy is practically lost in the Crisis Core ending too.

4 years.
89 letters.

FFXIV was already shit at launch, it's not the exact same thing.

FFVII was obviously inspired by kino 80s/90s anime like Akira or Ghost in the Shell, even Cloud's buster sword is a little Berserk. Crisis Core is inspired by unquestionably non-kino anime from the 00s, there's a difference.

Crisis Core is dog shit

It's really strange that almost everyone I talk to denies the existence of 14 before Realm Reborn.
That shit almost put SE out of business.

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Crisis core is fucking great, with the exception of the Genesis stuff which is too much. On the other hand Angeal was a great new character. I even liked the slot machine gimmick, which really payed off in the end

I didn’t even play the game and just watched the vid on YouTube. Still teared up .
They’re self aware to realize this and put more charisma into side characters at least so far, in the remake

>being a SOLDIER means you can take on an entire army
if that was the case cloud would never had killed sephiroth as some shitty ass grunt you dumb fuck.

The music was nice but beyond that there was a lot of cringe in this game...

...A LOT of fucking cringe

>it's like Crisis Core, but actually good this time.

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dbz is true kino

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>tfw you will never make a video game on company budget inspired by your favourite things
fuck life

>Zack still not an alt in Smash
Fuck Sakurai and Fuck Squeenix

I understand that you people really like him to praise him as the best protagonist, but I have to say it annoys me, so I have to speak up. I will never like Crisis Core or its characterizations, except for Shuriken. But I will say despite CC-Zack being an awful character/protagonist, they succeeded in making him extremely likable despite that. Nevertheless I like VII-Zack more still and BC-Zack too. Stupid shonen protagonist with no development, flaws or agency/focus in his own story.

it wasn't. it took everything effective about zack's death scene in FFVII and dragged it out to a melodramatic anime finale, stretching and twisting it like a wet rag until all the emotion dripped out and evaporated.

the "ascension to heaven" scene following and his appearance post-death with aeris in advent children is even more stupid and offensive. zack is just some fucking asshole, there's no reason his will would be lingering in the lifestream chilling with his ex girlfriend. he's not an ancient and he has no real reason to be a part of the story after his death. you could claim it's because he has jenova cells but if that were the case, all the sephiroth clones (and hojo) would be standing around in the afterlife too.

Crisis Core is twelve years old, more than old enough for zoomers to be nostalgic about it.


>and hojo
But he is, according to Maiden Who Travels the Planet.

>they didn't even address what happened to the army they were fighting against
They did, in a scene before the fight you have Turks searching for Zack and Cloud and a phone call with Tseng about him getting a warrant for capturing them alive and trying to call off the Army.
Thus the logical assumption is that he Army gets called off but it's already too late for Zack and Cloud fucks off before Turks arrive.

>I never played the game
You can youtube it kiddo

Zack is literally Aerith's gf so it's fair to assume the only reason why he even shows up in AC is because of her recalling his will from the Lifestream.
It's not like you need to be one of the Ancients, Sephiroth has 0 Ancient DNA in him and he retained his consciousness just fine.

I did. Once. Since they had written themselves in the corner by designating Zack as the ideal SOLDIER role model for Cloud, he couldn't have flaws to overcome, which in turn meant he couldn't have character development or an arc. As such the main story only focuses on Genesis' character development, goals and actions.

>called off the attack so the the turks can take over

that makes even less sense.

The Turks literally wanted them alive, not dead, it makes perfect sense to call off the Army that shoots first and asks questions later.

>he couldn't have flaws to overcome, which in turn meant he couldn't have character development or an arc. As such the main story only focuses on Genesis' character development, goals and actions.

He literally slick back his hair after he get his development. How the fuck could you miss that?

He's right though.
Zack at the start of the game: I WANNA BE A HERO
Zack halfway into the game: I WANNA BE HERO
Zack as he dies: SO AM I A HERO YET?

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But Zack was flawed. He was young hot-shot soldier that wanted to raise up in the ranks to impress his mentor. He was so obsessed with his mentor betraying them that he was single-minded in his pursuit.

You can do the same shit with anyone:
Tifa start: CLOUD LOOK AT ME
Tifa end: ClOUD LOOK AT ME
Tifa movie; CLOUD LOOK AT ME

Cloud was pretty much an omega male I’ve realized

they could have
1. surround them and aid the turks preventing escape because who knows when will the turks arrive
2. if they wanted him alive but ended up near killing him then it would be in their best interest to to secure the target and give them aid before hell rains upon them
3. keeping watch before they arrive

Literally did none of these three. Just fucked off and had cloud have literally 20 minutes of emotional time and then made his escape. Makes no fucking sense.

Tifa ain't the MC you faggot.

She had just the shittest life. God damn.

>1. surround them and aid the turks preventing escape because who knows when will the turks arrive
Army doesn't answer to Turks.
Much like Wehrmacht didn't answer to SS.
They are two completely different branches that don't even cooperate with each other.

Zack at the start of the game: I want to be a hero so that I get acknowledged by Angel and get pussy
Zack halfway into the game:I want to be a hero to protect the things I care about
Zack as he dies: He did all that shit, but he still didn´t feel like a hero, that is why he asked Angel.

I define development as a change in attitude or moral compass. If you pick a character from point E in the game and place them in point B they would make a different decision. Otherwise they've not had real character development just character expansion. After Angeal's death I saw no difference in his general outlook. It's supposed to be the moment he matures from a green cadet, but I just don't see him taking things less lightheartedly or embodying pride as a solemn oath until the last scene of the game. In practice nothing changes, except he has a couple of sad scenes besides Angeal, then back at Midgar with Aerith and in front of the lower class SOLDIERs in quick succession. Then it's as though it hadn't happened.

The army going out to kill Cloud and Zack are not under command of Turks.

Cloud was Sephiroth look at me

A big reason people like Midgar so much is he has motivations which change as the situation evolves

At the end he just wants to get back what he had

>Imagine claiming to like JRPGs/FF7 and then complaining about things being too anime
FFVII was extremely anime. It was also far more tasteful in how it portrayed death.

Some middle ground would have been best

I'm kind of hoping the Remake uses the original death scene (no music grandiose final stand, just getting caught off-guard and magdumped) and that Nomura/Kitase treat the Compilation titles as a bunch of fictional retellings of the character's stories.

Wouldn't even mind an Advent Children episode, if that was the case. I didn't hate Advent Children, but I don't feel like they necessarily got it right with either release.

Zack was playing pretend hero before Angel´s death. He wasn´t trying to become top rank number one soldier to save lives and help people. Dude just wanted praise for beinga good boy. After his mentor´s death and all the shit in between, he finally found his goal. To be strong to keep those he care about safe, not cause people tell him he is cool or a pat in the back.

The best part is that even at the end, all the great shit he did, he regress back to his younger days, unsure, afraid, and a feeling that he didn´t live up to his goal.

>I define development as a change in attitude or moral compass.
>MC Zack has a chnage in attitude
OKay buddy

But the faggot did have a change in attitude. He went from insecure cocky faggot to calm and collected man.

The quick succession was the important part. If your runtime has, let's say for example, four hours of A, then 3 minutes of B, followed by three hours of A, yeah, B doesn't count.

It's been quite a while, but I feel there really wasn't that much of a difference between them, the starting one had a decent undercurrent of calm and the latter had an undercurrent of cockiness. Both were predominantly at their core just a good, confident and caring guys.

I'm just wondering how much from the expanded universe they'll put in Part 1, cause from what we've seen it's as pure an experience to the original as you can get, at least as far as the characters go. Like I'd really like to see some more allusion to Zack even if a little earlier on, or even seeing Cissnei as part of the Turks even before your out of Midgard.

Hell you can even mention early Avalanche and Elfe from the mobile game if you can make it work, she seemed like a cool character and using her to kinda see how Barret came to become the leader of a terrorist group might be kinda cool, if we end up not seeing anything like that I might be a little dissapointed.

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awful game, awful story
he did, but SE never delivers
Squaresoft was a good company, as was Enix
Square Enix is crap

>those wings, I want them too

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Tifa doesn't even know what she wants from Cloud or what his deal is supposed to be up till Mideel, she basically doesn't think of him at all bar the night time scene in Nibeel before he goes to soldier, and then when he shows up suddenly in Midgard, which kinda plants the seed but still, she doesn't really know what to make of the situation up till Mideel when she finally brings herself to look after him, despite not really knowing how she feels still, though at least at that point she had thought about it long enough that she's willing to be by his side even not knowing, also soon after she falls into the life stream and learns everything.

I really like Tifa's character arc, it's a lot of not really saying how she feels for most of the game but at the same time it's used in the most effective way possible, it gives her this really chaste feeling as a character that fits the ideal of a FF heroine, which you think will be Aeris at first but Tifa then kinda pulls through despite not really knowing if she can, which is cool.

>or even seeing Cissnei as part of the Turks even before your out of Midgard.
She should already be in hiding. Also Before Crisis doesn't seem to be canon to the Remake (based on the only flimsy evidence we have), because Sector 6 Plate is under construction (in the Midgar panning shot) and not broken like it was in FFVII, a reason for which is given in Before Crisis and is plot vital.

Also Elfé isn't cool in the least in my opinion. I do really like Before Crisis though.

she was only in hiding because they were trying to go out of there way to make the non-sensical jumps game events make sense and still fit canon, there's no real reason to do that anymore if your just going to do the whole thing from scratch, so i'd like to see her early on, I mean otherwise she'll just be in hiding the whole game like was originally intended, which would be a waste

I hope they do something inspired with her in the remake because replaying the game as an adult she comes across as a little flat (heh heh), and you definitely get the impression it was more Aerith who was written to “go the distance” but plans changed.

Idk if that’s true but I find it hard to shake

You know they’re not doing that and zack will be expanded upon a bit more before his death. At least a flashback showing his struggle or something

>I hate that they retconned Zack's death
>Because they made it cooler
I get where you guys are coming from, but sometimes cool things are actually cool. In this case I'd pick the CC version without a second thought.

Why does he look like he plays in an emo band?
Why can't japs make manly men, is it because the country is filled with soibois?

You could still meet them in various villages around the world. But in the sense of merely seeing characters with disregard to the stories of the Compilation and rewriting them in, there are indeed a couple, such as Shotgun, I would like to see too.

Zack makes Cloud look like an omega male

Cause crisis core was literally made for fujos

Because, perhaps, to us it wasn't cooler?

I don't see how taking down an army is less cool than getting shot by the mooks you kill as soon as you start the game.

Well whatever I guess.

They think taking on an army was a little much. A crack squad or four would have been better for them

>Never touched anything FF7 related
>Only knew Aerith dies
>Play Crisis Core and love it
>Had no idea what was waiting for Zack at the end of the game

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That part never bothered me because Zack, like Cloud, is on another level. And it's not like he moped the floor with them, he still lost in the end.

They go through an awful lot those two.

What really gets me is how Aerith had basically no childhood thanks to Shinra and Hojo but remained optimistic and upbeat about the future.

I beat this as a kid but never touched FF7 - loved it. Is FF7 worth playing or is it mostly nostalgia?

play FF7 right the fuck now kid

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Depends how you feel about polygons.

He's a chad and a cool friend. He unironically had the best influence on Cloud as well.

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After Vincent's influence in Advent Children in terms of results to effort and time ratio maybe.


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but i'm playing Killer7

you better save that as a .fla, F'later
cause you gotta ship to sink

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Any way to play Before Crisis not in moonrunes on a PC?

I hate weeb anime shit but like FF7. So that must mean FF7 is not weeb and anime. I hate all other ff games

Doesn't exist. Youtube is your only option to experience. (The slightly better one of the two playthroughs for it has been deleted, so it's kinda the eleventh hour for you to watch it in case something goes wrong for the other one as well.)

oh shit

Still one of the few games that have made me cry.

I didn't know how much of a menace weebs are until I briefly joined a /vg/ Discord. They really gobble all the moe shit right up, constantly spam emojis made out of those shit ass shows and LARP as anime girls.

Cloud is a whiny and emo bitch, while Zack is the cool big bro everyone wants.
It says so much when Zack was Cloud's idol who he never got to be.

Is Crisis Core worth it Bros? I like Zack's character and wanted to play his story, but when I saw the combats, it wasn't very encouraging.o p

It doesn't look like much now, but going from GBA to THAT was something

>name is Zack
>as a result games like FFVII and Deadly Premonition are inherently immersive for me

Pic probably not related.

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Midgar was only like the first quarter of disc one and they've made it a game by itself. You still have all the shit in Junon, Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim, Costa de'sol, Wutai, the ancient temple black materia shit, and all the northern shit until Aerith gets killed.
I don't understand how that shit can even be balanced if they bloated Midgar that badly.
Can't wait for the reviews to talk about how boring Midgar is because of the same shit scenery of steam pipes, trains, and slums because Square were fucking retards and decided to make 10 hours into 50.

If you hate the combat but are interested in the story, then just watch a playthrough. Of course I think it's worth it to play yourself, but that's me.

I think the Advent Children stuff was mostly in Cloud's head from his wish to be forgiven. We know he's not the most mentally stable man out there.

It's just a Japanese thematic device for showing a character accepting death and getting over their guilt. Happens all the time. That's why Japanese media, art, and novels have so many scenes involving moving clouds representing the protagonist moving on from their guilt.

zoomer thread full of trash

>It's the Hobbit all over again
Oh no no no

And like the Hobbit... they are “adding stuff” and splitting it in 2would probably have been fine

Yes they are very unusual individuals

To be fair, the Hobbit was new shit made up on the spot and then them trying to fit shit in from addendum material that had nothing to do with the Hobbit.
They've added so much stuff to the FF7 mythos that they pretty much have to go down the line and say what is and isn't canon now. Just like how CC won't be canon because Genesis legal issues.

Do we like Angeal?

It's exacerbated when you realize that the playable casts' arcs need to spread across all the Remake parts, so they can't even develop much and have to stay static during those fifty hours. Hopefully the Avalanche gang picks up the slack for the first part.

I hate him more than Genesis, but I'm in the obvious minority. Most think he's decent to inoffensive.

A lot of its bad or melodramatic though. Similarities are too apparent!

I've never seen other media about FF7 past the og game except Advent Children so this thread is just weird to me.

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Explain why FF7 is more beloved than all other FF games. No other games in the series got as much lore expansion with sequel movie and prequel games

To be honest I doubt much of the addendum content will even be in R1. Storywise they'll probably just do shit that was cut, or sprinkle in stuff altered from CC and BC. Then they'll mess with J/B/W so that when they fucking eat it under the weight of a million deaths crushed beneath a plate people get all twitter sad.
The thing I'm more worried about is them expanding shit so that it takes longer - like making the train graveyard take way longer with some stupid platforming dungeon shit. You already know they're going to have a casino/mini-game area to fulfill the Gold Saucer vibe and arena vibe. They'll probably have hunts too and a bunch of shitty side quest stories to extend gameplay, maybe open up other parts of Midgar we never played in before.
In the end I just feel like they're not really going to add anything meaningful though, just shove in a bunch of shit to make it feel longer, but it really isn't.

FF7 has the western appeal and Japan likes it, but FF4 has been expanded more than FF7 has. They just did it in weird ways like light novels and a mobile phone sequel. Shit only Japan got.
They've got a full 20,000 year bible about the world of FF4 in Japan.

Fuck man, you never think about it but imagine the influence you have on people as you get older. Like your personality gradually evolves into being a mentor over the years before you even know it. The shit you say matters man. Like you always think of yourself as the hero of your journey but you never realize you're the mentor in someone else's too. Jesus I've had too much to drink tonight but fuck dude think about it.

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What you need to know:

FFVII (10/10)
FFVII+Before Crisis+Last Order+a clarifying interview (8.2/10)
FFVII+BC+LO (6.5/10)
FFVII+Advent Children (2.8/10)
FFVII+BC+AC+Dirge of Cerberus+Crisis Core (1.1/10)

In other words, you've missed nothing.

It was a phenomenon, a revolution and lightning in a bottle with its timing, unseen graphics leap, with a universal message, abundance of great characters and an easy to comprehend gameplay, that still allowed you to play your personal way. It printed its way into gaming culture from every direction. It's also ambiguous enough with minute hints of background plot threads that easily yield to expanding on (except for the sequels in my opinion).

Or something like that. I just borrowed and played it because the cover at my friend's CD looked cool. I loved it.

Just playthe game if you are at all curious. The FF fandom is pretty bad and you will get a warped idea of the actual games if you try to absorb it by osmosis.

>What you need to know
Get fucked. Opinion discarded.

Fair enough actually, I suppose. It was unneeded and uncalled for. Nonetheless I think each part individually is better than the Compilation as a whole.

it shows him as human and not some over the top super soldier. seeing a meek cloud take down the real sephiroth and then seeing zach going super saiyan on an army doesn't make sense to me.