Yoshi P got asked if FFXIV would get 1.0 servers just like Blizzard did with WoW classic.
Why is he so great?
Yoshi P got asked if FFXIV would get 1.0 servers just like Blizzard did with WoW classic
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XD I saw this on reddit as well my friend, good post!
>shilling your shitty twitter account
kill yourself
Why the fuck does anyone think they want this? Atleast vanilla WoW was/is a good but flawed game, FFXIV 1.0 is just a complete piece of shit that was so bad, that it almost bankrupted Square Enix.
of course its that fat mouthbreathing faggot damiani
I hope they will give him FFXVI.
Isn't that Damiani's voice?
But ffxiv isn’t like wow which has only declined after wrath
Ffxiv expansions have vastly improved the game, 1.0 and 2.0 were terrible
Is the moron asking the question joking? If so, that's fine, but shoot him if he is serious
Boy I sure love this groupthink.
I bet you also think current XIV is the best MMO out there and you love the fact that each healer is basically the same now.
It's a shitpost question, yeah.
You think you do but you don't!
Yoshi is fighting neo exdeath with soken on twitch.
>have dumb, shit opinion
>majority of people call your dumb, shit opinon dumb and shit
Fuck off.
1.0 had issues, but it wasn't irredeemable. See: XIV is actually around today, and isn't buried. It also wasn't the reason SE was stuck in a hole - it didn't help but wasn't the only reason. 1.0 was rushed to release BECAUSE of their financial state, but to ignore everything else surrounding it is inaccurate.
>healer LB3 for Grand Cross Omega even though it's unsynced
What happens if you rescue him off the stage?
>they scrapped the game and remade it totally different, that means the original was salvagable
When is he coming back to us bros?
He deletes all the levels on your current class. It's the japs though, so he will not be bullied
Are we ready to get Nidhogg's jump next expansion DRGBros?
Did you forget there was two years where it was being actively played, or do you have brain damage?
Its nostalgic cause during prog healer LB3 was the only way we got past grand cross omega.
They literally destroyed the entire fucking game because it was so awful. It barely fucking functioned, even beyond the design decisions. People have these fanciful ideas of what they think the game COULD have been instead of remembering what the game actually was, a steaming pile of shit.
By we I mean my static.
>Boy I sure love this groupthink.
>Having taste is now bad
FFXIV has a massive amount of flaws and is nowhere close to the best MMO ''ever'', but it is one of the best MMOs at the moment. Which is not saying much becuase it's competition can pretty much be described as ''A rotting corpse being raped by jews'', ''A virtual dollhouse for libtards, furries and aspies'' and ''Totally not a worse version of skyrim and you are forced to play with sub 80IQ tards''. My point is that the game is atleast better now than it was back in 1.0
>want to get a healer up to max level so i can have one of each role for shb
ast or whm?
do not suggest sch i am not a fucking nerd
>yoshi visited aether and crystal
>but not primal
What did he mean by this?
Wait bros, I thought I was Schberd?
Yoshi is fighting savage right now. Get in twitch nerds.
Man, I wish I had a group of friends that wanted to run shit together. All my friends who have gotten into this game just don't do anything harder than expert roulette. Even getting them to go through the raid series (normal) was a challenge to overcome their difficulty aversion.
>A virtual dollhouse for libtards, furries and aspies
Whm is easiest to fuck around in. Less reliant on allies not being shit.
Nah bro, you don't have dps anymore
He was on Behemoth the other day
>yoship oneshotting savage raids in the pf
Miss me with that shit
>design all the mechanics so you already know them when you go in
yeah sounds real difficult
Bros I don't feel so good...
I remember doing it with pugs and most groups wanted me to tank LB3 the last Antilight + Almagest instead, but most of the group was already dead by then
fuck I miss that fight and Halicarnassus
What chest piece is that? It's fantastic.
oh damn it
it's the Bonewicca Skinner's Mail
What is the most big brained job?
bonewicca DRG armor. It dyes insanely well, too.
Thank you user. Looks like I've got some farming to do.
>Just beat Stormblood MSQ
>Need to pump up ilvl to continue
Should I bother grinding Mendacity/Genesis now or should I just wait until Shadowbringers drops? They make gearing up way easier so people can catch up right?
MNK. To this day people still debate over how it's meant to be played.
BLM, GNB, BLU since you legitimately MUST have fight knowledge to survive tanking Hard primals and EX primals with it
What weapon is this?
Reposting since it looks like this is a better thread to do it.
>actively played
black mage and ast
They better make hats work on the 2 new races eventually.
Only for 4.3 to 4.5. It's small brain in 5.0 and was small brain previously
Papalymo actually got pretty based in HW. He's gona die though isn't he?
Try looking around to see if some people can make you some ilvl380 gear. This lets you skip the grind instantly.
If you're on primal I'll help
>1.0 had issues, but it wasn't irredeemable.
>The game that was SO GOD DAMNED SHIT, that it almost bankrupted it's creators
>The game that was SUCH A PIECE OF TRASH that even after full year of extra development, they STILL couldn't fucking save it
>The game that was SHAT ON BY EVERYONE INCLUDING IT'S DEVELOPERS that the lead director openly CRIED becuase he was GLAD that he could restart development on the game so that he never had to work on that version of the game again
Trust me, I actually played the game in 1.0 and 1.23. 1.23 was a MASSIVE improvement on the systems in the game, but it was nowhere near ''good'', just ''good enough''. It was unfucking-salvageable and YoshiP and his crew knew this, yet they still tried to get it to work. What a waste of fucking time that was.
Do you want to play a game like 1.0 but that was actually good? Go play FFXI, even after all of the butchering the QoL patches has done to the game, it's still pretty fun to play and is a much better game than 1.0 ever was or ever could be.
BLU is the definition of smoothbrained. Literally just use like 4 moves
How do you feel about blizzard releasing 8.2 literally 2 days before shadowbringers?
>actively played
Fucking newfags
Didn't they do something similar with HW too?
RDMfag please go.
He reigns in our hearts, now and forever. Remember him, the true liberator of Ala Mhigo!
just do roulettes for welfare mendacity and buy a couple pieces of the AH, especially a weapon
Final stage of the Anima Weapon for DRG
It just absolutely reeks of spite and desperation to me.
I think them doing it officially would be stupid but I just want a private server or something. I just want to see what it was like.
How much would I have to pay you? Money is no object
Nah user, I was refering to GW2, but what I said isn't exactly untrue about FFXIV either.
Wasn't launch FFXIV a burning shitheap or something?
Unironically SAM. Low skill floor with a high skill ceiling. You have to play perfectly to get a spot.
God fucking dammit. I should’ve known. I fucking hate anima grind so goddamn much. I’m not autistic enough to go through it again.
How do you play bad? Genuine question. Is there a guide on how to play effectively to see how shit I am?
That's the joke.
he doesnt design the mechanics tho. You dont actually think hes a raid designer right?
No, but you can use SSS to find out your DPS per second as if you were fighting the boss.
If you're good on money I would just need the mats and that's it. A full set needs 6 gyr abanian alchemics. Beyond that it depends on what job you play. Reach out to me in game and we can get started. I'm on all night.
By the time it was the last patch, most people enjoyed it. The primary issue of 1.0 was a lack of content, some confusing design choices (such as market wards, miscommunication about exp (the way they framed it was so terrible, they should've just called it rested exp like every other MMO), imbalanced classes), but that doesn't mean there weren't some neat ideas that should've been expanded upon in current XIV. Some of these were even fixed by the time it was deleted out of existence (such as market wards - they basically functioned as the MB does now, with the option of using the original design as intended). Classes were rebalanced, jobs were introduced to give people more FF fanservice, albeit this came at the loss of some of the customization and neat aspects that each class had (i.e. CNJ had all the elemental magic, THM was more of a light/dark mage ala both of their respective lore).
1.0 had issues. It was forced on an engine that wasn't meant for MMOs (and is one of the reasons why nights in 1.0 were so weird - Crystal Tools literally didn't support it or something), it was rushed to release, and didn't have enough content at launch. However, it was not unsalvageable. If it wasn't, XIV wouldn't be here today. 1.0's rebirth was a marketing decision and a way to get the game on an engine they could actually tailor to their needs.
>Queue for BA
>Group is full on tanks, literally has 3 BLM and a RDM.
>Mains are WAR and BLM, but I have SAM at 70.
>Proceed to get out DPSed by fucking tanks in the dungeon because I have no clue how to SAM beyond doing their basic combo and Midare while dumping Ki on that 25 ki move.
I should've just stayed BLM and dealt with having too many casters, I was a fucking embarrassment. I've never even played SAM at 70 prior to that.
>any brain required to shinten
Dude. How the FUCK am I supposed to get all of my crafting classes to max level? Not only does it take forever but it’s tedious as fuck. I’m legitimately sitting here wondering how the fuck people maxed even one of these jobs, let alone all of them.
I mean at least a large majority of the Animas are worth grind. That's more than can be said for most of the shit Eureka gave us.
The big one for SAM is all the people who never used Hagakure to burn sen for kenki and just Midared all the time. So much so that they've out right gotten rid of it in SHAD and replaced it with a move that straight up gives you 50 Kenki. I'm going to miss Hagakure.
>I just want a private server or something.
The only thing worth doing would be some exploring and looking at the ''unfinnished'' content and wonder what could have been if the game was not the designed by retards.
If that is all you want out of it that boy do I have some good news for you!
I have no idea if the server is actually still online, but atleast you can ''see'' what the game looked like and experience first hand why YoshiP and crew decided that loading screens are better than a 5min long tunnel or copypasted terrain.
Go tank Titan Hard or EX as BLU, you have to know the fight really well to survive. Was some of the most fun I've had tanking since I had to figure out his boss-script and Diamondback accordingly to tankbuster punches.
Most people just botted it. Or did it extremely slowly via namazu and moogle quests
>The primary issue of 1.0 was a lack of content
So people who defend 1.0 never played it
Should've know
Yes, grinding levels was terrible, but it's far from the worst issue with game
On second thought. Never mind
>got timed out 5 minutes n the stream because my message was too long in the chat
jesus christ, so they just want people to respond in memes and emojis, is that it?
beast tribe dailies
If you're starting and trying to go from 1-70 now you fucked up, us long time players have only had to do it in 10 level increments after the initial ARR slog.
how to fix 5.0 MNK
shoulder tackle now builds a greased lightning, no stance memes necessary
you are fucking retarded
I'm jealous of JP DF. I thought it was an over exaggeration.
Looks pretty good right now. What's the problem, miss TK?
I know there are a few unfinished private servers, but I want to actually experience the gameplay and maybe get the 1.0 story done if I can stomach the game long enough to get through it. That would probably be best with an EXP boosted server if any private server theoretically ever got that complete to begin with. I'm not really interested in wandering around a totally non-interactable world, but it'd be better than nothing I guess.
Maybe someday, I'm sure there's not much demand though
give us FFXI classic. I'd play that.
No, fuck off with the TK rotation. If you can't think of a way to fix Monk without having it constantly dumping its own speed then just fuck off to some other job.
ive never seen you before
You're getting a Nexon phone game.
>Could ask something interesting.
>Cries about whm before the Expansion and Savage modes are even out.
What's the closest thing this absolute legend has to a musical theme?
that got cancelled
I'm going to miss it for free Kenki inbetween trash pulls and for that time you really fuck up and need to get rid of your Sens.
MNK has endless ways to be played and no one knows the right way
SMN has a two minute rotation
SAM has one of the highest skill ceilings
BLM requires extensive knowledge of fight positioning and your dps scales exponentially with your autism
NIN requires low ping
Then, you're getting nothing. Let it stay in its grave. They would only make something similarly stupid.
They've done it with every release of xiv
I wouldn't hate that. It looked alright IMO.
You've found Alpha, right?
Sam vs dragon, which is easier to play well for a new player?
Beast tribe dailies if you cheap. Takes forever, but it will get you there.
Having another crafter buddy makes leveling them trivial though, have them spoonfeed you HQ levequest items. It only takes 10-15 items to gain 5 levels in ARR by doing courier leves, and only 16.5 days to gather up 100 leves by not using any. You can probably go 15-60 or higher with those alone.
If you don't mind the effort, just going through the crafting log and making one of everything, preferably HQ, will get you lots of exp and most it sells for a decent amount on the MB. I made close to 15m crafting everything from levels 1 through 50 across all crafters.
Being an omni crafter garners respect for a reason
>give us FFXI classic. I'd play that.
YES, this user knows what's good.
It will probably never happend unless there is a huge repopulation of the game if the rumored mobile port ever comes out. Fuck, I would also just be happy to play the current version of the game since just like OSRS, it would be one of the very few ''not shit'' games on mobile.
XI was so goddamned slow it'd make for an acceptable tablet game desu
You did not just call SAM big brain. There’s simply no way, must be a typo
Only in the kitchen in mor dhona. I don't really go out looking for him though.
Just ran pug dungeons for the first time in months. Do people seriously not have Sprint on their bars?
Like, the game fucking default puts that shit there. You'd have to actually TRY to not sprint.
Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the only use for Hagakura is to get enough Keni for Guren?
Both are fine.
I'm guessing the post HW boss theme is as close as it gets. It fits the Griffon well enough.
It's always awkward whenever I sprint in dungeons because the other three don't ever use it so I'm just running ahead by myself.
Go dragoon for the extra lore Easter eggs in heavenward
SB was my first time playing and I didn't have sprint on my bar till I realised I needed it for flare markers in o4s.
Wait what, it was actually real? I always tought that the mobile port was just a rumor, but atleast it looked pretty good before they pulled the plu-
I hope it stays dead.
1.0 is the real deal. Face it, most people will not have what it takes to play it. The purpose of this game is not to entertain, it was made entirely to scare of the dumbed down masses and cater only to the selected elite of online gaming. Only the few, chosen people who are blessed with the soul of the warrior can stand up to the challenges this game offers. It is the definition of a real mature, complex game only for the most dedicated and talented.
If you are not one of them, then tough luck for you mate, but remember; you have no right to complain about anything in the game because it is not the games fault that you're a total fail who cant stand a real MMORPG. Guess what? Square-Enix don't even want you to play their game, inferior one. Go back to WoW.
2. If you don't think a game should require you to use a walkthrough or wiki page to find out the locations of vendors, Quest givers or other important NPCs and locations, you are a lazy, spoiled little child and must immediately go back to WoW (which obviously is your favorite game, kiddo) . You are not worthy of playing Final Fantasy XIV. The same rule applies to game mechanics such as interface, combat and crafting. If you are too stupid to figure out how these things work by yourself, GTFO. Square Enix shouldn't have to bother with making tutorials just because you're to lazy and stupid to figure things out.
3. Real hardcore gamers (aka worthy human beings) don't require ingame rewards for them to keep on playing. Mounts? Such vanity is only implemented for lazy impatient people who cant face the test of endurance. Quests? a true passionate gamer does not demand such a luxury. 1 story mission each 5 levels is more than enough and it is disrespectful and demanding to ask for any more.
4. In general, it is always the customer who should adapt to fit a product, not the other way around. The paying customer has no right to voice their opinions on the product they are paying for.
SAM, DRG is just too inflexible to allow you to fix mistakes.
They probably don't do raids/dungeons that much, so they are used to just using mounts to get around, meaning they just removed sprint from the bar to put something else there.
It's a phone game that they said has a PC client of some kind
I just realized I’ve had my Company Seals maxes out for like weeks and I have no idea if there’s anything worth spending them on
>durrhurr i swallow pf memes without question
SAM's base rotation is exceptionally simple but optimization separates the wheat from the chaff very quickly, (always kaiten'ing Higanbana, use of Hagakure to fuel more Shintens or keep Higanbana from falling off, cast-times associated with iaijutsu possibly becoming a problem depending on boss, etc), its rotation is more complicated than a considerable number of other DPSes
What would you consider to be a big-brain job? I really wouldn't consider any of them to require even a tepid mental-capacity, let alone a high one. Getting good at a job is a combination of rotation practice and fight knowledge
This reads like the Barkley save points
Venture's. Raziqsand.
Should i use Hagakura off CD?
You do use it for Guren but that has a long cooldown. It's predominantly for Shinten. Weaving in 300 potency stabs is where the large majority of SAM's damage comes from. Is Hagakure up? Burn those gauges. Is it down? Go for Midare.
Save it for when you have three sens to eat and you have room for that 60 kenki. Otherwise pop it when you notice Higanbana is about to fall off so you can get to 1 sen faster.
Buy loads of glamour prisms, they sell quick and for a decent amount
>English Thunder God
>"Seven shadows cast, seven fates foretold. Yet at the end of the broken path lies death and death alone..."
Ah, yes. A weary old warrior who has reached the end of the hero's path. He knows that the divinity of a hero is not a reward, but a burden, and he warns us of the horrible trials that await us in the near future.
>Japanese Thunder God
Why do people enjoy sub again?
Sometimes you may want to eat two to higanbana during a trick attack.
>A few 300 potency stabs vs 1080 potency Kaiten’d Midare
I trust that you’re right, and I’m sure the math works out, I just don’t see how
They appeal in different ways and one may prefer one to the other. You can like both for their own merits!
>using examples from different parts of the fight
You'd be a riot at parties if you ever got invited to one.
Will there ever be a primal as cool as Ravana?
I resubbed 3 weeks ago and I've been very casually getting my crafters up, I went from 15-30 on every one to 54-55 so far. I couldbe going harder on levequests and collectibles but I've been leveling more combat classes with friends instead while we wait for Stormblood to unlock
>it's another sub vs dub episode
I think Susano usurped him
When are they adding puppetmaster
It only keeps happening because retards keep replying to it
do I get another fantasia if I buy the game for ps4?
Pretty sure it was a joke question.
What wasn't a joke question was when the interviewer was bitching about his healers.
BA is a fucking meme when it comes to group comp, tanks can easily out dps anyone with double edge L and bloodbath L, since they have the HP buffer needed to be safe during high double edge L stacks.
Baransu bureaku
I have been called the God of thunder. You will now know why. Upon my holy blade the very world hangs in balance. And now the scales will tip!
you're getting 2 300 hits which aren't using a GCD so you're also getting 2 extra hits at varying potency during that time too because you aren't channelling. And you're starting the cooldown on the skill sooner which means you get to do it again sooner, it's all about adding up over the long haul. Getting the most out of every CD you can is how you do this.
Yo, were any of you guys watching the Yoshida stream? They played what sounded like the Shadowbringers theme at the end. Have they shown that anywhere else or was that the first sneak peek we got?
cause retards like you keep giving them attention and taking the bait just like the diversionfag
I keep rear positionals on my bottom bar and flank on my top bar and do one bar then reposition and do the other.
And no one can make me do otherwise.
2 minute perfect balance sucks, especially now that we gotta build 4 stacks
at least let us build GL with something else, shoulder tackle really works wonders for the opener
It's the same few retards replying to themselves every thread, just filter the faggots out. It's pretty considerate of them to have copypastas and buzzwords set up.
Why are the flames so terrible at PVP? You can look at the map any time in any frontlines match and you'll see a handfull of players on killstreak within adders and maelstrom, and NEVER any within the flames.
You would probably have to wait for all of eternity for that to happened. If you just wan't to look at what the game ''played'' like, I managed to find an old review on the game. Since the few surviving videos of 1.0 is mostly dungeon runs and exploration after the 1.2 release, this video should help flesh out what the 1.0 ''leveling'' aspect of the game was like.
>But the numbahs biggar.
1.0 makes FO76 look like a godsend.
I don't know why people keep on trying to ask him that. Joke or not.
>implying its not the same fag going for a new hook
How much pvp do you need to do to get rewards anyway?
Here's what I'm talking about
Skip to like 1:29:05. They play Dancing Mad over it for a bit but you can definitely hear it at the end.
yeah and only retards on Yea Forums keep falling for it
Fastest way for me to become rich (without leveling a crafter/gatherer)?
Sounds like it.
Just fucking listen to it and tell me the nipponese is superior with a straight face.
>that image
I hate Lalafells.
Sell content.
If I had to describe it imagine a constant flow of damage. Attack >stab >Attack > stab > Attack really starts adding up. Yeah you see the big ass Midare potency and want to use it but it's all about the long run. This user has described it far better than I could
Tornado Kick should cost Chakra and give 2 stacks of GL instead of the sorry state it's currently in. No reason to use it for its old intended job anymore when Six Sided Star exists.
the average flames team consists of bots, erpers, and freelancers unforunate enough to get sorted onto flames
which is a shame, because flames during 2.x had a 55% win rate
>sneaking in the fucking main theme for the expansion at the end of a meme stream
I wouldn't be surprised.
maps, grinding seals to purchase glamour prisms and resell on the marketboard
Materia conversion before a new raid tier
FFXIV expansions have literally been WoW's expansion cycle on fast forward and have only made the game worse. It'll be dead by the next expansion.
Still can't decide between SAM and BLM for Shad. SAM is so much easier to learn fights with, has Katanas instead of 9/10 staffs but BLM's Shad improvements are crazy good and will make it more fun than ever to play.
I guess I'll just have to level both.
>Have Grani
>Wagner shit in the story
>DRK sword is called Shadowbringer and not Gram
Meant 9/10 staffs are shit.
Don't you have a home to return to so you can watch your favorite streamers ruin your server, classiclet?
So why do people hate Diadem again? I just go through 4 rounds of it and I got my Pegasus mount and the place wasn't bad at all.
meant for
You know the line you posted for Eng was used for JP as well, right?
tornado kick should work like old gersokul and shorten GL by 10 seconds
You were planning on saving that lb for the last 3% of the boss?
It's just boring. I did the same at the end of HW, got my dumb Pegasus I have not used once and then got the hell out.
Yes. What are you gonna so about it healer.
The amount of times I've pugged and people start fucking up towards the end and the LB push through has been the saving grace is too high for me to feel entirely comfortable not doing that.
It's just fate farming. Not bad I guess but not good either. Just like Eureka sucking except for Amrory.
Just how many versions of omniberd exist
I could dig it
Some kind of dynamic with all the Wind related skills fucking with GL in some way could be fun
The devs really just need to stop for a second and figure out what they actually want to do with MNK
He's gotten a few new ones lately.
it literally got a spinning bird kick AoE, it's already fixed
Nowhere near enough.
No, a healers and the other dps were fucking up so bad I waited in case we needed a healer lb3. Otherwise I would have used it right away.
I'm not gonna LB at all, it'll lower my parse.
Stop saying 4.0 Samurai is big brain.
Samurai does NOT have a high skill ceiling now. Hagakure allows you to line up anything with zero brain power. The only optimization possible is uptime, which you should be doing anyway, and somehow bringing yourself to put Siegan on your bar.
The thing is this is 4.0 Samurai. 5.0 Samurai won't be letting people use Hagakure as a crutch anymore so a very strict Skill Speed quota will be needed and 100% perfect up time will be required to line up your abilities without drifting since there's no more "lol just press Hagakure a few GCDs before trick and throw out a Higanbana". This will also change the way Samurai handles downtime as it will be a mandatory drift away from party buffs that will require a different correction in every fight.
Samurai will be the big brain DPS in 5.0.
I think it's cute that Bliz is still a slimy enough company that even though they are actively sabotaging every gaming division they have they still think they can compete on an even level.
>upside down splits
You're actually right MNK is saved
do i look like a ninfag or drgfag to you, bitch
Oh ho ho!
holy shit cute hrothgar webm. He looks like a good tank and a bro.
How much time does it take to clear something for pugs? I've had 45 wipes so far and no end in sight.
>14.0 servers
>not FFXI classic
What a fucking waste, I can't wait for SE to finally kick the bucket.
I'm level 70 on two classes and I have literally no idea what any Limit Break does besides Healer 3.
what fight
GC daily turn ins HQ only, every levequest you have and beast tribes for fastest leveling. It will only take a month or so to max them all out.
takes 46 wipes exactly
you're almost there chief
Thirded. 75 cap was perfect, as soon as it went past that it lost everything.
They pissed off the raid crowd in diadem 2. You could get a weapon with higher ilvl and random stats than the raid weapons. Shit was pretty funny.
That's how I play it. Do all the rear positionals, then do all the flank, and just alternate it back and forth. I don't care that I could squeeze in another flank instead of a dot, I'm not bouncing around like a retard, even if I do it for non-positional fights.
>LB push through has been the saving grace
think of it this way, if you pop off the LB3 ASAP, you'll get another LB1 or 2 to finish the fight off, giving you even more rDPS, saving it for the end (especially with the classic dungeon 'pop it off at the last couple percent and have the boss die before the damage goes out) means less dps. As a general rule, don't let LB sit at full, and if the boss is at 10% or less and the LB hasn't been used, use the LB.
Unless you think everyone's retarded and you might need a healer LB, in which case you can hold off.
Kaiten doesn’t affect Higanbana you absolute RETARD
I don't believe you.
so random stat gacha weapons are only OK if its locked behind relic weapon grind, got it
It does, actually. Go test on a striking dummy, it affects every tick of the DoT as well as the initial strike.
looks like you *can* make a male viera after all
yes it does dipshit go test it
The ilvl being higher is what triggered their autism, the Eureka weapons are still ilvl 405 even if they have bonkers substats
Ironic, he called others retarded yet he himself was the retard.
that's a butch dyke, not a male girls with that masculine look are kinda hot if they're still straight since they've got something to prove
Oh I'm talking at about 10% or less, unless there's a burst phase you need to do at 5% or something.
whoa its the grey samurai that was in my alliance earlier
you did less than the tanks i hope you're ashamed
There are as many as his power is high and rest assured his return is nigh! Working on a new song but I'm game if you need a dps. Anything to help a bro out.
>GNB rotation is built around a renzokuken mechanic
Fucking based. Almost washes the bad taste out of my mouth after BLU
>The only elemental spell White Mage will have left is the most useless one
Why? Just remove that shit
Frankly, your buff and debuff would fall off if you aren't simply looping the positionals like this anyway. Your DOT technically has more time if you are at GL3, but honestly not that much.
It was 5 ilvls higher is what made them mad. So their special raid weapons were made obsolete.
>complains about everyone being the same
>in a game where everyone has always been the same
what game do you think you have been playing?
Whats wrong with her face?
Sup bro, have you seen Drgberd? He would be down with doing the pierce debuff for you.
Are you ready for thousands of rabbit whores? And only maybe 1% of them will actually be attractive.
not as busy but still nice
thingken about lilies
Medica and Assize are water-based, iirc
my viera is cute. so yes I'm ready for her.
but i am going catslut
It's going to be Au Ra x10000000
It's hard to go wrong with face1 and it's more than likely going to be the popular face.
The real problem is 90% of them will be min-height Veenas.
based fat cats
God damn you retards will say anything just to have the hottest contrarian take
Benison is still useful tho
I think people saving waiting to use LB is my biggest trigger in the game. Nothing gets me madder then doing some anime finish instead of getting the full damage out of it
based and sloppypilled
>Fist of Fire now only applies bonus damage on correct positional weaponskills
>Fist of Wind grants a stack of GL on correct positional weaponskillsm also tied to GL4 still
>Fist of Earth grants two orbs of chakra per correct positional, lets you hold 7 chakras isntead of 5
>executing your coeurl form now gives you a guaranteed chakra instead of GL
>Perfect Balance now gives you acess to all three fist stances at once
>Riddle of Fire skillspeed debuff removed, in exchange you cannot use oGCDs while using RoF
>Riddle of Earth fills your chakras to full if hit and reflects damage back at the boss that increases incrementally based on how many stacks of GL you have. Duration decread to 5 seconds.
>Riddle of Wind is an oGCD that lets you swap stances for it's duration without losing Greased Lightning 4
>Tornado Kick is made Fist of Wind stance exclusive, but restores Riddle of Wind on use
>Volcano Kick is TK's Fist of Fire stance version, MNK's technical highest DPS oGCD, applies a 10 second debuff to the boss where the amount of correct positionals fit into the window, the higher the damage will be at the end, but other oGCDs deal 50% less damage during the bebuff and a wrong positional will cause the debuff to end prematurely
>Fissure Kick, Fist of Earth version of TK, an AOE attack that's potency increases depending on how many chakras are stored and stuns enemies
>Brotherhood bonus damagte now applies to all party memebers, not just melees
>crit RNG for chakras is gone entirely, but medatative brotherhood still has a 50% chance to give the monk a chakra when a party member uses a weaponskill
They certainly don't have an elemental aesthetic, except maybe barely divine benis. At least get rid of the last ugly elemental one.
Think about it. SE hired him to save a failing game that was horrible from the ground up minus some story elements, then the fans ask for it back after being able to sink enough time into 2.0+.
To YoshiP they must seem retarded.
>All crafters to 70
>Best gear all melded up
>Crafting quests done
>Almost done with crafting log achievements
Bring on Shadowbringers. I might try to trade in my Shirogane home for an Ishgardian mansion.
I main BLM, I often feel like I'm not allowed to use LB save for a few exceptions. Even if I do use it, it means dropping enochian and everything else.
When I play SAM or DRG I genuinely fucking forget I can LB.
I've seen him around a few times.
why do you care about lb either way? what an utterly useless mechanic if you can clear a fight. just get a higher parse. 3% lb.. who cares.
im saving these omniberds
I like feeling like a cool badass, faggot. Doing the big slashy slash makes muly penis hard
I'm mainly talking about pug stuff, if I'm in a group and know i can clear actual content i don't care.
is chocobo breeding a scam? this entire minigame seems like a farce
Wheres Dncberd?
It's a major time sink. Don't invest money in your lower pedigree chocobos unless you feel like wasting it. The stat stars (not the stats themselves) are the only thing that transfers, and there there is rng inheritance.
Right here bro.
Sup bros, I'll be your minion for tonight.
I rather have fat cat sorry
it takes a long time to max it out but it's a lot of mgp when you do
also the minigame is at least sort of fun so there's that
It amazes me that people can be poor in this game. I’ve made millions just selling the hq gear that the game throws at you after every MSQ mission later on. I literally put in zero effort for market shit and still have more Gil than I know what to do with
O11S and Shinryu EX were the hypest fights for SB
I'd rather have this cat
Were lizards gods greatest mistake?
who is myste and where did he come from
I am Neo Exdeath.
what melee dps should I try to cap before launch? LNC looks like a fucking slog to level, and despite the stupid naruto hands things NIN actually looks kinda fun
Hi Neo Exdeath!
It's revealed at the end of the questline just keep going.
You'll find out when you finish the questline
I rarely have any reoccuring purchases that drain my wallet, but on occasion I have something that can empty it. For instance, I was trying to complete Eureka completely last week and spent around 2m on an elemental fending armor and enough logograms to unlock all 56 of them. It's those little nickle and dime transactions that really add up.
The only thing to really spend gobs of money on are houses though, which serve no practical purpose for most people.
>we're fighting against virtuous beings who purge sin called the sin eaters
>one of the fag npcs in the expansion will no doubt be some libtard or hippie or fedorafag and ask retarded questions like, "What is sin?".
What's the cheapest way to get a decent ilv wep for my alt jobs?
>there are people who wouldnt wife Yugiri
Never reply to my posts again.
Was Revolutions used at all during this entire expansion? I know we only heard The Measure of His Reach ONCE
I think it's innocent curiosity. Most people have only heard spooky ghost stories about 1.0. Myself included. I mean, how bad could it be, really? Apparently pretty bad given the instant reaction the man has before the question is even finished.
I honestly think Orbonne outshone them in spectacle.
do shinryu
el exdeath nuevo.....
I don't know, how young are you? Yea Forums was flooded with shitty FF4.0 threads when that went down. I'm sure there's youtube videos you can see.
>"what is sin"
A big ass lizard thing.
how do I make money as botanist
you chop chop the wood and then you sell sell the wood :D
You could check the Market Board for some cheap Rakshasa gear, turn it for tokens and then use some Doman Reiyaku to get a Yama weapon.
On my server HQ Rakshasa weapons are selling for a quarter million which isn't that bad.
>mfw I never made the connection of sin eaters and Sin.
FFX raid plz.
Can someone help me with the current MCH rotation? I understand its changing in SHB but what is it right now?
I just got to level 64 so my entire 123 got upgraded versions. Is the idea to stay in heat forever using Cooldown so I can use the upgraded 123 combo?
>Be leader of an FC
>Not actually so much a leader as the guy who sits on the FC house
>Bunch of people come back for ShB, one guy immediately starts making demands on how to run everything
>Inches away from selling the FC and burning everything down from his incessant bitching
How the fuck do you just have a quarter mil sitting around
God why am I so fucking poor
>Eden is about fighting shit inside the WoLs that gives them power
So are we fighting Jecht?
>finally caught up to the FFT raid
>that scene where you can see all of Ramza's story party members he gets, including Lavian and Alica
Genuinely made me smile.
How do you "run" an FC? Everyone just does there own thing and hang and talk and do stuff together.
that's right
also align reload and your other oGCDs for wildfire
you want to refresh your dmg buff after you used wildfire
So far, XIV's handled most of its story well, but ShB does have the potential to go full retard like WoW and have us fight good shit for contrived reasons. I hope we don't wind up fighting sin eaters for dumb reasons or saving ascians.
>Love the idea of the Gunbreaker job
>Found out it's a reference to another FF game
Does Yoshi not realize MMO players don't care for the singleplayer games? Fuck sake, I don't get the reference.
so its correct to use align during wildfire? it feels like a damage loss, the 3 hits for like 8k out of wildfire and wildfire usually procs for around 6k
Tell the guy to fuck off it's not that hard
It's pretty aids, and if you fuck up you can say goodbye to doing dps At 70 you get a skill that helps you gain more heat
We're fighting them because they're destroying the world
>>we're fighting against virtuous beings who purge sin called the sin eaters
No, as you could see in the trailer we're fighting giant light bugs, giant light bears, giant light gargoyles, model ripped from the black shroud
Sin is the act of daring to keep living. For living is a selfish act. Selfishness is sin. Even if you went to live alone, naked, in a mountain cave you are taking up minimal amounts of food and water and a living space some other creature could have. The only moral act is to die and leave no descendants nor trace of whatever ideology you held.
The sin eaters just want to help you make the right moral choice.
you're in the extreme minority you retarded frogposter
even normies know about squall and his dumbass gunblade
So a dumb reason.
You can either play the marketboard and try to sell mats for certain leveling ranges when there's a lack of them, or just gather maps once a day and do those.
The real money maker is to level a crafter to at least 40 or so and use your gatherer to get mats for them. srsly while struggling to make gathering level 70 shit worth my time I found that I could make like 300k in 20-30 minutes just by feeding shit to my blacksmith so I could make base materials for popular leves
>Thought I was poor with my ~55 million gil
I leveled up Crafting and Gathering and sold shit off. Certain housing items have incredible profit margins. Bitches love stepping stones.
>Being such a cuck that you'd leave everything because of someone without any power
Literally kick them from the FC.
God, why do so many faggots wear the head bandage.
FF3 seems to be the main inspiration for much of the overarching light/dark conflict, namely that neither is actually necessarily bad and without one the world falls apart. The Sin Eaters aren't actually good, at least, they're just light-aspected voidsent demons as far as the lore is concerned, and it adds another parallel of Mhach vs. Amdapor.
Chill out, Seymour.
>fight good shit for contrived reasons
Sin eaters aren't good creatures.
it's edgy and stylish and this is the edgy expac
stay mad
im going for maximum chuuni edgelord, faggot. embrace the darkness
From all the mediums we've had it will no doubt be that the Sin Eaters will be allegory to the Nazis and no medium will ever say the Nazis were were right and the good guys.
A corrupt and evil world.
>So are we fighting Jecht?
Nah, that's for when they add the blitzer/aeon job.
The way 1.0 ended like the actual world was ending was fucking kino. I watched a really good documentary about it and how the team went from 1.0 to rebuilding it from the ground up for Realm Reborn. Really good watch and i dont even like MMOs.
You're right, we should just let them kill us.
Most close knit FCs don't require "running." The ones that do basically have whatever leadership there is make up raid times and other things, because once you grow to a large size (Say, 40 or so people) someone has to call the shots because you won't ever have enough people reaching a consensus on things to avoid pissing someone off.
I personally don't care to bother with an FC, but the housing does give everyone a shared place in the world and is valuable enough on a large server that it's a fairly important resource. The other people see it in the same light as a flag they can wave when they do good, the trouble is no one besides myself has ever cleared anything worthwhile, and I've had to pug every extreme and savage I've done because they quit after one or two wipes. If it wasn't RL friends, I would remove them all in a heartbeat.
Put on a real helmet, Mr. Tia.
Hot take: XIV 1.0 was actually pretty fun and closer to FFXI than the current WoW clone
What does it mean, bros?
your take is retarded dogshit and the market said fuck you
That we are into vore instead of mecha this time
>flood of light happened because there was too much good/light in the world
Bigass terraforming psuedo-primal like Alexander and even though it's a primal it's our only real shot at getting the world up and running again, kill sin eaters to fuel it (it sucks up the aether faster than they can reconstitute or rebirth themselves from it)
>nerfed abyssal drain
>nerfed salted earth
>nerfed dark mind
>nerfed carve and spit
>nerfed blood weapon
>nerfed quietus
>nerfed mana drain
>nerfed TBN mana cost + harder to break to gain effect
>new oGCDs have huge mana costs to cuck you out of TBN if you need it
Is it just me or is DRK even worse now in 5.0?
>he thinks the market has high IQ
ayy yall look at this nigga lol
>Games closer to XI are better games
XI is fun, trying to create a continuation of that that lacks most of the good shit it had is just retarded though.
Arbert did too well of a job killing ascians
>Haven't played Machinist since HW
>Try it out again so I can get it to 70 before ShB drops
>It's somehow worse than its HW variant
People who think 1.X was anything like XI haven't played either.
light is not good
that is the point of this expansion you retard
hydaelyn is a primal and so is zodiark
they're greedy beings fighting for control
If they actually add a job that just throws/kicks a blitzball along with an actual blitzball minigame I will shower this game with my money.
Just let me Blitz, Yoshida.
Probably to the point where jacking off is a sin and will get you killed
Quick what is the most smooth brain job that still does more DPS than the jobs you need to think about doing. I want to drool on myself and get my YOU TRIED trophy at the end of every encounter.
Obviously there is still evil on the first if the Sin Eaters had to intervene.
Light isn't good and darkness isn't good, but both are necessary and the world starts to fuck up on a base level if they're thrown out of balance. If light is too strong there are Warriors of Darkness to restore balance, if darkness is too strong there are Warriors of Light.
I've never played a single second of another final fantasy game and i know what a gunblade is. It's like not knowing what a mushroom in relations to mario is.
I don't know if this is the best place to ask but if I wanted to dive head first into this can I solo everything or do I need to interact with people?
Nice. I like vore.
RDM is pretty smooth brained
That is sinful in the real world, too.
>anime girl poster is a retard
every time
I legitimately consider it NIN because it requires so many button presses between GCDs constantly. Then there's current MCH which requires everything to line up perfectly for the 10 seconds of wildfire but that's changing so,
Red Mage will fit your bill, does acceptable DPS and doesn't even have a rotation
Is the stone vigil (hard) not soloable? Please tell me it is, I'm fed up with having to que up for the lost shithole of amdapor just because of that fat fuck boss. fucking relic.
>tfw no futa roe mommy to cock vore you
He said his world was light aligned to begin with. I'm more curious about if him and his party really is the guys in ARR trailer though. They should know the Scions if they are, but it didn't look like they do. Did they just get teleported away to the First and got their memories wiped?
But when you sync with Trick Attack, shit burns to the ground.
Mongolia is cute and funny! I love her toes!
So what, we should start raping and murdering everyone to fix the world?
I really hope it isn't just going to be "too much good is a bad thing!".
But I don't like that.
I quit the game after HW ended. Skipped out on SB. I came back and am working through SB.
I will never touch this retarded fuck class again as long as I live, and which one of the developers continues thinking MCH isn't just a retard waste of space on the roster? Literally delete the entire steelworks in Isgard, scrub every quest, and put a different class there.
>DRK probably still has the stupid fucking aura effects on 24/7
Please god just let us fucking turn them off, tank stances are gone so remove that garbage too
they're originally from the first, this has been said before
they died there and used the echo to send their souls to the source
the only good part of your sentence was "roe mommy" and everything else was terrible
nah they aren't characters on the source, their status as the defaults for each race and the resultant character-art generics is a cheeky wink to the audience and a quick-and-easy grabbag of characters
>both are necessary
>Blitzballer (BLB)
>LB3 is pic related
You can only solo it if your job has a heal since you automatically fail the turtle if all the npcs die.
Youtube says yes.
>Everyone just does there own thing and hang and talk and do stuff together.
That's generally how it goes most of the time, but you still need someone on top to do shit like organize events (people don't try to involve themselves in fucking anything even if you ask so a big event planned a week or two in advance is good to keep people invested), solve disputes (my most fucking hated part of the job), and generally let people know that there's someone running the ship that they can go to with questions/concerns/bitching. Essentially just being the person recognized as 'leader' is half of the job. Pretty much any experienced member of an FC could do it, but no one wants to.
>mfw I use the tank/healer LB just to watch DPS complain
It is soloable. Are you hung up on the second boss? You need to keep at least 1 knight alive for him to not wipe you. Ironically, a healer or red mage will have a better time in this dungeon than any other solo class.
>Spoils your game
>Ruins your lore
>Goes to reddit for meme to put into the game
>Yea Forums never challenges his choices
What's your excuse?
light isn't good, smoothbrain, pay attention
but aren't their selves on the first still pretty much the same visually? Except for Lamimi but that's only because she's wearing Dwarf attire.
>Sin Eaters had to intervene
I really don't think that's how they work. Especially considering Sin Eaters are people that got swallowed by the light, same as voidsent.
I don't think they even "eat sin" either, rather than just plain eat people.
Sorry, BLU is the only job to get a suicide button.
What happens when they all die?
Shinryu EX blew cock.
based retard
hydaelyn and zodiark were originally a primal summoned by man
this light and dark duality did not exist before them
ramuh is right but right now if both aren't in balance one consumes your world
Didn't earlier in the thread just rant about how much of a clusterfuck SAM is though?
holy fuck these are some hot spuds
How is that ironic?
It may have just been nostalgia pandering but Ivalice really is some of the greatest content the game has gotten
their original selves on the first pretty much are the same visually but their appearances on the source (and why they have their artifact armors/weapons and all that) are a "don't worry about it" answer seeing as you could make a character that's identical to any of them
I'm guessing a lot of people don't read their fucking tooltipis
Shit's pretty easy if you do
Please do not mock Minmin.
koji is unironically the best english localization head a japanese game has ever had
his lore is canon btw, and is put in the lorebooks as well
he works incredibly closely with the japanese team to make sure everything is right
the only questionable thing is the memes and they get a chuckle out of me here and there
*Thunderer plays*
Sorry bro I think he stood in my End of Days aoe trying to keep someone buffed. I'm sure he'll be up and about soon he looked like a reliable sort.
How can such an annoying character have become so perfect?
The crystals on the source were becoming de-aspected (signifying another incoming calamity) in response to you liberating mhiggers and doma, because that was you making the light too strong, meaning doing good deeds was actually bad for the world. Same shit happened when Arbert was saving his world from evil but then that turned out to be a bad thing because too much good = too much light = apocalypse. Unless there's a better explanation for all this, it's just fucking retarded because it means the optimal world is one where there is world peace but every once in a while they slaughter some town just to keep the balance of the world in check or something.
They're probably just called Sin Eaters as a reference to what the light thinks its doing. By killing people, the Sin Eaters probably feel like they're absolving those of sin and saving them from darkness. It thinks its work is just.
>thread is now playing the ascian theme non-stop
this always happens when ascian Ilberd shows up, every fucking time
Even SSS is shit.
So basically Order from SMT?
theyre completely reworking in shadowbringers. it's literally a new class revolving around an arsenal of weapons and tricks instead of just your gun. you also get to summon a mech with a pilebunker
It's not good deeds, it's killing the forces of darkness.
Someone stop him!
>BLU is still literally a waste of everyone's time
I would rather it not even exist.
To be honest, we have no idea how all of this will play out. Hydaelyn and Zodiark might legitimately not want light/void worlds, or they might be perfectly happy with what's going on.
Seeing how Hydaelyn is said to be getting weaker as time progresses, yet we're still somehow in danger of a flood of light, it's probable that floods of light are entirely different issues that actually don't benefit Hyd just like we've been told. And if that's true, the Void isn't helping Zodiark either.
We know as Warriors of Light, we're pretty much Hydaelyn's champions and generally do what she says, but we have no idea what her end goal actually is. The same goes for Zodiark, we know nothing of Zod himself, only that the Ascians want to restore him to power and by causing calamities and rejoining shards, he's gaining in strength to do so. Seeing as the 13th became the void though, it's probable that not all shards have to be rejoined for Zodiark to rise, otherwise the Ascians would've failed already.
Judging by our actions, we're mainly seeking to preserve the status quo by defeating Ascian plots like primal summonings and calamity bringing along with stopping floods of light from causing mass death, which is likely Hydaelyn's goal as well. Zodiark's is probably somewhat simple as well, perhaps seeking to free himself from his prison and reunite with Hydaelyn to make themselves whole, but all of this is guessing and conjecture. It's said the Ascians and Zodiark thrives on chaos, and by guessing on the duality of the two, it's like that Hydaelyn probably thrives on order.
Yet so much is still wrong and his lore is an uninteresting blight on the game
deeds done against dark beings aren't always good deeds
elidibus is desperately trying to keep a balance and we're fucking it all up with no regard for balance because mommy crystal says so
>hydaelyn and zodiark were originally a primal summoned by man
they were summoned by the star itself. solus literally says it in the trailer retard
I guess you need to interact with people.
ROG/DRG are basically identical up to level 30, both just spam their 1-2 combo (1-2-3 at 26) while using their oGCD's as they come up.
Pugilist is easily the most fun/active melee dps up to level 40ish, where NIN catches up. DRG doesn't get 'busy' until 60.
I want more FFVII themed content in the game.
Weapon primals please.
should've told the people begging for it to learn monster skills semi-accurately in these threads to shut their cocksuckers, now it has everything that was begged for but it's side-content
This looks amazing.
Though since you can't glamour it, who cares right? lol
mad it's not anime enough you dipshit?
the japanese trailer is much clearer about it, fucko
ancient man summoned the primal to act as the will of the star
Well, people eater just doesn't have the same ring to it.
I really don't care about blue mage and think it's overhyped in general in the final fantasy series.
You can be antisocial and get away with it but thats not how you play an MMO
>Yoshi-P riding in to chop Blufevers head off
There are so many fucking amazing crafter AF pieces that I would kill to glamour on a combat class honestly.
Japanese trailer is cut a little bit better.
According to Solus, a certain culture (maybe before any of the calamities) through great prayer and sacrifice summoned the will of the planet which changed the way the world worked.
I keep hearing dancing mad. There's a lone piano playing though .
Good god as if FFXIV needs to be more anime.
I'm amazed, however, that you think that anything that isn't hard anime is automatically not shit.
putting -eater on literally anything else is cooler
Sin Eater, World Eater, Soul Eater, Light Eater, etc
If by interact you mean be around. You can play this entire game without ever having to "interact". But it's an MMO. If you're not a complete sperg the "most"you'll ever have to do is say hello or ask about mechanics. If you're too much of a sperg for that go play a single player game instead of scumming up an online game.
You can glamour it. To DOH equipment. But this would look kinda retarded in battle.
Dancing Mad plays for a bit but they flick it off later.
I like the idea of limited jobs. I do lament that BLU had to die for it, but it would be a good way to flesh out 1.0 Classes or give us access to skills the proper Jobs don't get anymore.
And the forces of darkness are the ones who perform evil deeds, meaning evil deeds are necessary for the world not to get fucked up. The game is literally telling us that we shouldn't eliminate tyrants and war and oppression because that all needs to exist for the planet to not get wiped.
>deeds done against dark beings aren't always good deeds
Everything we've seen so far has been exactly that though. The player will obviously be doing "dark deeds" by defeating the light enemies which ironically act evil by murdering everyone, which is a shitty cop-out.
why do people always ask this? why do people always want to know how little they can interact with other people? do you know this is an mmo? do you know this is a multiplayer game?
>The same goes for Zodiark, we know nothing of Zod himself, only that the Ascians want to restore him to power and by causing calamities and rejoining shards, he's gaining in strength to do so.
Now that we know they're primals for 100% certain they probably mean "summon their god" in the most literal sense, that Zodiark is definitely dead and they're going to restore life to the Moon and/or slam him into Hydaelyn at high velocity to restore them to their precursor god. Probably then a light/dark balance wouldn't even be necessary since they'd cancel eachother out, unless floods of light/darkness have nothing to do with the gods after all (even beyond their capacity to prevent them through a mortal) and then we're just fucked.
>implying you've seen an Elezen player with this face
>If we get a blitzer based on Waka it'd likely be a limited job
>If based on Jecht/Tidus it'll just be a dumb sword dude with a few references
Getting a blitzball mini-game is probably the least monkey paw baiting.
interesting. im very excited for the story and all the lore reveals within. they're promising a lot
Single player games don't have nearly as much content/stuff to do. I like grinding and the only games that have that in meaningful ways are MMOs, which also recent new stuff constantly.
That is a sin you know.
What probably happen is Arbert and company while were "warriors of light" they half assed it. They probably didn't go after "small" sins like stealing, throwing rocks at disabled kid, bullying, lying, cheating, laziness, drunk driving, etc.
So the Sin Eaters came in because Arbert was just sloppy.
How did Yda become an archon? Even a street rat like Thancred learned some magic and had some scholar rubbed on him. How did Yda just stays sub 50iq this whole time and be considered an equal to other archons/scions?
you're literally a brainlet if you think it's as base as light good dark bad
have you not done any DRK or WHM quests?
light nearly destroyed everything thanks to amdapor
dark nights harness darkness to enact justice and protect the weak
No less retarded than wearing any other 'casual clothes' glams, including best man's jacket.
Eat shit
Fuccboi bottom/10 belongs on the tranny general
Not even to DoH really, since it would still only show for the original job. It's one of the things that pisses me off about crafter gear, best you can do is glamor a generic set for it, using a specific class only works for that class.
I thought about actually getting the artifact set for each crafter, but it takes up too much bag space (Though I could make room if I wanted to), but even worse, it doesn't have the requisite CP to allow for end game AFK crafting, which is just too much of a money maker to pass up.
would be cute if he didn't have an elongated body and wasn't eleventy feet tall
someone has to spoil everything about the story on reddit before july 2nd
Titties and pussy or diversity hire
FFVIII xpac confirmed. It means this expansion is going to be kino.
Light= Order
Dark= Chaos
Extreme order? everyone's fucking cleaned, purged and the only thing remaining is the autistic Sin Eater purge squads. Extreme chaos? ancap hell where you try to get any and all aether for yourself. Chaotic ancaps squads is all that remain.
let me detail the fashion in which you will be "interacting with other people". At level 15 you will have to do a dungeon with 3 other people. This cannot be skipped nor ignored, it is part of the Main Scenario questline.
You will be doing many, many dungeons with other people throughout levelling up. You won't have to talk to them - though you probably should, you might make a fucking friend for once - you can just run through wordlessly and get it done. You will also have to do boss fights called Trials with other people, which initially are 4 man content but will become 8 man content later on.
These are not avoidable. You will have to do them. If that is too much for you, fuck off.
It's frustrating how useless crafter af gear is when they go through the trouble of making it.
It starts at around 1:31:03
>playing a fanservice game and not playing any of the others.
Have sex
Cute boy but screenfagging belongs on /vg/ you quadruple mhigger.
Griever was also practically confirmed as a boss in the raid by the comment on the WoL fighting their imagination.
I have no idea if Solus is telling the truth, but now that you mention it, it does seem like a plausible course of action for the Ascians. Rejoining the worlds is shunting all the shards' aether back to the source, and all that aether would allow for one bitchin' summoning. Furthermore, the moon is considered both Zodiark's prison and corpse, so if he's actually dead, summoning him might be the only way to "restore" him.
>the game is only fun or interesting if you know everything they've ever done
is ultimecia confirmed as a boss?
You're just proving my point though. Murdering people via vigilantism is edgy and dark-aspected, so in a 'healthy' world there should be lots of people violently taking justice into their own hands, because rule of law and order are too light-aspected and would ruin the world. Ironically, some elite kiddy diddler who protects himself via his status and therefore needs to be murdered for justice would be a dark-aspected person anyway, so we should in fact let him live so he keeps diddling kiddies and generating darkness.
what's that on the right?
>you think you do, but you don't
it's ok when japan says it
next time post the actual content with timestamp instead of spamming your twitter
Blitzball weapon for DNC is the best you can realistically hope for
dollars to donuts, Gaia becomes Ultimecia
The ffxiv world and lore is so retarded
>by praying you can change the way the fucking universe operates
Retarded as fuck
An ideal world has both light and darkness being used for good. Light to help everyone and protect the weak. Dark to punish those the light can't get to.
gay and cringe
>there are people who play XIV because it's a popular mmo and not because they enjoy the FF series
This will never not bother me.
Failure of the system, imo. I do think it's convenient to have one set of gear for all crafters, but having specific armor for each is fine too if it came to it.
I have a feeling ShB is going to fuck with crafters enough that it's going to be exceedingly difficult to craft HQ stuff from NQ mats but trivial to make with HQ ones, leading to crafting gear becoming less important to pentameld and cap out CP for, which will probably make them viable.
that's always been how it works though
primals are just prayer given form
you can literally wish things into existence and fuck reality
why do you think summoning is the single most taboo act you can do
>People are capable of summoning voidsent
>Voidsent are from the thirteenth shard
>This means interplanar travel happens regularly
Just fucking summon everyone off the shitheap that is the first and summon some voidsent to keep the darkness levels up
I don't see how that confirms it. But it's already ff8 themed so I guess that could be used here. Sucks, are all the raids just going to be call backs from now on?
Hon, you do realise that Yea Forums is an even bigger tranny hub than /vg/
>being left in the dark while others reminisce
FFXIV forum fag.
That doesnt make sense because WoL doesnt even know what Griever is, unlike Squall. We just KNOW that Griever will be a boss because epic FFVIII references, but the strongest in the WoL mind would be The Twelve or Bahamut
I like FF but I'm not a diehard FFfag by any means. I play XIV because it's a god tier game and has everything I could ever want.
That very concept got a president elected.
Why do Calamity rejoin worlds? Is it just bad things happen = dark = less influence from Hydaelyn?
Summoning things that are made of flesh and bone tends to kill them.
>boomer loose from his containment board again
Why? Gonna cry about it? Maybe shit and cum?
>deeds done against dark beings aren't always good deeds
>Everything we've seen so far has been exactly that though.
Most of what we do is literally just perpetuating a cycle of violence that started with people being assholes to beast tribes and ignoring agreements made. We're putting down the people that are lashing out against the people that decided to occupy their lands with the only means available to them.
voidsent summoning only works because their bodies are already twisted by darkness
normally people can't hop between shards without dying and only sending their soul
the crystal tower is the only known physical portal anyone can go through
All you need is crystals and faith/will and you can bring whatever you want into physical being. But often what you bring to life isn't quite what you want.
Can I add you if I ever need some armor crafted.
Well unfortunately that's exactly what happened in our source world yet we're still heading for a calamity. Even violent revolution in gyr abania and othard counted as acts of light. Protecting good guys and defeating evil guys just generates light in every case. The DRK questline never even mentions that you're using actual 'darkness' in the sense of zodiark-aspected darkness which would balance light, it's all just internal edgy/emo emotions that don't seem to have any affect on the overall balance of the world.
Ok retard
Voidsent in most cases except for the WoD raid where we go to that shard directly are twisted souls bound to (usually) corpses.
The Fat Cat mount for example has flavortext implying it could actually be a voidsent bound to a bloated cat's corpse.
What summons light aether and dark aether? We know what does fire or lightning aether. But if light isn't good and dark isn't evil, what summons them? Is it hope and optimism brings forth light aether and despair and sorrow brings forth dark aether? Hence ascians causing chaos causes dark aether (uncertainty and despair), while if the WoL does everything it makes too much light aether?
I have never played a final fantasy game before playing ffxiv. I played xv and didn't enjoy it, tried vii and it aged like cheese. Also I only got into xiv because my friend got me into it, didn't even realise it was an mmo until we got into it. To be honest, the cringy final fantasy shit in the game was a hard pill to swallow but I don't mind it now, and if I could be bothered I'd try some of the older games because they look kind of cool.
we're headed to a calamity because solus fucked things up super badly on purpose and because we're opposing elidibus who is trying to bring things into balance
we've tipped far to one side already by aiding hydaelyn unquestioningly for so long
Would you shut up about the word murder? You're using that as a buzzword as to indicate that all forms of killings is wrong.
Protip: it isn't.
Again, I don't see how that confirms it but whatever, FF8 yay. Let's bring up the robot spider too.
Will probably be the boss of a 3rd floor.
None of that has been relevant since ARR. If it actually meant anything then they would've referenced an impending light calamity in our world after subjugating all the beast tribes, not at the end of SB after we liberated the mhiggers and domans, implying that liberating countries is "too much good".
we don't know the intricate details of how light and darkness work because hydaelyn hasn't told us shit
this mystery is part of what we're investigating in shb and solus seems to know the truth of it all
Voidsent can't easily be summoned to other places without suitable hosts. Some of the lesser ones don't have trouble with it, but the bigger you get, the bigger "crack" in reality you need to get them here. They also partially remain behind in the void where they fully retreat too when their corporeal forms are destroyed here. Sin Eaters are likely to have similar properties.
That being said, I have a strange feeling the 5.3 finale is going to be accepting the 1st is beyond saving and the only way to "evacuate" everyone on it will be to rejoin it to the source. It's why Solus is so friendly with us because he knows we're not spiteful enough to condemn the entire world to being expunged just to put off having Zodiark come back. We might be able to evacuate living people via the crystal tower though.
>None of that has been relevant since ARR.
varis mentioned all of that shit in his speech
The weird part is how the game is drawing in so many people such as the wowfugees when they hate weeb stuff.
The first DRK quest is literally about you murdering a bunch of knights who from their perspective are just doing their job defending their barracks from an intruder.
You have no idea what you're talking about. You clearly lack the capacity to understand so just stop posting and spare us further embarassment on your part.
They damage Hydaelyn to such an extent that she requires the aether of a shard to restore the world.
>tfw still have my fantasia back in ARR when they were giving it for free if you subbed for a month (no idea if they do it anymore)
who else perfectly satisfied with their characters?
you did not finish the DRK quests
Fray was ambushed by them as he was buying supplies
because he was protecting a little girl from being murdered for having a heretic father
No it isn't, at all. The soldiers get fucked up for trying to gang rape a girl.
Wasn't it only when Merlwyb was spouting revisionist history so he wanted to embarrass her?
those knights were going to rape a little girl for backtalking them after they bullied her mother
they had it coming, bunch of cucks
What are the chances the building light and darkness have absolutely nothing to do with crystal mom and crystal dad?
I have a strange feeling that you're fucking retarded for unironically thinking they're literally just going to delete a bunch of zones from the game.
Isn't that kinda like the warp in 40k too? As seen with that kobald that accidently summoned Titan while grieving for its parents, you dont even have to actively pray to get a summon, you just gota have some strong emotion and an energy source to give primals form.
You murder the entire barracks, not just the people who were doing their job and following the law.
Show me the part where they are all planning to run a train on her, instead of it just being like 2 faggots chilling in the barracks. You murder everyone to get to the actual perpetrators.
the eden raid is literally about us trying to make the rest of the world habitable again after purging the sin eaters
You're actually a retarded autist and probably illiterate too. You should probably play something less mentally taxing like a balloon pop tablet game or something if you're having this much trouble understanding extremely basic and spelled out encounters.
The knights did nothing wrong. But of course since this is a very leftist game the girl dindu nuffin because women never lie or anything.
Solus is fighting to generate darkness though. Without him, the world would've been LIGHTED way earlier.
source: my ass
those knights were defending rapists, and they were in the way
they were warned to back down and they did not
that is the path of the dark knight, you cut down evil and those who would defend it
you bloody yourself and stain your soul to protect the weak and downtrodden
It's just fucking Daoism it isn't complicated.
Every bigger primal fight is because of it, the beast tribes going "oh fuck they killed that one, we need MORE" it's a cycle. The scions are trying to break it, but the lack of trust from both sides keeps it going and we side against the beasts so we keep pushing it further.
Same reason retards come to Yea Forums then cry about anime.
Post a twitter link that has a youtube link; how about you just paste the youtube link you fucking retard.
Not an argument. Hopefully you can come up with something of substance after your hourly dilation.
Yeah well, you also cut down all the vault guards chasing after the evil pope too so I'm certain to say that all involved in the quest were comiplicit in the wrongdoing
source is yoshi-p you fucktard
do you not watch live letters?
He said Eden would be heavily tied into the MSQ. Absolutely nothing beyond that.
They most likely won't, it'll always be 5 minutes to midnight on the 1st once we make the decision and it won't actually happen until the end of XIV's story.
>the girl dindu nuffin because women never lie or anything
Sure, you can have a (You), if you want it that badly you can just ask next time.
How do I make friends to play this with?
Some people don't even read the Lodestone when Patches hit.
>Beyond the boundaries of Norvrandt lies the Empty─a land drowned in the primordial light of the Flood. To redress the balance of the elements, our hero must wield a power the likes of which the First has never known. The power of Eden.
They literally said it's about fixing the world and that we're going to be fighting things that come from the WoL's imagination
They didn't knowingly defend rapists though. They weren't going "WE NEED TO DEFEND SER LOLI RAPER", they were all "INTRUDER ALERT, SOME RANDOM GUY IS STORMING THE BARRACKS, DEFEND". They were just doing their job.
yeah, it's mostly conjecture, but
>Image is of a sprout growing out of a barren landscape
>raid is called Eden (ie: Garden of Eden)
I feel like it'll have something to do with making the first habital again
Why is Edjika such an asshole to Krile? Also, is there any way I can get back to the story part of Eureka's containment chamber?
It was some roastie who set all the shit up tho. Did you not actually finish the Job Quests? The entire point of the HW DRK storyline is that they do terrible shit for the right reasons because they're emotional retards. You literally turn into a fucking schizo during the 30-50 quests because of it.
I'm actually impressed at how vehement you are at proving your stupidity. Don't worry, we got it loud and clear. There's no room for pretending, you're definitely the real deal.
Because he failed to get into her pants
he's bitter that she and others were born with the echo and naturally get to be the best at everything but take it for granted while normal people like him bust their asses only to have accomplishments downplayed
he hates 'chosen ones' and has a legitimate gripe
all she ever had to do was view him as her peer
he jelly
yes just hop on one of the platforms at the edge of hydatos
Yeah and that quest doesn't force you to be a DRK either, so we can safely rule that kind of thing out as affecting light or dark.
>watch some fag summarize live letter because I missed it
>"""content creator""" says Shadowbringers looks really good and I'm really interested in the story even though I skipped most of it up until now
everything we do affects light and dark, retard
Yoshi said, at the JP Fanfest, that the only element that exists on the First is "Light" and that the story of Eden will be about restoring the other elements.
I still have my original and I'm changing to Rabbit
>literally just making shit up
ok retard
So first you or some tranny says that murdering innocents in the DRK questline is you doing dark-aspected shit, but now apparently doing the same thing in the main story is light-aspected? Or are you saying both are dark-aspected, and therefore the way to generate darkness to balance light is to mass murder innocents?
free erp on gilgamesh hit me up
kill yourself
fuck off tranny
>/vg/ has invaded
How the FUCK is the basic yin-yang duality this hard for some people?
Explain Daoism in brainlet terms.