Reminder that James Rolfe is a very sweet saint of a man and it's nigh impossible to dig up any dirt on him despite being such a publicized figure.
Reminder that James Rolfe is a very sweet saint of a man and it's nigh impossible to dig up any dirt on him despite...
Other urls found in this thread:
...except for his whole anti female ghostbusters thing...that was kind of gross...
He is the Alpha and Omega of internet celeberties.
>But now fuck that. It's the 10-year anniversary of the year 2000.
>...except for his whole anti female ghostbusters thing...that was kind of gross...
The all female Ghostbusters was fucking cancer. If he reviewed it, the outcome would've been expected.
>I don't want to support cheap reskins of old films from my childhood so I won't be going to see it
Amazing what actually being a decent person and not starting shit with everything that speaks to you will do for your reputation.
>The man whose introduction was screaming F-bombs and talking about buffalo diarrhea ends up being too pure for the world he helped create.
Stranger than fiction, indeed.
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
James did nothing wrong.
Remember that other shitty E-Celeb that did scummy shit. Yeah that's like most of them.
>loves the franchise so much he refuses to talk about a shitshow with the name of said franchise on it
bitches hate based men.
Wasn't he involved in that Cheetahman Kickstarter controversy?
Hardly, the more you're against something, the more likely you are to be projecting. James can be so dirty because he's pure.
Nobody even remembers that shitty ass movie lol
>Hey, Jebidiah, I posted that AVGN Ghostbusters Remake bait, and I got a Wojak edit this time!
>Ahahah, Cleetus, you truly are the best fisserman on the creek!
Reread your post, those 2 setences have nothing in common
I mean he did make that terrible movie, but I guess that doesn't say anything about him as a person.
the kickstarter actually delivered
>saging a james thread
I went to see him at a Arcade hosting a Q&A. Legit nice guy. Talked to him and even came back with a six pack of Rolling Rock and shared with him before the show.
I still want him to review Kid Chameleon.
what was the controversy again?
I have seen some pastas that how he is autistic and has a poop fetish or something, but no one really cares since he is such a nice guy.
Everyone thought it was a scam due to some rumors, but it wasn't.
some guy made a kickstarter to release cheetamen 2 on an NES cartridge and he asked for a fuckload of money. he got james and patNESpunk to sponsor it and james was accused of using the kickstarter to fund his movie. kickstarter was actually legit though and people got their game
I love James, he's genuinely one of the nicest and humble people I've ever met. He pretty much made gaming on the internet what it is. Unfortunately he'll never get the credit he deserves.
I love that man, before smart TVs were a thing my broke ass used to download all his episodes as they came out on gametrailers put like 6 of them on a DVD with the windows DVD maker ass menus with the avgn theme. Then I'd watch them on my PS2 in the basement or in my room. The Sims game used to come with those big ass cases that hold like 6 disks. I removed them and made my own covers by hand. I made like 26 disks before I realized that I could just watch them on my 360. I took them everywhere and still have them incase the grind goes down. I used to get up before the bus to catch the new monster madness episode in October. I knew when the episodes were coming and I watched lots of his reviews and movies. I also like board James. Mike Matei is a shitlord and I love him and would let him draw me a tattoo. AVGN and Ashens are YouTubers who age like fine wine just like Billy and Mandy
Absolutely based. DVDanon
Unironically based.
You are a sweet lad.
I still watch through James's videos. What he accomplished and when he did it is so inspiring.
>the 10-year anniversary of the year 2000.
It's almost the 10 year anniversary of the year 2010!
Why is it so hard for you sperglards to discuss video games? What part of this confuses you?
Don't loose these dvds, user.
It's absolutelly useless for everyone, except for you.
I have lost something like this too and always feel a little down when I remember.
What went so fucking wrong?
Besides the movie, I mean.
I don't see a problem with this. Imagine not pointing out how fucked Birth of A Nation is and not warning others of it's content despite it being an iconic and landmark piece of entertainment.
Yeah, I thought this.
But I will use the 20-year anniversary of the year 2000 next year.
This is too good to pass.
Trying too hard to fit in, newfag.
He's gonna take you back to the past
To play the shitty games that suck ass
He'd rather have a buffallo
Take a diarrhea dump in his ear
He'd rather eat the rotten asshole
Of a road killed skunk and down it with beer
He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard
He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd
He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd
He's the Angry Video Game Nerd
When you turn on the TV
Make sure it's tuned to channel three
He's got a nerdy shirt and a pocket pouch
Although I've never seen him write anything down
He's got a powerglove and a filthy mouth
Armed with his zapper he will tear these games down
He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard
He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd
He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd
He's the Angry Video Game Nerd
He plays the worst games of all time
They're horrible abominations of mankind
They make him so mad he can spit
Or say cowabunga, Cowa-fuckin'-piece'a dog shit
They rip you off and don't care one bit
But this nerd, he doesn't forget it
Why can't a turtle swim? Why can't I land the plane?
They got a quick buck for this shitload of fuck
The characters names are wrong. Why's the password so long?
Why don't the weapons do anything?
He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard
These games suck so bad, he makes up his own words
He's the angriest most pissed off gaming nerd
He's the Angry...
Neo Geo
Turbo Grafix 16
Nintendo Nerd
He's The Angry Video Game Nerd
>hows this not videogames? Yet gay shit like talking about final Fantasy sluts is?
About time that Balding Boomer embraced the ONIONS BOY FACE thumbnails.
I really don't like it how he and his wife were near-universally shat on here relentlessly for years but then suddenly people did a 180 on him because he made Twitter feminists angry over that Ghostbusters thing.
James Rolfe is like one of.. Maybe three? Vidya personnels I'd want to sit down and have a beer with
This jackass wasn't popular here 5 years ago. You're just nesting here, parasite. Fuck off.
Wait a minute...he never mentioned sony...NOT EVEN ONCE.
Or Xbox....
Really make a nigga think huh?
>thinking that your listeners are so fucking stupid and you need to prime them for shit
He has some shit opinions but otherwise he's a good guy. There isn't a single e-celeb I've been following for 12+ years besides him.
I've had an appreciation for nice people like James since at least 10 years before Yea Forums even existed
>I think women should shut up and stay in the kitchen.
Sony, Xbox and Steam were a thing back when he started. EPIC, don't.
Try again.
How many e-celebs have even been around for 12+ years?
>some angry pol fag insists you pay attention AND react angrily to some sjw shit so he can stir something
>Yea Forums reacts to it
>bad things happen and become counterproductive in result
>avgn just no-sells anything that might be controversial
>doesn't react to anything, not even the cuckadoodledooing
>lives life normally with his wife and his wife's child
it's clear that /pol/ doesn't care about the sjws, they just want to invoke chaos and enjoy it
Only other one I can think of is Philip Defranco but I haven't watched him in like 10 years.
I mean some of his viewers might not have experience with the three stooges. He does have some young fans.
He's just adapting to the thumbnail meta. Studies have been done on that, and people actually click more on videos with a clickbait-y reaction face thumbnail
>tfw they're making a proper Ghostbusters movie in 2020
With a few exceptions like Seaman and Big Rigs he only covers games from before the 32 bit era.
I think James was hot during the 2000s.
People grew up, or atleast the sentiment and nostalgia for the youtube oldguard. He was cool during the early Youtube years, then people got fed up with him as more and more new Youtubere started popping up, but while those new ones rose and crashed, James just did his own thing and was true to himself and his audience.
ashens seems like i nice guy too
Fake news.
>Sees FemBusters after his wife makes him.
>Says Temple of Doom is "problematic"
>Says the Universal Monster movies are a "sausagefest"
>Gives trigger warnings about racial humor in The Three Stooges
He's a bit of a fag.
I'd give either any organ they wanted to keep living
>such a Chad he literally made a video talking about how he refuses to watch the movie
I’d love to James could see this. Sounds like the kind of thing he would do.
What a shitload of fuck.
James is so fucking based, just a really genuinely kind and humble dude who loves corny old monster movies.
the only controversy he was ever involved in was the Ghostbuster bullshit, and you know what he did in response? nothing. fucking BASED
>When he's not gross, but your obsession with him shitting on a shit movie is.
>"Raid 2020? Maybe I'll review that in the year 2020."
who the fuck are these fat slobs sitting next to James? Where the hell is bootsy?
>used to partake in the bald posting
>now starting to heavily bald
what the fuck bros...
Bootsy is too busy being political.
bootsy went to jail for punching some alt right figurehead
I'm proud to say that doesn't work for me, actually, it makes me not want to watch the video.
Around what year did James start balding?
>We're as far away from the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde review as it was from the actual game's release
I bet that from this thread only you and me know him.
I want the old Audio quality back.
Everyone knows Seanbaby just from that time Uwe Boll pussied out of fighting him.
I remember the Plinket review better then the actual movie.
nostalgia critic
I'm going to hate when somehow they dig something up on him and all the normies unsubscribe and trash every single social media he has.
....he's gonna have child porn won't he?
Something would have come to light by now
Is being (almost) 32 old by Yea Forums standards? I came across Seanbaby's NES Page when I was 11, and alternated between laughing my ass off and feeling uncomfortable at certain pages that were a little too mean.
>Where the hell is bootsy?
Bootsy tried to take over the channel while James was depressed after the movie, Mike and Ryan told that asshole to go fuck himself. This was all kept under wraps until recently so people have been unfairly attacking Mike & Ryan for years when Bootsy was the real asshole all along.
Mike would probably be the first
>weird obsession with poo
>narcissistic, is writing an autobiography even though he's just a 40 years old e-celeb.
>considers himself a film curator even though his knowledge of films is awful: he only likes godzilla movies, 80s pop movies and universal and hammer horror films.
But yeah, compared to other
youtubers he's a saint.
sad day for you, society will stay equal until you die
Anyone could tell that Ghostbusters was going to be shit going by the cast. They weren't good.
as fucking boring as his content is these days, it is impressive he's been around longer than more or less anyone and hasn't set himself on fire. monster madness is the only time i still watch his stuff.
>Decides not to go watch Ghostbusters 2016
nah im good
Kate McKinnon is pretty funny and hot
And i bet you to be a film curator only if you watched and like every movie made ever
you're a jaded Yea Forums faggot, not the 90% of people they're made for that click on such thumbnails
james is a retard
He's based through and through
>thinking equality is real
only reason it isn't is because domestic terrorists like you still vote
He had the balls to call the U.S. president what he is, and James got salty over it.
he watched the movie though
and he apologized that by saying temple of doom is sexist and racist
and that three stooges are racist
and that universal monsters are Caucasian sausage fest
remember me?
If that's true, it's good to see that even white men have the capacity to grow and learn sometimes.
Have gender
And he'll be around for another 12
For a series that's just one dude sitting around telling stories, Counter Monkey is really fucking entertaining.
I'm so delighted, maybe there's hope for humanity after all.
It's "To let you fuck his wife in the ass" you dumb nigger.
I want to see your handmade covers
>James was depressed after the movie
Tell me more.
He's the angry epic games store nerd
64 BITS.
Does he still drink Rollin Rocker?
>movieblob part
gets me every fucking time
what do you think about this?
He said it looked bad and didn't want to touch it.
He was and still is correct.
he did watch it though.
dvd sip.... that was a good format
james has such a punchable face
ryan is all about the youtube algorithm
>domestic terrorists
you have to go back
Things that never happened. He handled that in the smartest way. He said he wasn't reviewing it because it wasn't ghost busters (not having the original cast who had great chemistry on screen) so he wasn't reviewing it. He said nothing further on the matter but of course SJW's had to hop all over it and act like it was because it was a female cast which was not the case at all. Ghostbusters had a irreplaceable cast and it was not the same without the original cast.
Also I can't tell anymore of posts like this are fucking ironic or not.
james started the whole cuck meme.
james stopped playing games during the snes era, and only played two games on n64.
yes, james dear friend spoony
Angry joe looks like he sells coke on the street in that picture
He's right though, all this nigger watermelon stuff is a bit boring and uninspired
james looks like such a fucking fag holy shit
kieran and tony
bootsy wasn't paid for dvds and left
Is Ryan the most uncharasmatic person in the history of Youtube?
where did the hair goooo
>....he's gonna have child porn won't he?
that already happened on Cinemassacre.
based april stalker poster
james doesn't even know what steam is
shut up.
>people are seriously responding
Nice one user
holy fuck, go back to Twitter, you faggot
Holy shit. That's horrifying.
I miss Kyle and Bootsy. l hear Kyle moved on to start his own business of house renovations. He's not happy about the song.
stay salty racist
He only made that video for it and that's it.
god I'm so lonely
ill eat out that fatty with santa hat just to get some pussy
I'm not gonna make it
get fucked, you pathetic waste of space
she aint that bad
Minoxidil and Finasteride do miracles user.
Go back to Tumblr, retard
could do worse.
also youll find it not worth the hype youve built up. Get an expensive hobby instead.
everytime this posted somebody mentions the chick (ryan's sister)
hilarious shit
Was talking about the one in the blue santa hat
what happened to bootsy?
based justy poster
lmagine being this faggot leech of a friend who rides on another's success, takes over the channel, and promotes his current fling. Disgusting human.
>Sees FemBusters after his wife makes him
But he didn't review it
>Says Temple of Doom is "problematic"
In today's standards it is but it's doesn't make it a bad movie
>Says the Universal Monster movies are a "sausagefest"
They kinda are but it still doesn't make them bad movies.
>Gives trigger warnings about racial humor in The Three Stooges
So did Warner Bros when they put Looney tunes in DVD.
temple is bad movie for tons of reasons.
erin was on e3 live show. she's becoming pretty popular.
I don't understand how Cinemassacre is owned by Ryan.
For year I had assumed the entire company was just James making vidoes in his basement with the help of his buddy Mike. Why would some weird fat fuck own it?
t. james
ryan owns screenwave
screenwave is a company that owns youtube channels
cinemassacre is one of them
>Cleveland Steambox
Child fucker or not, he’s one funny asshole
Why was he depressed?
So James sold his channel to Ryan? But what did he gain from that? What benefit does Ryan provide? Did he just pay a lot of money?