Looks like soulful Halo is back on the menu, boys.
Looks like soulful Halo is back on the menu, boys
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No Switch, you can go fuck off OP.
Go eat Aaron Greenberg's cock.
uhh no.
Last gen games need to get downgraded to run on that tablet.
switch can't run that shit, switch pro better have some tech thats worth a fuck.
>Aaron Greenberg
Who? Fuck off with your E-Celeb shit, you fucking reddit cunt.
>"Hey Chief what's up! It's me, Rookie! You all thought I was killed by some literally who Insurrectionist bitch in a poorly written novel, but that was just a retarded ruse. The UNSC saved humanity along with Earth and the Covenant glassed all the outer colonies, there's no way there would be any rebels left."
Nintendo only wants to take. Time to start giving, bro. I say ocarina of time and majora's mask comes to xbox.
Reach beta never ever.
>chief, arbiter and rookie in one game
i wish, but 343 is too shit for that.
The story and lore has been fucked up for good for 10 years now. There's no going back.
Sorry, zoomer, but those two things just don't go together.
We'll see how much of a soft reboot Infinite is and whether or not they can salvage the mess of a story they've enforced for almost a decade now.
Name a more soulful soundtrack.
Anything else
why do people care about this nothing character
This game is going to be the shit.
Call me when Switch gets Metroid 5, the Fusion sequel, 3 years in and the Switch still isn't worth buying yet.
Because the Cult of Bungie wants to exist.
>switch pro
Echo pilot is cute and already more of an endearing character than anyone in Halo 4 or 5.
A nothing character is several steps up from any character 343i writes, just looks good in comparison to shit like Locke or the Didact.
And how many microtransactions and lootboxes will 343's soulful Halo have? Because actual soulful Halo back iun the Bungie days used to have zero of that shit.
>MCC on PC
>Actually taking their time to release it so it doesn't end up a bug-ridden mess by releasing it one game at a time starting with Reach.
Umm yes, we're coming home.
Since Cyberpunk is going to shit and is slowly becoming “Far Cry: Future” this is the only thing I’m excited for now.
is marty coming back for music
343 already showed they can't make a good Halo game.
You're beyond help if you think this will be good.
>343 already showed they can't make a good Halo game.
No, 343 has shown they have potential to make a good halo game. Its just there a bit directionless since they were propped up to make Halo games only. Its great that they're taking feedback since then that hopefully Infinite sticks its landing.
Halo was never good, by the way.
really? looks like the same soulless shit to as the last two games to me.
>3 years in and the Switch still isn't worth buying yet.
way more than the One unless you like generic shooters.
>Its great that they're taking feedback since then
christ, seriously? do you have stockholm syndrome or something? 5 was even worse than 4, they haven't learned a thing and apparently they aren't the sort to do so.
Who says I'm getting a One for Halo 5 and Infinite, I'm getting the Scarlett.
>5 was even worse than 4
Only the single player, Multiplayer was objectively better and a huge improvement over 4 that even most would agree with. They do learn, its just they take 1 step forward, only to take 1-2 steps back again. And as I said, with more time and a new engine along Chief's armor being reminiscent of H1-H3 days , I hope they stick their landing with Infinite.
this would be cringy and blatently fanservicy as fuck, please no
343i can write good characters, they have plenty of times in the books, they just can't write game plots to save their fucking life.
>5 was even worse than 4
Imagine being this fucking delusional.
4 not only had a supar campaign and a shitty story with shoehorned romantic bullshit, the MP was also blatently codified with loadouts, perks, etc.
5 still has a shit single player, but it actually returns to even starts, has actually decent level design for MP maps with verticality not seen since Halo 2, and has easily the best forge in the series which received constant updates and tuning in accordance with fan feedback and requests.
They outright fucking added brand new weapons, such as the reach nade launcher, brute plasma rifle, etc to the game over time.
>I clapped at the musical cue!!!
Speaking of writing game plots, anyone know who's writing the story for Infinite?
even worse lmfao
Nothing can be worse than Xbone, get fucked.
>zero gameplay
Because nameless ODST are cool as fuck. kys faggot.
That's precisely the issue, though: he IS a nameless ODST, so there's no narrative role he fuffills any other nameless ODST can't also fill.,
Also, if he lived, he'd become an SIV, which just erodes what little appeal he has, since he's not even a normal human anymore
Wait, the new game is a reboot? What about the story from Halo 4 and 5? Is that still a thing or not?
>Doom Eternal adds a grappling hook, jump boosters, etc
>Mario adds cappy in Odyssey
>Halo 5 adds new movement options without breaking even starts
explain this
Spiritual reboot doesn't mean reboot, dumbass, it's a sequel to Halo 5.
>Wait, the new game is a reboot
It's a "spirtual reboot"; 4 and 5's events aren't retconned, it's just trying to thematically distance itself from them and fast foward a few in universe years.
Halo fans are like Metroid fans and want the same game.
Oh, good.
they are just like CoDfags even if they pretend otherwise
>muh boots on the ground
>Doom Eternal adds a grappling hook, jump boosters, etc
Nobody likes these additions.
>Mario adds cappy in Odyssey
Good additions because its a fucking platformer.
>Halo 5 adds new movement options without breaking even starts
Sprint and clamber are shit.
>ODST are cool because they're just normal gals and guys taking on missions that are suicidal. Hell, sometimes they take on missions that Spartans should be doing, even accompanying these superhuman soldiers on those very same mission.
>343: Lol, let's make them inferior Spartan 3 knockoffs that even Master Chief pities
I hate the new Halo. Advanced ancient human civilization theory is Ancient alien tier of retarded stupidity that shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.
What really pissed me off with ODST is that you can hijack vehicles, flip vehicles, beat the shit out of Covenant single-handedly, have invisible energy shields, can't dual wield or use Equipment, can rip off gun turrets and move faster than a Spartan, can survive a Beam Rifle on Legendary, and have a fucked up grenade throw. I feel like ODST would be a better game if it wasn't canon. Reach has the opposite problem of making you feel weak even though you're supposed to be a Spartan.
>Sprint and clamber are shit.
I wouldn't be surprised if these are the only Spartan Abilities in the game.
ODST's still exist in current lore though
>. Advanced ancient human civilization theory is Ancient alien tier of retarded stupidity that shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone.
How is it any dumber then humans being forerunners?
>Good additions because its a fucking platformer.
Platforming has always been a key element of Halo's level design in MP, though. Maps were highly vertical in CE and 2 with tons of skilljumps and platforming across the maps.
>Sprint and clamber are shit.
I'm not a big fan of sprint or clamber so much as the thrusters, hover, and slide, which actually augment and give you more options for map traversal and platforming.
I agree ODST would have benefitted a lot from being less of a normal Halo game, but I still think what we got is one of the best games in the series, my favorite after 2.
> Reach has the opposite problem of making you feel weak even though you're supposed to be a Spartan.
I've never really felt this. You feel perfectly powerful in Reach. Yes, you don't move as fast or jump as high, but there's a better sense of momemtum, phsyics, and aiming tuning so it "feels" faster and more responsive then 3 anyways
Alright anons, 343i wants YOU, yes, YOU, to decide how Infinitre gameplay will work.
However, they won't just have it play exactly like Halo CE, 2, or 3, both because 2 and 3 made changes from CE, but also because there needs to be SOMETHING new.
>Armor abilities
>Spartan Charge
>Ground Pound
>Double jump
>Some other new mechanics (describe them)
You have to pick FOUR.
Which 4 do you pick
>Reach has the opposite problem of making you feel weak even though you're supposed to be a Spartan.
I mean wasn't that the point?
>Sprint, Clamber, Slide, and Smart Scope
Why? because I literally only see these 4 returning, nothing else. Chief doesn't even have Thrusters anymore in Infinite.
When you're a Spartan, that shit better not be realistic. Halo is a power fantasy and Bungie failed at rule number 1. If they wanted you to feel weak in Reach then they should have made you an ODST and made you a Spartan in ODST. One felt too much like a Halo game, the other didn't.
Smart scope wasn't an option user
>Chief doesn't even have Thrusters anymore in Infinite.
Considering thrust was easily the best addition, I hope this isn't the case.
I don't care if it wasn't if you watched the trailer you should be removing half of that list, when you looked at Chief's back in the Halo Infinite trailer was something missing?
In nu-Doom and Odyssey you are still doing the same but with different tools.
In Halo enhanced movement goes against its positioning focused combat.
explain how it's different from nu-doom vs halo
Halo 3, but with some weapons from Reach and SPV3.
Combat balance closer to CE.
As for addtional shit:
>you have always cloak
>squad commands
>dual wielding doesn't prevent you from melee
>tactical grenades (flashbangs, smokes etc.)
Microsoft just seriously needs to bite the bullet, and toss Marty a blank check to do the music. He's just as much a part of what made Halo great as anything else.
sandbox items =/= new mechanics.
so only cloak and squad commands qualify
The new guy seems to be doing well with Halo, Marty is stuck on his VR PS4 game.
>quad commands
I just want Chief, Reach and Halo 5 proved that this doesn't work.
Halo ended at 3 where Arbiter goes back help rebuild the covenant into something good and aprt ways with humanity, and Chief is still in the cryotube, he is never found and just sleeps forever, and Cortana is transferred back into his helmet where she just watches him dream until she slips away with him also the Spartans on Onyx 0006 do eventually make it back to humanity because the books are canon
Reach didn't have actual squad mechanics, and 5's squad mechanics are good, just not fleshed out enough and forcing the player to have a full team of spartans with them caused issues.
Giving you more fleshed out squad commands to just give to marines would work well.
In nu-Doom most encounters work like this:
you are locked into arena and combat s is running around it, killing demons. So having more options to move around arena is improvement.
In Halo most encounters work like this:
you enter area occupied by enemy, and you "slowly" work your way through it. Because you are slow, you must think about positioning. If you make character faster and being able to jump higher, then you broken combat. So you have to make maps bigger to compensate, which in turn negatively impacts weapon balance.
Reach had the invisible Noble Team and that Marine squad shit.
>5's squad mechanics are good
Not him but who sits on their ass hoping the enemy doesn't kill them in any difficulty that isn't Legendary in Halo. If you're constantly behind cover on Heroic all the time in Halo you suck, plain and simple.
I haven't played 5, but in Reach you don't have any squad commands, If you encounter some marines they will join you but you don't have any way of commanding them.
maybe halo is just a badly designed game if having actual good movement breaks everything
>this would be cringy
So par for the course with 343i writing.
>Mickey gets Rookie killed, becomes an Innie, becomes a Spartan IV, conspires in the brutal murder of a fellow ODST, betrays Buck & Romeo, then is later allowed back on the team
>Master Chief is a special snowflake Master Builder
>the Pheru
It's impossible to make Halo not cringe now. They can't even go scorched Earth like with Star Wars because it's already a part of the mainline games. The most we can hope for is for them to say bookshit never happened which would spare Rookie, but we're still stuck with Promethean crap.
I think Halo just needs the right amount, some fans just don't want to let old Halo go but cutting down on half of the Halo 5 abilities would be great.
You can be pretty aggressive even on Legendary, but you can't play it like nu-Doom.
343i has people browsing resetera site and they hardly browse reddit or Yea Forums. That is telling. They're going to repeat the same mistakes they did with 4 and 5 onto a product of Halo: Infinite. Horrible news.
>it's faster so it's better
I personally would solved it by giving player high max speed but slow acceleration and on higher speeds you can do some special shit, like slides, ramming etc.
That's actually wrong, only Frank goes to resetera, every other 343 employee is on reddit or twitter, they were on teambeyond at one point but I don't know if they still are since I don't go there.
I always wanted to fuck miranda keyes as a teenager.
why is there no good rule 34 of her.
Which one, Yea Forums?
Last 2 digits will be the metacritic score
So do you mind making an actual arguement?
Nobody plays doom multiplayer
Mario isn't multiplayer
Halo is multiplayer centric
Halo 5's squad combat was pure garbage and it took away marines and ODST's fighting alongside you, Halo 4 may have replaced the ODSTs with Spartan IVs but at least they were just generic Marines in Spartan Armor in Halo 4. Those dumb fucks can't even properly bring you back to life and it ruins that feeling of being a one-man army when you have three Chief clones following Chief.
Halo is campaign and multiplayer centric, not him but get it right.
The big difference is that Doom's grappling hook and double jumping grants extra mobility without taking anything away. Doomguy can still aim and shoot while flying through the air, and with the double jump you can be lying backwards and still fighting. Mobility in the original Halo games was like this, you could go to every area and make every jump in every map while being able to look and shoot in any direction, while sprint completely locks you out of combat just for the sake of being a little bit faster.
In the context of multiplayer sprint in Halo doesn't work well with the relatively high TTK of most weapons in the game. Catching a player in a bad spot in old Halo meant you could kill them before they could get away, whereas with sprint they can fuck off into cover extremely quickly and recover their shields, which not only breaks the flow of combat but is also extremely frustrating if you don't have a powerful weapon that can kill in a couple of shots.
Oh god, on legendary it's especially awful. You basically have to babysit your teammates all the time, only rarely are they useful when reviving you.
Fuck getting that achievement on The Breaking.
campaign is secondary
it's a multiplayer game foremost
>Halo 5's squad combat was pure garbage and it took away marines and ODST's fighting alongside you,
I've already noted that I agree always having Spartans by you was bad; I'm defending the specific "focus fire on this enemy" sort of command and saying if you could tell that to marines, or tell them to move to X or Y spot, etc, that would be good.
Don't ask stupid questions.
Agreed, it was a shit mechanic to bring into Halo, a power fantasy.
Go play COD, if campaign is terrible the Halo game in question is terrible, that's a fact.
Basically what this user said. Doom Eternal didn't take away your ability to aim and lock you in animations. Also Doom doesn't have sprint.
Why the fuck can id get it right, but 343 still thinks we need all this dumb shit?
I rather kill my own enemies in Halo instead of having someone else do it for me.
Sprint and clamber are the only bad parts about Halo's expanded moveset, along with the abilities tied to sprint.
Halo 2. Best hairstyle.
Nobody plays Halo anymore. It's was ruined and fucked with a knife 3 times. Returning to its roots wouldn't even help because what was left of the playerbase moved on after the clusterfuck that was the MCC. The pro-sprint zoomers and fanboys will play the hell out of infinite for 2 or 3 months, and then it's over. Let Halo die.
Halo has always been campaign first. Go back to cod.
Majority of gameplay comes from multiplayer.
Not since the first game it hasn't been.
Marines already exist and engage in combat in every Halo game you retard, it's just a matter of being able to interact with them and give them instructions.
Literally, just play COD, when come to see Halo game, it isn't for the multiplayer, they want to see the campaign in action.
There's other movement additions beyond just sprint, user.
Even if sprint is bad, that doesn't mean the other ones are.
Also that comparsion is bullshit because you can get to the spot fastest in Halo 5 when you combine sprint with those other abilities.
Except meleeing already temporarily takes away your ability to shoot for a period after the melee animation ends, if melee can do It I don't see why thrusters, clamber etc can't.
That being said i'd be fine if they made it so you could shoot during thrusting and clambering and sliding and such.,
>whereas with sprint they can fuck off into cover extremely quickly and recover their shields, which not only breaks the flow of combat but is also extremely frustrating if you don't have a powerful weapon that can kill in a couple of shots.
5 fixed this by tying shields to sprinting. If you try to sprint away, no shield recharge. If another player gets away from you in 5, 9/10 times it's because you fucked up.
Halo's campaigns are always dull, linear, and focused on setpieces over interesting encounter design. You can breeze through almost the entire game with just 2 weapons.
Halo 2 ain't the best in the series and you do you know why, because the campaign was a disappointing mess. In the whole grand scheme of things, people don't give a fuck about the multiplayer, that shit is only there to keep people playing. Campaign is the bread and butter of this series. If it wasn't Master Chief wouldn't be a gaming icon.
What a dumb argument. No reply for you.
I can give them my weapon and take theirs, I can use them as drivers or passengers in vehicles, that's all marines need to be.
If you make marines more competent you can make larger more difficult encounters.
Then maybe you should stop playing Halo.
Marines are fine as they are, you either keep them alive or let them die, they're not really special just meat shields to use.
>if melee can do It I don't see why thrusters, clamber etc can't.
You are actively dealing damage when you press the melee button. Clamber & thrust remove your ability to deal damage entirely.
>5 fixed this
webm related
>Halo 2 ain't the best in the series
Plenty of people consider it the best game in the series. People play the campaign once or twice, and then keep coming back for the multiplayer. If people didn't give a fuck about the multiplayer, there wouldn't be people playing it constantly.
I have stopped playing the campaigns, they're all the same shit.
>Except meleeing already temporarily takes away your ability to shoot for a period after the melee animation ends
This is the equivalent of saying that firing the Spartan Laser is bad because it briefly takes away your ability to fire the Spartan Laser.
The Spartan Laser is bad because it completely ruins vehicle combat.
t. Banshee faggot
I'll take
>Spartan Charge
>Double Jump
>Armor Abilites (restricted to specific game modes)
Literally anything but sprint, hover or clamber.
The Bashee wasn't even good until Reach, when it was made out of canvas and twigs.
>Plenty of people consider it the best game in the series
Not many people consider it the best, they only consider it the best in mp and even that's debatable. Halo CE or 3 re considered the best in the series by the fans.
>I have stopped playing the campaigns, they're all the same shit
I barely play the multiplayers because they're not that important like the campaigns are.
I only care about the campaign and I don't have a good feeling about 343
>Not many people consider it the best
>Halo CE or 3 re considered the best in the series by the fans.
By what metric?
It's the same generic space opera that has been told a million times, revolving around humanity, technologically-advanced aliens, and savage aliens in high numbers.
>By what metric?
Most metrics
>It's the same generic space opera that has been told a million times, revolving around humanity, technologically-advanced aliens, and savage aliens in high numbers.
So, that's what works, you can leave the series at any time if the campaigns are such a problem for you.
All we need is Arbiter back as the coop partner and its perfect, also Chief seriously needs to deal with ONI, they keep trying to fuck humanity over by trying to assassinate their allies.
woah i like the edge grap. i hope they keep that.
And so Cortana eventually has sex with some shota ai that was on the dawn.
>phantasy star online
Jesus Christ the Xbox Abortlett is being lined up as the boomers console of choice isn’t it?
>Most metrics
So you can't name any?
>you can leave the series at any time if the campaigns are such a problem for you.
I haven't played a Halo campaign in years, and I'm content with that. I don't see myself playing another until they add nonlinear levels.
>inb4 retard thinks nonlinear means open world
We don't need anymore forced Arbiter fanservice, if he has no importance then don't add him, his story ended in Halo 3 and Humans would be the most generic boring enemies in Halo history at that point you might as well call it COD. We don't need Humans vs Humans.
Yes but Gears is SJW shit now so that can be ignored.
>I don't see myself playing another until they add nonlinear levels
Then Infinite may be for you.
I never said it had to be actual human v human, just have Chief put them in their place in a cutscene and there's nothing wrong with Arbiter fanservice and chances are he will have an important role in the story, with Atroix and his banished on the way.
343 will never add playable Elites again because they hate fun.
>Cortana x shota AI
Get the doujins.
Then that would be in Halo Wars 3, there's probably a new Covenant in the place of Jul's Covenant now anyway since it's been some years.
343 isn't all that bad as long as they continue to spite xenofags.
> Anonymous 06/16/19(Sun)10:58:02 No.466662743▶
> (You)
>343 will never add playable Elites again because they hate fun.
They changed the design back to classic Chief, they know people want playable Elites back, its gonna happen.
Jesus christ you people have no concept of counting your chickens before they hatch
Banjo counted his chickens before they patched and now he's been vored by Sakurai in to Smash Bros (Smash bros takes place inside of Sakurai's asshole btw, deepest lore)
People project themselves onto them
That's also why people Noble 6, Revan and any other non-character
>Gears is SJW shit now
>Hurrr durr cover has a woman in it so it means its SJW
Shill your garbage series somewhere else, Gears is dead.
Doesn't matter, when you bend over for trannies it's over, they should have kept Gears dead, once again just like last year that game brought down Microsoft's conference, at least 343 had the balls to put focus on the Master Chief and keep him looking sexy while Gears made the men into soiboys and turned the women into men. Please get the fuck out of the thread, tranny pedo.
Ok so I actually have some buds from my duty days that work for ONI and they agree that Cortana isn't actually realistically functional. If we were to develop anything like here in the real world, it would be an audio based AI. The whole 3D model aspect just doesn't seem feasible now, or even in 500 years.
>Muh Bungie
>I actually have some buds from my duty days that work for ONI
I'm sorry, what?
>Ok so I actually have some buds from my duty days that work for ONI
Um user....
>On PC
I'll believe when it's in my hands and not a second sooner. I've been hearing promises about these games coming to PC forever.
I meant to say that I used to serve with some guys that went on to work for ONI. That's what I meant. We still hang out sometimes but they all agree that Cortana is hot but also bullshit.
>there's probably a new Covenant in the place of Jul's Covenant now anyway since it's been some years.
How big was the Covenant if splinter factions could still be considered a threat to the UNSC? This is like Gudam and Neo Zeon factions all over again.
So, why did they go back to the old design again?
This one looked a bit better
user did you make this post by any chance?
I wish I got that kind of reaction. Jeez.
I never noticed only 4 has toes, anyway 2 looked the best imo
because the anime was better
Halo CE. She's tite enough to be played by Isabela Moner or some other girl that isn't a hag if they wanted to go there.
Who is bigger this new Master Chief or Jorge?
but that looks shit user
Will they ever top "give the Covenant back their bomb"
kys yourself
Does the MCC version of Halo 3 have terrible pop-in? IDK If the other games had that shit but that's what I remember the most vividly in 2007.
Why is everyone too blind and stupid to notice how ugly the glowing blue shit on the back of his helmet looks.
>he doesn't know
>No real Infinite info this year
>No Reach release date in sight
feels like purgatory. I'm fucking bored hurry up.
I want a sequel where I can play as a marine. These guys are peak SOUL friendly NPCs. Go ahead. Name a game with better npc allied grunts. You literally can't.
Sprint and clambering are absolutely cancerous.
I'm fine with dodges though.
>he says while posting cawadooty tacticool Reach marines
I agree with you but you chose one of the worst games that depict marines
Not sure about that with no gameplay there trannyman but keep shitposting
Personally I've always had a thing or the Halo 1 designs. Something about that worn and beat up look.
No Arbiter/Keith David no buy
>ruins his peak performance look
nothing personnel
Look at him. Look at how they massacred my boy.
Reach had the best designs you fucking numpty.
Yeah same - Halo to me seemed to take alot of elements from the Alien movies. The tech seems very 80's like with lots of buttons and CRT screens and next no holograms (very hard gritty military sci-fi)
The marines from 1 - 3 look the best while Reach and beyond just look so off and over designed. Finally they are coming around judging by the Infinite trailer but they still have a lot of unnecessary pouches (it's still an improvement)
What are you talking about tacticool? They look the same except 1 is green and the other is tan or some shit. Also lol at Master Chief in the background.
isn't that helmet from Planetside
Because we play as him and we have no reason not to, you tardboy. Same reason people liked chief in Halo CE despite having little character at all.
In Reach you barely see any marines at all, those are army soldiers.
>We want The Dark Knight audience
Bad bait
Johnson is literally based off of what’s his face in aliens
Some yes - some no. To give credit Reach had the best elite designs
They have too many pouches and are unnecessarily bulky. See in it's very simple design throughout 1 - 3 that is really hard to describe why it looks so good
>In Reach you barely see any marines at all
Dude what, you see them in majority of the campaign dude (On the Tip of the Spear, Long Night of Solace, Exodus, New Alexandria,The Package and The Pillar of Autumn)
don’t you fucking ‘dude’ me, bro
I only remember seeing them in Pillar of autumn and long night of solace, dunno if missed them in the other missions or something.
These games shouldn't be rated M. They're so tame that you can let a 7 year old play em and not worry.
It made no sense why his armor changed. They never had a solid explanation other than “nanobots”
Why does /r/Halo defend that piece of shit game?
How do unironic 343fags genuinely cope? They are spending their time defending a company that has get to make a good game, has yet to write a single good story or character, and who’s style in music and art direction is so bland and over designed that you would be hard pressed to remember a single thing that wasn’t piggybacking off of bungies art team. Seriously, imagine if bungie had never existed, and the only halo you had played was 4 and 5, would you still be a fan? Would you still defend this company? Everything about them is grasping at the legacy of a better series that ran its course and died gracefully years ago, they are literally some soulless interns dragged in by microsoft to reanimate a corpse and keep milking it, and it shows. They have zero personality of their own, there is no passion evident in anything they do. No mechanics are inspired, no new map design or weapon is memorable, it’s just so fucking bland. It speaks volumes that the only time people are excited for their games is when they try to copy bungie even harder. Just let it go, halo is dead. Move on.
>Nobody likes these additions.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Because the Rookie is supposed to literally be the player hence why he never speaks unlike Chief and Noble 6. This means 343i killed the player off in a shit novel
What? r/halo hates H4 &H5 nu-armor as much as the rest of us.
if it’s from 343 will never have SOUL
face it, halo died.