Mom said its my turn to save the planet.
Mom said its my turn to save the planet
Other urls found in this thread:
who is mom?
there's a my bloody valentine poster hanging up in midgar
do you think aeris is a fan of them?
Probably happened that way desu
at least post the corrected version
That’s obnoxiously cute
Tifa probably. Knew a girl in school who liked them that liked Tifa. Seems to be an affinity.
Russian doll
honk honk!
Claudia Strauss
Granny tranny!
What would Aerith say if you told her that you thought she'd be more attractive with blonde hair?
within reason. Give Tifa and Cloud disc 1 set and development, give Cloud some post-death ennui and that’s best. Both of these happen but expanding would not hurt.
Mom user doesn't let me play on his video game
>hands on hips
Vote for your favorite
The thing is they have so much time on their hands since they won't go beyond Midgar, that's almost inavoidable not to expand Tifas screentime and since she is so heavily involved with Cloud I just can't image her not getting more scenes with him. Also back in 1997 Aeris was officially the main girl, since her dying and Tifa taking over was a huge spoiler. But that's not the case anymore.
Oniisan one
She asked you if you wanted to go out to the ice cream parlor but you said you had to work
this. the ribbon makes her look like a piggie
She'd point you to the blonde twink, ripe for the taking.
Not talking about Midgar per se. Your second point confuses me though, I’m not against expanding as long as the OG pacing is still preserved.
They’d still have to make the death hurt by making Aerith important to everyone (player and Cloud as pov included), and make Tifa Strikes Back a disc 2 event where she helps Cloud and by extension everyone crawl out of the whole. It would be good to have more development going in I agree since their relationship made that sequence not boring. But before then Tifa’s problem is not saying what she feels so either they nix that or it’s the same awkward convo in every town if they go too far.
Why is she so smug?
Lets go oniisan~
she sees your micropenis
I think SE knows that the pay off in disc 2 doesn't work anymore since it takes too much time till we get there so my prediction is that, Cloud and Tifa will have every disc something like a mini arc where they get closer to each other
She’s a huge smuggo
is she voiced by futaba or is that jessie
Omg I would follow nerdy hipster Aeris to the ends of the earth
Cuter than I’d like to admit
the ribbon looks like pig ears, I mean really convincingly for some reason
Post her face when you awkwardly, nervously, tell her you think she has pretty toenail polish
Fine line between reasonable expansion and ship pandering I guess.
Okay, now this is epic xD
>80s and early 90s sitcom opening
>some upbeat song playing while everyone is introduced with big grins
She just locked you in chastity and swallowed the key
not that user but see
Considering how autistic this fanbase is about shipping I'm thinking they will either go full tilt pandering or cut it out completely out of spite. Erase Aerith flirting and Tifa awkwardness and just have them be fembros.
She kinda does look like Phoebe doesn't she
How about you just read fanfic instead?
damn nigga, you right
Why doesn’t it work? Only thing I can think of is they fear the fanbase will expect it and get mad.
suggestions pls
I wish fanfics were good
fanfiction is fake and gay
Where are we going today~?
>all the jealous/insecure Tifacucks in the last thread
My fucking sides. Also fuck you cucked Aeris-shitter.
>i like Aeris but I totally want to see Tifa and Cloud develop more!
You aren't an Aeris-fag, you're a cuck and Tifa is garbage and will never be good and her and Cloud will never make sense and they had zero foundation. Choke.
because it takes way too long, nigga
>she sees your dick
Costa del Sol baby
Perfect place for a date
>if this nigga don't shut the fuck up
That erases the whole point. There is supposed to be a rift between them that Tifa is too scared/awkward to acknowledge until much later.
They are NEVER going to replace Aeris with Tifa as the main girl. That's why Aeris is still the main focus in all the trailers and not Tifa. That's why Aeris meeting Cloud is in the official story synopsis. That's why Tifa's design looks like shit and they didn't give a single fuck about pandering to her cucked fans like you.
Meanwhile they rushed to tweak Aeris for her fans.
So this is the power of SEETHE, huh?
There are plenty of good FFVII ones but they take ages to find.
It's aerith mate.
Because she knows she will always cuck Tifa, even from beyond the grave.
In your fucking dreams. They are going full-force with Cloud/Aeris interaction because she will die.
Yea okay. If what you say about Nomura is true then what I say doesn’t matter anyway and it’s a done deal we get a better denouement.
holy fuck my sides
fix that neck seam
That place where there are cats just chilling and you can play with them
Actual new ending coming through. Delusional Tifawhales need not apply.
So when are we gonna see the Turks?
This. And Tifa’s afraid of inquiring too deeply because of Cloud’s fucked uo brain.
>she locks you in a chastity cage when you stay the night at her place for safety reasons
>wont' unlock you later to keep YOU safe from Don Cornio and his men
>too busy during the tower escape to unlock you
>after your pervy story telling at Kalm she REFUSES to unlock you
>later when you ask she just taunts you with, "Why, gonna do something pervy?"
She won't unlock you before marriage.
>after she dies her body sinks to the bottom of that lake and now the key is lost forever
Are you sure? You look like I'm bothering you
Link them if you want
clearly drawn by a woman, they're too fujobaity
Are Reno and Rude gonna be comedic relief again?
I agree 100% but I think you need moments between Cloud and Tifa in between the different episodes since the pacing between discs is much different than between games
based roastie hipster aerith
Pervy story? Oh the part where Cloud sniffs Tifa’s underwear
He really was an omega male
lmao she dies
is she going to tell Cloud about "the gender wage gap?"
>that entire post
super cute
I think we all agree more or less. 3 of us I think. Take notes Nomura!
More like oink oink with the pig ears ribbon.
Still more relevant and useful than Tifa. Seeth.
no, but about (((her))) transition
When do I get to play the story DLC with this Party?
Don’t. He’s getting mad at aeritfags who aren’t radical enough after all.
>all Tifacucks talk about is how ugly she is now and her lack of tits
>all Tifacucks talks about is how irrelevant their shitty waifu always was so now they are trying to make fanfiction where she has more interaction with Cloud
Keep being cucked and delusional. Makes for great entertainment while I wait for Aeris' game.
Aeris is in all the trailers and holding Cloud's hand. Meanwhile Tifa is looking like a ps3 reject and sitting a foot away from Cloud like the cuck she is.
Who is making these autistic edits
Based and truthpilled.
>be having hell of a night with tifa at the bar drinking and making jokes
>you notice she's drunk and she gives you THAT look
>aren't radical enough
Only a cuck like you would think not wanting your waifu to get cucked is "radical"
Never happening btw, so you look retarded either way.
Go fap to Tifa and Cloud fanfics since that's all you really care about.
Why are Aerith fags so bitter?, Is it because she is dead?
Okay you’re a poe.
Any of you faggots watched FF abridged series?
It really get good on season 2
Fuck off, they’re cute
Probably, though they'll still be threatening at times.
>He seriously thinks SE won't pander to fujos in this.
There are more Seprioth doujins than Tifa ones
You know what to do
It’s an obvious troll at this point
>Why are Aerith fags so bitter?
Says the Tifacucks who spent the past week screeching about Tifa's design and the entire last thread trying to convince yourself Tifa was more popular and now you are writing fanfics to try and give her more screentime.
Stop exaggerating her chest her tits aren't that big you no sex loser I saw the trailer
yeah. Can't believe he just told everyone about that. Poor fool.
People who weren't happy with the new designs I guess
Women. Joined because of 7, ruined franchise
Too cute
Fuck off cuck. Go suck up to Tifacucks like usual. Aeris deserves better fans than you anyway.
>waah the Aerisfag called me out for being a cuck!
Just as much of a baby bitch as Tifacucks, you'll fit right in.
Tifafags too. Waifufags being cancer as always. This is why VII should have been left in the past where it belongs.
I'm not a zoomer who watched the other abridged shit but I enjoy it even if the characters are completely different from the original. It has some decent writing
Nice bait
If they make Reno a bumbling qt again and not a sociopathic monster, probably with a drug problem given his gaunt depictions in concept art, to appease fujos then this remake is dead to me
The biggest question: Has Bonbi done Aerith cosplay yet?
Says the same insecure retard who got called out last thread for bragging about Tifa's imagined popularity. Triggerd much, you insecure ugly cuck?
You post exactly like some tifafags who were screaming at me like a week ago so yea I do.
Yea. Probably a bad trend for the series.
The OO stickers are fucking great
Who is Bonbi?
Am I out of the loop or are there AI programs that can make these edits really easy nowadays? It seems like these are a shit ton of effort
its just a bunch of people having fun
Do not stop my good man
>23 IPs
>132 posts
ded game
I want to fuck Zack sexually. No homo.
Have you never heard of Faceapp and Snapchat, grandpa?
Go write shitty fanfiction, whale. Aeris is off-limits for you.
Ask why a grown ass woman is using a pleaded skirt with socks
>It's actually the Aeris cuck
holy fuck my sides
Waiting on edits, and watching some guy scream at everyone
how do you fuck someone non sexually
It was around this time too. And they got mad as fuck like you.
Either way, at least I am persuasive and can get people to agree with me.
Isn’t she like 18
t. Tifacuck
Go post another popularity poll before you cry yourself to sleep about Aeris getting more screentime just in the trailers alone.
Figuratively and literally.
She's 20-21 in FFVII, which is really old in JRPG land
We are Yea Forums, the famous hacker. Edits of this level is nothing to us.
God Rufus has such a cool looking suit
Bonnie is only the cutest cosplayer to have ever existed
She's 20. Practically over the hill.
>At least I can suck Tifacuck dick to get them to give me attention
twitter is more suited to your type of cucked attentionwhoring, whale
I don't need people to agree with me, they know they are wrong which is why they get triggered every time I show up.
Just your average AeriTH thread
I want to fuck Rufus nonsexually. Figuratively.
>Just your average Tifacuck getting triggered thead
Suck so much dick they type in all caps
That Nomura managed to design a character without needless belts and zippers is a monumental achievement
I want to fuck Aerith maritally. For the sake of procreation.
The only ff7 threads which dont have few ips are bitching about changes desu
t. dicksucking wannabe Aeris-fag
based mutt babies
Would 1/4th Cetra be able to talk to the planet?
Yea that’s me for sure.
They get the gist of it
Last one. I'm out of source pictures
Just imagine
Glad you finally admit it.
>The only ff7 threads which dont have few ips are bitching about changes desu
Not that user but having 170 replies and only 24 IPs is absolute autistic tier
why is it hot chicks have horrible voices and ugly chicks have cute voices
it's a curse
>Tifacucks are triggered autists
Wow, this is brand new information!
>the chick's hair is an unnatural color
I'm going to stop you right there
Yea but the sources are obvious since it’s a guy posting pics and another reee-ing
Cloud, did you 13% percent of the population is responsible for 50% of the planet degradation?
Your all faggots.
Get ready for at least a year of this.
You're welcome.
Especially as news and activites wind down. This faceapp idea is the best reaction to the e3 trailer I’ve seen here though. Very cute
she cute so it's okay
My eyes are up here!
Oh what are you getting all huffy about? You barely have tits.
So you were looking?!
I can't get much out of Tifa. Even from AV screens.
She looks like she considers herself an artist
Aerith's jealous friend
she's too good for this memery
Writing her paper about white supremacist beauty standards
No! I mean I just happened to see but I didn't look! I mean, but, come on, it's obvious that you don't have... um. Nevermind. Let's mosey.
Sorry, Asian Americans girls are the biggest SJW's. The absolute worst.
Looks like the hapa girl that is ultra feminist in public and makes english lit speeches about the evils of white supremacy but gets herself off every night to raceplay porn
Applied some hipster makeup
smile too broad
Wait, what kind of SJW ever smiles? Give her fish-mouth
She's watching a white male be castrated
Yea they are pretty bad, asian idpol is the worst because they’re not subtle about it just being a greedy racial animus thing
See Chairman Pao and Sarah Jeong
Well now it makes sense. Don't understand why she hasn't colored her hair neon red, green, or turquoise yet.
She's in her late 30's but aging gracefully
If she were like 37 in game this would be an absolutely perfect render
Got some Tifa finally
Kpop Tifa
I hate it when Asian girls dye their hair
>go back to Yea Forums
>suprise to see shit thread is still up
>Ip didn't change
>realizing that the entire thread is just one psycho talking with himself
Jesus Christ
No I'm here too.
Last one
There was one more guy who joined
She looks mad she was called “cute” still (because that’s a patronizing stereotype about asian woman and so on)
Lurking clearly. This stuff is cute.
This is a second thread so it’s not surprising
Needs purple hair streak for maximum SJW.
Okay really last one. I'm exhausted and need some sleep
I don't care for latinas
Please tell me he's just wearing a wig and that's not his actual hair
it's real
page 10 save
>223 posts
>27 ips
He looks like t.average Yea Forums poster
t. OP
Thank you sir. You did great
They want to ensnare a white guy.
>ctrl + f aeris
>21 hits
based Mukki the perforator
The porn we'll have of this, Jesus.
what the fuck is this thread
People like Aeris’ face in the e3 trailers, and people started messing with whatsapp in a different thread. So here we are