Why is the switch so expensive?
Why is the switch so expensive?
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Nintendo never lower their prices. Wii U was still selling for full price long after it's death.
It isn't. They make shittier cell phones that cost twice as much.
It’s really not just get a job
$300 for the console
$70 for the controller
$40 form replacement Joycon when one of yours inevitably starts drifting
$30 for a case
becuase they know, no matter what, Nintendo fans will do whatever it takes to buy anything with an Nintendo logo.
They are second behind Apple in terms of absolute zealotry.
And before people say I'm a fanboy, you can see a few titles from first party Xbox/PC/PS4 that don't sell that well. And before you make that lame ass excuse of "hurr durr, those game are the suxor", even shit ass games like Mario Tennis Aces, that last Yoshi shit game, got free passes (as usual).
A cell phone as much more purpose than a fucking handheld (or was it console? Nintendo keeps flip-flopping the narrative).
Next, you're going to tell me PCs are obsolete, since we are eventually going to be able to do everything on a TV? GTFO, SHILL.
It's worse in Japan. Used switches are going for around $380 USD due to high demand.
> Confirming to Yea Forums that their plan was to nickle and dime everything
Because you fuckers all bought it in droves at said price and Nintendo knows it.
Had the Switch pulled a 3DS in terms of no fucking sales, then Nintendo's hand would've been forced and this overpriced tablet would be at $200 as it should be and packed with a game.
I don't think that was implied at all. I'm just talking pure hardware. The manufacturing cost of cell phones that cost twice as much of the Switch are probably lower.
Yoshi sold pretty poorly and Mario Tennis's core gameplay is kino. Stay mad at Nintendo's success though.
Dockless Switches run around 200$ usd new
kid on the way and getting kicked out of the country soon. 200$ for a console is viable but 400 is not
sign this, nintendofriends
I'll never buy it.
I bought a 2080ti over it, that's how much i hate everything it stands for.
cheapest xbox is 200$
why would anyone want to play a gimped version of a video game? why ruin the the experience?
is it a coping mechanism coz you bought a handheld that only plays mario and zelda?
>want to play the new smash with some friends
>300 dollars for a switch
>60 dollars for smash ultimate
>75x4 +70 = 370 for nintendo brand gamecube controllers and adapter that scalpers got a hold of.
>(80x4)x2 = 640 for a suite of pro controllers and joycons just in case
>650 for a traeger bbq to cook food so we can eat
>1600 for a 65" OLED TV
>400 dollars for a soundbar with that
>3700 for genuine leather sectional
>6120 dollars just to play Smash
>399 Australian dollerydoos for the system
Okay that seems fi-
>not bundled with any games, (the bundles cost like $550 for some of the laziest limited edition designs ever)
>even 2+ year old games are still full price because Nintendo
>$90 for a non shit controller
>$30 for online
>extra for storage
I swear Nintendo is doing everything it can to get me from buying this thing
I think they're quite reasonably priced. The build your own bundle got me the switch, breath of the wild and a case for about £300.
The last time I heard someone call the Switch is expensive was from an 18 year old that was still studying.
Finish your education and get a job, OP.
Fathers of nintendo fans have a lot of secrets to keep.
Why do they charge more for having the worst performing games?
Nintendo has lowered their console prices before. NES, SNES, GameCube, Game Boy Advance SP, various DS models, 3DS, 2DS, all got price cuts and that's the ones I know off the bat. Wii U they were being retarded with everything they did because they were still fat off the Wii.
Switch is still full price because it's relatively still new, like only 2.5 years old right now, and people are still buying it pretty damn well.
it's a premium product
you can play aaa games on the go
buy a used 3ds if you want something cheap
>Why is [overpriced product] so expensive?
Because fanboys and dumbasses still buy it fully priced. That's why Apple's products are expensive, and that's why Nintendo's games/consoles don't go down in price.