Yea Forums i am 32 years old and have never played a playstation exclusive game. I've only owned a xbox 360, game boy advance and a super nintendo. I recently bought a ps4 pro and playing dauntless. Give me some must play playstation games.
Yea Forums i am 32 years old and have never played a playstation exclusive game. I've only owned a xbox 360...
user, I...
have it downloading now, also downloaded the latest uncharted.
God of War
Persona 5
dont knock it till you tried it
So this is the best playstation has to offer?
You should get the PSP and PS2 emulator and get some SOCOM games they are my favorite Playstation IPs besides Sly. I miss them so much PS4 was a waste of metal and plastic for not having a socom game
i'm not really a military shooter player
>he doesn't DUDE WEED post after a gravity bong
Oh shit uhhhhh I really liked Heavy Rain but I wouldn't exactly call it good
I love my gravity bong check out vortex water pipes
Kings fields 1 and 2
make sure you get the dlc
also if you want a good game for the weeds then get Journey.
most D U D E posters are stoners
>playing dauntless
Why would you do that
Anyway I don't have any recommendations for what you should play but avoid the last of us and life is strange like the plague.
Gravity rush is apparently pretty good but certain items can no longer be gained because they shut down the online.
I don't need to try it, I have seen first hand what weed turns people into.
What are you even talking about?
>ive never drank alcohol but people who are drunk disgust me.
imagine being this fucking stupid holy shit. i bet you dont have many friends
This. Weed turns people into mindless fucking degenerates at best, and violent psychopaths at worst. There's a reason it's fucking schedule 1
Jokes on you I don't drink either
But I would rather be in a room full of drunkards than a single stoner.
Oh no the fucking stoner hippy is gonna murder me what ever will I do
Oh but alcohol and vaccines are okay? Life is all about balance, anything in excess is bad for your health, be it drugs, food, sex, self harm, bideo blames even. Drugs weren't even illegal on a massive scale before the 70s and shits worse than ever. I can't wait til acids legal again. It only got outlawed because it cures alcoholism and the brewer's didn't like that. Damn shame
whoa this bait is spicy as fuck.
You sound like someone who has to scrape resin becuase you just HAVE to get high. Fucking sad. If you have to resort to weed to enjoy yourself, you might as well an hero.
my point is that being stoned is fun. its like when you were a kid and everything you did was fun.
if you dont want to do it then dont, but you dont need to be a cunt.
If you have to resort to using drugs to have fun, I have some bad news for you...
>HAS to resort to weed
I bet you listen to awful music, get in line for your swirly dork
You people are falling for liberal propaganda deliberately designed to get you hooked on bullshit drugs that will ruin your life and let them control whats left of it
>scraping resin
bruh thats fucking disgusting. im not a fucking degenerate. i smoke out of pic related then go out to like the movies or some shit
Nice try, pothead
try and explain that to people at bars.
you're the only one here who dosent seem to be enjoying themselves
Its the fucking people that act like, if you don’t use marijuana, you are the scum of the earth and a narc. The kind that seem to always need to dress in some kind of weed clothing and tout that it has zero drawbacks and no addictiveness. The kind of fucking people that wear cookie monster pajama bottoms in public. It you want to use it recreationally, be my guest. But let it consume you, and you deserve to die.
Bruh I'm much worse than that, weed is nothing I hit this dab pen like 24/7 go to work 40hours a week, live a full life enjoy life. I agree it's a habit but it's 60$ a week vs my father who drank 120$ worth of beer my whole life. I'm a product of my environment for sure and I would say the healthiest thing to do is avoid all vices. I'm just a weak man :) but I'm strongly against regular drinking. Alcohol kills tens of thousands and weed kills like 200 people a year. Fuck pills by then way shits legal heroin it's designed to get you hooked
They have issues too
you seem like a real downer. you doing alright?
based and redpilled
Nah. Im just set in my way of thinking if that you have to resort to that shit to “have fun”, you’ve got problems.
thats only like 5% of stoners. the rest are so laid beack that you dont really see or hear about them.
it just so happens the loud autistic ones are always the ones posting because thats just the type of people they are. but admitably they are sometimes pretty entertaining, vid related.
fuck off weedfag, you're triggering me
alright man. if that makes you happy.
Well, I guess where I live, we have a fuckton of them then. Had a friend turn into one and just cut him out. He got fucking annoying, always trying to get me to use. No thanks, I have a fucking job that pays $30/hour and im not risking that for a high. I’ll stick to drinking and playing vidya
Yeah, it does. My body is a fucking temple.
im in canada so there isnt that legal stigma up here anymore. do you reckon you'd give it a try if you lived in a legal state?
Half of America secretly smokes weed lol. 1 in 2 people you know have or currently still smoke weed
I would only a try as MAYBE an edible, and then go sit and play some games. Otherwise, probably not.
The Last of Us obviously
And Days Gone, but expect it to be a AA game.
Fuck God of War and fuck Horizon Zero Dawn.
Naw bruh you gotta pop your lung's cherry with the lung buster!
Last of Us is gay and boring play Dying Light instead
T. Nigga who preorder and beat TLoU on PS3
an edible is a bad way to start. they're too intense to start off with. its less of a high and more of a trip. but some people like that kind of think so what do i know.
>not posting the superior version
I did think about it
It's gay and boring if you're a retard.
Bruh that's trash play some Monster Hunter
>My body is a fucking temple.
i smok catnip it good make my play video gameit good
What do you know? You like the Last of Pus!
finally gotit pipe work n for the smoke lol
>smoking 2 bowls and 2 dabs withing 10 minuites
im suprized he can still talk that shit would knock me out
I've smoked cat nip, it's awful of a bong but it does get you high and it's legal and cheap AF. Figured it out when I was broke house sitting for a cat lady. If you have hair and your chest and a drink next to you can get the smoke down and the high is decent
>I've smoked cat nip
ill start by saying thats fucking retarded, but i am intrigued.
whats the high like?
it good snook it the alumnum pencil eraser cap though it and the black tape you light it and you choke so for me you just be careful with the fire lol
Saving your time by warning you not to buy Horizon zero dawn.
Monster Hunter World, FFXV, KH, DQXI and P5 if you like jrpgs and of course RDR2. Mhw is like Dauntless, or should I say. Dauntless is like MHW. It's an amazing game.
it catch your throat but you feel elated but it the worst thing might be the small headache after the done with ya smoke
i think that catnip just fucked your english mate
I like to smoke and play STALKER while ripped as fuck. It really helps me get in the zone.
I've been dry since 4/20 though.
You ever try snuff and swallow some by accident, get that nicotine buzz. It's similar to that but a little bit of double vision and sound delay. It's better than cigarettes that's for sure
My cat has that same catnip bruh
it also seems to impair speech/typing.
Why? I've smoked that fucking K2 stuff out of bongs with literal insect wings in the bowls and I wouldn't smoke catnip.
then it sounds like its not for me. that feeling always made me uncomfortable. like having too many coffees.
interesting to know tho. wonder if thats how cats feel it. or if its stronger for their smaller bodies
he dont smoke it stupid i do
he like the hot and cold
Depending on the strength an edible will smack the shit out of you. First time I had an edible I had to go to sleep because I got the spins and that got me ready to vomit. I rarely get high though. Usually only once every few months if I'm feeling extra shitty after work. I prefer booze.
imagine being this mad about people lighting a plant on fire
Why does your cat look like Snoop?
he really like he hot n cold lol
>I'll stick to drinking
Fucking retard
I mean they aren't completely wrong. Just like liquor, there are people that can use it sparingly and there are people that end up basically living to get high. I've had friends blow entire paychecks on weed, and they're the same kind of fuck heads who will bloviate about how it's a perfectly fine, safe, healthy vice and way better for them than every other drug, while they struggle to pay their rent and have no idea what a 401k even is because they blow a bag a day.
we posting hot and cold cats high of they m/f ass
>way better for them than every other drug
this is unfortunetly kind of true. most other drugs will fuck you alot worse in the longrun, even alcohol.
the best ones tho, in case you were wondering are adderall and LSD. those just makes you better at life
>Just like liquor
how about just like literally anything, there are people who do the thing the right way and the wrong way
and keep in mind not everyone is not everyone is on track to being the next president and some people are comfortable getting comfortable in the low position they are in in life,
spiderdude is pretty neat if you like superhero shit
this. for example Yea Forums is a place where people are addicted to being retards
Fuck you this is wrong.
in terms of physical harm sure, but what I'm saying is that they still ultimately end up pissing their life away. It might not kill them. Their lungs will be fucked from chronic smoking but they wont die, but living paycheck to paycheck for any vice will ultimately lead you to a shitty life. Granted the kind of dopers that do this probably would just replace weed with something else if weed didn't exist.
You've missed nothing.
what about this?
to be fair, most people dont really have a life to piss away to begin with, not just stoners.
well. unless you're Seth Rogan
>some people are comfortable getting comfortable in the low position they are in in life
Dude I've worked blue collar jobs for almost decade now. If a blue collar worker isn't a devout Christian, they're almost certainly getting fucked up on something(s). Believe me I know. I'm talking about the people that can't handle their shit. Weed addicts that can't handle their shit will turn people off of it like any other addict would, and I've seen enough to know I'll only use it sparingly at best.
this is hypnotizing, it's like listening to a mantra
tfw watching my friends become dopamine addicts who can't enjoy life naturally because they've ruined their natural dopamine production by abusing drugs that drastically increase it. weed is not addictive, but it does create a dependency in your mind. if you're at the point where you have to smoke to enjoy a game or music, it's probably already too late
>people who are shitty at moderation lead shitty lives
no shit sherlock, how are you acting as if that's some sort of revelation
just because people are fucking retarded doesn't mean you need to get your panties in a wad about them smoking pot
>doing weed when you could be doing acid instead
how can you enjoy this weak ass shit
here's a little secret
anyone who needs a drug to enjoy everything in their life is actually deeply unhappy and likely would have already killed themselves out of despair of the pain of life had it not been for them getting into that drug and for some it's probably the only motivating force in life, if not as the drug giving them the motivation to go on living to do other things then as the drug being the motivation for them to go on living for the sake of being able to be alive and able to use it and enjoy themselves
nobody lives with society in mind unless they already do, for the other people either too fucked up to fit into it or don't see the point then drugs are there to give them a floor to stand on, whether that's a good or a bad thing I think that depends, anyway what I'm trying to say is your friends are all very unhappy and desperately need someone to talk to
Basedand MultiDimensionalTimetravelerPilled
I did it once but I don't think I'll do it again, I'm sticking to cannabis from now on for regular use, nothing else
Definitely Days Gone, my favorite Sony exclusive so far.
stick to your weak shit pussy boi.
in the meantime im going to go to space. wish me luck
Holy shit the autism has reached unprecedented levels.
Have sex
Nice try, nigger. I just deleted all my yiff.
I've got too much shit to do in a day to trip for 7 hours
soundslike you need to dilate
I'm taking a break. Nexus and LSD doesn't do anything for me anymore. Took around 12 hits around Christmas time and I still feel high as fuck every day.
I don't want to do it again because it was too much I don't want to do it again because I already got the message
it's pointing you to waking life and telling you to do the hard thing and change that but you think you're stronger for free floating in space
that seems like a lot of projecting or maybe you have something personal against drugs, I didn't say anything about happiness
>There's a reason it's fucking schedule 1
hows that jewish boot taste?
you get a different message each time you do it mate. my first time was compleatly different then your first time. thats the best part. its a new experience each trip
>guys im not addicted i swear i dont need it
>oh god catnip will do yes please dopamine yes
really sad and im glad i quit
you say that like people not being happy in life isn't relevant to every problem there is
I never said I wasn't fucked up what I'm saying is weed ain't shit
but it always ends up in the same place, it's not weird for someone to rewatch a movie 10 times but it is for them to rewatch it 100 times
my point is, serotonin and dopamine aren't the same thing. my friends aren't depressed without drugs, they're just immensely bored.
You guys need to stop freaking out.
but its not like watching the same movie every time. its like watching a different movie each time you use it. it just dosent get old. its like visiting heaven or something. its just an enjoyable trip of bliss and nostalgia and constant epiphany. its hard not to enjoy.
thats a big weed
I did and walked to my convenience store for some monsters and snacks before quickly returning home.
My roommate at the time said I came back 6 hours later with no snacks or monsters.
It's like a fucking mystery without conclusion on what I did those 6 hours outside, I have no idea.
lol ill be taking care of you in a few years.
enjoy the fun while it lasts.
it's just a chemical. and it's the best thing in your life.
very, very sad.
life is sad mate. we all die anyways, might as well have fun while im here
It's not my guns are my greatest joy, never slept better until I had a bedroom full of guns
How do I get a gf?
preferably one that loves me and not just for quick sex
you post on internet forums and make ironic
memes and eventually you'll meet one
Follow my advice, I know it takes a bit of effort and time but with enough discipline even an average dude can do it.
JUST b yourself
why would you buy a PS4 to play fucking dauntless
even though you're a dumb stoner, bloodborne is legit one of the best games ever made and i hope you enjoy it.
I'll be taking care of myself. After many trips I became much more productive. Too bad it came with a price, now I remember thought processes occuring in my skull and I can't help but see personality as a bad algorithm.
watch yourself mate, i trip alot too but you're sounding a bit like a nutter
I do not see true darkness anymore the acid improved my night vision
>he's never had a drug fueled psychotic episode that ends with you waking up in a mental hospital
pic related
bloodborne is a game that fully encapsulates what it feels like to do acid. with a gothic twist!
>smoke too much wax
>think im satan
>end up committed
>black guy with tattoos there thinks hes god
>hijinks ensue but we just banter and play madden
>leave like 2 days later because i realise im not fucking satan and im just a retard who need to stop smoking so much
fun times
If you enjoy Japanese shit
>Persona 5
>Shadow of the colossus
>The last guardian
>Nioh (although waiting for nioh 2 wouldn't be bad
>Trails of cold steel series
>Ys series
>Yakuza series
>Dragons crown
>Odin sphere
>Gravity Rush series
If you don't
>God of war series
>Spider Man
>Horizon zero Dawn
>Ratchet and clank
>last of us
And you can wait for the upcoming ghost of tsushima and death stranding which both look great but you never know. They could be shit.
I spent years on this board, of course I'm nuts.
I don't know how I missed FF7 remake but yeah there's that too which looks great. And if you want 2 ps1 classics there is Castlevania Requiem. But you can emulate it too if you wanna.
fair enough... carry on...
lol no that shit will fuck you way worse than weed longterm if abused. fucks up your brain and can potentially fuck up your heart. LSD isn't bad but when abused can lead to early onset schizophrenia if you're predisposed to it
this.. my dad is a respiratory therapist. treats patients with lung and heart issues. there was a girl, around age 20, who was having tests done & her heart had basically failed, she needed a transplant. claimed that the cause was all of the adderall she took as a kid
Yea Forums im 42 years old and in less than a year i will die
Why can't you guys have fun in video games, i mean it's a video game board and yet there are so many degenerate addicts here. Is the life itself no fun unless you're high 24/7? That's just wrong and deep inside you know i am right. I don't expect people to have athletic bodies and outstanding iq parameters but at least try to manage your life properly without drugs.
>there was a girl, around age 20, who was having tests done & her heart had basically failed, she needed a transplant. claimed that the cause was all of the adderall she took as a kid
Jesus any more details? I abused it for a while in college and my body does funny shit sometimes twitches and whatnot. Just how bad was this girl?
you're coming with me! put the weed on the ground and put your hands in the air!
drugs are fun nothing else too it.
i have a girlfreind that ill do them with. i work a job that pays $25 hour and i decent flat.
lifes great. and drugs just make it better.