Why do all the girl gamers play like shit in comp?
Why do all the girl gamers play like shit in comp?
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Lack of situational awareness
I watched a lot of male and female let's players and streamers, most of everyone are just shit in general. But there are good female gamers just as there are good male ones.
god women are fucking pathetic
Because women did not receive the natural selection process to be successful in twitch reflex competition
This whole post is "e3 reddit immigrant" incarnate. Every single letter of it.
There are good female players, but competitive teams usually pick the prettier faces for marketing and build whole teams out of females, instead of having mixed compositions because "muh gur powa"
React slower and all that.
So different way of thinking was just another way of saying women are just dumber?
They're biologically inferior in everything
I know female gamers who are both good and pretty.
Is she implying you requiere intelligence to play the piece of RNG-based crap that CSGO is?
They are simply different because their bodies and psychology are made for giving birth and raising kids.
Men are born for hunting.
Sadly, nowadays neither women have kids, and men don't fight.
Which is why the world is going to shit, because people are not doing what they were born to do.
Why does CS:GO have so much RNG anyway? Why can't they just set it so shots are consistent?
>t. someone that barely played CS
The world just works differently. Women can work and caretakers specialize in kids so the skills are more spread out now.
The best player at the Mario maker invitational was female, she only lost because she got fucked over by her teammate.
The shots aren't TOO rng, there's a definite pattern you can follow/ingrain into muscle memory to have 93~% accuracy. The issue is the shit tickrate on most servers meaning you have to prefire or you'll be dead before anyone appears on your screen.
Imagine actually typing this out.
She probably wanted an easy win in the next round, she underestimated how important the teamwork would be.
>Slightly slower reaction time and slightly less spacial senses, which is a complete make or break on competitive videogames
>lack of competitive drive to men means that a majority of women aren't very motivated to improve or compete in competitive videogames
That 2nd one is probably for the best regardless of gender. Wanting to get into videogames on a competitive level like tournaments or speedrunning is something for complete autists. But statistical outliers happen all the time like , so women do have the potential for it. It's all in the drive to want to compete I guess.
Also women can hear better than men though, so that's a thing. Not sure how it'll help though.
and y'all wonder why you're virgins
Everything he said is true, your reaction is a shallow cope.
Women must unite to prove themselves against the patriarchy.
CS, the original mod, was marketed as "Come play this if you're getting owned too hard in Quake!"
It's always been a casual, RNG-based game, a zero-movement simple game with automatic hitscan guns that 1hit - but it's just that the rest of the industry has gotten even more casual then CS, so nowadays CS seems like a skillful game.
Let me give you a real protip: worshiping pussy is not going to get you anywhere. Not with women, and definitely not with life overall.
there are no girls on the internet
Name three. And when you can’t take your fat ass and fuck off
right... so can anyone with a brain explain why girls play like shit?
Projection is a hell of a drug
Ying's pretty smart.
>plays Phoenix Wright and monster hunter
Yeah I’m sure she’d do great in comp. try again fat boy
all women are braindead whores
imagine believing this
are white families so broken that people don't talk to their sisters or are you all just single children incles
The only bad thing about women is that they're literal herd creatures and incapable of independent thought.
It's a pretty bad thing, though.
They don't have access to video games at younger ages like males do.
complete bullshit
women are much more susceptible to group think yes, because of their biology and sociology, which is something most do not deny. If you talk to them and understand it's just a part of life.
there are a lot of really, really dumb men as well
humans are just generally stupid
I'm not talking about intelligence. I'm purely talking about the groupthink impulse. It makes even the smartest women fucking insufferable to talk to. They literally have no thoughts besides whatever is popular in their geographic region and the media they consume. They are so afraid of becoming "not normal."
Yes, because women aren't men. They bleed once a month and wake up throwing up so they can have a child and create life.
You might be gay. Which is fine, but no one cares how much a gay guy hates women.
I miss 1.6 bros
Also, I have even observed women to be prone to "group doublethink."
Women can have two completely different (often opposing!) belief systems that they use for two different social circles they want to be accepted within. The same woman will freely talk to men and conservative women about how the wage gap is bullshit and talk to feminists about how it's a big problem.
Wherever they are, women just want to be accepted, above all. They absolutely cannot tolerate social scorn of any kind. Social shaming is unbearable to them, which I guess is why all of their insults involve it.
if you're getting matched with girl gamers you're as shit as them
You can get them in shit games at all ranks. I frequently saw women in Overwatch playing the brainless support characters and pocketing men all the way up to 4400+ SR
>They bleed once a month and wake up throwing up so they can have a child and create life.
Actually these days it's more like "so they can work a retail 9-5 and die with 40 cats"
People considered CS to be easier than Quake? I always felt I had a easier time in Quake than CS, I'm awful at reflex shots like they do in CS but I can handle rocket projectiles pretty well in Quake.
Incel: The Post
I love gamer girls though, I hope to find a good enough one one of these days. I mean, I some good gamer girls but still no perfect one.
Butthurt broad the post
I love my wife chiaki
It's a lot easier to socailise if you don't waste effort thinking analytically so from personal experience in a one off encounter they tend to stick to relatable topics and talking points. Unless you somehow know where their real interest lie in which case they won't shut up about it and bring it up whenever they talk to you.
They also think you're the weird one for wanting to discuss more esoteric topics unless you're just lecturing them about it.