
Attached: wtf.png (1920x1076, 2.46M)

Other urls found in this thread:

It looks breathtaking

Attached: 1560140532166.jpg (1280x960, 153K)

>PS4 vs Switch - graphics matter
>PS4 vs Xbox - graphics don't matter

BOTW tier graphics on the switch

it's running on a glorified phone. it's a miracle at all it's on the platform

This is like running Doom on a calculator, it's fascinating but you wouldn't ever actually want to play it on a calculator.

I doubt Witcher will run at anything higher than 24fps.

I woul want it, just to see how bad it is.

What are we going to do about the onions problem in society?

Silky smooth 540p 30fps

FUCK they're really not bothering hiding their shit. We need some new blood in the tech analysis landscape

lol that's great. golden wojack sony is overplayed as hell but that's genuinely great. it's still coming to PC later, though


Attached: 1543548266941.webm (736x824, 1.83M)

>a handheld being able to play TW3
Actually pretty cool.

what am I supposed to be seeing here

>Kratos walking a fucking retard dragging his feet through the snow
Breath of the Wild's snow is more apt for Link. God of War's is inaccurate


Attached: 1560479193684.png (1220x1728, 221K)

Why would you brag about a game you won't even play? Or, if you play it, won't finish it. On a system that will have about 100 million units sold by christmas, DS will sell less than 10 million lol. At least it'll be better than Bloodbourne's sales. The Fifastation 4 is embarrassing.

>runescape tier graphics
oh no bros.... how could this ever be???!!!

Attached: lkjkljlkjkjlljk.png (2507x1329, 3.72M)

PS4 vs Switch reminds me of PC vs PS4.

Both have staggering differences.

Attached: TW3-74.jpg (3840x2160, 2.4M)

When in god of sóy do you jump off a cliff and then snowboard on your shield them ramp off a hill and paraglide onto your horse and then fuck OP's mom????

I know the console version of the game looks bad, but how can the switch version look THAT bad and them not take more time? The system is weak, but this is pathetic. Probably a nice 20fps too?

It's just a glorified wii user

>a little handheld toy that weebs play in their cuckshed will never beat the undisputed premier gaming console of the generation
Well, no shit. I knew this as a kid, it's why I never got a PSP or played GTA Stories.
Inb4 >muh launch aligned

The horse turned into melting chocolate

Attached: 1452314112385.jpg (650x1053, 89K)

I ask you gentlemen. Has there EVER been a picture that summed up these consoles better than this?

Attached: ps4vsswitchlmao.png (2037x544, 2.01M)

mods dont count

>already played witcher 3 at a level of detail console-only plebs can't imagine at 3440x1440
>going to double dip on the switch to play it again on a portable
Imagine being a poorfag console warrior stuck on a single system. Claiming you have the "most powerful home console", like that isn't being the smartest retard lmfao

It's a fucking handheld, proceeding the Vita and 3DS.

playing the switch is like playing with uncorrected vision. everything is so fucking blurry

PC, PS4 and the Switch. Anything more that than is redundant double or even triple dipping

Who said I was using mods?
And why wouldn't they count?

Attached: TW3-82.jpg (3840x2160, 2.35M)

The one from before the Witcher 3's release comparing the original pre-release footage to the ps4 downgrade footage.

Yes, his stride should be longer than that but the snow is deep so his feet are dragging through it. Whereas Link is only running across sand so his footsteps are more accurate.

*Also coming to PC

I cringed when I watched the Switch reveal and saw that crow. But now I see the PS4 one isn't much better. Now, having watched OPs linked youtube video, I'm just amazed at how they even got the whole damn game in something you can fit in your pocket.
>Inb4 switch doesn't fit in pockets
Stop wearing women's jeans.


That's vanilla

holy shit is this some heavy duty coping

>Stop wearing women's jeans.
stop wearing cargo jorts lol

looks good

>And why wouldn't they count?
>B-because I said so goddammit!
This is what makes me laff about PS4 and even Xbone. PC has the best of everything. You get what you pay for. But even Switchlets at least have their fun babby games with actual gameplay. Sony ponies have the worst of all things. No fun exclusive IPs, just exclusive movies with no gameplay, and graphics that look WORSE relative to PC than the Switch graphics look relative to PS4.

Attached: download.jpg (182x276, 9K)

>implying nintentards don't brag about third party ports they won't ever bother to buy cause they're too busy with wahoo yipee shit

Imagine being so mad over an image you wrote all that out

Attached: 1559695223609.png (1048x924, 247K)

lol ps4 can't handle NPCs

Sony have the most exclusives next to Microsoft. Xfags believe timed DLC and timed exclusivity are something to brag about. Imagine their E3 conferences have relied on 3rd party title since it's inception and still does today. Xfags are garbage tier gaymrs

wow you are some brain damaged retard

Example please? Games are known to sell extremely well on Switch. Smash released in December 2018 and still took out highest selling exclusive of 2018 beating out God of War, Spiderman etc lol.

It didn't take as long to write that as it does to make/collect wojaks that mask your insecurity at being tricked into buying a dedicated Bluray player.

That's not how snow works. It looks like a flour or sand.
t. have snow for nearly half of a year

Energetic young man running in the snow vs sad old man dragging his feet in the snow

soulless v soul

while to some degree i can respect a person's position of enjoying gameplay over graphics, but comparisons like this have me skeptical of the sincerity of switch owners. i can imagine a situation where players are enticed with nostalgia and coerced to accept inferior visual quality and substandard performance as nintendo takes full advantage of the indie trend's mindset. knowing they will make tons in profit releasing on a console that they barely have to put any effort into, cultivating a culture of people willing to bargain for less against their self interest, like a beaten housewife. "Its stylized... and the only place i can play zelda"

I'm not baiting

why on earth would you shoot yourself in the foot, and play of/if not the greatest game this gen, on such terrible hardware? Just because it has Nintendo on the back of it? Nintenobois, I'm telling you fucking now, do not get this game on this console, holy fuck what a god damn waste. I can only imagine the score sounding worse too, just like in the dark souls switch remaster, where it turns to complete shit soundwise to compensate. I feel as if this game was made to literally test the waters on what people can get away with. Just to get a few million sales on Witcher 3, for people to play around... 2 hours of this, and then NEVER touch it again. It just seems like such a waste to play this game on such terrible hardware. Switch pro better be GOAT.

Attached: 1560345620735.jpg (1125x911, 769K)

Energetic manlet faggot who don't even have a son vs experienced old man making a man out of his son

Ooh someone got triggered

I was tricked by Yea Forums on the Switch in one thing that they never bring up. This things fucking battery life is so god damn bad. I don't want to even think about how fast this runs out while playing Witcher 3. It is portable, but it doesn't matter if the shit runs out and looks like complete trash while doing so.

>it's been 2 years and people are still surprised that a tablet with mobile hardware is significantly weaker than a stationary console

>When your snow looks like flour @playstation

energetic young girl*

let us not lie to ourselves and say link is a man kek, we've seen the fan art and what ninty think of their mascot

>this console
>implying ps4 is any more worthy

Have a son

stop projecting


Attached: 1559192467584.jpg (893x483, 136K)

oh no

this is the funniest one in a while holy fuck lel

i did two 100% playthroughs Years ago. Each playthrough, enjoying the scenery, took 300hours. i dont know how many charges that will be.

I left nintendo in late 90s/early 2000s (and kind of gaming in general). I got a 360 in 2010 and xbone in 2015 because "lmao I'm totally still a gamer!". But both those systems left me unimpressed. I get why people think Witcher 3 is game of the gen, but they probably got used to games getting this way over time. I barely played a thing after 2000. These beautiful story driven games... I dunno. They're missing something magical that games used to have.
I got Alien Isolation, MGS V and Witcher 3 all on Xbone and I finished none of them. I finally got my first ever high end gaming PC in my life in Sept 2017 and I haven't touched my Xbox One since. Then I got a Switch in June of last year and I've been catching up on heaps of great games I've missed over the years (Bayonettas for instance).
No, I won't get Witcher 3 on Switch. If I really want to finish it one day I'll blow the dust off my Xbone. Or, if I was gonna pay for it again, I'd do it on PC for the god tier graphics. In short, I agree about Witcher 3 on Switch not being a good fit but for me, Switch/PC is the best combo. Especially now that, from this month onward, they're clearly turning all the old 3DS IPs over to the Switch.

>making a man out of his son
Keep your sexual fantasies to yourself, Spartan scum.

>PS4 vs PC - lol, imagine caring about good graphics, framerate and resolution

Please tell me that white boys don't actually engage in console war shitflinging. They gotta have better sense than that.


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Stop coping.

Imagine not even being able to enjoy the few games your platform has without pyschotically imprinting your ass stuffing fetish on them all. Just buy a bad dragon and be done with it.

Stop projecting.

I don't get these threads. Anyone with sense would know Witcher 3 would look awful on Switch. I'm a Switch fan and I thought putting Witcher 3 on it was baffling.

Every single time.

Y-you're seriously not white are you?

You're the one that has dozens of images saved to your hardrive featuring the Chinese cock mongler sucking other grown men's entire physical beings into his cavernous anal passage, not me.

I already beat it on my PS4 like 2 years ago and ended up selling the console.

Cool story bro.

why are you stuttering

I can't believe that white people actually engage in console war shit.

No shit that Switch is shit; but, how about you sort out your own technical limitations first.

Stop coping.

>Take the time to make a great screenshot
>Leave Geralt floating in some rocks
What a shit image, never show character feet

>old man teaching his son man things
>sexual fantasies
See why you are lonely?

I can agree with this sentiment I can understand other games. But this and Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered. Those ports have had butchered audio along with really really bad graphics. I would rather play this on a PS3 than a Switch or even an Xbox 360.

switch is a fucking gimmick imagine if it was a real console, such wasted potential

Stop being white.

Stop coping.

Whiteness is a disease that needs to be eradicated

Stop coping.

OP am black


Attached: keanu-reeves-e3-df82.jpg (644x362, 12K)

if we could fight who we actually wanted to you probably wouldn't have internet access

Post 1 pc screenshot that looks better than this, you can't.

Attached: 1559957620953.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

Offcorse Smash will sell like cakes you dumbass, i'm talking about non nintendo games, shitty ports that Switch zoomers get happy about but won't even buy

Stop being white.

Stop coping.

I played it on my workplace notebook, it looked like this:

No you're not.

Stop being white.

Stop coping.

White's fate is to be blacked

Stop being white.

>Inb4 switch doesn't fit in pockets
>Stop wearing women's jeans.
Stop wearing Sora pants.

Stop projecting.

Nice view you got through that flyscreen there, console cuck.

If you removed the vaseline from that image you would see how shit it looks in the distance.

The fact that a 4 year old game is being compared just proves it.

Stop coping.

lol im not reading all that
be quick
and just enjoy games you homo

Stop being white.

>No image


Attached: 1550250239169.png (1280x720, 133K)

Stop coping.

Mountains are really easy to make look good.

Attached: mountains.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

You will be blacked

Attached: file.png (1280x960, 643K)

Stop projecting.

Whites have no future

Stop coping.

>That ground texture


Stop being white.

That's powder snow faggot, not that muddy sleet you're used to in the US

Stop coping.

Already posted one. Mine is crisp you can make pit the leaves on the tree over a thousand feet away.
Yours is so blurry that you can't make out anything but green sludge.

game is old to proof my point.

you're on a phone or a 1080p screen, aren't you? both and look better than that smeared mess while pushing four times as many pixels

Your fate is to be replaced

Stop projecting.

That's okay, I already have it on PC.

>playing Witcher 3 on consoles

Now why the fuck would you do something retarded like that?
Also fuck you for making me wanna play this game again.

Attached: 12524581817258344448_20160601051258_1_compressed.jpg (1920x1080, 453K)

Stop being white.

nice save

Stop coping.

Stop being white.

>smeared mess
It's a compressed jpeg
> look better
Shitcher looks like ass keep coping

Stop coping.

Stop being white.

Stop coping.

Nintendorks be like "we got battlefield V that PC of yours is useless"

Attached: Screenshot_20190615-150611_YouTube.jpg (1908x1070, 775K)

Nobody cares about Kojishit. His last 3 games are total fucking garbage.


I'm hoping it's dynamic rez so I can overclock the Switch to improve it over stock.

Remember when Kojima released 10% of the game he promised and fucked off to suck on Joost's tits for a year?

These are beaitful to me goddammit

Attached: kermitv.jpg (1366x768, 238K)

I have a PS4 Pro and RDR2.
I know what a smeared mess looks like....

Attached: PS4 Pro RDR2.jpg (1280x642, 362K)

It's any game can be a whole new game with a few well chosen mods

Why would you even time stamp? Who doesn't have 200$?

>people use RDR 2 as the go to ps4 exclusive to show off graphics

you're doing it wrong.

Attached: 41m59ihr16521.jpg (1080x1920, 189K)

Attached: nintendo1.png (250x385, 10K)

tfw wish people didn't bring up Spidey, played this shit on my friends ps4 and I have -no- idea what black magic they used to make this shit look this good on consoles. Pc fucking when.

Sony went all in on this one, all in.

Attached: jhyjfh26dtu11.jpg (640x1136, 55K)

Ayup, the Gameboy and DS were pretty sweet. Switch is garbage tho with nothing but baby games even the Gamecube had Geist all Nintendo does is sequels and party games it's sad

PS4 Pro is 400 dollars here.

Also most of /v who live in their mom's basement think owning a pc AND a ps4 pro is hard to believe.

I may be a poor college student I won't chain myself to one platform.

Attached: sort of poor college student 12.jpg (3999x3238, 3.48M)

Exactly, consolelads won't ever have any experience like this, SAD!

Reminds me of those modded Skyrim armors from 8 years ago...

>game company mainly focused on kids sell the most

No surprise there.

the DS sold like shit

No theres no reason to not have something if you plan to use it. I don't need a switch or PS4 because I could careless about maybe more than 3 or 5 exclusives. If they're was like 10-15 maybe. I plan to get an xbox one X when the next one comes out to play all my 360 and OG xbox games real cheap. That's the best time to pick of a secondary console in my opinion. Any money spent on a console I'd rather put that money into my PC. The reason people call "bullshit" when you claim to have a 700$ GPU is becaus they're are loser NEETs who clearly only tell lies

So... It's like Bloodborne on PS4 Pro?

LMFAO the past week has hit you hard huh? Nintendo just can't stop winning and you can't handle it. Feels good man.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-13-09-18-07-1.png (1080x1694, 669K)

fuck the ds, more like Nintendo Diaper Shit
gay ass nintendo took away all support on the gba while spewing crap about it being the pillar and not the obvious replacement it actually was

>people use RDR 2 as the go to ps4 exclusive
>ps4 exclusive

Why are snoyfags so delusional that they pretend to live in fantasy worlds?

game that was only ever a tech demo for graphics whores suddenly exposed as a shit game when visuals take slight hit shocker

I literally forgot the xbox exists

Wait, wait, I actually can

Attached: exodus.png (960x540, 827K)

I have no idea what you’re trying to imply

Keep that cope going
Btw since I took this I upgraded to a 2070 and PC gaming still sucks

Attached: Untitled29.jpg (2048x1536, 2.45M)

You've got to be shitting me with this, pcoper

Attached: 1560667656905.jpg (1086x573, 303K)

RDR2 is the greatest looking video game of all time. Anybody who says different is just holding onto a allegiance of witcher 3. Witcher 3 looks GOAT on PC, but it cannot compare to this at the moment. Cyberpunk is the only one to try and dethrone it, until then, RDR 2 is peak. Anybody who has actually played it knows. The weather system alone shits on any other game.

Attached: 1540815092756.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Maybe you just hate yourself.

>God of War

Attached: 1548012983635.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

Your mother probably regrets not aborting you ever day you fucking sperg

literally why
no wonder you own a console

Attached: 1416585768811.jpg (453x500, 46K)

Sounds like you shouldn't waste your money, you don't have enough interest in the subject to look into what games to play. The 2070 is a pretty good card it shits on that PS4 but if you're sold on the Playstation you should've just spent that money on games for it. Being a retard and splurging on an PC is like buying a Ferrari without a license. You can enjoy the benefits of PC gaming with a 200$ PC it isn't all about graphics remember?

Well, yeah I actually can't cope any harder, guess we just have to wait till rockstar ports it...

>2070 is shit
>2070 is good

This is why nobody takes pcopers seriously

Switch looks worse than PS4? If you are surprised by this you are retarded.

The game existing in the switch is one thing but what's dumber is all the dumbasses that will buy this game...
Paying this shit at full price, imagine that.
You could use that money to buy better games, games that are made to be played on the switch instead. But nope lemme buy this inferior product at a high price, hear that?? Buy it goy.

Some people (poor people) care about this myth known as price to performance. It's a factor when choosing between 2 cards of similar power. RX580 shills trying and say shit like the 1080ti was unnecessary and a waste of money and I was just like fucccck you. 2070 is a good card it's just not much of an upgrade if you spent 500$ on a 10 series card. Nvidia is being jewy big whoop at least we have options as opposed to 2 consoles that are the exact same pretty much in power and the switch which is a tablet

>console manufacturer that has been around a decade more has more total sales by default

That's cute and all, but Sony literally took the console market from under Nintendos noses on their first attempt with the PS1 and then followed by the PS2 (which has outsold every single Nintendo console, ever)

Attached: 1560408491749.gif (800x430, 564K)

take it easy man! some people have to shoot fish in barrels because that's all they can do

Price argument = last refuge of the scoundrel. You make up the price difference of the game by the Switch not being a jet engine. It costs far less to power the thing. Not like a console or PC where you need a power generator to power that and the TV.


Attached: BE5BA400-EF0A-459C-B7E2-6F8A80433856.jpg (960x684, 181K)

>imagine a debut console outselling everyone of your consoles
>imagine having only 1(one) console in the top 5


Attached: LOOOOL.png (1669x954, 135K)

Eh, I'm gonna pick it up anyway.

Attached: image (4).png (720x720, 521K)


The Switch version has a better aesthetic and art style.

I wonder if the game fits on a 32GB cartridge

delete this

If we're doing sales, then we'll go money wise too

Attached: 1556429182204.jpg (1400x1956, 1.08M)

Why does your witcher look so bad? aren't you using any mods?

Whatever cuck, keep paying for shit at full price if you want instead of... I don't know... Mario maker 2 maybe?

>It costs far less to power the thing

yeah except when you need to charge it every two hours kek

Wait, Witcher 3 is coming to switch?

>stranger things desktop

even plugged in it takes far less power that's why it's outselling PS4 in Japan, the market loves technical progress. I'll take a halved framerate resolution in exchange for one-fifth the size, weight and power draw any day. Winning.

botw is a genuinely more fun game, what more is there is to understand. if you haven't played either game why are you seriously speculating about some inane shit like that.

Kek look at the desperation here.

>m-m-my company made more money than your company!

Pathetic child loser. Oh look Microsoft are a trillion-dollar company, I guess they won!

Objective fact, it's still inferior.

That's retard. My PC is a 500w beast and it can have all the electric from God it needs. Time is a finite resource, don't waste it playing the shittiest versions of every game on the toilet


I don't put too much stock in single frames since I get 150 per second while in 4k, but here

Attached: 1505-0-1466276323.jpg (1920x1080, 565K)

I've played BOTW at 4K 60fps with mods on CEMU and it still blows chunks

It's selling well in japan because nips love handhelds, and the tiny joycons are literally made for their smaller hands, because I've -no- fucking clue anybody with actual normal sized male hands can use these things. I feel as if you're grasping and saying "I'll take halved framerate resolution in exchange etcetc" as cope. It doesn't matter if it's half the size and then also looks and runs like shit, surely user? That is just buying it purely because... well it's Nintendo, that's it.

Attached: 1555069251539.jpg (1920x1080, 2.64M)

your cheap games are a false economy then? gotcha

Halo 3 has better snow physics than these "games" sad!

it does, the entire game + all DLC are coming in a single 32GB cartridge without any additional downloads

the Switch is a handheld, no matter how hard nintendo tries to sell it as something between a home console and handheld, the truth is that is just a handheld that can be connected to your TV.
and taking that in consideration, its a good handheld port.

What. What the fuck did you just get. Wouldn't cheap switch games be a false economy? Also what the fuck are you talking about

this can't be a real post

How's that look in motion?

Attached: 1466328720041.jpg (2560x1280, 2.47M)

ah nintendo, always a hardware generation behind, always the laughing stock, always rehashes, always no games


Attached: 1540534050867.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

what scares me are the replies taking his point seriously

Attached: 2492-0-1496873040.png (1920x1080, 3.44M)

Ok that does look great. Fuck.

I like the shadows that follow you so they can render less grass

user, I love Witcher 3 but this Is a falseflag, that looks fucking terrible my dude. Do not use that as a picture to sell Witcher 3's graphics.

Is this actual in-game footage when the game released or part of the usual bulletshot stuff that you see before release? The cuts between scenes makes me think it's the latter. But if it is actually in-game, how is that achieved on consoles? What exactly do they sacrifice to make a game look good?

Attached: 1464366359256.jpg (3440x1440, 1.42M)


Attached: 2492-32-1496873714.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

Colors are ass and the cloud shadow tech / cloud influenced volumetric lighting is non existent

that's great man

Man I'm gonna love itwhen this pic becomes irrelevant when RDR2 comes to PC.

You can't be serious

Attached: 1431534639086.jpg (3840x2160, 2.76M)

Attached: oh dear.webm (800x450, 689K)

I love how every picture so far looks worse. Witcher 3 looks good, but it doesn't come close to RDR 2 lads, this is a losing battle. When it comes to PC, then you can go crazy on it.

Attached: 1542593578814.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

No PlaystationFags thinks Rockstar is retarded and won't make a PC version

i really love this walking simulator, 80% story bullshit, i guess same will happen with Cyberpunk 2077

Attached: 1440267498330.jpg (714x1269, 71K)

Cope. At one-fifth the size, weight and power draw, I'd expect one-fifth the graphical power, but it's only halved. You could call it Switchcraft. Of course it is technical progress! For similar reasons CRT tvs went extinct over the cheaper and more power-efficient LCDs. It's the way technology advances the market is always drawn towards efficiency.

That's in game, user. Here's another.

Attached: 1540534085297.webm (768x432, 1.46M)

Attached: 54c0fdb.jpg (828x805, 53K)


No need to go posting the game's native resolution at us.

they'll make it when no one gives a shit about it anymore as leftovers for the PC bottom feeders

>get btfo
>we--well.. it's a walking simulator.... whatever..

tippest of top kek

Attached: 1554518343271.jpg (1920x1072, 242K)

That really doesn't look very good, look up some Dying Light 4K Ultra footage now that's pretty. The dirt is all 1 solid color (it's not irl) the grass looks repeated and the water looks stiff and ugly grey. Not very good Modded GTA 4 still looks way better

Ohnononononono delete this!

I live in a siberia with a -35-40C in winter, rerarded cockgobbler.

Had me till I saw that shit mountain lod

you have brain dmg kid ? look at unique posters retard after my post, Jesus Christ, this place is full of bots/NPCS. And i have the game RDR2, so i can say what i want faggot.

Attached: 1560252727208.png (355x399, 387K)

It literally is though. It looks great, but that's all it does. RDR2 is a joke of a game.

I hate this so much.
I think the Switch is great and I think The Witcher 3 is also really good.
But holy fuck do I hate every ignorant asshole who actual supports games like The Witcher 3 being ported to the Switch. I have nothing against porting, but the idea that the Witcher 3 will not be awful on the Switch's hardware is fucking ludicrous.
Seeing peoples comments like "I never finished this on PS4, maybe I'll pick it up on the Switch" is so fucking infuriating. Then I'll see the same people bitching about money issues.

>Ononono obscure bug that happened to like 2 people
>P-pc port please

And then blew every bit of that cash on PS3

Why are people getting mad about the technical achievement that is Witcher 3 running on Switch? It's not shocking that a Tegra X1 doesn't look as good as a base PS4, it's shocking that it's playable at all. But I forgot, all Yea Forums can do is regurgitate leddit memes these days.

they need some excuse to use their overpriced fisher price tablet user. they're already running out of things to do with it

>money issues
probably from all that electricity their Ps4 and TV are wasting

that's absolutely how snow works. there are just different types of snow

t. I spend 3 months per year abroad as a snowboard instructor

This is sad the GDP WIN is like a 15-20w device and it out shits on the switch

Boo hoo I have to wait for the best version of 1 game. I have 100s of games to play in the mean time lol I bought like 20 this month and spent like 30$

Are you retarded? It's a miracle the game runs at all on the Switch, it's essentially a portable PS3.

Because switchfags are larping it up that the switch version of the game is the best of the best and that's bullshit


Because they NEED to defend Sony no matter what.
Only ps4 games can be good, everything else has to be trash

Looks at this fag, nothing he said makes any sense but he does it to please his Sony gods of tranny

Graphical artifacts are much less likely to happen on CPUs that get more than 400 on cinebench

Show me one.
Only thing this thread is full of is sonyfags COPING every second of the day.

BotW makes GoW look like such shit in comparison.

So the power of the PS4?


I don't see anyone doing that, but obviously Switch version will have its merits.

I will have fun pirating it just so I can see how it works, I enjoy seeing hardware pushed to the limit.

so this.. is the power.. of pure pc gaming....


Attached: 1532903275698.jpg (1200x616, 129K)

>Sony link has been visited

It's not a cintiq.
I am too poor for that.
Plus I suck at drawing so I am not dropping that kind of money for a drawing monitor.

Attached: poor college student desk.jpg (1920x1080, 497K)

I need to know if this has any steam backgrounds

>posts better pc game
Really says a lot about who won the console war huh?

actually kek'd, good eye

got me there you mf

It's not fair bros, why can't I have a Switch?

Attached: damnit.png (1080x1848, 718K)

RDR2 looks very pretty for a console game, but its mechanics are very shallow and basic compared to BotW, everything in RDR2 is easy, everything is tutorialized, everything is linear, it treats you like a baby basicly.

>he draws tumblr porn

I don't see a single person arguing that the Switch port will be technically superior, because of course it won't be. People just think it's cool to have such a big and detailed game in its entirety on the move, which they're right to.
The thing is it's not even a 'threat to sony'. The game is multiplat. The overall best console version is probably on xbone, the best overall will be PC going by performance alone. It's only a 'PS4 victory lap' in terms of base console experience. It's a multiplat.

Nope I just started drawing so I draw random stuff like crappy anime drawings.

Attached: I suck at drawing.jpg (927x756, 74K)

Maybe for 5 minutes, but I hear the GDP WIN has issues with overheating, as does phone gaming. I'm sure the compromises made on Switch are to get it as optimal as they could Panic Button know their stuff. I'd never play Wolfenstein on Switch though it is far too intensive a game to work on the hardware. I draw the line at Doom.

You're projecting your obsession with thinking it's sony. Notice how most people posting about Witcher are PC fags, user? You think it's just sonyfags shitting on switchlets, but it's others kek. Also, don't pretend nintendofags don't need to defend ninty, no matter what

>Because switchfags are larping it up that the switch version of the game is the best of the best and that's bullshit

Show me where the fuck Switchfags said anything like that? All I've seen is Sonyqueers having a fucking meltdown all week because Switch is crushing it at the moment.

Can confirm. PC Master race and despise all console peasants, Switchlets the most, purely because of the "It's a tablet, but also a console" when Nintendo have came outselves and said the opposite. Just admit it's a fucking tablet and move on.


It's gonna be Doom all over again, blurriness to the max, and in some cases blocking what you can see in game, but at least it's portable I suppose. Better this than a fucking FPS.

Attached: 1534138088999.png (557x605, 417K)

Nice try falseflagging, but why else does literally anybody who shots on the switch version stuck off the ps4 version?
And everybody who shows the pc version shot posted with empty rdr2 webms?

The last sony console I owned was a hacked psp but I still get accused of being a sonyfag every week or so. I don't even talk about sony games.

I do wish I could play tokyo jungle though

Your top example really shows that all sonyfags are retarded.
Learn how to read

- ok this cunt isn't even talking about the game
- and this cunt is clearly taking the piss and trying to bait you.

I agree. If you can not have anything close to decent running on the Switch and it looks butchered or barely even close to the PS4 version do not even bother trying.
>Because they NEED to defend Sony no matter what.
Why do you lump everyone with Sony? I own a Switch, PS4 and a PC as well.
>Only ps4 games can be good, everything else has to be trash
You are misrepresenting the other Anons argument. I can admit a console port can look good and even do well but the decision to move something over for the sanctity without quality is just downright terrible.
>nothing he said makes any sense but he does it to please his Sony gods of tranny
It does because all you do is port beg everything and are desperate for the Switch to be a great platform just like PC and PS4 are. You know that after Gamecube Nintendo has really fucked up with third party games and has been on a downward spiral for awhile. Switch is good but it needs quality ports not ports to be ports.

Don't try arguing with sonyfags, they are just too retarded.

Why sonyfag? Why are you so obsessed with Sony kek?

There are others, we can't do the work for you user

Which makes no sense, you complain about ports of third party current Gen stuff and then claim they have no games.
You're just desperate to defend Sony, don't even try pretending you're a pcfag.

Say this whole post again, in English. Not sure what you're talking about with the falseflag, not sure how I can falseflag that kek.

Don't run from an argument out of fear user, makes it look bad on your part.

How many wojaks are in this thread?
LOL, sonyfags really try hard to larp as anybody else

Stop projecting.

Snoyfags really are retarded, huh.

lmao people who hold allegiances to corporations are retarded. It's too easy to turn them against each other

Any of you switch/ps4 fags being paid for advertising?


>can't argue with me
Snoyfags really are retarded, holy shit


That’s rough

It's people pretending to be both sides, and then replying to themselves, and then other people join in not realizing it's one person, and then it becomes a clusterfuck. I've seen this happen so many times you don't even know, user. Nobody knows who anybody is.

Stop projecting.

I wish people would just stop and wake up and see none of it matters.

Nice "argument"

Attached: 1548912691660iuiui.png (251x201, 10K)

Nice cope.

Retarded Sonyfag, you don't know what you're talking about

>this is peak snoyposting
Have sex

>Which makes no sense,
I make sense it's you who can not see the Forest from the trees.
>you complain about ports of third party current Gen stuff and then claim they have no games.
I am talking about GOOD ports. Where audio does not need to be butchered as in Assassin's Creed 3 remaster or where you need to significantly downgrade the game.
>You're just desperate to defend Sony, don't even try pretending you're a pcfag.
Here is a picture of the rig I am using. I also upgraded my Graphics card to a 1060 6gb and my 2tb HDD to a Samsung Evo 1tb SSD.

Attached: IMG_20190616_005512724.jpg (3072x4096, 2.03M)

Stop projecting.

Attached: 1824-8-1468751564.jpg (1920x1080, 1.39M)

Shut the fuck up incel Switchlet

Still butthurt about the E3 you little shit?
>Lmao it won't run any multiplats of this gen
>Doom 2016 and wolfenstein
>W-w-well, it's just because those two are pium pium, there won't be more actual gen games!
>Th-th-that's just because it's linear, you won't have an open world like the witcher 3 for sure!
>The witcher 3
>B-b-but it looks worse! Besides the witcher 3 was always shit, starting today!
Fucking manchildren, it doesn't matter what happens you always find another reason to show off your autism

here is Wolfenstein 2 running better and in a higher resolution on the GPD than the switch

Thanks for proving his point, that you will always find new "reasons" to COPE hard

>going to double dip on the switch to play it again on a portable
Why? That's asinine.

You show em bro! the Switch is a strong independent console that CAN run this gen games.

Attached: 1530357892572.jpg (1352x760, 132K)

Let's hope this doesn't happen with Witcher 3, and they miss out on a genuine good game. That just sucks for the person playing, no matter what.

Attached: 1531057361712.jpg (1629x2308, 272K)

Neither can the ps4, but people don't cry here everyday about it


i love how the switch blurs everything to the point of simulating astigmatism to hide how utterly crap its hardware is

Just RDR2 on PS4 huh?

Yeah that seems like a serious oversight. Weird too, considering that the Wolfenstein 2 port is overall a pretty decent one. I guess that's always the peril of tying something to an in-game asset like that. Reckon I'd still prefer that to say, all of AC3's audio being hideously compressed because Ubisoft didn't want to pay for the bigger cart size.

What the fuck did you expect on a handheld???

>running better and in a higher resolution
Last time I checked, that thing was more expensive than a brand new xbox one x

>than Nintendo

Not just that, but a reasonably cheap one as well.

For people to make games that take the advantages and weaknesses of the hardware into consideration, like they did with the DS and the 3DS, not shit out watered down versions of games better played elsewhere.

You're just proving his point

You say it like CDPR were otherwise going to make a Switch-exclusive game or something. Having Witcher 3 doesn't magically mean my Switch won't run Wargroove anymore.

>The switch is around the same price as another console plus the witcher 3 is 60usd

As in, reasonably cheap for the amount of performance in a portable. You can make a more powerful handheld system, a lot of Switch owners already have them in flagship phones, but they're vastly more expensive devices.

Ports have been a thing in home gaming since forever - and 99 times out of a 100 it's always been an inferior version to original. Nothing is going to change because that's what home gaming is about. Accessibility.

I can't help but laugh from the fact that next gen is right around the corner and the switch will be left in the dust. Most likely getting old ports and Indies with a few exclusives here and there.

Attached: 1560158358046m.jpg (1024x901, 69K)

His point is disproven when it runs and looks like utter garbage, and has to compensate so hard with using certain effects to make it run. I think most people don't understand that half the people like me who roast the Switch, are only roasting it because I really thought Nintendo were going to come out with a power house, and instead gave us a shitty mobile tablet. One the biggest disappointing things in gaming to happen to me in a while, I literally hope to god the Switch pro comes out and is some little fucking goat machine. With some actual hardware in it.

Attached: 1552559962462.jpg (1920x1080, 291K)


Why are Switch games so ridiculously expensive?

It has ports of old games that I bought cheaper way back when they were brand new

The switch may just hold back all of gaming, if it's not carefull. Third parties will want to be on switch, but they'll not go all out in the graphic/gameplay deparment to make sure it runs/sells on the switch. Nintendofans don't realize they could potentially, hold back the whole industry, purely because they want mobile gaming to take off more, and don't want to come off as "losing"

we're going to hit a true middle ground here which is going to fuck everybody over

Sounds like Google play should get the witcher 3 then it'll play better on my S9 I bet fortnite runs better on android than switch

Oh yeah, just like when it was gong to be dead on arrival, right user?

Nintendo. They never drop price for their games. Wii U didn't drop price for games even when it was shitting the bed and till it died. They know people will buy it no matter what. See all their accessories for the consoles too.

It's called atmosphere

You're jousting privng you're a retard, nothing more.
And your thoughts about a pro version only prove it further

No, it doesn't fucking matter that I don't go outside. What about going to the bathroom snoyfag???

Attached: 1560193984405.png (808x805, 415K)

If that's the case, why are peolple here okay with the ps4 existing?

Two genuine cope posts lel
Second one with no argument however, bit less of a cope post

This is why I only buy Nintendo consoles once they have homebrew.


yeah and it's so polluted that it conveniently reduces rendering requirements by 90%

Yeah, you're just a retard

That's the other thing, Android drivers are incredibly terrible. The Talos Principle devs posted about why their game was Tegra-exclusive on Android and it's basically because only Nvidia has competent, up to date drivers on the platform. All that hardware is no good if the software can't use it.
Interesting example, since my understanding is that the Switch has a port of the console version while the mobile version uses a significantly different codebase.

Buying these inferior ports that run, look, and play worse incentivizes not developing games specifically for the console. When people clamor for 3rd party support, they don't mean "shitty versions of existing games," they mean exclusives. Or at the very least, games that are later ported to other systems with the Switch as the lead development platform, like Octopath.
Look at the libraries of every Nintendo handheld since the original Gameboy, and I'm willing to bet that that list is going to entirely, or reasonably close to entirely games exclusive to the system, or originally developed and released for the system.

Attached: ports.png (2000x1080, 1.31M)

it's expensive because it's also handheld

i genuinely dont understand why you people rag on switch stuff like "HURRRRRRRR RESOLUTION HURRRRRRRRR FIDELITY"
nigga we know its a handheld the fuck were you expecting

Because the PS4 actually has -some- hardware in it, and not a tablet which can't run last gen games? I'll even post Nintendo exclusives, not even third parties.

Attached: 1556209754403.png (1200x1350, 2.85M)

How does Fortnite run on Switch v. high-end smartphones?

I assume the problem with phones is throttling after a while.

>but they're vastly more expensive devices.
Because it's a device capable of doing far more than just playing video games, while having the advantage of actually being portable.

>He's such a zoomer he doesn't remember the original GB's glut of bad NES ports/'spinoffs' or the GBA's reputation as the portable SNES machine


Didn't even know this resolution existed.

Seems like switch games would run better if they had their whole own version. A much shittier version but solid framerate. Holy moly it's deja vu

>I think most people don't understand that half the people like me who roast the Switch, are only roasting it because I really thought Nintendo were going to come out with a power house
But that's only your own fault you retard

It's a company user, not your friend.
Why care how much money they make if all their games are shit.

>games look like shit
>what did you expect its also a handheld
>everything costs twice as much as 3ds
>what did you expect its also a console
the best of two worlds!

nonsense. Ports are a mainstay of home gaming, since Pong.

Still looks more pleasant than Pokemon SnS.

>Both switch switch and ps4 run games at 30fps

So you cant only blame the switch

It was exactly the same with the WiiU and Wii.

What the fuck is the comparison? I hate you faggots.

if you can, why not?

based and redpilled

Yeah, that's the OTHER thing that really holds smartphones back. Sustained play of a high end game is going to lead to some serious throttling, mitigating most of the advantage of a potentially faster SOC. 'Gaming phones' might be ridiculous but they've got one thing right in including active cooling. The Switch meanwhile, actually has pretty decently balanced thermals docked or portable. I'm not aware of any instances where it gets hot enough under normal conditions to throttle back.

That's a debate that's been had before. The approach varies game by game but generally devs choose to aim for the full console experience at a lower resolution/framerate rather than a beefed up mobile experience in cases where a popular title exists on both traditional platforms and mobile. Which is fair enough frankly. Mobile versions also tend to be at least partially outsourced.

fucking europeans how do they do it
i genuinely thought that was a real picture edited to show LOSS

Fortnite on Switch in summer in around 35 degrees Celsius heat can make the fan go loud. But I think that's a fair limit.

Honestly this. Kids these days are fucking ill and don't know how good they've got it.

I see no difference :)

The difference here is 30 fps Switch games look like this [bottom frame]

And 30fps ps4 exclusives look like this

Attached: 1557763272722.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Based and redpilled


Attached: 1484564794768.jpg (484x98, 15K)

This game has no right being as fun as it was. I went in thinking it was gonna be a literal spidey movie game. Pure kino.

Ending fucking got me.

Attached: 1551597056321.jpg (1024x993, 101K)

it's stable. I've known phones to shut down from overheating after short spells playing it

A spinoff is not the same thing as a port, chucklefuck. In the former instance, the game is entirely redesigned from the ground up, almost always by an entirely different studio. The approach developers take on the Switch is "What if we release the exact same game, but shittier?" which you may or may not have noticed is what destroyed the video game industry in 1983. And I'm 34, kiddo, I've been playing video games longer than you've been alive; although it's kind of funny that you would think anyone who doesn't remember the GameBoy is a "zoomer," considering that system was released in 19 fucking 89. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

The difference is that PS4 exclusives get rated 87 while Switch exclusives get rated 97.

Still impressive how they managed to fit entire game in the cartridge,

This is true because gen z can't appreciate anything

So after losing the argument, you hop onto Metacritic to cope?

Attached: 1548514437962.jpg (421x286, 31K)

OP fucking REKT

They even changed gamma and increased saturation to appease retarded nintendo children.

>nobody bringing up metacritics
>out of nowhere when caught out, hits the panic button

As a BoTWfag that shit makes us look stupid. Don't do that. Probably a Odyfag user, ignore him.

Stop being a baby. Crying about the Switch all day every day isn't going to get you laid.

So why do you use an example most people consider a technical cluster fuck?
Because you're a desperate snoyfag, that's why.
Where is bloodborne and its 24 fps average?

People already don't give a shit about it

>paid and fangoys """reviews"""
ohh, you are right my own opinion is trash

because journalists know if they don't think every zelda is the second coming they'll have an army of autists at their door

Attached: Untitled.png (1263x1119, 1.02M)

>Something wrong with that clip. It lags a lot, feels so chunky.

Anyways you can't tell me that consoles pushing 4k and 8k, while fps is more important graphical update. they should focus on hitting a minimum 120fps. If next gen can't hit that, then why even bother.

Rather buy a switch actual fun kidsgames like mariomaker2, instead of hq 30fps open world sim

This is the most redpilled post in the entire thread.

That, is some hardcore projection right there kek.

When has Spider-man for ps4 being considered a technical clusterfuck? Once again, snoyfag, I'm just using a sony exclusive to show you what I mean, you can't keep using that word user, it makes it look like you're panicking.

Bloodborne is on ps4, hopefully one day coming to PC. Or even Switch.

Yea Forums retards aren't people user

I didn't say that, I'm just stating the fact that the switch is a console that went in very late in the game.
Sony and Microsoft already have their new console roaring to go next year, but what has Nintendo showed so far?

It is impressive, but it's impressive in the same way that 100KB FPS made at a competition is impressive. Yeah, I'll marvel at your technical skills, but I'm not going to give you money for it.

I hear that 32gig carts are cheaper now that's why. Hopefully in future we'll see 64gb and 128gb carts. No reason why not. I got a 128 micro SD in my Switch right now and it was very cheap.

>buying western video games in the first place

dont forget to subscribe to

>Just to get a few million sales on Witcher 3
It would surprise me if it gets 200k on the Switch. You're right, why would you play it on the Switch if you have any alternative. The Witcher 3 isn't even a game that I'd play in handheld mode. But that's not really the type of game the Switch is good at.

>Where is bloodborne and its 24 fps average?
nice meme

they've shown they can set trends rather than follow them?

Get some reading comprehension (bottom frame) fag.
Everybodynobwos what I meant, you're just a desperate shit poster.

>Sony and Microsoft already have their new console roaring to go next year, but what has Nintendo showed so far?

Are you fucking mentally ill? Why would they talk next gen when their current fucking system is only two years old? Child.

Wait, this game runs at 30fps? Ahahahaha I'm so glad I didn't get a ps4. Why do they keep getting away with this shit. Play games on pc retards.

Attached: 1541892772811.jpg (680x680, 32K)

Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Cinematic framerate


I would if there was some

Because they forget the beginning of a gen is the worst possible time in gaming.
They actually think it's going to help them, not guck them over like this time.

such as

>just exclusive movies
>"pls gib blodboorne and spooderman basedo snoy-sama pls pc good boy"
>*petitions but gets nothing*
>d-didn't want your movie games anyway, b-baka!!

PCbeggars are the joke of the industry.

Attached: 1550339834393.jpg (597x597, 32K)

What "holding back the industry"? You mean holding back mad graphics in a time where this very industry is trying to sell nothing else? If anything managers and shareholders are holding back the creativity in this industry.
Also the kind of 3rd parties who can afford to make 4k60fps graphics or some other new bullshit like that are exactly the worst offenders of this current trend. Being more powerful isn't all that important anymore. If not the Switch, the next low budget console by Nintendo will probably run 1080p60fps no problem, which is more than enough for most mid-tier devs, possibly even some others.

Switch has actual footprints, PS4 has texture spread beneath him

>that panic typing and projection on reading comprehension


Everybodynobwos, do they user?

2 0 0 7
0 0
0 0
7 7

Attached: crysis.jpg (3840x2160, 2.05M)

Literally look up GTAV ultra textures and go cry yourself to sleep

>Largest board on the site
>Fastest board on the site
>Greatly impacts cultural consensus on all things vidya through autism-fueled shitposts until meme magic occurs

I'd say it's a pretty good indicator. Whatever the consensus on Yea Forums is almost always the consensus everywhere else albeit more PC and toned down.

Yeah, there's a reason PS5 will be backwards compatible - because there will be fuck all games for the first 3 years as usual.

this looks terrible

Consoles have yet to touch it

what about this looks terrible?

Its funny because ps4pro cant handle stable 50 fps on BF4

Stop, s(o)yggers already claimed RDR2 being the best looking game ever and that was final.
You can't prove them wrong with a 1+ year old game modded to hell and back because they don't have mods.

Getting a game people said wouldn't run on the Switch in the first place working, under 32 gb, and not looking worse than a 360 game on a portable console is kind of impressive in and of itself.

Attached: 1388839083696.png (900x866, 363K)

great tech demo, hope they'll make an actual game out of it someday.

play the game first
most of the time you have stable 30fps after patches
your meme webm will not save you

>Zelda is shit!
>the switch is failing!
>the vita can still win!
LOL no, this place is completely retarded.

like fucking clockwork

whatever Yea Forumstard, the world doesn't revolve around you or your shitty little board, people still care about rdr2 and you aren't getting your shitty pc port for at least a few more years

>comparing an inferior version with even shittier version of an already downgraded game

Attached: 1476673191668.webm (960x540, 631K)

>and not looking worse than a 360 game

Attached: 1228299792908.jpg (800x600, 102K)

>Meme webm
Then prove it, because everybody knows how shit that game actually is

Looks like a game from 2007, terrible.

Why would you hold onto this relic of a game so badly? Is that how much PC hasn't moved on, that we're using games from 2007 to genuinely come? Come on master race, show us what you've got.

rdr2 looks better on xbone though, stop being obsessed with sony. wait until this shit comes to pc and goes full ascended tier.

>Sony games aren't mov-

Attached: THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF SONY.jpg (860x156, 43K)

That is funny

Honestly Crysis 1 is one of the most fun singleplayer shooters I've ever played

someone wipe the switch's screen it looks blurry as fuck

this place is nintendogaf moron, if anything that supports the theory that Yea Forums is always wrong

The PSP was pretty much a PS2 in your pocket and the PSVita was like a PS3, whys that not an achievement?


Fuck me this is so true it hurts. OP should hang himself.

Now compare all the consoles to PC.

Looks like Fallout 3 with a weather mod

What was the first trailer named?
I can't find it anymore

>"RDR2 is the best looking game ever" t. consoletards
>has skyrim tier textures going on in 2018

Attached: Just look at that fucking table.jpg (1920x1080, 315K)


dream job

You're so angry for a corporate slave lol. It's the superior version just like every game. Look at GTA 5. Screencap this, they are gonna make RDR2 for the PS5 and Xbox Whatever and the PC port will be released same time or so. Rockstar is greedy for money not your faggy little console war

This guy is correct. I live in northern part of Sweden.

>Looks like a game from 2007, terrible.
and stilll on par with modern console games
>Why would you hold onto this relic of a game so badly
because it shows how much graphics have stagnated over the past 12 years since developers have to make games run on hardware that is outdated on release day and has to stay relevant for 5+ years


stop projecting

>not looking worse than a 360 game
You're retarded. Witcher 3 on Switch looks immensely worse compared to Witcher 2 on the 360.
>getting it to run is impressive in and of itself
No it's not. This is about as impressive as getting Resident Evil 4 to run on the fucking Zeebo

Attached: 1557091011421.png (451x164, 93K)

>telling lies


TOP: the cold climate actually forces the player to adapt to the world around him to survive, creating solutions to the situation in a non-binary way using their resources at hand, creativity and knowledge of how the game connects the mechanics of environment/climate/weather together.

BOTTOM: zomg footprints!

Now PS4 players know how their version of W3 looks to PC masterrace

He said 360. Not XBone.

PSP and Shita were both weaker than ps2/ps3. They too had some very impressive looking games, no one is denying that.
However none of them had ports of this caliber.

Go watch some 2080ti benchmark videos in 4k on YouTube and you'll get the taste.

Hahaha fucking destroyed

suppose you feel that way about the version of console rdr 2 and pc

don't reply to yourself

Attached: 1540190919686.jpg (490x511, 23K)

PSP was more like PS1.5 and PSVita was more like PS2.4. Neither came close to the graphics of their respective home console.

Attached: 1374234274769.jpg (960x544, 90K)

imagine your console only having two games released for the entire year: a mediocre zombie game and a dyke walking simulator

Attached: 1471444434_tumblr_inline_o0np8dlPOF1tzwkwy_500.gif (500x280, 521K)

An actually genuine, funny console war meme picture. Holy fuck.

Sure you do, retard

Attached: img_3331.jpg (2881x2075, 2M)

The funny part is, Crysis can still overwork current gens computers depending on the issues.
No one argues Crysis wasn't pretty. But rather it was almost unplayable if you wanted to achieve those visuals.
Graphics isn't always everything, since it can hinders people from playing it.

It's not about the graphics it's about the framerate something Nintendo sacrifices. Socom felt good on PSP

Imagine your tablet getting ports from last gen and looking worse all year. I love how that post is the one that's triggered people, after it btfo and not being able to handle it.

It's funny because consoletards can't play the whole fucking gaming genres on their movie toasters as opposed to one shitty game.

Nintendo already made more 60 fps games for switch than there are on ps4

>You're retarded. Witcher 3 on Switch looks immensely worse compared to Witcher 2 on the 360.
You have rose tinted goggles then. Or you played the PC version and think that's what it looked like.

Attached: Witcher 2 Xbox 360 vs PC.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Based, Runescape looked great

Shut the fuck up it looks like the terrain editor form the sims 3. Halo 3 did snow footprints better let alone thousands of games. Both are just fucking footprints

>Local user is surprised Nintendo fans are the majority on an anonymous image board
What did you expect? Nintendo has been in the industry for a decade longer than Sony. On top of that, they made and got a lot of memorial games during that time with incredibly catchy soundtrack. Meanwhile PC fags are pretty chill, probably because they can afford more than one piece of hardware. I'm more surprised XBox fags still exist with one of their only flagships, Halo, falling from grace since 343 took over.

>I live in a siberia with a -35-40C in winter, rerarded cockgobbler.
If you do, and it is that cold, the only snow you get is powder snow. The reason why some snow becomes extremely heavy is because they melt ever so slightly even at -10 and the pressure makes the snow more dense. But at -35 to -40, it's so cold the snow stays the same. It's like putting a meter high wall of feathers. It's a lot of feathers, but it's still light weight feathers.

but still, a pc isn't a console and if a game doesn't run on the highest settings you can always lower them
And yeah, I remember reading around the time of Crysis' release that even the devs didn't have a pc that would play the game on highest settings at a reasonable settings and that's a good thing, my only gripe with CDPR is they listened to the retards crying about TW3 recommended system specs and downgraded graphics instead of going Crysis or Kingdom Come way of leaving them in but noting that the highest settings require a beast of a PC

More just a hobby I do, it pays pennies but free food and board while I have fun

But to the Switch's defense, it is a good gaming and port console. Having easily accessible games on the go sure is nice. And if you already play on a nintendo console, you probably don't care much about graphics to begin with.
But I also already have the Witcher 1-3 on PC, so I don't see the point in me getting it on my Switch either.

But that I'm saying when there was a game released on PSP and PS2 they both nearly played and ran well the PSP version was a little uglier. Some Switch ports look bad and feel back like doom 2016 at 30fps 720p yuck that game deserves better for the user and the game

When are we going to stop pretending people who play these multiplat games on Switch give a fuck about the graphics?

Bloodborne runs at 30 fps on PS4 pro.

Textures are all compiled into 1 giant file, they scale all of the textures at the same ratio, they didn't bother replacing that texture with one at a higher resolution because the devs are lazy

whats your native language, cutie

Yeah if I had to get myself a console it would be a Switch, XBox has nothing to offer for a PC player now and I already played bloodborne

>I've -no- fucking clue anybody with actual normal sized male hands can use these things.
It's a system for kids.


Why do you even care? Why are you so fucking obsessed with nintendo?

Attached: switch shitposter logic.jpg (590x800, 191K)

Old Kratos is such a lazy piece of shit. Dragging his feet like that. Cant jump and canr even lift his legs

The Switch is shit until it has homebrew

>it's okay when a ps4 game is 30fps

Pretty good for a handheld I must say

>XBox has nothing to offer
It is pretty much a budget PC. I would never recommend it to anyone.
Playstation has as you say Bloodborne and also Uncharted 4 and Until Dawn if you like those games.
And Kingdom Hearts.

Switch at least you know what you get most of the times, since most are ports.

those books are in the most fucking retarded place they could be
why would you not remove one of the shelves in the middle and stand them up

Still a better console compared to PS4 and XBone.
Just get a PC.

It's sad to just pretend the switch isn't a handheld to suit your argument. Handhelds sacrifice graphics for portability. It may not be valuable to you but for a lot of people portability is really helpful. It's good to have more options in the gaming industry. If people want the best graphics they can build a PC. If they want good graphics at a lower price they can get a ps4 or Xbone. If they want a portable game console they can get the switch.

>goalpost: moved
lol pathetic

You should compare PSP and PS3 games, or PSV and PS4 games. Remember Borderlands 2 on PSV? That was even a PS3 game.

It's okay when it looks like that, and not this

Attached: 1535323498511.jpg (1200x675, 308K)

English I'm just really stoned at work lol

>It's okay when
Sony does it, yes we know

>mfw I own it on ps4
>Mfw I will happily play it on Switch despite the downgrade

Sony fags stay seething

I like your apartment.

Kingdom hearts 3 is a piece of shit list persona if you want a different sony exclusive.

Don't reply with something like that, makes it look like you don't have a counter, much like the

Good for you really. Are you American or European?

>it's okay when sony does it
yeah okay I heard you the first time fanboy

stop using buzzwords which you don't understand

Both are bad because The Witcher 3 isn't a fun game.

I'm not a graphics fag other than if I can play it on PC.
Xenoblade 2 was surprisingly fun and I've put waaaaay too many hours into it.

>talking about game
yep, goalposts: moved

stop coping when proven wrong, unironically kek

a genuine cope post, this time, and not a shitposting one.

Chill kid, Persona isn't a PS4 exclusive.

Wait, are they porting witcher 3 or the original witcher?

what did you prove? that 30 fps is okay when sony does it? yeah I know that

They're porting 3 in the style of the original Witcher on lowest graphics settings.

Witcher 3.

>GoW snow that only exists in set areas there are no enemies or low environmental details with a dumb walk, used as some kind of proof of good design or graphics.

Why do people talk about shit they clearly don't know shit about. also gameplay>graphic is the only right opinion to have on a gaming board.

Nigga stop saying you're poor, everytime you show up it's the same fucking thing and you get told off everytime. An actual poor user would have to save the pennies left over after paying bills just to afford one console. Don't fucking bring up money management either because there's a difference between making an okay amount and managing it well and making fuck all and having to manage every purchase down to something as simple as bottled water

First Witcher, that video is fake, switch is too weak for W3.

This. Imagine Nintendo directly competing with Sony and M$. You'd have PC and three consoles that more differ in stick placement and online subscription plan than actual hardware.

I don't think you've play either of them if you can't tell based on the models alone.

If I had no PC I'd buy used xbox one X. Cheap, best of the multplats I don't care about the walking sims I'd only miss Yakuza. I used to love my PS2, I liked my PS3, never saw anything that wasn't Yakuza related that intrested me on the PS4 besides maybe JStar vs or something but I bet it's on PC now. I owned a PS4 for a few months beat bloodborne I don't like souls games, I had and xbox one so I had all my shit there 2014 was a good year for xbox or whatever year titanfall 1 came out. PS4 isnt unique unless you are the same person who frequents marvel movies or are a turbo weeb Ps4 has no exclusives for you, that's why fifa is the best seller on there 4 different fifa games
so this is the power of autism...

Phew thankfully I saved it
Fuck nintendy janny trannies

That's fucking disgusting. How can you nincels eat shit on the regular like that?

I completely agree with you.


Last I checked only ps had Bloodborne and gow so I'm happy with it.

switch is good for pirating and playing botw on pc at 60fps, how do you fags not know this

ninty litterally make consoles to pirate for. wii u is bassically a fucking perfect old emulator machine, ain't paid a penny on a switch game, just use it to fuck around with

Attached: 1527860979854.jpg (1912x1816, 768K)

I don't know. Ask most people who lock themselves to just one console and having no PC.

>This same exact image every single anti Nintendo thread for over a year

Willing to bet money it's the same exact user every single time posting it too. How butthurt are you switch has sold 40 million units already user? In your head rent free. Pathetic fanboy.

>switch is good for pirating and playing botw on pc at 60fps, how do you fags not know this
I have yet to make it work in 60 fps and look somewhat gorgeous.
Tell me your secret.

Post specs CEMU is very Thread Heavy

Of course, anything is okay when Sony does it.
Remember how hyped people were that changing your name only costs 10 dollars on ps4.

>zomg footprints

also v and nintendies: omg!! the leaves on the trees in the new animalcrossing are wiggling!!!

Imagine being so pathetic you start a consolewar thread on a board full of idorts.

Because of course sonyfags only use the best examples for their own games and the worst for others.
If somebody unironically uses that Screenshot as proof, you know they are a shitposter

That's what I thought. Might be my CPU being too old now since I still have the 3770k.
GPU wise, I'm using 2070 so that's not an issue.

College is cheap if you are welfare class and my workingn class dumbass only pays 3k a semester for full time and it's a state University but I don't stay on campus like some american pie ass shit. Shits cheap if you don't get all gay with it

honestly why such strong tribalism for an entertainment system?
consolebois really have nothing but to say the other one is shit.
pathetic really

English, I snowboard in france and austria. best part about it is the kids.

I believe ryzen 5 6cores do the job

>Bottom: wasted 90% of its budget and 60% of the player's time trying to mask load times just to look pretty, and then the next console makes all of that effort pointless by implementing an SSD

this nothing has come close to its super human feeling
and switching between modes make dicc hard

>ryzen 5 6cores
Apparently it is within the same range as the 7600 which is also not much higher than the 3770.
I might have to go back and check my settings.

They're about the same but in that particular workload the 12 threads of the Ryzen 5 work much more efficiently and cemu doesn't need much single core from what I under stand

14 consoles have sold more than 6 consoles in total? Shocker.

Sounds fine

Why did you crop out Sony selling more than 441 million home consoles while Nintendo has sold "only" over 283 million?

Gaming was much less popular in the 80s and even the 90s, playstation really helped bring it to the masses