The Gay Dating Sim ! ! ! XD

Is this what we've come to? Really?

Look I know it's become pop to be open about how you liek to diddle with the same sex's fiddle but this is out of the question. How did we get to this point? Where it's OK to have a dating video game of plugging the wrong outlet?

Attached: fuckingfaggots.png (315x195, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Please fornicate


have cancer incel

obsessed more than resetera when they see titties lmao the state of yotsuba

>mfw people who were born with retarded brains dare to challenge me

the bleach is under the kitchen sink sweety honey baby.

Attached: 2girlsfunny.jpg (359x478, 111K)

>Reddit spacing
>IQ posting
go back

I wish the western market was as open for sex as the japs are, im tired of everyone pretending they are above sex and its shameful to masturbate.

Just let losers have this fucking outlet jesus christ.

engage in coitus

>thinking Yea Forums cares about some fag game
go look the link threads nigger nobody cares

Wew lad
Never go to /d/ if you think gay is degenerate, you might have a stroke.

how do you feel about huniepop, OP?

Engage in sexual intercouse.


>The Gay Dating Sim ! ! ! XD
You also make great thread my dude. Such a wicked sense of humor!!!

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man you REALLY need to have sex man, haha!

>dare to challenge me

lel no one here even takes you seriously, you are literally a right wing equivalent of an sjw. Fuck off to your /pol/ cesspool please


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It’s a fun game desu. I bought it before it came on Steam.

The furry kind is better anyways

Have 6

>ha! you're doing this thing that reddit cunts do
>that'll distract everyone from my shameful shit

Flex and find the blue veins sweetie, you have a disease that can be cured with a knife.

What, you mean girls getting penetrated with tentacles? That's primal mi amigo. The same gender copulating with the same gender goes against every principal of nature and therefore should be eradicated.

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perform coitus

is this the designated fag thread? can i post bara here?

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>life is so empty that cares about gays games

have some sex
go outside
your room must be really smelly

Is that the one where there's an ending where you can fuck your pet fish?

Dating games should have their own website so we don't need to deal with their autism

>this will never be you
end my life
and yes please continue

do it or you're gay

>playing dating sims

Attached: xzfige2cp8k11.png (1024x576, 716K)

>ywn be crushed between two guys' chests
why live

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You know, it's funny.

Faggots and poz-cunts always try to spam their degeneracy and faggotry into everythign good in this world. They are quite literally cancer. Yea Forums, for all of it's flaws, was a good place to hang out in until furries and FAGGOTS came around. All they do is spam their MENTAL ILLNESS.

Sorry society doesn't WANT you (your parents either LOL).

I mean even retards can breed, faggots are literally brick walls in the evolutionary chain. You are WORTHLESS

Attached: 3girlslmao.jpg (359x478, 116K)

They do actually.

>all bara shit
Fucking disgusting and fucking cringe

>caring about literally anything when you'll be dead
Why bother? As long as the world is still going, why should I care?

Why is western yaoi like 100% barashit?

Where the cute twinks at?

>that guy on the very left

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have sex

>h-ha! I'll spam my masturbation forlder! Thatll show them~!

Imagine being this pathetic.

>Y-Y-You fags!

Attached: 998A1312-23CF-49F9-AEDA-D8B594FD2CC8.jpg (1920x1080, 389K)

If it's bara shit it's not yaoi. Those terms are mutually exclusive.

Um... sweatyyy.. have sex ok.?..

How small minded. You think only of yourself. And the little world you live in. I hope you grow up mi amigo. Life is about more then just living for vice and personal enjoyment.


>wrong outlet
but it's the only right outlet as god intended

This is Ryu and Ken, two very strong fighters

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>The issue isn't that it's a dating sim on Steam
>Or a sexual dating sim on steam
>Or a dating sim on stream that costs $15
>It's the fact that it's a gay dating sim
The only faggot here is you, OP.

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Already have compadre. life is AAA right now. Wish you could be as well. There is a way, though, and I KNOW you'll find it.

Pressure turns shit into diamonds. Or diamonds into dust. Which will you be?

Because when the mayocide begins cishet trash like you going to be the first against the wall. You think you are in control, but in reality you are becoming a minority.

It's called 4D chess puckman. If you only look at the scab on the surface, you won't see the cancer underneath. Join me and we will fix this together. You DO have the power, ignore the pessimism.

All I care about is that the world doesn't fall to shit. Me not breeding won't change anything. I'm going to live my life the way I want to. Fuck you law fag. Enjoy your bitter life. Fuck children and fuck being a slave to them.

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Trying so hard

You have no idea how gay Yea Forums already was before you came here, kek. Just leave if you're boiling so much man. You see how degenerate this place got last two April Fool's? You aren't getting rid of them.

hey i'm not the one that made the thread, smart guy. but if OP wants a gay thread i'll give him one.

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your jaw must be so small

You joke, but society will collapse before I become the minority. Brain-retarded cunts have power now because it is popular by degenerates. But when the foundation cracks and shit hits the fan, only the right side will remain standing.

Fags will turn on each other like rats in a box.

I can never jack off to Snake. He's handsome as fuck but I know he ain't about that gay shit and I respect him too much to do him like that. Anybody else feel this way?

I all I was saying was I don't need dating sims to enjoy myself

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There needs to be a battle royal game about gay people and the players lose when they bottom.

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>can't say anything but insults now
seething incel

>All I care about is that the world doesn't fall to shit.
>Me not breeding won't change anything.

Humans grow BECAUSE they teach their young to grow beyond their mistakes. You are apart of the problem.

I'm not a prissy faggot who whines when someone doesn't have my sexuality or my fetish, but selling a fucking VN for any amount of money is just a dick move, like those artists who have a patreon and only let people see their art if they give them money.

Retarded. Humans also pass on their mistakes more often than they try to correct them.


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What, you mean like Linetrap? Bailey was a fucking joke. It was cunts who fell for that fetish is what became the problem of 4skin.

Who really needs to "have sex"? You don't pleasure yourself to DRAWN work when you have REAL sex.

There already is a battle royal game called "life"

Specifically "AIDS"

anything but insults now

i can

>bottoming is losing

That's not how gay sex works.

isn't this game like 4 or 5 years old already?


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A large majority of this Earth could never have children and society would benefit from it. If you think homosexuals should do their share and would make some awesome parents, there are always surrogates.

The only problem is it's being promoted by steam. normally this degenerate shovelware shit would be buried underneath the rest of the shit.

>came into thread expecting shitposting
>instead got bara porn
What a welcome surprise

Yes. OP either wanted to shitpost or he wanted a gay thread.

it is so good to lose then

>faggot poster thinks girl on girl is equivalent to guy on guy

>have sex
I mean I already did. I just want to play video games with cute guys in them

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Nigger gay subcultures have existed well before now. Gay subculture has been mainstream since the 90s and underground since forever

Yeah I know, the latter is way better.

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I love Kass!

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At what point did the alt-right become such triggered little faggots?

Really? This again?
You know this game is years old right? Is your third-world ass this triggered that an erotic gay VN exists?

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holy fucking cringe

FAGGOTS should drink bleach. And those who aren't fertile enough to have kids can at least raise the children of failures to be better.


Yeah. And look where you are. Shitposting on a degenerate board like Yea Forums. Truly you are the peak of evolution. Maybe drink the bleach yourself.

Evidently you don't speak english because you can't read english. Spend more time on Duolingo or Rosetta Stone then come back to me because you are incapable of speaking the lingua franca. And if you can't speak the lingua franca, you are a failure at life.

holy shit ive been trying to find this image for months, my boyfriend thought i was insane when i described it to him, but could never find it

Agree with you 100%. That's why I only jack off to video game girls like Link.

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ikr, guy on guy is way hotter.

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>gay VN
>always just a bunch of genetic hunky yaoibait dudes

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And they have been persecuted and hunted as such. Recently that has changed. We need to go back.

The average human being has never been a fan of homosexual behavior BECAUSE it is outrageously abnormal.

>murr i have become desensitized to disease just ignore the symptoms when it comes around!

As the kids say

>Participate in coitus XDDD

Attached: 4girlselmao.jpg (359x478, 109K)

you okay dude? you're sounding a little crazy. I mean all I was saying was that dating sims are usually shit and people should play something else

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The IRONY of a third-worlder criticizing someone else's English.

Rent free

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>degenerate board like Yea Forums

Only degenerate because of homosexual failures, furries (who are, for all intents and purposes, missteps in evolution), and incels.

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well if you say so

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>downloaded Housamo again
>Only the main quest has been translated to English

I wish I had my old account with the 4* wolf

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>not furry
fuck go back

Average, normal, abnormal, what do those words even mean to you? Do feel like you're "normal"' user? Do you have a large group of friends from outside where you can express your feelings, express who you are, and be accepted? I mean I wouldn't consider myself "normal" per say, but I know I do have people like that.

Gay man here who loves traps.

Grow up.

You ignored the part where I said you're also a failure of evolution by posting here. You associate with degeneracy. Seethe harder and cope. You'll never repopulate either.
More Gumshoe, please.Or you're gay.

>fake chad implies that that there are non-incels on Yea Forums

>Gay man who likes traps here

Yeah I really like dick too and that's great but nobody asked.

>not liking both
You're worse than OP

From you're post, it seems you couldn't understand anything. This seems right considering AIDS and HIV are capable of fucking up people. I wouldn't be surprised if you have Toxoplasma gondii


It's funny how those who proclaim themselves of higher culture than others tend to be of sub-standard. Then again, the mentally challenged don't know they are mentally challenged until they are told so.


I don't have to re-iterate what is already known. But here's a new one.

You will never have real-life furries, faggot. Art is only in your imagination. There will never be a tangible "furry." No warm touch, no cuddle, no kissing. You will never have what you desire, it will only be imagination.

Reminder Americans consider two men kissing to be more disgusting than a fully graphic decapitation

Rent free

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damn someone's off their meds

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Is that the one doujin where terry sells himself to support Rock?

LMAO, fucking based user.

No loli cunny girl will want you either. I bet you're a waifuposter with double standards.

>he doesn’t know about peacewalker

Its funny how retarded newfags who came here during 2016 election think that if /pol/ is full of literal unironic traditionalist neo nazis, the rest of the website must be the same.

picky picky

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>reddit space OP so obviously panicking that he's replying to himself with obvious hints
The absolute state of OP

stop shilling your shitty game

NOW I agree with OP

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how do you put so much work into something with such blatantly horrendous anatomy

straight male here who loves /u/

Grow up (as in your penis ;)))

>even retards can breed
I suggest you do your part in contaminating the gene pool then

I mean Nomura's anatomy is already pretty bad so he's just being faithful. Also fetish most likely

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hey what's going on in this thread

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If you have sex for any reason other than procreation, you are acting exactly as a faggot would and are, thus, immoral. Change your ways

>Pressure turns shit into diamonds. Or diamonds into dust.

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Men in maid outfits should be illegal.
It's a dangerous weapon.

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whatever helps you cope, permavirgin

I often wonder how much money this game made and whether I should try making my own

>Do feel like you're "normal"' user?

Yes. Beacause I am not a degenerate disease, shitlord. Once you learn that there is a life outside of your cave and interact with human beings, you'll learn that. Or not, and die and fade. Doesn't matter to me.

>Gay man here who loves traps.

Well, first and foremost yes. Traps are gay. Second, they need to just "go." Whether it's die or fade away, they need to "go."

>you're also a failure of evolution by posting here.

You see, this is the difference between FAGGOTS and the normal cut of cloth. A normal person can go into the worst possible place and come out normal because that's how they are programmed (genetically). FAGGOTS are programmed so they can never be normal.

I am following the path of a normal life. I guess you cannot. I hope you "have sex" incel.

Oh, there are incels on Yea Forums. But they can have sex correctly (with the RIGHT gender).

Everyone dies. It's abnormal to breed with the same gender.You can't breed with the same gender. 1+1 does not equal 0. You cannot divide by 0.

I do it for free. And you post for free. And when I leave, I will do what is biologically correct. You won't. You are the error in code that WILL be corrected. Whether through your death or otherwise.

>thumbs up emoji

Rent free

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Attached: heee.jpg (728x728, 38K)

Alright user humor me. Most people have kids before they reach 30. Do you have any? Or even have a girlfriend at this very moment? If not, you're about as much as a waste of space as a homo.

fuck i don't wanna be gay

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>using vee as your blog

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of course he doesnt but he's going to lie and tell you he does

>Doesn't matter to me.
Nice self-awareness there, Pablo.

I have a wife AND children (yes, MORE THAN ONE).

I am posting here because I was here back when it all began. Yes, Yea Forums was always shit and as it burns nothing of value was lost.

Then keep them Gumshoes coming. I'm this close to call you a faggot.

can't say i relate. the man is too damn hot.

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Imaging being this frustrated about other people harmless behavior as to come to v and rant how everyone is a degenerate.

have a life, unironically

>children (yes, MORE THAN ONE)
read this in an indian accent
you sound a lot like those indians that play up when they try to sext white girls, it's funny

fuck off boomer

Time is funny like that. It marches dauntlessly ever one. I don't care whether people sit or squat and wait for good things to come to them. I don't care whether people "expect" anything in general. Life is about growth. Flowers grow from nothing. Algae grows from "nothing."

I do. MGS2 Snake is how I knew I was a homo, and he's nice piece of man meat, but the idea of lusting after him just feels wrong

im 14 and this is deep

Obviously not that user but it doesn't take a smart person to see that having kids wastes tons of more space that not having them. Thanks for your active contribution to the misery of the world.

I don't have a slowpoke slow enough for this. Even if I come back 5 years from now and post a slowpoke, you're still fucking slower than that.
Congratulations, OP.


If you think it is harmless, you have the same visual perspective as a person born without eyes.

>waaah you grew up waaah

I thought as you did once. I hope you grow up too.

>having kids wastes tons of more space that not having them

It only wastes space if you don't raise your kids right. If you raise your kids to be bumps on a log, guess what? they'll be bumps on a log.
I wonder what anti-fags will think of when "reproduction" stops being an argument

How is it not harmless? How does faggotry affect you, aside from having to look at it while browsing v?

>If you think it is harmless, you have the same visual perspective as a person born without eyes.
What does it hurt? Your fee-fees?
This world is overpopulated to shit, fuck off.

yeah ok pablo, that's why you reply to every single post seething like crazy.

>yuri VNs are okay
>hentai dating sims are okay
>anything relating to male gayness is completely bad and out of the question
as a man of the gay, i welcome more male gay games. But i wish there were some more serious gay games. Like a MonsterGirl game, only with male monsters instead.

Attached: stn.png (470x622, 268K)

we're heading into dangerous territory user

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sauce, or you're gay

Sadly most VNs end up shit or never finished. You're better off just looking at the art/porn and moving on

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>how is subliminal advertising harmless? How is silently pushing shit going to affect people? hey kids, have a smoke

You really are of below-average IQ aren't you? get tested, cunt.

>waaah why are you utterly DESTROYING everyone who posts in this thread?

Fuck off el diablo, my words sting like holy water

Women are different. Men are different. Male homosexuality needs to be killed in its crib.

sauce us right now

Steamfags will defend this

Gave away your bait by saying el diablo, sad
Now it's just a bara thread. Post them barafriends.

Attached: 1502932748257m.jpg (835x1024, 84K)

Helmet boys can't possibly be this cute

Delusional 3rd worlder

good taste

fuck off pablo go mow my lawn

>h-heh! you turned an insult against you against others! j-j-j-jokes on y-y-you p-p-pablo ! !

Enjoy your b-b-ban, fuh-fuh-faggot !

>male monsters
I like the way you think

Sun is shining, neighbors are nice, and the food is unprocessed.

Typical for YOUR TYPE to accuse ME of being a 3rd worlder.


Women are built differently. Lesbians can be turned away from their degeneracy because they haven't found someone who can emotionally satisfy them. Sorry to break your argument faggot deviant :((

Lesbians can be turned away from their degeneracy because they haven't found someone who can emotionally satisfy them.
I don't like using incel insults, but like, have sex unironically
Talk to people, you sound like a serial killer incel

I meant to put the first part
in greentext, fuck

I mean, literally, really though, unironically, seriously, without a doubt, for sure

>"COMING OUT" on top

is this really the extent to FAGGOT creativity? What's next>

>Going down the CHOCOLATE hole?

>male monsters
as long as its actually monsters and not humans with accessories on

why play this crap when you can play nekojishi

>as long as its actually monsters
that's what i meant, yes.

Attached: F.jpg (225x225, 8K)

What games let me play as a cute femboy?

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user... dont delude yourself... Only Likulau was good

demon angel sakura

no need to thank me

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are you a negro?

>gays all of a sudden have the hots for barret

Bitch you wish. I'm gonna go get some COCK instead, if you don't mind. Bitch boi

>all these homosexual failures trying to revive a dying thread

Get pozzed

>all of a sudden

Bitch I've been fawning over him since 1998.

Attached: have_sex.jpg (1200x911, 128K)

can i have sex with you?

>a furry image


Why do you answer your own questions you never asked?

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Why is it ok for games like this to exist when it is explicitly against the word of god yet i can't have sex with cute little girls (in video games) even though no holy scriptures have said anything about it?

Allah can't come soon enough.

Yes because the remake is giving him a model that doesn't look like it's made of Legos and it's hot as fuck

Based. Fuck Sushishitters and Barafags. Twunk is peak.

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