Are you kidding me? THIS game has fucking framerate problems? What the hell are they doing?

Are you kidding me? THIS game has fucking framerate problems? What the hell are they doing?

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It's the Nintendo switch,why are you even surprised? They are lazy after iwata passed away


Should have rotated the camera towards the ground more, like the original isometric view. And disable depth of field. Or just not remake an already near perfect game.

He ans Sakurai seem to be the only ones that actually devote(d) themselves

Developing on low-grade hardware. You can whip a horse all you want but in the end you'll never outpace an automobile.

Played the demo at Nintendo NYC:

Overworld and 2D sections run 30fps
Dungeons are 60fps

That dosent bother me. Link having 8-way movement instead of 360 degree control fucking does though

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every channel is talking about it, overworld has tons of fps problems when just moving around

>every channel

Literally any video of the game. I'm still excited about it, but it definitely has framerate issues.

Blood mentioned it during his impressions iirc

So fucking lazy. Jesus christ. Don't even think I'll pirate this trash. It looks like shit and plays like shit.

The Shitch is such a garbage fucking mess. its games dont even have anti-aliasing and yet it still runs them like shit.

Yuzu emulator with framerate unlock soon. Only way to salvage the tiny handful of decent games on this heap of shit console.

Get mad.

Pretty embarrassing that a reskin would have framerate problems.
Might as well have just ported the original and made it 60 FPS.

Reminder that ALBW on the 3DS runs at 60 FPS.

Attached: a link between worlds.jpg (630x630, 176K)

Nintendo NEEDS to drop their hardware market. This shit is seriously getting absurd and it make their fanboys look just as absurd defending it. Imagine what they could do when they're not restricted by the 20 year old hardware.

Switch is selling like crazy, why would they?

>framerate drops in both sections

Because they should know what happens when they sell a console using a gimmick instead of quality hardware by now. Big bang followed by a crater.

Attached: nintendoconsolessales.png (1520x1353, 73K)

I am mad. I hate seeing art crippled by shitty cheap consoles.

I will. I'll stick to the original. Not gonna waste my time with this unity trash.

Wii U sold like shit because the average consumer was too retarded to tell the difference between it and a Wii.