Other urls found in this thread:
why isnt crash in smash
Reminder that
>This is the exact same hairstyle as the alt skin for Ami
>Ami never had this hairstyle in the original game
>Kempfer made this picture well before the trophy girls were even revealed
Someone's got some explaining to do
Smash is just free publicity at this point
Only DQ games are on the Switch,so expect more free publicity on the future
Copies of the game ship to major retailers on Monday.
Silky smooth 25fps in crispy 720p.
why does he look like that...
Boxart running gag
It's the highest detail models the Switch can handle.
I got a PS4, but even I doubt
My only regret is that Megumi is turning
tfw gonna get comfy in bed playing CTR online on my switch
might even get the ps4 version too
the stats dont really vary as much as the bar makes you think they do. even 10x wumpa fruit only increases your speed by 2%.
>5 days until release and gem cup rewards still not leaked
I'm getting both, only because I am pretty sure the switch port is gonna be shit. But I still want to play with all Yea Forums bros
Fake Velo
There's a reason they haven't showed it. Don't delude yourself otherwise. They want to actually sell the game.
the one trailer they did release of the switch version looked pretty good.
the footage in the switch trailer is different from the ps4 one so we can assume thats all switch gameplay.
Where's the Xbox one gameplay, based retard?
where are most Yea Forums rooms gonna be? PS4?
>playing CTR while shitting
this board is nicknamed Yea Forumstendo, have a guess
I think it'll be evenly split.
It's almost as if the Switch version isn't even presentable.
Switch and PS4 are about equal.
We've objectively had more switch trailers than Xbox one.
Total PS4 trailers: a lot
Total Switch trailers: 1
Total Xbox one trailers: 0
It's almost as if the Xbox One and PS4 run identically to each other with zero concessions made, and that the PS4 is the most popular console out at the moment....
Same reason he wasn't in PSABR, Activision are cunts
>muh console wars
Fuck that and post mains
I heard someone claim Sega is publishing this game in Japan, kinda neat but also kind of a cruel fit of irony if you ask me.
people like you are the kind we 'don't' need in Crash threads
t.ps4 owner
>tfw I finally mastered the Sewer Speedway shortcut today
Is Japanese Crash a skin?
I sure hope so
What release is 60 fps?
You've become too powerful, wumpa squad incoming, do not resist.
It's on Sega Japan's official twitter if you're skeptical
bros i dont want to be a furry but liz might have converted me.
Anyone remember those spotify playlists they made for Crash and Cortex on the release of the N. Sane Trilogy?
Those were fun.
nina and pasadena just have to be in because not counting baby coco that would allow for a fully female 8-player race
PC one down the line, I would assume.
Reminder to play even more Crash while waiting for Nitro Fueled.
Already posted my main... feel like a normie for picking crash, but fuck I love it
>Ami so strong a based Ripper Roo player can't beat her
Soon user
>cruel fit of irony
>when CTRNF won't sell even half as much as TSR in Japan
user, the Japanese Trilogy sales should have made it obvious that Japan doesn't give a shit about Crash anymore
>tfw I still can't get the shortcut jump on Hot Air Skyway right
Enjoy your 480p
I didnt but to my pleasant surprise theyre still up.
>Cortex is Easy Listening/Mom core
>Crash is Boomercore and Coco is GirlPowertm
To be fair I think its equally plain/normie to choose the main bad but theyre so likable it doesnt even matter
I was more talking about the game quality being better but I guess.
This is 1080p 30fps right?
this is u
Ok so I am finding little to no info on this. Can the costumes found in the $60 version of the game be unlocked through gameplay and are the Retro skins pre-order only?
wait, Switch gameplay is out?
thats what happens when you run into your own fucking power ups
>tfw already got every gem in the trilogy remaster
I guess I could play the gameboy ones since I heard they aren't terrible
nah, one trailer
just stick to the right side of the ramp and jump at the end
Oxide edition skins and retro skins are exclusive. No way to get them in game.
Huge Adventure is a bit plain but N.Tranced is pretty great.
Switch or ps4 bros
I wanna get it on ps4 but having to pay 60usd for a year of online vs the 5 on switch is making it hard
Does switch version at least run at stable 30?
> Rainy day
> on the bed smothered with dogs
> comfy CTR online games
Still getting it on ps4 but that portability is a big plus
Switch is a gamble.
We have seen the graphics are a bit downgraded, but it hasn't been demo'd very much so we dunno how stable it is framerate wise.
What does it matter if the graphics are crystal-clear or not? The Switch version will have more detailed graphics than the original regardless. The more important issue is the physics and how the game 'plays'.
>t. pee-yes-fore user
I have a ps4 and a switch but I'm leaning towards switch
I just wanna see some switch gameplay, and as long as it runs well, and looks fine, Im all in.
Gonna have to wait a week after release if I wanna get Oxide edition and a year of PS4 Unfortunately
frame rate is the main concern of the switch version. Its possible one or two tracks could be unplayable especially online if the frame rate shits the bed too much.
ps4 gets more exclusive stuff if that matters to you
what tracks you thinking?
Time to settle this once and for all
Is Oxide pre-order only or can you buy it any time?
I’m not that interested in graphics since it could be the old ps1 models and textures and I will be fine, it’s performance that worries me
I see
The fact Xbox isnt on there makes me chuckle
I forgot about it
So did everyone else
A few threads ago I saw this and I decided to do my own modifications. I agree to what the other user says. If Velo Mask is in, N trance should stay with Uka Uka, as he's with N.Trophy and was there before CNK.
And I like to add:
1.-Oxide should use Velo's Mask because he's an alien, he has nothing to do with Uka Uka besides beign evil. But he has more in common with Velo, Zem and Zam.
2.-Fake Crash should use Uka Uka because he is Crash's doppelgänger.
3. Nina should use Aku Aku but display Uka Uka as the power up icon (just like Penta in the original NTSC ver.) because she did nothing wrong
4.Ami and Megumi should use Uka Uka just to spice things up. And as a reference to the original game.
5. I don't know about Spyro and Brio. Probably Aku Aku?
Lets face it he's going to be a dlc charcter. It's only a matter of time.
Masked Crash is obviously his final smash
PS4 targeting 30fps gives me the impression Switch will barely hold it even with complete dumbing down of the lighting/shaders like Crash Trilogy did.
After Crash broke the hypnotism on Fake Crash he was more than willing to help him defeat N.Trance and every other appearance he's been either neutral or good so I dont think its fair for him to be in Uka Uka's camp. Also Brio helped destroy the Cortex Vortex in 2 so he's probably good now.
I do agree with everything else though especially with Nina's predicament, why must cortex be so cruel
Hyper spaceway i think its called from CNK and perhaps oxide station. those are the only really long tracks I can think of that could eat up too much memory. Maybe even gnash's stage.
fucking tiny and dingodile were on aku aku side at one point too so who the fuck knows.
Either that or he could warp characters into the boulder dash level. I just hope they give some unique KO animations like his shoes popping up after falling.
You should ignore Crash Bash, Tiny and Dingodile were only on Aku Aku's side because the rules for the party game said each team needed 5 players or something.
I saw a better idea in another thread where it is the result screen from Crash 1 and it says "Great but you missed..." and boxes start crushing the people caught in it.
Nah, masked crash would be too predictable, and also a Super Sonic ripoff. Crash has a lot of material for a final smash,
bazooka? or is taht eve more predictable?
They could drop crates on him during his clapping animation
The bazooka would be a special.
>tfw getting Xbone version
gold bikini skin when?
Brio would be Uka Uka and Spyro would have Sparx
That would be his Final Smash or probably his gimmick or something.
>I still haven't beaten Velo's ghost
Stop typing like a retard, retard.
Do you guys use "illegal" shortcuts? I just beat Oxide on Papu's pyramid without cheesing him on the wall and it's a satisfying feeling to have mastered a track in a way.
i like how both the teen and the tween are checking out a deformed mutated mammal's ass and junk
literally no point. there wont be any in CTRNF and if anyone finds any they will be patched out. The most I use is ultra sacred power.
I'm gonna be on the Xbox. We won't have as many Yea Forumsirgins, but hopefully it should still be comfy.
Maybe she will be in a later DLC pack
the slut pack? we are already getting that first.
>forgetting the xbone
That's okay, we're not as obnoxious as other console warriors.
Yeah I’m kind of interested to see what might work still though? There’s no way Skyway and Papu’s temple will stay broken messes. However I have seen someone do the skip where you would normally double jump over the wall in polar pass. We also haven’t seen blizzard bluff where it might still be possible to jump over the railing.
Only because Polar Pass, Blizzard Bluff and Papu's Piramid are more fun that way, I never use them in multiplayer tho. And I never learn the ones in Hot Air Skyway.
yeah there's not enough of you for that
I swear oxides ghost takes that shortcut too in the original
No, no this would be the "evil sluts" pack.
>less than a week away and still no sign of Fake Velo
Guess it's Big Norm for me.
If you’re referring to the one on polar pass I’m sorry if I confused you. There’s a wall that acts as a guard that stops you from driving in the water where it’s possible to double jump over it and make it to the other side of the track. Past that there’s a cave where there’s a second wall where oxide makes the jump. This shows what I’m talking about
We dont know whats behind the gem cup rewards. With as big a surprise as the trophy girls returning I wouldnt be surprised if there were super secret characters they havent revealed just for that.
Dare I say it, he is confirmed.
Considering they managed to get the graphically impressive Mario Kart running at 60fps on the switch even when playing multiplayer, what is it about CTR that made them stick to 30fps on most base consoles? I get why on switch, but ps4? Is it that the devs didn't manage to optimise it enough, or was it gimped on purpose due to "Only the ps4 PRO can handle all these graphics, better buy it now goy!"
Oh yeah this uturn skip is pretty insane and i bet they will patch this out of its in the new version
>soul and an egg
imagine this skip with the unlimited USF
sub 1:30 possible?
They didn't manage it. Alchemy engine was used on CNK 15 years ago. The engine's architecture is just far more dated than you're thinking.
>inb4 double collab
>Crash in Smash Mario in Nitro Fueled
But before GP1 probably Coco.
Is there gonna be a demo? I'm curious but don't know if i want to buy it yet.
Gentlemen, how do we save Crash Bash? What would need to be changed?
given how the game is only 5 days away now, I expect one to be post launch if they do.
Holy Hell, 5 days now
>It's almost as if the Xbox One and PS4 run identically to each other with zero concessions made
You and I both know that isn't right
Add Nina and decent minigames.
It definitely seems like that if they don’t do anything about it people are gonna be flying all over the track
>Want to pre-order the game on Switch but will probably have to wait until after launch just to look at fucking gameplay footage
I'm facing the same dilemma, but at the moment I'm leaning more towards Switch simply because I'm in a family plan and don't have to pay for online along with portability, whereas the PS4 version I'd have to start paying for Plus for (assumedly) barely any difference.
I just hate that they haven't shown any proper footage and/or that the game somehow hasn't leaked yet.
Some princess Coco gameplay and more Ami lines!
>5 days
I'm having a final date with my girlfriend before we break things off for good before then. It's gonna be a rough few days, Yea Forumsros.
I have no choice but to get Switch version at launch, PC version won't be for about a year and I'm not shelling hundreds of dollars to play one game
>he's taking his son to be ex girlfriend out for a date
Make sure to pick up a kid's meal for her son as well you cuck
She's in.
>releases 6.20.2019
That's what it says for me on the PSN Store.
Do I get to play eaaaaarly?
LiLi from Heroes of the Storm!?!
Is there a way to induce an almost week long coma?
I don't get it
Why do you keep spamming this every thread? Do you think you're funny?
Either he's set up a bot to do it automatically or it's some vain attempt to get Beenox to notice incase they lurk here.
Ami sounds cuter and cuter.
>another racer drives right into the person playing with a mask active and nothing happens AGAIN
So I saw you can buy the game on the eshop for $40 and the Nitros Oxide Edition for $60...but it says you can unlock everything.
Is Activision hoping people can't read. This reeks of a scam.
There are cosmetics exclusive to the Oxide edition. What that's referring to is the fact that you can still unlock Oxide, Zem, and Zam in the standard edition.
I endured the last week before E3 the hard way, it's just 5 days left, we'll make it
and crunch
>see what ps4 gets exclusive
>just three skins
I'll just get switch version
>Open my PS4
>The download already started
>Still can't play it until Friday
Why is the world so cruel bros? I'm going to have the game fully downloaded on my system but I still have to wait a couple of days.
Ah. Ok, that makes sense.
I think all of those outfits look ugly thankfully.
He's in!
It's how he's always looked in Japan. Pacman eyes and all. Even the Crash suit is different
(I fucked it up)
Minumum powerslide angle should be increased for all-around and turning classes. Even at full countersteer they are still turning way too hard. Accel and Speed are the superior classes in the original game, not because of their speed, but their ability to powerslide in straighter lines without going towards the wall.
This would improve the overall game to fix and would probably even make new players more comfortable with powersliding..
You can use unlockable/DLC characters in the Nitro-Fueled version of Adventure Mode, so there should still be podium animations for when you complete a race
my friend did some math and I think my pre-loaded copy unlocks at 8pm this next thursday if I'm going off my PS4's countdown.
God I hope he's right.
All characters are usable in the Nitro Fueled adventure mode you idiot. All of them will have podium animations.
We've still seen Zem and Zam's podium animations though.
...And Crunch. All on twitter.
and even then, you also got podium screens for completing arcade mode cups. So it would have been possible either way.
>this game looks faster than Team Sonic Racing
ps4 and switch should be the most active platforms,right?
i got it on ps4 because my switch is hacked anyways. but i hope the playerbase will be big enough on ps4.
it's better than having to rely on download speed. imagine downloading the game with shitty internet when everybody else is already playing.
God fucking dammit I miss the old days.
Imagine living in a third world country with shitty internet.
Then he'll be disappointed when he learns we don't lurk here.
Gotta save some big hitters for Smash 6. It's going to be depressing with the inevitable cuts.
If Yaya Panda is in, then it's confirmed that Beenox lurks here.
They're covering twinsanity eventually, they want to make seasons out of many of the crash games
>Gex & Crash in Smash 6 to complete the holy quartet of 90's mascot characters
Why'd they give him a generic newscaster voice?
I think online should feature podium animations
Yeah, he's supposed to sound specifically like Howard Cosell
>in last place for an entire lap
>fail to hit majority of item crates
>purposely avoid bounce crates
>don't jump when they have a TNT and then immediately drive into another one
The wait is fucking killing me.
at least Stew still sounds like George Foreman
I think it will be higher on PS4, on Yea Forums it will be more even but in overall I think most people will go for it on PS4.
Listen up fags, I don't want to make my own thread for this and you fine fellows seem to actually be discussing video games. Should I buy Hollow Knight or Final Fantasy 7 for Switch? I already have FF7 on PC but muh portability. Help me anons.
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
Thats enough for me. Just needed a little nudge. Its cheaper anyway.
He got hit by it when it first activated, which broke his shield. I'll assume they programmed it so you can only get hit by an item once, so driving into them again did nothing.
possibly a way to counter people fucking with you by sitting on top of you with a mask so you get hit repeatedly, so their buddy can win or some shit
Humility must be the only thing that comes with your console, since it has no games.
It's probably just iframes so you don't end up with daisy_on_dk_mountain.webm. it lasts 4 seconds there though which might be excessive.
The fact that it was such a long time was what made me assume it was a hard limit on how many times you can get hit. Iframes for that long is unreasonable.
a classic
Yes but it does also block the TNT so more than just the mask is affected.
I wonder what other anti-griefing measures there are. Surely they haven't removed all of them...
Thoughts on Nitro Kart GBA?
Reminds me of that fucking Spyro ad where it literally implies Spyro was BREEDING laracroft like a pig
god we need to go back
Thought it was really damn cool how Fake Crash was unlocked by going out of the map boundaries. Stuff like that always makes the game feel larger than it is...
Single races never had animations
Cups did
lol if they did that today, SJW would be the ones spiting fire.
What will the trophy girls podium animations be
Are you gonna play normal adventure mode or the Nitro Fueled adventure mode first?
What do you guys think of the trophy list? You are going to platinum the game, right?
tl;dr for anyone who doesn't feel like opening the link:
>No online trophies
>Most of the trophies are fairly obvious and come naturally simply by fully completing the game
>Hard adventure mode gives you a trophy, classic doesn't
>A couple of trophies that you might be missing even after completing everything but they're not that bad especially if you have a friend who can help you with them
This one caught my attention:
>Directly hit an opponent with a thrown Beaker Power-Up.
I've been actively playing the original CTR for over 10 years and I've done this exactly once, and even that was an accident. Luckily I have a friend who can help me get this easily.
I need to know if wumpa coins are available offline, it would feel pointless to get ths switch version otherwise
>Is everyone here?
It seems fine, no bullshit online trophies which is nice. I wonder what the best track is for doing a boost for a whole lap? Coco Park?
These threads always feel wholesome. Sans the titty posting, yaya and "N" posts that occasionally pop up.
Hope they continue and there's no post launch issues to keep the threads wholesome
What's the difference again?
>I wonder what the best track is for doing a boost for a whole lap? Coco Park?
Coco Park probably yes since it's such an easy track with no pitfalls or any other obstacles. Sewer Speedway and Slide Coliseum are good too.
Vanilla adventure mode:
>Same as in the original game: same roster, no customization, no difficulty options
Nitro Fueled:
>All unlocked content available (characters and customization), can change character as many times as you want, difficulty selection
>Can't change your character
>Can't pick a difficulty
>NPCs don't wear costumes or use customiced karts
Nitro Fueled
>Can change your character
>Can pick a difficulty
>NPCs can wear costumes and use customiced karts
do you know if the hard difficulty on nitro fueled is the same as the vanilla difficulty?
>can change character
I'll probably go for this.
No information on that but I'd assume that vanilla is the same as normal difficulty. Otherwise what's the point of the hard difficulty?
Are you going to main this good boy, Yea Forums?
Classic first just because then NF for the fun runs and hard mode.
Now that Banjo is in it's probably just a matter of time
Same. The wholesomeness just amplifies my love for this series. I grew up poor, couldn't afford any games or consoles but I always loved Crash. I'd get hand-me-down gaming magazines from my friends and live the games that way. The games hold a special place in my heart for that reason, and it's going to be great to experience CTR for real for the first time.
BASED no online trophies, that's pretty fucking tight. Sucks so hard when they gimp you like that
I'll use him sometimes, I think coco will be my main until the nitro squad come out
That was below the belt
Online achievements are always a bad idea, because if the servers ever go down and you didn't get them by then, oops.
Add all the japanese exclusive content, add online, add newcomers, add at least 10 new categories of minigames plus every minigame that was already in (except maybe the races). Don't keep the dumb "plot". Don't make the game as repetitive and slow as the original (looking at you, adventure mode), keep the minigames simple. A lot of minigames are easy to pick up and play, no tutorials or explications needed, no unnecessary or overcomplicated rules and controls. That (when done right) is some of the best part of Crash Bash.
I mean one of the best parts
Maybe some of them are too easy? I was expectin a trophy for getting all the platinum relics. Or I don't know something like 150 boost in a row.
Doesn't take much
Depends, what are his stats?
Should be all gold relics for the trophy like n-sane trilogy. I do expect some crazy in game reward for doing them though
I know you got your answer, but still definitely Hollow Knight. FF7 is better on PC anyways, and usually goes for pretty cheap on steam sales.
Well I expect the umbrella to come out in their default skins
from the thumbnail i thought his tongue was a circumcized penis
He's my favorite 'evil' guy desu
>Should be all gold relics for the trophy like n-sane trilogy
That is a trophy tho, just not explicitly stated. There are two Oxide-related trohphies:
>Win against Nitros Oxide in the Adventure Mode.
>Defeat Nitros Oxide in the Adventure Mode once and for all.
The second one is for defeating "Oxide's final challenge" which requires you to get at least gold from every time trial.
He's turning. So if you like going slow, he's perfect.
No it doesn't, you need sapphires
Are you a bad enough dude to get all platinum relics with a turning character?
Yeah, golds are only for the extra completion number on your savefile.
Are you for real? I've always taught that you need golds for that. I've been living a lie for god knows how many years.
Not like it matters since I always get platinum from each time trial anyway.
I have a 101% save file (including all platinum relics) with N. Gin, Tiny and Polar and I'm thinking about doing one with Crash too so that I'd have all the different skill sets. Should I go for it Yea Forums?
Go for it, user
If you can do it with Tiny and even Polar, you'll be fine. Go nuts.
The balanced characers are a little easier than the turning ones, so why not? Could be some good prep for Nitro fueled.
Reminder that the reason we haven't seen Switch gameplay is because Sony has exclusivity ON THE MARKETING of all things, not because they are trying to hide how bad it looks/works.
I mean, sure, it won't look as good as on PS4, but I don't think there is any reason to be scared. Beenox is a studio that used to do console ports, I'm sure they made the game easily portable.
I'm doing it guys and I'm completing it before release. I'll post a picture proof when I'm done.
Also a slight correction: my speed save file is actually Dingodile, not Tiny.
we need more Crazy Meg in our lives.
fucking Australian shitposters
This game was fun as a kid but I have no memory of the actual races.
>tfw the furries have arrived
>tfw no more comfy wholesomeness
>she's turning
It still hurts but I'll try to make due.
God I hope one of the victory lines references this
That's because the gameplay was literally just you attaching yourself to the person in front like a barnacle and then detaching yourself in front of the finish line
fuck it, I'm just gonna order 2 copies. One digital to not have to wait on release day and one physical for myself when I get my own ps4 later on
Based Ami
what was the point of tag team when you are not actually a team?
Most of Beenox's ports have been for the PC though.
They did manage to port the Racing portion of Skylanders: SuperChargers to the Wii and 3DS, so that's noteworthy.
crash is trash though
It's not because he was your first video game ever that I should be in smash. Crash games are okay but not great platformers, it has only its main theme that is memorable and there's fuck all to do with the character.
Also it's a western character.
>it has only its main theme that is memorable
I found the Turtle Woods theme the most memorable t.b.h
Not gonna lie, these cutscenes are pretty good.
The Japanese version of the Crash dance. Her name comes from the woman who created it and it's just the easiest one to think of.
I'd actually like her to do an extended version of her umbrella twirling, just because it really fits her character and it's something elegant I could see her doing regardless.
Pop n' Lock. She knows what's up.
I have no idea. Two step?
She does her waving from the bonus stages in Crash 1 except her feet are in rhythm and she shimmies with her hips a bit. This transitions into a spin and then she falls and does the splits while pointing to the sky.
This actually hurts a lot, so her hand starts to shake while she's pointing, and she masks it with a broken smile and gets back up again. Something with a goofy appeal like Crash but not entirely un-sexy.
You mean saging hard as fuck?
Crash is bigger in Japan than some of the Japanese reps!
Why is Tawna so adorable?
Will the Nintendo Switch version offer Mario characters to boost up sales? I mean Rayman's last Nintendo version game had a Mario Costume.
>crash penis inspection day
That's kind of the thing with hardware power getting VERY nice thanks to the PS4 gen. Rendering fur, scales, and feathers makes anthro characters look damn good. No doubt the PS5? It will probably outright make the characters look like movie tier Dreamworks/Pixar. At which point the models seriously cannot be improved much further.
>Crash 2 has the hardest animal riding leve-
I needed a mask to be able to beat this part
She's got big flowing hair. Lots of volume.
And yet there's still no SNK character, no tekken character, no Tales of character.
I'm pretty sure Sakurai will put any of those in the game before even thinking of Crash.
nowadays he's just a regular western character that barely anybody knows or cares about in japan
>that child
What did Naughty Dog mean by this?
>It will probably outright make the characters look like movie tier Dreamworks/Pixar
The PS4 Ratchet game shared a lot of the assets with the film so in some aspects we've already reached movie quality.
>muh western character
Also Crash has amazing OST from the first 3 to Twinsanity is a jampacked romp
N.Brio was enjoyable way more than he should've been shame cortex looks so fucking gross.
>Also Crash has amazing OST from the first 3 to Twinsanity is a jampacked romp
Said no one, ever. I can easily recall the main theme but that's all. And I 100%ed all the first three.
>Said no one, ever
he just said it you fucking trog
Cute and Funny
>Has to know off 5fps for the insult cus the PS4 version also runs at 30
Oh no no no no no! The cope!
Why is Coco making fun of her autistic brother?
>inevitable cuts
Sonic will be there forever basically, as will most of the Capcom characters if Sakurai was confident enough to give Ryu an echo in Ken. The characters to really be worried about are the Konami and SE reps. Konami's a bunch of morons and SE are a bunch of jews that wanted Cloud as Day 1 DLC for Ultimate and probably only relented when promised a spot in the Fighter Pass, so even if they have anyone back it'll be for an extra 5 bucks plus tip.
She's doing the goofy dance with him. It's whole family bonding, user.
>Said no one, ever.
Not him. That's top tier bait. Future Frenzy's theme is one of the best in platforming, period. It's a death metal track with funky synths instead of guitars. Search your feelings.
Then there's Crash 2's snow level themes and sewer level themes.
have you niggers even played the original on PS1, it lagged like shit
Small Norm mains rise up.
This man is based as FUCK
Crash, Coco and Crunch are not blood related.
There is a crash manga?
It's too late for us both
not unless they start swapping blood
lold irl
Yes was based on the concepts of 1 and 2 iirc
He was that popular in nipland
>watching talespin because best show
>tfw suddenly bella
I can’t decide on Big or Small Norm, both are good characters
my nigga
Isabella is cute and wholesome
You have 100%ed OG CTR before this, right?
Just like I'm gonna be playing Crash, I just played him since forever in the original and feels best to play for me.
No, I 101%ed it
Those are pretty good animations for a tv show.
Smash suck balls so who cares?
Except the part where the captain's head and neck start animating away from his body...
no, I suck too much
They better not ruin the funky credits music.
>not posting the best one
Is Tawna still going out with Pinstripe in this continuity?
Josh Mancell is consulting, they wouldn't do that under his watch
Besides, all music thus far has been top-notch
neckbeard in a can my god this was the first Crash game I beat
I'm so disappointed that Crash kart is gonna be 30fps...
I bought Sonic team racing thinking it would be alright, but after MK8, I cannot play any more 30 fps kart racers...
I still say throwing in the pre-console mixes as a bonus would be the icing on the cake.
the fact there is a shitload people crying about muh 30fps when the original was 30fps makes me sad, angry and also makes me want to laugh on everyone who whines about it
>not a 30fps kart racer
kek, i bet you only play singleplayer
I've been wanting art like this for years.
I've been waiting for someone to draw crash as an aussie shitposter with a can of wumpa beer at his desk.
Multiplayer even with 4 people split screen is still 60fps
Seethe harder
I mean, to be fair... I can't entirely blame them. Framerate is pretty important, especially in driving games. But that's not to say 30 makes it unplayable either, people just wish it could be better I suppose, cause 60 is quite good. But the people who come in threads just to shitpost about it and add nothing else before leaving? Yeah that's kinda irksome.
She was never officially with Pinstripe retard.
you're the one seething about a non-issue like CTR being in its fucking original framerate, pal
go and play MK8 more, fucking casual
if CTR had a 60fps timetrial mode like Gran Turismo 1(and 2) had then I wouldn't complain about muh 60fps, but alas it doesn't so it's a non-argument made by people who never played or never managed to git gud on CTR
Holy fuck. I have never realized he's holding Crash in his right arm the entire time.
What the hell
It's in the manga
I love Mario Kart 8. How similar is CTR going to be?
I think they could also potentially fix this problem by doing something Forza Horizon 4 did. If you were playing on the Xbox One X, you had two video modes. Visual for 4K 30 fps, or performance which cuts the resolution down to 1080p but bumps the framerate up to 60. Just something to justify the v2 consoles.
I'm pretty sure they're including the classic soundtrack as an option like Spyro.
I got all platinum relics with every character class and beat every Oxide ghosts without using illegal shortcuts or USF with a handling character when possible. I don't know what to do now.
Which wasn't made by Naughty Dog.
I only played with 1 or 2 players, or online, it does drop to stable 30fps in 3-4 local players, which is a shame but understandable.
Sonic Racing is 30 fps with 1 player, and 20-30 with 2-4... I'm not projecting for Crash, but if they didn't manage 60 on the ps4/xbox, it's going to be pretty bad on the switch.
Oh I know they are, but aren't they the original compressed tracks from the actual playstation release? Not to say they're bad, but yeah.
This was suppose to be a fucking sony exclusive. Ill be damned if i support it now.
More complex drifting mechanics
Marginally less weapon focused, though perhaps not as much so as Sega Kart
>be tawna
>Be eating bugs in the undergrowth
>Get snatched up by big head man and mutated into sexy bandiboo
>Get vortexed with every bit of televised sex appeal media
>Grow a smooth, flirty and cunning personality
>Get used as bandibait for the little guy
>Kinda sad that he's going to die for you
>He actually madlads it through the island, rampage beast mode
>Saves you, didn't actually do it for you, just to fuck with cortex
>Give him some reward coochie anyway, *smacks lips* he cute
>Don't really jive with living in a hut, remember the pootaroo is pretty well off
>Work your charm, get him wrapped around your finger and fleece him out of a tidy sum
>Kick rocks as soon as you've bled him dry , with a load of dosh, a hot bod and scientifically engineered sex appeal the world is your oyster.
She's dangerous
Crash hasn't been exclusive since 2001 though
Do we know how the lobby system works exactly? Do you have to befriend people or can you post a lobby code?
CTR is more skill based and has an absurdly high skill ceiling for a kart racer. It fills a niche that MK has never bothered trying to fill. They’re both fun games but I prefer CTR personally. I think you’ll enjoy it too, just make sure you learn the mechanics because if you play it like Mario Kart then you’ll be in for a bad time. Learn the boost mechanics and it’s absurdly fun.
Wait, PS4 is 30 FPS? I don't think racing games are normally below 60. Hard pass.
Didnt ask you but ok
Sony never owned Crash, idiot
it was created by Universal Studios and then sold to Activision
All versions are 30, just like the original game.
it's been decades sine i played the game, and while i had time and friends to do it, i don't think i never did
Just not sure why you're acting like this is a new thing, sorry.
How were the bugs tho
Nobody knows yet
If they said it was 60fps but it was actually 30, would anyone even notice?
You know the US Kirby boxart memes? It's that. Pretty sure one of the PS1 Crash games in JP has Crash just dancing like an anime character on the start screen.
Crash also talks in the manga.
the human eye cant render more than 30fps so i dont think so
>can already download game when you preorder
I'm fucking ready boys
I have a feeling the velo masks are in, there's no reason why they have velos mask music would appear when an uka mask passes you from another player/npc.
not sure
There's a lot of shit being hidden. Slide Coliseum has still never been shown and neither has N. Gin Labs. Then there's clearly some points in races where the mask does or no damage to other racers or plays Velo's tune, like you said, as if they were testing CNK's team racing mode and some script flags are still broken.
>the human eye cant render more than 30fps
Im even more sceptical of the switch ports quality
>all gameplay is in slowmo
>only one map is shown
The character models look fun with the exception of tinys fur mapping looking weird.
I dont care if looks worse graphically, as long as its framerate is solid and i can visibily see whats ahead of me and the game doesnt look like smear and mud
Evens out things completely if there's a velo team too, right now its still overwhelming on the Uka side.
I think the reason so many people are flaky on the new masks concept is because of Adventure mode, but honestly I don't know if anyone would care if the aliens just used Uka for Adventure mode and had velo for races, they're not even from CTR to begin with.
The N. Sane port was pretty good performance wise, they run on the same engine.
You think they have been intentionally showing off an early build this whole time to keep things a surprise? I actually recall Sonic Mania doing something very similar, showing a late 2017 or early 2018 build even by E3 which was just a few months away from release, did a good job of keeping a lot of stuff unknown well at least until the switch version got leaked nearly a week early, thanks retailers...
Bandicoots eat bugs
Velo mask would have his own animated scenes, imagine that.
what;s the fucking secret to beating the bosses, I can't deal with all this fucking garbage they throw all over the track
Were they tasty tho
never had a problem with them, just get in front.
Been replaying og ctr myself to get into the groove for ctrnf, im just wraping my head around the drift mechanics and the only shortcuts ive been able to do is the wall in polars level and s handfull of short cuts in papu papus temple, do speed characters have a disadvantage? Im playing tiny and its a challenge just keeping him on the track (the wind up the temple in papus temple is almost impossible not to hit the walls of the track)
Any tips for a boomer who hasnt played ctr in probably 15 years
do you think Coco shitposts on /int/, /g/ and /pol/?
You gotta learn to boost and keep ahead of them bro, it’s a pure test of speed and adaptability.
Outrun them before they get the chance, or spam items back.
Yeah that's what makes people skeptical, because more animated scenes is more $$. DESU, I still think they're gonna show off Fake Velo, Velo Mask and reveal CNK adventure mode.
get a good starting line boost then just stay in front of them, or use the triple missile when you get it.
You think they have the balls to recreate this?
tongue look like penis head in thumb
They actually don't rubberband on lap 3 and after a certain point their items start to self-detonate.
Irrelevant I guess, but definitely try to stay ahead of them
Probably, but Liz’ panties won’t be visible. Beenox don’t seem to be as hung up about sexuality as Vicarious Visions. It’s not like the trophies girls were meant to be taken seriously anyway, they were gag characters like 99% of Crash characters.
CNK adventure mode being hidden this whole time seems like a stretch, although Velo and bikes are my highest expectations before launch.
all good, just beat oxide finally
why does he have a scar on his beak?
You're sick.
I don't know that it's as much of a stretch as you think.
>Zero footage of Hyper Spaceway, they refused to show it at E3
>Fake Velo as yet unrevealed, Real Velo is in?
>Velo Mask music at E3, but still uka mask
>All the tracks are already in
All they have to do is make cutscenes and hub worlds, they already have the CNK/Relic Race modes in the game so they don't even have to remake that on the tracks. If they're gonna redo all the VO lines for Velo mask on CTR adventure mode it's just as well they make the whole thing. It's equally unlikely though, and it's only 5 days from release, so it's looking more like a stretch.
You need to collect all CTR tokens, Relics & Gems from gem cups and beat a harder verison of him again to actually beat the game
It’s from where his gizzard lips used to be attached before they were surgically removed.
good jorb
If this is your drive then
is missing .r06
>harder version of him
I'm all for the challenges but fuck that shit
If had roasted crikets. Bugs can be pretty tasty. Good source of protein too
Does Oxide actually get harder on the second try? I've had CTR for years and have never attempted full completion for some reason.
So lads I was watching some of the E3 gameplay and I just noticed that the final turbo pad on Out of Time is a super turbo pad.
This game is actually gonna be insane isn't it? USF that can be retained all over every other map.
Is he really harder the second time? I never noticed any differences.
give me a few minutes to redl that torrent
The manga isn't canon, user.
This Jap version looks so much better with the right shade of orange and no fur details
Honestly the boxart for the new Crash remasters has been pretty bad compared to old games
yeah, sounds anti fun for sure
I want shit quality footage of the game to be released already. Have retailers even got their copies yet?
I don't think I'm gonna be able to git gud enough at this game toeven compete at online
I remember struggling a lot to beat him that second time as a kid, even though I didn't have much problem with the first try. Maybe I just got lucky on the first win though. But it kind of makes sense that he would get a little harder that second time since he got new cutscenes and stuff.
fixed it
I feel like USF may have been better before. If people can sustain it for entire laps that's fun and all, but any mistake means HUGE snowballing and the person that keeps USF builds an insane lead, even if both players have equal skill.
Daily reminder that this will be the quintenisiel game to test which game reviewer/journalist is the one to trust. The devs have came out and said this game will be hard, and does NOT in any way shape or form hold your hand and tell you what to do, you need to work out the mechanics yourself.
This will get review bombed to hell and back, as we all know, watching the journalists play at e3 and all the times we've seen them get their hands on a controller.
Expect a lot of UHHH THE CONTROLS ARE BAD... AND THE CAMERA? IT'S SHIT. Cope reviews because they can't git gud. god I cannot WAIT for the salt.
honestly it only looks difficult but the mechanics are piss easy to learn. What makes a master is memorizing the timing and angle to drift for each map and thats it. You'll see the leaderboards will be filled with perfect scores fighting for fractions of secounds
Same but that just makes it more exciting for me. I'm gonna get my ass kicked so many times but one of those races will be a win
I am suddenly reminded of someone making a weird Crunch Bandicoot fan animation on Youtube really long ago. Like, it was an entire series
In the off chance that anyone knows what I'm on about, please tell me the name. I need to revisit the cringe
They actually joked about that in an E3 stream...
the manga is cute
The downgraded graphics could actually look better considering some people still prefer their chrash games more cartoony and models with no fur effects etc
lost it
>One Angry Incel
A reactionary spreading misinformation. How unexpected.
I've heard that you'll be paired with people who are at a similar skill level to you.
someone explain to me how all those advanced techniques you guys keep mentioning work
Isn't that what the items are there for? Warp Orbs will definitely be common online. I just find it kinda surprising that everyone was rejoicing over the USF buff like a month or so ago but now some don't want it? I dunno, that and maintaining infinite USF is gonna be a hell of a task considering tight turns.
>ditching a big mafioso
Bitch is gonna be wearing concrete shoes soon
This is all I care about tbqh. If the PS4 version ran at 60fps then it'd be a guaranteed buy but if the Switch version is just as smooth then I can't see any reason not to buy it instead.
>8 player multiplayer
>the fucking clock weapon
this'll be such a fucking shitfest
Only people complaining are those who can't git gud, because this will create a huge skill gap
Okay, found that article. Read through it, read the comments. What is wrong with these people?
The game literally tells you how to powerslide and get boosts in Adventure mode though.
Say, do the days feel longer than usual?
I wonder why that is...
Do you think there will be voice chat? I hope not, don't want some autistic kids screaming about getting warp orbed.
I hope there's a setting like in Mario Kart so you can set Simple/Normal/Frantic items
Sounds like the average post-2015 Yea Forums user desu
It would be a good challenge to tackle, I'm just trying to be critical and think of a monkey's paw scenario here.
Shame they removed my favorite super turbo in the game on Oxide Station though... That one really smoothed out the gameplay and made that long straight section before going out into space make more sense.
got any highlights?
back to plebbit
Unironically would play this
They made stuff more accessible. USF is easier to retain and more obvious when you have it. I do hope we get a reserve meter.
Clocks seem to be hard capped in the recent footage. Almost never appears.
Basically gitgud
>Mfw I go straight to yippie
Nevermind the psychos who "Yahoo" the entire time. They're fucking insane
I will, but only because it is irrefutable
Good one
Actually fixed it, they seem to block by filehash on gdrive so I had to encrypt the 7z (sorry) but the txt file is in the same folder
Reactionaries are quite literally mentally broken.
Is Saffi Fire confirmed in or out? It seems pretty likely that was a glitch.
what is saffi fire
Can't wait to play as this beautiful bastard
Saffi fire is when you overflow the reserves buffer and it is stuck at max. Probably out this time, but USF and shit are gonna stay.
Boost reserve integer overflow. Causes your kart to have permanent max boost but requires boosting basically in a circle like 100 times.
saffi fire was a overflow glitch so nope, it's not coming back
>One Angry Gamer
>spreading politically motivated misinformation
The entire site is propaganda, stop spreading it.
I know, I know...
Was gonna post a very similar list, superb taste my friend
Imagine being this angry all the time
but how
They added an USF pad in the section with the big jumps in space. Ironically you'll never run into it if the skip is still possible in nitro fueled.
Did you really edit the fucking picture instead of using the website
>why aren't there skimpy women in this E rated video game
Jesus christ
Thanks user
>got friday off
>game releases at 1am friday
I don't think I could ever find myself even capable of putting myself in their mindset to be that angry.
Damn, and I thought I was upset that one of them wasn't an all-around class.
I just beat Oxide :3
I hope Baby Coco is not a baby version of Coco but Coco in diapers
I'm surprised, Cortex. I thought you'd main yourself.
guys what emulator should I download to play ctr on my pc? I need one that accepts xbox controllers for input
It seems that Roo is one of the favourites
Imagine having any of the nitro squad low on the list
whatever retroarch bundles these days
Yes. Say what you will about Wrath of Cortex but the 60fps looks slick af
seems harsh to force someone who raced their heart out only to end up in 6th to put on a fake smile and present the trophy they wanted to the nigga who just styled on their ass
I just play ePSXe. Xbox controller works really well too with a rebind that swaps the trigger with the bumper and your powerslide with the trigger. Really comfy.
Speed characters are good(if not the best ones)in a lot of tracks
>Crash Cove
>Roo's Tubes
>TIger Temple
>Coco Park
>Mystery Caves
>Blizzard Bluff
>Sewer Speedway
>Dingo Canyon
Also they're good in
>Polar Pass
>Cortex Castle
But you may need some practice to use them correctly in these two tracks(Especially the last one,which is very hard for a speed character,but you can pull off a great time(My personal record is 2:20).You just need to understand how to powerslide.
But yeah,they completely suck dicks on Papu's Pyramid,so you may want to use an accel or balanced character for the adventure(and no,turn characters are shit.They are slow and can't go straightforward when they powerslide,so you can get off track or hit a wall very easily on maps with no big curves)
thnx lads, downloading it now
This what we have done.
I know I'm pathetic, but at least I'm not this pathetic.
Everyone loves the absolute madman
be warned, if you're using a 360 pad you're gonna have a bad time trying to play w/ precision, CTR was made with a d-pad in mind.
The mental image is killing me. There's no way to look happy doing that.
Why do people always say this? I have no problems whatsoever playing with analog, in fact I prefer it since it makes turning more accurate.
Gonna need some art of this
The only problem I've run into using the 360 analog stick to turn is that I tend to hit reverse by accident in the middle of tryharding in Time Trial and it kills my reserves so suddenly. Kinda frustrating, but otherwise it is much easier on your thumb than the d-pad.
I'm currently working my way through a commission list, but if no one beats me to it, who would you like to see?
I find it significantly easier to turn sharply with the d-pad than I do with the stick doing time trials. Could just be my PS1 controllers, but I'm also used to it at this point. I am pretty sure the controls are digital regardless if you use the stick or not anyways.
Liz handing it to Penta or someone else of your choice and trying to force a smile
looking forward to blasting initial d and blasting usf on time trials
Maybe they'll put it back in? I hope.
has to be zem
Alrighty, added it to my list. Hopefully can get to it before the release. I do 3D work so it takes me a bit of time to complete projects.
Appreciate it, my man
based and lazy generation-pilled
I feel Ami would probably take it worse. Considering she's tired of handing out trophies and wants to earn them.
Gif like this of Liz giving another character the 1st Place Trophy
N. Oxide uses Uka Uka, I saw it when they showed gameplay
Doing it but I can't post it since my IP has been banned from posting files
either works, really.
>the way the music amps up when boosting
More games need to do this shit
all of them have uka masks, but when you see another racer pass/hit you with an uka mask its playing the velo mask theme.
We suspect its some hidden data they're keeping out for final release
>Why can't Megumi hand out trophies to Megumi?
This is some surprisingly low IQ.
>crystal collecting challenge
Posted the same link twice, oops.
Burnout 2 fits so well with this game when you take a moment to think about it, considering it was possible to have unlimited boost if you were really good at it, just like CTR.
Honestly can't wait to blast this shit while maining Liz
The past week has been mega comfy in these threads. We're almost there, lads
He is in
wow this is really dank af. Post some more
would crash in smash boost switch sales of CTR?
Just Daiki Kasho man
he has made so many songs for Gran Turismo it's not even funny
>Crash Team Racing gets a "Crash" mode where you just fling Crash and his kart into all sorts of hazards from the previous games to brutally but also comedically injure Crash as much as possible to get points
Never before has the throught of throwing him into so many TNTs and Nitros on purpose sounded so great.
I need this
Listening to this while wearing the electro skins
Fuuuuuuuck, it's been too long
>2:20 with speed char
Very nice, user. I'm gonna try it.
I need some mothetrucking leaks, tomorrow we better get leaked copies, I bet my dumb local retailer would give me an early copy once they get them.
>tfw no modern console and a shit PC
g-guess I'll just replay the original on my PSP
>tfw have a PS4 but too poor to buy it and the other games I want to play
alright let's kill this thread with eargasms
holy shit the nostalgia