Reminder for those who missed it - you can play Metro Exodus for 30 days for literally $1 without using Epic Games' Chinese spyware.
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I don't really want to play Metro Exodus even for free though.
Or you can just pirate it like I did months ago
Game was just alright
it literally wont fucking let me
i bought the gamepass and im getting this shit
I don't wanna update to Windows 10.
You need to manually run a Windows update.
Update Windows
>microsoft-privleged spyware integrated into windows
Can you wincucks even Appx-package remove this shit anymore, or did they make it permanent?
You need to update your Windows to the latest patch
>you can play Metro Exodus for 30 days for literally $1 without using Epic Games' Chinese spyware.
lets stop pretend that microsoft is any better than epic games.
while epic games is a spyware, windows is a fucking trojan horse. the only reason they released this gamepass is because they shit their pants from vulkan
Why you people that have a good PC, want to play a game and can just download and play...well, don't play it?
I don't get it.
I have an XboneX and I am thrilled for being able to play this for a dollar.
But if you have a ecent PC, why pay for every game, not just the ones you want?
thanks bros
desu i'd rather have my data be stolen by bill gates than sweeney todd
It won't run on anything but Win10.
So what OS do you play your PC games on? Don't joke and say Linux.
You have to install the gamepass app, it will automaticly update to last windows version.
It takes hours, is buggy, comes with unwanted apps, automaicly installs games on your pc you never wanted to have, and might break some of the games you have installed.
I downloaded it earlier today but it kept crashing after the intro.
Windows obivously, after all microsoft is the master of monopoly.
I'm supporting a bunch of vulkan games though, in hope vulkan gets more aknowledged so i can finally switch over to linux
stadia, of course
Glad I waited, but man, the game is pretty damn slow.
It's neat that it kinda feels like STALKER at times with the whole open world zones, but man, movement is sluggish.
I have been having issues going to 1903 I've tried several different times and fixes and the update keeps failing. You have to be on 1903 to get the game pass launcher and I already paid my 1 burger for it any tips?
it won't even run on win10
we'd technically be on win12 by now if all those major updates didn't pretend to still be win10
Did you run this post through Google translate, Chang?
spoiler: Exodus is pretty shit.
Getting some kind of error code? I'm not sure, I regularly do clean installs so I didn't have any trouble upgrading. Maybe run it past their tech support Pajeets.
>planned obsolence
>a literal monopoly
>copyrights overpriced vital programms to find work while gasing out each open source file that might help poorfags
>known for creating creating buggy shit without a propper support, since they know you have to get their shit and it doesnt matter
>a literal trojan horse os that tracks you, steals your information and automaticly installs unwanted software on your pc
>removes vulkan from games that allready have built in vulkan support, just so you have to dx, despite the game might run like shit on your amd
epic games
>some exclusive games
>"spyware" that literally does nothing but checking whetever you have steam or not
But ye, microsoft is the good guy, am i right?
>meanwhile windows needs to give you 30-day game treats to force you to run their poorly QA'd updates
not worth my time
You don't know how to TANK AND GUY MYAZAMA PLAZA, user.
Lurk a little more, but yeah, you can feel you are in our secret club now.
Yeah cause I don't lose shit when I go to linux one the gay is at 180% with windows 365. Epic launcher has no linux support so why use them when I can use steam and GOG who support linux
Kill yourself insect.
Different user. Did that and its still fucked. Should I wait for a patch?
What did you expect from the retards pushing the EGS 'controversy?'
There are literal PS4 users that think that sony's total control of the playstation platform is better than having an extra game store
The new updated xbox app doesn't let me sign in so I can actually play anything? Anybody have the same issue or know a fix?
didnt say you should use epic games epic games are evila fter all. i just said that microsoft is even fucking worse.
Is the game actually any good?
You were dumb enough to buy an AMD card, so that's on you.
Been through more than 10 games with the xbox pass for pc, excellent way to try games for cheap.
No idea - it's still downloading. Australian internet runs on 2 plastic cups connected by a piece of string.
Can't find a way to change the fov in the windows store version. I don't have a user.cfg file
>removes vulkan from games that allready have built in vulkan support, just so you have to dx, despite the game might run like shit on your amd
huh explain? I play games with vulkan everyday.
Fuck Epic games and fuck 4A and fuck the Metro franchise
>fuck epic chinese spyware!!!
>instead update your Windows 10® Operating System and sign up for the Xbox™ Game Pass for this once-in-a-lifetime deal!
There is literally no excuse for not torrenting this shitpile
>There is literally no excuse for not torrenting
It's good but what will keep me subscribed is if they continually add games to it. 75% of the games now on it are just indie shit I will never play.
>They got rise of nations
Hot diggity damn I might look more into this thing. Hoping this laptop can run Metro Exodus as well.
Pic related. Should I try to look into overclocking?
Imagine using the Xbox in 2019
Whats so hard to understand about that? Microsoft removed vulkan out of the games available on their gamepass.
on epic games version you can run vulkan.
which is the next joke.
>people prefer steam because of the linux support (which is right)
>epic games is bad cause its not steam
>microsoft is good despite them removing vulkan (which is the sole reason steam can have linux support), while the games on egs still have vulkan
the hypocrisy on this board is so ridiculous
>paying for a game I can't keep
Why the fuck would I do that? That's retarded shit.
Or you can just not be retarded and pirate it if you want to play a mediocre game that badly.
>vulkan out of the games available on their gamepass.
Ah now it makes sense. I thought you meant microsoft forcibly removing vulkan from games you have installed.
>epic games is bad because steam supports linux!
>same people support microsoft
fucking kek
Looks like it should be able to but stop playing real vidya on laptops.
This is PC you brainlet.
ahh no, that will come with windows 11, once vulkan is more aknoweledged.
what part of (Windows) do you not understand retard? Should have made fun of him for using win10 instead dipsit. Kys
sounds like you need to visit the bay my dude
Most people's issue with EGS has nothing to do with linux - it's the fact that EGS buys exclusivity for games but lacks features to support them such as cloud saves, off-device play (eg. steam link), user reviews and communities, etc.
Nobody fucking cares about linux for gaming.
yes, i know. i just mentioned it because "some" people in this thread used exactly this argument.
I fuckin love steam link I bought a type C dongle with USB ports and an Ethernet port ut even on my 4g I can watch movies and play games on my PC at work like 15 miles away
I'm at A school and don't really have the space to be lugging a computer everywhere. Maybe once I get to a command I'll invest in one but for now this thing is good enough to play doto and the AA/AAA game here and there and some emulation.
I like gog but they don't even have a Linux galaxy client yet, and instead of working on that, like they said they would, they ended up working on galaxy 2.0 which is gonna end up a dead niche
Linux please. I'm tired of Microsoft's bullshit
unironically using linux, it's pretty rare that I need to reboot to windows to play windows games
although, as a filthy pirate, I hate CODEX for making cracks that don't work in Wine anymore on games that would normally run flawless if bought it
Linux gaming is no longer a joke, especially not with steams initiatives with vulkan and proton.
although, in my case, I play a lot of older games and sadly most of those don't have good Linux support nor do they wine properly.
>literally $1
>it's 4€ for europoors
>which is like $5
What the fuck is this shit ?
Im too lazy to transphere that money to PayPal and wait 2 days, I could pirate and play it today ffs
>nobody cares about linux for gaming
Oh but they should. Have you not seen what Microsoft and now Google want to do with gaming?
Do you run Winblows inside Linux?
>run Winblows inside Linux
I've been thinking about doing that deal, but since it's a single month since I don't have Xbox Gold I don't know if I give enough of a damn to give Microsoft my payment information. They actually have a pile of shit I'd like to play but then I'd have to poopsock a bunch of it over the course of a month and I like being laid back with my games.
if he's rebooting then he's probably dual booting.
You don't understand:
platform exclusivity at the store level: bad
platform exclusivity at the operating system level: good
no, just Wine. Although I could technically setup QEMU with GPU passthrough if I wanted.
I do keep a win10 install as (occasional) last resort to dual boot to (and then reboot back to linux when I'm done playing). I barely use it for anything but boot a game, win10 is like a console.
latter is bad and former wouldn't be bad assuming all stores supported the various operating systems, but since they don't, then they're bad as well.
I can't remember the code but is a clean install like when it just removes old drivers and shit for the update or do Iose my shit? I'm not gonna lose my shit for xbox game pass lolol
Isnt that why Valve and alternatives besides Linux still exist?
Holy fuck I read this the same way I would have read ‘have sex’.
Good lord, I need to take a break from this place..
>tfw issues with CODEX releases on Wine are often obscure and the game SEEMS to work but then doesn't create save files even though the game is saving "successfully", and DLC isn't detected either
There's a lot of games I saw not worth buying that I'm actually playing. Like the lucky game and recore.
All alternatives to Valve are inferior tho. When is someone stepping up the plate?
I'd use Epic over MS.
>Unironically shilling Cuck Pass
lel, ebin
Absolutely disgusting.
Imagine being this obsessed over a toy store
You need to have sex, sweety.
>Their latest E3 video
Chinks over Poojeets.
I would not play this trash if you paid me desu
>20k dislikes
22k now
brb, gonna go and do.... Something
>MS introduced paid online
>MS introduced paid map packs
>MS allowed microtransactions to spread to real games
>MS ruined the FPS genre
>MS not once, but twice did the same shit Epic is doing now
>MS tried to implement paid online for PC games via GFWL
>MS tried to lock games and DX12 behind Windows 10, which is far more invasive and shitty than the EGS has ever been
>the only reason MS ever gave up or went back on any of these shitty policies wasn't for the sake of being pro-consumer but because they were losing money off them
>to this day, certain games can't be played or don't function properly because they were tied to GFWL
>not all Windows Store games are coming to other platforms, meaning you'll still need W10 to play them
oh no not windows 10, my horsecock mods wont run on that
Yeah GWS sucked dick, thank God you don't have to use gamepass at all if you don't want to whereas some games were only on GWFL
Does Valve allow you to steam your PC outside of your network now? Or are you using a VPN?
>pirated version of the game that hasn't been updated in 5 months
Enjoy your -10 FPS.
Damn, the game got only 10 FPS at launch? Good thing I avoided it.
Defending W10 while shitting on EGS is insanely hypocritical
If people want to play the new Metro, they should pirate it instead of paying for Game Pass, Microsoft has shown us time and time again what they'll do in a position of power and should be trusted even less than Epic. This thread is probably genuine marketing, MS is going to take advantage over the EGS controversy to try and win people back before fucking them over.
Maybe on your russian toaster.
>You need to have sex, sweety.
So it's fine then? Checkmate.
for fucks sake you got me
just take your free game man just take it
That's a lie because Wolfenstein 2 uses vulkan on PC and is part of game pass.
There might be some problems but that is because xbox app is still in beta.
>Downgrading to Win10
No thanks
>renting games
Lmoa ok fag
It happened in a recent update for the phone app maybe a month ago. I haven't yet tried it a separate PC yet so I'm not sure about that. Maybe tho. I haven't tried the ethernet connection yet but I'm sure I can find better than my version 4g (I have "unlimited") at full bars I can play Yakuza Kiwami 2 at 50-60fps 1ms delay at 900p on the fast preset. Mind you the game is still at Ultra. Looks pretty decent and the cool thing is the dongle has an HDMI out so maybe I'll be able to have a quick set up at my bros house
>allowing to get your ass fucked by someone else but just with some lube.
The touch controls are usable but only if desperate, USB 360 controller works seamlessly with the dongle
No it works, playing it now, download windows update assistant, also the game runs really well now
How many games do you play more than once? If you like it you can buy the game as well
what really gets me confused is why do people keep buying games without finishing the ones they have?
My entire life, i only finished 56 games and still play 3 of them on daily basis
>Team Fortress 2
>Killing Floor 2
>Borderlands 2
56? Bruh I've broken at least 60 games in my life
Half of them being from my old NES. I don't buy games often, because i stick with games i already have and if i ACTUALLY want to get something, i finish it. That's why i just stick with online games
I cant even get the game pass to install because it says I dont have the latest version of windows.
I check my windows updates and it says im up to date.
Do i need to OPT into Windows insider builds?
No just go online and get the 1903 updater from Microsofts website
What if that was their goal all along?
What if the spyware was the game, not the epic launcher?
can I just sign into my live account that already has game pass and play on PC?
Any info on wether they will bring xbox 360 games on the pc pass? though I imagine that would actually require porting them so it probably won't happen. Unless they bring gears 2 to pc that pass isn't even worth the 1 buck.
Would love to try this. But I installed the ltsc version of Windows 10 so I can't install the games pass app
Oh well
Death to Steam
Death to Epic
Death to Windows Store
Death to GOG
Death to Origin
Death to
Death to uplay
and death to all the others
they are literally all spyware