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Buy her game so we can get The Evil Within 3

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Todd's mistress

isn't she like 35?

Does that stop you?
Is it weird if the majority of actresses I find hot are in their 40's and 50's?

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what a cute cake


yes, you are a sick fuck for wanting to fuck anyone over the age of 16

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What kind of platforms is Toddy-boy wearing there?

You Fucking PEDO SHIT

my disappointment that it wasnt announced was immeasurable.

1.88cm, motherfucker, deal with it.

some people are pedophiles, get over it

Women acting feminine is foreign in the post modern west.

I've gotten over it thanks to fact that they'll go to jail

pedophilia isn't illegal

you're a retard if you think all pedophiles go to jail

>looks like a man
>made autistic noises and autistic moves moves for 20 seconds
>broken English
>incels praise it because they think it'll get them laid because it's a chink

Is that Kojima? Why do Asians not have a gender?

The way she said "Spooky" was godly.


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Imagine being a 35 year old woman and acting like this in public


kys you fucking human garbage

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fanartists are the biggest bandwagoners of all time. they have no sense of artistic individualism, everything they draw is dictated by a desire to be accepted by their peers.
fanartists aren't artists.


Why are you upset?

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her tits aren't that big

Feminism abhors feminine behavior.

I personally feel that 5-10 years before menopause is when a woman is at her best. They know what they want, are confident and a good chunk of them have gotten the petty bullshit out of their system.

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>a good chunk of them have gotten the petty bullshit out of their system
So this is why I get along with cougars better than younger women.

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Listen to this man he speaks the truth

Copu dessu nee

Fuck you all, I'd let her suck my dick with that teeth.

>implying i'm gonna let teeth ruin that smile

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She's beautiful. Her teeth aren't great; who cares. Ethnically European women don't have better teeth genetics, they just obfuscate it with dentistry.
However, Asian women are genetically predisposed to being good mothers and raising smart, beautiful eurasian children.

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Bitch need some braces lookin like fuckin Chex mix

yellow don't crack

she cute

the funny thing is she will probably get more recognition overall than the game she was promoting

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Unironically cuter, more talented and more endearing than every white woman in the business. You can't even argue that.

Found Stacey's beta orbiter.

Why is orthodontia so seemingly uncommon in Japan?

Because accentuating the incisors is considered attractive in japan

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i like it when milfs act cute and kawaii, dont judge me retard

>"yaeba," or snaggletooth, are considered cute; with some men finding the imperfect smile they form endearingly childlike and attractive.
>it's attractive because it's childlike
Why are Japanese such pedos?

> Ethnically European women don't have better teeth genetics, they just obfuscate it with dentistry.
What are you even projecting, you retarded incel

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How do Asians not kill themselves after hen they realize theyre the ugliest race