Attached: kojima dabbing on trannies.png (590x504, 198K)

>ruins the game atmosphere
no fun allowed apparently
kojima's reputation died with metal gear

Nice try Kojima, but I've already seen in-game solid gold sunglasses advertised as a pre-order bonus.

But actual Norman Reedus would wear something trashy like gold sunglasses.

That's a little disappointing. The most bizarre aspects of Metal Gear were always some of the most entertaining.

Attached: file.png (960x544, 361K)

>no comedy jokes or fun
>ds is srsbusiness

This will be the downfall of the game


good for the jap, No more white/black face in today political climate.

Kojima is a hack
gtass is green
the sun is hot
what else is new

This post is extremely low quality.

how can he say this when it's the same game with fucking Die Hardman

He says. Can't wait to see what super outrageous bullshit he has instead

name one game that kojima made that was just 100% all serious with no jokes or anything
thats like half the reason hes a respected human

I just hate gays.


he's trying to appeal to the west

It's Kojima's turn to use the dilator right now

>fills the games with retarded hokey bullshit
>Now proudly proclaims such things won't ruin the experience

The fuck? Get your head out of your ass, Kojima

>no fun allowed in Death Stranding
That sounds pretty based actually, the sonoiggers want super serious no-fun movies games, they'll get the ultimate one. Soon enough Kojima will have had enough of Sony's bullshit with them barring him from E3 and censoring his game, just like Konami did and he'll fuck-off to be an actual independent developer.

Attached: kEwABlQ.jpg (705x940, 85K)


Keep crying. Sony won, we have death stranding, we have kojima. All you have is your tranny fps

Attached: 070.png (633x874, 75K)

Don't worry, Kojima will add dumb shit into the game unintentionally while trying to be clever.

Switchers on suicide.
Pretending to be based Xbox bros - GTFO Switcher Snake! Kill them all!