Is it worth $5?

Pic related is on GOG for 5 bucks right now. I know next to nothing about it other than it's a horror game about space aliens and everyone lists it when they're talking about series EA killed. So what is it like? Is the first one worth playing in the year 2019? Has it aged well? What kind of a game even is it? Is it like Resident Evil but in space? Give me the Yea Forumserdict

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yes, buy it, fag.

great re4 rip-off in a horror sci-fi aesthetic (Event Horizon, Alien, The Thing)
Soaks you into its little reality masterfully

also top-notch GUI and sound design

> re4 rip-off
So it's a linear on rails shooter? Not that that's necessarily a problem if it's a good one, but is there really no branching paths?

Go for it my dude and yes EA killed this series with 3, it has tank controls similar to RE4 but they feel fine never had any issues with them. And if my potato of a computer can run it at a stead 30fps you've got nothing to worry about when it come to the specs

It's worth $30

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Hell yeah it's awesome. One of the best horror games ever made.

Avoid the sequels though.

Not really no.

Yeah I didn't like it as much as most but its def worth 5 bucks. And the gameplay is very similar to RE4 as people have said but obviously different theme - space/scifi

its orth way more than 5 man
Dead Space is fucking great

Dead Space 2 is a great action horror game

Can anyone tell me is the gog version of the game requires the mouse fix?

It's a great third person shooter. As a horror game, it's fucking terrible, because it's not the least bit scary.

It's very good
Though you will have to tamper around with some settings if you're using m&kb

2 is fucking great, even if it leaned more on the action side of things, there was enough tension there. I thought it struck a really nice balance.

Now, 3 was shit, no one's denying that

nigger its worth fucking 59.99
i bought it for like 3 bucks on steam and for 0.99 on gog it were both a steal
not 2 or 3 tho

It's nowhere near the first. It's just jump scares and non-stop action. It lacks the atmosphere of the first.

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Why does it need branching paths?

It's worth 60

The first one was also just jumpscares. Not even "jumpscares" plural, because the enemies only ever came out of air vents.

it's exactly re4 - you have point a and b; there are several waypoints/paths/little mazes between them; sometimes you have to do x or find y to clear the path to point b. There are also little secret stashes to find an unlock + smart resourse management (e.g. your upgrade points are also keys to unlock secret storages, like military bullets in metro, which are also your money)

but the controls and flight felt so perfect

>It's just jump scares and non-stop action.
That’s 3 dude.

From what I’ve played it’s a special but flawed game. It sort of beats you over the head a bit in the beginning and doesn’t leave much to the imagination, but as others have said the UI is incredible and the game has a great atmosphere

no match to the atmosphere of ds1

re4 didn't originate any of this though.

desu I'm one of the few people that thought Dead Space 2 was actually scarier. That being said, the pacing and atmosphere are definitely worse.

you forgot they made isaac a talking character

As someone who's a pussy when it comes to horror games, i never found the Dead space games very scary. tense at times, sure.

Only spot that really creeped me out was returning to the Ishimura in 2.

and that's a detriment to horror build-up - you want protag to move clunky (and ds1 had perfect excuse for it - bulky space welding suit) in order to make you panic at hectic moments. Squirrel jumps in zero gravity were the best.

Thanks anons, OP here, just bought it. For 5 bucks, "Resident Evil 4 but in space" is an elevator pitch I'll go for

true, i still think it was a great game despite dropping a lot of the horror elements. 3 was shit though.

Have fun user!

I kinda like that 2 goes more into action, because it kinda mirrors Issac's attitude towards everything. He's been through this shit before. He's not some random engineer in a heavy suit running around, he's gone to hell and back dealing with necromorphs and the marker by this point.

It's a lot more horror than Resident Evil 4.

it might need a mouse fix.
Check this out if gog ver. has issues

Fair point. It’s just a shame he went full Rambo in 3

What are some game similar to Dead Space?

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2 was good

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind

Resident Evil 4

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Going back to Ishimura in Dead Space 2 was top kino


The creator of the game has outright stated that they were heavily influenced by Resident Evil.

Alien Isolation has a very similar vibe but with more of an emphasis on horror then action.

Yes you are entirely correct

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Hm, I guess I'll just replay Dead Space and pick up RE4 during the upcoming Steam sale.

Dead Space 1 and 2 are all time classic horror games, and don’t let any autist tell you they’re not scary

The first one has a lot creepier and suffocating atmosphere while the second one is more fun to play

It's good, play on Hard mode from the get go, otherwise it's piss easy.
Avoid 3.

There's an indie game inspired (pretty much lifted off to be honest) by Dead Space called Negative Atmosphere, it's looking kinda neat.
It literally looks like Dead Space.

The Evil Within games are kind of similar

I was just about to post this. Great game.

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>tfw too afraid to play dead space
i've barely played horror games but i was able to make it all the way through darkwood recently

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It's not that scary once you get weapons

>but i was able to make it all the way through darkwood recently
good job user.
Im at the part where you have to go into the well in the village but im too scared because I dont have a gun

Dead Space is not that bad, take it from me, an absolute pussy.

how scary is that game anyway? I've heard good things about it, but i dont do well with super spooky games

literally free on Origin my dude

Very scary. You can try it for free, if you want. The devs themselves released a torrent.

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Has incredible atmosphere, just walking around and hearing a noise creeps me the fuck out.
There arnt any jumpscares, so if you dont like jumpscares that's not anything to worry about, its all atmosphere

i understood that reference.


Haven’t played it but how is a top down, cartoony game scary?

because it is

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subtlety, something dead space lacks
It's a very creative game and it'll surprise you if you go into it blind

Unlike RE4, Dead Space is actually somewhat scary.

Great game and it's own sequel blows it out of the water.
3 got EA'd bad, it's the poster child game for series getting EA'd

yeah it's fun you fag

>Not already owning Dead Space.
>Needing validation for buying Dead Space.
Buy the damn game you massive faggot.

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except you have a limited cone-of-view that only reveals what is in front of you that can get obscured by trees, objects, and walls
not in the slightest, the art direction in the game is like nothing you'll ever see. a lot of the stuff is just downright unsettling but unique

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you should completely get into the Dead Space universe, it's really inspired into lovecraft stuff so you can imagine what you'll find, the plot itself is actually scary and good


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I'm surprised you dont have it already. Somehow I have it in on all consoles+pc eventhough I only paid for 360.

Yes it's good. There is debate whether 1 or 2 is best but I'm in the 1 camp. Both are great.

I haven't played this in a few years and this thread made me want to replay it. I forgot how damn clunky the controls are.

that was a good choice
>mfw "fuck you and fuck your marker"

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it's unplayable with keyboard/mouse, play with a controller

Absolutely. It's a classic.

>it's unplayable with keyboard/mouse
All you have to do is drag and drop on file into the directory

What is this black magic in your picture

It's really not that scary. The Necromorphs do skulk around and occasionally blindside you, but that requires you to not be observant of your surroundings because they can only pull that off if you're not paying attention. There's also moments where you pretty much know you're about to be ambushed so you can steel yourself.

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>tfw Dead Space 4 never ever

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I liked 3 with a friend enough but it's no 1 that's for sure.

It's fucking great, OP.

I spent more time playing this game than I did studying for classes in pharmacy school. I ended up flunking out and regret nothing.

>decide to try out other guns
>they're all fucking shit except the line gun

Dead Space 1 is absolute kino, Dead Space 2 is great and worth playing, just not as good as the first. Avoid DS3 like the plague.

>mfw that area in dead space 2

>Stand outside of it contemplating if they would really go for it and bracing myself for a good two minutes.
>Nothing happens.
>Like ten minutes later return and expect them to pull off another "Psych, we're not really going to do it because you just fought stuff in the hall".
>Everything converges in on you.
I loved it.

Attached: deadspace2 2015-10-21 13-37-57-74.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

thanks, didn't know about this

>mfw returning to the ishimura

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how much is five dollars worth to you
Are you fucking destitute

But the Force Gun is literally the strongest gun in both 1 and 2. In 1 it's an AoE wonder that does ridiculous damage and can function as a shotgun up close. In 2 it's the same shotgun but it also has a super accurate laser that does just as much damage.

Stupid Zoomers with their souls bullshit. Not everything needs "branching paths" retard

Dead Space came out one year before Demon's Souls.

already own the game on origin from the free offer they had but might rebuy it on gog just so i don't have to use origin

Tank controls are when you cant atrafe retard
Re4 and Deadspace dont have tank controls they are jist standard over the should thirdperson shooters

RE4 does in fact have tank controls but Dead Space does not.

i wouldnt call a game where you can instantly slow mo any threat scary.

>got all trilogy for free
>somehow managed to finish 2 & 3 only
Dunno why i stopped 1

for what i know, only 3 made Stasis an actual weapon, 1 and 2 had a bitch ass cooldown time and no instafillers as a resource