>Phantasy Star Online 2
Phantasy Star Online 2
so is this just anime dress up simulator? i liked pso
The yandere robot is cute too.
answer the question tranny
Maidoll answers.
The game is bad and dumb and people other than the ones already playing shouldn't start, but Maidoll is mad that hunter isn't a big dick super strong class so I can't side with anything they say because their bitterness is so strong
I don't get why there has been so many threads in the last few days. The recent announcement is literally nothing. An inferior version of the game handled by MICROSOFT of all bloody possibilities is nothing to rejoice about. Anybody who gives the slightest shit about the game has played or is playing it already. In English.
So who are these threads for? The 10 guys in the world who find a hiragana capcha an impossible hurdle? The 3 idiots who can't be arsed downloading one single 'do everything for me for dummies' program? Those people don't even count, they're rappies in disguise.
It's just an excuse for people already playing to shitpost about the game
I quit after about 1000 hours because it wasn't worth the trouble anymore. First with the japanese only IP requiring a VPN and then disallowing non-japanese credit cards so I can't even give them money easily.
I really want to play so I'm pretty excited about it finally getting a western release. The game is basically a social hub anyway so having 99% of the players being Japanese wasn't all that great to begin with.
>First with the japanese only IP requiring a VPN
u wot m8? Only SEAfags ever needed a VPN and that was only when the SEA PSO2 butchery was still alive. I've been playing from my Australian IP range since forever, and most Yank players have done the same.
Post the thing that they drew about the progression of Hunter's powerlevel
Do you mean this?
Yeah that one. Thanks.
I had no clue PSO2 had an english patch for the longest time, but as a casual PS fan it feels more interesting to jump in the game blind at the same time as other people are and enjoy that new community while it lasts. I'd assume it'd be better than jumping into a game where the english population is tiny.
>handled by MICROSOFT of all bloody possibilities is nothing to rejoice about
actually it is, because they cant tell SoJ to fuck off if they try to put sticks in the wheels again like they did with PSU
I plan to play it for a little bit on release and I'm excited PSO is finally getting western releases again.
I've also been playing the shit out of PSO on Ephinea the last few weeks.
>it feels more interesting to jump in the game blind at the same time as other people are and enjoy that new community while it lasts.
I certainly understand that appeal, but the only time to do that was 2012, open beta and prior, I feel. I can't imagine there'll be many players who aren't already very familiar with the non-crippled version of the game, except for some braindead Xboxers who won't stick around for a week.
I never played PSO in my entire life, should I give the sequel a go when the western version gets released?
At what cost though, m8? We already know the game's to be 'powered by Azure'. For all we know the PC version, in addition to being Windows 10 onry, might be a cloud version, dispite a 10 year old XP machine being able to handle the full game client just fine. Because 'cloud gaming is the future' and Microsoft like to push that sort of dark future and fuck over everybody. They've done it time and time again. I'd rather it be run by incompetant Sega idiots over malicious overlords.
PSO2 was an absolute soulless disappointment. Now the plebs who didn't sink time into the JP version will see why.
Sure, but give the original a shot on Ephinea as well. The game is timeless.
Considering how niche PS still seems to be in the west, or how much of the fanbase could also just be normal boomers who only wait for western releases, I'm hoping I wont be in the minority. That said I really hope the game is still enjoyable outside of being fashion/ERP hell.
>I really hope the game is still enjoyable
Wish I could say it was, for new players anyway. Episode 6 does seem to be getting things back on track and making it fun again, but only at high level sadly. Episode 4 completley and permanently ruined the early game, it's a bad joke now, and the only way to fix it would be to remove everything Episode 4 added from the game.
Basically, if it lives up to its 'all the content' promise right from the start then it's going to be a bloody lame 'rush to endgame' toss that spits on the good name of PSO. The only hope for the Microshit version is if it starts at Episode 1 (without modern game balance, high level cap and free experience cheat codes) and plays catch up to make all the old stuff relevant for a while.
Daily reminder this is coming to all platforms. Not Xbox/Windows exclusive.
People said the same thing about PSU and look at how it has others singing its praises now.
Like that matters, it's a PC game first and foremost and if you play it on a console (or handheld) you are crippling yourself. And let me tell you, if the Yank version supports crossplay on all blocks (JP version wisely only has a few blocks of crossplay, most blocks that PC players can acces are PC only) it'll be unplayable.