Finally finished all 4 endings...

Finally finished all 4 endings. Cant believe shitters were saying that immortal severance is the "true" ending or the one they liked the best. Dragon's Homecoming is the only ending as far as I'm concerned. Really hope they have DLC that ties into the DH ending soon

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nobody cares. game is already forgotten.

I doubt they're going to follow the dragons homecoming story for a DLC, do you think they will lock DLC content behind that ending?
It's extremely convoluted and specific list of weird things you need to do to get there, pretty sure they will save that story for a sequel

based, you can't beat loli impregnation but I thought shura would have been kino if they kept showing what was going happen, everything up to the narrated black screen was great
also this

return is just dogshit to get, way too complicated for a combat oriented game
Shura is not n1 due to isshin's last phase being bullshit (good fight, but sword saint is just better)

i like shura the best :)

I just went with purification because it had me fight more bosses.

you can fight all the bosses with any of the 3 good endings. it's only shura that cuts the game off short and makes you skip bosses

shura ending is dogshit. What even happens when you pick it? Wolf forsakes his master and does a complete 180 and just becomes blood lusted killer?

>forsakes his master, losing all purpose in life
>kills two of the people that saved him and gave him a goal
>becomes blood lusted, killing his father
it's not bad

>It's extremely convoluted and specific list of weird things you need to do to get there

Literally got it first playthrough completely blind.

Honestly anyone who explores is going to get that ending.

the betrayal is great and you get to fight emma wich has the only remarkable boss theme in the entire game

I agree, every other ending feels like they are just there to speed run through without having to go through the steps of getting the real ending, shura especially. I was pretty mad that the two bosses I hadn't seen in other play throughs were locked behind an ending that shortens the game by more, so I can't imagine I'll ever fight them more than once.

These themes are pretty good too

game was kinda short. I wish there was more to do. what would they release as dlc? tomoe?

I just raged on the Hatred Demon. This fucker is hard as balls. That was my 10th try. Any tips boys?

Why anyone would want to play more of this heap is beyond me. The world wasn't engaging and the combat was annoying. I actually beat the thing just as a skill check for myself. Not interested in playing any more.

the entire ost is good but also forgettable, this one was also remarkable

if u wanna cheese him, you can get him to fall off the map i shit you not its hillarious. look at sekiro GORU's video on youtube how to do it.

A Tomoe DLC would be nice, I'm worried that DLC might be canned entirely because of Elden Ring.

the combat was fucking god tier once you figure it out. far surpasses dark souls combat system

i agree. feels like sekiro was a side project all along while they worked on the real thing that is elden ring

play it like a souls boss
circle on his right, dodge abilities

Don't bother deflecting. Just run and dodge to his back and play the long game.
Use the one Umbrella Shield that is impervious to fire for the fireball throw/everything besides the low attack.
Use the Finger Whistle with that one upgrade.
Hit it until it dies and don't get hit.

I was doing a no-charm run and couldn't get the ceramic shard stun to trigger on O'Rin for the free deathblow. Did they patch it or is that just part of the charm difficulty? Had to gud the bitch for both bars. I hate that bitch.

I'll have a look, although it is a weak mans game to cheese.
Thanks boys, I don't have enough money for the umbrella upgrade. Is there any good means of making fat cash?

That one idle near the Merchant and Chained Ogre is probably the best place for ez cash.
Grapple up to the tower, kill the guy up there, go down and kill the rest. Use a balloon of wealth for more money and bell demon for more crafting materials(which you can sell if you don't need). There's also the extra money skills in the Monk skill tree if you found that and have extra levels somehow

I beat the entire game, I think it's safe to say I figured the combat out. I didn't care for it, it's a parrying simulator.

You trade your little boy for a little girl. Dragon's Homecoming is the best ending.

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