Other urls found in this thread:
If I wanted to waste time decorating rooms, I'd play Animal Crossing or The Sims.
Whatever. It's not a lifesim, it's a hub. Fallout 3/Skyrim's customizeable hubs were something I ended up ignoring altogether.
If they go the VTMB route and have a sidequest that adds some shit to it, or better yet the Bully route and the apartment gradually changes over the game, that's cool. Otherwise whatever.
That excuse is pathetic though.
idgaf, they're fucking sjws and trannies. They fired a guy for making a harmless "did you assume my gender" joke on twitter. Now they're making their character creation system a nonbinary tranny creation system because *sniff sniff* ideology
fuck them
Why would you even need to customize your hub in a story-driven cinematic FPS?
Did GTA have hideout customization in any of their (single player) modes?
>i-if i wanted to have RPG elements I'd play Skyrim or FF
holy reaching batman
It was automatic in vice city. You'd get new stuff in your mansion after beating certain missions
>holy ... batman
What do you get out of acting like a retard?
Good, keep that garbage in Fallout.
>thank god they dont have customization features in my rpg!
fucking semen slurper
>we are not planning
fine, but leave the functionality in the game, document it, and let the community make mods for it.
Those aren’t rpg elements, they are sim elements, how many crpg’s had that?
(you)s I would imagine. please stop enabling him.
have sex retard
hello newfriend
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>the apartment doesn't need to be customizable
>it doesn't need character customization
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
BASED. If there's one thing that absolutely doesn't belong in anything relating to punk anything it's the ability to personalize stuff to yourself. CDPR knocking it out of the park again!
this pasta is so dumb.
It doesn't need all of those things, it just needs to be good. unrealistic scope is why all Kickstarter games are shit.
>playing barbie is an rpg element
>Those aren’t rpg elements, they are sim elements
I didn't say they were
but CDPR fansbois are gonna say the same thing for the actual RPG elements they are removing
it's flawed COPING logic typical of cucks is my point
Cringe and trannypilled
Based and redpilled.
Define RPG Yea Forums
>customization is an rpg element
are you people fucking stupid? what do you think changing your armor and weapons is? do you only play a min maxed build in every rpg? congrats but that only one way to play an rpg
this. the quality of a game is based on the number of genre tropes to be found.
If anyone really believes the game won't be wasted potential and downgraded on release you're delusional.
this, I don't understand what he's thinking. What kind of person doesn't at least want to move a table around or put a poster on the wall. Holy shit
>It doesn't need all of those things, it just needs to be good.
So you will still keep shilling this garbage even when it comes out it's just a cinematic FPS?
like what
>Can customize your own body
>Man it would be weird to customize your living space
could be great if by transgender they mean hot shemales
all I give a fuck about is if it is good. Bo idea if it will be or not. Witcher games are decent but overated. looks better than those. just think your criteria is fucking dumb.
Nah, you don't understand. The average citizen won't customize anything, they'll all be in 5x5 commie blocks. But it's perfectly okay for key story characters to have elaborate set piece-houses :^)
Deus Ex is so shit, you couldnt customize your apartment!
Fucking retard
>shilling for trannies
woah bro you want to change the wall colour? Are you some kinda homo haha go watch hgtv hahaha
>like what
Idk man they already removed all stats except "streetcred"
What RPG element is even int he game?
Weapon/implant stats?
Deus Ex isn't about playing your own character though. This is about playing your own custom 'V', and it was kinda expected that would extend to other elements of the world, but I guess that was dropped between last E3 and this E3
So you’re faking outrage? I don’t understand your point, are you retarded or projecting some point about another game onto this one?
>they already removed all stats except "streetcred"
There's six different stats in the game m8
I don't care about this game anymore. It's clear that they're chasing the GTA crowd. I even care about it less now that they chose not to show gameplay twice in a row at E3. CDPR reminds me of Bioware now. They care more about their image than the game.
Even fucking Sleeping Dogs let you upgrade your apartments with furniture and shit. You don’t even need to let players rearrange anything, just give them the option to purchase and use preset layouts or something. You’re playing a fucking mercenary who’s trying to score big in a world of consumerism. What’s even the point of seeking wealth in a game where you have no visual sense of progression? We already can’t pull back the camera to see the proton it’s.
Well, fuck. I'll just make my own cyberpunk. With leather jackets. And shades. And contacts who have connections with military procurement chains.
>nonbinary tranny creation system
But if transwomen are women, then why do they need another option?
>announce the game going on 8 years ago
>get 7m from the government
>open up a new studio to help
>outsource to a Canadian studio
>ramp up to have over 400 people working on it
>still fall behind schedule
>still have to cut features left and right
Only CDPR.
>There's six different stats in the game m8
no they got removed since last year
there is perks now
It's not an RPG. It's an action-adventure shooter.
Because trans"women" are the only "women" that have an adam's apple and a five o'clock shadow, among other things
the rationale there is dumb but i don't care
They don't want people to be in the apartment for very long.
Would be nice to have a familiar personalized hub to let things rest though.
so glad they're spending dev time on nonbinary gender options instead of something like world customization
saints row 2 had excellent crib customization
Fucking tabletop fags fuck off
>restart development 5 times per day
I wonder what the cause could be
the answer is that v was always going to turn on this game no matter what because the fact remains:
v does not play or enjoy videogames
>>get 7m from the government
>He actually thinks that's a high amount of money for AAA vidya
Fuck both of them
You can't fuck with the Normandy's layout. You can't fuck with Adam Jensen's apartment. You can't fuck with UNATCO HQ.
But it is.
But it is.
Different kind of class system.
>same people that hate flying in WoW
But it does.
>Cyberpunk depicting liberalism and degeneracy taken to the max should be free of liberalism and degeneracy
We don't know shit about this.
But it does.
This is actually stupid, it's retarded that you can't join factions and gangs.
But it does.
This is also stupid, give me my premium healthcare when I get rich in the game.
Kinda hard to implement this, no?
Only seen 1.5 year old gameplay footage and the graphics were decent.
If they make a good game then no.
Stupid that there is no mod support like with Witcher 3.
It literally doesn't.
It didn't.
But it is.
Can't you?
This is stupid.
>we are now here
But it does have it.
But it does have it.
But it does have it.
But it does.
We literally have only seen game footage once and it'll be 1.5 years old at release and it was plastered with a THE GAME WILL NOT LOOK LIKE THIS AT RELEASE throughout.
But it does.
I know this is retarded copypasta, some criticism is legit though, but come the fuck on.
yeah he's definitely more of a Yea Forumsfag
The only reason I would give this game a chance is because the main writer of The Witcher 2 worked on Cyberpunk instead of Witcher 3 before leaving the team, but otherwise CDPR are a pretty garbage studio
>why would you even need to customize your characters in a fps game with funny hats it would be so stupid
oh i know why, because customization of any kind in any video game allows the player to have a more personal connection and investment in the game letting them enjoy it more you dumb nigger. What these faggots really meant was
>we dont know how to/dont want to spend the time/money to code this because our boss doesnt believe this can be monetized or politicized so fuck off
In a game that emphasizes the ability to put a dick on a chick under the pretense of 'lol corporations do it to make money xd' you cant imagine why it would make sense for a heavily corportized world trying to sell you everything would allow you to buy home furniture or other minor decorations? Are you literally retarded?
They removed "RPG" from the official twitter's description and replaced it with action-adventure.
Fact remains, i can't wait for the fallout when it releases to overwhelming "meh" reviews.
but i want to explore my hypercapitalist consumer dystopia and that means i need to be able to get funko pops for my apartment
How much are they paying you shill?
>Decorating room in a game that's supposed to be aesthetically messy
>third person niggers
I dont even care about all the other points you made, i didnt even read it, im sick of you motherfuckers bitching about no third person
Was the only rpg you've ever fucking played jrpgs and dark souls or some shit? New vegas, The entire elder scrolls series, Deus ex, Theres countless first person rpgs, Yeah most of them have a third person option but LITERALLY NOBODY USED THEM SINCE IT WAS SO SHIT AND FIRST PERSON WAS MORE IMMERSIVE FOR THESE GAMES
RPGs are about building a character and playing that role by making choices
That's why building a settlement never seemed right in Fallout 4
>imagine thinking you have to spend any of your budget on celebrity voice acting and real life tranny viral marketing
modern title budgets are insanely bloated
"i don't care about this game"
nobody fucking believes you chief, not a single soul
>it's real
>That's why building a settlement never seemed right in Fallout 4
I've wanted it since 3 and it was the only reason i even pirated 4 in the first place.
>i self-insert myself into role-playing video games and post wojaks at people i don't like on the internet
Yeesh, is there a combination that's a greater signal for INCEL? Seriously, copulate
cool I hate RPG
thats fuckin gay this game won't be as good as skyrim
deus ex is an immersive sim not an RPG and never was.
after i get my iron man dakimakura into my apartment i assure the aesthetics of the cyberpad will be extremely messy
They made KC:D with 300k
Fuck off, how the fuck am I shilling?
imagine saying this with a straight face
They are insane evil subhumans. Every choice they make is calculated to be in opposition to joy and laughter.
>and real life tranny viral marketing
I see you're looking to bitch about random shit that has just about nothing to do with game budgets just because you wanna complain about trannies
still buying it. cope.
It’s an rpg in the same way deus ex and system shock were rpgs but with more dialogue, I never expected anything different than that
>New vegas, The entire elder scrolls series
>first person
based retard
Only casuals and women care about this kind of shit.
My gut instinct is hardly ever wrong
I saw the writing on the wall for both evolve and anthem I'm getting the same read from this one
no they didn't
>I'm going to eat CDPR's shit and you can't stop me! haha
>i even pirated 4
>liking RPGs makes you a incel
good thing this dumpster fire isn't one ;^)
>They made KC:D with 300k
No they didn't, are you a moron who thinks the Kickstarter funds were everything? They got a publisher because the Kickstarter showed there was interest in the project
suck my dick todd, i'm going to pirate starfield too.
YES....fuck that nerd shit
honestly that is how they make money. If a game makes the news for not living up to the hype, it means marketing did their job and sold a shit tonne of $60 copies. making a good game that sells a decent amount for $20 later to a cult following is not as profitable as selling $60 pre-orders of said game by pretending it is the second coming of jesus. nobody in Vidya tapers expectations.
>no they didn't
so how much did they use and where did they get the rest of the money mmmm?
Yeah, but it'll almost certainly be good and I'll enjoy it.
Unlike this board, which does not enjoy or play videogames
pretty sure they even got more than that from crowdfunding
the game cost over 30m to make and market either way
Imagine actually playing new vegas, morrowind, oblivion, in third person. You haven't and nobody else on planet earth has unless THEY HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE FUCK
You have to let the drones be able to customise their rat cage, otherwise they might see the game for the dystopia that it actually is.
>i'm going to pirate starfield too
stay seethed, sweetie
as an open world moviegame it won't be as good as RDR 2 because rockstar cut-scene direction is basically unbeatable. As an open world immersive game it won't be as good as BOTW. This game is 6 years late to the market, all it's going to be is a retread of game better than itself in every way because they took too long to make the damn thing. It'd be like trying to resell Vanilla Icecream as a new flavor of icecream and you corperate pawns eat it right up.
>CDProjektRed bends over backwards to include trannies in their game
>Trannies proceed to froth at the mouth in rage and attack the game at every opportunity
Is there anything that makes trannies angrier than actually being included?
>Yeah, but it'll almost certainly be good and I'll enjoy it.
I bet you loved Fallout 4 too r*ddit
This sounds like one of those "Lots of work put in for no payoff" features.
>implying that micro hand gun is going to do anything to me
The perfect irony is that because they had some sexy tranny advert in their game, all the trannies suddenly turned on them and aren't buying the game.
People appreciate small touches in games.
How come I can customize my character's fucking genitals but not where they LIVE
I want to mount trophies on the walls and cover the place in corpo propaganda and posters for sexbot advertisment
You will buy Skyrim.
>They removed "RPG" from the official twitter's description and replaced it with action-adventure.
based, fuck pen and paper RPGs and the source material sucks too. might actually buy this game now.
>random shitty people saying shitty words
Fallout 4 wasn't very good. I'm talking about Cyberpunk 2077, which will probably be really good.
You should try playing and enjoying videogames, which is something this board doesn't do.
Never heard of that, I wonder why they wouldn't bring that back in GTA SA
As long as I can keep "exotic housepets" it will be fine for me
Small touches=/=Full interior design system for your apartment in a game that will presumably spend almost no time there.
Fallout 4 on release is better than CP2077's released footage of linear scripted gameplay.
Well that's disappointing. I just naturally assumed multiple apartments/apartment customisation would be in the game to help fulfil that cyberpunk fantasy. Being able to make a home that fits the sort of character you're playing seems cool.
>Corpo can get a penthouse with a garden balcony and fill their apartment with fancy stuff like a massive fish tank
>Lone wanderer type can live out of a garage/storage unit. Accommodation clearly meant to be temporary
>Netrunner can fill their apartment full of computers and shit
>Military minded person can fill theirs with heaps of weapon lockers
Same with being able to visually customise your car. It just seems weird not to have those options.
>Deus ex: cyberpunk edition
I hope V won't be too obnoxious.
Well the devs think your weird for thinking that
Every mass effect game lets you add shit to your crew quarters. Im so bored of murderhobo MCs with no parents and no motivation to do anything other than be epin serial killers.
Nobodies expecting them to fucking have a sims mini-game where you can go full autism with it. People just want to be able to do the basics. Not to mention that it IS cyberpunk to mod your own living space to accommodate all sorts of tech shit. This whole thing just screams feature cutting because CDPR have outright said they want to be like R* and make GTA. So it's fitting they're taking all RPG elements out and replacing it with a linear story.
I too, think a trailer for a game I haven't played is worse than a bad game everyone agreed is bad
Again: Yea Forums does not play or enjoy videogames
what the fuck this is just blatantly untrue have you read even a single one of the recent gameplay impressions
Apartment decoration is fluff. Some customization could have been cool though.
The better option, sadly also deconfirmed though, is choosing/buying different apartments to fit your style.
I hope that cute dog has a nice day at work tomorrow
need to spend all of my time doing fetch quests for my quest masters
neocron was a cyberpunk mmo
it didn't let you customize your apartment at first
people wanted that though so they added it
I don't care. Decorating is pointless without building and/or housing system.
Cause not everyone on Yea Forums or people on the internet are the same person.
videogames are a visual medium, you don't have to play them to experience them. It's literally a billion dollar industry now.
Nah, that's just people that read polygon. I'm still buying it.
>implying its not a Gyrojet
really disappointed i wont be able to buy a goldfish bowl and play a fish feeding minigame
Which western rpg even has this option, besides the terrible shit that is Fallout 4? That game was shit because they leaned heavily into that kind of thing and forsake everything else. I really don't get the hate for this.
The project was intended to be a cyberpunk nock off of gta/mass effect from the start. They never wanted to make a good game.
See, Reddit here can put the pieces together, why can't you?
Based tranny journalist
Companies are forced to do this by the current social climate.
This is part and parcel of modern games.
God, I just want to have an exotic aquaform™ gf, is that too much to ask in the current year 2077?
>you don't have to play them to experience them
this, fuck gameplay whores
>transgender is an ideology
dumb poltard
>Holy damage control
Sucks, but I hardly ever customize my house in vidya game so it won’t really affect me but this game is sounding shittier everyday. Feels like they’re just trying to make another boring ass fps but with a cyberpunk setting instead of an actual RPG.
>get mildly excited about something
>it dies
This is the story of my life. I hate this fucking planet.
>everything i don't like is trannies
based retard
There are no classes, mate.
CDP cultists having a meltdown over this post, and the fact that the shitlib plague has caught them like everyone else lmao
pic unrelated
nibble nibble bait-chan
>books are a visual medium
>you don't need to have any literacy
>as long as you're not blind looking at a Japanese copy of The Temple of the Golden Pavilion is equivalent to reading it even if you don't know any Japanese, hiragana, katakana, or kanji.
the only roleplaying is playing a heterosexual main character because that's some heavy roleplaying for the target audience and why exactly?
I'm surprised there wouldn't be GTA-style progression of safehouses, each one initially classier and then slowly trashed over time as you use it.
t.12yo microzoomer
Yeah, you got a problem with that tranny? Seek dilation
vindication for everyone who lost interest the moment of reveal
prove it
it just is
It really sucks the fun out of shitting on CDPR fans when CDPR has a monopoloy on pissing off their own fans and CP2020 fans the most.
the belief that there are sexual categories and that you can choose to transition from one category to another through performance and cargo cult rituals is an ideology
read a book
Very unbased of you; Tabletop gaming transcends every issue that plagues vidya right now, but you're too stupid to realize it.
Not him, but when the devs specifically stress they adding this shit for the sake of "representation" or "diversity", then it 100% is. When you're making a game about future and you include a group because it will probably exist in that kind of future it's one thing, but you're a kike if you include a group because it exists today and basically it's not a choice.
A very damaging and corrosive one destroying lives, The Earlier The Better, right?
i pirated 4 then bought the full version later on for cheap, nuka world was just OK- liked the raider settlement a little, but far harbor was kino
Twitter has been banning trans people who oppose this shit for being transphobic.
The only cyberpunk pen and paper game that matters is Paranoia and nobodies fucking adapted it to videogames with (relevant movie star) in it so it may as well not even exist. I hate this industry so much.
Especially since Cyberpunk2020 never had any trannies or sex change in it. It had Furries though, if anything those degenerates should be complaining.
This is a good question.
>A very damaging and corrosive one destroying lives
which lives are getting destroyed?
trans people exist whether people like it or not and in such a future, it's very easy to think that it wouldn't be so taboo anymore
>Not him, but when the devs specifically stress they adding this shit for the sake of "representation" or "diversity"
Transgender would still not be an ideology but they could be adding them for ideological reason. I've no idea if it's the case or not
>the belief that there are sexual categories and that you can choose to transition from one category
trans people dont 'choose' a category, its a condition that happen during pregnancy. There are no choices involved
Even botw let you change what you hung on the wall of your house and that was one of the worst games ever made
Based Andy
you aren't going to born this way a bunch of autogynophiles my guy
nice debunked term you barely know the definition of my dude
Drink yourself to sleep
there hasnt been enough time to see how harmful it will be on this scale
i look forward to this cool debunking from a brainlet that doesn't know what an ideology is
>which lives are getting destroyed?
You have kids that are being convinced they're trans and when treated for it, instead of getting better, simply get worse. This is being done to swell the numbers for the purpose of strong-arming greater representation.
>autists chimping out over not being able to decorate a fucking apartment
lmao i fucking warned you cunts bout this shit lol what's next when they show faggot v has more sex options than straight male v you fucking bootlickers will defend that too lmao
why are developers obsessed with adapting actually good IP's into soulless and by the numbers corridor shooters? It keeps happening
>cdpr removed apartment customization cause it's not important
>cdpr fucking adds tranny customization cause it's SO FUCKING IMPORTANT
what scale, 0,2%?
Their results contradict Blanchard's theory in a number of ways, most notably in that their "autogynephilic" and "nonautogynephilic" groups did not segregate along lines of sexual orientation
93% of cis women would qualify as AGP if blanchard typology was applied to them as well.
This study demonstrates that trans women's sexualities (including sexual orientation and experiences with FEFs) are dimensional (i.e., they fall on a continuum) rather than categorical (i.e., falling into distinct categories)
theyre not convinced, theyre diagnosed by psychiatrists with gender dysphoria
>when treated for it, instead of getting better, simply get worse
all data point to the exact contrary
>This is being done to swell the numbers for the purpose of strong-arming greater representation.
literally larp fantasy
Nah, you have a pretty good idea about it, but you're feigning ignorance because it fits your cause better. Not blaming you though, I would too, if it were mine.
>They fired a guy for making a harmless "did you assume my gender" joke on twitter.
Why are you fucking lying? How desperate are you to contrarian/anti-shils working for another company?
The guy who got fired was the one who worked under the management of GoG who made the tweet about Gamergate, not the tranny joke. The guy who still made the tranny joke still works for CDPR, they never apologized to it, and to this very day trannies are upset about it. Where do you think the fucking transphobia shit before the dickgirl ad came from you absolute blithering disingenuous retard.
The character creation system is overblown because you are trying to create a false outcry. As stated in the gamasutra article the ""tranny options"" are shit that is tame explanataions that you see in games like Baldur's Gate, Pathfinder, and Dark Souls where you can switch the voices between the gender. If you aren't ready to call Dark Souls a tranny game you can fuck off with your dogshit attempt at disingenuousness.
Answer me this you smarmy cretin. It's so suspicious how they said that these were inclusions already in game while they were hounded by gamasutra interviewers. They never said it was added because of trannies, they said that it was stuff already included meaning they were acting dimissive to simply appease the faggots pressing them about it. If CDPR is SOOOO proud of their SJW inclusions for the sole purpose of acting progressive because they are an SJW company, why didn't they announce this shit on their twitter so all the trannies can go up and cry in glee about this? Because it literally is a nothing tranny about it.
>monopoloy on pissing off their own fans
KEK want to how I know for a fact you're a shit eating EA fan boy? Are you really going to suggest that because graphical changes were made to the Witcher 3 that automatically means that malice. Oh wait, you're a contrarian who wants pour fake outrage for the sole purpose of outcry.
the fun part is that (1) dysphoria among children largely dissipates (2) online troons don't even believe that dysphoria is a necessary condition for being transgender and attack those that do (3) they go around trying to convert people into their cult like vegans, mgtow, scientologists, etc
I feel the same way, the hype has exceeded the potential quality for the game.
They aren't actually going to make playable trannies, they just said that to shut them up.
But still this game is trash for cutting out all the rpg elements.
>which lives are getting destroyed?
All the children that will live their entire lives with psychological issues and suicidal tendencies, because their Lesbian mothers or whichever irresponsible adult wanted to have a pet that'll give them progressive points with friends or in the media.
You don't actually believe that the number of pre-teen children being fed hormones and told they're the opposite sex quadrupling every few years is just normal, right? It's like vegan cats or dogs, everybody knows who's making the decisions there.
actually in for sure 2 but probably also 3 you can somewhat personalize your captains quarters with fish and little trophies and whatnot.
>I don't care about missing gameplay features
>what really matters is how they respond to LGTBBQ types on twitter
This is the average Yea Forumsirgin now.
>Nah, you have a pretty good idea about it, but you're feigning ignorance because it fits your cause better.
i unironically dont know if its the case or not and both answer arent changing anything so im not invested in that in any way. the point of contention is transgender isnt an ideology and whether the dev is driven by the 'SJW ideology' or not is completely irrelevant. i
Serious question, not even memeing or trying to be edgy, but when did Yea Forums get overriden with literal trannies trying to justify their mental illness being forcefully inserted into a game to cater to SJW freaks?
>The entire elder scrolls series
Confirmed for playing 3 or less out of 5 games.
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
renember this shit man hahahaha holy fuck woke cdpr lmao
Source for the GoG part.
You can't even SOURCE the fact that the guy who made the tranny joke got fired, because you are being a disingenuous lying contrarian.
i've been fucking warning Yea Forums for months bout this shit the fucking cdpr shills went fucking berserk lmao i fucking told you cdpr got woke they're going down the shitter lol
>Inserted into a game
Source that these features that were included are tranny features. Read this fucking post before you drop your shitty accusatory post again you stupid blithering nigger.
customizing your character is more important than being able to customize an apartment that you're not going to be spending a small amount of time in
yes, character customization is important, even if its something retarded like being a tranny.
Imagine ever being excited for this leftist trash once you knew what it was.
wtf bro you weren't supposed to point that out.......
>All the children that will live their entire lives with psychological issues and suicidal tendencies, because their Lesbian mothers or whichever irresponsible adult wanted to have a pet that'll give them progressive points with friends or in the media.
literally not a thing happening on any real scale, nice anecdote that may or may not be true i guess
>You don't actually believe that the number of pre-teen children being fed hormones and told they're the opposite sex quadrupling every few years is just normal, right? It's like vegan cats or dogs, everybody knows who's making the decisions there.
first its not 'quadrupling every year' if it was the globe would be all trans by now, and second it increases because its more accepted. in 1 generation or so it will stop growing
They kept telling us /pol/ was the boogeyman seeping into our board, but it was resetera this entire time. Either that or CDPR shills are entirely blind when the degeneracy comes from their side.
I think this guy might be on to something.
you can't even see your own character, the game is entirely in first person outside of cutscenes.
>two out of five
>The entire elder scrolls series
>less than half
>entire series
>2/5 = 5/5
Yea Forums is contrarian, Trump got elected so now you're supposed to be SJW.
>theyre not convinced, theyre diagnosed by psychiatrists with gender dysphoria
Here's a question. How often do they not diagnose them with gender dysphoria?
Your point of contention probably matters a lot to you, but to the rest of us the only thing that matters about this whole debacle is whether the devs are driven by a toxic ideology or not. To say it's irrelevant is to admit you came to Yea Forums hoping to find /pol/.
you can see your character in your inventory screen as well
>This game can't live up to it's own hype and will be a generic adventure game/John Wick Simulator
Guys, I'm taking a break from gaming for awhile. This is too much for me.
>Especially since Cyberpunk2020 never had any trannies or sex change in it. It had Furries though, if anything those degenerates should be complaining.
You're really quite stupid though ain't ya? The reason there are likely no trannies is because that sort of technology is so common and unremarkable that no one even thinks to comment on it. You step into a clinic ask to be converted to whichever sex you want and are basically that sex. The reason they have these "exotics" as an option is because transgender wouldn't be out there enough for attention whores who want to be transgender in a world that has already solved their problem.
Or perhaps the CDPR shills were the trannies all along?
how bout fucking childhood hero and life changing event and reason you're in the fucking city lmao they cut that shit too it's just fucking street kid nomad or corpo but they're fucking throwing resources this late to fucking add tranny shit lmao how many fucking features cut for the tranny shit lmao
>he thought his choices would matter
The source of this question lies where I was part of the prior generation, and the psychiatrists were offered financial incentives to diagnose certain things and to prescribe certain things. Particularly to children.
that is so useless.
actually rofling at this moser survey (N=29 amazing) testing whether women have ever had arousal thinking of themselves as women as "debunking" this typology
what the actual fuck you sped
>b-b-but muh star power!
I really have no idea if you're just restating me or what, but the first 2 TES games were first-person only, which is less than half, but that dumbass claimed the whole series was third-person optional, which is only true for the latter three games.
>Here's a question. How often do they not diagnose them with gender dysphoria?
I've no idea. I hope you're not trying to say that psychatrist all over the west are just diagnosing them for fun. There's a set of criteria you need to meet in order to be diagnosed with GD. if the kid meet those, non-medical, non-permanent solution might be offered such as crossdressing, haircut of the other gender etc. To some kids, this is a phase they will grow out of but to other, it will stay until theyre teenagers and at that point the chance that its a phase are pretty low. Blockers can come into play
>Your point of contention probably matters a lot to you, but to the rest of us the only thing that matters about this whole debacle is whether the devs are driven by a toxic ideology or not.
on the whole yes but the argument here isnt quite that
>To say it's irrelevant is to admit you came to Yea Forums hoping to find /pol/.
theyre pretty much the same thing except here we talk about video games
im legit rofling at the high school dropout giving his shit take on a study only because his little feeling want AGP to be a thing
>can't modify your living quarters
>but transgender character options
CDPR literally lied for years and decided to change the game from a RPG to an action adventure game and these fanboys are still defending them
>that dumbass claimed the whole series was third-person optional
nobody said this, read a book
That's fine but the justification seems odd. Do people in cyberpunk universes not care about interiors? I wasn't aware this was a staple of the genre.
Jesus Christ, I thought /pol/ was scbizo, but we really do have discord trannies on here running damage control. Disgusting freaks.
Would you look at that, kids of damaged Liberal Hollywood celebrities, whether their own or adopted ones suddenly turn into Trannies, almost like it was a fashion statement for them with which they can gain lots of progressive points, it's funny how that happens and how children can go from Trannies to Normal or back depending on the parent that has custody?
based cringe zoomer retard waking up his mom at 1 am with autistic yelling
i fucking told you fucking warned you bout this shit cdpr prioritizing faggot and tranny shit they still haven't fucking shown straight male v straight male content lowest development priority
>I hope you're not trying to say that psychatrist all over the west are just diagnosing them for fun.
For fun? No. I'm implying they have an agenda and a dogma they adhere to, thus feeling that they're doing a social good. Just like nurses in Nazi Germany thought they were doing a public good.
>There's a set of criteria you need to meet in order to be diagnosed with GD. if the kid meet those, non-medical, non-permanent solution might be offered such as crossdressing, haircut of the other gender etc.
So if someone doesn't adhere to gender stereotypes or displays homosexual tendencies they're set down a path to fix them. Gotcha.
is there anything more tacky than putting real life actors into your videogame? It's so pathetic. Boomers who watch movies don't like playing videogames.
Just begging for gimped features huh shill
but at least
>he doesnt know
i bet you think actual and real paid shills dont post here regularly too
No one is on your side here, tranny.
the fact that there was a 40,000 something strong discord army of trannies was kind of terrifying. Like I could have lived my whole life and not known that and been happy
You mean they decided to change features of a game that isn't even out yet for another year??
Kill yourself you desperate seething contrarian. Just because shit changes doesn't mean that they are lying you smarmy little shit eater.
So were just getting another railroaded FPS like Halo/Half Life with maybe a little more reply value. Oh boy!
that's how they did it in bully too, really enjoyed that. there were a ton of room decorations you could unlock, not just from the main story missions but from side quests and hidden events too.
what you stupid fuck this is a survey and it's literally useless not only methodologically but for your purposes since it would only serve to achieve a typology of autogynephilia for women which has no explanatory power
>that time the mods actually had to repeatedly ban canadian feds from doxxing people posting food prices in /pol/
That's some nice fan-fiction you have there. But maybe they also knew that grafting cat ears on someone's head is a lot easier and possible than changing every cell of someone's body into something else that they are not?
The excuse is dumb but this is not a serious issue, besides something like this will probably be in either the Free DLC or the Expansions.
Fans waited for YEARS to play a RPG in the Cyberpunk world. Now what do we get? Just some shitty GTA clone. You guys can keep eating the shit sliding out of CDPRs ass but I'm done with them. They are literally Bioware tier now.
sorry i dont take my informations from mspaint montage made by some retard
>So if someone doesn't adhere to gender stereotypes or displays homosexual tendencies they're set down a path to fix them.
why do you strawman? I said yuo had to be diagnosed with GD not 'not adhering to gender stereotypes'
>No. I'm implying they have an agenda and a dogma they adhere to, thus feeling that they're doing a social good. Just like nurses in Nazi Germany thought they were doing a public good.
do you have anything to back that up or is it just how you feel about it?
I thought everyone was fine with Keanu when everyone was swooning over him at E3.
>those moments when north koreans pop in to say hi
As an OPTION not the entire fucking game.
oh look is the same coprophagic shill using the same reaction image in every thread
So did the kid go on hrt just so that his abusive mother would love him,or did his mother make him go on hrt so she could have a designer "trans" kid?
that was when they thought he was just a cool character in the game. I never would have been happy for one fucking second if i knew his presence actively reduced the choices and character customization possible in the game. fuck cpdr and fuck movie games
it just prove that the whole thing is non sensical. after all, its not used by anybody passed 2005 for a reason
blanchard is literally just the refuge transphobe take to appear scientific
little of column a little of column b
>which lives are getting destroyed?
~40% suicide rate.
You really are a fucking schizo holy fucking shit and I'm really getting tired of your fucking autism you fucking autist. This has been going on for the last 10 months and you do nothing but repeat this fucking shit veberatim about wanting to see straight V as if though you are confused on your sexuality but just want to make sure. Get on with it already and suck a fucking dick you closeted homosexual brainrotting nigger.
Kill yourself, the whole world would come into general utopia from your wiped out existence including the people who have the unfortunate luck of being called your parents.
I genuinely can not think of an rpg with a room decorating mechanic
watch CDPR backpeddle on all the promised features of the game until it's a fucking halo clone lol
and why is it 40%? have you ever thought about that between 2 shitposts?
only an absolute rock-bottom retard would play NV in 3rd person
>do you have anything to back that up or is it just how you feel about it?
I don't know. Why do people keep getting deplatformed for hate speech whenever they question it? Why do trans people get aggressively harried as pariahs for bringing it up? Why are studies into trans regret, misdiagnosis, etc all stifled by aggressive and loud resistance against institutions until they pull funding and blacklist the individuals looking into it?
Is Fallout 3 a game from 2008 really going to have more depth than a game from 2020 which is supposed to be better in every way?
>if you don't want gay shit you're gay
>if you want gay shit you're straight
holy fuck lmao what's with you faggots and your closet defense lmao fuck off fag you're the one saying cdpr doesn't need to add straight male v content you're the fucking fag defending faggot male v lol
o-obviously it's because they're mentally ill haha. can't be because of how awful they're treated, no no no
I expected actual shit eaters to have more interesting vocabulary for shit and not just shit and poo.
How so? Because they downsized a game to an action adventure game so now you are finding reaching excuses to shit on CDPR? How would turning this game into an action adventure make this any less of a good game? Are you going to ignore the facts that Cyberpunk 2077 literally has everything DEUS EX has yet Yea Forums keeps sucking the ever living dick out of it? Kill yourself, we know the REAL reason you are here, you aren't a fan, you are a player of their games, you come here either in a vent of a game getting popular, being contrarian due to overcompensating over a shitty life, or a weeb desperate to make a western game look bad.
Wow, what a novel concept you made you down syndrome einsteinian. People who browse this place are regular browsers and posters.
Movie games are the future, just embrace the future like Sonychads
If gender doesn't exist, why do they even let you have two options?
aren't a player of their games*
based but i wouldnt bother making a quality post on this dumb board full of actual children
>Why do people keep getting deplatformed for hate speech whenever they question it?
dont you think its a sllllllllllightly different topic? I dont think ive ever seen a single case of a therapist/psychiatrist who got into trouble legally because he didnt diagnosed somebody with GD
>Why are studies into trans regret, misdiagnosis, etc all stifled by aggressive and loud resistance against institutions until they pull funding and blacklist the individuals looking into it?
where do you get this from?
even fallout fucking 4 which took away options at least let you customize your fucking home, how do so many cock slurping whores praise CDPR again? they are mediocre they stole the lore from some idiot for 3 games and only made one of those good and when left to their own devices completely shit the bed with their 4th game
where did the meme come from that we ever could?
I remember someone said we could have multiple apartments and customized rides
rofl this game is gonna be a linear scripted cringe fest
>I don't know. Why do people keep getting deplatformed for hate speech whenever they question it?
mate, as somebody who was gender questioning and tried to find answers on youtube, you have no idea how false that is. theres literally a fucking sea of people who 'question it' you cant go a whole page without some right wing trash publication giving their garbage opinion on a thing they have no clue about
>How would turning this game into an action adventure make this any less of a good game?
That's not what fans wanted. If they were just going to shit out some generic action adventure game I never would've payed this game any attention in the first place. I was tricked into believing this was going to be something better than what it looks like we'll get. But I guess I shouldve known better than to trust western trash
Were you trying to make sense here, you sound like an overloading robot who who just had a glitch in it's algorithm.
monster hunter lets you combine male and female attributes like beard on a woman and nobody cared
>anything not from japan is garbage
>tfw want to get into tabletop but I have no friends
More like that's not what YOU wanted retard. Your overblown hype has made you into a blithering overexpecting mongrel who knows nothing of how development or the industry works. I wanted to play in an open world Cyberpunk game where I can install implants and that's exactly what I'm getting.
Transgender identities are not valid. They need therapy, not surgery and pills.
Fallout 4's aging buggy engine along with dumbed down gameplay was the issue, no one had a problem with base-building except RPG "purists" who still complain about Fallout not being isometric view anymore.
Have you seen trannies? It's obviously because they're mentally unhinged.
last E3 they said we would be able to buy multiple apartments, now they're saying just one apartment that's not customizable
Imagine the confusion
Guess we have to wait until 2077 for the real game
care to explain this then?
So you're telling me I can't buy an expensive corpo house once I'm rich as fuck and neither can I at least customize my starter hobo house?
For fucks sake what are you doing.
professional help man's nose is not big enough
Good. Sometimes less choices means more freedom. As a consumer, I won't question the developer's decisions on such things. They're the game developers, all I do play them. I have no right to condemn, and neither should any of you.
seething alt right tranny
Watching all these trannies having to shop around until they find a sympathetic doctor/doctor who doesn't want to be accused of bigotry is hilarious.
>which lives are getting destroyed?
This, i hope it will play itself too. Maybe i should ask for popcorn dlc.
this is a literal paid shill by the way
But that's what I was promised. They keep keep cutting features that we were told would be in the game, and normalfags like you just want to run around like you do in GTA, so of course you won't be disappointed.
>want to roleplay a rich corpo asset
>can't even buy a rich man's apartment in the rich district or change how my hobo starter apartment looks like
Yeah, no. It's RPG and you need to fuck off.
>I dont think ive ever seen a single case of a therapist/psychiatrist who got into trouble legally because he didnt diagnosed somebody with GD
They can literally lose their license or practice if they don't "affirm the child's belief" and attempt to get it to desist, you disingenuous dick:
Not to say that stating the obvious truth can get you banned from Social media even as a leading researcher in the field and that they're pushing this shit on children as the first solution to basically anything that pops up:
fixed it for ya
Yeah, he keeps posting the same ugly ninja turtle image as well. You can tell he's not a regular here
>There are no choices involved
you have to take offense to be offended
taking is a verb
verbs are actions
actions are choices
good post, paid kremlin/pajeet bots will ignore this.
no it doesn't prove anything at all you mongoloid troon except that charles moser is a hack that handed out a questionnaire at his fucking workplace because he is fixated on paraphilia
>this whole thread
I buy the idea that your apartment ends up getting destroyed in some scripted event that happens after you get "killed" by Dex
>Sometimes less choices means more freedom.
>As a consumer, I won't question the developer's decisions on such things
God, you sound like a sheepish faggot that will fold to anyone with authority over your pathetic existence. Goddamn, this Yea Forums Yea Forums of all places, yet we have such spineless cowards browsing it and voicing their "just consume" mentality. I hate all of you.
>So you're telling me I can't buy an expensive corpo house once I'm rich as fuck
This is my only complaint and I know it's not the case but even if the apt auto updated depending on the path you chose or some of the choices you make. Like a poster of your hero on the wall depending on the hero you chose in character creation.
why do you retard are always speaking of century old trans stuff? is it because current understanding triggers you? theres a reason you stupid fucking never go passed blanchard typology
know this incel; no matter how much you cry, how many time you try to bend reality to fit your narrative it wont matter; trans people will get more and more accepted
>decorating a room
Who the fuck cares?
Designing a room is not an rpg element.
Nah, not a paid shill. I'm just someone who has realistic expectations of a game's development and who doesn't have malice smearing intentions because I want to create the next TORtanic. I don't jump on the nearest bangwagon because I want to fit in. Must be new to you guys, but there are people with differing views and who browse this place, how about you post in forums ONCE you turn 18 little shitter.
But please, continue on. "Someone doesn't conform to my view of hating the very things I don't like, therefore he is a shill!!"
Such a beautiful, natural and completely medically safe treatment. Only nazi bigots would be against this.
trannies will never be accepted because they dont want to be
they want to be pitied
they CANNOT lose their place in the special oppression olympics.
How can you have realistic expectations for this game when it doesn't even know what it wants to be?
thats a nice talking point for a mouthbreather, did you pick that up from an epic anti-sjw video?
>i-if i wanted to have RPG elements I'd play Skyrim or FF
>I didn't say they were rpg elements
Are you mentally retarded?
it's a tweeter screenshot thread, it couldn't go any other way.
>shaping the place your roleplaying character lives is not a roleplaying element
>you're stuck with a shitty starter house no matter what choices you make because that's how a roleplaying game is supposed to behave
Retard alert.
Retard alert.
Retard alert.
Because I understand that downsizing and making exceptions to make a final products exists you fucking blithering moron.
can you try writing in english you esl
create a classification for male humans: no testicles, one testicle, two testicles, three testicles
dipshit md: hand out questionnaire to female coworkers "how many testicles do you have?" 29 bother to respond, 93% claim to have two testicles, because they are mentally ill
publish in shit journal with extremely cool knowledge of statistics
idiot troon: hello have are debunked the classification of human males. historical determinism is mine
Doctors stuffing children with hormones for no reason and pushing autistic individuals into cutting off their genitals will be regarded like Mengele is 100 years from now.
This is the future that awaits us..
I believe him, since 2013 teaser all that they showed made the game look worse and worse. Currently I'm thinking discount only, depending how much they fall I might never get it out of principle.
t. 'adult' with the mental fortitude of a 2 year old
CDPR doesn't monitor what GoG does 24/7 you FUCKING RETARD, they have managers that maintain and control different departments like any fucking studio and company. The guy who got fired from GoG was fired because someone in management from GoG said so, not some faggot high up in CDPR.
>Cutting half the game is a good thing
Keep seething shill your game is trash
I wouldn't mind actually discussing criticisms to the game but people are blantantly lying non-stop on these threads for some reason, so why even bother?
It's very simple, Yea Forums
>never pre-order anything
>if the game is out and it's good, then you buy/pirate it (it's gonna be on gog so it's drm-free)
There's nothing else to be said.
It's weird that this game has so much shitposting compared to every other game announced at e3.
>game takes place in far future with heavy body mods
>tabletop system written in the fucking 80s has rules for characters using genetics/cybernetics to change sex
>can literally buy the ability to get pregnant as a male
they put this shit in the original RPG fucking 30 years ago you autistic dipshit, it has nothing to do with current politics
what happened to polish people
did they get raped too much by russians and germans?
FLOP OF THE FUCKING CENTURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How in the world does this bland mess look better than The Witcher in any way?
except children arent going on hormones, and most people are happy with their SRS
they need the balding option
>t. dilater
then why is the suicide rate the same as before and after
They did say they want to become rockstar. Don't know why everyone is acting surprised. They're the biggest valued company in poland now, going to the big leagues! No nerd shit in the big leagues!
What he really means is they would actually have to pay for good concept artists instead of the hacks they already have
>It's weird that this game has so much shitposting compared to every other game announced at e3.
What did you expect? This game is the most hyped at the moment, and the bandwagoning TORtonic contrarians are now crawling out of the woodwork.
Yeah dude, I'm clearly the one seething when I'm getting all these replies of anger shitters like you that end with "ITS GONNA BE TRASH JUST DEAL WITH IT!"
and then they grow up and realize the world can't coddle them like their parents did. The parents who choose to push back are the ones that save their children from further punishment
>its not a gta clone for casuals full of meaningless ubisoft distractions
Based CDPR
Is that true?
Not doubting, but wanted from a serious source, not from an image board.
Nothings wrong with that
cope politcsfag
>and then they grow up and realize the world can't coddle them like their parents did
dude trannies on average have lived through more in a year than you will in your entire life. whats the worst thing that happened to you, you ran out of mountain dew?
No, Yea Forums is just catching on. Cyberpunk 2077 will be a massive disappointment. Only normalfags will like this halfassed garbage
I've never seen a game change it's genre to excuse lack of features, this is a first for me. I'm guessing mobile game would be bottom of the barrel?
Not crazy about it but in a setting like cyberpunk where crazy ass body modification is the norm it sort of makes sense
fuck the screeching resetera fags though
>CDPR onionsboys won't respond to this
Keanu Reeves was my disappointment in this game. Now I think it's reddit tier.
pretty sure nothing can kill my hype for this game.
>dude trannies on average have lived through more in a year than you will in your entire life.
>Yea Forums is just catching on
Nah, nobody catches on the mentally handicapped ramblings of a contrarian who wants to desperately wants to turn people into his personal army or make people follow his bandwagon you turbo nigger. At this very moment Cyberpunk has exponentially surpassed preorders.
This game is ALREADY exceeded expectations and turned out into a massive success and the thought of that makes you "SEETHE!" CDPR doesn't even need to pander to little shitters like you.
Nintendies BTFO
it's actually being coded by the team that worked on me andromeda
add the logo
I think Bloodlines will be the same the more they show and the closer it gets to release. Cyberpunk has a lot of long time fans and I think they see this game continually falling short of that expectation on a number of different fronts. Some of it petty but some of it kind of important in terms of mood and tone, you know? And I think we've all seen it happen dozens of times by now with other games and movies where they're remaking this loved nostalgic thing and they just shit on it or in the fans eyes miss the point of it.
A lot of childish shit get's said in anger or frustration and even the few voices that kind of calmly intelligently voice complaints just get accused of being babies about things but to me a lot of the complaints come from a passion for the product. It's a bunch of people angrily moaning and bitching that it's going to be shit because what they can't properly express is that they are really scared and worried that it's not going to be good.
i have lived to see the horror of someone on Yea Forums bragging about pre-orders
I'm not buying your shitty GTA V clone, shill.
Nah, I'm bragging about how much it makes YOU seethe. SEETHE more, because I'm fucking LAUGHING at you.
>fake cyberpunk fan crying about trannies in a genre that's had them since its inception
When Gravity Fails, George Alec Effinger
>Take a pretty boy, nip off his couilles and buy him a silicone balcony that could seat an underfed family of three, and before you know it, she’s digging around in your wallet.
Johnny Mnemonic, William Gibson
>The Magnetic Dog Sisters were on the door that night, and I didn’t relish trying to get out past them if things didn’t work out. They were two meters tall and thin as greyhounds. One was black and the other white, but aside from that they were as nearly identical as cosmetic surgery could make them. They’d been lovers for years and were bad news in the tussle. I was never quite sure which one had originally been male.
Day Million, Frederik Pohl
>On this day I want to tell you about, there were a boy, a girl and a love story. Now, although I haven’t said much so far, none of it is true. The boy was not what you and I would normally think of as a boy, because he was a hundred and eighty-seven years old… The reason the girl was not a girl was that she was a boy.
Who are you again? I couldn't give a SHIT about your opinions.
no you are celebrating pre-orders
you are actually cancer
maybe the real cyberpunk was the friends we made along the way
kek. alright fine that would do it. but im glad its not true
You post like a fucking r*dditor. Maybe it's time you go back.
I'm you, 15 minutes into the future.
Nah, I'm laughing at the fact that you think this game is going to turn into a flop because some shitters in this place is somehow "catching on." We all know the contrarians in this board are the same 4 faggots who are creating the same generated anti-shill post hourly. Nobody catches on to your shit, and I'm laughing that you think this game is a failure because faggots in a basket weaving forum would think so.
>action-adventure story
yea i'm torrenting this trash
no you are throwing a party about millions of people buying no man's sky before it was even shipped
might as well go tell people to throw some money into the star citizen pit
And you type like a fucking tranny/SJW/black-lives-matter poster who censors his word because it's too triggering to type. Maybe you need to go back to resetera where you belong.
Cyberpunk 2020 never had Trannies, try again faggot.
Wtf if was supposed to flop...
>CDPR shills in full damage control mode
Nah, like I said, I'm laughing at your delusions of this game being a flop and you thinking that you are even making an impact on this board, thinking he is making his own personal "Yea Forums army!!' Get fucking mad, nobody listens to the rambling of the mentally handicapped.
no you are posting about how many pre-orders diablo 3 received and why that rules
i haven't written a single word about the game being a flop
>Uh... uh... shill! shill! hahaha amirite guys!?
Kek, you should do well to not post shit when you don't have anything to say because you're outing yourself as a fucking retard. Please, put more meme words in your post like reddit!
>comparing a billion dollar worth company to kickstarter garbage
user please.
Why the fuck do I have a house in this game?
Decorating your interior sounds pretty gay. I'm glad they don't put faggot shit in the game.
The fact that you insinuated that "Yea Forums is catching on is on" is implying that you think this game is now going to be a flop and people are coming into your bandwagon. Nah, like I said and you are going to continue to deny it because you are a reaching contrarian nigger who doesn't want to relent, I'm laughing that you think this game is going to flop and the fact that it makes you SEETHE.
To sleep and store your weapons, armor and vehicles of course.
i didn't write that bro
Oh right it just feels weird. At least be honest about the reason you fucks.
This is precisely why I'm not buying this fucking game. Fuck CDPR.
>actually making a quality post in 2k19
Oh shit nigger what are you doing?
I wouldn't be surprised if this boomer retard actually works for the company. Look, you guys sold your soul and cut half the game to cater to the GTA audience. Nobody here will buy your fucking game dude. Give it up. Sure the braindead normie retards will love it but anyone with standards will just pirate it at best flat out ignore it at worst.
nigguh if you wanna convince someone youre laughing youre better off not mentioning it in every single post
comes across as tryhardy smfh famalam lmfao
sunfags still SEETHING
I'm not sure about the hairball, or the 4 hours of dilation, but they absolutely have to dilate frequently. Google search if you don't believe.
> thinks room decoration and e-barbie are "RPG elements"
Yea Forums is composed entirely of pre-teens with lead poisoning
>thinks faggot and tranny shit are rpg elements
Can someone start dumping porn or something
it's not a quality post the gog guy was fired and his family harassed for using the #wontbeerased hashtag
Hi Ralph.
They are, actually, you can do that shit in any table top.
i checked the replies to this for an answer, and curiously, there was none. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
>normalizing your mental illness isnt ideology
Just kill yourself already freak
Unironically don't care about any of this, I just want an open world Cyberpunk game made by developers I trust.
>tfw 980 + 4690k
I just hope I can run this baby, i'm fucking sweating lads
since your underage shouldn't you be reported?
Bunch of fags
only important post in this garbage thread
cdpr will continue cutting features while shills endlessly defend having LESS content in the game
All of Yea Forums's whining about trannies is making them more popular than ever. Thanks for bringing on the next tranny revolution, Yea Forums.
Trannies BTFO
my post making fun of trannies was very important, thank you very much
>while shills endlessly defend having LESS content in the game
they're already fallen back to
>I don't care about anything as long as it's a good game
I don't think they can take much more..
he was just born with the belief that through mutilation, the use of prescription medication, and by engaging in misogynistic hypersexual performance of femininity that he could become a woman, just like his mother
way too much effort in responding to trolls my dude.
the thinking man realizes what they're up to, what out come they are trying to achieve. that is; destroying a studio that so far has done nothing but be a shining example of what all studios should strive to be.
we just shitpost then go buy two copies of the game on every platform, because that's what matters and they know it, that's why they're here to stop it.
Is there a greater signal that you're a kike?
This is gonna be the only game in history to be discussed more before it comes out than after it.
I wouldn't be so annoyed if I didn't predict this happening. The fact there was gay content was known fucking months ago but I assumed the point the shitposting would boil over would be when we got our first screenshots of gay stuff, not just a strange dickgirl ad.
i'm pretty sure kingdom hearts 3 will hold that title for eternity
Any game that starts pandering to leftist ideology turns to shit, see Mass Effect
How are they pandering to lefties?