

Attached: 1560255243717.jpg (700x936, 329K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I sometimes wonder how Yea Forums gets more retarded, but I'm surprised more and more hourly.

When I was a kid, I used to jerk off to Zell’s tight ass in those jeans of his.

FF8 sucks

>mommy mommy i posted my favorite meme from Yea Forums again surely they'll lvoe me this time

I like to think all of it is just one guy that really lost his mind.


Do any of the other FF hd ports have updated graphics like this?

I actually wish 7 got this treatment instead of the remake.

I'd prefer them to just use the Dissidia Engines, it'd probably be way faster and easier and still look pretty good.

Attached: Dissidia-FF-Rinoa_07-10-18.jpg (600x337, 52K)

>it looks like shit, thats why its good

>mommy mommy i posted another of my favorite memes

Explain why the remaster looks like shit.

IX but not on the same level.

it doesnt
the original looks like shit in comparison
she looks deformed

The real question is what the FUCK is up with that font? It makes it looks like a trio of autistic amateurs just a few degrees off the low end of the spectrum were making the design choices here.

Attached: 31403961_1718507331543161_3218258993923227648_n.jpg (720x960, 68K)

>looks like shit when it actually stays faithful to the concept art and original aesthetics while also improving the graphics tenfold from a jank ass ps1 to a low-end ps2 (especially once PC mods kick off)
How does it feel to go through life being stupid?

I can't wait to jerk off to HD Raijin.

they fucked the artstyle

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See an optometrist

I witness this fellow brother of taste.

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I like to think its either a nostalgiafagging boomer that refuse to move on or a zoomer trying to fit in by doing soul/souless threads

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FF8 is my favorite FF, OP is a fucking moron.

Yeah, it was really rough to translate an art style into game assets back in the PS1 era. The seem to be making up for it now though, so that's pretty cool.

Go fuck yourself OP

Yea Forums is just full of false flaggers

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed.

They totally changed his hairstyle though

They fucked up the hair.

Attached: Ff8-squall2.jpg (904x882, 218K)

>remaster version of best Shiva

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It's the designs of the first game with some of the details of the second game and the lighting and texturing of the third game. Pretty cool imo.

Finally people will notice that Quistis was wearing pants all along and not boots.

I'll reserve judgment until we see more. It's better but it seems like it might be half assed. Should just put more time into a really nice looking proper remake. Not like 7, just the same game.

Have sex

Attached: edea.jpg (1024x768, 581K)

I wouldnt say it's totally changed, it's a little different but basically the same have sex

artsyle, you mong, Not graphics

I don't get how you could have been here so long and not be able to tell when someone's obviously shitposting?

Everyone knew that.

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Some fanartists fucked it up

>A remaster happened before Seifer could get into Dissidia.

Attached: japanese ehhhh.jpg (228x238, 13K)

The lighting ruins it. The lighting for ultimate makes everything look washed out and shit in general though.

>play cards
>random rule

Attached: Maybe drowning is better.jpg (537x392, 52K)

This. This is all I wanted in a FF7 remake.


He really dodged a bullet there

Attached: giphy (1).gif (448x256, 497K)

>new model for ultimecia and remix of The Extreme

Attached: 1550428360995.png (239x372, 128K)

I don't see how, one is brown and the other is black, and her concept art literally shows her with pants on.

I think that's what most of us wanted from 7's remake all those years ago. 8 and 9 had the better detailed models and a non-bogus translation and they could've/should've pushed it out in 2000.

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Some people just glance at her and go "yep this got whip wielding dom is wearing boots"

They ruined him!

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They're doing new music too?

Attached: Laguna_cg.jpg (864x486, 46K)

I really detested the majority of FF8. Rinoa was insufferable and some of the most interesting characters never join your team.

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His beautiful face!

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It looks nice though? It doesn't have that awful warping issue that quite a few PS1 games have and the models are updated just enough which look nice.

Bottom is objectively better, it's not up for debate.

His pants are very baggy though...

>I don't know how angles work

>use only Squall/Zell/Irvine
>abuse their limit breaks

This is the funnest way to play the game. Prove me wrong.

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Gays are retarded.

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>not cycling until you get The End

Is that chrischan?

look at all that SOUL...i'm literally shaking from the soul overload

Counter argument: Irvine is a faggot, replace with selphie

all his side hair is tucked behind his ear, dumbfuck.

Attached: NO-WAY-SQUALL-LEONHART-IN-FACEBOOK-squall-41147474-290-295.jpg (290x295, 16K)

>replacing based Irvine with Selphie's shit ass

Jesus, she's the worst girl in the game bar none.

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shooting bullets is fun, gives you a reason to buy/make more bullets.

No its me.

>using Irvine ever
Worst character in the game.
He is the Caith Sith of FFVIII.


Attached: Selphie_13.jpg (640x479, 51K)

I'm pretty sure op is the one without a soul. No soul can possibly as retarded as they are.

Rinoa is worst girl. Best girl is Fujin

nah that's quistis

True. She's the only one that can't solo Omega Weapon

Is it now? Nearly all of his concept art has it like the remaster does, every single game following FF8 that he appears in has it the same. It was always intended to be this way. Also the pic you posted has his bangs clearly in front of the ears with the back part being well the back part.


Attached: squall.gif (800x1200, 117K)


>Nearly all of his concept art has it like the remaster does
Your picture literally proves the opposite dipshit

He's right, his design has never been changed, it looks the exact same in the remaster.

Attached: Squall.jpg (1200x675, 211K)

Well, he said his ass was tight, not necessarily the pants covering said ass.

>He is the Caith Sith of FFVIII.
FF8 doesn't have a Cait Sith equivalent. Irvine is based though you fag.

Seifer battles were the most kino fights in all of Final Fantasy don't >> me

Are you a woman because you have zero depth perception. You can even tell in this shot that his bangs go in front of the ears and swoop like they always have, and the back swoops slightly out and behind the ears, like always.

Attached: D8vuFgcXYAADVjX.jpg (1200x675, 91K)

>his design has never been changed.
>posts another design where the hair was changed.
are you retarded?


"Soul" is the term you use when you want to say "I'm nostalgic for this" but you don't want to say that because nostalgia doesn't sound as objective as saying something has "soul".
Or, if you do have reasons beyond nostalgia, it's because you're too dumb to know how to articulate your opinion.

What artstyle?

>idiots think Squall's bangs don't go over his ears
Man, you lads need glasses more than I do.

Attached: Squall bangs.jpg (536x287, 41K)

Wrong, Lightning is superior and all her battles are better

Speaking of soulless, I don't know why everyone is praising these ugly ass background upscale mods for FF7 and 9 with computer learning or whatever it's called. It looks so squiggly.

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Jesus fuck. Remastered Squall has like 5 spikes on the side of his head, while the old Squall had a more curvature to it with no spikes.

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Left unironically has less personality.


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Oh no Squall's hair has a little more spikes, remaster ruined! ;_;

Nobody cares about FF9..............I'm surprised nobody cares to draw Eiko loli stuff

How does that hairstyle look the same as pic related to you? The top of his hair in the remaster looks completely flat aside from the single part.

Attached: Squall-Leonhart-FINAL-FANTASY-VIII-BASTARDS-squall-41532779-960-720.jpg (960x720, 66K)

I think it fits VII and IX. It looks like the the world is made of clay which fits the chibi designs.


That's all I need to know, thanks and seeya.

Literally the same but not PS1 FMV graphics. Get over it, nothing has changed about your precious game.

>mfw that npc has my name
The one time it happens in a FF game and its a irrelevant npc.

This website and particularly this board have disappeared up their own asses and became nothing but shitposters.

Reddit sucks for a lot of it's own reasons but for the most part the people who are left here are toxic shitters.

>FF7:R departs from the genre, Yea Forums loses their fucking minds
>FF8 Remaster is the exact same shit with better models, Yea Forums loses their fucking minds

It's hard to care about an opinion when the person giving it is fucking retarded

top looks like ass

Marcus is a PC

Yea Forums has had a drop in quality over the years for sure, but it's nothing like you seem to be suggesting.

Yea Forums has always gotten mad over everything.

>your precious game
i don't even like FF8, you're the one autistically coming the the defense of the fucking remaster.
>literally same
His bangs stick up in the original compared to the rest of his hair. They also somehow made his face look even MORE feminine.

Im not really sure why this remaster exists when you can already mod the one already on steam to make it look as good

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Yea Forums is going to be contrarian no matter what. We had a legit comfy thread full of nice discussion the other night and now the rats are out for blood. I guess they got bored with the Tifa shitposting and arguing with themselves that now they're here trying to start shit with FF8.

>why did this company put out an official remaster to sell to people for money when they could tell fans to just mod the game?
Real old head scratcher you got there.

This series seems to draw out the retards, honestly, and I don't mean the honest fans. For some reason some cunts love to hate and this series is heroin to them.

This seems funny to me, because transitioning from ff7 to ff8 always felt to me like the original "soul vs soulless" because they were ditching the more whimsical superdeformed art style for more realism in a series that is implicitly not realistic, so I can't see this as anything but an upgrade; at least the art style is somewhat fulfilled in this fidelity.

It's translated you dip shit, ofcourse the translation team chose a bitch ass font.

It's amazing, the FMV's still held up till today, but the in game even then just looked like pixelated garbage. Rinoa's jagged pixelated legs will forever remain in my brain

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Is this a mod or a new port?

End of an era.

Attached: 4c1.jpg (600x1557, 119K)

That ended years ago. The PC version renders the player models just fine


Holy fuck are you literally autistic? This is too much to handle holy shit

Final Fantasy threads on Yea Forums have ALWAYS featured shitflinging monkeys. Through all the massive drops in general quality on Yea Forums through the years FF threads have stayed surprisingly consistent. You get good threads, you get threads about Tifa's breast sizes and you get people arguing over which game is better. That's FF on Yea Forums.

FF8 is functionally broken thanks to Card Mod. You spend an hour or two farming card mod and, thanks to the junction system, you've essentially turned the game into easy mode

because they lacked the source code and couldn't port FF8 to other systems

>you've essentially turned the game into easy mode
Final Fantasy games were always easy and you can break VIII 8 ways from Sunday without the card mod because of the potential of junctioning.

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dont do that then

Based Squall has no time for Jews/mudslimes/burgers

Attached: Circumcisionsquall.jpg (642x503, 54K)

Based autist poster. Although i agree 100%.

>they couldn't be bothered to update the backgrounds at all

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I'm fine with a dev 'upgrading' portions of a game for a port, but at least give options to use the original models/resolution/aspect-ratio/etc for the purists.

Everybody is busy drawing Kuja to care about Eiko

Attached: bc634860dd7e30e8d3e4bd01dbaf59a4.jpg (853x2560, 1.07M)

>change the character models to be PS2 level
>call it "Remastered"
based square enix

Was he modelled on DiCaprio in his twink days?

They do look less pixelated but the character models needed to be fixed first

FF8 is a game about a really insecure guy who's very uncertain about his future, and the absolute fucking retards he finds himself consistently surrounded by.

I always got Tom Cruise and young Charlie Sheen vibes from Squall.

Attached: Squall Cruise.jpg (285x425, 126K)

Irvines ammo is op as fuck what the hell are you talking about.

>old crappy grandpa graphics good
>good graphics bad

why are you like this?

It's every series anymore. I've been noticing it ever since the ACfag days with Metroid threads. I guess people slowly began realizing how easy it is to just shitpost.

Like once in a blue moon you'll get lovely threads of theory-crafting, lore, gameplay discussion, etc. Any other time it's arguing over which game is best and the worst, tit sizes, or just general shitposting.

FFXIII sure as shit didn't help the FF series out any on Yea Forums either, though I do personally like it and XV despite their glaring flaws.At this point I honestly just pick and choose who I reply to anymore on Yea Forums, helps a lot. Shitposters get bored eventually if they don't get their (You)s.

this. I'm hyped to play a true remaster instead of 12 "totally worth it full price games guys"
All those friends in 8th grade giving me shit for liking 8 over 7 can suck my dick. Enjoy your "remake" ff7 queers, at least my favorite ff won't get rewrites, dlcs, and voice acting.

listen dude. my cock can literally only throb so fucking turgid.
>you lived long enough to watch the "summon Eden once per playthrough" cinema in HD
>you lived long enough for the in game textures top catch up to the cutscenes
>the garden fight in hd
jfc I'm ready

To be fair the voice acting for the 8 characters they have given isn't bad at all.

Give me improved Fujin or give me death.

Attached: Fujin.jpg (1280x1024, 1.2M)

>Implying they won't use this to advertise their new Dissidia character: Seifer from FFVIII! Please enjoy using him in this shitty 3v3 watered down version of classic dissidia!

Attached: fuu.png (243x267, 102K)

>the absolute fucking retards he finds himself consistently surrounded by
This. It feels like the rest of the party is honest to Hyne completely incapable of not fucking up when Squall isn't there to hold their hands.
There's a serious issue when Zell is the most competent person when Squall isn't around.


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Don't forget he's an awkward weirdo who just wants to be left alone and some random girl who got dumped shows up and is all up in his shit constantly and super positive.

Didn't Selphie lead a successful 3 person attack on a Galbadian Military Installation?

Selphirme and Quistis are the best party members.
besides that cuck irvine for his OP limit

She does, but she kinda stops doing anything notable after that and the visit to Trabia.
If I'm being fair, most of my annoyance is directed towards:
>Quistis almost fucking up the easiest job in the world during the assassination
>Zell and Selphie allowing the above to happen
>Everyone badgering Squall to save Rinoa during the Gardens battle, when he's clearly got other bigger issues to worry about




Nearly all of them screw up majorly at some point.

pretty sure I popped a chubby back then

>some random girl who got dumped
They were told that Seifer was executed for attacking Deling, then next thing they know he's the sorceress' knight. I don't think they ever bothered with "it's not you, it's me."

This if they were going to rebuild the code and game anyways, why not just use a more up to date engine that is still easy to use?

Rinoa asks Squall to dance because he's a lonely guy by himself at a military ball/graduation in which everyone is having fun, being happy, and dancing, and he's this guy off by himself with a huge scar on his face. It was Rinoa's way of reassuring him that "Hey, you're a good looking guy, you aren't disfigured, be secure in yourself."
He was referring to the ball scene I imagine in which she was waiting on Seifer and Cid. Even then, Seifer has no real feelings for her and I think she realized that pretty quickly and came to like Squall for his ways more, he was a Seifer that was better essentially in her mind.


I always thought Fujin was a man when i played this 15 years ago.

Do you think Rinoa is not a virgin and Squall just got Seifer's sloppy seconds?

Did the improve the battle background textures too?


the models look 1000% better and i love blocky ps1 graphics

square enix started using RPG maker fonts universally when they released all their "hit" mobile ports

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At this point we really need a banner that just reads "OLD GAME GOOD, NEW GAME BAD".
Also we need to change this boards name to Yea Forums - Politics and Smash

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>he doesn't know how to abolish rules
>he didn't do the queen of cards sidequest

Attached: 1478249714277.jpg (500x500, 29K)

I still have my original ps1 copy I got as a kid.
I don’t have a crt moniter anymore, and trying to play FF8 on 60” flat screen just doesn’t fucking work. My fucking eyes. They hurt.
Let it work on my TV, gimme some trophies, and i’ll play the shit outta this thing.

Attached: ee2.png (1095x903, 299K)

I for one am glad fonts get better and better in this day and age, but only because Japanese is sometimes fucking nightmarish in old school fonts.

Attached: smile (1).jpg (360x270, 16K)

Is it true they don't have the original files to FF8?

>yfw you first heard this

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>Yea Forums has had a drop in quality over the years for sure, but it's nothing like you seem to be suggesting.

Not that guy, but as someone who's been here since 2006.

>Yea Forums has always gotten mad over everything.

Not really. I don't remember Yea Forums ever being 2008 tier Yea Forums, but it was still more relaxed. It used to have rage threads, but those were mostly in good fun. Then people started bitching more and more about newer games because the was a noticeable quality drop in the 7th gen, which led to more bitching which eventually led to people forgetting what they were even mad about, they just started coming here to bitch about anything and everything. Smash fans were always cancer though.

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river phoenix. they even have the same birthday

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>Yea Forums is super serious

pretty sad how misunderstood this game is. its a masterpiece. i feel like if you dont understand this game's genius then you're a big time pleb

Attached: Squallmenu.png (64x96, 8K)

aw fuck yeh

Wtf I love Squall now

Squall actually does look worse. They took him from a stoic and focused aryan male and made him a generic anime looking faggot.

Yeah, Japanese fonts in older games can be a pain. They're no so bad in FF VII or VIII, but some of the more complex kanji are a pain to read in FF IX.

It needed like another six months of development. Maybe even another year. Refine the gameplay mechanics so that it isn't easy to exploit shit and so that the player is enticed to do more than just summon GF's. Rework the story and scrap the orphanage shit, it's pointless. Make Ultimecia Rinoa from the future and give the game a tragic, dark ending, where Squall dies (and Seifer dies too). That way the story fits with "Romeo and Juliet".

Attached: 1549673828505.gif (300x241, 471K)

both of these
I can't fucking wait, this is going to kick ass

Attached: 20190616_031819.jpg (1304x493, 402K)

>so that the player is enticed to do more than just summon GF's
GFs suck. That's the enticement.

Or you can prevent it from ever spreading by not allowing them to mix rules.

FF7 and FF8 are nu-FF cancer, 9 is the true soul of FF.

Attached: random-bard_tawna_noms_cortex.png (888x1856, 2.13M)

>FF8 is getting the remake everyone wanted for FF7 10 years ago

Her entire gimmick is that she is this pure light-hearted girl, so probably not.

Anyone who constantly summons though is dumbass, The animations aren’t skippable, It’s very easy to make your characters stronger than the GF’s, You’re literally taking the longest route possible.
Like reverse speed running or something.

I'm so thankful insensitive scenes like this will be censored for the new generation!

Attached: Ff8tranny2.jpg (1024x768, 156K)

I want FFVIII remake

I think a lot of you are overestimating what this HD upgrade is. Looks like they're giving it the 9 treatment, where the models are upgraded but still shitty backgrounds and same music. There's no indication of new music, or cutscenes, or anything else.

God I want to fuck Selphie bad even though I've always found her irritating. Competent, surprisingly, but irritating. For 20 years now she's stuck with me despite us having nothing in common.

Attached: Selphie_Collage.jpg (600x400, 57K)

That’s pretty much all I wanted..

show me a mod right now that makes it look better

because nobody gives a shit about FF8 to make mods for it

>Those ziz/pantwo doujins with Kuja

Fucking fuck those broke me.

Attached: 1549139172759.jpg (847x579, 79K)

>Anyone who constantly summons though is dumbass,

Which is most people and it's the most intuitive way to play the game until the break it. Even once you break it you wind up just doing 9999 physical attacks. The game can be fun but only if the PLAYER enforces arbitrary limits on what they do. That's bad game design. The most intuitive way to play the game should be a reasonably complex manner where the player is encouraged to change their strategy with every battle. Using magic, items, abilities, GF's, and such, as the situation calls for it. FF7 and especially FF9 do a way better job of this.

It will happen. But its in 2024 once all FFVII episodes released. The remastered version is just for building up hype.

There literally has to be, they haven't had any of the source code or FF8 stuff for years, that even included old concept art they lost. Everything in the remaster had to be rebuilt from the ground up.

The pre-rendered backgrounds are pretty good. The overworld, models, animations, and music need the most love.

>they put in the win button

Anybody else upset about this? I hate even having the option.

If they do a remake they should add an easy mode for those who need constant assistance and more regular progression on the difficulty.

Not a single FF does that well at all. You can arbitrarily break every game with summons, or physical attacks, or whatever alone, barring the gimmick fights like "Attack the tail" or "Knock it over the cliff", which FF8 also has.

sup spoony

Nothing else is really needed unless they are gonna give it the FFVII Remake treatment and rebuild it from the ground up. Do what I said here: Frankly, if any of these games needed a fundamental re-imagining it was this one, not 7. All 7 needed was fresh, more modern character models. Make them cartoony for the world map but make fresh, detailed ones for combat. 7 was pretty much perfect as is. So is 9 (less so). However 8 is a mess in terms of story and game design.

Attached: mage_vs_demigod_by_vertical_misfit-d2yq1ln.jpg (1043x1231, 1016K)

>Square announes the FF8 remake
>4 years later trailer drops
>Another 4 years later release date confirmed
>It’s only playable to the fire cavern now
>’Get you’re preorder only Laguna dlc!’

>Not a single FF does that well at all.

No, like I said, 9 does this pretty well. Lots of abilities to play with and you aren't punished for experimenting. The problem with FF8 is that the player never wants to use magic because getting a lot of magic is a pain in the ass and using it will weaken whatever you have it junctioned to.

Regardless, who cares if the other games have shit gameplay mechanics? Make a game with GOOD mechanics.

The main problem with FFVIII is that it's a game where subsequent playthroughs are vastly more enjoyable because you know how and more importantly, WHEN to abuse the Draw and Junction systems.

>First time playing
>Encounter a new spell
>"Oh shit! Better stock up! Don't know when I can get this again!"
>Spend the next hour Drawing
>Second playthrough
>"Oh, that becomes available all over. Let's keep moving."

And that's not even talking about plowing through the SeeD exams right away for max cash, either.

Attached: yokonose.gif (169x271, 499K)

They did these completely backwards.
FF7 holds up well enough that it didn't need all this work. A graphical improvement, along with some minor gameplay tweeks and maybe an additional area or sidequest they have time to add in.

Whereas FF8 is the one Final Fantasy game that would benefit the most from a complete overhaul from the ground up.

Attached: final fantasy 7 remake.jpg (1924x1080, 656K)

>Final Fantasy VIII

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 20K)

Weird how the most ardent lovers of 8 say it needs a remake. If you loved it so much then I guess it doesn't need much of a remake then.

9 can be broken too pretty easily, and I never understood people's problem with the draw system, it literally takes a couple seconds to refill it back up to where you wanted it, also you talk about good mechanics, but you completely ignore that FF8's draw system and junctioning system requires you to figure out how you want to set your character up, and whether you want to drop stats just for an easier time with a boss, it forces you to figure out how you want to set things up, and constantly shifting around junctions, at least in theory that is what it's supposed to do, but again like every FF game, you can work around that with pathetic ease to where it's not a single problem whatsoever while still being able to experiment.

8's problem is that you can become a literal god at the beginning of the game because you can get insanely powerful magical spells, Lionheart incredibly quickly thanks to Based Triple Triad, and you only need to be Lv. 15 because of the level scaling.

Yeah, true, but even so the game has no challenge at that point. 9 is so much better in this regard because to break 9 you have to grind a lot more. With 8 all you have to do is play the cardgame for an hour or two and boom, you'll have final weapons on most of the party before the end of disc one. You'll be killing enemies, including bosses, in one attack. That's not very fun. The last time I played it, probably about 15 years ago, I did this:

Every character maintains their own magic poo land uses their own GF's. I don't transfer magic or GF's between anybody. Instead all magic and GF's is divided among the six party members. This makes them all weaker but encourages me to make them each more diverse, to develop skill-sets or classes for them.

It was a lot of fun that way.

Balamb Garden in fully explorable 3d world in 8k when?

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Any idea when this remaster releases? Getting it day one.

Attached: Laguna2.jpg (350x388, 16K)

there's an FF8 HD mod but it doesn't look nearly as good as the remaster does. it's the same models but with some better textures and better res

I love tons of games and I wish they'd get remakes and HD ports as well because quite frankly a lot of those don't hold up these days because their mechanics have been improved upon over the years. Doesn't stop me from going back to enjoy those games, but they games I do enjoy could be improved and even better in a lot of cases which is an exciting prospect. Why does everything gotta be so negative with Yea Forums anyway?

Will I miss anything important by completely ignoring the card game shit?

I enjoy things about 8 but I recognized how very, deeply flawed it is. Also I said this same thing here: >Frankly, if any of these games needed a fundamental re-imagining it was this one, not 7. All 7 needed was fresh, more modern character models. Make them cartoony for the world map but make fresh, detailed ones for combat. 7 was pretty much perfect as is. So is 9 (less so). However 8 is a mess in terms of story and game design.

Oh I didn't love FF8. I think it is somewhere among the worst 3 FF games I've ever played.
That's why I think it could benefit the most from a remake.
Remaking good games is trickier. Too much to get wrong, too many fans to piss off.

>spend most of the game trying to get the end
>full cure
>say fuck it and ignore selphie until ultimecia
>get the end
selphie OP

What's this from?

>I grinded the ultimate weapons
>I didnt transfer magic or GFs

No, it's your fault. While yes it's an oversight by the devs, its still your fault for abusing said oversight.

>Gonna be released on PS4

Don't count on it.

I agree with you on all that user, particularly player enforced limits, favourite of mine - run the through the game with encounter none equipped and just relying on cards to get your shit.
As you said though, player enforced limit.
I just can’t fathom how anyone could possibly go through the entire game just summoning over and over, It would just take ages. Why would you do that to yourself?

not particularly, but the card game is a shortcut to getting powerful items quickly.
the most you can miss semi story-wise is the ability to get the airship back and fly around the world on Disc 4 after you go to final dungeon, but all the towns are closed off to you, so it makes zero difference

They already said it was releasing on PS4 you dipshit.

I completely forgot about that.

stop coping and balance your game better

Or you could just play the game with minimal summoning, leveling normally, and without focusing on triple triad at every possible opportunity for max cards and weapons. Ya know, how its meant to be played.

>Not understanding the message

I was saying her panties are gonna be censored, numbnuts.

Or you could just gitgud and play better.

Ah yes, this argument again. If I want to have fun I need to just ignore possibilities in the game. I should impose my own rules on it.

I think that's pretty silly. Why I am even playing the game if I am the one who has to make up all the rules? The purpose of a game is to explore within the parameters set by the game-maker.

It's true that I don't have to get the final weapons in disc 1. I didn't always do that. I also did this: It is very bad design though if to have the richest and most varied experience in the game I was the one who had to invent my own mechanics and totally ignore other game mechanics. That's not what a good game does. A good game will let you play NATURALLY without imposing your own limitations and STILL provide a rich experience.

That's the final word on the matter.

Or else this mithra will sit on your face.

Attached: 1426823639822.png (607x843, 362K)

>play the game a way the game lets you play without any cheating or exploits

>smash the game open immediately after Dollet by making Curagas with L-Mag RF
I figured this out when I was 12. No guides, just spending some time on the beach finding out what the abilities you can unlock do.
How am I supposed to be "playing better," exactly? By intentionally gimping myself? That's the exact opposite. Balance your game better.

b-b-but the owls are still around

No, that will be a stupid and unfulfilling way to play. You won't be able to cast magic without weakening your stats. You won't have access to any cool GF abilities without grinding. You'll have to stop constantly to draw magic.

There is potential here, but the game mechanics are clunky and not refined so it doesn't translate into a fun experience. It needs work. It needs more development.

>needing to cheat and exploit FF8
Come on, it's not even hard or time consuming already.
Not him, but the game does let you play naturally just fine, it's not hard at all. Imposing rules to make it more fun on your end is a personal problem.

I get it now.
Games with bad graphics leave more to the imagination, so you fill in the blanks with whatever you want to see, and any good graphics later can't measure up to your imagination.
It's like the monster in horror.

>Or else this mithra will sit on your face.

Now you're just depressing me.

>make junctions affect stats less and physical attacks weaker so you're more inclined to use stronger magic attacks and GFs instead of just hitting for 9999 every turn with a basic attack
I fixed it

You have legit autism if you can't see the obvious differences here.

>needing to cheat and exploit FF8
I don't.
>smash the game open immediately after Dollet by making Curagas with L-Mag RF
Apparently this is "cheating" to some people (i.e. retards)

>always thought Quistis was supposed to be almost 30 given she's a professor and makes her attraction to her student even more naughty
>dude she's 18 wooohahooo
Why does nipland have to be so dumb

Then just spend a couple min to get those stats back, it doesn't take that long to do any of that stuff. You can ltierally use like 3-4 different methods to refine stats and abilities without wasting magic. You want God power, go play the Steam version and hit F6, otherwise work for it like a man and even then it takes a pathetic base amount of time.

>I don't.
Most people aren't going to sit around blasting through Triple Triad to get the Ultimate Weapons, no it's not cheating, but it's clearly not intended for you to do that from the get go or before the end of Disc 1, it's just an oversight by the Devs. If you have to do that to make the game apparently more fun, or impose limits on yourself, then you have a personal issue on your own end because of some oversights or flaws, doesn't make the system bad, just makes your personal tastes bad. Stop blaming your own shortcomings and problems on games.


This appears to have had the most work done over the others

>Not him, but the game does let you play naturally just fine, it's not hard at all. Imposing rules to make it more fun on your end is a personal problem.

You don't think it is a warning sign that I have to impose my own rules to have fun in this game? The most natural way to play in FF8 is to just summon GF's over and over. The more you do it the faster they summon and at least the boost function makes it a little interactive. I CAN play other ways that are more complex, but that involves me putting more thought into battle than is actually necessary and it means playing less efficiently.

That you can't get your head around the fact that this is bad game design is beyond me. In FF7 you could EVENTUALLY break the game, but it took hours of investment and a lot more knowledge. It was much harder to do. In FF8 you can quickly boost your attributes to insane levels and render fighting a thoughtless, harmless, at best amusing experience. This isn't hard to do either. Just unlock Magic Refine and use it and junction the magic. The Junction system exists to be used and so does Magic RF.

In FF7 though to boost your attributes to insane levels is much more difficult. You have to use a specific ability on specific enemies and it is very slow to do. It takes hours and hours. It also takes way longer to level up and master materia in FF7 than it does GF's in FF8. Not to mention materia is spread out farther in terms of abilities than GF's are in FF8. It's just a better balanced system where by the time you break it you've gotten into the late game and really invested your time and knowledge in it.

In FF9 I'm not really aware of any easy ways to break the game. Farming dragons, I guess. The possibilities that there are take even more time and effort than in FF7. It is more natural to play FF9 by using the varied abilities and skills of your various party members because each is distinct with unique strengths and weaknesses.

child prodigies in anime are fucking dumb as hell
jill (and even moreso rebecca) in RE always struck me as being really stupid as well, they're only 23 and 18(!!!) and serving with a fucking special operations police unit

Of course I see the differences.
One has actually modeled eyes, and one has two black lines instead that you can imagine as any expression you want.

>FF7 Remake looks like the combat might be decent
>This Remaster
If square doesn't fuck this up somehow they might start digging themselves out of the hole they're in, they've been pumping out shit for years.

Oh I'm sure there are lots of ways it could be made better. Could discuss it for hours if we wanted to. I think that the Junction system should probably not be tied to quantities of magic. Rather you learn a spell and you have it forever. When you junction it perhaps you can't use the spell at all? Like you said, keep the concept from FF7 that increasing magical abilities weakens physical abilities.

>oversights or flaws, doesn't make the system bad

You are a moron.

>dude she's 18 wooohahooo
Not only is it mentioned multiple times that Quistis is exceptional because she became an instructor at such a young age, the point is that all the party members save Rinoa were all kids together at the same Orphanage, and so are are around the same age. By the time you got to her speech in the training centre you should've realised her young age and how it relates to her character arc.

You're a fucking retard.

I was referring to "always thinking" during the period of time FF8 wasn't being retarded ie the first 1 and a half disks. Of course I knew shit was dumb by the time that epik twizt came around

>The most natural way to play in FF8 is to just summon GF's over and over.
Unless you're a very dumb 10 year-old you realize immediately that it takes forever to summon them, even with max affinity, and you get much better returns just using a good junction and basic attacking every turn.
God, boost was fucking shit then and it's shit forever.

>It is more natural to play FF9 by using the varied abilities and skills of your various party members because each is distinct with unique strengths and weaknesses.
This is super fucking true and needs to be said more often. FFX was even better at it, imo.

>You don't think it is a warning sign that I have to impose my own rules to have fun in this game?
Didn't impose rules on my end and I had a blast, sounds like a personal problem.
>The most natural way to play in FF8 is to just summon GF's over and over.
I didn't summon constantly, so clearly not natural, nor did I have to "play less efficiently or put more thought into it" because it's not a hard game.

As for FF7, you could literally AP break the game in Disc 1, you can literally get Fire 3 and Cure 3 before the end of Disc 1 with pathetic ease. And you are right, farming Grand Dragons in Disc 1 breaks the game, as does Zidane's # of steals, and catching frogs.

Every game can be broken if you go that route. Even in FF8 it takes more effort to break the game because you spend it drawing, playing triple triad, etc. You don't even have to summon constantly to play it naturally, nor do you have to waste your time drawing constantly to repopulate your stats.

No because if that was the case, every FF game would be bad, but that clearly isn't the argument here, now is it?

Quistis looks better
Squall looks way worse

He's missing the "heavy feeling hair" he inherited from Laguna.

Attached: pic.jpg (512x512, 25K)

>Thinking Quistis was 30 for ONE AND A HALF DISCS
Yeah, you're retarded.

It's a joke retard

>The most natural way to play in FF8 is to just summon GF's over and over. The more you do it the faster they summon and at least the boost function makes it a little interactive.

Uhh boosting and summoning constantly pales in comparison to properly using the junction system and skills. I knew this shit when I was fucking 10.

because they're following Dissidia's Squall design, you dumb idiot
compare Dissidia NT Squall and the FF8 remaster, they're identical

Quistis looks good

It is the portion of oversights and flaws in the system that makes it bad. FF8 has enough oversights and flaws that it becomes bad. The oversights and flaws in virtually all the other games, except perhaps 13, are not nearly so great a portion of each "system" in each game.

The system in FF8 is incomplete and unrefined.

That takes more experience with the game and more exploration with its mechanics. As I said though, it winds up creating gameplay where you just use physical attacks. That's even more boring than summing GF's. Best to alternate.

Neither is a very FUN way to play though and it is why FF8 doesn't have a great reputation. The system is bad and it needs work.

>I just can’t fathom how anyone could possibly go through the entire game just summoning over and over, It would just take ages. Why would you do that to yourself?
That's how I first played FF8. I was 10, and it was literally my very first JRPG. Naturally, Adel was the biggest brick wall ever, and it took me months of actually learning how to play the game before I could beat her with the abilities and magic I had at that time.

No threat of censorship or design changes that way too

>That takes more experience with the game and more exploration with its mechanics

I learned this system when I was a fucking child. Also you can use shit other than physical attacks/skills, you got a lot of fucking shit to use, you just lose some stats you can get back in like 3 fucking minutes.

Sounds like a personal problem to me if I've ever heard one, I wasn't even good at vidya when I was a kid, gitgud.

Attached: quistis.jpg (640x568, 50K)

You think they changed Squall's hair over the years because they didn't want to keep basing it off River Phoenix who is fucking dead?

Attached: 1553621705151.jpg (250x249, 8K)

I guess he really is the best looking guy here

>fat people

>i'm literally shaking from the soul overload
is your z-buffer working

>Not card-mod-ing all useless cars to refine your deck

It's literally just 1998 Gackt, the real inspiration for Squall.

Attached: gackt.jpg (1024x768, 206K)

How does Selphie look, and more importantly: What about her pantsu?

All hairstyles and gay shit Nomura did in the late 90s and 00s can be traced to Gackt, his God

Nah they just changed it due to KH and him having longer hair, so it made a tad more sense for it to be a different way, and they translated it to his shorter hair.

>This thread

It's flawed but fun.

Yeah I think stylisation would suit the world and characters better, and you don't have to sacrifice some of the more childish or silly moments from the original game. Not to mention that the project would be more manageable compared to the mess they're in now.

Ive been going under the assumption every soul/soulless poster is just a shitpost. No one can be that much of a faggot, right?

Everyone knows that the only people who like FF8 are huge faggots. No surprise there

>Yea Forumsirgins
You answered your own question.

I always drew her with knee boots because it looked better than what she was already wearing.

>he never beat Omega Weapon

Attached: steamed.jpg (172x179, 36K)

How do you play the card game again

That was back in the day. Nowadays Seifer is a cuck.

the Spyro remake was all serious for sure and probably some of the talk about FF7 but most is sarcasm


ff8 would have been a better game if it started at the laguna segment and moved further along from there expanding.

Probably because they lost the source code
It's basically a remake

>I was referring to "always thinking" during the period of time FF8 wasn't being retarded ie the first 1 and a half disks
They talk about Quisty being 18 in the first 2 hours of the game. You could also have opened the manual and immediately read that Quistis Trepe is:
>Age 18 Height 5'6"
>A top-notch member of SeeD who serves as Squall's instructor
>A SeeD cadet at the age of 15, Quistis now instructs Squall and his companions at Balamb Garden. Contrary to her cool exterior, she occasionally has a difficult time coping with frustration, and as a result can become depressed over trivial matters.

Attached: 1485522475159.gif (500x368, 943K)

That's way less hot.


Will they actually make the pre-rendered backgrounds look good this time? In FF7 and FF9 the backgrounds are just blurry messes if you don't use mods.

Attached: z1.jpg (700x438, 193K)

Still love FFVIII but also want a remake.
For upgraded graphic and gameplay and having the chance to explore my favorites places in full 3D.

Is it really so hard to get his fucking hair right? On a less important note, they deleted his rosy lips, made his nose bigger and pulled his brows up or back, not sure. I think his jacket is also different somehow?

how can be that soulless, when they give you fucking updated models so that your eyes dont get cancer?
bless them for remastering a fucking godd game.
Idiot Yea Forums Yea Forums morons

still better than 7 and 9 but worse than 10 and 12

It's not a funny one.

If only they fix level scaling and you dont need to run away from every encounters to keep level low.

They basically looked at his Dissidia model and went with that

I don't get the point of all these remasters, there's literally nothing wrong with any of the original versions of the old FF games desu (except some of the PAL versions that run slower)

Attached: 1436216199938.jpg (600x820, 226K)

user... You do know Diablos exists right?

At least it's not a goddamn FF1-6 remaster again.

Imagine if they made a FF9 Remaster with faster ATB

are you retarded. Irvine is like zell in the way that he's overpowered as fuck, He has the highest damaging limit break in the game

Attached: 1550971849902.png (241x276, 117K)

Does that mean Squall was sexually abused when he was in the orphanage

Hijacking this thread to ask: Should I play VIII on Steam or a PS1 emulator? These are my only two options currently.


Nope. It's the best final fantasy pretty much tied with 12

Attached: wolverinewolverine.jpg (480x700, 69K)

Still not as bad as the constant pcgamer tweet threads

Yikes taste

>fix level scaling
Have you ever leveled up in VIII? Most enemies have pretty poor stat growth. The few enemies that can fight back die to meltdown + limit breaks as fast as everything else. I swear you fucks have never played VIII normally and think leveling up makes the game unwinnable because you never actually fought higher level enemies. Bosses have fucking level caps, they can't even scale properly.

Emulate PS1 if you have the option.

It's the eyes and lips that are making the difference. Old Squall model has dark eyes and thick lips. Makes him seem more brooding.

>using Irvine
Ewww gross

Holy shit these are the retarded names of the characters from the game you guys fawn over so much?

Attached: 1560373126133.jpg (259x206, 16K)

Ps1 emulator for better music

It's -barely- visible but you're right, Squall's irises on his battle model are a darker shade of blue than his canon eye color. I'd post an example but someone in my IP range has been shitposting so I can't upload images.

Whats your name user?

What's wrong with Irvine, mate?

She came over to cook for you?

Technically Zell has the strongest limit break if you're in the know and just use his first two attacks over and over like 20 times for obscene damage.

Seeing as she's feeding you too it would make sense if you're sick and she's there to take care of you. Then she decides to stay the night.

Attached: Eyepatch.jpg (443x600, 242K)


La'shaun-diqwa Jacksone

Squall is a actual word though, it's not just another silly fantasy name so it's better than most for that reason alone.

How can you think its worse than 10 but better than 9? Both 9 and 10 are masterpieces 12 is great especially the zodiac version and 7 is over rated but still better than 8.
In other words shit taste/10.


Attached: 820.jpg (550x336, 26K)

The original FF7's graphics were so bad it was difficult to tell what was happening in certain parts.

This is one of those rare cases where both versions are soulless, but in their own ways.


Absolute brainlet take

Most people who don't like it were too low IQ to figure out junction system or time travel confuses their knuckle dragger brain

It gets way worse

Attached: dotemu.jpg (864x792, 88K)

Remember when Squall did that one Chad as fuck thing?

Attached: squall4.jpg (640x447, 35K)

loved FF8 whens the release date for the switch version lads?

I just found the universal level scaling thing weird, Junctioning was fine to me.

Was there a case where it was the reverse?

Attached: ef3.jpg (900x900, 105K)

>magic poo land

Attached: ai2.jpg (803x711, 66K)

why does he look way younger now?
in the original he looked, well, like his "whatever" mood but on the other hand more "mature" in a way

dude anime

> a game about a really insecure guy who's very uncertain about his future, and the absolute fucking retards he finds himself consistently surrounded by.
so just like puberty , around the time it came out and a lot of us bought it huh?

Metal gear solid.

did they alter the cgi cutscenes too to match the ingame model?

Nope, lol. They're the exact same.


Only problem I remember with FF7 was that the backgrounds, while pretty, didn't do a very good job of conveying where you could could move. The more modern ports don't do anything to fix this.

Cant wait to see burquae'd titless edea.

Real talk it took way, WAY too long to level up the good materia in VII.


You can kill a level 100 Malboro with one character and without inputting any fucking commands just by setting up your junctions correctly. Scaling my ass, it's a laughably easy game at any level.

Why is this shit getting a remaster when the far superior FF9 still doesn't have one?


Attached: FF8_Malboro.png (796x738, 411K)

>everyone looks way younger more like 14,15 than 17,18

>far superior FF9

Because that's just a meme game nobody actually remembers. FF8 has charm to it and a unique modern setting.

>coping this hard
Out of all the ps1 FF games 8 is generally considered the weakest, search your feelings you know it to be true.

Twin Snakes' MGS2 gameplay completely breaks the game as MGS1 wasn't designed with all the extra features. There's also the cutscenes.

Final Fantasy 8 is a shit game anyways, so nobody really cares.

This place is full of miserable, dead eyed, boring, joyless fucks that let shitposting get to their head and now can only express themselves with memes.

Attached: 1379501903597.jpg (240x240, 45K)

>be Quistis
>all your students want to fuck you
>except that one that you want to fuck

Attached: AHHHHH.jpg (600x350, 23K)

FF8 is a love story.


Attached: 1556081678588.jpg (250x250, 6K)

I really want to fuck Zell.

Her problem was being stupid.

well she is a woman

Already searched far and wide. Asked around 30% of the world population. Thinking and meditating for 20 years straight. And FF8 is still one of the best FF game ever made beside FF7 and 6.

Its just the haters like you who are loud as fuck.

which makes it beautiful inmy opionion

literally new models

so why couldn't square be assed to remake 9's like this?

still one of my favorite themes in all of Final Fantasy

Yea Forums is not a single person

>unique modern setting
Yeah is a cringe shoujo with the worst gameplay possibile (juncion). Praise got it remained "unique".

Because HD redesign models clash horribly against PS1 era prerendered backgrounds and ruin the entire effect.
It looks like a bad matte painting in a movie.

balam garden is the shit. I would get to that stage and just let it blaring through the speakers for hours.

>Square fucks up a remaster
Imagine my shock.

Attached: 1557431640739.jpg (700x342, 79K)

Go talk to the wall LOL

The Nintendo trademarked washed-out colors look for current gen, ruining every game. Honestly, I don’t even mind the low res textures and other outdated graphic settings, the colors make me furious.

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Some outsourced studio fucked up that face, SE's fuckup was outsourcing the remaster.

Yeah, bottom Quistis is pure soul.

At least you'll always have:

>There's no indication of new music, or cutscenes, or anything else.
Who fucking wants that? the new 3D models are enough. AI upscaled backgrounds would be great too, but I don't trust SE's competency to do it.

That's laughably almost "HIRE THIS MAN' Tier missing the point. Nintendo usually does a good job but this is pretty embarrassing.

this remaster will hopefully spark a new wave of Quistis porn

Attached: 1560599639342.jpg (3782x3790, 1.69M)

It's not abuse if Edea did it.

Final Fantasy 1-7 had more soul than 8 ever had, 8 doesn’t even fucking deserve to be called ‘Final Fantasy’. What a cancer of a game, it’s the game that single-handily started everything shit and irrelevant about newer final fantasy games.

Attached: AD6F1451-C8C2-4435-BDBB-36B5ECA06EE8.jpg (406x246, 24K)

8 was just Final fantasy 7 and 4 fan-fiction, it seems like it was made by an emo 12 year old who never play any FF game aside from 7

Fans will fix it like they did 9

Attached: ff9 moguri mod.jpg (1199x797, 394K)

Fucking lol

>we need a dark ending just because
Fuck people like you. Dark endings aren't automatically good

I know you dislike Traditional Fantasy settings, but that doesn’t make 8 a good game

ah classic sony, removing the pantyshot of selphie

Shut the fuck up NPC, you’ve never played 1-7.

I'm amazed that blocky warped 3D PS1 models look more like humans than the new one with its ugly plasticine KH art direction.


No, it makes it worthless and shit. Romances boil down to two spoiled brats who care more about themselves than others.

t. spoiled brat

How do you loose your own game' s sourse codes?

You guys are starting to talk about Sony like conspiracy theorists talk about the illuminati/Jews.

Yes I fucking did you worthless emo, go back to writing your fucking fan-fiction

Squall is anything but a spoiled brat.

Attached: 1339055130525.png (400x300, 78K)

pantsu shots are still there, jesus christ this board is full of lunatics

Attached: 364634634.jpg (813x807, 113K)

“All that matters is the two of us” my arse, why don’t you give some fucking money to the poor and do some charity work before you deal with your all so special loved one?

It’s far better to devote yourself to humanity than one person,

wew who hurt you

By being japanese. Konami did the same thing with Silent Hill.

I find it pretty good and i think they did agood job capturing the spirit of the base game

Adam and Eve

Attached: D5626FC9-A529-4A35-AB54-FCBC7264D528.jpg (885x563, 153K)

Square didn't want to buy a harddrive so they went lol just delete it

>Make Ultimecia Rinoa from the future
No, all the fan theories are retarded.
>and give the game a tragic, dark ending, where Squall dies (and Seifer dies too)
They're stuck in a closed timeloop and can never progress forward beyond that point, in addition to everyone aside from 7 people being dead right before time kompression. Is that not dark enough for you?

Attached: 1323503472321.jpg (800x580, 886K)

8 had best Molbols.

I wanna fuck Edea

Probably the same faggot who put a sash on Squall in Dissidia fucked up his hair.

Oh fugg :D

Hey Squall show me your gunblade

All they did here was change some models, but you can be the environments will still be pixelated prerendered images.


So Amano did it?

Attached: AmanoSquall1.jpg (700x1000, 206K)

Never noticed the German inspiration.

Literally who. Dont even remember why he was there. Kinda like Amarant.

>Make Ultimecia Rinoa from the future
This needs to stop. It will never be thematically appropriate.

Quit your faggotry. Irvine is not only one of the best party members in terms of damage but he's also an important part of the story, unlike Amarant.

Gay hat though.

You're gay.

Attached: Irvine_FFVIII_Art.jpg (457x1120, 146K)

I really wish there's a toggle for the original character models. That wouldn't be that hard wouldn't it. I liked that the originals tried to replicate the "make a photo of a dev and slap it on the model" style of realistic rendering, and the new Squall is pretty bad (although the other characters are done fantastically and very close to the source for some reason)

Aren't we all?

It's not nearly as bad, or bad at all. Even then, there are no intricate facial animations to fuck up, so the range of acceptability is wider for me.

It looks better
Get over it you incel boomers

Attached: 1558523662017.jpg (700x893, 186K)

>generic anime designs are good for me
based zoomer

Why does it look so fuckin cartoony, looks like it spilled out of KH

It's just that the eyes are defined now like it was a gameplay model of FFX instead of the PS1. Everyone looks good and very faithfull except Squall imo. What a shame.

Opinion =/= Truth

Yikes,bluepilled cringe zoomer.

>In FF9 I'm not really aware of any easy ways to break the game.
Not exactly "breaking" the game but you can breeze through the game super easily by just making the current best weapons for Zidane whenever you come across a synthesize shop, give him MP attack and all the "-slayer" abilities and he'll kill any boss in a couple of hits throughout the entire game.