Literally the Zoomers go-to retro console. Anyone who actually believes the N64 had a better library than the PS1 and Saturn are underage. I'm probably one of the biggest Nintendo cocksuckers on this board but even I can recognize that the N64 was hot trash with no games, a shit controller and shit hardware. The N64 was a fucking embarrassment and literally the Wii U of its time. Just because Mario 64 and Majoras Mask are two of the best games of all time, doesnt mean the console was good. 9 in 10 games on the n64 were absolutely terrible.
Literally the Zoomers go-to retro console...
Other urls found in this thread:
The N64 was the console for cool people that had friends, its ok if you want to play your solo nerd games but me and the lads are going to be playing DK64 multiplayer instead
Still waiting for the dreamcast classic tho, vmu included
>Getting blown the fuck out in your other thread so you make a new one to bitch and hope that sony bootlickers come running first and agree with you
How fucking pathetic.
what games did ps1 have, crash bandicoot? lol
Holy fuck, the state of OP. Making not one, but TWO threads about this shit.
Or, they had more than one friend and wanted real multiplayer.
Literally the opposite. The ps1 was the cool system. The Saturn was the doomers system, and the n64 was the autism system. Hell, I'd say that it's the system that launched the entire autism stigma associated with Nintendo fanboys nowadays.
PS1 games always felt pretty soulless to me. Bunch of sports game for normies, kinda like genesis was in the SNES vs Genesis era.
The PS1 start up logo is soul embodiment though
>inb4 shit opinion, discarded
This is true. I had a Playstation back in the day. All of the cool kids spent lunch hour playing Goldeneye at some kids house with a N64. I never got invited...
>the zoomer retro console
Wrong. Zoomers are gen 6fags.
The N64 is the console for guys with friends.
It’s the console you could use in birthday parties because of the multiplayer.
Guardian Crusade is a solid game but it's no fucking system seller.
>a shit controller and shit hardware.
First mainstream controller to use ergonomic grips and analog stick, something sony would have to learn to implement in later generations. Most people that hated the controller were people that never actually owned it. Also, CGI cutscenes were a good sacrifice to make for a system with zero load times.
>9 in 10 games on the n64 were absolutely terrible.
You're thinking of the PS1. The larger library was chock full of mediocrity.
N64 is definitely better than the Saturn.
I'm always pleased with seeing that we haven't changed much in all this time.
Name a better game on PSdumb, you can’t
I know you didn't ask but PS2 had way better wrestling games than the N64
N64 was a good console Goldeneye splitscreen was fun
Shit hardware it had not.
Better library than the Saturn. Oh wow, subpar arcade ports and the jankest 3D games ever. Yeah, the Saturn was so great.
No doubt, Smacdown! was fun, but nothing will ever beat the multiplayer of WCW v NWO. Plus, it had Buff Bagwell
>PS2 had way better wrestling games than the N64
Why are you comparing the PS2 to the N64?
I know, the N64 can't compete. Unfair comparison. My bad. I just want to talk about wrestling games.
>chock full of mediocrity
You goldfish need constant reminders.
Wrong. Zoomers are Gen 8 (Wii U/PS4/Xbox One) people.
It’s comforting to know that after two decades nothing has changed
Why the fuck does this board have an obsession with Zoomers? It's fucking pathetic.
>the work of one that consorts with beasts
>I know, the N64 can't compete
I was talking more about the fact that the two aren't even in the same generation.
Fuck off and speak normal.
It’s the new boogyman.
There are probably only a few genuinely good PS1 games, Sony games reached their golden age in the PS2 era.
Yea Forums has always had a stick up its ass about people younger than them, it took this place 5 fucking years to learn than Millennials isnt a term for people born post 2000
>shit hardware
The N64 was easily the most powerful of its generation you retard
>I'm probably one of the biggest Nintendo cocksuckers on this board but even I can recognize that the N64 was hot trash with no games, a shit controller and shit hardware
This statement sounds legit.
It's sad, anytime I say shit about a game older than 2010 I get called a zoomer. I was born in 1994 for fucks sake.
>you're either a retard or a NIGGER
unbelievably based
Weeb is as good as games get and the Saturn had a weebier catalog.
PS1 had the Smackdown series it was more arcadey while the N64 ones were more technical
Wave Race is pure kino. It feels like something Sega would have made during their prime.
The N64 had a smaller library, it's true. But it had a wider range of 9/10 to 10/10 games. If you disagree, you are simply a PSx apologist.
t. retard/NIGGER
The PS camp doesn't even have to niggle about "rom capacity" because LIBRARY.
They don't want little shitlings stinking up the place with their tranny obsession
N64 was the ultimate multiplayer console.
Nintendo never had the ultimate anything.
I remember getting my N64 in1998 Christmas day, something zoomers will never feel. My grandparents got it for me along with Starfox and Goldeneye. I will never know what possessed them to get those games but It gave me hope for god.
saturn cucks trying to lump the playstation with their shit console to pump themselves up
playstation was the king of the 6/10 game
>implying it's not the other way around
I got a N64 with Banjo-Kazooie for my 8th birthday on October 25th, 1998
and, even though I loved BK, I have enough sense (more than your dumbass) to wish I'd gotten a PlayStation instead.
bk is better than every playstation game tho
My neighbor had PS and I just went over his house and played Tombraider and Cool boarders and vise versa for N64 games. Times were good back in the day
Every Spyro game is better than Banjo-Kazooie.
I had both growing up and used them until 2003. The n64 really dried up after 2000 but still i got years of playtime out of it. I only used my ps1 for crash and spyro games. Dont like jrpgs, metal gear bored me with its endless cutscenes and shitty controls. It was only playstation i had and i never felt a need to get any others
PS1 had so many amazing gems, N64 is a literal bing bing wahoo machine with a pathetically small library.
This is also better than Banjo-Kazooie.
N64 had some really good standout titles like Starfox, Mario Kart, Goldeneye, OoT, etc but the PS1 had a better library overall. The N64 had too many shitty PC ports like Hexen and Starcraft that didn't play well on its controller.
Reminder that the 64 is stronger than the Playstation.
MoH is a joke compared to N64 shooters.
That wasnt even the best wrestling game on the N64
>game with a short drawdistance and tiny levels full of loading tunnels
What did he mean by this?
Now a game that runs at a higher framerate and resolution on N64? Granted the music sucks dick in that version but you could always just play your own.
Spoilt zoomer.
>anything before 360/wii/ps3
I agree with your sentiment, but it's not my fault that you're such a braindead nigger that you can't communicate coherently and need to resort to using "XD" ironically
N64 had a better library assuming you aren't a JRPG-loving homogay
Weird how you post games instead of specs, which would instantly prove that the 64 is stronger since it has better specs.
my go to console is a playstation 2 and I have a collection of over 120 games CIB. I was born in 1997
How did you Gen Z find this site?
Dear Nintendogs, anywan that prefers N64 to the PlayStation has
I wish I remembered but im afraid I dont have a clue.
The playstation obviously had the more deverse lineup, and the overall quality of the library compared to the N64 is debatable, but nigger are you serious about the saturn? Hell I was a huge Sega fan in the 90s and I wouldn't even say it was close.
>American Saturns
The marketing of the Saturn and the localization of its games were handled terribly making the Saturn look like a piece of shit in the states. It's the best selling Sega console in Japan and got tons of Japanese games because it was selling so good there. If you're not into weeb games that's one thing, but the Saturn has a pretty decent size niche fanbase with a lot of Top Tier games. (Not as much as the PS1, but more than the N64 I'd say.) I actually prefer it to the Genesis.
Omg banjo kazooie!
It says a lot about spyro's base controls when the most memorable and challenging parts of every game dont even have you controlling the dragon.