Can Final Fantasy XIV ever dethrone World of Warcraft?

Can Final Fantasy XIV ever dethrone World of Warcraft?

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So did Yoship find out that Tony was Blufever all along?


This is your Shadowbringers Tranny Meta composition.

Please say something nice about it!

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The only way WoW will ever be beaten is if it kills itself

By the end of SHB it will, population wise.

All I do is pvp in this game and normal raids/roulettes. I have all the trannyADS mounts and gorilla. Apparently these are rarer than raid mounts kek.

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Which, I should add, is something it is doing very well at the moment

I mean it's already got the noose securely fastened around its neck as of right now

I can't believe how fast getting 99 of those coins for the Pegasus mount is and I'm already at 52 coins after three runs of it.

Why the fuck is the Pegasus mount 50 moogle tomes when it is so easy to get?

what happened to the WOL 'party' that was in 1.0
I mean the black mage, the roegadyn guy, the miqo bard and the lala white mage

>cleared all of Sigmascape
>did like five Chaos clears and never went any further this tier

Probably gonna go back in a little more seriously in 5.0, but man I just was not feeling Alphascape

I don't want to be a latelet shitter

when's the next big MMO

keep playing the msq

>Not GNB instead of WAR

Played the shit out of it at E3 and for maybe 5% less DPS than a WAR, you get literally the best group supporting abilities. Putting up a 15% DR, single target 10% dr, and a fat regen is just too damn useful.

You see the Roe, Lala, and Miqo'te in the FFXV trailer driving with the WoL, so they're still around. Just the Hyur is the main character.

it's not possible to be late to XIV

progression effectively resets every other patch

MSQ WoD and Cutscene WoL aren't related outside of model, though. One is a WoL from the First, another is a stand-in for the WoL from The Source.

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not until they allow WAR/DRK to queue in raids as DPS and not tanks

So basically GNB is for progression and then back to pld/war for farming.

thats what we think

>join an fc
>it has a discord with an irl channel
>filled with girls taking selfies
>6+ people in voice chat
where is my boys only club

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New thread so reposting.

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With the exception of the beastmen mounts/maybe minions,everything you buy with the tomes are overpriced. The riding maps are 30 tomes a piece, you'd be able to fill out the entire BLU spell list on top of getting the seals from doing the carnivale and beingable to buy all of the maps before you'd have enough for four of them.

yaoi obsessed girls love FF14
this is not the MMO for you if you want boys only

What race is this guy?

So Shadowbringers is the true sequel to Heavensward after the Warrior of Darkness saga and Stormblood was just filler right?

I headcanon that they died at some point and Arbert's party used their bodies as vessels when they came to our world. But more likely the whole party are just some of the warriors of light that nobody can remember anymore. Canonically every 1.0 player was one of the warriors of light at Carteneau, so there were a lot of them. They're just forgotten.

I just had a dungeon with this guy.
I've never feared another player before, but I guess there's a time for everything.
All things considered he was a pretty decent tank.

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post link now

No. Because Final Fantasy races are almost all literally humans
Final Fantasy races include:
>Funko Pops
>Red/Blue Humans
>Dragon Elves
They all look the same in terms of faces and builds. They are just all generic pretty people.

Look at WoW and you can see the difference in Elven faces, in Dwarf and gnome heads. The jaw and build of an ork in much different then a human. Tauren have hooves and Draenei have futa dicks and tentacles.

WoW still is the best in diverse races to play then most other games. I think the only others that gave me an interest to play instead for races would be SWTOR and Wildstar for that feel.

Final Fantasy has no good RP potential for me, It's only fun to play... World is boring as fucking shit.


Since FFlogs only really promote data for 2 Healer clear comps, what if they just make a solo healer category where parsefags can go ham and leave everyone alone?

>Want to join an FC, even if it's a shitty shout/tell sending one
>Literally all of them promote their discord
It's an MMO, it isn't as if you can't talk while playing the game.

Maybe. I can't completely comment since I've only had two hours, but damage felt great and the new tanking system makes it stupid hard to lose aggro. I have no idea where DRK fits into the raid scheme, but WAR, PLD, AND GNB should be fairly interchangeable unless you're going for MUH PARSE runs.

What a Chad

are they ugly

Being able to chat while being offline is nice

Annoying part is joining DF groups for stuff I've cleared before and being 'expected' to join someone's random discord.

>Because Final Fantasy races are almost all literally humans
And that's a good thing. Non-human races can go fuck themselves.

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its nice to see actual RPers from Mateus that aren't just futa erpers.

What the fuck are you on nigga?

Come join the Yea Forums fc on ultros. Were all faggots so youll fit right in.

Fucking kino, I'd give him five comms if the game let me

Sick burn.

>I'm creatively bankrupt and need to play freakshit races to be able to RP

Considering Blizz keeps pushing for a furry demographic. I'm happy its been kept this way for FF14.

What do you mean? Remember how your character gets their title of Warrior of Light? It's because you remind the GC leaders of the warriors of Carteneau who they can't remember anymore, and they started calling them the warriors of light because they can only see blinding light when they try to remember. 1.0 players are the warriors who fought at Carteneau.

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I gave up on ever getting anything else back when "non-humanoid lizard people" (basically bangaa) won the race poll and they added Au Ra. I don't know why people kept holding out hope for anything different.

I just re subbed after HW, and I want to join an active fc. The one I'm on only has like 10 people that are on during different hours. However, I don't want to end up on some zerg or clique fc.

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Holy shit, I met this guy in Hydatos. I wasn't level 60 yet, so he let me join his party and drove me around in his Regalia.

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Reminds me of a healer RP player I was doing Expert Roulette with a year ago.

Was a male highlander or roe with robes, gloves, and the Vanu Vanu head. Instead of talking, he'd just emote chirps and squawks while using gestures.

Great healer. Would party with Professor Birb again if I could.

>mfw elemental in 1.0
>get cute shotas and lolis to do my bidding and provide tendies
>get permanent mindbroken pp when cute shota boys break my NAP
>powerful, respected, feared
>Uphold a racially superior naturalistic fascist city-state and kill blackies on sight
>Kill any and all normalfags not bending the knee
Then some retard dragon explodes and breaks up my life just like this greentext is getting ruined right now.
>2.0 life: Barely any tendies, pet white mages are the elemental's handlers now
>nerfed to oblivion and now foreigners stink up my forest
>Tendies and cute funny slave pens reduced if i don't go for walkies
>Can only screech at white mages to get rid of blackies and can't take matters into my own hands even if I want to
What the fuck went wrong elemental sisters? I don't want to go for walkies I want my comfy neet life of tendies and cute slaves back. I want to be able to turn the mhiggers in my forest to ash and have the poachers raped and eaten by tactical McDeer. Sorry, the white mages don't let me post much on the naturenet anymore and I had to vent.
And now my handler is here again. Time for nappies I guess...

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Ironic that 4.0 was also the low point so far post ARR

This is incredible

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No and I don't want it to. I hate WoW refugees already

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Stop playing monk and pick a real melee dps.

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Holy shit I had that guy in Rabanastre once.


I tire of this charade

>that video

Did you ever imagine back when we were fucking memeing the shit out of the 1.0 beta that we'd find ourselves years later playing a version of XIV with one million subs?

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I want to be an ugly fuck cleaving and snorting on filthy alliance snobs as I use their corpse as a ranged weapon.

I want to some greedy goblin priest demanding gold for rez or walking your ass fucking back.

I want don't to play an 'uguu, look how fucking kawaii I am with my cute white robes and stick as I heal all my friend. Come gather friends as I hug you well'

SAM? Sure.

>expecting non-weeb stuff out of a weeb game

I'm going to enjoy the festivities with Yuugiri

i like the goblin, but can i be a sexy girl goblin instead?

luckily dunefolk lalafell fulfill my need to be the superjew

>I can only immerse myself in subhuman races

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i don't moon wtf is this saying

>faction "pride"
now THIS is the real cringe
go back. never return. Blizzard is salivating at the thought of getting more of your money.

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I figured I'd add something different instead of just posting "yikes, cringe, dilate, based" for once. Tried too hard I guess.

these are active characters, including alts?

Then go fucking play WoW you retard, it's still there and no one is stopping you.

They asked "Can FFXIV beat WoW"

Mechanics: Yes
Races: No
Story: Who fucking cares


Already has, BFA is considered shit and WoW has been on a downward spiral.

FFXIV is frequently mentioned as the best MMO out there currently, and sub count has been climbing and reaching new heights

Is this the copypasta you write to make yourself feel better that the new Alliance race is fat people?

Never, they don't take any chances, their game is casualized to infinity and classes homogeneized.

I bought Shadowniggers and will play it, but the instant Classic WoW comes I'll go play that instead.

FFXIV is like NuWoW, no RPG elements, no customization, no exploration, no reason to interact with other people.

I'm actually much more hyped for Pantheon too, which seems to be taking the Classic WoW route.

you need to go back

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>blizzard tells content creators to not measure game's health based on sub numbers but on revenue (stuff from store etc)
I hate whoever opened the gates for this shit in subscription MMOs. Its just as bad in FF14.

that video aged like milk

The chinks still keep wow alive and well though.

Post your Ultimate clears :)

Final player counts at the end of this year will probably end up being: Classic WoW >= FFXIV > Retail WoW

Interesting time for MMOs

Embrace debate: is it autistic or normie to have a commission done of your character ?

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Did NONE of you retards play fucking Crisis Core? He is literally just quoting Genesis.

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*tugs on collar*
Look at that smokin' mama!!

Depends who you commission. But its up there on the spectrum.

I can't imagine commissioning anything other than porn

Even that would feel a little weird for me

Yes, it's still hilarious to see some sperg do in game. Live a little.

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Lmao talking like having post game content for ultra autists is what makes a game not casualized. If that was the metter then NuWoW wouldn't be a casual game too.

>playing crisis core

>thinking that "innovation" does any good
>look at pokemon
I want risks as well, but we all know most people like the same things over and over again

Depends on the kind of commission, I guess

>I don't read moon

Who knows maybe it already killed it we just don't know, wow lost ton of players with bfart so it's possible that ffxiv is the most popular mmorpg right now. But without sub numbers from actiblizzard we will never know for sure

A lot of people play FF14 for the story, it actually tries.

More like obsessive.

Fucking both. Commissions just keep feeding the artist jews' pockets.

Does anyone have any tips for healing seiryu ex? The adds+2nd phase in particular I have no problems at the start.

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>but the instant Classic WoW comes I'll go play that instead
And promptly quit after hitting endgame and beating Molten Core when you realize there is fucking nothing else to do and they won't be adding any new content beyond regular vanilla WoW.

I love lizard girls

If the devs listened to retards like you, this game would have been dead years ago. It is quite literally succeeding, BECAUSE it doesn't change its formula. Kill yourself.

Which tank should I play?

Sure it's stale but it's a working formula. Going the safe route is better than doing something catastrophically different.

Ff14 cant even get more than 500k subs.

WoW story was better on average when they were still pulling from WC3 lore, but XIV is far better than anything they've pumped out since Wrath.

if you pay for a commission you're a cuck.

learn to doodle yourself

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>how to be a better healer?
The answer is always DPS more.

You DO trust the Angel of Truth, right?

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Fuck off, Crisis Core is a fucking masterpiece.

It made me cry man, no game had ever done that. Like shit I went into it knowing Zack had to die and gave zero fucks about him as a character prior but God damn, they did a good job.

Very autistic.

Both. it's trannypilled and is usually just another fucking cat or lizard anyway.
>this posto
is this the work of a certain bong I happen to know? Masaka...


I fucking hate artfags.

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>*NTRs you*
heh, nuthin personell, WoL

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>casuals thinking they know what they're talking about

Many boss mechanics do not take effect if characters don't take damage from the trigger attack. I said nothing about surviving. I said Crit adlo on the party lets you IGNORE mechanics.

I would play it if it was ported to something other than the PSP.

press cure 3
press indom
press whatever the ast skill is
yell at your other healer to do the same

I'll give you that much, the PSP is a God awful system and Crisis Core not getting a PSN port is a crime.

Cut back on soi products.

It's Literally doing this. Classic will help keep it afloat but I unsubbed to play Ascension's modded version for free.

>Just want the tank body piece from ghimlyt dark
>Just about everything else has dropped though

I'm getting flashbacks to Swallow's compass
I just needed the fucking caster hat, but it never dropped. Technically the pants never dropped either, but I was using the moonfaire swim pants instead

The thing is that on FFXIV you don't feel excitement for many things, I mean, the game is only fun to play on dungeons and with friends.

There is ZERO excitement in gear and loot, ZERO difficulty leveling, ZERO reason to group with others and even then ZERO reason to need other people, you can have all the professions, you can have all the classes, you can just queue for dungeons and even raids, it's almost a single player game with people running around like npcs.

Upgrading gear is boring as fuck, you have absolutely no choice in how to develop your character and every gear is homogeneized with only a few plus attributes on each.

Now don't get me wrong, I like the game for what it is, excellent ost, gorgeous art direction and fun/challenging dungeons/raids on harder difficulties. But it suffers from exactly the same problems as NuWoW.

Gigi calls her chubby and flabby without even having a nice ass to make up for it.

Of course I do, he'd never lie to us, would he?

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He's the Ardyn of FFXIV, he's a victim of the gods. he's trustworthy

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Joke's on you faggot my waifu is safe back on the Source

No, final fantasy xiv is at its core a cheap chink knockoff of wow and it will never be anything more than that.
It's just a mediocre game

This guy ran BA a bunch but got banned from the tranny discord on like the second day I joined because the roasties "leading" the run got pissed he was actually pulling instead of wasting everyone's time.

I haven't played a single one of those FF7 spinoff games.

Wasoi~ Yea Forums !

Just a reminder that you only have two days left to play for free for 1 week, don't miss out!

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Even fucking Type-0 got an HD port, Crisis Core got fucking nothing. A good idea SE should have done is make an HD port of it to tie into FF7 Remake.

>active players after 2 back to back free login periods right before a big expansions
>counting as subs

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Cope, tranny. I know facts upset you.

>and it will never be anything more than that.
>At the last census WoW had 1.5m active subs and dropping at a ludicrous rate while XIV just broke 1 million and rising
>The expac hasn't even fucking come out yet
Lol yeah okay, whatever you say man. Enjoy your game that totally isn't dying.

Crisis core played like garbage though. And Genesis is a terrible villain better left forgotten.

I think they are wanting a reset with the FF7 remake. None of the extended canon stuff

The power of a fat, ugly NTR man transcends the boundaries of space and time, you are not safe

The numbers are literally right there you fucking idiot

Hows BFA?

Census data shows they literally have 1 million active subs right now.

It's a pre-expansion lull if anything

I like you user.
Not so sure about Pantheon myself, though. I'll be happy if it delivers, but there are more red flags than I'd like.

To be fair they are all shit EXCEPT Crisis Core. Like they aren't even worth playing except for it.
I have no idea why SE wants to bury and forget Zack.

Honestly, that's why I won't sub to it. Modded/private servers are the only ones that have that truly classic feel. Ascension has actually done a phenomenal job of nailing down what makes an MMO fun by not caving to forum whiners. There's incentive for your dailies, incentive to do your dailies, strong community ties and something to do to improve your character(s) every minute of the day.

The gear is boring but its preferable to Titanforging bullshit. Having a mixture of upgraded Token gear / savage gear being BiS is nice and all but I miss TBC days when it could easily be a mixture of heroic dungeons / crafting and many other things. Its a bit too linear.

Pretty shit.


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Nah, I'll level some alts too, help buddies on raids.

It takes almost 2 months to level a char to max lvl on classic and every single level is fun, gearing is fun, choosing your spec is fun, elite quests are a blast to do with friends, dungeons are cool as fuck to find and run and upgrade your loot.

Don't need to worry about me :)

Christ WoW shills are out in force today. Did the WoWjannies resort to shitposting?

At least we still have fucking OGCD abilities.

So fucking terrible

Dude looks dumb as fuck but I cannot deny his talent. He is an asset to this game.

>it's almost a single player game with people running around like npc
This is honestly what it feels like most of the time but I don't really mind. Modern MMO players are true cancer.

Blizzard pretty much announced they're going to launch 8.2 on the same day as Shadowbringers.

They are probably upset because they know nothing short of Classic will stop XIV from overtaking them.

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I let my sub run out and hoped to use this shit but "need to be unsubbed for (x) amount of time" it's SHIT. and the friend one isn't happening. I'm not asking anyone for anything like a cuck.

>and every single level is fun
Did you even fucking play in vanilla?

Koji is a man living his best life

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Speak for yourself nerd, titanforging is the single worst thing to happen to WoW and they shouldn't have kept it now for 2 fucking expansions. What pride is there in busting my ass for gear if some fuck who is just lucky gets something much better than me while playing on an easier difficulty?

Maybe you should post some that you can actually read, tranny. Those numbers arent subs but active players, and the final number was conveniently tallied during a free play campaign

>200k active players normally
Oof and yikes. Its even worse than o thought. How will you trannies cope

what's the best farm method for moogle tomes?

I don't care what people say, I like his translation works. It regularly makes me laugh, which is more than a lot can say.

Also Star/larboard didn't bug me, and I doubt if it had been savage only anyone would have complained. Nobody complainted about bright/dark blade in Tsuki ex

>no reason to interact with other people.
You know it's funny, Yoshi-P recently acknowledged Roleplayers and player-made in game events AKA significant player interactions - and he got laughed out while people started screaming about how he's going to ruin the game.

fantastic, literally only incels dislike it

>delay a patch people have been wanting for ages on already one of the longest content draughts
This seems like an awful idea.

this. she'll be 6 months pregnant in under a week

I hope that you have so much fun you'll never come back.

Shit localization. Forced shitty meme references everywhere like in wow. Good go-brapper.

>they're going to launch 8.2 on the same day as Shadowbringers.
>They think this will do something
Holy shit. This is like your neighbor being the toast of the town for his bitch'n fireworks display and you being like
Fucking pathetic.

The only reason people get upset with his localization is that it exposes their 4th grade level vocabulary and isn't fucking unga bunga language.


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Based as fuck and dabs on ESLs and drop-outs.

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He's one of the best people to be in charge of localization in any Japanese project. Sure his puns are cringe but at least he doesn't butcher the entire story for memes

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Some are upset, others have convinced themselves that this means Blizzard is working extra hard on 8.2. They are going to have a bad time.

Sycus Tower

Changing release dates for updates just to drown out competition is something Blizzard does all the time, nothing new there.

Best is 4 experienced BLU in TamTara
Second best is ST spam

I agree. Even mix in some PvP gear haha.

Also loot like trinkets and weapons with effects are cool as fuck to find, even if the result is something like +3% dps in the end, something that like 10 agi would give, having the effect is much more cool than just the stat.

On classic/TBC/WoTLK, I remember upgrading gear being one of the most fun things to do in the game. Running dungeons/raids to gear up. I never felt any excitement upgrading gear in FFXIV.

This reminds me of the time when Gearbox released Battleborn on the same day Overwatch went in to its free public beta.
Not their smartest business strategy.

reposting that guy's poll

it already has long since dethroned it in regards to people who actually talk about the game.

just not in number of chinks playing it

>if I say tranny enough times I'll win!
Don't forget to sprinkle in cope, seethe, and have sex a couple of times as well

Do they really think anyone keyed up to play the XIV expansion launch is suddenly going to drop it and come back for a content patch? I mean really?

from litteral who localizer to being on stage. pretty good i'd say

Thanks dude.

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WoW IS dying, but no one is winning.

No tranny, census shows that they have 1 milli active players and that is during a return for free campaign. Without that they are stuck with 200k, which is absolutely pathetic. Even gookshit mmos have more

>playing subscription-based games

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>all those RDM
Kinda surprised. It's a good class and all, but doesn't seem to be anything interesting or new going on with it. Would have expected GUN and DNC to be top

>Red Mage is that high
Really makes you think.

It was posted on /vg/ at some point, right? It's worthless. Throw it in the trash.

Almost as sacred as OW was of Battleborn lmao

that explains the RDM numbers

>shitter has to ignore mechanics

Dicking around with different classes for some variety. Finna try out Magical DPS. Which Class should I choose?

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Hold up retard, I hate nuWoW as much as anyone else, I only played until Cataclysm when the downfall began.

God I wanna fuck pol user.

>Playing F2P MMOs

Honestly even worse. There isn't a single one that isn't blatantly pay to win. Why even bother at that point?

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He's almost as beloved as Yoshi-P in the English speaking community now. It was funny going back to XI and catching all his obvious localization patterns, especially 'mayhap' and 'must needs'. Cutscenes with Orcs in WotG are full of oldfag internet memes too.

>extremely hyped and anticipated expansion
>shitty patch for THE worst expansion in WoW's history
wow blizz this choice is so hard, if you didn't release the patch i would be playing shadowbringers right now

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Black mage

It's endgame rotation just feels perfect, it's simple but that's fine because the real strategy is about positioning so you can chain together massive dps

>There isn't a single one that isn't blatantly pay to win.
Sure there is, WoW private servers

I would remake the poll but there is no point since some faggot will just report it there anyways. I just pretend that RDM has no votes.

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4.0 posting got weird when the game actually reached 4.0.

according to the poll, red mage

Blue Mage

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Jesus christ, did it really get that bad?
I was doing BA very early (and was shaping up to be in the world 1st clear group, but we never quite made it) and we very quickly got in to a pattern of quick aggressive pulls to chew through the dungeons and prog the bosses.
That's really fucking pathetic though - but to be expected of the shitty secondaries.

Nice attempt at avoiding the subject tranny. Did the tranny pills fuck up your brains? I bet you fell for the "we have 20 million subs* (*not actual subs, just created accounts) ruse too

Classic is right around the corner. Why would you waste your time?

>the best designed class gets the most votes
>I'll just pretend it didn't

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Nothing weird about me, bro.

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>breathes in

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I'm certain that all the big servers are still selling gold and characters, just like their predecessors.


there are worse, thats for sure

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I play RDM because I don't give a shit about DPS jobs but I can orange parse on it with literally 0 practice if I need to fill for a DPS slot.

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uhhhhh based?!

>just had a tank leave the instance the instant they could

All that reminds me of a guy I was in Hydatos with one time.
He kept posting in yell chat all these pseudo inspirational messages. One of them was about how "Peace is important, we don't need to kill each other" or something like that. Then someone shouted that he was pretty sure they needed to kill these NMs. And then people just started posting dumb shit in response to his yells. It was funny.

Then he started posting about how 9/11 was an inside job unironically (I suspect at least) before leaving the zone.

>Why yes, I do play Machinist

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>Thinking $15/month is a lot for a quality game
Move out of your mom's basement and lose some weight

>parsing orange on the job that does zero dps do you just have a spare set of 405 best in slots for your RDM?

SMN if you want to be best at everything and have no notable weakness, BLM if you like a challenge and pull off slightly more damage than SMN.
RDM if you want to be bored out of your mind.

Attached: 1557803703315.png (1000x1000, 755K)

Do you just not understand how fflogs works?

im starting to think all weebs are trannies

Yes, and it was fun.

Maybe that's why people were playing so much on private servers until Blizz announced Classic.

your parse is only compared to other RDM parses

the orange parse isn't really what's important to me, it was just me saying I can do solid DPS (enough to clear any fight) with 0 practice

Pretty sure parse colors are based on the class's average, not all the classes bunched together.

Because if you are having fun, your time is not being wasted.
Not the one I've been playing on. You can donate for vanity items but no gold selling

>best designed
I mean it's not exactly that bad like people make it seem but, dude.
>able to make 10k even on final omega
>"zero dps"

Attached: w1553979421935.png (645x773, 11K)

Gee you think?

Attached: 1543215420996.png (800x448, 636K)

Ff14 isnt a quality game tho so his argument stands true

I do this if I queue into Aurum Vale. Fuck that dungeon.

how high is an orange parse for RDM?
>inb4 6k

>Not the one I've been playing on
>He doesn't know

Attached: c.jpg (310x308, 15K)

That's why I don't understand all of the "NO ONE'S GONNA CARE AFTER A MONTH" butthurtposting. Hundreds of thousands have been playing on classic servers for years now

Please stop posting this thing, it legit hurts to look at it.

it's fun, intuitive, smooth and stylish
it's an incredibly well designed class, extremely fun too
people who shit on it are literal troglodytes

The servers are in France

8.2k on Final Omega without Echo

because those servers are fucking free
BRs don't wanna pay and still won't
classic servers you have to pay a sub for won't interest those people

First time playing through FF14 now since ARR and Heavensward was free. Level 56 now and the game's finally gotten enjoyable in the late 40's. Dungeons are fun. Boss fights are the highlight of the game.

But this game suffers because every character is the same. It's why I quit WoW after they got rid of talents and then started forcing spells to specializations. At least you had a choice in specialization though. In FF14 everyone class is the same AFAIK. There's no different play styles, just good and bad players. No variety to the game. The most customization you can have is Materia and I've only gotten like one of those so far.

But that said, the combat is fun even if everyone's a cookie cutter.

He didn't do 11 did he? I thought that he was basically a reclusive English teacher in Japan that played FF11 obsessively then saw Square wanted a translator and went "Fuck it"

His writing is legitimately good and his vocab choices for characters adds a lot of punchiness to the script.

FFXIV is one of the most boring games I've played in a while. I can't believe so many faggots actually pay a monthly sub to fucking do fetch quests and fight simon says monsters

I like how completely good and fine the last thread was but this thread is already getting derailed by /pol/ shitters.

Sound interesting enough I'll ahead and try out BLM then.
There's nothing worthwhile about BLU is there...

Attached: Bush gif.gif (400x400, 10K)

It pains me to keep seeing Umaru associated with that goblino

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ffxiv threads are a land of contrasts

why yes, I do main Red Mage, how could you tell?

Attached: RDM.png (905x1280, 1.35M)

oh ok, so nothing


>He didn't do 11 did he?
He did. I think he came in around WotG. Play through it again and you'll definitely see his work in the dialogue. He was the drummer for the Star Onions dev band too.

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It's seething Blizzdrones getting triggered by the OP asking if XIV could dethrone WoW

I refuse to believe this is a real person, that is a face only a master horror movie prop maker could come up with.

Playing a different class is the equivalent to a spec. And considering the wow devs regret the specing system is a big sign that this is much better

dios mio...

Attached: la creatura.png (166x164, 74K)

It would be nice, but I think they've done that very intentionally in order to avoid scenarios where there's players with "wrong builds" who'd just get kicked from parties because they took spell A over spell B.

I believe that was also part of the reason Blue Mage is limited and unable to queue in to Duty Finder content.

>only /pol/tards hate trannies
nice meme

Attached: 1560446782429s.jpg (125x125, 3K)

The fights and rotations are the highlights of the game other than certain parts of the story.

I still think it's fucking stupid that you don't get anything interesting in terms of either until at least level 30 for some jobs, and even until 50 for others.

>There's nothing worthwhile about BLU is there...

>can a shitty gook game built on spaghetti code dethrone a real game
>can a cheap, shoddy casual console trash 'mmo' beat a real game
>can a tranny erp simulator beat a real game
no, sorry never gonna happen

>/pol/tard with the _s.jpg

Attached: 1510718903747.png (957x891, 202K)

>kill our add
>look at other groups
>both of them are at 30%+

Every time

Attached: thunder god.jpg (1280x720, 268K)

>86% of BLM's damage

Attached: laugh @ chu.png (600x600, 361K)

It far exceeds the damage required per individual DPS in both ultimates and a4s. That's ultimately the only thing that matters.

I miss Marvel Heroes.

They are the ones who never shut the fuck up about them.

I wish.

It's plenty of damage when RDM's main strength is that the rotation is so braindead that it's impossible to fuck up which lets you focus on other things like mechanics.

Same mugga but this isn't the thread for it.

And there's still that retard that thinks RDM damage should be buffed.

Attached: 1554976410705.jpg (394x187, 23K)

You'd rather I post the full one?

dude, I could do fucking 8k dps on a blm with my eyes closed and only using ice spells
that's literally fucking nothing

I mean it's stylish, fun is subjective, and I really like the way you can support in-combat, but it's pretty damn simple minded and slow compared to other jobs, I doze off in duty with RDM.
>people who shit on it are literal troglodytes
This only shows how retarded the average player is, it's not even matter of googling and checking "optimal" rotations and all that jazz, you have indicators in your god damned bars that show you which button is ready. I seriously believe these people who level up red mage (or any job) refuse to read what their actions do while leveling up.

But this isn't the FFXIV general...

(X) Doubt

Bull shit

Not the same user but posting a 3KB thumbnail from a video is just dumb.

you can thank all the ironic weebs who decided to spam umaru all over reddit and twitter

>t. parsetranny

try going outside your bubble once in a while
the flag shit is everywhere this month, and surprise, people react to it

>Still not sure what class should I play or what race

Every single race has a big flaw and you can't even test classes to know what feels good at max level

seething retard mages

dumb nigger mage

i played through wotg not too long ago but didnt catch any, any examples?

Do it then. Get 8k using just ice spells. I'm waiting.

>cant' test classes

You can potd to get a feel for later levels.

Maybe another Final Fantasy MMO might do it one day, but XIV is literally a WoW clone in a shittier engine with housing, better story, and a far worse engine. With BfA being so exceptionally awful, FFXIV might do the unthinkable and come as close as having only three times less subs, something no MMO has succeeded at before, but this autumn Classic is launching and it's going to wipe the floor with all MMOs on the market and easily have 8 digit subs.


What is your favorite story moment?

Attached: ffxiv_06152019_232620_494.png (1920x1080, 2.06M)

but that's illegal anons! you're breaking the TOS doing that, stop it.

>guy from other party running toward us with Crush Weapon
>he dies next to us
>our healer revives him
>he doesnt move away despite our pings and messages
>he gets Shadowblade

Attached: despair.png (520x390, 22K)

Race stats are completely negligible.
And as said, you can play a class to 60 in PotD once you hit 30, which doesn't really take that long.

how many subs do you think wow has right now?

The night before Doma castle.

Sure but this thread has fucking nothing to do with trannies at all. You can say trannies play this game but trannies probably play every game and no one is talking about any tranny players in specific.

Everything with Gosetsu.


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Warlords and BFA dethroned WoW.
Classic will bring WoW back to the top.
FFXIV will remain niche with its great community btw and that's a good thing.
The game suffers with every autistic wowfugee it takes on that doesn't properly assimilate and instead remains the same toxic shitter that gives the WoW community its trademark musk.
Now that MOBAs have fallen out of the spotlight to be replaced with BRs and all the dumbass children switched over to fortnite I'd say WoW has a shittier community than League.

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Lots of mayhaps and must needs from San d'Orians, and almost the entirety of the all your base are belong to us video peppered across Orc dialogue. I wish I'd screenshotted some of it.

Would you say, 10 million?

Attached: ten million.jpg (500x210, 37K)

The dinner with Aymeric possibly. Was a great personal moment for the WoL. Wish it had gone longer though.

Otherwise, probably the battle with Tsukiyomi and everything surrounding it

>$15/month is a lot for a quality game
what quality game are you referring to

Last census WoW had 1.5m active subs and hemorrhaging. XIV just broke 1m and is rising. The expac hasn't even come out yet either.

Attached: player_stats1.png (848x524, 29K)

Why would it need to when wow is doing a bang up job of that themselves?

It's gonna be hilarious when wow classic shits on modern.
That's gonna be one awkward discussion when the wow devs have to awkwardly explain that they've thrown away ten years of time and money on nu-wow only for it to get shit on by something they've insisted players didn't want for over a decade.

Attached: 1534987852128.png (399x332, 34K)

Somewhere between one and two million, I guess.

Who else /prepped/ for gunbreaker?
80% of these will go to getting various gunblades. I know its highly unlikely for Alexander but a man can hope for Alexander savage.

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then complain about trannies not being relevant to FF, not passing on the false idea that only /pol/ dislikes them

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>easily have 8 digit subs.

This is actual delusion. WoW is never going to be close to it's peak again, WoW classic will probably do okay, but since IIRC it's subscription is tied in with regular WoW anyway the numbers will always be viewed together. And on top of that WoW classic will get curbstomped by anyone vaguely competent at MMOs. The first SPEEDBUMP on the curbstomp train is gonna be AQ40.

MOBAs haven't really fallen, and they're still the thing that eat away at MMO playerbases because they give you the same thing in a shorter time.

Pretty much the entirety of 3.3's msq.

>Classic will bring WoW back to the top

Based Vauthryposter.
The less WoWfugees the better. I want to play a comfy MMO not some fucking zoomer daycare.

Attached: jLydG30.png (602x563, 474K)

Is this official or is it some dumb "community" poll? Because if it's the latter then you need to take into consideration the sort of people who actually answer stupid shit like that.

Statistics without numbers is useless.

>one and two million
>in the context of your previous post
can you do math, user?

Red Mage ought to just be a slur from now on

Based and truthpilled.

XIV has ~500k at best.

I need to farm for the Zurvan material. I only have 1, but I'm sure I can become filthy rich whenever the zurvan special weapons drop

I got 16 accounts and 19 characters in total, I know other fellow botters with 4~20+ accounts. I wonder how many unique players are there in this game, considering all the surveys show active characters, not unique players/accounts

Attached: w1560472335332.jpg (480x480, 21K)

They literally just formally announced that they broke 1 mil retard.

It's a community poll on a specifically LGBT website.

nice thumbnail you mongoloid

But FFXI died years ago user.

Every MMO is a zoomer daycare now.

XIV isn't all bad though, it still keeps me occupied.

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WoW has 3x XIV has by having ~1.5m and XIV having ~500k.

unlike wow that only has 300k
my source: the same place you pulled yours

Yeah man because WoW doesn't have any botters! Nope, none at all!

1mil active was recently announced

BFA is hemorrhaging subs but I suspect Classic will bring many of them back

I wont lie, it's just some dumb community poll posted on Twitter or some shit.
Which is probably why the number of trannies is so high because normal people don't give a shit about retarded LGBT polls.

>WoW at 1.5mil
>XIV at 500k

l m a o

Attached: 19294763.png (499x498, 291K)

Why is Louverance such a great fucking character?

Attached: 1555056381446.png (634x357, 302K)

You missed the point, and I didn't even mention WoW. I know WoW had a terrible botter case, specially years ago when I bothered playing and learned you could hire some chink prisoners to bot on your accounts. Shit was bizarre to me.

>easiest casual class in a game mainly populated by casuals is the most popular
Why is this shocking?

As long as WoW focus on good story telling and Twitch streamers they'll be fine

Attached: 1560570802105.jpg (2849x1890, 1.02M)

They literally just broke 1 mil retard.

I assume that's misleading PR bullshit that counts currently active trials and people who came back for free days, not just people who are actively paying monthly sub. The census shows much lower numbers.


Considering some servers are filled with straight up more bots than players I'd say the game has about 300k actual humans who play the game

Your hurt feelings doesn't trump census data.
Also they literally announced ffxiv has a million active subs, right now, right BEFORE the expac launches.

You almost never see bots in wow because blizzard have an actual anti cheat system

>good story telling
How long have you been in the dark for WoW? Unless this is sarcasm as proven with your image.

>last census

Pathetic. Go back to your dying game please.

Are you going to transfer to the new servers, eurobros? Thinking about fuck off from cerberus to spriggan.

the delusion

Attached: 1534570313997.gif (1359x803, 991K)

>great community btw
It's one of the worst online communities i've seen.

Nigga please.

>the census shows much lower numbers

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Attached: ffxiv_06112019_013540_457.png (1920x1080, 2.68M)

They musht be fhed with eetha
Living eetha!

Autistic. No one but you can get the full enjoyment out of it.

You my friend are blissfully ignorant.

No they didn't.

I gave up on wow having good story when they tried to make it out like I'm the bad guy for killing a crazy ass demon man.

Attached: Wow-64 2016-10-01 00-03-36-38.jpg (497x733, 158K)

Correct me if I've misunderstood, but aren't there technically only 5 shards left? Doesn't each calamity destroy a shard?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they announce ACTIVE characters (read: no active sub/accounts)? Considering and the fact many abused twitch prime+reddit begging threads to get many new throwaway accounts, specially chinks and their teleporting bots that are literally everywhere, the real number will go down pretty soon, hopefully no less than 700k, I don't want more people leaving my World for "bigger" ones or I will have to move too to sell gil.

Attached: 1559879493963.png (112x112, 5K)

>the chad stride past all the fleeing soldiers

Attached: 1551261826864.gif (420x420, 1.38M)

There's a site that tracks MMO activity using reddit posts as a metric to do some number crunching to get comparison graphs which GENERALLY work quite well that have FF14's active playerbase at 1.25 million compared to WoW at about 1 million.

It's not likely entirely accurate, but it's impossible to be entirely accurate.

I was screaming this entire fight and the cut-scenes.

Attached: ffxiv_06112019_013908_197.png (1920x1080, 2.46M)

Yes they did retard.

Yeah, seven Rejoined and then the Thirteenth fucked by Dark. So five viable ones left.

Did they really try and pull the "Illidan did nothing wrong" card ingame?


Attached: ffxiv_06112019_004316_728.png (1920x1080, 3.17M)

>finally get dog god
>it looks like shit
i feel like i should have learned my lesson after the ponys and birds

Attached: ffxiv_06152019_231322_549.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

>N-no, that doesn't count!

Attached: laugh7.jpg (1920x1080, 117K)

Can they even fucking finish the rejoining with the thirteenth ruined like that? Don't they have to unfuck it first? If they could just skip shards why even bother in the first place?

thats pretty generous

Attached: Hihl2ch.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)


Yes, the expansion ends with Illidan imprisoning himself with the leader of the Burning Crusade, imprisoning each other for eternity.

Attached: 1560639025650.png (256x256, 66K)


I am currently subbed to FFXIV, have only played Legion for 2 months total, and BfA for less than a month.

Watch yesterdays live letter.
Kill yourself, this was always a bad meme.

>Those poor bastards getting scooped up and dumped off the bridge in an instant
God that's a shit way to go

Attached: 1556065047159.jpg (758x748, 82K)

They only need one more Rejoining to wake Zodiark up. I'm not sure how that goes with Elidibus and Lahabrea's implied plans of fully restoring the original world, but I guess we'll find that out soon.

>farming mounts
>paying lalafel

That was supposed to be my post you bitch.


Attached: 1416545218132.png (1280x720, 819K)

Yep, it was complete bullshit especially when you recall it was a Naaru who sent us to kill him to begin with.

I bet.

Attached: 1554672730375.png (380x467, 14K)

Need a calamity of a specific element. All elements excluding light has been achieved

>They only need one more Rejoining to wake Zodiark up
Where's your source on that?

Around what time?

Attached: ffxiv_03172016_172754.png (1920x1057, 2.67M)

Watch the liveletter.

Pretty sure it was stated when you talked to Hydaelyn after the Antitower.

Attached: ffxiv_12092017_223928.png (1920x1080, 3.92M)

this is peak performance in raid
you might as well just surrender your loot to him


Probably everything with the WoD. Arbert's VA was a big part though. I really hope we get to hear them in ShB. If their segments are text only, I'll be mad

Is blizzard fucking for real right now? I am so glad I quit with WoD. This game is beyond redemption.

>Why yes, i do main Black Mage. How could you tell?

Attached: 1542131109781.jpg (1051x1200, 112K)

Why is he pissing himself

By your massive intellect that could be felt for miles away, fellow practitioner of the black.

Attached: 1560344662846.png (1833x953, 1.17M)

wow sure does live rent free in your mind huh

Because he plays BLM. It's literally in the post.

What are you even talking about?

Easily the best boss fight.

Attached: ffxiv_06112019_012640_703.png (1920x1080, 2.63M)

When your muscles look like that there's a real chance he's not got enough water in his body right now to piss at all.

People dehydrate pretty seriously for those kinds of shots/shows.

Because the healers didn't adjust.

He's marking his ley lines.


>invested in lorebooks
>going to sell and live a Vauthtry lifestyle
>market starts crashing as hard as when the materia bubble burst

Attached: Encyclopedia Eorzea.jpg (500x376, 181K)

I hate both these games and I want a real MMO.

user... that's not piss... that's pure sweat

Attached: 1558796305758.gif (128x128, 4K)

MMOs as a genre are dying.

He is not concerned with human concepts such as toilets.


Attached: drk chad.png (2599x1205, 333K)

Guess I'll just die too.

If you're going to play the real card, I can tell you it's not sweat either. They just dumped water on him.

>ShB drops
>First quests after getting to the 1st are just like the MSQ split in HW where you help the two Frotemps boys.
>Except this time it's a four way split and where you go first changes if you find Minfilia, Y'sholta, or the twins first.

Why is he pissing sweat? He should see a doctor.
>You can't really kill me, you know. Oh, you'll try. But you'll fail.
>You may as well put the blade at your own neck. But where would that leave us, hmmm?

Attached: 1559527678791.png (550x450, 333K)

Attached: ffxiv_06162019_005311_986.png (1600x912, 1.72M)

If only it was that easy.

>this shitty moogle event only works with a handful of dungeons

Nah, it's not. PLD looks dumb and the 2nd choice is going to be WAR or GNB.

>5 dps


>need only 18 more for pegasus

I always want to do some light RP, but by wearing the RP tag, everyone thinks it's ERP. I just want to talk in character periodically from time to time.

pld/drk is prog meta

Is this how DRK copes with the cuckshed?

>when's the next big MMO

when true VR is invented

>Needing two healers now that SCH got buffed
>Taking a shitty WHM or nerfed AST when you could take another DPS


Based. FUCK Warkeks FUCK Swordlets and FUCK MHIGGERS

Attached: 1530283580217.gif (198x178, 96K)

I really don't get the inferiority complex so many FFXIV players have towards WoW. WoW is a garbage game and you have to be literally braindead to still play it. But since so many millions of people used to play it, you're bound to have 1-2 million permanently addicted losers sticking to it no matter what dumb bullshit Blizzard does. MMOs as a genre are stagnant, and unless someone reinvents them somehow, there is no chance any MMO will break 1 million active subscribers ever again. If I have to choose between BfA and FFXIV I'd go with FFXIV without question, it's a better game by pretty much all metrics (WoW bas better implemented transmog collection storage and is smoother to play due to no animation locking, but FFXIV beats it in everything else), but if you don't buy into "FFXIV is more popular than WoW!" LARP that is so prevalent on Yea Forums you immediately get a dozen seething weebs calling you a wowfag. Why do they do this? Do Dota fans call you a lolfag when you point out LoL is more popular than Dota 2 without commenting on game quality at all? It's so pathetic.

Crisis Core is also shit. Or rather, it's a pretty good game on its own, but it takes a huge piss on the original game by inserting bad fanfiction into the events of FF7. The best thing Square Enix can do is pretend it doesn't exist for the time being, and then maybe take some of the good parts, like Zack himself, and transpose those into the FF7 remake while letting garbage like Genesis and Angeal stay forgotten.

give me the mgp farming bot sir. or the one that runs the shitty moogle tome dungeon for me

>o Dota fans call you a lolfag when you point out LoL is more popular than Dota 2 without commenting on game quality at all?
Yes actually. Yea Forums is full of corporate bootlickers who are personally offended when their game's company isn't on top like they own shares.

Attached: ffxiv_06162019_005826_036.png (1600x912, 1.34M)

I would assume it's sort of on the same level as playing a tabletop game and having art of everyone's characters commissioned, except a little more silly since you actually already have visual representations. I could see it being pretty cool if you had art of say, your static's character commissioned while fighting a boss with everyone getting a nice action shot.

How long till they get helms/hats working with Hrothgar and Viera?

>Do dota fans call you a lolfag when
Yes, they do. Losers who play shit games that no one likes are bound to have an inferiority complex

You know I hear the DRK quests are pretty good, but some jobs were clearly designed with certain races in mind and I always thought the DRK stuff would look dumb on a lala which is why I haven't done them yet.
Maybe it's time I suck it up and go DRK, pretty obvious it's the cannon class of ShB anyway.

Go ahead and do it. It really is the best class questline.

>I always thought the DRK stuff would look dumb on a lala
everything looks dumb on a lala

What do we think of MCH in ShB? Saved or Shed'd?

Attached: 1544646908129.jpg (482x427, 58K)

Terrible but not worse than stormblood

If it was 1m actual subs they would've said so instead of 1m active players.

Saved dont take the 400ms Brazilians as fact.

>Do Dota fans call you a lolfag when you point out LoL is more popular than Dota 2

Yes. I even call people I know that rp LoL characters on f-list lolfags.

The fact that we got rid of the terrible heat gauge is enough to say it was saved.

Anything is an improvement on now. They live in the cuckbunker below the cuckshed.

WAR is a joke.

Could be either but it's definitely still going to feel awful to play unless you have sub-40 ping.

I don't want to see them remove wildfire, but they apparently do not understand how to solve the problems associated with it and latency. The problem isn't that hard to solve either.

>no hypercharge
>same clipping issues
>not designed to be SAM/BLM of ranged physical
>gain tactician for all your troubles
They're staying till at least 5.1.

>All those RDMs

Holy fuck you casual niggerfaggots, go be rezbots somewhere else

That's not tue.
They fit casters pretty well, and they fit PLD a hell of a lot better aesthetically than WAR.

Did they really remove Hypercharge? Holy shit they're fucked harder than BRD. I can only imagine there's not much complaining because no one plays it.

Please stop leaving before I can commend you, Mr. tank

Is looking bad man.

RDM gives me the best chance of clearing content with your average pug retards. I do not regret my choice.

they lost all their rdps, its shit

>commending tanks
do not

>Being this fucking retarded

The 1 million active characters census excludes free trial players and bots by requiring characters to fulfill multiple conditions to be counted.

Your garbage game is already one foot in the grave. FF14 will surpass retail WoW in subs this expansion.

DRK is great. Even the quest log descriptions are amazing.

It now forces you into overheat and cost 50 heat with no increased rdps.

>all those rezmages
What the hell?
Are you all really that bad?

I said that having played RDM extensively. It doesnt. People dont know how rez invincibility works or dont care and they will do everything they can to die the moment you rez them

Good healslut, keep those commends coming.

Will monk be good in shb?
Should I finally roll one?



just play nin or drg

I don't know who else to commend desu, they're usually the ones that deserve it, especially the chads that pull half the dungeon and live.
but i'm dps :(

Do crafter-fags that think they have a market cornered super undercut their own stuff if someone new appears and puts up 1-2 furniture's they're selling?

We postin old cancer?

>they're usually the ones that deserve it,
>pull half the dungeon and live.
Yeah man, they deserve it for being able to hit a button every 90 seconds. Not the other DPS for getting through the dungeon quickly or the healer that actually needs to do something during pulls.

It's too bad so many DPS think, like you. Maybe we'd have decent players if they actually used their brain.

Weary wanderer

No fights left to fight life left to live...

commend the DPS that nicely burns everything quickly and waits for a 30min+ DPS queue. 80% of the time theyre the ones that deserve it instead of the tanks and healers

t. healer

Even better

I just commend sprouts who are doing the dungeon for the first time

I know one guy will, if someone tries to move in to his market, he'll undercut the shit out of himself just to make them go away. I myself have hooks in too many things to resort to such pettiness, someone might sell for shitty prices on one thing, but there's dozens of other categories I'm still doing good in. Someone being retarded is just part and parcel of the marketboard, revenge isn't worth losing out gil for.

I don't know how bad tanks have it, I just started a month ago and only played arcanist/summoner. Are all tanks braindead or something?

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>The cliff that Haurchefant's grave is on is looking over the fight

Depends on the content. Tanking is easy it's being in the leader role is the hard part for people.

I have enough gil I intentionally crash markets just to keep people down

It's hard to control markets the retarded masses have easy access to but Furniture is generally pretty stable so I don't see the point in losing your shit on them.

Didn't it already kill itself 3 times already?

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The materia market crashing and all the /biz/ replies to it during the liveletter was one of the funniest times of these threads. Those replies were great.

If you mean strong then it's already strong
If you mean fun to play then it's the most mindless version yet

>Black dude with an afro is just posing at the Limsa aetheryte 24/7.
What is he even trying to accomplish?

>listening to random XIV songs on Youtube
>hear Dragonsong come up
>get urge to queue Final Steps of Faith
>do so
>over half the players are new
>be MT, watch newbies run around panicking at the big flashy attacks, a few deaths but nothing too serious
>end result

Was definitely worth my time

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>the market recovered

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what's going on with materia
is it happening?

tanks and healers are entitled mongoloids in dungeons and 90% of the time they think theyre flawless and doing a favor when in fact they should be doing beyond what your role means
in more difficult content like savage and ultimates every role is basically the same since its just based on muscle memory, so all of them are equally hard


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Guys I did it! I finally stumbled upon something being put up for the wrong price!

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Even though I tend to just commend whoever these days, this guy's right.
It's easy to complain about a tank doing shitty damage or a healer that doesn't do any damage, but both of their damage sucks compared to a dps no matter how much they tryhard.

Good dps'ers will make shitty tanks with their baby pulls go much faster, and make good tanks shine even more by quickly burning down wall pulls.
It's amazing how few dps players will actually use their limit break, except on bosses which isn't much better than letting the tank throw it away.

What did you buy?

>he thinks they did that unintentionally

If it was intentional then I'll thank the kind soul who did it.

I'm disappointed this fat fuck isn't referred to as Don Corneo.

t. Netflix healer

Legitimately hate his memelations, but he's pretty good at gobrapping.

>It's amazing how few dps players will actually use their limit break, except on bosses which isn't much better than letting the tank throw it away.
I got yelled at for doing this early on in my time playing FF14. I also pull like a bitch when tanking because, again, got conditioned to do pack by pack. So this is all wrong then?

As a tank I always commend my healer unless they do something stupid or are a catboy. I only commend DPS if they do a really standout job which is like fucking never in pugs.

HW and beyond, story has been miles better than anything WoW has put out.

It's not that they don't understand, it's that they don't care. The entire country of Japan is smaller than California and even the most backwoods town has fiber internet, the thought of latency being a problem for some jobs has likely never even crossed their minds.

>Commend the Job most prone to doing nothing.

Cats and Roes should have stayed gender locked

>crafted enough bullshit to qualify for the dol/doh mentor
should i put on the shitter crown, or will that forever taint my character just by association?


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as a tank or healer you dont want to LB in dungeons, no. if you have a caster or a ranged the priority is for them to use on trash mobs or bosses that have more than one monster

if none of those apply, the melee should be doing it on the bosses. if they dont use it at all theyre bad DPS

Join the no icon no title club.

You know how they announced new materia for HW and SB before they launched?
They actively avoided making an announcement on this and even danced around the issue on stream saying "well, since were not making an announcement on this until it launches, maybe you can already guess the situation with new materia"

You might want to hold on to your grade 6 materia.

Why do people hate catboys? I picked one because hyur animations looked a little too feminine. It was a tossup between cat and elezen.

As opposed to the other ones doing next to nothing too? I always get at least 1 commendation from my runs and I like to believe it's my healfriend so I return the favor.

They're bad and/or gay most of the time.

they're the 'night elf hunter' of ffxiv

Stereotyping, like Blood Elves in WoW.

The only way a commend system can work is if there's people around to commend for doing a good job.
It doesn't work in XIV in Overwatch.

>it's real
go get em, lil potato

yeah but they never announce market shit beforehand

On dungeons, it's usually a little harder to tank because you have to worry about keeping mobs clustered for AoE while avoiding enemy AoE and being ready to pop a cooldown if things get ugly. Once you fight any dungeon or non-savage raid boss, and a lot of normal trial bosses, your job is piss easy: usually stand in a corner of the room and keep his attention.

It's why DPS is so popular in dungeons, but when you get to raid and trials, there's much more tanks since it's a very easy job. Healing tends to stay slightly on the difficult side just because in later content, looking away for a second can get someone killed (Usually their own fault for getting caught in AoE though).

This. If no one is doing an amazing job I just throw it to the cutest character.

>tfw my first wow character was a nelf hunter
I'm really good at getting in with the wrong crowd. Is it better or worse that I play catboy summoner?

I don't commend anyone at all. When I level characters I try to commend good players for the Challenge.

No one actually cares THAT much, more of a meme than anything. Just be competent and not a huge fag, you'll be fine.

Cat Dragoon would be that.

What was it, three hundred collectables?
Shit, I've probably done that just making crap for custom deliveries.

I don't care about the rest of WoW, but parts of legion were genuine kino. Especially I AM MY SCARS

the full thing is male miqo'te lancer. summoner you're prolly fine

>Got the majority of my 2k commends from playing BLM.
I don't know how. I just do my job and maybe say a line or two while auto running to the next trash pack.

Nobody actually cares. It's just stereotyping.