Finally get into PC gaming

>Finally get into PC gaming
>decide to try out all the 00's valve games that I never got to play
>Finish HL, HL2, HL2E1/E2, Portal, Portal 2 in just a few days
>Feel empty inside knowing all these amazing games are dead and will never come back

Is this what PC gaming is? Sorrow and knowledge that the golden age is long gone? It hurts. I just want to go back.

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The fuck you just say?

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Sorry user you're like 15 years too late.

I'm confused by this post...are you implying consoles have anything else to offer besides soulless movies and childrens games?

Those games are mediocre. You missed out on peak l4d l4d2 and tf2. Halo 3 online was fun as fuck also.

PC games are boring and are for nerds

Now imagine you've been playing these games since HL1 when you were 7 and expand the scope to all classic vidya.

Fuck the world.

Valve decided they liked microtransaction money from TF2 more than sequels.

Oh yeah, it's dead. You're about 15 years too late just like this user said. I use pic related to play one multiplayer game and emulate a bunch of old console gens.

Consoles are in a pretty shit state right now but they're a lot better off than PC. At least Nintendo and Sony are still funding first party games instead of cruising by on microtransactions and store cuts.

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>are you implying consoles have anything else to offer besides soulless movies and childrens games?
No, he's saying that knowledge is bittersweet, he was happier as a peasant, dumb and unaware

remasters, remakes, same indistinguishable games

comparable to indie scene on PC

>Sony are still funding first party games
pozed boring third person movie games

Half-Life (1 and 2) are overrated products of their time. TF, CS and Portal are good though.

I'm glad you enjoyed it bro. My suggestion is to expand into other PC classics. They don't have the polish of valve games but they still have a the classic fun.

>WW2 shooter
Cod 1 + UO

>Other shooters
Far Cry
Nolf 1 + 2 (Google nolf revival)

Beyond good and evil
Lord of the rings: two towers and rotk (emulate on dolphin for best playability)
Star Wars: Jedi knight 1, 2, and academy

Gothic 2
The Witcher

>not mentioning the good fallouts, baldur's gate, planescape, vtmb or deus ex

>they're a lot better off than PC

Not even close. Have you seen the "exclusives" they have to offer?

first time i saw it do this rather than the normal one i fucking shat bricks

that shit isn't entry tier though


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I was only recommending games that are similar to valve games fren. Didn't think of every game inexistence. I don't think that someone enjoying half life means they'll enjoy infinity engine games. For one, that describes me.

But yeah Deus Ex belongs on the list

I played all the Half-Life games in 2011 and thought they were awesome. I didn't give a shit about the story like everyone else does, but I still liked them. I'm pretty sure Valve's the only developer that made FPS's that I enjoyed.

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PC Gaming's been fucked by market trends favoring mobile in recent years, and a lot of devs are moving to develop AAA games for consoles now, but there's still a lot more to catch up on than the Valve stuff from the last couple decades of releases. Depends on what kind of game you're looking for really. If you liked Valve's library then is a decent list of recommendations.

They have bad shooting/gunplay in a genre where what you're doing 90% of the time, is in fact, shooting. Enemies are bullet spongey and don't flinch much when shot. Guns feel weak and the guns that ARE good often have no ammo (see: Revolver)
My absolute nigger. I need to replay it again one of these days.
Spearhead was the best expansion

These Valve mascots are kino.

Steambux plus Valve's internal management system encouraging an ADHD approach to game development was the problem, not TF2.

TF2's money is a drop in the ocean, relative to the big pink cookie money they make off Steam for doing basically nothing other than maintaining the platform.

And at Valve, the "no bosses (except the popular kids lol)" approach discourages any project from going through to completion, since you get paid bonuses for working on the hot new thing, you can basically work on whatever you like as long as the majority approves of it, and your pay is based on assessment by your coworkers. People spend more fucking time there politicking and getting cozy with the "popular kids" for more pay than they do actually developing shit.

Wut? When does it do that? Never seen this happening.

Try, lots of classic games.

I thought it was a black guy for 10 years or so until this showed up in portal 2

They're literally printing their own money with tf2 and dota 2 cosmetics

You really need a sharp, driven project lead like Carmack or Jobs to get something done well and on time.
I'd love to see version 3 of all their games with full VR support, but there's no way it'll happen considering the way they do business these days.

The optimist in me says they're waiting for the average PC to support VR at 144hz before they commit to anything (they have all the data from surveys) but it's not looking good

>They have bad shooting/gunplay in a genre where what you're doing 90% of the time, is in fact, shooting.
Define bad/good shooting/gunplay.
>Enemies are bullet spongey
And? What does that mean and why is it a bad thing?
>and don't flinch much when shot.
You say this like it's a bad thing, but you need to tell me why it's a bad thing, because it sounds like absolutely nothing to me.
>Guns feel weak
You can one-shot people in all of their games.
>and the guns that ARE good often have no ammo (see: Revolver)
That sounds like a good thing, you shouldn't want the best weapons to have the most ammo.

>They're literally printing their own money with tf2 and dota 2 cosmetics
Like I said, Steam.

The hell are you talking about? There's tons of great games coming to the PC all the time now

also you can replay old games with better graphics courtesy of mods or GPU overrides
or use cheat engine and fuck with any ammo / health counters or slow down / speed up the game

it's meant to be a user-defined platform, where you can do what you want

You'll never know the crazy joy that was PC gaming between 1995 and 2005. It was an absolute explosion of possibility as the technology kept making huge jumps which made each year's games feel groundbreaking.

And it peaked with Crysis.

portal 2

if you want to burn fays of your life, get into paradox map painting games

Crysis is extremely overrated