So one day I remembered for some reason my 1080ti had an internal facing HDMI port...

So one day I remembered for some reason my 1080ti had an internal facing HDMI port. So my mondo big brain found this little monitor and 1 zip tie later, boom. This! It's sole purpose is wallpaper engine the occasional video or movie, and swag. Note I need to improve the cable management more it will be done very easily but I need to swap the zip tie to a black one before I proceed. Now tell me Yea Forums why don't you have a monitor in your desktop?
>inb4 "this is retarded."
You don't think I know that bitch?

Attached: 20190615_230833.jpg (2047x1726, 2.4M)

Other urls found in this thread:

This shows how nice the screen looks with wallpapers

Attached: 20190615_201423.jpg (2048x1536, 2.46M)

>all those stickers
Chad Daddy makes this based but the cringe displayed here almost makes your entire setup cringe bro

This is the most cringe I have ever seen in my 14 years on this fucking website, way to go.

>Le Cringe
Le fuck you

ebin bazed reb pibbed crunge

>nigger artists
Someone help Chad Warden out of there

Attached: 1526606199103.png (339x351, 195K)

Idk I think it looks neat. I bet yours just looks like normal. That means youre a fuckin normie you fag.

Nice Rei figurines. That is all.

Oh don't worry I don't really like anime, I just like 80s and 90s classic shit DBZ, EVA, FotNS. I always found it funny that anime got less popular after like 2005 or so because it stopped being good and started being gay slice of life weeb pandering garbage instead hype shit generally. Like the best animated film of all time Transformers (1986) was done by Toei. You gotta pay your respects to art. The dolls are just funny I got a tiddy mouse pad too

That's the most garish, low-iq looking pc I've ever seen. I hope you're a zoomer, and then I hope your house burns down with you in it.

>never been to a rave huh bruh?
I bet I'm older than your candy ass either way my dick bigger regardless XD

All those fucking clashing stickers. Holy shit is that ugly. The screen inside would be cool, except nothing will make your computer look nice. Also, NGE sucks. Fucking babby tier taste.

Cry harder nerd

I bet you thought everyone would tell you how cool and funny this was. All that work, only for people to tell you the whole thing looks like something a 13 year old would find cool.

>Al these buttblasted faggots itt
his shit looks good

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Attached: not tg.jpg (318x240, 13K)

>all this effort put into your guts
>zero effort into the cable management
>shitty AIO
kill yourself.

You don't think I know the haters exist? They are my motivators, conformists always attack the different and the expressive, my set up also has a little bro

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You can do funnier things with the screen. All of the skater shit in there is embarrassing, though. How underage are you?

Old enough to be ur grandpa

how much do all these stickers cost?

that rig is extremely conformist tho.

I dunno like maybe 75$ bucks

Yes. Look at how nonconformist I am by slapping a bunch of corporate logos all over my personal belongings. I don't make them pay for the ad space or anything!


No it clashes, it is a cold corporate machine with a taste of freedom. Plus it was cheap yeeyee

not videogames. take this tacky garbage to /g/

>The stickers all over the furniture too
This is too good. If you aren't a monster energy hat wearing retard who blows his welfare money on weed and stickers, I'd be very surprised.

I pick the stickers, I like these products. Do you drink coke? I do, if they start shooting Bosnians tomorrow I won't drink any more coke for awhile. They don't own me I'm too smart to be brainwashed (((or so I think))) I don't even watch TV and I use ad block I only buy what I want

Pretty much but I work for a living :)

Janitor or factory?

I'm 34, so you're at least 70? Because that's hilarious. Post a picture of yourself doing a skateboard trick.


>Papa Roach

Attached: 1510374443381.jpg (608x811, 232K)

I don't live in the city my clumsy ass never learned to skate board well if I could've I would've. We mudders yee yee

This is corporate dicksucking at its finest. I bet you're a pedophile who likes Superman, and still has acne.

Hey, fuck you, buddy. There's nothing wrong with Superman and pedophilia.

I'm much more interested in what's outside your sliding glass doors.

Someone should make this into a banner.

It's only because this one fat kid I knew in school used to unironically sing that "this is my last fork" last resort parody and it makes me laugh all the time

That's my mom's patio setup. I'm not allowed to mess with it.

Fuck anything marvel that's not the punisher 1989 starring Dolph Lundgren. And fuck pedos too

Fuckin grass and trees

Fuck, if Coke started shooting bosnians I'd drink triple Coke

Bait or an idiot, but I was relating it specifically to personal experience with people with similar ass backwards views on the world.

No one wants you here normalfaggot please leave

I miss the FLCL banners.

Way to be original Buzzword Aldrin, now fly back to the film set and let the adults talk

Dirty SERB!

imagine going on Yea Forums and complaining about buzzwords

Yeah it's a real issue 90% of you Wojack niggas are creatively bankrupt

buzzwords have been used on this site since 2003 (not that you would know)
you have to go back

While I wouldn't want to own it myself, I think your PC looks pretty cool.

Don't talk about them. They're finally beginning to fade. Just let them pass.

>issue has persisted for over a decade
>somehow not a issue tho?
Zooooophm! Y O U L O S E
Try Again? (y) or (n)?

>calling you a newfaggot is now an issue
struck a nerve, did i?

No I don't care if I've been here 5 minutes or 5000 years I'm only spitting mad truths 105% of the time.

i struck a nerve. go back to plebbit if you can't stand being called a faggot.

Both of you shut up.

LoL he said shut up bitch tits
( . Y. )

he quoted you twice dipshit

t. prebuilt

Ur so mad at a guy with a meme machine bro. Grow Up

4 sure
>inb4 "muh minimalist aesthetic"
You mean hand built prebuilt?

Who puts fucking figures and stickers inside their tower lmao

You're a nigger,

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no you're just hiding the fact that all the kids at school push you into lockers by saying you're a meme machine

You're projecting, I'm too tall to fit in the lockers bitch.

>Don't talk to me or my bro ever again

>n-no YOU'RE projecting!!!
i struck a nerve.

the fuck is this, op?

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Go smoke more crack, cracker.

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putting figurines in there is so fucking retarded but I love it

I wish ;P

>stickers up the ass
>anime figurines inside the case
yikes and CRINGE

okay you got me i'm gonna take hrt and get pounded by bbcs now

Ummmmm.... okay?

do a kickflip

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but obviously you've grown to simply ignore this kind of advice at this point.

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I can already see that you need to have sex

Oh yeah cause the tweakers I smash on the reg really gonna like me more having this normie ass setup

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What happened to Chad Warden?

he's a teacher somewhere i think

10/10 would D2 with at my place.

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He's still ballin as of 2014