Literally and unironically cancelled my pre-order.
Literally and unironically cancelled my pre-order
Other urls found in this thread:
sure are a lot of trannies on Yea Forums since e3
This game is starting to feel less like an rpg and more like a looter shooter
It's literally just talk to appease trannies. Remember when CDPR said they'd explore "alternative" romances for Geralt in The Witcher 3? Nothing came out of it.
Oh so you're not going to play cp?
What are you going spend the time on instead?
Nice blogpost, fag.
I assume the same is true of of toady saying he would put trannies in dwarf fortress
That said I'm not getting the game because
oh shit
cdpr gonna go bankrupt
These bait threads are getting tiring
There’s just no way any company on this planet will ever make a AAA game full of cool ideas like some old pc game from 00s. It’s not how it works. Witcher 3 wasn’t anywhere near rpg. I don’t even know why people think cyberpunk will.
Based Pondsmith dabbing on autistic RPG fans by putting the "punk" back in "GTA"
Actually its witcher 3 with augmentations
It's Black Ops 2 with a leveling system
You shouldn't really preorder anything, let the normies and paid shills do it and then watch some longplays to see if it's any good.
>looter shooter
Like Borderlands? I hope not, that is the worst type of game. If it turns out like GTA or Deus Ex HR I'll be happy.
Fuck off, NPC
>buying games
If you don't pirate a cyberpunk game then you're doing it wrong
Cool blogpost bro.
Day 1 buy for me. Fuck preorders
Why? seriously i've been avoiding vidya news lately
It's ok, I'll pre-order to offset your canceled copy.
Literally and unironically go fuck yourself, nobody cares. Also, stop pre-ordering games.
>Only one apartment
>No more childhood hero in CC
>Can't customise cars
>Can't customise cyberlimbs
>Barely any minigames
This, so much this. I wish I had gold to give you for this post
I guarantee that "trans options" just means you can use female customization features on a male character and vice versa. And honestly that would be a positive feature for character customization. Sometimes I want to play a male character but my favorite hair is locked as female-only. It's very arbitrary and stupid.
ALREADY pre ordering and cancelling a game that's almost a fucking year away? Sounds like you are obsessed. Your opinion doesn't matter.
And I'm gonna wait until a few days until after the game comes out to pass judgement based on watching gameplay videos
>>Barely any minigames
This is a bad thing?
since Gamergate actually, Yea Forums used to be much better before those freaks decided that the next stage of their cultural revolution had to be fought here
it's like Katamary Damacy with continuous current instead of alternated current
I get 30% off so I have no reason not to
30% off the price of CP2077? How?
>can't customise cyberlimbs
what?! so they scrapped the whole cyber implant installation shit they showed last year?
No, he means that you won't be able to customize a specific cyber limb. But you'll still have multiple cyberlimbs to chose from. At least that's what I understood from his post.
You can install cyberlimbs, but you can't choose their color and shit so people are all butthurt about it.
Because it is. The original RPG they cockteased with at the beginning of the decade was cancelled and scrapped because they were too fucking worthless to see it through and now we're just getting a eurojank GTA.
>>Only one apartment
Honestly I'm more disappointed that V has such a NICE and BIG apartment. He just moved into town to look for work as a mercenary, he should be living in a cramped and cluttered studio apartment shithole, not this super nice, big apartment with a nice view and multiple lounging spaces that they've shown in gameplay footage.
what gameplay footage?
It looks like New York Sitcom Apartment Syndrome.
>story of some cocknugget character who's trying to make it in NY
>invariably has one of those trendy "old warehouse" apartments that in the real world go for $7500 a month but somehow this nigger that works at a coffee shop can afford it
oh. well changing the way they work and tweeking them could jave been nice. It really does sounds less of am rpg the more we hear about it
>But you'll still have multiple cyberlimbs to chose from. At least that's what I understood from his post.
>download (11)
Did you download that image 11 times? Why?
Its going to be Borderlands with Deus Ex HR-style levels and environments.
I'm more interested in this supposed bigass apartment tthat Yea Forums has and everyone saw in some gameplay footage.
There are new gameplay clips intercut into certain interviews, like this one:
Pic related is V's apartment, shown in that video. It looks like a fucking luxury penthouse suite even though you're supposed to be some broke lowlife who just blew into town to try to hit the big time.
Yeah, it's exactly like that. Especially jarring and annoying in this kind of gritty punk setting where you're supposed to be an actual poor lowlife thug.
Are you just pretending to be retarded or are you actually this fucking niggerish?
Means he is a phone poster
Your wish is my command:
Really putting the "punk" back in "cyberpunk"
Doesnt count. Thats the old discarded build. The mexican partner isnt even alive anymore in the new e3 build we saw. Game has completely changed.
>dude they just restarted developing the game lol
What is this insanity?
>there were no heists before that singular heist that you two took part in ever
That trailer had them meeting that fat nigger that gave them the job that the new trailer depicts your friend getting killed completing. You're so fucking stupid hold shit
Except toady is a filthy commie and already put faggotry in the game. With gelding being a thing I guarantee he finds a way to add it.
I think his collar looks stupid.
The gameplay is from last year you giganigger
Lmao Centrosaurus looking retard
Even so, I doubt they're going to change that.
The holocaust didn't go far enough
Doesnt count. Stay retarded.
I THOUGHT THEY WERE BASED (and redpilled)!
Regional pricing I imagine.
are you suuureee?
So is it transphobic to buy or not buy the game because of this? SJWs confuse me.
Dude, I just popped in an ambien pill. I'm high as fuck
Are you 15?
Same, I am literally shaking right now
imagine thinking that sexuality is political because some people want to be respected lmao
it is good because it feels good, that's the only thing that matters
Good, now you have an additional $60 at the moment and you can still buy the game on release or after.
But in SJW's minds how do they rationalize this?
>you have to love trannies because you're transphobic if you don't love a woman having a penis
>how dare you love trannies, look at that body of a woman with a penis, this is just a blatant attempt to make you love trannies!
trips of truth. Get over it bitches.
wtf you can't make jaina anymore?
Maybe you should try talking to people instead of inventing conversations in your head.
Dumb people were upset there was an exploitative ad using a trans (only in appearance, it's probably a woman with a robo cock anyway) despite the fact that exploitative ads have and will never dissapear, and the fact is its actually a double edged positive. On the one hand, its become so normal corporations are willing to advertise with this kind of appearance. On the other, these kinds of people are now part of the norm, not special, not unique and not discriminated against.
It's not only talking they do to appease Trannies.
So is buying the game transphobic or is not buying the game transphobic?
I don't get why this game triggers trannies so hard? It doesn't pander or make fun of them at all, if anything THEY stole the culture from Cyberpunk 30 years ago when it was written.
tranny here
ill be able to create a tranny in character selection and that make me happy, why the fuck would I cancel an hypothetical preorder?
>SJW's minds
those concepts are not compatible
>mfw people with a mental disorder have become a market to cater to
trannies are cancer and we need chemo ASAP
>its become so normal
What normal ad has penis bulges in them?
This is an advertisement in a cyberPUNK world.
Retards on both sides of the aisle are fuming. Meanwhile the game looks promising. Expect threads here to bring up muh trannies a lot though.
unironically preordered
Thanks doc
a very based advertisement if you ask me
Oh look, the Discord Trannies are here again.
Do you suck on paint sprayers? Have you decayed the synapses in your tiny brain? That's what I was saying, that in 2077, transitional shit has become SO NORMALIZED it's on soda advertisements. Complete with sexualization of the inbetween state.
cyberpunk will be bad
>What are you going spend the time on instead?
having sex
You don't have to worry about that, you specifically will be dead long before then.
Oh look its the guy who keeps changing his filename after I posted this
> Discord Trannies
Eeee... what? I just love futa...
I'm 31 and have insomnia. Now I'm just enjoying it for a moment before getting to bed.
im a tranny and ive a discord but im not from *that* discord channel
What? Listen I know you like to use new buzzwords you get from your discords, but I'm not even a tranny, I'm laughing at trannies who are confused that this is a satire to mock corporations for using the tranny form as an ad
Wait, is it true you can't play as a cop?
where's your argument?
You will never be a real woman and people will always laugh at you.
I'm a man and I was born with a penis. Where is your fucking argument?
The Idea people falling for this is just taking away my hopes for humanity
It's not trannies, it's just that Yea Forumsirgins are conflicted between their intense cock worship for CDPR and hating trannies.
Just in case. I don't want be fooled by Jewish media
>I'm a man and I was born with a penis.
Yes you are, and you will always be. That's the point.
sex and gender are two different things.
I-m literally drunk right naiw!
No, they're not.
I-m literally drunk right naiw!
are you a fucking retard?
yes they are stupid fuck lliterally google it
Why no one paying attention tl me u all retards kappa I love u aklA
Hey, come on, user. Go easy.
I'm fucking thrilled the guy who did the Hipster Cole design for Infamous 2 is still getting work like this. After that debacle, it was reasonable to expect he was never gonna work again, or maybe even get shot over it, but here he is doing the hero shot for a new game again!
imagine wanting to play a cyberpunk game but getting mad when the character creator allows something that is a theme in cyberpunk as a genre
Time to get some friends and pick up the pen and paper game.
Why should I have respect for a man that cuts off his dick for attention?
>time to get some friends
Do you believe everything that google tells you? Lol how pathetic
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
They’re forcing you to be gay? Sounds like the public school system
desu that sounds better. I'm a grown man with a family and work, and i have no time for 500 rpgs
Imagine calling a local restaurant and saying 'I want a table for next year, I'd pay you $60 in advance. Its up to you what will end up on my plate, bye.'
>Uh.. yee-ah, sorry Mr. Polish dude but I cayn't play yo game on accounta niggas gon' think I'm gay.
>In this demo at least
In this demo at least
>In this demo at least
In this demo at least
>In this demo at least
In this demo at least
>In this demo at least
They did it as a fucking demo, they're not going to force every person who picks a male V in the retail copy to be gay.
You fucking trolls. You're taking this shit too far and that's why the SJW will never cease to pester normal people. One thing is being against shoehorned politics, diversity for the sake of itself, and virtue signaling.
But you people want a negro-free, freaks-free, whatever-i-dictate-is-out-of-the-norm-free gaming experience. And demanding that in a game that has human degeneration and corruption and its core is just terribly retarded. Go die in another hill where it makes more sense, please.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting media to be free of homosexuals
i have eaten at restaurants where you do in fact wait a year to eat whatever the chef feels like serving.
>that's why the SJW will never cease to pester normal people
I know this is (bad) bait but the SJW came much earlier and the "nazi shit" is a reaction to it
It always is.
Female V was with a man, which shows there are straight relationships in the game. Male V was also with a man, which shows there are gay relationships in the game. This comes with the bonus of not having to bother to make a second character for V to wake up with in the demo.
Yes, there is. They exist. They don't have to be the fucking center or the world, or being overrepresented, or making every little character a fucking genderliquid shitshow.
Third law of Newton, nigga. For every force there is one equal but in reverse. If you push that stupid idea, you legitimize their stupid ideas.
Well, at least you get it. Still, I'm speaking the truth.
In a world where you can transfer your soul inside a machine, who says the latest V was a man? Just because his robot had a masculine appearance? Who says the former V was a woman? Just becauase his robot had a femenine appearance? The same could be said for the spic. If he's even a spic.
>Third law of Newton, nigga. For every force there is one equal but in reverse. If you push that stupid idea, you legitimize their stupid ideas.
Yeah why bother trying to do anything ever, there will just be an equal force in reverse. It's literally impossible for anything to be done ever.
Newton was a fucking brainlet.
They said it was specifically for the demo to show off the fact that gay relations are possible you faggot sperg.
That wasn't my point. What I'm saying is, be extreme in your ways, prepare to be extremely retaliated. Or, in other words, don't be just a fucking retard, if you don't want to be flocked by autistic retards. And this particular case is just retarded.
Why are you so obsessed with this? Seek help, man.
what a shame
>they exist
So do pedophiles. Doesn’t mean they should be in media
Went from a genuinely promising RPG to the latest in a long line of games that have failed to live up to Deus Ex 2000
You're wrong. But they don't have to be the fucking center of the world, or being overrepresented, or making every little character a fucking creep shitshow.
I guess you think that the only way you can portray something in a story is in a good light, don't you? You're sooo wrong. You can have all kinds of fucking sickos in a story and do not pander to them at all...
> he fell for the meme
> preordering
They don't. When have they done that? Can you prove me their story doesn't actually uses sexual deviations as another dystopic element, for example?
The thing is will they at any point take of the kid gloves when dealing with certain 'freaks'? I'm not talking about /pol/ bait but at least hinting at some of the uncomfortable, potentially negative aspects of these characters. CD Projekt is one of the few studios that might be able to thread that needle but after the poster controversy I'm not sure.
>Can you prove me their story doesn't actually uses sexual deviations as another dystopic element, for example?
yes see:
That image proves me right, user. You should try exercising reading comprehension.
Maybe I can just help you. [Advertising], megacorporations and all that lingo actually means the future is so fucked up, that if a corp learns a group of people likes to fuck dogs, they'll market them and prepare a full line-up of products just to be consumed by them and get all of their money... while recollecting precious footage and material that could be used against them in a court for being dog-fuckers. Do you get it, user? Do you get they are using it dystopically?
CDProjekt has never produced anything on the level of quality as deus ex gameplay wise, additionally their games have usually been pretty devoid of the sort of systems and reactivity that characterize immersive sims.
>complaining about trannies existing in a dystopian cyberpunk game
americans were a mistake
uh.. the corporation exploiting them is the dystopian element
the "sexual deviations" (aka tranny and freaks) relate to
>effort to increasy empathy for the LGBTQ community
>more acceptance in the world
>better place for everyone
nice mental gymnastics tho
>This is all to show that [muck like in our modern world], hypersexualization in advertisements is just terrible"
>A world where you are a Cyberpunk. That [advertisement] is what you're fighting against."
>The fictional advertisement is also an effort to increase empathy for the LGBTQ community among video game consumers.
>"We need it, I honestly think we need it because we need more acceptance in the world."
I cant stand this stupid tranny
A man's lot is to go without, to embrace the harder, bleaker existence, and smile on the fairer sex and her good fortune. Trannies throw away the nobility of maleness for something they can never have.
They literally changed the description of the game on their twitter bio from rpg to action/adventure.
I guess you're as gullible as the fucking retards they are trying to placate. Using the "future is so fucked up they even try to pander to your non-normative fetishes" trope doesn't make the actual thing less wrong. But hey, just put some sugar on top of it and all those enraged bastards will buy that excuse. I guess people is more stupid than I thought.
The first two quotes explains why they use extreme content as a everyday occurrence, because a dystopy just works that way. The last two quotes are they telling a white lie to people unable to handle the truth, just like you tell a child their dog is going to a farm to run and be happy, instead of addressing the actual problem beneath.
>t-trust me it may APPEAR CDPR is celebrating LGBTQP+ trannies and diversity but it's SECRETLY 5D chess to OWN the libs bro!!1
Everyone here will buy the game and there is nothing you can do about it.
can female player characters buy a dildo cybernetic
Unironically don't care about any of this tranny drama, I just want an open world Cyberpunk game made by developers I trust
>tfw 980 + 4690k
I just hope I can run this baby, i'm fucking sweating lads
any game with with the stink of tranny worship is a hard fucking pass for me
I know they are probably a different team, cant be sure, but witcher 3 didn't seem to show the signs. why is cdprojekt suddenly into tranny worship?
>but the elf trailor that likes to wear drag?
he seemed more of a comic relief character so i dunno he counts
Imagine being so retarded you cannot see what's in front of your eyes.
I have that same rig. I've been wondering if upgrading to a 2080 would be worth the hassle. How much years do you think we have left before upgrading?
What do you expect CDProjekt to say to these people? Our game exposes your degeneracy, die satan? It's not going to be anything more than periphery set dressing.
>preording games
>let alone a non-nip game
I've got no pity for preorderfags. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Smart move, I might hurl if I have to play this fugly game more than 2 minutes
It's for 54 here in CA
>no factions, have to be unassociated blank slate nobody the whole game
>no different apartments to represent the change in status with a change in living space
>only one childhood hero available now, less of a chance to have various characters in hologram
Is this game just going to be sci fi Witcher? It sounds like CDPR wants V to be a pretty hard defined character given how they’re voiced, how there is bullshit you just can’t do because they don’t want to give you the chance to define what kind of character V is
I havent needed to upgrade yet, i'm only worried about Cyberpunk 2077.
But frankly, as long as consoles are around, I don't think we'll need to upgrade anytime soon. I mean, 1060 is the most popular GPU on the market and it's roughly the same as a 980 (arguably weaker)
We should be good for this game and for another year or so
It's not really surprising. Every quest their writers have designed had a strong, well defined character at it's base. They probably weren't willing to make the sacrifices necessary for a wider scope of player characters.
"FANDOM: Will you be able to buy apartments in different districts of Night City?
Pietra: Absolutely. You will be able to buy a couple of apartments in different locations, so obviously upgrading yourself will push you towards a certain path in the game but saying any more would be too spoilery right now."
lol nope!
this is the worst offender
you show x then say y next year
why blueball like that
>so obviously upgrading yourself will push you towards a certain path in the game
Jesus christ, we can't even be corpos anymore. they really want is to be dumb street punks the whole game.
finally someone acknowledges it. the rise of the "alt right" or "white nationalism" or whatever you want to call it was a direct response to the floodgates being opened in ~2013-2014 to attack white people from all angles. the world suddenly shifted from "oh were all trying to be equal and we should respect everyone equally" to "white people are evil and must be stopped. all of society is a white patriarchal creation and must be torn down" when you attack a people as a group dont be surprised when they organize and fight back as a group.
>Is this game just going to be sci fi Witcher?
It should be really clear by now.
it's not google telling you what it is
google is a tool that helps you find information from credible sources that have actual scientific backing
the problem with google is that it no longer supports scientific evidence, but rather political correctness, just use a different search engine
but the point still stands, the truth is out there, all you need to do is search it, it takes like 5 seconds of your time
100% off if you pirate
Game is turning into a generic FPS.
I want to go back.
based and piratepilled
This. Day one. GOG version.
>will get a case with reversible cover art (for male and female protagonists)
what about other genders ???
literally preordered
what now tranny faggot?
>there are two sides
>6 million death threats
>buying physical for the cover art
The map, the artbooks and the Cyberpunk 2077 guide are why you buy the physical. If you want the special cover art there is a steelbook with the collectors edition but i personally am not rich enough to pay 250$ for something that i will buy second hand half price later.
No dude you don't understand rpg is stupid immortality chip is where all the fun is don't you like Keanu Reeves?It's going to be fun yay!
Lmao they wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't going to make them more money, you naive child.
Got a Source with that bullshit user
there's also a steelbook in preordered normal edition for 60$, that's why i preordered
>there's also a steelbook in preordered normal edition for 60$
Well fuck.
70% off so it's like they're paying me to take it.
it's gonna be deus ex but with AAA budget, while missing the sole aspect that made it so memorable even to this day, the narrative
i want you to look here what do you see?