What the fuck is this shit? Did they try to make a Halo game? At least Fusion was cool

What the fuck is this shit? Did they try to make a Halo game? At least Fusion was cool.

Attached: Metroid_Prime_3_Packaging.jpg (220x309, 23K)

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Primefags killed the series. Metroid is and always will be a 2d game

Unironically yes
Its Halo: metroid+waggle edition

everyone was making a Halo game in 2007

Does it ever get back to the regular Metroid gameplay loop? I'm very early so I only just got the Hypermode.

not so fast

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>tfw they will never make a better prime

Attached: SI_GCN_MetroidPrime2Echoes_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 293K)

Gets better but not by much
There is still backtracking but its worse than 1 and 2 because of linear all the planets are

just wait on 4 bro

Half life 2 is the Halo of pc games

Halo was a PC game you fucking mongoloid

game too long
areas are too boring
bosses are too easy and drawn out

3 never had a pc port until this year

>plan to replay the prime games
>everything going great with 1, feels good to play make quick progress its very fun
>reach chozo artifact hunt
>"Ugh, Ill take a break, come back tomorrow"
>havent picked it up again

they did it's called Prime 1

>just got around to playing Prime 1
>it's already better than 3
That's sad. I do like how 3 had all the interactions feature first-person animations, though, 1 cuts to third-person a lot.

>Does it ever get back to the regular Metroid gameplay loop?
Borderline, but it's underwhelming and streamlined.

Fucking loved the sky planet aesthetics, that's about it.

Prime 3 is the best of the series. Only bad thing I remember was clunky cutscene transitions.

yup, it's one of the worst parts about prime 1 and 2. talk about killing the pace. I understand why they do it but I don't agree with how it's done.

>best of the series
How so?


Because remember how the Metroid games have always been about being alone on hostile alien worlds where every bit of flora and fauna wants to kill you? Well, fuck that, enjoy your nameless faceless space marines and linear corridors.

Prime 3 was so bad I like other m better
At least other m was so bad it was funny instead of boring

Play PrimeHack

Attached: prime2.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

Halo is an Xbox game that got ported to PC.

Even prime 3 was better than that

Only downside is Retro going nuts on spider ball puzzles and key hunting

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Looks like the same amount of broken that playing Goldeneye with mouse and keyboard is.

Nah, Other M isnt even so bad its good
Its so bad its so boring

Holy fuck I've been looking for this my entire life

There's no such thing as a "so bad it's good" game.
Either you have decent pacing and variety and you're good, or you're fucking boring.
The same applies to movies and books.

1 > 3 > 2

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Fuck off bitch nigga. The entire Prime trilogy is top fucking tier and absolutely on par with the best of the 2D games. You'll notice Primefags don't shit on 2D Metroid? It's because they like games more than you do.

Finally, some good fucking taste ITT.

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Oh no, I was fucking bored during most of 3 and haven't played 2 yet. That's going to be a slog.

Is Hollow Knight a good game or a meme?

Nah prime games fucking suck

Yeah, because being able to have infinite hypermode and shit on everything is fun right?


Attached: WHAT THE FUCK WENT WRRRRONG.png (2260x2440, 2.62M)

It's a Super Metroid clone with Ducktales combat, but neat ambience.

It's fine. And a massive meme. But it's always probably the only indie metroidvania besides La-Mulana that isn't completely forgettable.

Because Prime 1 and 2 are very, very bad about creating an overworld that’s fun to backtrack through. Prime 1 sends you through the exact same few rooms over and over and over throughout the game to get to the few shortcuts between zones that exist. They slowed Samus’ movement speed down and cut down her movement abilities, but didn’t adjust the size of the world or its design to compensate. Prime 2 is even worse in that regard because now you have two worlds to deal with.

Prime 3 segmenting its areas into separate worlds isn’t a perfect solution, but if they weren’t going to dedicate a shitload of time to improving their overworld design, it was the right choice.

I can only see myself playing the third one with mouse and keyboard. If you lock-on, then that defeats the purpose of using a mouse, but if you don't, then you can't strafe.

Doesn't seem that much different than playing with the Wii remote, aside from being able to turn faster.

Unironically both. It’s a good game but the pacing of upgrades is fucked and the upgrades themselves are pretty generic. It’s mostly about combat and boss fights, which are good, but I don’t think they shine as much as they would if it were just a linear action game.

People who praise it to high heaven are all either
A. Plebs who’ve never experienced an atmospheric game and are therefore taken in by its aesthetics
B. Git gud faggots who for some reason take way too much pride in beating the harder bosses

Probably why it's a hack and not just Xinput.

it is very much worth it, especially considering its generous pricing

Just started playing with this.. fucking glorious


You kind of learn to use a hybrid of both. Lots of bosses have tiny ass hitboxes that you can't precisely hit otherwise

That's the third in the series. It plays nothing like Halo, and it's anyone's guess why you're comparing it to Fusion at all. Stop trying to fit in, you're terrible at it.

>Can't find a prime trilogy iso download

Attached: 1444242341089.png (665x662, 119K)

this is what i use. might have to turn off adblock though. portalroms.com/wii/metroid-prime-trilogy-iso-download-torrent