>physical media is better because its your's forev-
Physical media is better because its your's forev-
Other urls found in this thread:
All will return to dust eventually, user. It is the way of things.
if you take care of your discs they should last a long time
but yeah the best way to go is a mix of both digital and physical more only if you enjoy collecting
find something in your house right now that will last forever
my cum sock
My plastic waterbottle :^)
my virginity
I put my original 1997 Final Fantasy 7 disc in my PlayStation the other day and it works just fine. Don't treat your property like shit and it won't get fucking destroyed.
I have DVD-R's that I bought and burned back in 1998 which still work today. They may not be 'forever', but if you keep them under ideal conditions, they can last quite a while.
pirated media is the best, now stfu.
It didn't survive
>he doesn't print out a copy of the game hex for copying back manually in the event of the disc not working
Have vidya
>destroys their physical media by sitting it out without it's case and grinding it all over the fucking place
>whines that physical media sucks
That looks like sun damage, don't leave your discs out by the window you troglodyte.
If you don't backup your games then you can't complain when you lose them. DRM is the only thing preventing you from keeping your games for life, and in that case digital vs physical doesn't matter.
The meatloaf at the back of the fridge
I can't believe people still fall for that /g/ meme
this is only for shit quality cds
The mess in my room.
1. buy physical, then you actually own a 'master' of the content
2. digitally back up in inevitable event of 'disk rot'
remember, entroy is inevitable, if youve got the physical copy you can duplicate digitally infinite times, but if you have a digital copy and the operating company goes out of business, you cant redownload if an hdd craps out
My neighbors body in the closet
haha, plus twenty gamer points to you man
My cockroaches.
A blu ray will last longer than any digital media platform. A cartridge will last even longer.
I think my toilet will last thousands of years if you don't touch it.
This only happens to shitty early cds before disc presses were perfected.
That pretty much never happens from ps1 games and up unless you're a tard and leave your discs sitting out in the sun for years.
Otherwise the theoretical life of a pressed cd is in the hundreds of years.
The mold in my bathroom
Twinkies, they don't expire.
frig off Spoony
This but you can't expect retarded kids who are all digital on their consoles to fucking know anything about anything.
I own over 1000 games on discs, and while I have not checked every single one, the only time I have ever come across disc rot was from my saturn and Dreamcast games. These games were from back when I was a child and didn't take care of my things. Also, Sega used shitty discs for all of their disc based systems, which is why the disc rot is only evident on my Sega games. Even my old PS1 games from the 90s, also during a time when I didn't take care of my things, have no disc rot what so ever.
You can't duplicate if your physical copy gets fucked either. There is no real difference, the solution to both problems is to have multiple backup copies anyway.
>i'm totes old guize! muh 32-bit era!
You know music CDs go all the way back to 1982, right?
user please no, not like this...
I have CDs that are older than this and they're still in perfect condition
Switch is a godsend.
1. Because so many old-ass classic titles are being re-released on it in a brand new cartridge
2. Loads of games that were previously disc-only titles are now on cart. Ensuring longevity of the titles far into the future.
10 points for Ravenclaw!
Im pretty sure most of your dishware will practically stay forever
I see digital fags shitpost about disc rot all the time, but has anyone here actually ever had it? I own thousands of games from across several decades and I’ve never once seen it. Only thing I’ve actyally experienced first hand is gameboy game save batteries dying.
disc rot is a meme
Digital is objectively superior to physical and I will list one reason why.
every single problem you guys have with digital is not tied to being digital itself. it is tied to DRM.
so digital is like communism, it should be good in theory, but it isn`t. so it`s still shit, shut the fuck up
>I'm just trying this game before I buy it.
>Yeah you know what, after giving it a hundred hours, I don't think I want it.
Pirate logic.
You can tell the "digital goods aren't real" retards don't have jobs since no one gets paid directly anymore.
I have discs from 10+ years ago that are still in new condition with no scratches, because I'm not a fucking retard that treats my stuff like shit.
Jar of honey
damn this would make me so mad i'd have to say something
>haha just gonna slurp straight from the ladle at a buffet :^)
Pirates seem bases as fuck
Now the Albertson's soup bars are ruined forever for me. At least the chicken wings are safe.
>people itt thing 90's and 00's like it was that long ago
>2020 is next year
Will we still here by 2030 lads?
>he doesn’t know
fuck you.
The same amount of time has passed from the 90s to current year than the 90s and world war 2.
Of that was a DVD or a blu ray it would still work. CDs, however, put the data layer directly beneath the surface label
it hasn't been 40 years since the 90s you idiot.
W-What don't I know?
True. Level 31 virgin here. And I feel fine with it lasting 60 more years.
Piracy and Preservation go hand in hand
One is looked up to and respected, the other is frowned upon and hated. They're the same thing with different intend.
They use similar methods, similar tools, similar cracks if need be, and both hate DRM
Name one reason to hate a pirate that you can also hate preservationists for as well or like just tell me a time where either saved your ass i guess
I probably won’t be. Moving to Australia next year and I’ve heard that 4channel has been blocked there since the NZ church shootings. I think I’ll take the opportunity to stop coming here rather than going out of the way to change my IP.
Yeah, see, this is why I dont like going to buffets. You dont know what kind of retards do this shit, or sneeze all over the food.
>Name one reason to hate a pirate that you can also hate preservationists for as well
General pretentiousness and attention whoring.
I see people eating from chicken bar all the time. They even dig through the chicken with their fingers to get the biggest wing.
I'd love to kick that old man in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin
What the fuck, those barbarians. There's a set of tongs there but no napkins to wipe your hands so what neanderthal would choose to dig in with their hands?
respectable answer, but in the event they get into an argument with people of similar intent they often resolve it a lot quicker
for example if you found that many roms were improperly dumped by one source, would you bitch about the source and hope someone else replaces the roms, or dump them yourself and tell everyone to go fuck themselves.
for a pirate it doesnt matter, but for preservationists any modification to a rom that breaches its integrity is a problem, which many dumping methods tended to do back then.
It's always funny how people forget how shitty DRM was getting for retail games before Steam came around. Even if Steam hadn't happened, trash like Denuvo would still have come around.
Even after the sun has swallowed the earth as it inevitably becomes a red giant?
I don't fucking think so. Get dabbed on by science, nerd.
fucking white people!!!!
I saw someone didn't wash their hands after they went to the toilet and then touched all the produce!!!
>all the musicians from the grunge era are now in their 50s
cobain isn't
Probably my meteorite
Cornell either
>musicians from the grunge era
>living past 30
Don't do heroin.
Kurt will always be 27 in everyone's minds. Can't get Marlon Brando'd if you die first.
was only a dns level block like thepiratebay. i had no idea it was supposed to be blocked until i saw it was on the news.
>They even dig through the chicken with their fingers to get the biggest wing.
i saw a dude doing that grab one, lick his fingers, then go back to digging through more of them.
he did make it 53 before he an heroed.
>tfw nirvana sucks
Not in my house but I imagine Volvo 240's will survive the heat death of the universe.
Damn he didn't look 53 when the band was getting back together.
>kurt cobain discussion
>in a piracy bait thread
this took an interesting turn.
name one time piracy bit some retard's ass
name one time piracy saved your ass
honey in a plastic bottle, it will fucking out last me
Goatees are the man's botox.
Properly store your CDs and this will literally never happen. I have an original windows 95 CD that still works 100%.
It's good in practice actually. See: GOG. You have a problem with steam and epic games and battlenet and uplay, which is fine. But that doesn't define all digital.
my digital game collection will unironically last until I die.
Lost my v card at 31. I was about to become a powerful wizard too but I threw it away.
Yeah but what about the tablet battery? Once that goes and Nintendo stops producing them you're done forever. The switch is such a fragile gaming format, it's like storing all of gaming history on a thumb drive.
My piss bottles.
the stench of ur mums moist jizz filled pussy
I like physical, I like collecting (not hording every title, just ones that mean alot to me), but I dont think any game is in danger of being lost.
I have 100 PS2 games but I always just run the isos from the PS2 hard drive. Nobody who owns a PS2 runs out and buys physical media they drag and drop that shit.
Nintendo shut down their Wii shop... But I hacked my Wii long ago, and my 1TB hard drive contains the entire store, or at least anything that could pass for a game.
Sounds weird coming from me but you should play the game not the disc.
The release of the Super Nintendo is closer to the Moon landing than the current day
The same amount of time has passed between the PS1's release and today as between the death of Elvis Presley and the PS1's release
The PS2 is now as old as the original Donkey Kong arcade game was when the PS2 launched
The same amount of time has passed between the Xbox 360's launch and today as between the fall of the Soviet Union and the Xbox 360's launch
My PS1 games are still fine. Is final rot a meme made my slobs who don't look after their shit?
What did you do?!?! My hair metal CDs from the 80s are still flawless, listened to my Dokken CD just a week ago.
my games
Blu-rays have a guaranteed life of at LEAST 50 years with "normal use" i.e. not perfectly stored.
From an objective point of view, the only good thing Nirvana played was The man who sold the word. Everything else is sub-par.
My pocketknife. 100% metal, mostly titanium and steel, nothing that will degrade or break down over time.
The intrinsic power of Yea Forums.
Nobody can deny this man's powerlevel.
guns, knives, and such, assuming I preserve them in cosmoline by the time I die
First post worst post, just dump the disc onto a hard drive/ multiple hard drives
I bet you also have butterfly knives, you edgelords.
>tfw have lost mine
I used to want to get rid of it but after I did I felt pretty disappointed, sex is fun but it's not really all it's cut out for.
You might die a virgin but atleast you'll never be milli vanilli
>get signed up for what seems like a great deal
>except you don't actually get to sing you just lip sync
>eventually it gets exposed
>no one will buy your music or believe you're credible ever again
>one of the guys killed himself
Im gonna be 27 this year bros...
You better not belying about those wizard powers...
fuck off noguns
Sorry for insulting you, please don't perform sick knife tricks on me.
ill shoot ya ded, scamp
I have almost 500 cartridges and they all run perfect and some have been played 100's if not 1000's of times already. They will most likely last my whole life which is all I give a shit about. My kids play my exact games from 25 years ago, they will have the same memories as me.
fucking boomers
Except for anything made of tempered glass or hard plastic.
>implying Space Ayys haven't already pounded that sweet sweet ass of yours on multiple occasions without your recollection
>reposting the same image over and over and over and over and o
What happened to that disk anyway? Scraped by dusting paper? Pissed on with radioactive piss?
Hmmm... + dnscrypt proxy and you're golden.
Take better care of your shit and it will last longer. See this picture? I took it 2 days ago. Notice the CD? Pristine. From 1993.
I've got a few jars of honey.
kys zoomer
>thinking its explicitly for phones
you might be retarded user
Ok then you pedantic fuckwit. I choose one of the neutrons in the matter that makes up my dick.
I'm pretty sure Switch carts are regular nand flash, so will start to die of bit rot in a decade or so. (as opposed to the oldschool mask rom that lasts basically forever)
don't worry, you'll melt the fuck away before any of your precious material good will
i hope you feel equally hollow
>From an objective point of view
do people know that if a license for a digital game they like got taken away from them they could just pirate it in a second and it'd all be hunky dory
>buying food from something where other people can touch it and rub it as much as they want without your knowledge
Sorry to say user, but you've already consumed sweat, boogers, blood and fecal matter from complete strangers if you're enough of a beast that you'd dare dine on grocery store publicly served food
>thinking plastic and glass stand a chance against the sun going supernova and scorching the planet
user, OP's pic is a meme. It is one of several "completely fucked CD" images that are constantly reposted to make these threads.
fuck off
>Not taking care of your stuff
Begone, zoomer!
Except plastic
Why, my peanus weenus of course:D
It all returns to nothing
you can do that with DRM free installers as well
Not OP, and not that user, but plastic DOES degrade. Just very slowly. And you need to expose it to the elements. And leave it on the ground.
I laughed even though I too will be virgin forever.
I don't care anymore.
All we are is dust in the wind.
my love for her
I have a cd from my childhood with a bunch of games burned on it that is older than most people on this site and has a section like that and it still works (though it crashes when I try access some data).
Would have absolutely said something
There are virgin females (yes, those exist) who would have no problem fucking virgin males over the age of 13.
CD-Rs aren't exactly made to last.
C Deez Nuts
Atoms n shit
>World war 2 was in 1960
>he doesn't have digital backups of all his physical media
Tbh at this time we still have working disks that are older than any digital retail alive today. So while digital copies have the potential to live longer, it was yet to be proven in the real world.
what happens when the hard drives turn to dust, brainlet?
Npcs have no self awareness.
>owning knives and guns when you don't hunt let alone go outside
how the fuck do you get disc rot?
i dont even store my shit well and they havent rotted away
posting in epic thread
Plastic is a indestructible polymer. To be damaged has to be expose to other things as you said, biodegradable is the new thing to sell for plastic, it came later.
I doubt those will survive the heat death of the universe.
That's why I have all my games on vinyl
my depression.
I got music cds from the mid 80s that work fine. Disc rot sucks but can be avoided if you store your disc's right