I find it funny how quite a few people all over are falling on the gambler fallacy of "we have to have a female DLC...

I find it funny how quite a few people all over are falling on the gambler fallacy of "we have to have a female DLC cause..." we've had three males?"

I personally think a female is just kinda likely in general cause theres a lot of female characters that'd be good fits.

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Because Sakurai likes waifu's
And, marketing likely wants a female character for the reason of either waifu or female demographic appeal.

Name five female vidya characters that would be on the same hype level as Banjo Kazooie.

Why are you fucking trying to confront you retard? Thats a completely subjective argument that I cant answer cause what would satisfy isnt what would satisfy me. That and I didnt at all imply I think one or the other on that subject of "hype"

Careful, he'll think because you didn't actually name anyone that he's in the right.

I've literally never heard anyone say this besides you until now. I think you're just making it up that it's a point of contention. Also, I can't even think of a video game female appropriate for the slot anyways. Maybe 15 years ago I would have said Lara Croft but she got ruined by movie games and doesn't even resemble her original self anymore. Even now I'm trying to think of one and I still can't. I guess if they put Spyro in that Cinder girl dragon would be a good alt for her but even then Spyro would still be the main guy. It can't be Terra from FFX because Square just got a second rep.

Who the fuck would you even want anyways? Marina from Mischief Makers? Nobody gives a fuck about that game anymore.

You're just gonna be a pessimistic cunt about it no matter who we say, aren't you?

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user for god's sake just check the Yea Forums desu archive. female and maybe smash in the serach box.

Not really. If the goal of the Fighter's Pass is to be as profitable as possible with huge character reveals, what female characters would be needed as heavy hitters? Reimu's the only one I can think of.
Seconding this user here. I'd just want to know what characters are big enough for inclusion.

>Reimu's the only one I can think of.
People like to shitpost about “Oh, Dragon Quest wont make it in because it’s too eastern,” or “Banjo won’t make it in because he’s too western”...but I’m willing to put money on Reimu NEVER making it in aside from a spirit at best because of how irrelevant Touhou is outside of Japan and a very loud weeb fanbase. I can’t fathom how anyone can unironically suggest her.

I could see Amaterasu, Morrigan, Jill, 2B, Shantae, Lip, Adeleine, Nakoruru, Kasumi,

none of them are hyper to me as Banjo & Kazooie

except Shantae

no one is going to be as hype as banjo kazooie

Truth. Reimu's never getting in, drop it already

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Who's on first base.


I love this pic

Let me translate that to Male English: Well fuck you too, I give up.

>literally Never Ever tier

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This. I would love to see her in but, with the recent fighting game female thing, I don't think it'll happen at all now.

I do as well
Reimu is the true never ever

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Maybe someday! But it's best to have absolute zero expectations for her.

post the one where Reimu has a REALLY big smile.