What are some other franchises that pander to a small loud minority?

What are some other franchises that pander to a small loud minority?

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what small loud minority does Pokemon pander too

I'm assuming he's referring to "gen 1ers"
the people who prefer red/yellow/blue over the games that followed

Presumably people that like Kanto
He's a salty zoomer that doesn't know Kanto is by far the peak of pokemon popularity. Sorry you were born after 2000 OP, maybe in another life you can be one of the elite

when you say "small loud minority" do you mean the gen 1 minority who over a billion people playing pokemon go? Is that the "small loud minority" you're talking about, user?

there is no other easier outing than people complaining about gen 1 love for Pokémon, it is the original, and the one that started it all. You zoomers -wish- you knew how big Pokémon was back in Gen one. You couldn't walk down the street without somebody talking about it. There is a reason it is the only thing "normies" and most want, because everything, see Sword and Shield, is terrible. Stop being naughty, zoom zoom.

based and red pilled, unironically

look at those pokemon

Maybe you should be passionate about the pokemon you like instead of being a whiny bitch and they'll appeal to you more

user I started with Red and I'm sick of the constant Kanto dick sucking. The 3DS games couldn't build their own region because they kept stopping to go boy that Kanto sure is great huh, much better then this shithole.

>tfw zoomers don't know when every single fucking person was rocking around with pokemon cards, kids, teens, adults, everyone

it was like pokemon go but on crack

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We all know gen 1 was best gen so btfo zoomer

>popular = good

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He's right, you know.

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>small loud minority
I don't think you really know what Pokémon's main audience is. They pander to a silent majority and the sales show it.

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I really wish they hadn't just shit out the Let's Go games. Imagine an FF7R caliber remake of Kanto by a competent developer.

This. Like it or not, Kanto brings in the big bucks. It’s the most popular out of all the generations, and that won’t change for a long time, if it ever will.

>It's a loud minority!
>W-wait no, it's a big percentage of fans b-but that's still bad!
Pick and stick to a narrative before starting to shitpost

Imagine if it actually tried with gym and dungeon design. Even Platinum changed shit up from D and P.


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Imagine being born after the 90's Pokemania

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>mfw I see some zoomie

top fucking kek

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WHich is funny because Kanto is supposed to be a backwater region

GO has pokemon up to gen 4 but okay

the original push was all pokemon gen one based, they only got added much after

see the original trailers etc.

I have no clue what you mean by couldn't build their own region, it doesn't share a single location with kanto, nor a single character. France and Hawaii are as different from Kanto as you can get.
In fact if you want to talking about selling out identity to other regions, then you should be complaining about how Looker can't stay in gen 4 and has to be in every game since then.

Didn't have muh billion downloads then

kanto fans are not Pokemon fans. They are casuals that only care for Kanto.

still used as the original push and got it there, in one day it hit 1m downloads, this only got more and more until gen 2/3/4/ were even spoken about

You mean the original fans? Stop coping that you're one of the fake new ones and projecting because you have to deal with gamefreak adding silly things like new pokemon forms and "z" moves, only for sword and shield to completely remove them next game and add "giant" pokemon kek, like shaking a pair of car keys at a toddler


But user, forms were added in fucking Gen 1 with this faggot.

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young children

surfing pikachu a cute little fatty though so it's allowed

>gets to completely fuck over his weakness type
Yeah, nah

Imagine if they didn't waste dev time on a game that already got a remake and said remake is already brought up to date with basic rom hacks.

you can do that if you have a surfboard, it's the rules

why can't they just make an new groundbreaking pokemon game
it really isn't difficult
they have all the time, man power, and money they need to do it

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Well, Yea Forums? With all the backlash Sword and Shield are getting do you think Gamefreak will pass the torch and let another company make a Pokemon game? Colliseum and Gale of Darkness were received very well. Not sure why it hasn't happened yet since GF clearly can't handle the hardware.

At this point I feel like literally any dev could make a better game. What if GF designed the mons and characters and the other guys made the world and the engine?

You know why, user.

They don't need too. All they need to do, is make new shitty pokes, a couple of cute waifus to hide the shit game and cause fake hype "LOOK ATTHIS WAIFU WOWOAWH" and it'll sell millions. Just the cursed series. It will never be what you want it to be in your head. As a friend I say this, just let it go. It's like holding onto a cancer.

Take it from a Sonic fan who gets shit game after shit game, nips will never cave. They will never, ever give the rights to somebody else. It's just the way they choose to be. It's like a honor system over there. Any other dev could, but they won't.

>genius sonority only got to make 2 actual rpg pokemon games
>they've been making nothing but shovel ware and puzzle shit for the past 15 years

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don't they care about their reputation? everyone thinks they're lazy fucks
it honestly baffles me how the pokemon franchise has been handled the past 5 or 6 years

It doesn't matter, when Pokémon Go made them over 3-4billion. It doesn't matter, it's the casuals, now. It isn't "ours" so to speak. None of it matters, user. It will NEVER be what you've got in your head. They don't need it to be. They can just get by doing this.

i have faith for the future but pokemon will be shit for a few more years
it's already getting to a boiling point with gamefreaks idiocy
even the casuals are getting annoyed