Sword or shield?

Sword or shield?

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I'd put my sword in her shield, if you... wait...
I'd sheathe my...
I'd use her as my shield on my...

It's sex. Sex is what I was going for.

Until they announce plans to add in the rest of the Dex, neither.

what a fucking reddit comment

Shield, the sword legendary just looks stupid.

cute smelly feet

i used to have a feet fetish, until i realise that they don't have any funky smell

Yea but sex with who?

sword, both bitches are ugly

neither, it's shit.

depends on the person and shoes/socks.

I've never used Reddit.

I was a huge fan of Cracked though?

The black one. Seeing your semen leak out of black pussy is so much more satisfying because of the colour difference.

that is such a stupid fucking reason to get horny over something and the worst part is it's the third time i've seen someone say this

oh shit sorry i meant COPE SEETHE CRINGE HAVE SEX

Claiming a female biologically is literally one of the biggest forces in getting horny.

redditors lmao

Attached: reddit wojak.png (753x960, 29K)

Sword. I feel a little strange not picking the red game, though.

Contrast is hot. Get some taste you uncultured swine.