So what did you play today ?

So what did you play today ?

And how are you holding up ?

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morbidly depressed

come back in 6 hours



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Been replaying this and honestly I'm bored of all new games all the good shit doesn't come out till 2020

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But it's 4am in europoor

Couldn't sleep all night, I'm probably dead in 6 hours

DA: Inquisition. My ps4 external crapped out and I had to redownload everything after formatting.

So It's father's day tomorrow, I'm depressed.

tired as fuck, depressed as fuck, lonely as fuck, broke as fuck.
i open a game and close it after 5 minutes or so maybe even less,
I only come here because "i lost control of my life"

nothing but working on my mother 3 sprites for MUGEN

emotionally fatigue after a shitty Thursday

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Brother went to live with his gf and took the ps4 with him.
I came back from presenting my research paper for the first time very tired and now I'm watching Pokemon season 2 with my wife while waiting for pizza.

I miss playing Ragnarok Online tho.

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Sorry to hear that, but I can definitely relate

Atleast you're still looking forward to something, I can barely get hyped even for cyberpunk anymore

Just beat Cuphead last night.
Scatter + Coffee works wonders in the later phases of the final boss.


No idea how old you are but I'm happy you can still enjoy simple things from the past like Pokémon, I loved it back then but now I'm too old and jaded for it

Rogue Legacy, just beat the game with only 5 heirs
Aside from the times I bash myself on failing to get a job, I'm alright

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Bioshock and Quake

Im doing okay, I feel like Im not ready for life to pick up so quickly.

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Eating some fried rice and playing Sleeping Dogs later tonight.

It's fun

Holding up alright. No complaints.

Banjo kazooie and fortnite

Feeling good

Mario Odyssey. It's really fun.
I'm just scared because I can feel the alcoholic neuropathy when I wake up in the morning. I feel dizzy, it's hard to balance, and I can feel my imaginary headband tightening.

borderlands 2 dlc. its fun. op4 gear, i wish this game had more endgame.

Animal Crossing

Not well

Starting DMC4SE on PS4 for the first time, any tips? (as Nero)

I played the Xbox (old gen) version of Splinter Cell: Double Agent on Xbox One
>even though I beat it on a GameCube emulator two weeks ago
>the Xbox One version is also stuck in 4:3
>idk what I expected to be different

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No idea. I think the only reason I haven't offed myself is because I'm too damn lazy to.

It's funny. I don't really get depressed because I hate myself. I get depressed because I hate most others online and actively wonder why most people aren't more like me.

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i have absolutely no faith in my life,i'm a neet without any idea on how to move on,literally every new game seems so fucking boring that im trying to make one myself,but ive zero motivation to continue,im pretty tired of my fucking life and with id just die,everything goes wrong,i cant even believe it sometimes,heck,even my mom died last month

Lost like 4 games today. Feeling real shit playing "my favorite game". Looking forward for the next season of the Yea Forums league, though.
I broke up with my girl over trivial bullshit a while ago and now realize I have no idea how to start dating again

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I'm having one of those nights again. Oh yeah, I guess I played The Silver Case today.
Be sure to get your MAX-Act and Shuffle timings down.

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Crypt of the Necrodancer. I'm pretty not shit at rhythm games but that combined with tactical enemy combat feels like patting my head and rubbing my stomach at the same time. I'm learning at a good clip but the constant dying is grading on me.

Also started Hyrule Warriors on Switch after getting pretty far on the 3DS version a while ago and losing my save file. Forgot how grind-tastic the game is if you want the good stuff as quickly as possible.

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So I should unlock those before anything else?

What do you call the good stuff?

Working graduation weekend fucking sucks
Megaman Legends

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You should just get some basic combos first to learn the game and then go for those.

Holding up. I feel nothing, but I'm able to live comfortably so it can't be all bad.

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Spyro 2

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Lone far sails or whatever the fuck it was called.
3 hour long driving simulator, the ending was disappointing as fuck.
Before that, battle brothers. Hit the point where It stopped being fun again.

And alright I guess. Who knows?

fallout nv
>tfw don't get sleepy until 5 am

Thanks. Take care of yourself

Dragonquest 8

Feeling ok.

Persona Q2

Mad that a long term friendship is ending because I’m not interested in playing PUBG with my “friend” and his friend who doesn’t like me, who contacted me on my birthday just to ask if I had bought a new computer to play it, and my refusal apparently makes me the awful

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>completed AC4: Black Flag
>currently playing AC: Rouge
I'm pretty damn good. Life is simple but fulfilled.

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I played ff7 for 12 hours today. I am very tired

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Splatoon 2

Doing pretty good. Enjoying talking to friends and doing dumb shit with them. Life just feels chill right now

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Megaman ZX, replayed it a year later and now i can find more value in this underrated gem. Also tried replaying ZX Advent but dropped it almost instantly

As for myself, after the shitfest that was last year, i may be living one of the best time periods in my life. I'm still kinda scared on what the next decade will bring to the table

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Im playing Fallout 4 for the first time, survival mode. I installed a bunch of mods, thousends of gouhls in the city, mutant/raider overhaul, etc. I dont bother too much with the main quest.

Pretty comfy, but sometimes I have that question "Why Im doing this, what exactly im accomplishing here?" I just dont know f4m.

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Giving Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie a replay, also replaying FF7.

Started Divinity OS, it's a little intimidating because of how long it's been since I last played a big RPG like it but I lost my job a couple of weeks ago so I figure now is probably the time to jump in

>Why Im doing this, what exactly im accomplishing here?
Enjoyment is the only thing you should be caring about, if you're entertained then it should be good enough.


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Played some Initial D Street Stage

Pretty good except for a wave of fear and anxiety thinking about my future

we've got to turn it off
flip a switch
***guitar riff***

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Nothing today. I usually do play something but today I just slept.

Doing relatively fine at the moment, but generally terrible and I should really kill myself already. I am only able to endure this shit because I'm a NEET.

Got my Dark Samus into Elite Smash today, 5th character I've gotten in there.

Feel like my life is going nowhere.

if PQ2 should tell you anything, you're better for not sticking with that person. Getting pissy because you're not like them is dumb.

played battlefield v
not well, especially because I didn't enjoy playing the game thanks to all the microstutter and dipping below 60fps constantly

Breath of the Wild, but only for like 20 minutes.
I'm just exhausted, I had an 8 hour shift today and Saturdays are such a rush. And I have to be back in the morning so no more vidya tonight.

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Been playing Blaster Master Zero on Destroyer mode and streaming it on Twitch with Zero Viewers. Comfy

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played NBA 2k cause idk why

I'm doing ok I guess. My OCD is driving my head crazy and keep overthinking shit

At this point getting a job is a meme even the nu-males are making fun of people trying to get a job

Gaten Matarazzo's cool new Netflix prank show is all about screwing with people trying to find work in Prank Encounters

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I played some Company of Heroes 2. Tried out the new patch. I also spent ~six hours fapping to H-games.
>how are you holding up
I'm tired as fuck and I have few hopes for me getting proper sleep on the sunday-monday night.