3x3, 4x4 Thread


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Oblivion and Evropa are cool

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+twisted metal, Age of empires 2, MS 3, SF2, Fallout, Europa 3, and Clock Tower
-oblivion, demon souls, civ3

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what about the rest?

I either haven't played enough of the other games you posted to really evaluate or I haven't played them at all. The Dune game looks great though.

you wrote 7/16 tho, that implies 7 games liked about 16 you played.
>The Dune game looks great though.
Its actually not the best dune game, but i loved the ost.

Like/played. How do people still not understand this?

Super Metroid and FF6 were incredible.

I loved Metal Slug 3.

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I'm a fag. Clearly the older I get the more my brain is deteriorating.


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Super metroid is super kino
Third strike is a nice game even if the roster could be better. Didn’t player a lot of Heartlgold so i don’t count it
Plague INC is good shit. I have yet to play the Kirby Super Start remake

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4/5, + DMC and Deadly Premonition
4/7, + Parappa
4/5, -Yoshi's Island. I wish I liked it because it's a good game but playing it makes me physically ill for some reaon, I can not play it for more than like 15 minutes at a time.
11/14, lots of good choice on here. +EU and SM64

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Emperor: Battle for Dune? Wow, that is a rare thing on here.

is this some ironic zoomer shit?

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What game didn't you like? I'm curious.
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The only Tales game I played was Berseria, but Arise looks really fucking nice.

>What game didn't you like?
Just Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I could never get into it for whatever reason.

Would Uprising benefit by being emulated and played with a gamepad or M/KB? I keep hearing people rave about it, but my hands hurt terribly whenever I try to play it on the 3DS.

I like Vesperia better than Berseria. Vesperia was one of the last ones to use a variant of the original tales combat system, Graces and beyond have done a different system that basically eliminated normal attacks and made everything a "special" or arte as they term them in the games
So I wouldn't use Berseria to judge the series as a whole because older games play differently than it.

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Admitting you like BotW on Yea Forums is this generation's Alamo, I respect the hustle

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Based. I've never tried the unity port though.

Here's my 3x3 for soundtracks too

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4/4. Why EOIV over the others?

You should check strategy games for better ost
>all that chiptune
Nier ost > automata ost
dick freeze is fantastic.


I don't know why.. people make BotW threads years after it released and have positive things to say about it.

Party build variety, soundtrack, pacing. I feel like EO really benefits from having some sort of palate cleanser between dungeon dives, I loved the ship minigame in 3 too.

my favorite games when my wife's boyfriend lets be use the computer

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6/7 +SM, SH3, H2, FF6, MMX, Rondo -sotc
2/3. Shooting the car gas tanks in San Andreas to make them explode was really cool, idk why did they dropping that mechanic going forward.
5/5 +P4, P5, NV, M64, BL
3/3 +YI, SM, CV4
2/2 +Parappa, UMVC3
2/4 +P4, Kotor2. we gonna make it user.
2/2 +MC, MHF. I can respect the display variety

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>skyrim on same chart as morrowind
questionable taste at best

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I like Morrowind's story and setting better but Skyrim's gameplay better. I find the attribute system in Morrowind to be clunky, unfun, and redundant because player agency is already established by advancable character skill lines, so Skyrim did that better. Instead of having to make sure you spam jump while wearing medium armor and wielding a spear to max out your endurance gains early in game in order to avoid permanently crippling your character you can just play, use the skills you actually want to use. Morrowind and Oblivion felt like you had to spend time doing stupid shit before you could actually play the game. Skyrim you just played.

>I find the attribute system in Morrowind to be clunky, unfun, and redundant
it was easier to fuck up your stats and/or not use your character to it's full potential but this is a wrong and bad opinion

No, it's the right opinion and that is why they got rid of the attribute system. It was autism in video game form. Unless you want to permanently cripple your character you don't dare just start playing the game because you'll gain skill ups too quickly in your major skills and gain levels without good stat bonuses attributes don't apply retroactively so things like your health are permanently lower than they'd be if you leveled "efficiently" IE getting 10 increases in misc skills governed by desired attributes and then not gaining any more improvements in any other misc skills before you sleep to level up, then gaining exactly 10 major or minor skill improvements to be able to level up, sleep apply your attributes, and repeat until around level 20 when you won't gain skill improvements and have maxed endurance so you don't risk breaking your character as much.

Then you can play.

Your other option is using mods to make it always give max attributes on level up, mods to apply attribute bonuses from endurance retroactively so any fuckup isn't permanent, or just fucking cheat with the console commands. It was a dumb system and I always modded it out because I wanted to play not spam jumping in medium armor with a spear.


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Didn't play most of the shit in all these Grids, so I'll review them normally.
Terraria, SH2, Psychonauts and TF2 are amazing.
Only played bottom 3, all great. Any recommendations?
>original Diablo
fuck yeah.
Your wife's boyfriend has great taste. Sonic CD is incredible.
For me, X5 has better soundtrack.
Shit, I need to get into the Ys series someday. Bonus points for Tales of Phantasia though.
Got me into the mood to play some WRPGs.
All games are great, nice.
Nice to see OSRS getting some love.
Seeing FFX being represented is always nice.
>Prefering R&C3 over 2.
Mad respect for DQIV. Great taste overall.
Advance Wars 2 is incredible, nice taste.
Suikoden is such a good fucking series.
Basic but pretty good overall.
The best one by far!
+Respect for Clock Tower, Metal Slug 3 and Full Throttle.

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>Best Souls 2
Extremely based

OP opened the door for bigger so here's the 5x5. Got some more into Sigma today, particularly the Mission mode. Not only do I love modes like this and/or Devastation's Challenge mode, I think they should be a standard feature in them. Just drop me into a tailored combat challenge of my choice once I've had my fill of the game progression.

3/3 (Twisted Metal Black, SFII, SM All-Stars)
0.5/2 (~Go -Minecraft)
4/5 (+SM +Halo 2 +MMX +Rondo -WoW)
3/3 (HGSS, Smash, 3rd Strike)
5/5 (Stadium 2, Emerald, SM64, Smash, KSSU)
4/4 (Yoshi, Uprising, SM, CV1)
3/5 (+PaRappa 2 +++UMvC3 +BiS -MKX -Sm4sh); MKX is the best game in the series and it still plays like shit, and I don't see any reason to play Sm4sh for Wii U; at least 3DS has Smash Run. You're still my guy for UMvC3 and PaRappa 2 though.
1/2 (+RS -Minecraft)
2/3 (+SoM +Prime -Skyrim); I admit I didn't get far into SoM but I liked what it was going for and loved its music. I'm very excited for the remade Trials of Mana due to the combat system revamp, and in threads for it I've seen people talk about a ROMhack of Secret that speeds up the combat. Maybe I'll try that.
Well, you've definitely got great taste in vidya music based on this.
Yup, that seems about right.
4/4 (SM64, Mega Man, & Knuckles, SM); KH2FM has been really shooting up my backlog and I'm thinking I might pull the trigger on 1.5+2.5 during the PSN sale since that's about the cheapest I'll get 2FM on PS4.

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SoM I think why I like it so much is because it has co-op. I'm hoping Trials of Mana has coop as well. It's really unfortunate that the SoM remake doesn't have online coop.

The Trials/SD3 remake doesn't have co-op, they confirmed that. Funnily enough I think a lot of the changes to the combat that I think will be better for me are in part why they cut that.

that's a shame though, coop made the game more fun even if it was kinda wonky with having to be on the same screen as the leader.

>Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Is it better than Black?
been really wanting to play Ninja Gaiden recently

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I get what you mean. I'll be getting DXM and maybe MUA3 for my Switch so I won't be starved for a co-op action game if I want one though.
I got Sigma because I don't have anything that can run Black. That said, I think it's slightly better. It has less bonus content and slightly different level design but it's otherwise the same game with more and some QoL improvements. You can fire the bow in midair, you can play as Rachel (I find her fun, and her killing Fiends and ninjas makes her feel less useless), and the visuals are better (the pre-rendered cutscenes from NG04/Black stand out a lot compared to the in-engine PS3 stuff though.

Undertale's music is annoying and only good if you know nothing about music.

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Oh, and perhaps most importantly, you can uninvert the camera controls. The defaults invert both the X & Y axis and that's basically unplayable unless you rely on R1 to recenter constantly.

oh I'm not starved for coop games it just made SoM itself more fun.
I'm waiting on the trials PC release so maybe there'll be some mods or something.
both SoM and SD3/Trials had such good soundtracks too.


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You're right there. I'm listening to Danger from SoM right now, specifically the scrapped alternate version from the remake (which shits all over the version they used in the remake proper, like it's just sad that they went with the version they did).

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sometimes I feel like im making a schematic

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do you happen to know if Trials will get a remastered soundtrack?

I have to imagine that there will be new versions of each theme rather than just the SNES tracks (although that option would be nice).

hopefully they don't abuse accordians so much, the remake soundtrack has some kind of bad renditions because of that.

The dev interviews from E3 show that the team is well aware that the SoM remake was a series of missteps.

based, it'd be a shame for them to ruin something this good.

It kind of is if you want to put like games together and/or arrange things so your top favorites are closer to the middle.
Sure why not

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I'm going to be a warlock. So might as well further my understanding with the base power of words using english runes in an unpredictable environment.

Holy fuck another TGMbro

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TGM3 is based, anyone who doesn't like it is a coward

You boys have quality taste.

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