just why
I love my wife 2B
Because you have anal in the passive role.
or not 2b
I love her too..hehehe
He's creating 2b sexbots
>guy can barely catch the plot of a video game
>thinks he can be epic manic edgy pixie dream neckbeard and post video game waifus on his twitter feed
He needs to fuck off.
Elon Musk barely plays games.
He loves best girl
How can I invest in 2B?
>2B will never sit on my face
is there anything more tragic in life?
>He loves best girl
But he never tweeted about 6O?
That A2 will never sit in your face
She is pretty heavy.
She would destroy your face.
Yes my fellow tech nerds! Don't you see how cool and hip I am? Don't you want to buy one of my cars?
elon doesn't need to play video games to understand that the human race wants, no, needs an army of 2b sexbots
He's going to make her real
Automata was a mistake.
2B or bang 2B?
wtf i hate nier now
For me It's A2
>She is pretty heavy.
Yeah she is. 368lbs of probably metallic frame by mass.
robot gf soon
make it happen musk
Wow what shit taste. Commander is clearly best girl
>I sure love acting like I'm on a first name basis with Elon!
Based Elon, making anime real
I already regret this thread fuck off you horny losers
>Yea Forums - Twitter Screenshots
Some people gonna be all about the 2A, and other's about the 2B. ooooooohhhhhh! Spoiler and innuendo
She can crush my neck with her hips any time
I don't mind at all
>Elon Musk will create the first sex robot
I'm looking forward to the future
>make shit non vidya thread
>"wow i regret making this thread because of shitposters"
end yourself phonephag
>when you realise all their names are pencils
Because he wanted you to make this post
Is he going to start making 2B's or something? Where can I borrow $250,000 or how much ever he wants for one?
Sold 4 million copies. Taro can charge $500 for the next game, and I'll pay that.
Who is that and why I should care?
Reddit and other like minded retards have turned me against Elon, I don't want him making me turn against Nier as well
Are they?
>Taro gets normies to start posting a 148.8kg robot with 88 hips
The madman did it he got retarded liberals posting subliminal /pol/ memes.
To be crushed under her butt would be a good way to go out
>Taro can charge $500 for the next game, and I'll pay that.
Me too because I'll pirate it.
why not? 2b is amazing. based elon.
i really hope so
i hate this faggot
can't he just fuck off already
No seriously, what did they mean by this?
I like how you can see how fake these tweets are
Because it's literally all vague weeb memes and never any actual weeb stuff
>haha le catgirls amirite
>haha le mecha amirite
Yoko Taro was a mistake.
why does nier automata get praised so much? I tried it and all I got was this:
Nice animations/Lovely OST
Terrible graphics unless using a mod.
0 Patches since launch, requires a hamfisted, shitty loser DRM patch to fix the game.
Terrible spammy combat.
Repetitive 'sidequests' that have you doing fetch shit running across areas.
Repetitive story, hidden 'deaths' for no reason.
Replay the whole game again with a different character! .. No thanks.
2B's ass was nice. But I just do not see the fascination surrounding this game.
That androids are heavy? It makes sense.
Exactly what you read
Dumb nigger
You might have autism senpai.
2B is so 2017. This is the new thigh queen.
>elon announces real 2b waifubots
time to buy some shares i guess
Can anyone explain why people who didn't finish the game constantly want to give their opinions about it?
You have a small pecker.
This guy has one of those faces where you can tell on first glance that you're looking at a subhuman piece of shit
Her body is like a Barbie doll, right? A combat robot has no need for nipples and vagina.
weebs have the worst taste
Literally who
Nice defense. Still not buying it.
>148kg slammin down in cowgirl
What doesn't crush your pelvish makes you harder.
she can store quest items in her vagina storage
I don't want to buy shares in SpaceX or Tesla I want to buy shares in Elon's drunk/high daydreams.
>Her body is like a Barbie doll, right? A combat robot has no need for nipples and vagina.
>commander has almost an entire meter of ass
>waist is still perfectly slender
>only 175 high but 166kg of tits and ass
literally build for sex
stupid ass weeb shit
That's some shitty looking fanart.
>tfw 1.85 with a fetish for girls taller than yourself
It sucks
>pretends to be a weeb on twitter
>still hasnt done shit with is money like create mechas or androids
Seriously what the fuck does he even do?
Besides being just another retarded twitter drone.
She's pretty fantastic but she's way more obscure than 2B.
>The fucking Commanders stats
>Still no porn on the same level as 2B
he invented the tunnel, sold oversized butane torches and lives off of paypal money
also he did something with rockets but I think that was just for the lulz
Even as a artist myself I think thats an annoying post.
What if Elon just saved a random art from google and posted on his twitter?
The artist is the one that should sign his fucking art so no one needs to "credit the artist".
Why is it so hard to see dominant pictures of the commander on top of 2B and A2
theres a shitload of sfm with her
A combat robot has no need for a mega thicc ass either but here we are
I just want to let you know that you are my nigga and your impeccable taste has not gone unnoticed.
because people who like video games are losers with such low social intelligence that they are easily fooled by posers looking to repair their e-cred after publicly accusing someone else of being a pedophile because he got his feelings hurt
that's why
>2b is actually happy she is a combat android because her job otherwise would be 320lbs of pussy and ass
Ah yes because otherwise people will think he drew that himself. He I would have just replied with yoko taro
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. HH
Shes a machine made of metal you fucking dumbass.
>man 2B is really cute, but I hope this doesn't blow out of hand
sounds like one of us
You hurt my feelings, eat shit.
Wow I'm going to save up money so I can by this person's product because he also likes another product that I also happen to like. we are so relatable.
How do you do, fellow ̶k̶i̶d̶s̶ ̶n̶e̶r̶d̶s̶ ̶g̶a̶m̶e̶r̶s̶ weebs?
Those lips look kinda icky
Dont like that
Not video games
Who IS !2B anyhow?
Anyone remember when nier automata got a pretty big boost in publicity before it released because a certain edited image of 2b had a darkening around where her anus would be (like some girls have) and some places thought it was real?
I didnt mean to point at that guy at the end, my finger slipped
I would like to see the image
How I wish I could un-read things. Hell, I can't even visibly sage you. Fuck this.
It's not about people thinking he drew it himself, it's about him using someone else's work and effort and posting it for publicity without crediting the person who put in the time to do the artwork.
Does this mean elon is about to start a new company for android waifus?
I understand
It's a definitive work using other people's copyright. He's as much in the right as the artist is if he doesn't credit them
Is he /our guy/?
Derivative not definitive I miss typed
I mean, if there's ONE guy on this planet right now that's capable of making her real, or at least of making it happen faster, it's him
>ywn have 2B's dark butthole on your face
Why even live
Again, it's not a matter of the property being under copyright or the artist's work being a derivative. If you create a piece of art, even if it's based off some other form of art, that doesn't mean someone else can just take your material and post it without credit. You have to be braindead to think that kind of argument holds any merit.
im happy for taro but it really was
Wow this guy is just like us!!!!
I am going to buy stock from Telsa to support this fellow anime lovers! (otaku)
We already know the canon answer.
Androids can get upgrades to have genitals that work as well as a humans; other than inability to impregnate/get pregnant, however there's no reason to assume combat androids would have them equipped at the time of the game.
That said the Commander is not a Yorha unit so she probably does have a vagina.
Is there a law somewhere he has to? He gave credit to the copyrighted character and the owner of that character is public knowledge.
In the event it was official artwork would he have had to research which individual concept artist it was drawn by? He isn't profiting anything from it or is claiming ownership and the only one who isn't really covered by fair use law is the artist unless they licensed the character
incel is mental
Its probably that disgusting neet bitch hes dating thats tweeting for him.
How about thinking for yourself rather than worrying about what others do?
Why indeed
He retweeted possibly some of the ugliest art for 2B out there.
Why do wh*toids think thick lips are attractive? Why not go kiss a fucking gorilla? They have huge lips you'd probably love.
do you realize that elon musk is just a regular guy who make this kind of posts to build his ''lmao le geek guy'' persona
because her moveset is so sick
Only for Chadcels.
And because becoming a puppet of the government made him go insane and to stop caring anymore.
>reddit talks about how great and awesome elon is
>Yea Forums autists being the contrarians they are now have to pretend they hate elon
>reddit is now talking about how great and awesome keanu is even though the internet in general has loved him for decades
>Yea Forums autists being contrarian now have to pretend keanu isn't great
It's honestly really sad that other people liking or disliking things literally formulates your opinions on things.
You wanna talk about calling people NPCs when this is what NPC behavior actually is, unable to think for yourself.
I hate elon because he is a snakeoil hack popular with idiots. Which sums up redit. It has nothing to do with 4chins you npc.
not based.
not based at all.
I see you typing words yet they don't form coherent sentences. What a fucking retard lmao.
>low iq person who "formulates his opinions based on other people liking or disliking things
>thinks Yea Forums is one person
>everyone mad at him not saucing the artist
lets see you consumer drones invent a car
I don’t like Elon. For me, it’s Thiel.
>invent the car
musk cultists are dense
How long until SE forces Taro to do a sequel
lets see you invent a tunnel
Not long now. I want it to be something really taking the piss like the entire world being repopulated with 2bs.
What? people have been talking about how fake he is ever since he started weeb pandering for some reason
programming language
! means not or isnt
>What if Elon just saved a random art from google and posted on his twitter?
Then he should have thought twice and not done that
>enji will never do clown 2b with her fat puffy muff in the shot
I saw Keanu Reeves at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
>2B or Factorial 2B
what did he mean by this
Man anything to avoid working on salvaging Tesla, I guess.
>pretend to be a weeb
>never use all that money he has to fund a Berserk anime remake without CGI shit or a full AAA anime game
Fuck off Elon shill
>do the sequel or I'll call you a pedo!
fuck off jeff
A2 was the best girl of Automata.
She's actually worst girl, because she cut her hair
Great taste, as expected of Elon-senpai
Anyone else think it's kind off weird seeing nier go from a niche game to normalfag tier status?
>elon's last wife goes on to play a robot temptress on westworld
>elon now obsessed over 2b
he can't let go...
Most anime stuff is full mainstream culture now. America is tired of its puritan roots.
>this technology will only be developed because people are horny and want robo waifus
I don't know how to feel.
no because all the thots won't stop cosplaying her
fuck off it's just the perpetually attention hungry fame whores latching onto the new "thing"
Don't post that niggerwhore ever again.
He literally admitted gaming is why he made space x in the todd interview
So, business as usual, then? 99% of good things in the world only exist because men wanted to have sex.
He means companies not jews you fucking schizos
>Yea Forums hates special snowflakes
>Yea Forums also hates normalfags and people who aren’t special
kanye was a massive weeb far before it became mainstream. there's a definite chance he showed her some anime
now we know who he mains
C) Buy the press so they can use it to tell lies for them.
Which is exactly what they did/do.
> Ever giving a shit what Yea Forums thinks.
I don't give a rats ass about Musk but Keanu has been a fucking treasure since bill and teds excellent adventure and anyone who has a problem with that statement can fuck right the hell off.
He's been a memetic goldmine. Stoned Keanu, Sad Keanu, the myriad Matrix related memes, Man has been aces since forever.
Fuck you if you don't like Keanu. He demonstrably makes the world a better place for everyone who's even tangentially aware of who the fuck he is.
So what's happened to Elon Musk this past year? I haven't been keeping up with Tesla and shit, but every time I see Musk on Yea Forums he always does some videogame-related shitpost on social media.
So I guess having any of the Yorha girls ride my dick like a cowgirl is out of the question. Not only would my dick get crushed, my entire pelvis woudl also shatter from the weight of having a 150+ kilogram android girl riding me.
Nothing happened to Musk.
Journos got more and more desperate for clickbait and he's just baiting them like literally everyone the fuck else who speaks english on this planet because they have a compulsion and will never not bite.
>nier is now normalfag central
It was good while it lasted. At lest they'll never touch Drakengard.
Yoko Taro should've just stuck with making bad games.
She's pretty light for a robot. If we made it with our tech, it would weigh a ton.
Superior thicc busty 2B with lips
2B is for dumb fucking weebs who played the game to the end of route a and dropped just to say they played it and liked robo booty
A2 is for intellectuals who respect and enjoyed Taro's work and understood the point behind it.
Commander is for patricians who's taste far surpass those of normal men
>not like 9s
Io is the new hotness in 2019.
Literally who
Nigger you played this game you are a fucking weeb and gay
>Respect Taro
STFU unironic weeb
It's not just cuz reddit talks about something, they spam it nonstop and obsess over it until it's no longer cool or interesting. They can't help beating dead horses
Who owns the companies you faggot
White people ofc
and China
>Nigger you played this game you are a fucking weeb and gay
>STFU unironic weeb
Well done, I can't recover
>so this is how it began
Would you buy a Tesla branded sexy battle android?
why did automata catch on so hard with ironic weebs
What exactly do you have against luscious lips?
>creates an illegal PlatinumGames art forgery
>asks someone else to credit him
>cosplayers all want to be 2b for clicks
>2b slowly becomes a sex symbol
>sexually repressed normies i can haz fetish?
blame thots the more popular something becomes the more normie retards will start appropriating it.
thats why you have retards that listen to nigger "music"
2b is this generation's Tifa and Lara Croft. The bitch is literally everywhere.
I like that about him.
>thinking that laws = morals
Do people think that's not a fair request?
The short answer is yes.
The long answer mainly focuses around how many people on *this* website alone spend their time asking for sauce, because literally fucking no one ever includes the fucking sauce, and I'm betting you don't either.
Not using ||
What a pleb
Elon doesn't give any shit anymore wasn't he?
! in front of something in some coding languages means not something, like != is not equal to
>2b or !2b
>to be or not to be
I want to put a baby in Toob after marrying her.
Elon is bringing us sexbots, screencap this post.
Cuz it's funny
Science isn't about "why?", it's about "why not?"!
Why are you faggots obsessed with social media?
Do you think he makes Grimes dress up as 2B?
2B is the most perfect woman, real or fake, in the world.
>The artist is the one that should sign his fucking art so no one needs to "credit the artist".
it's good because it will slightly reduce the value of teslas (less of a status symbol when the ceo is seen as a dweeb and not a captain of industry)
without a doubt.
>White people and China
You still have a long way to go
>that doesn't mean someone else can just take your material and post it without credit
>this isn't implying legality
fuck off
>tfw 2b becomes real
Now all of the virgins on here won't need to fuck real girls and i can fuck robo waifu.
What's Elon gonna do when Tesla shits the bed, bros?
>tfw he will make 2b, A2, 6O, 21O real
Looks like I'm finally going to have to buy a Tesla
Elon looks awful, he clearly needs to take a vacation of he will just die
What does 2B's butt smell like?
the smell when you open a cd case for a new video game that you waited at the store for a midnight launch
what's the auto industry gonna do when it shits the bed after failing to compete with Tesla?
he can do what he wants faggot
Please make robot gf elon. I'm so lonely
like your dad
based af
And now the nerds have to hate it, because it's popular. Thank you elon. weebs btfo.
My wife's butt smells like heaven.
Waifufags. I finished it, fun game but not exceptional.
musk is obsessed with getting a teenaged ironic following like trump or milo and other celebrities
he's trying really hard, too, it's pretty sad that a billionaire does this
>born just in time for robot-waifus
the future is now
>be elon
>want to create 2D women but realize roasties and their orbiters will fight it
>decide to autistically devote yourself to making space x just to get the needed funds and the perfect cover
>Manage to make it work and start revealing your true power level
>Normies can no longer judge you since your more successful and roasties can't do anything since betas are obsessed with science making it difficult for them to rally betas against Elon
>now he reveals sex bots are coming as well
Lads, I think the best timeline is about to begin
2B so that I can bang 2B as 2B
He also does this to take attention away from his various scandals like underpaying employees or breaking international laws.
It's amazing how well it works because people are so stupid
When being trending on Twitter means buy and getting downvote on YouTube means sell, you will see more companies whoring out in social media.
I suspect some faggot fund manager set-up quant investment based on social media performance.
So, Elon keep talking about anime and weeb vidya while tesla fucking rots
Is this some publicity stunt, or is he taking a shit on his investors pretending its a publicity stunt?
I don't think he's really trying that hard, he probably has a passing interest in this stuff and just happens to have a large following. It's still incredibly vomit inducing how hundreds of thousands of people fellate him for omg rich ceo like thing me like :OOOOOO epic
Maybe he's just shitposting for fun and not every decision he makes online is directly related to Tesla?
It's not even the best game in the franchise but it's the most normie of all due to selling the best and having the lowest barrier to entry. I really enjoyed it but it caused irreparable damage to even cozy Taro threads because horny losers can't stop posting 2B's ass. I'm glad his game sold well but unless he does something about it he will only be known as the guy who made robot ass.
based and redpilled
automata is a pretty bad game the only difference is that it has enough visual flair to keep normalshits interested.
>Automata is bad
lmao no
keep dreaming its nomie fag shit now
Source on the 2B wallpaper?
i need that wallpaper and a site to buy that laptop sticker from.
Elon gonna create sex androids quote me on this
>gears gun has a orange top
implying any retard would believe its real
why didnt the artist think for themselves then? fucking retard