Mike Pondsmith creator of Cyberpunk 2020 telling off the bitches
Mike Pondsmith creator of Cyberpunk 2020 telling off the bitches
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Where is this from? Lmaooo
He's always been based as fuck
>based black man!!
fuck off redditor
It doesn’t make a difference though, what did he mean by this?
Is Bob citing FBI statistics while running from police again
In response to the recent animals gang Bullshit RPS was pushing
Why is it always white people being offended on black people's behalf? Seems pretty racist to me.
We ARE cyberpunk
My uncle Big Bob is in Guantanimo Bay as a guard beating up sandniggers.
Because they are actual racists who think black people can't take care of themselves.
Why does he have to invalidate his whole post by taking a jab at white men who don't relax around blacks?
What's the mod it installed? High velocity lard injector?
what do you think based means?
Same reason they fight for animal rights
>sheeit you finna whypipo be double racist and sheeit go yell at yo f4m my niggas
What did he mean by this?
it's like sony cucks being "concerned" about other platforms and pretending they care.
Really makes me think.
>Uncle Bob
>have ZERO idea what he's talking about
I don't know if I should feel sorry for Blacks more or families that can't have a decent get-together without drama.
Thanksgiving has always been about based family recipes, being close to one another and stuffing your face until you feel like you're going to burst. Never have I ever had an awkward moment at that sort of get together.
Blacks can't take care of themselves? What a crazy notion!
Nah you see all white people have a racist uncle they have to tell to shut up.
Fucking idiot BTFOs himself.
80% of all these minorities who allways get offended or have problems with a product aren't interested in it or didn't want to buy it on the first place
So why even put attention to them? You give them an inch and they go for the mile
>have sex, don't have sex
okay, uh...
Try bringing a black gf next year and see how it goes over.
>withdrawing affection
Yet demanding affection continue when no means no, is rape innit?
My family is shattered but I guess what is at least doesn't talk politics are gatherings.
they have no culture
Are they whining about the black thug? I thought blacks would think that guy is cool as shit he's right out of rap video.
Gotta love him.
Dude, gross. I don't like dark meat.
I eagerly await resetera's reaction.
>something something internalized racism
You now realise you are Uncle Bob.
People are already calling him an Uncle Tom on Twitter
This is a pretty obscure but recent post. Many people probably wont see it or wont realize who it is . I urge people to post it
They are already calling him shit
I don't have to fuck blacks to prove I'm not racist, OK?
Yes let me ruin a family get together because of my relatives political opinions, stupid NIGGER
You know based is a black word right?
>types of abuse
families are overrated
Let me guess, it's white people calling him that.
wrong you all live in white culture in the US or Europe because black culture is still in Africa building some Huts out of Clay and Straw,
He's too based. SJWs are going to destroy him now.
So? Nobody likes the creator of the Witcher books either. CPDR's curse I guess.
A white person on twitter would never dare say that to a black person.
It will be a white person pretending to be a black person.
Im not surprised, Ive been Im apparently a Neo-Nazi Klan member because I dont automatically hate everything Trump says.
But dark meat is the most flavorful and nutrient-rich meat.
He's telling people to grow a pair basically. These people don't speak up in real life and are pussies getting offended for others online
My family solved that issue by not inviting him to Thanksgiving anymore.
Seriously, I invited him ONCE and one of the first things out of his mouth was "Your house looks so much nicer than (my mom)'s house." while she was standing right there.
>It will be a white person pretending to be a black person.
Ahh, my favorite.
Unironically based
No, in the E3 demo there's a Creole Voodoo gang.
It's one of those "racially charged" types of things, where some people come away thinking negatively just because it "went there," like the mere possiblity of it doing some objectionable thing is as bad as if it actually did the thing.
It's full-on thought crime shit, and it really proves that people desperate for representation will never be satisfied.
My family wouldn't actually care and I live in the south....money has actually broken up my family instead of race...my Thanksgiving usually consists of about 6 people usually.
Based. All white people should just die honestly
Lol i love this Guy even more
This, but only the ones that don't own guns.
I lied, that is my favorite part of the turkey. OK? I just really don't find black women attractive, physically or emotionally.
reminder these are the people telling us 5G is a good thing
so far the jewish subversion has worked flawlessly.
>white text on black background
didn't even read
Isnt it a good thing if gangs have their own culture instead of just being a melting pot without personality?
Makes the game more interesting.
What if I'm that racist uncle that nobody has the balls to tell to STFU? I kind of enjoy that feeling.
False without a source, also resetera loves cyberpunk
>The people who most understand Star Wars are dirty hippies always talking about auras and reiki
I respect your preferences and support your right to freely express them without judgement.
>Chad's shirt
for fucks sake
Seriously this, holy shit, fuck white people. stop being offended for other races. YOU are the bigoted ones.
>All those words
The right can't meme
What are those posts in response to?
Your dystopia is not that of cyberpunk movies and books, with cool purple haired cyborg punks in leather jackets, which is not a total dystopia in itself because all the protagonists always have a lot of freedom in the outskirts of society which is almost everything and there's a whole underworld acting as "a resistance", but that's another story.
The true dystopia that you will have will be incredibly boring, no extremes will be tolerated unless it is an extreme expression of the mainstream, clean white minimalist architecture will dominate the interiors while the worst modernist architecture dominates the exteriors, absolute surveillance will be the norm, barely any economic freedom, you will not be allowed to climb the social and economic hierarchy unless you become "one of them", otherwise you will be destroyed, you will not be allowed to save much money for yourself, there will be no freedom of speech and no freedom of thought, children will be taken from their parents and forcefully "educated" by the state, complete guilt-induced indoctrination of the population, the average citizen will become a political fanatic of the mainstream, complete emasculation (metaphorical or literal) and infantilization of the population, complete rewritten of history, antagonism to any of this will be intensely mocked, violently opposed or considered a mental illness.
Does she speak in ebonics? As long as she didn't give off the ghetto impression they'd be fine with her.
I'll tell my uncle bob he's based and redpilled.
>If you don't have trannies you don't understand cyberpunk
I don't recall any trannies in neuromancer
white people love feeling superior. its just that in this age its hard to claim you're superior without stepping into white supremacy territory, so the think themselves as morally superior than the rest
Transgender being a playable thing in the game.
Thread on resetera announcing gender options in Cyberpunk
In other words, our dystopia will be less Cyberpunk and more Mirror's Edge.
But with less parkour since everyone will be even more obese.
The reference is 2+2=5, what an absolute retard
Trannies would be extinct in a world like Cyberpunk when anyone can become fully male or female.
But I am the racist uncle Bob of the family
you probably suck his dick too
How actual blacks feel about the game compared to reset trannies
shut the fuck up
200 IQ post
Legitimately based. Fuck SJWs.
wait it that the alt right way of thinking? Like "blacks have lower IQ/ arent smart so they were better off as slaves/servants" or something
>Being a dick to a family member just because some opreessed dude tell me to do that probably wouldn’t never care about me
Even if my uncle is wrong, i’m not gonna be a douche to him.
This can't be real.
as long as they vote for my team they can have as much reparations and white guilt as they like
Oh boy, here we go.
trannies btfo
That's fine. Are you an asshole like the people Mike is complaining tho?
DESPITE being a part of the 13%, he's absolutely based and /ourguy/
resetrannies on suicide watch
Remember when trannies were first gaining traction saying they weren't men they were women or vice versa? Now they're fine with being called transgender and think its a separate thing from men and women, we've gone full circle and i don't know how we got here
I hope this tranny fad dies out soon. I wish Mike all the best, he's seems like a good dude.
Kill yourself faggot
>it's legit
rather have a 13% than a 40%
Literally /ourguy/
>Creates cyberpunk with a clear critique of "snowflake" individualism
>Pretty much the reason chan's exist to counter that notion as 'anonymous'
I'd be more surprised if he said he hasn't hug around here.
>removed childhood heroes
but why tho
I want people who browse reddit and Yea Forums to leave fucking forever. You people have never been welcome here.
>tfw Mike probably told one of us to have sex
I wish the 13% would use their 50% to raise the 40% to 100%
That's such a weird nonsequitur, though. No one even brought up tumblr or Yea Forums.
Wow, fucking based!
its okay user you can have sex in my game
Isn't /tg/ an actually decent board? My high school English teacher went there.
>clear critique of "snowflake" individualism
Most people don't understand this it seems.
i wonder what boards he browses, TG?
Maybe I used to be in the past, when i was more SJW, but right now i don’t think so
Just when I thought I couldn't love this man anymore.
>You might've called Pondsmith a faggot who doesn't understand cyberpunk and you wouldn't even know
great voice, creative and a man with the head down to earth, how you can't love him?
we literally already live in a cyberpunk dystopia except when the rebel protagonists try to save us from the corporate-state intelligence apparatus controlling us we fucking hate them and want the state to murder them (Manning, Asange, Snowden) lmao
how based would that be
Yeah it's weird. Maybe replied to the wrong post?
both state controlled from the beginning
Only insofar as the overall decline in quality that Yea Forums's experienced over the years.
All of Yea Forums sucks, but /tg/ doesn't suck AS much as shitholes like Yea Forums, /pol/, Yea Forums, /soc/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, etc. etc.
>when i was more SJW
why the change of heart?
Glad some people are enjoying the game rather than needlessly circlejerking over something they hate about it
Huh, didn't know Bulk was a tranny, is Skull one too?
is cultural appropriation a bad thing?
thought this was a self-insert for a moment until I read the name
>literal reddit nigger
meanwhile the elite controlled opposition dominates the public discorse while simultaniously both pretending to be the resistance and attacking any genuine resistance
Pretty based.
This guy is pretty fucking based. Even if it comes from Reddit. Basically telling people that video games don't need this crap if it doesn't want it and to shut the fuck up about it.
>we almost got Mike as Dex DeShawn
SJWs started hating everyone who wasn't a gay autistic disabled black transwoman.
But more realistically, because they started making it obvious that they hate men, so they have nothing to offer me as a man who isn't a self-hating cunt.
If the SJWs hate Cyberpunk surely it will be a based game.
you mean the elite manipulates media to appear as if their resistance is dominant
in reality they're a bunch of pasty fat soiboi retard faggots with a lot of (((money))) from soros
I'm probably one of the most egalitarian people on this thread and I can say, with absolute ideological security that that faggot has at no point watched Blade-runner, played Deus Ex, or read Neuromancer. She has no intention of playing Cyberpunk 2077, and would have had no understanding of the meaning anyway.
Even greater respect for this man! Telling the cold honest truth.
>sounds like a trashbag when he moves
Fucking kek.
Is he your mom's brother? If so, isn't he just teasing?
How many of these people bickering about whatever-phobia is in the game would actually purchase it if it removed those elements?
Automatic dilator.
Say something nice about his self-insert character.
Shit like is exactly that.
You aren't supposed to WANT to be like that, at least sincerely. It's a cool idea that is terrifying in practice. The whole genre is about the death of "humanity" and how it gets subsumed by corporations and technology, which causes people desperate for any sense of individuality and "being" to resort to shit like this.
It's like saying "Actually, I understand Animal Farm better than you since I let a pig make all my decisions for me."
Trannies love cyberpunk
Will trannies still need to dilate their necroginas in 2077?
>SJWs are going to destroy him now.
I see we're now allowing reddit colonies to form on Yea Forums. This place has truly fallen far.
What does Blade Runner have to do with Deux Ex or Neuromancer?
Holy shit! Now he is a redpilled bro!
Based. Fuck SJWs.
>he thought that was real resistance
Wew boy you are one naive son of a bitch.
If Resetera finds out Cyberpunk was made by a literal Yea Forums user then they'll send all of their pedophile trannies to destroy the game.
The secret must be kept safe.
>white people don't get upset for me
>white people get upset at thanksgiving for me
Typical darkie
for the wrong reasons tho
I don't care what they like because I wouldn't even think about them at all if it weren't for Yea Forums.
Every time a non-white person tear down some npc's white-savoir complex I feel a warmth inside like we're gonna make it after all.
From the thumbnail I thought he was holding a keyblade.
Who the (bleep) do YOU think you are to tell HIM whether or not HIS reference was done right or not?
/tg/ was fantastic for a while, but it has had a lot of ups and downs as the mods and userbase butt heads over what they want the board to be.
At this point it's nothing special, basically just any other Yea Forums board except about mtg, dnd and wh40k instead of other bullshit. Long gone are the days when you didn't need any other boards because /tg/ would do them better anyway.
Hey man Im eating over here
Is he based and redpilled?
Do your best Mike!
Why couldn't Cyberpunk come out in 2012 before all this tranny SJW bullshit nonsense really took off? Look at this shit. This is literally the worst timeline ever.
>implying trannies haven't been whinging about the game since E3
what resetera really loves is normalizing sexual relationships with children
Thank you
who FUCKING cares faggot. you? are you a tranny? is that why you care?
you have to go back
have sex
you do realize he probably only visits /tg/ right?
They're all cyberpunk stuff, some of the best for each medium at least in my opinion.
Wow after seeing this image, I'm convinced the Goose could make a convincing Mitler
One of those things isn't Cyberpunk
I'm genuinely shocked it isn't an argument over the sun this time
Why is it called Cyberpunk 2077 then?
Using any Yea Forums board says a lot about you
Hi, Mike.
The tabletop is in the past. 2020
The original P&P game is called Cyberpunk 2020.
Like how cool you are right?
All they can do is bitch and whine. They won't change the steely resolve of Mike and the people at CDPR. Maybe lesser devs would cave to the pressure but not them.
it can be but it shouldn't be by default
cultural appropriation e.g. by corporations for advertising or branding purposes is pretty fucked up, but there's a difference between that and just people celebrating each others' cultures. it's the difference between using someone else's culture for your own ends versus appreciating, celebrating, and respecting it. one's bad, the other's not.
considering the context of cyberpunk and its general anti-corporate message, i'm inclined to think he's referring to the first kind
No, they'll just have a slot for a fleshlight built into their torso.
this stopped being true a couple years ago
have you ever been on /pol/ or /wsg/? /wsg/ especially feels like everyone there is only using it because of pewdiepie
You're in denial that your favorite devs are tranny pandering
Yeah I like that board quite a bit, I browse there sometimes because I'm a 40k tabletop fan.
I don’t know, age? Or maybe i was tired that everyone just don’t stop making joke and lowkey hating white cis straight men and always making me feeling guilty. I’m still a lefty guy that think racism i bad, but i don’t want to be a butt-licking searching for brownie points and i don’t want fake i agre with the oppresseds even when they say some dumbshit. I’m not gonna act neither like i’m the best guy in the world, i got my problems too, but guess i will solve them over the time...i hope
Cliff notes me on Sun threads pls
Oh shit, Steel Angel Kurumi, brings back memories
I don't see the game changing at all from what was originally planned but the guy who ran the twitter was apparently canned and I'm fucking sick of these mentally ill trannies having a podium to shout their fascist propaganda from when it comes to this game.
>can't find the post on reddit.
Damn they're going to ban him, aren't they?
Cultural appropriation regarding voodoo is weird. The current Voodoo Queen Of New Orleans is a jovial white woman. Otherwise the whole thing would've probably died off. Even now the scene isn't exactly flush with wealth and practitioners.
Honestly. That's good on you man. I'm a person who considers myself a center-right person, so I try not to be racist or homophobic. People are people, but opinions are opinions, and if I smell and see bullshit, I call out on the bullshit. Like how hypocritical SJW's are in this world how they strive for "diversity", yet when they get it, they want more and more, like every other group in this world, they are no different. Intentions that are better mean nothing, because they tackle misogyny with misandry and racism with racism (demonizing white people based on race.) It's really sad and is why there are alt-right groups. But it can go the other way too, like how everyone flipped out over MK11 being "woke", even though sex was never that game's forefront, it was gore and blood. I will admit the Jax ending was very forced and unecessary (especially the use of the word "woke"), but he's black, it was kind of obvious he would do something like stop slavery, what else would he do if he had the power to control time and change history? The grind was something to complain about, but the "I can't see my boobies" claim was... kind of stupid (I will admit Skarlet's default was horrible though, her ponytail design is way, way, WAY better!) Everything is a double standard, but I'm usually on the right side of things (like BFV, that was clearly bullshit that was forced to push an SJW agenda, but I was more furious that the game was not even FINISHED at launch, causing the game to flopped like Anthem.)
the post that saved vidya
I've dealt with this by simultaneously shitting on every retarded moralfag that thinks they're oppressed, and then having completely pro-establishment and anti-regime-change political opinions.
>all these reddit posters
Yea Forums is worse than Yea Forums now
you have to go back
Eh... good for them. Does not mean anything to me.
I wonder what he really thinks about trannies
>Mike is shitposting with us right now
Mike, I know it's you.
The loss of the writefags and drawfags really hit /tg/ hard, we don't see big /tg/ setting projects or story threads anymore.
This thread is honestly fucking shocking in terms of how many people are outing themselves as redditors.
Voodoo is already a mix of the white bread christian saint worship with African animism, if anything was going to get whiter it would be that.
Can't beat a classic.
Mike if you see this pls get rid of the sun
A lot of writefags fucked off to /trash/ for some reason.
>When a Yea Forumsirgin is more intelligent than all of pedoera combined
Where did the drawfags go?
I know how he feels, as a jew (yeah yeah) it feels really annoying to constantly have white retards trying to defend me when I never asked for it nor did I feel offended
and it's ALWAYS white people. No one else gives a fuck
Mike here, no fgt
White culture has dominated the world for the past 3000 years.
I'm fapping to bestiality right now. Would bestiality be accepted in the world of Cyberpunk 2077?
Why is it every time I see cyberpunk mentioned there's always a bunch of hipsters talking about how it isn't "real cyberpunk"? If every cyberpunk thing that comes out isn't what you like maybe you just don't actually like cyberpunk that much?
>tell your racist uncle bob to stfu
Fuck off nigger
Didn't the quest board really fuck over /tg/ too?
Sometimes Yea Forums is silly.
that's not a high bar to set to begin with
even the dumbest of asses that frequent this board that aren't crossboarders from retardera to begin with are definitely more intelligent than natives of that place
Because the 12 year olds that make up this site think Blade Runner is not only cyberpunk, but the quintessential cyberpunk.
they used to be slaves, just pat them on the head and pretend they're just like us. works for l*berals
I don't think you understand the actual market for these table-top games user.
not him it used to mean good things from what i remember before retards started using it for everything. Did it change to bad things now
based and redpilled
They're to cyberpunk what cogfuckers are to steampunk. They see it as a surface level visual aesthetic and don't care about anything else about it because they're poser faggots.
pretty weak post was hoping hed say something juicier.
That's the stupidest thing I've read all day. Stop believing everything stormfront says you gullible teenager.
>is pretty fucked up
it's no more fucked up than a company trying to market toys for kids by putting things in their ads that they think kids will like
"culture" doesn't belong to anybody. it's just a catch-all phrase to describe the behavior of a given population.
Cyberpunk has no real unifying thread like other 'genre'
Bladerunner when you break it down is really more a Noir movie than anything else, the cybertech is just a surface coat.
Shadowrun overall? it is fantasy in a near future setting.
Netrunner? tech thriller but most people dont use that as their base for cyberpunk.
Because there is not "This is what defines the genre" like tolkien defines fiction or Star wars/treck define scifi everyone that has made their own head cannon for cyberpunk will fight to death about other people being wrong.
You realize that the most dominant countries in the world right now are the US, countries in EU, and China, right?
I don't think you understand tranny pandering when you see it
>the last 3000 years
You have brain damage.
This. It's something I've always hated when people think cultural appropriation is bad. Maybe it's the word appropriation that triggers that response, like something that person now owns.
If trannies are cyberpunk then I'm joining the cybercops.
>/pol/ posting this picture
The irony.
Based redpilled blackpilled etc
Are you a DM/ST? If not there's not much for you there, but like most of the niche hobby boards they're at least knowledgeable and passionate about said hobbies. It's still Yea Forums culture tho.
Why is it that the video game industry allows comments like this from actual fucking major people connected to games to continue without repercussions?
haha nigger nigger nigger based Yea Forums
>greece and rome is not in europe and not a pillar of western civilization
you can denynall you want user
it's fucked up because it cheapens peoples' ways of life
What is "5G" and why is it bad?
You talking to a mirror or something kid?
>that bulge
2077 is set far after 2020 and relatively after the upcoming Cyberpunk RED. The events all lead into one another. 2020 ended with a war. RED deals with the aftermath and rebuilding and things returning to some "normality". 2077 starts with a ghost from the past starting shit up again.
The defensive attitude comes from the increase in visibility, see the "Roguelike" definition debate.
Because you're faggot.
fuck off lazy faggot
But user, they were tranny pandering long before you gave a shit about the franchise. This type of shit has always been prime freak bait. It's not like D&D that attracts rando nerds.
>like how everyone flipped out over MK11 being "woke"
I don't think you quite get what being "woke" means.
What it means is that a corporation is virtue signaling with their product - they are becoming "woke", and want everyone to know. - changes are being implemented to the product and then they go on to gloat about those changes for social brownie points.
The character changes wouldn't matter if the people making them didn't pompously pretend to be on the forefront of social progress even though all they are is a greedy corporation filled with morally bankrupt sociopaths.
That is unless my information is wrong and MK11 devs/publishers actually didn't virtue signal about their character changes. I wouldn't know for sure since I'm currently too lazy to look it up in detail and MK is a games series I care about so tangentially that I only heard about this "controversy" in passing.
I don't agree.
Yes, 3000. From ancient Greece, to the Roman Empire, to the Byzantine Empire, to the Italian Renaissance, to the British Empire, to the American Revolution, to CURRENT YEAR - Western culture has dominated.
honorary Aryan
>Haitian dude is excited that there are Haitians in the game
>Meanwhile white trannies from San Francisco on Twitter are bitching about how problematic the portrayal of Haitians in the game is
I will never understand white people who get offended on behalf of shitskins who don't even care.
>Creates cyberpunk with a clear critique of "snowflake" individualism
So, you don't agree that it's horrible for companies to sell cigarette candies to kids to hook them on cigs while they're young?
>That image
I see, thanks
i like (you)
5th generation cellular network. It's not safe for close proximity to, well, anything living.
There's no point in trying to make sense of the senseless.
Wish we could play as Combat medics in video games. Like anyone, cyberpunk or not.
Tell me Yea Forums is your V gonna be a cyberguy or a cybergal?
>it's real
Mother of God.
>both the left and right are heavily racist to black people in different ways
Dude fuck off, Yea Forums chimped out over Jax's arcade ending like a bunch of total fucking cliches. It wasn't about the devs gloating or anything, you retards were just triggered at niggers.
Look up the neo-tribes documents from 2020.
I'm gonna RP as a cybergal who used to be a man and has a massive cyberdong!
That depends of your definition of "bestiality"
Classic anime is the best. I miss it. I miss the grain. I miss the style. I miss the flash.
I'm hazarding a guess that we'll be able to join the Trauma Team on excursions to rescue patients.
I do think that's bad, but the issue there is luring children into consuming an explicitly harmful product and not "cultural appropriation". Has nothing to do with, for example, a Chinese company manufacturing and selling Japan-themed goods.
lol what was Cenk so mad about?
Please fuck my character
>this faggot doesn't even know of the savior of Yea Forums Lil B basedgod
Is that you, Pondsmith?
...how many devs have I shitposted at here, I wonder...
>the writter is a fucking weeb
preorder canceled.
Wait, he isn't voicing Dex? A long time ago I saw that video on cyberpunk 20177 youtube channel where he talked and after months I saw the gameplay and now the trailer... by memory I thought that was his voice
Make sure you've played Ruiner, it's a love letter to classic cyber anime
I don't give a shit what /resetera/ chimped out over. I'm telling you what getting woke means.
Whether bandwagoning retards made your arse hurt with their poor argumentation or not is not my problem.
So just how hard are the gaming press gonna rail this game once this goes loud
I really don't know. I think it depends if the game has an important qt NPC that I can romance or if the game only has hookers and whores to fuck around. If the latter I'll roll a lesbian girl.
Those people you sit there and sometimes agree with every day? They're redditors.
source on top middle and middle right?
Will I get to walk around in just underwear and fishnets is the real question? I want to be as degenerate as possible in this game.
E3 2017(?), the one with all the black female characters, really made /vpol/'s retarded justifications completely laughable.
Literally thousands of threads made over a few hours with zero intelligent thought whatsoever. It completely ruined E3 that year.
le racist uncle reddit meme
>being surprised the author of CYBERPUNK loves anime and Japanese culture
user, I....
>literally dragged from a continent, shackled, forced to work labor for a hundred years
>watch as america is born and liberty for everyone (except for niggers lol)
>be told am 3/5 a person
>literally takes war to get freed
>excited and look forward to life of freedom
>100 years of jim crow laws, kkk, extreme racism causing half of own kin to leave
>have moment of brilliance and great leader
>lol killed by a white guy
>but freedom, again, yay
>get exploited by culture and fed by mass entertainment that ghetto lyf is cool thus continuing the cycle
>get called a nigger by a 15 year old on Yea Forums
life is suffering for black people
Hey Mike fuck off from Yea Forums and go work on the game you nigger hack.
They deserve it, so don't worry
And I'm telling you that Jax time traveling to free slaves set a bunch of spergs off about white genocide. Yea Forums's been getting triggered at the sight of niggers for years now, and the only time they're based is when its jackoff material or if they think their political views are right leaning.
Got banned from the entire list for being too contrarian, so I'm staying here.
>Lurk in Yea Forums
>watched anime
There's a wolfman in >Observer_.
HEY MIKE have you played >Observer_? I liked it but wish it was more than an Amnesia clone.
lmao ur dumb homie
my hopes for this game have gone up a little bit
The genuine definition. Animals. No anthro, no furry, no alien, no monster, no shit like that. A dog fucking a girl is bestiality, not a giant monster fucking a girl. God, I hate how people classify as bestiality everything
Oh wow, there are idiots on the internet. I didn't know that.
Not that poster.
If you don't think bladerunner is cyberpunk you have a room temperature IQ and probably think Cyberpunk means "there's lots of hacking and everyone's a cyborg"
Definitely a gal for the first run. Right now I'm thinking of going as fully augmented murderslut as possible but retaining just enough of her humanity to still enjoy cuddling with another qt. Will make use of all the fun lethal augmentations and fancy weapons. Probably combat-heavy playthrough.
My guy V is going to be less augmented, but hopefully a bit more like a jaded, hard-boiled type dude who just relies on his connections, his wits and his trusty pistol.
Call them a nigger back. You can say it publicly. Take advantage of it.
>set a bunch of spergs
This is literally a twitter nobody with a few hundred followers who gets
>April 2020
Holy shit bros, we just gotta make it one more year. praying for all you anons; stay safe!
>interrogation mark
No, I have a real job and don't work in video games.
If you think bladerunner is cyberpunk you have a room temperature IQ and probably think Cyberpunk means "there's lots of hacking and everyone's a cyborg"
Cyberpunk is gay, so who cares.
Finally someone actually fucking understands what this is about.
Idk if I should build a new PC or get it on PS4. Will a new Nvidia gen be out before then?
>They threw me off Tumblr? No, I NEVER go to Tumblr. I'll stick to Yea Forums.
Well he probably wouldnt be canned if he said this joke from his personal twitter, and not the company one. Watch new Schreier interview with Iwinski, he says that they are consulting stuff but for him freedom of speech and artistic freedom is very important and he wants the dev team to have that, he dont want situation where developers not doing something because outside pressure or because its controversial.
I'm not surprised that Yea Forums ruined all MK threads prior to release by bitching about muslims and niggers, I'm just annoyed that its a trend that has become ingrained in Yea Forums culture. Hopefully Cyberpunk threads don't degrade into tranny shitposting.
BTFO trannies: Based.
Watching anime: Based
Browsing reddit: Unbased, yikes and grosspilled.
>tfw only 10 months to go
>bladerunner isn't cyberpunk
The next generation of cellular networks, successor to 4G.
A rumor started by '''''journalists'''' has been going around saying that it causes cancer but both people in the field of cancer study and technology have unanimously denied this. Of course the people who believe it will just respond that it's all a conspiracy, probably orchestrated by jews, and that it's totally going to kill us all.
China and Russia already have it so I guess they can be the canary in the coalmine for the rest of us.
Yep, this is cyberpunk alright.
Well, I can say with all earnestness I'd rather be a redditard than a tranny
But that's absolutely true from a historical standpoint. The cultural and technological advancements leading to the current civilizations we have are almost entirely due to Europeans.
What's the fixation with schizophrenics and the nigger word?
how can one man be so based
>browses 4channel
>probably named the main character V
In retrospect that wasn't a very subtle way to pander.
>Literally thousands of threads made over a few hours with zero intelligent thought whatsoever.
In other words, Yea Forums during E3.
are people actually bullying mike pondscum because that's not very nice
just let them make their game before having opinions on whether it is problematic or not
He has to be voicing a character right? His voice is as smooth as molasses
Male V intrigued me more, female V looked like it was written by JewJew Abrams
you are not the only one...
>source on top middle
Hisss (2010)
>and middle right?
both middle right and left are from dr.Who TV show when it was still great, the cat is the novice Hame, the right one with green skin is a silurian female
I like your sunglasses, Mike
>Megatokyo is an English-language webcomic created by Fred Gallagher and Rodney Caston.
Doesn't sound very weeb to me.
i don't remember that scene being in blade runner
Don't worry, white women will soon have all but stopped breeding
>Be antagonistic towards your family for kangs
Very based
>a nigger
>Watched anime
>Browse Yea Forums
>Main character named Yea Forums
It's first person, so I'm gonna make a guy.
I think the only time I've gone through a game with multiple genders was HellMOO, and that was because there are actual differences in terms of gameplay between genders.
finally an edited version of this
I tried, but this time Uncle Bob brought infographics sourced from FBI, CDC and the census.
Well shit.
>Wish we could play as Combat medics in video games.
But there are tons of games where you can do just that.
I was just joking user, I like xeno/femot/anthro stuff
Man. I'm excited for the game but I'm still really disappointed that they're sticking to first person, I want to see my character.
Hopefully someone will finagle a mod for it.
The use of the word in general comes from the weight granted to it by society. Honestly, the racist connotation doesn't even have to be included. With Terry it sometimes was, but rest his addled soul he was also a heavily broken man. Generally I see it as being a matter of, in a rage, grabbing the heaviest simple and singular weapon in your available verbal arsenal to throw it at someone.
First it was the sun, what now. You have something against sand?
>Cyberpunk is about rebelling against corporations among many other specific things
>Blade Runner 1 and 2 are just movies about two guys who hunt androids on a post apocalyptic earth being evacuated by humanity
>Follow for lolz
>instantly BLOCKED
As we all know, deserts will cease to exist as soon as cybernetic implants become popular.
lol in the US and the more cucked portion of Europe maybe.
Meanwhile in Eastern Europe whites are reproducing like niggers at the moment.
best class in enemy territory
It's the conversational equivalent to throwing a brick through a window, basically.
it's edgy, Terry was edgy and cool
Fuck you m8, don't sling shit at AHiT.
We get like 1 cute black loli every 10 years, just let us have this god dammit.
Well, you're going to get conspiracy theories when telecommunications companies make a huge effort to advertise an opaque set of wireless digital communications and networking technologies to mouth-breather consumers that don't even know what OFDM is.
He kinda looks like Leo Gold which just makes the whole thing funnier.
Fuck you nigger. Bob is based and is my ally, not you..Bob is the one looking out for ME.
it looks like something went bad with his werewolf exotic package, that's what you get when you go to cheap illegal Chinese clinics...
You'll see your character during cutscenes and conversations. But I agree the fact that they decided to set a game where character customization is so prominent to a first person perspective is kind of retarded.
>among many other specific things
Well done, you've cracked the code.
Actually in the United States if you split things politically, conservative whites are having more children than any other demographic. It's the liberal whites that aren't having any kids, which drags down the average.
And why are they hunting androids? Because they're rebelling against corporations.
The setting is about that (or whatever the people making a cyberpunk story want it to be about) but that doesn't mean characters can't have their own goals while living in that world.
They hunt androids because their cyberpunk hell has decided that androids will try to kill you at some point and need to be removed before that happens, nothing else.
shadowrun is definitely not cyberpunk, because it's all dragons and orcs and shit.
The entire plot of the second one was K thinking he was some crucial element to a revolution against Wallace Corp
Blade Runner features practically none of what the cyberpunk genre focuses on outside of it being science fiction. The setting alone makes it not cyberpunk.
the BGaE2 girl is kind of a qt tho
Too bad the windows are gone because every retard thinks he's some freedom fighting version of Tourettes Guy
Listen here mike. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, mike
retarded newfag
>She is 14 years old.
>Androids that are rebelling against the corporations so hard it's a fucking biblical metaphor
>The Blade Runner himself spends the movie struggling with the anti-android sentiment imposed by society at large and in some cuts of the film rebels by trying to escape with his replicant gf
You are garbage.
The setting alone makes it cyberpunk, the story is its own
Cyberpunk is science fiction, but science fiction isn't necessarily cyberpunk
>wtf why does the solar system exist THIS GOES AGAINST THE CYBERPUNK AESTHETIC
>what is a 'day-night cycle'?
I would be disgusted by that more than my family. Miscegenation should be a crime
do people just look up Foxy Brown for key design inspiration and call it a day?
thanks i try
>It's full-on thought crime shit, and it really proves that people desperate for representation will never be satisfied.
Except the entire controversy around that is being fueled by white people. I have seen almost no black people offended by this.
The Blade Runner spends the movie struggling with whether or not he's human. Cyberpunk as a genre is literally
>Rebelling against corporations controlling shit
>High tech low life
Blade Runner is an apocalyptic earth being abandoned by humanity (not cyberpunk already, cyberpunk is about a society in the throes of decay) with two super advanced androids hunting down other super advanced androids hiding among the squalors of the remainder of humanity.
By your retard logic, Mad Max with a couple of fucking neon lights and laser guns would be fucking cyberpunk.
>go to rural white southern Georgia family reunion
>a couple of distant cousins married to blacks with mulatto children
>not a single fuck given by anyone there
>free shrugs on tap for the afternoon
People misoverestimate how racist rural and suburban retard racists are.
Same as steampunk, if you set out to create a world that fits any of the criteria, you can classify yourself as cyberpunk, sure the movie only has a few beginning scenes that truly qualify, but their source material definitely paints the appropriate picture
Poor rural whites in the US are having plenty of kids. It's the degenerate liberal city-dwelling whites who aren't reproducing, which is actually fine in my book. Once the shit-tier whites kill themselves off via abortions and sex changes maybe the sane whites can finally start doing shit right again.
Is Bailey jewish?
>he hasnt thanked king nig Mike "Killer Mike" Pondsmith for saving vidya
Reminder this is cyberpunk. Blade Runner is not cyberPUNK
>game is 10 months off
>already causing a shitstorm
the current outrage culture is not ready for this shit.
no cyberpunk is not about punks rebelling against corporations lmao it simply features the defectors from the prevailing social order
Yeah, they're just being stupid. Trying to make liberals seem as the real racists is incredibly hilarious, especially arguing that on this board.
Yeah. Virtually every tranny that does porn is for some strange reason.
Will have to check it out. Right now I'm currently putting together a list to potentially set up a classic anime watchtogether thing.
It doesn't cause cancer, it just uses too high of a frequency (because it falls off very fast) that the vibration damages organics.
It has shown to cause damage to small organisms such as anything smaller than a pigeon (including pigeons). I suspect after 5yrs of exposure it won't matter how big the creature is, it will still cause damage to them.
>This is a terrorist gang of drug dealers. They engage in weird magic rituals, and deal non-synthetic drugs to students near the University. Sadistic and pitiless, they will kill, torture, and rape for any reason or no reason at all.
oh no no no
Source for the pic on his glasses?
She's so fucking dumb in New Colossus, willful misunderstanding of the "balls" idiom for some cheap misandry, and instantly takes over Caroline's role and room despite being barely more than a guest on the Hammer. Glad the Nazi slampig kicked her ass.
That's quite the assumption he's tossing out about white families
Sounds like he's been watching too much TV
importing refugees is not a solution to any kind of problem
cringe and redditpilled.
yep always been a thing
Lad I think you're confused about what cyberpunk is. Cyberpunk is a degenerate society filled with technology, degradation of morals, control by corporations. Not a noir set in the future. Pic related, a very excellent Blade Runner inspired series.
China runs it. If you use it they'll have access to everything you use it for and use it as spyware across the globe.
Or so our government says.
>implying they don't already know or give a fuck about it
a lot of people love playing the bad guys dude, it's way more fun then playing the good ones
solves your social coherence problem
"people in my society get along too well and it's really boring. let's get some somali pirates in here."
He made a borgesian reimagining of UC Gundam based off some manga pages he saw or something.
Forgot my picture.
>Despite the biosculpting, tattoos, feather implants, and bones through their noses and ears, most members of the gang started as average white boys.
Why would they be bothered?
Watcha got so far?
learn how to post and then read a book
Even casual racists are generally fine with "good blacks." Ideas like "blacks are more prone to criminality" are very common, but also some of the easiest to get by as a black person. All it takes is, like in that example, a family member vouching for them and then it becomes "well yeah, a lot of blacks are like that but my Johnny wouldn't marry one that was." Doesn't do much for race relations in the large scale when the statistics still support them, so they probably won't be changing their general tune, but for individuals it makes them pretty harmless.
why is it always the worst possible choice of foreign culture?
"hmm let's sprinkle some deranged man-eating amazon tribe over here"
How long is this american race identity fad thing going to last?
>my argument hinges on my race
>im offended on behalf of a race
Really dumb.
>Learn how to post
You first, newfag.
>Has all the same themes as all other cyberpunk
>even delivers better on the gritty corporate dystopia than most 'cyberpunk' media
>"It has elves and orcs so IT ISN'T MY CYBERPUNK!"
You are just proving my point.
>Trying to make liberals seem as the real racists is incredibly hilarious, especially arguing that on this board.
They are though. Most (not all) right-wing people think blacks are just as capable as anyone else of being productive and self-sufficient which is why they don't cut them slack when they behave like degenerate animals. Liberals hold them to a lower standard than whites and believe they need to be coddled and taken care of because they're too retarded to do shit for themselves.
The only real difference when it comes to racism between the left and right is that a right-wing racist doesn't hide it, he'll proudly tell you he hates niggers. A left-wing racist will vehemently deny it, dress their racism up as virtue, and call everyone else racist, partially because they're too fucking stupid to even recognize their own racism.
maybe i think san antonio could use a few more congolese cannibals?
look at her face and her penis
>tranny immediately jumps in and makes it about them
Why are trannies everywhere
I mean it's a based tranny but still
I was going to say that nobody gives but a shit, holy goddamned fuck, nearly 500 replies and far better threads get archived so that this could still be in the front page. Everyone here should take a moment to go fuck themselves in the ass for feeding this inane manufactured controversy.
is that a 90% white neighborhood?
white trash spotted
>gritty corporate dystopia
That shit is featured in star wars, nigger.
>Mike is likely one these replies
I'm ok with fat people and I'm ok with trannies but fat trannies piss me off.
Like you don't think you wouldn't have body dysmorphia if you weren't q far piece of shit?
>Claims to be Haitian
>Doesn't even know how to spell Haitian
Really made me think.
no shadowrun is fantasy with superficial aspects of cyberpunk grafted onto it, just like spelljammer festoons space opera onto fantasy
I don't use this lightly, but based. And I didn't even cringe.
The replicants fit the punk aesthetic perfectly.
Roy Batty himself even has bleached hair and ridiculous fashion in leather. He's the quintessential 80s rebel.
And Deckard himself, while not a traditional "punk", embodies a tradition that is counter-culture at this point (classical and noir aesthetics).
>Rebelling against corporations controlling shit
As I just said, replicants spend the whole movie rebelling against their controllers and creators. They're enslaved technology.
And again, Deckard is himself a kind of slave, and he also breaks free.
>Near Future
Blade Runner takes place this year. 2019.
LA looks better there than it does in real life.
>High tech low life
Congratulations on reading the Cyberpunk for Dummies blurb.
>cyberpunk is about a society in the throes of decay
Are you saying rats escaping a sinking ship isn't the throes of decay? Escaping to what are potentially even worse ships, given that off-world living is implied to be incredibly shitty? Society is still garbage everywhere, not just Earth.
>with two super advanced androids hunting down other super advanced androids hiding among the squalors of the remainder of humanity.
>By your retard logic, Mad Max with a couple of fucking neon lights and laser guns would be fucking cyberpunk.
And Neuromancer is just a heist story with space stations and reggae attached, right?
You can't be this dense to believe that stories must always be a single genre.
Then again,
>Cyberpunk is a degenerate society filled with technology, degradation of morals, control by corporations
>Not a noir set in the future.
You don't even seem to know what noir is, and you can't seem to grasp how these genres might blend together on occasion, and so well in Blade Runner.
There's a reason why it's all smoky backrooms, hard liquor and murder, you know?
Will the SJWs actually listen to him, or will they just say he suffers from internal racism or that he's an Uncle Tom/coon?
How long do you think I'll have to put myself into a coma to make sure that outrage culture is dead and buried by the time I wake up.
you got me...
this, some of the freaks on the left tend to think black people are basically children that they as the white saviours need to jump in and defend, it's cringe
>shadowrun isn't cyberpunk
>blade runner isn't cyberpunk
Retard, it's all cyberpunk with their own touches and traits. They all still follow the core of cyberpunk, high tech low life.
Haitians speak french
Nope, pretty sure whites came up with that word.
This actually wasn't as bad a thread as usual
Mostly because Pondsmith is a cool dude and a good influence.
>literal who says something on reddit
>700 replies and never ending copycat threads
Where is this from? I have not seen this.
>The replicants fit the punk aesthetic perfectly
Oh nice, you gave me a perfect reason to disregard the rest of your post when you don't even fucking understand what the punk aspect of cyberpunk means. I'll give you a hint IT MEANS THE DECAYING MORALS OF A ONCE PROSPEROUS SOCIETY YOU FUCKING TRIBAL RETARD
Honestly, I have no fucking idea, I think we still gonna have to suffer those professional victims for a long goddamned time.
In Creole, which is what Haitians speak, it's spelled "Haïtien"
Hit pieces are being typed in Starbucks' across the west coast as we speak.
>Cyberpunk is a degenerate society filled with technology, degradation of morals, control by corporations
which of these are missing in blade runner?
Dilate your brain with a bullet
no its a 98 percent mexican (brown) town
Nope, it started with Based God, which was Lil' B's dumbass rapper name because apparently Lil' B wasn't enough of a pseudonym
>A brothel
Explain how that doesn't apply to either Blade Runner movie
nah they'll focus on cdpr and ignore the existence of mike
How do SJWs usually response when a minority tells them to fuck off?
Do I have to bring up google? Looks like I fucking have to
What these people call reshaping with technology will be seen as the equivalent of using leeches to cure disease by people one hundred years from now
Wow it's almost as if you could've read the rest of my post and seen me elaborate on that you dense fucking cunt.
Point me toward literally anything in Blade Runner that doesn't have this idea ingrained into it. Every character and setpiece and piece of dialogue is imbued with the filth of a wasted society. It's set in fucking LA for fuck's sake, the degeneracy capital of the world.
It's so in your face I'm starting to think you don't even have fucking sensory organs.
It's the way of things. Degeneracy is a recurrent disease, and we're the dynamic antibodies.
this is also why i only use the word ironically, because it's dumb
if something is terrible it's actually based as fuck
How about I just show you a picture since words are too tough for you apparently. Now I'm going to give you the toughest instructions you'll have had so far in your retard life: google "Decaying"
They call him an uncle Tom and tell him he doesn't speak for all of x minority group
Fucking internet moralfags
Got a day off, coconut water, and fat cyberpunk thread.
oh that's kind of fine, then
They'll probably integrate and blend right in
How do you think?
They already are calling him uncle Tom. How dare he downplay his struggles as a black person?
To be fair, this one twitter poster who kept crying over racist depiction of Haitians backpedalled, apologized and shut himself up.
Also, Mike fired back at some retards on reddit calling Polish racist and being "concerned". He thinks Polish are cool. That's nice of him.
But they feel like them, a bunch of upper middle class, college educated white kids that never suffered any adversity in their lives can?
they paint themselves as victims also and therefore don't get offended. The point just goes right over their head
hitmore, on e621 use the tag cyberpunk
Calling him an Uncle Tom and especially a coon sounds pretty bigoted to me. I'd think SJWs weren't THAT hypocritical.
Based fucking moron.