PC - 2320
PS4 - 747
X360 - 699
PS3 - 618
XONE - 586
PS2 - 516
NS - 412
XB - 328
NDS - 232
WII - 199
GBA - 195
GC - 188
PSP - 183
3DS - 170
VITA - 168
WII U- 135
PSO - 109
DC - 66
N64 - 55
Good games on every console (metacritic 75+)
>Xbox 360 didn't win its generation
A reminder that Wii had so much shovelware.
>only 170
Why n64 not have 64 games
>PS2 - 516
I question the methodology used.
First guess, it's going to include every indy game that was released on multiple platforms, multiple times. The 3DS wasn't powerful enough to get lazy indy ports so it isn't weighed down by all the stuff you can get on everything else.
That would partially explain the 360 "winning" as some indy games got their start with XNA.
The second thing would be that metacritic doesn't list everything. The PS3 got hundreds of weeb games in its last years, many of which were decent enough to get a high score, but because they were too niche it doesn't meet the criteria to get listed.
True, but really only for the time. Today digital delivery means even the Switch and PS4 are starting to rival the PC for sheer unadulterated quantity over quality.
the switch have over 400 games in only 2 years
>Almost surpassed the PS2 in number of quality games
>Xbox One above PS2
Oh no no no
why ps1 have only 100 games?
im sure there are almost 1000 good games on it
>XB with 200 less than PS2
Halo really just put the ecosystem on its shoulders and ran with it huh
i didn't think there were even 2000 video games in existence...
man I'm out of touch i guess
OP here
this is the list acording the user score (7.5+)
PC - 3584
PS2 - 994
X360- 796
PS3 - 707
WII - 423
XB - 415
XONE - 393
NS - 388
PS4 - 356
NDS - 349
GBA - 310
GC - 297
VITA - 272
PSP - 272
3DS - 216
PS1 - 153
WII U - 139
DC - 104
N64 - 64
>N64 - 64
>N64 - 64
looks like nincels lose again
Is orange box the best value in gaming?
>He hasn't taken the PC+Switch pill yet
>PS4 with that many
I thought Yea ForumstendoGaf said the PS4 didn't have any good games.
Hiding behind PC like always.
>Hasn't taken the emulator pill yet.
Delete this now op. This destorys Yea Forums's narrative of PS4 having no games.
Xbox One over Ps4...
PChads rise up.
>PS4 - 747
>XONE - 586
fucking LMAO
As someone who owns both XboneX and PS4, there's probably 10 good exclusives on PS4, and the multiplatz run better on XboneX
What a fucking joke
Makes perfect sense considering how much more enjoyable multiplats are on a real console that runs them well
PS4 is an underpowered piece of junk
this is the real list
I wonder how many good games PC 2 will have.
>mfw I think about how I will die waiting for PC 2 to get announced
Seethe all you want but those are the facts.
>getting this triggered at real numbers
Most xbox one player dont own an X though? You cant act like the slim and original don't far out way the x owners and vanilla Xbone was some embarrassing shit at the time
goes to show you the 360 is GOAT
Lol have sex my man. Look at my games btw, those are real games. None of that Persona, Gravity Rush or Undertale here. No sir
The methodology is completely bunk here.
First of there all, there is no consistent criteria used to rate games on Metacritic so attempting to gleam some quantitative insight here is completely unreliable.
If you want to truly assess and contextualise the perceived quality of each console's library - you would need a mixed methods approach and undertake a document analysis on all reviews posted to the site.
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix was fucking awesome and it barely breaks through the 3/4 barrier