How is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines?

How is Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines?

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It's alright. Carried by dialogue and shoving a flesh-out quest into every corner.
Kinda boring to actually play. Pretty sure I'm done with the game forever. It got like 4 playthroughs out of me, though, fucking impressive. Even Deus Ex only got like 2.

is this dilation simulator 2019?

can you become a tranpire in the game?

the game tricks you into thinking it is a game with well thought out level design and questlines with the first mission but then takes a nosedive in quality some hours in. still definitely worth a play for the atmosphere and dialogue alone

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Greatly overrated. For classic immersive first person games Deus Ex is far more enjoyable. For RPGs stuff like Fallout 1/2 outclasses it. I can only imagine loving it if for some reason you really like vampires and are an edgy teen on the inside.

Watch this and you'll get a pretty good idea

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>For classic immersive first person games Deus Ex is far more enjoyable. For RPGs stuff like Fallout 1/2 outclasses it.
No shit the best of the best outclasses it, come on man.

Tons of dialog that can give lots of different branching quest lines. But it's so insanely broken it gives Bethesda a run for it's money. There's mods to help with some of the game breaking ones but even than it's something to watch out for.

Story is fun, combat is shit. More bugs than East Africa.

It's very jank, but worth playing just to see how good video game writing can be and has been.

I'm playing it for the first time. Are firearms viable or should I go melee?
Also I've chosen Ventrue. Was that good or bad?

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It's one of the best terrible games. It has great writing and characters, and some areas with really great atmosphere, but the gameplay and animations outside of the very nice facial ones are below shovelware-tier. The combat is absolutely atrocious and the segments that force you into it are incredibly frustrating. It is incredibly buggy and basically unplayable without a patch. I love it dearly and it's one of my favorite RPGs but you need to know going into it that its more rough than diamond.


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>animations outside of the very nice facial ones
You gotta admit that there are not many games made in the last years with facial animation that are this good though.
It's like that.
>all your mid 2000-s goth and emo stereotypes, dark, gritty and edgy like a 90-s rock music video.

Not as good as larping new fags will tell you. Good idea of a game with decent moments and an interesting story but gets stale to play halfway through Hollywood. 6/10, worth trying.

This, Santa Monica was the best it ever got

suck my dick cat

What the fuck is this real? I thought Bloodlines was based not infested with this dumb trannyshit, shouldn't even be surprised the game was SJW bait as early as the first game and Yea Forums were nothing but fucking lying sycophants trying to push yet another agenda

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lmaoing at all these seff haters because they didn't get the idea and/or guts to do what he does first

you're trying very hard

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Melee. Firearms do dogshit damage and are even weaker vs vampires who are like 80% of the enemies
Ventrue is fine

I'm fairly certain no videogame has face animations that look as good as VTMB. Face tracking just gives uncanny valley and it's most jarring when the animations have to 'switch'.

This, but it's worth noting that the game was rushed to release in just a few short months.

Rage has way better animations.
What's jarring is how female models share the same animation skeleton as male character models, turning the female walk cycle into an ape-like swagger.

was just on it a minute ago on my third playthrough

great game because of it's characters, story, dialogue and the famous unique atmosphere

mad buggy, i have to noclip through a lot of shit and use logic around glitches, and the combat is disgusting but it doesn't take away from the enjoyment personally because the pros about this game outweigh the cons. i doubt you wouldnt enjoy it

the second game trailer looks terrible because seemingly it has zero semblance of the atmosphere of the first

>mad buggy, i have to noclip through a lot of shit and use logic around glitches
Install the Unofficial Patch, it fixes boatloads of bugs.

Yea Forums, whats keeping you up tonight?

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It comes with the gog version pre installed right?

Trans women are women so the description must not be targeting them

So Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus Club and why is it Tzimisce?

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Yeah but then you cant use the rudi mod

Your false flagging convinces no one, retard.

The game is actually hard as balls because levelling up requires smarts and paying attention, not to mention that the odds are usually stacked against in you combat and that bosses challenge you to use the skills you have available or quit. The visuals are varied and interesting despite being janky. Now, I'm not gonna say the writing is all it's drumpfed up to be because I found Jack and Nines to be unbearable assholes rather than cool guys.


How's this one?

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awkward early 3D Diablo clone. Like the LA sewers of VtMB level sequence stretched across an entire game.

But does it have nice story?

Atmosphere, dialogue, music, voice acting all great. The fighting on the other hand is iffy especially late game. Still it's a great unique game.

yeah, it has some hilarious olde englishe dialogue

Fire arms are perfectly viable and fun but they make the boss fight with the gook bitch insufferable unless you are fully loaded by the time you reach her

Fighting's iffy uh
Graphics look bit stiffy uh

Firearms + Celerity = EZ modo