Boring as shit

>Boring as shit
>bad voice acting
>shit animation
>shit battle mechanics
>forgettable soundtrack
>poorly written story
>weebshit characters
>garbage graphics
>slow pacing
How could you fags even like this game?

Attached: boring weebshit.jpg (616x353, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>forgettable soundtrack
Literally tied with the first Mier for soundtrack of the decade.


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because the girls make my pp hard

also imo the voice actors weren't bad, just the voice director was a retard
livingstone can suck my dick

bro it's forgettable orchestrated tunes, xenoblade 1 was 10x better

not bait I played through the first quarter of the game and I was bored out of my mind. Put the game down didn't play it for a year, tried again today....Still bored

lmao if MS didn't play it safe with the anime fanservice tactic, Yea Forums would unironically praise this game at the same level as say Chrono Trigger.

It's a good game, you just don't like it, or just trolling. no big deal.

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does it get better after the first 4 chapters?

I changed voices to jap.
Story is generic but it's not bad. Only thing i hate is random cut scene. Everything else is average

It's literally Xenoblade 1's soundtrack with a higher budget, with all the original composers returning except Shimomura (who's a talentless hack. Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Xenogears) is the fucking soundtrack supervisor and main composer too.

That doesn't make your shitpost less of a shitpost, it only adds the premise of you having shit taste.

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>forgettable orchestrated
“How to tell if someone didn’t play Xenoblade 2”
Maybe only half of the environment themes are orchestrated. The Mor Ardain themes are jazz infused, the battle themes are oscillate between rock and techno.
XB1 is pretty good but to say it’s better than 2’s sound track is a hard sell

>Shit animation
Aside from the reuse, I thought the actual animations were somid

same as above your post. Does it get any better then the first 4 chapters. Lemme give you my tastes on RPG:
>I'm a square fanboy, played shit ton of Dragon quest and FF loved chrono trigger.

>forgettable soundtrack

Mana fags need to fuck off, bury your fake hype in the ground and play Chrono Trigger you fucking faggot

Mana has nothing to do with this user stop letting manafags live in your head rent free.

whoaaaaaa duuuuuude
that shitty thing i liked
*burps* *hits bong*
referenced that other shitty thing i like
it's like
game of the decade maaaaaaaaaan

>xenoblade 1 was 10x better

>XB1's main battle theme

>XB2's main battle theme

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Given how crazy FF games get in their last act, you’ll probably do well to at least complete XB2
Did you play any of the other Xeno games

Xenoblade 2, FFVI and Chrono Trigger are my favorite JRPGs, the game gets better with almost every chapter but I don't know why the game didn't click with you already if you like the genre.

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>I don't know why the game didn't click with you already if you like the genre.

not him but I have no idea why it didn't click with me since I liked the first two games

>zoomer shitting on Mazinger

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Cool strawman.

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just said earlier I only played the first few chapters and asked like a million times
>. Does it get any better then the first 4 chapters.

But XB2 has some of the best VA in the industry

Attached: Xenoblade 2 voiceactors.jpg (744x6150, 2.41M)

I agree.

I played 32 fucking hours of it. It never got good.

The combat is gay, the music is lame, the story is literal dog shit. Like holy shit even the dragon quest games have a better story and their stories are kiddy garbage. The way the cutscenes play out it feels like I'm watching an ecchi anime. The voice acting is weak.

but holy fuck I can't play an RPG if the story isn't engaging. This story is garbage.

Look at the catalog, it's a Manafag.

I guess the characters, I hate using this word but the characters were so """""cringe""""" it actually made me physically wince at times. Especially Mia she's an annoying twat. And Rex is just a shota husk imo. Probably the same reason I don't like evengalion. If the MC is a whiny bitch I don't like it.

I played xenoblade on the 3DS and the combat was shitty WoW-lite mmorpg garbage. Did they change it at all?

Your tail is showing.

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XB2 has the worst xenoblade soundtrack, imo, though it's still high tier overall.



The voice actors were hilarious to listen to.

That's a pity, Xenoblade 2 probably had the best cast of the 3 Xenoblade games, and definitely the most developed one by far.

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too complex 4 u

Oh so the game’s still shit then.
Letting Yea Forums convince me that Xenoblade is good is the shittiest meme I’ve ever fallen for.
Thanks user.

It's literally just Xenoblade 1's soundtrack with a higher budget. Helps that Mitsuda's the main composer and Shimomura isn't involved at all.
ACE's tracks are far more technically impressive than they used to be too.

If you're still on the fence on the game while reaching chapter 4, I think so. The momentum from chapter 6 onwards is wild ride, especially if you liked the first xenoblade. Not only that, but the combat mechanics really doesn't shine until the second-half, imo.

yeah of course it's high budget but it's forgettable
scenery looks nice but then when I play ingame the story is just an unbearable snoozefest

I don't mean the japanese voice actors

For me, it gets better at chapter 5.

Do you have to be a native English speaker from America to think that? I feel like a lot of people agree, but I played the game with English VA and the only VA I thought was weak was Rex's when he had to shout. Also I thought Malos was outstanding.

Does NG+ let me keep my blades? I gacha grinded to get all blades and I've been waiting to play again but I dont wanna grind all those cores. Same reason I haven't replayed BotW, dont wanna have to do 120 shrines again.

Yeah it's awful. I couldn't get past chapter 4. It was the first game I bought without a lot of research in several years (I just stupidly bought it because I likes the first one) and it gave me the worst buyer's remorse I'd had in years. But it gets by because waifus and some people like the combat for some reason.

no problemo user go play a better jrpg like Dragon Quest VII.

i don't know how anybody could unironically complain about the soundtrack if they praised xenoblade 1's soundtrack, it's xenoblade 1's soundtrack on steroids

*grunts for some stupid reason*..... yeah*nggggh* rex I'm like pyra an*ngggh*d stuff.

Yeah, you get all your Blades back. I don't remember if you had some exceptions like Aegaeon being story locked, I think you don't.

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What tail?

I don't understand how people could find this game enjoyable.

watch the cut scenes again, the animations are stiff as fuck

well I didn't get that far

If you like the first game you should definitely get the second one, it's a straight improvement over almost every aspect.

Okay but then I’d say that you can’t really draw a conclusion about the tunes until you’ve sampled all of them, or at least most of them.
Yes, I’d say the game gets better after chapter 4

Makes sense to not get story blades. Torna is stand alone right?

>The way the cutscenes play out it feels like I'm watching an ecchi anime.

>Pyra and Rex acting awkward around each other as early as chapter 2 I think
>Act like characters in an anime that don't know how to deal with romantic feelings
>The sleepwalking scene
>The Moe/Blushy Crushy thing

God, it was bad. And the other writing isn't good either.

>Mercenary meets some dumb kid
>Spends a few days with him
>Leave command of his mercenary group to him
>As an extra layer of stupidity, everyone's okay with it

And Rex being so impacted by the death of a guy he'd known for a few days was retarded as well. And Mythra going tsundere right a fucking way. Goddamn the writing in that game is absolute fucking garbage. Few games have inspired me to rant about them like this.

I think the game doesn’t click since a lot of JRPGs put a metric assload of focus on their intro and then either neglect their ending or middle act.

you literally get to hear that theme as early as the second chapter

OP here
based as fuck. It's like people forget that story is a key part in an RPG. The story in this game is fucking ass sure the game looks good. Sure you fucking horny buffoons get your waifushit, but if the story is as boring as a fuck then I can't play it. No matter how good the gameplay is. Why do you think people like games like Final Fantasy? Or Persona? Because
>Le normfags hur hur hur
no they have good stories retard unlike this weebshit that's not engaging, the characters are all bland anime tropes, and the animation looks like it came from an mmd animation.

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There’s definitely half baked shit in the game. Chapter 3 feels like it should have been longer or had Vandam stick around longer.
And Chapter 4 doesn’t really help as a follow up

but it's hard to play it when the writing is so god awful.
just shows how memorable that was then.

Story blades are locked until you reach that point in the story again, so Roc, Aegaeon, Poppi QT (QTpi unlocks at the same time if you got her in NG), and I think that's it? Maybe Wulfric as well, but he was on Zeke for me so I didn't get the chance to notice.
You do have Mythra from the beginning though, and Rex is not the Master Driver until he unlocks it in the story, so you're stuck with whatever he has bonded to him.

Torna is completely standalone, it's effectively a seperate game.

Maybe you're too used to play AAA cinematic experience with 200M budget only for marketing. For the budget of this game the animation quality vs total cutscene time ratio is way over what any reasonable person would expect, only some secondary quest use simpler animation.

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The Xenoblades have above-average quality stories for JRPG standards.
Persona's never had good stories and only two Final Fantasies have good stories by the way.
You should have used Radiant Historia or Suikoden 2 as examples of good JRPG stories.

I can literally hear the battle music right now and I haven't played it since January

The only other game that's had that impression on me was golden sun's battle music

>Or Persona
>good stories
They have okay dialogue writing and that’s about it.

Nah, all of the main story beats are kino, it's just all the waste-of-time bullshit downtime shit stuffed in between that sucks shit. And naturally that stuff is front-loaded because the intensity of the plot obviously ramps up as you go along. This is also why people agree that the game gets better as you go along, because there's no time in chapters 7-10 for Mythra to sleepwalk into Rex's bed and beat him up because she's having a shitty tsundere moment.

I like it for the Japanese Humor myself.

doesn't need a big budget to be good. Don't hire shitty animators it looks so out of place in such a beautiful looking game

>>Mercenary meets some dumb kid>Spends a few days with him>Leave command of his mercenary group to him
I literally laughed my dick off at that part

I could not believe it. I was like
>is this game for real?

Don't even make me remember all the cringe at the sleepwalking scene. I cannot understand what the fuck happened to this game's development, its like someone tried to make it shit on purpose.

>no they have good stories
>Final Fantasy Or Persona
Other than FF6 and maybe 7 and 10, this must be the cheapest bait this thread.

I can understand that
A lot of the anime I grew up with was pretty badly translated and the dubs were pretty amateur and often off-tone, so I suppose I just have a resistance to a lot of XB2’s presentation issues
I do think it actually has pretty solid characterization and relationships and dynamics, beneath all the weak translated dialogue and shit dubbing

Thanks user. I might give the game another play thru then jump to Torna

Does Rex get better as a character? He's literally a fucking generic harem protag

I'll never stop liking it buying 2 extra copies to spite you fag.

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Better animations take more time and more budget.

>shitty animators it looks so out of place in such a beautiful
Even the ones in the side quests look alright to me, maybe you have unrealistically high standards for this kind of game.

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Music is fine, but gets downplayed by the faggot characters screaming all over it.

Fucking game.

>He's literally a fucking generic harem protag
He doesn't even have a harem, Rex would have been generic in the PS2/gamecube era because he's modeled after those protagonists. He was actually refreshing for modern big budget JRPG protagonist standards where main characters are either edgelords, stoic heroic-types or cute girls.

that's what I mean 6,7, and 10 were what I was referring too also, Persona 4 has good story, Persona 5 at least keeps me engaged. Hell like that other user said even Dragon Quest kept me roped along with its generic story. Then why is it that this game's story feels like a snoozefest? Because it feels like your generic seasonal isekai anime.

Everyone from the cast gets a lot of character development, a lot of time is dedicated to Rex and Pyra/Mythra but Rex is probably the character that changes the less other than getting a cool visual upgrade.

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XB2 runs circles around FF games and Persona games with the depth and extent of its lore

I mean cut scenes user
based, the MC is literally fucking shinji from the beginning of NGE

>The Xenoblades have above-average quality stories for JRPG standards.
The first one sure, I can agree and attest to that.

But this one? FUCK NO. Its exactly like one of those shitty anime no one watches that come out every season.

If you don't have interest in the plot or didn't play the game I think it would be expected that the player would get bored, I personally enjoyed it more than most games.

He doesn't change a ton in terms of personality and shit. I guess he becomes more confident later but he's blunt and straightforward right from the start. You probably care about his armour appearance so I'll tell you gets a much cooler redesign with his powerup at the end of chapter 7.
But if he's annoying you early on, then no he's not going to get better for you, and a few moments will probably cause you to rage. Like Nia's confession scene.

story is fucking shit, jrpgs need really good stories like final fantasy and persona otherwise they aren't worth bothering with

well I like my MC to have some backbone and not be a literal twink
just like I thought there is a reason why people say they want Rex AND Pyra in smash, Rex is so forgettable without Pyra and Mythra

>Because it feels like your generic seasonal isekai anime.
>Its exactly like one of those shitty anime no one watches that come out every season.
The most recent anime I can think of that resembles Xenoblade 2 was Eureka 7 and that was 2005.

>The first one sure, I can agree and attest to that
Xenoblade 1 is actually extremely simple and """safe""" for Xeno standards.

>the MC is literally fucking shinji from the beginning of NGE
Even said ironically, this comment is really fucking dumb.

I had say Xenoblade 2 is the better written of the two, it also has a better and more developed cast.

>Nah, all of the main story beats are kino
I completely disagree.

It was literally dragon ball Z without any of the kino and build up. Instead, it was all deus ex machina.

Uh-huh, sure.
>deus ex machina
Explain what you even mean by this.

XB2 is much more complex, layered and complicated than XB1 is storywise

>Persona 4 has good story
You have irredeemably bad taste because P4 is just a bad seasonal anime in video game form

You could say this to any jrpg you don't like though.

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I dropped the game when this walking anime trope joined the crew.

What a cringefest, and I love JPRGs and watch anime at least twice a week for the past 10 years.

at least persona and FF games have a good hook to get me into said lore. Unlike Xenoblad 2 which is boring as shit until apparently chapter fucking 6 which is halfway through the game.

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>just like I thought there is a reason why people say they want Rex AND Pyra in smash, Rex is so forgettable without Pyra and Mythra
No, it's because Rex fighting style relies on him using Blades, having Rex alone would be like having Olimar without his pikmin.

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>and I love JPRGs
You clearly don't because that's a standard JRPG archetype for literal decades now.

>forgettable soundtrack

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keyword beginning Shinji was a fucking whiny bitch and so is Rex.

If that was true you wouldn't be using the word cringe.

what recent RPGs are you comparing this game with? FFXV didn't have stoic characters nor edgelords, neither did the latest dragon quest games or the persona games.

Persona 4 is garbage my dude, also the storyline is literally stolen from Jojo.

imagine being this much of a switch babby u actually believe this

Yeah, this is the problem. Making the first half of the game seem like a shitty, bottom of the barrel anime was not the best way they could've hooked anyone but the absolute worst of weeaboos. I don't even hate anime or anything, but XC2 took from some of the worst anime, at least in the first half. I can't talk about the second half because I didn't finish it, and I finish almost everything I start even if it's bad.

Overpraised bullshit steam train tyranny fag of a game.

That's his upgrade? He becomes a woman?

lmao maybe I should give this game another try if the story gets so retarded this happens.

At least it was engaging and the characters were memorable.
>Rex: A fucking awkward twink
>Pyra: Awkward braindead tittie monster
>Mythra: Walking anime trope/tsundere bitch
>Mia:Autistic manchild stuck in a cat's body.

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Eureka 7 had a new anime like 4 months ago.

Mythra's a great character ruined by her first impression being that awful bed scene. She's not even remotely that tsundere ever again.
Seriously whoever wrote/designed the slice-of-life bits during downtime segments needs to get axed.

But I own a PS4. It's true though. Xeno games have consistently had some of the deepest lore in the JRPG genre since the PS1 days and Xenoblade 2 is no different.

Attached: Xeno comparisons.png (1241x401, 94K)

Also rex and Pyra as a couple are pretty cute

That statement makes me suspect that you didn't play the game or that you weren't able to understand it.

That's just your average alpha lesbian (blade) that owns a private island.

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because in every Xeno game there's a tiny nugget of greatness that appeals to a niche group of people who are willing to overlook every single issue or flaw because that one nugget is basically tailor made for them and nothing else comes close

t. Gears/Xfag who couldn't care less for 2

Cut scenes in XB2 are funny cause you can instantly tell whether it's a high-budget one or an animation-library one depending on whether or not you can hear footsteps in the background

Literally the only time Rex was ever a whiny bitch was after losing Pyra/Mythra which is way later in the game. From the beginning he's very positive, driven, and confident.

Honestly this game deserves to be in the hall of shame where my behemoth sized shit I took in the toilet is sitting. The only reason this game floats so well with the Nintendo trannies is because etika made it seem hip and cool

I personally got hooked from the prologue, it's a pity that some people in this thread didn't get such a good experience.

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yeah, once you get past all the tutorials, it gets really good.

Why do you spam this chart? What is meant to be said by it?

That's basically the gist of it.
With the exception (or maybe inclusion, I don't know the history) of Xenosaga, every Xenogame has some weird development constraints that ended up forcing some area to be neglected significantly, and results in the core experience being hampered but Xenofans come back for that jenesaisquoi that only Takahashi seems able to provide

Honestly this game deserves to be in the hall of shame where my behemoth sized shit I took is sitting. The only reason this game floats so well with the Nintendo trannies is because etika made it seem hip and cool

>still getting angry shitposters over a year and a half later.

This absolutely based game is still filtering the casuals I see.

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The prologue hooked me in, but the crappier parts of chapter 2 - 4 really brought me down.
Managed to make it though and loved the game overall, though.

Just went into NG+ recently and was surprised by how much I liked the prologue. I guess on my first playthrough it just passed me by without me noticing because I didn't know what to expect and was just being critical of everything.

based, finally someone understands me.
>Persona 4 opens up with someone literally getting hung from a electric pole.
>Persona 5: opens on a chase scene reminds me of FF7
>FF7: Opens up on a chase scene sort of. Still hype as fuck especially with the music
That's why I was comparing the stories to persona and FF you dumb fucking autists. Keep defending your weebshit though that opens up with your favorite twink fishing.

I actually saved it from the guy who was spamming it

It's already in the hall of fame of RPG lovers, but thanks for the attention.

Yeah, where else am I supposed to get deep lore this cool, with this amount of Weird Gnosticism™ attached to make it all even cooler?

yeah all the casuals going over to it :)

Convoluted stories are not what makes a story good.

There is a reason I said even games with kiddy shit stories such as Dragon Quest, are more compelling than this piece of shit.

Simple and Clean, as long as its well made, its all you need in a story.

XB1 is the story of a hero on a journey to stop a machine overlord that killed his wife. That's a great premise, and it only gets better with each story segment, until the princess shit then the story falls weak but its okay because is the last arc of the game.

XB2 is the story of a 14 year old boy that somehow is the greatest diver to ever exist. He is capable of not dying in 5 seconds against a literal 10,000 year old soldier god. And the story centers around some random bitch he made that he chose to help for no reason at all. And if there was a reason, it is because he is horny. This story is not compelling, is garbage, and as the story advances it gets cringer and cringer.

I never asked you for a complicated story, I asked for a good story.

>get to indoline
>hear christmas music
uninstalled the game right there and snapped my dick in half

What said. I had the exact same issue, though I didn't manage to make it past chapter 4.

It's funny because the director/main writer of the game explains that he doesn't even like modern anime and was instead inspired by classics like Galaxy Express 999 and Nadia.


Attached: chapter 7.jpg (673x517, 43K)

It is true and the fact I had to use the word cringe says a lot about my opinion on this game.

Maybe in your JPRGs.

holy fucking shit that's retarded what do they think they were making music for the next Banjo game?

FF has been garbage for a while aside from WoFF and FF7R is a shitty xeno clone because SE is too stupid to commit to their own decision to remove turn based combat.

I heard. It seem reminded me way too much of modern anime.

Well not just that but also there's something about the characters that Takahashi comes up with. They aren't ground breaking or anything but the modal average level of subtle depth is higher than most JRPGs for me. And that's including 2 (honestly, that game deserves another 6 months in the oven for a better dub and better cutscenes).
>XB2 is the story of a 14 year old boy that somehow is the greatest diver
You mean aside from how he gets his ass kicked routinely until Chapter 7?

>I can't talk about the second half because I didn't finish it, and I finish almost everything I start even if it's bad.
Are you me?
I tend to always finish games even if they aren't good or I'm not particularly enjoying them solely for completion's sake. I could not finish this one, it was so boring.

It's a good story that's not as complicated as you seem to imply but also certainly has a more complex setting than the two previous games in the series.

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> all those half truths
christ did you even play an hour of the game or did you just read up on it on a wiki

>christmas music
got a kek from me

>the fact I had to use the word cringe says a lot about my opinion on this game
Exactly my point.

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Time to buy Xenoblade 2

It has more complexity than 1 but X is a proper Sci-fi space opera, I'd say it's arguably the most complex in terms of literally significant plot events.
2 has more than two significant factions, which is a lot of what drives the complexity of understanding the chain causality of events.

>Wait what do you mean diving is just a shitty minigame?

Yeah, it would have been cool if you could actually explore around or if the mini-game had you playing as Rex underwater.

This is a post made by someone who doesn't engage with the the story beyond a surface level for any of the games he's talking about.

Hint: Xenoblade 1 is not a story about a boy with a glowing sword going out for revenge and ultimately killing god, it's a story about a journey of obtaining enlightenment.

>XB2 is the story of a 14 year old boy that somehow is the greatest diver to ever exist.
You did not play the game. Xenoblade 2 hammers it in your head that Rex isn't a good driver and they outright spell it out to you that literally anybody else would have made a better driver.

He spends the first 3 quarters of the game constantly getting his ass kicked and having to be saved by Mythra/Pyra or his other party members. Even his party members comment that Rex isn't the best man for the job
The entire point of most of the game is that Rex is the underdog who's way in over his head and he eventually gets stronger himself.

Xenoblade 2 is the story of a young man who sees that his world is slowly dying and finds somebody who gives him the opportunity to save the world. Said person wants to go to the world's holy land, Rex wants to go to the world's holy land to confirm it exists and if it does, bring as much people there so they don't die.

that's only a short segment in one chapter, references like that aren't something that's prevalent throughout the entire game

>space opera
X doesn't take place in space.

That's what Tiger-Tiger is for :^)

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Maybe you should replay this game you love for the 5th time and this time pay attention to what you read.

He was chosen to accompany those blade seeking fags because he is the greatest diver the company had in stock.

There's references throughout the entire game though, they're only blatant in Chapter 4.

>You did not play the game. Xenoblade 2 hammers it in your head that Rex isn't a good driver and they outright spell it out to you that literally anybody else would have made a better driver.
I think he literally meant 'diver', as in he thinks Rex is supposed to be the best salvager.
But that isn't true either. He's skilled, but he's not anything crazy, he just gets picked for the Torna job because he's Leftherian.

>why aren't you remembering every tiny detail of this game you hated or this other game you played 10 years ago?!
Are you a complete imbecile?

There's also the point that although Rex isn't a great driver, the value he brings to the Aegis team is that he's basically the only one capable of bonding with them enough to unlock Pneuma. Despite being a poor driver in every common sense of the phrase (although he grows past this upon the realization), he's ultimately the only one who could have succeeded on this journey with Pyra/Mythra.

>He was chosen to accompany those blade seeking fags because he is the greatest diver the company had in stock.
No you complete and utter retard. That's what Bana said.
The game says later that they only brought Rex along because only Leftherians can open the locks on the ship, it vaguely implies that Leftherians are descended of Adam.

>He was chosen to accompany those blade seeking fags because he is the greatest diver the company had in stock.
He's not the best salvager, just an up and coming one from Leftheria (which is a requirement for that job).
If he was actually their best salvager, Bana wouldn't be sending him off on a job that's going to kill him, because he'd be more valuable alive.

Yeah, I play videogames to be entertained.

What do videogames mean to you? To me, the same as movies or music, just something off the side of my life.

Good argument.

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I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. The XB1 battle theme is way better. It's honestly one of the best battle themes ever. The XB2 theme takes almost a minute before it gets good. The intro is fucking grating and is generic Japanese butt-rock.

All that does is show you have no idea what you're talking about since you barely even got through the beginning of the game.

>Xenoblade 2 is the story of a young man who sees that his world is slowly dying
Correction, his world dying just reincarnated into a cute animal!

This meme game is shite.

Oh yeah I definitely didn't play the game, that's why I know there is a blade with a machine gun that's dark aligned. It was the rarest blade I got during my 30+ hours of gameplay.

The game should have centered around gacha-blades because that was the most fun I had with the game. Shame about everything else tho.

>He was chosen to accompany those blade seeking fags because he is the greatest diver the company had in stock.
What the fuck that's so fucking wrong how the fuck did you sincerely type this I'm having a mighty laugh right now you utter fucking moron. Have you played the game even once? Like, serious question dude.
Torna brings him along in the first chapter because they need a Leftherian to open the door with Addam's Seal on it. Leftheria was founded by Addam, so every native there should be a descendant of him. Pupunin starts the conversation with Rex by casually bringing up "by the way, you're form Leftheria right?"

Hell he wasn't even a fucking driver until bonding with Pyra, and a lot of the dialogue suggests he didn't have the aptitude to bond with core crystals until making the pact with Pyra. How you concluded that he was chosen for being the best driver is beyond me.

>that's what Bana said
And that's why its a true statement to anyone that did not finish the game.

>The game says later that they only brought Rex along because only
Didn't get to that part ;)

What? Everybody used to complain that Xenoblade 1's battle theme was legitimately bad and generic compared to the rest of the stellar soundtrack.

In fact, all of Shimomura's contributions to Xenoblade 1's soundtrack were generic except for the Title Theme. Thankfully she only composed just a tiny handful of the soundtrack.

ACE were the stars of Xenoblade 1's soundtrack and the only improved with Xenoblade 2's.

What are you talking about? The titans are dying out, that's THE main plot point for most of the beginning of the game and literally Rex's biggest motive for seeking Elysium. What does that have to do with Gramps' pseudo-reincarnation?

>Correction, his world dying just reincarnated into a cute animal!

You said earlier ITT that you got to Chapter 4.
The game explains that they brought Rex along because he's a Leftherian in Chapter 1.
Your entire argument is falling apart.

>Correction, his world dying just reincarnated into a cute animal!
Dude, Xenoblade 2's world is literally dying, all the titans are dying that's the main plot device driving the story forward, Azurda reverting to his larval form or whatever it was called was an exception to his species.

Then don't talk out of your ass about major plot points or try to summarize the story. You can criticize the game and express your opinion without the intellectual dishonesty.

Yeah, as in, "I feel like I've already heard these tracks before, this is boring." I remember first noticing it when I was in the old factory and thinking , "This is just Mechonis Field 2.0." After that I noticed similarities in other tracks too. Say what you will about XBX's soundtrack but at least it was different.

While the XC1 main battle theme's violin gives me a massive boner, I enjoyed the Mechonis battle theme more.

>And that's why its a true statement to anyone that did not finish the game.
It's not to anyone who finished chapter 1 and has a working brain.
Torna literally paid for their salvaging team's lives - they're all nobodies no one is going to miss. Rex is there because he's a good enough salvager to do the job, and is Leftherian.

I will accuse you of copying my homework.

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The game did not even let Rex grieve for someone. His granpa literally reincarnated for anime points.

Its a stupid trope. The game could not commit to its darker tones.

Also Rex believing Elysium exists for no reason was stupid and forced.

Also nice to see how you couldn't defend how he sparred and survived against the blade-god dude.

There is more than one person in this thread. I don't know what chapter I got. All I know is that I dropped the game when the blond bitch showed up and I was sent to the capital of the enemy.

>complains about the game's story for being bad
>proceeds to explain the story extremely wrong
Why does this always happen?

>You can criticize the game and express your opinion without the intellectual dishonesty.
No, I actually can't.

I'm not "talking out of my ass", I'm talking LITERALLY straight from the game. Just because the game pulls a shitty twist that shouldn't exist to begin with 80 hours later doesn't mean what I said isn't true.

It is on you when you argue with someone that didn't finish the game to be aware he may not know all the answers, and you should be kind and comprehensive to those people.

The only one being dishonest here is yourself.

>galahard fortress "oh wow a new battle theme"
>fallen arm "oh wait this is THE battle theme now? ugh why?"
>halfway up mechonis, get into battle
>headbanging immediately

Mechanical Rhythm was fantastic, really grows on ya quick.

Xeno is brainlet filter

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Play the game again. The word "leftherian" never shows up in chapter 1.

I don't even know what that is suppose to mean and I got to blond-bitch chapter.

No, he's chosen because they needed people from Letheria (aka, where Addam settled down) to open up the seal on the ship that Pyra was on.
Rex was chosen for that reason, because Bana does say there are better Divers in his employ than Rex but that Jin and Malos explicitly wanted salvagers from Letheria

Mechanical Rhythm has never been surpassed.

Those Who Stand Against Our Path

XC2 is the game that keeps on delivering. And then BotW2 will take over.

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>Rex come from Fonsett Village in Leftherian Archipelago, yes?
>Open this door.
>This door will only open to one of you people.

You're a fucking idiot.

I had this feeling of "it's just retreading the first game" the moment I saw the reveal trailer had a bunch of the same enemy types and that feeling never really went away. Even before the actual plot tie-ins I was tired of it leaning on XB1.

FUCK all the sex bait blades in this game, I'm posting the best blade in the game who should have had more like him!

>smiles you want to protect
>yfw you will never be best buds with Wulfric
>yfw he will never keep you safe


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>His granpa literally reincarnated for anime points.
I would ask what you even mean by 'anime points' but I'm sure that you yourself have no idea.
>The game could not commit to its darker tones.
I think it committed pretty well with shit like Nia's backstory, all the blade eater/flesh eater shit, the lengths Amalthus went to because of all the war, rape, and pillaging he sees in the world, the heavy connundrum of the Uraya/Ardainian war tied in to the oncoming death of Mor Ardain's continental homeland, the twisted remains of a worldwide genocide in Morytha, etc etc.
Oh wait you've repeatedly said you never got far into the game so why would you know about any of that, but then again why would you be making sweeping statements like that?
>Also Rex believing Elysium exists for no reason was stupid and forced.
Most people believe in heaven in the real world, and Rex has more reason to believe in Elysium because the World Tree is a real tangible location he can look out the window and see, and Elysium is just a location at the top of that. I can't fathom why you'd have a problem with that of all thing.
>Also nice to see how you couldn't defend how he sparred and survived against the blade-god dude.
I both have no idea what you're talking about, and no idea when you said that.

>Mythra is the local delinquent of Blade School High

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Who's Addam?

None of that shit was explained.

The only thing the game explained to you in the first few chapters were:
>the MC is a mary sue
>the red slut is a walking deus ex machine
>the furry girl is there to prove this game is harem-shit
>literally who died and no one cares because you only met him for 15 minutes
>some dog or something
>faggy anime dragon
Maybe if the story wasn't dishonest shit and bothered to let you know you aren't playing the worst type of anime of the season from the get go, the game might be more engaging.

I felt like it was less "leaning on XB1" and more "fixing up XB1 to fit in with Xeno standards"
So many unexplained things and plotholes were filled.

up to that point you don't even know if Jin is human or an android

why would that exchange of word mean anything to you? That's like 10 minutes into the game, you are not even accustomed to world's setting yet.

>>the MC is a mary sue
But he isn't. He's probably the most normal and weakest Xeno protagonist.

No, it's on you to understand that your point of view is incomplete, and thus to not act as though you are someone with a complete point of view. Do not act as though you are ignorant of the fact that every story has plot twists and revelations further down the line.
This is all irrelevant though because as multiple people have pointed out, it is explained in chapter 1. You just misinterpretted/misheard a single line of dialogue and focused on that as an excuse to lob insults at the story as a whole. Why would you think anyone would value your statements on the plot when you're experienced 5% of it and can't even properly recount the events of that 5%?

Yeah, I'd definitely recommend you finish the game.
The story explains a lot more and the story expands a fair bit. It really comes together in the last third especially

>>weebshit characters
ANIME characters in an ANIME game?! What the fuck?!

I will only read this part of your post because its the shortest.
>I both have no idea what you're talking about, and no idea when you said that.
Use Control F and search for it.

If you don't know who the blade-god dude is then you should replay the fucking game because the entire fucking point of the game is about how Blond Bitch is the opposite of Blade God Dude.

It's mentioned multiple times, the first time is the one I quoted (Pupunin asking Rex to come to Bana's office), the second is when you talk to Jin on the ship - he reconfirms that Rex is Leftherian.
Anyone with a functioning memory can put two and two together and understand what he means by "you people". Why in the world would you even wonder if he's a fucking android or something?

I literally don't give a fuck about other xeno games bro.

I'm pissed off about this game, not some older shit.

If you are explained he isn't a mary sue at Chapter 10 that's on the game, not me.

By chapter 1 he is a mary sue.

>>Also Rex believing Elysium exists for no reason was stupid and forced.
>Most people believe in heaven in the real world, and Rex has more reason to believe in Elysium because the World Tree is a real tangible location he can look out the window and see, and Elysium is just a location at the top of that. I can't fathom why you'd have a problem with that of all thing.
Don't make him question his other irrational beliefs, that's not nice.

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You may be right but it has an anime lady in it and most people here are chronic masturbating shut ins.

>Also Rex believing Elysium exists for no reason was stupid and forced.
He has to use nursery rhymes to remember basic moral principles, he's not very bright

Why would you assume Jin is an android? lol
Now if you could show the part where Bana says that he's chosen Rex because he's the best driver or whatever, that'd be great.

If it was good I would remember it.

You have been all this thread critiquing a strawman of the game, the real game is virtually unrecognizable from your posts alone without the context provided by the rest of the thread.

>By chapter 1 he is a mary sue.
But he isn't? The entire first 3 quarters of the game establish that Rex is incompetent and weak, nearly every encounter with the bad guys ends up as
>Rex and Co have to retreat
>Rex loses, but somebody else saves him

Even by chapter 1, he's more incompetent than the average JRPG protagonist.

>It's mentioned multiple times, the first time is the one I quoted (Pupunin asking Rex to come to Bana's office), the second is when you talk to Jin on the ship - he reconfirms that Rex is Leftherian.
Again, this will only work in hindsight.

Well for starters he has a robot mask, and the previous game was about sentient fucking machines?

The word leftherian or whatever has never meant anything to me while I was playing the game, and even now it doesn't mean anything.

Why would I hunt down your posts and reply to random stuff? More importantly why would you demand me to do that, and be upset when I didn't, when our conversation has nothing to do with that?

Malos is in a very weakened state after Mythra nuked him in the Aegis War 500 years ago, this is why he uses a Blade and has to steal the data stored in Mythra's core crystal in chapter 6 or whenever, because his core computer is damaged and incomplete. This is explained a lot.

Holy shit

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I only brought up heaven because Elysium is an obvious parallel to the concept of heaven in almost every possible way. Realizing that the heaven he sought after to solve the world's problems is untended, dead, and useless is extremely gnostic-pilled, I expected nothing less from Takahashi.
I will not apologize for bullying, though.

>His granpa literally reincarnated for anime points.
>Its a stupid trope.
It's the opposite of a trope though. The common cliche IS for Gramps to to stay dead and give the protagonist a taste for vengeance. Instead, in Xenoblade 2's case, he comes back to life right away. It's making fun of JRPGs that pull the "loss of a loved one" card to motivate the protagonist. It would only be a trope if Gramps stayed dead but was revealed to be alive 50 hours later.

>Also Rex believing Elysium exists for no reason was stupid and forced.
You can literally see the World Tree from nearly every vantage point in the game. Everybody has reason to believe Elysium exists. Gramps even says early on that the Titans came from the World Tree. Rex's belief was solidified by finding Pyra and seeing Elysium in the vision.

I only showed up half way into this thread.

>But he isn't?
How did he survive the sparring fight with 10,000 years old blade god dude then? He should be insta-killed and the game ended right there.

It was telling when he survived and the only thing we knew about the guy was that he was a soldier and Jin's bodyguard, but later on its confirmed he is a monster, yet Rex beat him up in a sword fight and nearly killed him 5 minutes into the game.

>has to retreat
>more incompetent than the average JRPG protagonist

What the fuck are you on? Even Cloud had to retreat at the start of the game.

Judging by what you say, I never got to Chapter 6.

So no, up until the point I was in. He was a literal indestructible god, and the protagonist a mary sue.

Is Cloud a Mary Sue?
Let's go back and have you define what you even think a Mary Sue i

And Rex keeps on retreating or getting his ass kicked for about 60-70 hours.

Most JRPGs have the protagonist get BTFO at the start of the game, but with each chapter the protagonist progressively gets stronger and takes down the villain's lackeys. Xenoblade 2 really isn't like that, Rex usually has to keep on retreating, or somebody else has to finish the job because he's on his ropes.

>Again, this will only work in hindsight.
Worked for me on my first playthrough just fine. I'm sorry you were too busy worrying about whether Jin was a fucking robot or not to pick up on basic plot details like 'the protagonist is from this location, this character is interested in him because of this'.

All this makes me wonder if perhaps you're talking about a different game.

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>Rex is a Mary Sue
You can dislike the game all you want but don't say shit that you clearly don't know what you're talking about

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>"Rex is a mary sue!"
>rex almost always has to rely on everybody else as a crutch
>lets his emotions get the best of him and it gets people hurt
>story says that anybody else who was stronger and more experienced would probably make for a better Aegis Driver
>even your own party members make this observation that somebody skilled with fighting would probably be better
>only strives to become strong once he actually loses the girl he loves because he was weak at like chapter 6ish or chapter 7ish
>is fundamentally the equivalent of a hillybilly hick who was just at the wrong place at the wrong time

>Quest where he helps an old blind lady walk home
Very cute and good boy

>tfw chose the 'help the crying kid option' instead
I felt fucking horrible for the poor guy, everything goes so wrong

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Guys, my internet connection went out.

We will have to continue this discussion another day.

It's okay, I can always wait to talk more about Wulfric being a good boy. Can't wait to continue it another day user!

>How could you fags even like this game?
I don't know. I couldn't even get through the first Xenoblade game. And I love anime and open world games. But between the bad pacing of tutorials, quests and story, I just didn't want to keep playing. It felt like playing an MMO where it was work, not a game.

I think a lot of people didn't realise that they were doing, effectively, a satire of generic shonen anime tropes before letting shit hit the fan at the beginning of the last half/quarter of the game. Once that kicked in I was hooked.

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I wouldn't call it a satire. It's intentionally embracing those tropes, not trying to mock them.

>it gets good after 120 hours

Jesus, is he STILL going to this day?

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Eh, maybe I used the wrong word.
I'm not even at 80 hours and I'm on the last chapter. Are shit at games?

how the fuck do you get that far into a game before getting 'hooked' and consider it a good experience
why am I even asking, from your pic it's obvious that you're just a niafag who lost their shit over her shitty confession

You can't stop autism.

>How do you just casually enjoy something, I only feel emotions in the extreme because I have autism.

That's nothing. FFXV Kun has been going for over a decade.

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I wanna breed with Nia

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How nice

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>I'm not even at 80 hours and I'm on the last chapter. Are shit at games?
It depends on how much side content and exploration you do, I didn't kill the final boss until like 160 hours in, and I still had a few blades to get and some quests besides all the post game content.

Nah it’s pretty substantially changed and a lot more mechanically intricate, theres a lot more for the player to mess with, especially after you unlock the ability to cancel arts into each other

It's a different argument if you're purposefully putting off advancing the game.

How did Homura and Hikari split? Why does the game give you the option to call Pnuema Hikari when he's really infatuated with Homura? Why wasn't Rex feeling the effects of Spirit of Crucible Elpys?

At first I was a Pyra fag, but overtime, and switching to Japanese voices, Nia grew on me the most.

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>why did the game gave you the option to all pnuema Mythra?
Mythra and Pyra are still the same being, who cares what you call Pneuma, they both still love you

it matters because one of them is better than the other :p

Then pick your choice, not hard

They may have the same origins but they're not the same being at all especially when Pyra can't hit for shit

>They may have the same origins but they're not the same being at all

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i want to fug aya hirano

since you're posting this in a xenoblade 2 thread I can only assume there's something seriously wrong with you

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>Boring as shit
>bad voice acting
Solid for the most part. Stop being so welshphobic
>shit animation
>shit battle mechanics
Learn to fucking play
>forgettable soundtrack
>poorly written story
It's pretty clever
>weebshit characters
It's Japanese faggot
>garbage graphics
Not really
>slow pacing
Completely wrong
Loving the game my dude. You should try it instead of shit posting about it

The game suffers a similar problem to Kingdom Hearts where the actual story only picks up very little at the end of each chapter cause that's when the main bad guys show up. It's extremely annoying and repetitive how each chapter is set up. >Flashback
>go to new place
>have to solve problem
>once solved, main bad guys show up (in ch2 it's Morag instead)
>They utterly destroy you
>Find something or unlock something that lets you escape or make enemy retreat
>Rinse and repeat

This song is legitimate fucking KINO.Best song in the game in my honest opinion.

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Still move forward is objectively better

Holy fuck XB1's theme is literally just KH boss music

The thread is on page 10 and the cabal be like