Final Fantasy XIV

Are you going to play her game?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bro we had 2 FFXIV threads up already c'mon


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>starting with stupid shit in the OP
This thread is gonna get deleted

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He's in.

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Post you're waifu and we will tell you what job you should play.

Just let him fly you monsters. Stop bullying the poor Elbst.

I was already playing ARR for her, why not ShB

Hopefully one day all city states can be as honorable as Limsa.

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>be BLM main
>see tanks rioting over no dps stances
>healers stringing people up over no dps, period
>MNKs got another 2 years in the shed
>BRD and MCH freaking out over DNC stealing their ranged dps spot
>me the entire time

You can only reply if your job remains king of dps.

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In 13 days, my friend

>immediately gets BTFO
I'm not really a fan of Varis, but that shit was funny

But didn't they fuck up with the gobbos or something who were already in the region? I don't recall what Varis said.

>can somehow say all this with a straight face
Now that's what you call Pirate Swagger

I love revisionist history.

What patch was this again? I'd like to rewatch.

>Want to do Tsukuyomi's Pain
>Only people doing it are farm parties who expect you to have cleared it multiple times
>Don't want to be a detriment, but also won't get any experience if there's nothing to practice with
I just want the Orchestration Roll

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That's the joke
And it was the Kobolds whom they broke their own peace treaty, and need to basically fight a war of extinction with the Sahagin

lolifilia gets a pass based on lore though.

She's the twins size, and they're fair game

Shut the fuck up you dumb pirates

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>DRK is STILL just a shitty WAR
>in fact most of its shit got nerfed

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>ywn grind against merlwyb and finally enter her as she smothers you with her breasts and lies into your ear

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>they wouldn't add teens
They said they wouldn't add children. Teens are fair game to them. Also they were talking about playable characters not just characters in general, because there already are child NPCs.

>tfw no Merlwyb mommy gf

Kill me

How the fuck do you keep up with everything in snakes ex? I get anxious as fuck as healer and people start dieing.

>Teens are fair game to them
Quote to me where they ever said this.

Slightly related, but can anyone explain to me why in which side is Varis on? He doesn't seem to like Solus at all yet he does his bidding. Instead of seeking help with the Eorzians he just blows them the fuck out.

Go crazy

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Which tank should I play in ShB if I never played a tank?

Fuck Ascians, Conquer Eorzean savages for the good of Mankind

Literally just don't play healer then LMAO

Talk to the dick tranny


Do I have to quote to you where they said they need to take shits to prove that they're not robots who don't need to shit? They only ever said "no playable children", and going by how every other JRPG has a playable teen protagonist it's safe to say they are okay with playable teens, retard.

PLD is a good start, well rounded easy to pickup tank.


Just did the ARR allied beast tribes quest. The villains may have been lame but damn that was a cool quest.

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So you were putting words in their mouths, then. Right?

By the way, they did NOT say "no playable children". Their words were "No playable characters of younger appearance"

>killed her own father because she was fucking his bloodrival behind his back
>cheated at a boat race and became dictator
>has already stayed double the term limit
>continues an illegal war against the kobolds and cries victim
When do we wipe out Limsa?

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The only tank that matters, war

Sad for such an attractive character there are no porn or doujins of her.

Varis is hoping to be on the same side in the end since he despises the Ascians and being a puppet-emperor, recall how furious he was when Solus told him the war-of-succession was pretty much planned. I sincerely doubt his sperg-out about rejoining man has any sincerity behind it since it's effectively "follow along the ascian plan and then btfo them and zodiark at the last possible second".

>pirate bitch flat out lying

As expected of Limsa scum. Unlike pure forest mommy

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She looks so cute

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>Ah, gotta reset the PF again; boy time sure does fly by

At the end of ShB Solus will force us to pick a nation to gas

Speaking of DRK, just finished his level 58 quest. Why did I enjoy it so much? Was it the contrast with Sidurgu's edginess?

Can't wait to strip her with modtools!

What tiny bit there is of her is pretty good but people don't go for the roegadyn in general since most of the people commissioning or drawing things are primarily doing it for au ra and miqo'te, or applying things like size-difference and musculature that fit roes' niche to those two races.

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Sid getting btfo'd is a common theme further on.


tfw still can't unsee that upside cow necklace

Warrior so you always have oh shit button if the healer is complete shit and a self heal. Paladin so you can block a lot of damage and heal people as you heal yourself.

In response to loli/shota viera, dumbass. It doesn't apply to teens over their own age of consent.

who's a slave to the elementals even now that they're powerless and totally reliant on the gods' quiver and wood wailers to perform their autistic will

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Rewatch that scene and the one beforehand. Solus has a wild personality shift, and he's basically pissed off and quiet the entire meeting until the Alliance asks 'the right questions' at which point he knows he can start throwing out information because they were the ones who prompted it. He wanted to fill them in on everything he knew without seeming like a traitor.

As long as Ishgard and Gridania survive desu, don't care about the others.

>Gunbreaker gets basically all of Squall/Seifers iconic attacks, including renzokuken as a mechanic
I swore I wouldn't come back after Yoshi ruined BLU, but I'm tempted boys

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>Pepe costume

Is YoshiP /ourguy/?

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PLD does significantly higher damage. No reason to WAR anymore.

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>In response to loli/shota viera, dumbass.
No. They didn't respond to anything. The announcement came out of nowhere and they didn't reply to any post.

Why do you CONTINUOUSLY lie instead of just admitting you were wrong? What is wrong with you?

don't listen to pldtards it is easily the most boring class in the game, only special snowflakes plays it
war is the easiest to start, easiest to master but also the strongest and rounded up of the tanks

When can we pledge ourselves to Ishgard.
This is why I can't stand the rest of the alliance.


Mind linking some good ones because I can't find anything like at all.

>just one

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>hate low level dungeons because of how slow and lacking in available skills they are but need to do them to level BLM
>Tam Tara actually goes lightning fast for once while partied with MCH
Goddamn, having AoE available at low levels feels so good

The job is literally FF8 with a splash of DMC and some random astrophysics and savage shit. I am so fucking excited.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck...I fucking hate lorelets, now I have to add a note to my lorebook...

>alt-right frog and mount
what did he mean by this?

>the strongest
not anymore warcuck

We are nerfing raid buffs because we want you to bring the player and not the job. Except you still have to bring ninja. Also you need a dancer now too.

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Hello I will be your tank for this evening a viera gunbreaker or bunbreaker as I like to call myself.

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Anyone have the webm of war and sch sharing the shed?


Decide which among the following you hate most, pirate scum, lalajews, elementals, mhiggers, and the inquisition

This is Koji from the early XI days. Say something nice to him!

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If only they made it 20s

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>be in a symbiotic relationship all those years
>the moment they have a problem you want to cut them off instead of supporting them like they did before
Spoken like a true piratescum. Or even worse, an Ul'dahn

Machinist or Samurai?

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Enjoy it because the other beast tribe alliances suck.

>neo nazi meme outfit
uhhh trannybros??? i though this was supposed to be our game????

No doujins at all that I can find, just scattered pieces on Paheal, Pixiv

>he thinks these are final
>he thinks SE's pet class won't take back its throne on release
every single fucking expansion
you said the same thing every expansion
i'm comfortably waiting to btfo and laugh hard at you pldtard

I want a bunbreaker in my group!

Nice hairline fag!

How did he get away with this?

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War is braindead boring though. Outside of IR it's literally the dullest class in the game.


Are you retarded? The subject was brought up because people were asking about the loli/shota viera concept art and wanted it in game. In response, Yoshi said they weren't going to put in characters """of younger appearance""" partly because of pedos, and partly because they don't want to see children being subject to danger/harm. Now you have teen Minfilia running dungeons with you as a trust, obviously meaning they are okay with someone of her age being subject to danger/harm.

There's really not much more to say. You can either put 2 and 2 together or remain a pedo tranny I guess.

>On the shores of America we found it, and from those humble beginnings did we grow and flourish. And all without robbing our neighbors of their liberty,

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More referring to images than doujins. I looked on sadpanda for that.


thanks user

user you cant gas whats already gassed and we're trying to rebuild

But why bother with the farce in the first place? Why not just step up, ally with Eorzia and get shit done instead of keeping appearances like that?

They said child characters nigga. Do you want the post?

>skinny (relative)
>not as bald

Poor guy got to live his dream of making Final Fantasy and being in a rock band, but at what cost?

hell no, the elementals chimp out at the slightest provocation and the only reason they're not completely up in arms right now is because they were so weakened by the calamity they can't do anything

i'm at that point where I feel like i'm getting burnt out on the game. I went through HW and StB in a month to get ready for ShB. I have 2 level 70 DPS (DRG and SAM) and started working on WHM (lvl 30) but I'm getting tired. It seems like the major thing I have left to do is level all classes to 70 but that's a fucking grind. Doing things for my lvl 70s feels pointless because I'm not getting EXP. What do?

>The subject was brought up because people were asking about the loli/shota viera concept art and wanted it in game
No it literally wasn't, lol. Quote me ANY PART of their post that so much as mentions lolis, shotas, or viera.

What does Koji play as?

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Yeah I'm probably going to come back for the job. I'm so used to FFVIII being the red headed step child of the franchise, good to see a well done homage

Wait literally 2 weeks for the new expac.

This. Ishgard took us in, we saved Ishgard, we got Aymeric to lead. We did the most for Ishgard and got the most out in return. Dumb minigame factions can gtfo.

Wtf is MCH going to do now without heat and bullets?

Seeing if they were even receptive to such an agreement is my guess. Come in with excuses for why they didn't or wouldn't do anything and he just throws their regional histories in their face (especially Merlwyb who'd already been assblasted about claiming innocence with the kobolds prior), come in with a genuine effort to parley or come to an agreement and he spills the beans.

Who was in the wrong?

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play other games

>Healers get stronger healing kits
>mana/piety rework
>Refresh/Mana shift gone for less dependence on teammates
>DNC has 400(?) pot aoe heal
>SMN gets a ??? pot regen
>also tanks have perma tank stance on and even more mitigation tools
All of this is evidence that we're going to take a fuck ton more damage, careful healing is going to be important because you'll go dry, and tanks will have more room to express themselves via mitigation. My prediction is that piety for healers is what will separate the wheat from the chaff

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Dungeon reel got me so excited for the music.

Take a break and come back at the expasion or just play wow instead.

>waifushit OPs
Anyway I have a garbage ilvl (sub-330) and just got done farming sus ex for the mount, what the fuck should I be doing now?

Everyone would go Ishgard and there'd be no one left to compete with in """"""""""PvP""""""""""


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But Ala Mhigo

Honestly my only complaint is that Blasting Zone isn't an AOE, but it hits so fucking hard that I can't even be mad.

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They still have heat now they just spend it on a buff that lets them spam a 1.5 second gcd attack that also refreshes their ogcd attacks.

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FF8 in general's gonna get loads of love with the GNB job and that Eden summon's hull sitting in the middle of the Empty. Get ready for the FF8 expansion nigga

killing yourself

And right after they still did battle.

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Farming the other 6 4.0 primals for their dogs obviously.

And also finishing the story, or something. I'm not your boss.
Ready to rip

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maybe later
That's all there is to do? I might because I'm bored as fuck but probably shouldn't have resubbed for it. As I said my ilvl is garbage so nobody is going to take me, though

Stop them! Now! As leader of the jannies I demand that you stop!

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Machinist if you want gadgets in two weeks, Samurai if you want the power of God and anime on your side

WAR stopped being fun after Heavensward.

Who's going to be more fun while also viable in SBs; MCH or SMN?

Boy, you best stop posting this, that meme is cursed

What does alisaie see in him lads?

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Ugh, dunno what to do

I guess I could continue lvling my crafters. I only have 3 more that are sub 50


Definitely mhiggers

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Absolutely not.

>farm extreme primals for mounts
>do savage raids for gear
>do alliance raids for (slightly worse) gear
>treasure maps
>A/S rank hunts


Does anyone have caps of the new mounts from the live letter?

also erotic roleplay

Shadowbringers, retarded that two expansions have the same acronym
>farm extreme primals for mounts
>do savage raids for gear
That's my only real interest, don't know what Eureka is, though. How do I get my ilvl up to be even taken to ex primals that I don't host, though

I suck at these primals I'm just waiting until level 80 to clear them. You guys who clear this shit are fucking amazing at this game.

Which one do you want weapons from? Titania or Innocence?

>Eden summon's hull sitting in the middle of the Empty. Get ready for the FF8 expansion nigga
Oh fuck I didn't know about that. If they start incorporating some FF8 music I'm going to be in heaven

get welfare gear?

First time I see someone calling it SBs. Usually it's always shb.

Both, but if I have to pick one Titania

To top it off, isn't ff8 getting a remake this month or something?

hoy there mate, it's a nice thought but I'm willing to bet that healing will be a regular ol' joke

dumb question bot as someone who didn't look into Gunbreaker at all, do they have skills that actually shoots bullets or is it all sword techniques?

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Whos Innocence? The angel? Do we know anything about it?

Sometime this year

Remaster, though it's still a modern rerelease

Is there a surefire method to Wondorous Tails or is it all luck?

Only that his toga looks suspiciously similar to the fat fuck's.

I used to work, and I shit you not, in the building across the street from SE HQ in Tokyo
I'd see Koji come out from time to time, along with Foxclon; never saw Yoshi for some reason
Anyways, Koji always looked miserable and trying to hit on older female SE employees who didn't look interested

They've got Lightning Shot, but no bullets

pretty sure it was either the most recent or the one just before that. It's during the parlay with the Emperor before the last dungeon.

That... also works. I'll go with that

>fat ugly bastard becomes a handsome angel
Bonner is instantly lost. Would no longer let him fuck Y'Shtola.


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Innoence, because it'll be a chance to have angelic weapons like Bismarck that aren't hideous

Titania for my BRD, Innocence for my DRK.

>cakes not interested in Koji, the god of gobi rap
Nice lie.

Ok well I mean do they use the gun part of their gunblade.

Nice try, it'll just become a SCH solo-heal meta.

>Fat fuck becomes Griffith
oh god SHIT

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Answer me this, how exactly was the realm "reborn" why didn't bahamut destroy the entire world? what happened?

Accessories because its gay girly boss
Masculine Holy weapons


Nope, FF8-style gunblades don't actually fire anything. In FF8 they were blanks that turned the blade into a vibrablade (like Warhammer 40k or Metal Gear Rising's high-frequency blades), here they do that alongside having enchanted cartridges to "fire" magic.

Eorzea is the most important place on the planet.


is this mango still running?

Apparently it's going to be on everything

When they pull the trigger the gun part fire causing vibrations which made you do more dmg. In ff8 pretty much every attack squall did could do more dmg if you pressed r2 with the right timing.

Why does Alliance Raid always seem to land on Syrcus Tower?

Thordan VII did nothing wrong.

Play through Coil

Watch this

muh mog tomestones

Nice. Looking forward to it. Never played 8.


Bahamut was going to destroy the world, but then Louisoix punched through his fucking chest.

Because you're a fucking clown.

Because lazy shits will unequip armor to make sure they get ARR raids, and also mogslaves are grinding tomestones there

new umbral era
bahamut's release fucked with climate and geography of the world while killing numerous people
game was re-released

If that were it WoD or that other raid should pop up too, but it always seems to be just Syrcus

Bahamut caused an immense amount of damage to the world and could have very possibly destroyed it all. Louisoix spontaneously became a primal from the sheer amount of belief in him and the Warriors of Light, used his new strength to punch a hole in Bahamut's chest, and sent the resulting outpour of aether from himself and the dragon into the earth to heal the damage that'd been done. Theoretically a huge amount of Eorzea can summon Bahamut and Phoenix as a result if they knew summoning magic

Ishgard is obvious best city, whats next? Gridania is by far the weakest, almost literal who tier. Limsa is backstabbing pirate dictatorship with shitty accent. Ul'dah has lalajew and mhnigger but at least it can beat Ifrit on its own. The way they just shoved the Uldah plot from ARR under a rug sucked ass though.

roulettes and dungeons that give you tomes of genesis i think it is gives you either 380-390ilvl gear

Louisoix became the primal Phoenix and fucked bahamut shit up then got absorbed by Bahamut before he went dormant. As seen in this video

It's occasionally labyrinth too, but yeah, 9/10 times it's syrcus because mogtomes and it's the fastest I guess.

It's one of the more divisive ff games, definitely a wild ride though

>Louisoix literally saves the world
>"lol, fuck that loser interfering with history and shit"
Fuck Sharlayan

Should I main GBR or DAN in SB2? I can't decide

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PLD was only boring in ARR

>Because lazy shits will unequip armor to make sure they get ARR raids
There is literally no point in running HW/SB raids at this time

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Become what you must. Become the Goober.

Unlike the other two you basically can't wipe from fucking up mechanics in Syrcus due to how goddamn overpowered everyone is

They're fun and I'm fucking sick of Crystal Tower.

It's the fastest place to grind mogtomes

Is there any item I should give a fuck about from the moogle event?

Alright so dungeon spam, then. Thanks

I'd want both really. I feel like Innocence's weapons might look a lot like Sophia's but at the same time there's not many jobs I'd want fairy weapons for.

You lazy fuck.

well its either that or you buy crafted gear

Sharlayan can suck a fat one, they'll Mhach 2.0 themselves one day and almost did from non-intervention with Dalamud. It will be revenge for scrapping the a-ra-ga spell naming scheme

>Another sharlayan scholar moves to Eorzea to share knowledge of another effective way of healing people, one literally anyone could learn
>Sharlayan sics assassins after her to stop the spread of information
What the fuck is their problem?

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Made a poll, what job will YOU be maining in Shadowbringers?

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The namazu earrings are event exclusive but everything else is pretty easy to obtain normally. I guess you might want the pegasus mount and minion too since they come from diadem and nobody goes there anymore.


TL: No fight left to fight.

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Precedent leads to Titania being more likely to give weapons.

>significantly more
>400dps, 1/20th of the top tank dps, is significant
>but muh savage min/maxing
>also caring about Tank dps when you're a TANK not a dps
Not that I'm defending WAR fags, they've had ARR + 2 fucking expansions to shine and can fuck right off to the cuckshed and PLDs deserve their time to shine after being stuck in that same shed before Block was changed to not be shit. But this shit is silly arguing over relatively miniscule differences like it makes your peen that much bigger. I'd take a WAR faggot over a DRK faggot any day too.

As if there was any other choice.

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I wanna go DRK, but my fc has like 10 tank mains all trying to raid together, so I'll just dps this expansion. Probably will got SAM or BLM

>Blue Mage
I'll check it out the very moment its level-cap is raised. I still need Garuda and Leviathan's spells.

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Goobbue mount

Where my SCH bros at?

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>Louisoix spontaneously became a primal

Hold on, even with belief don't you also need a huge supply of crystals to become a primal?

sorry i'm switching to ninja.

But BLMs have the reaction time of a sloth and are dead for 80% of the fight
What are you on about


You just need aether

Something something Cartenau was aether-rich something something atmospheric energy from Bahamut and Dalamud something something.

Both motherfucker. One will give you MOTIVATION. The other lets you summon pic related. Its a win win.

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Tupsimati's a bitching aether magnet

sorry i'm switching to AST

>You will no longer be able to grab all the adds in ARF pre-boss 2 section with a single Whispering Dawn
That's one thing I'll never not be mad about, why the fuck did they have to change how pets work?

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Maybe it’s because it’s the first time you were ever introduced to philosophy? That is honestly one of the worst quest lines I have ever suffered through

BROS HELP they're not selling my lorebooks are dropping in price fast I took out 5 loans to stockpile them I think I'm done for

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So I haven't played for about two years and I'm thinking of jumping back in. How's DRG been?

His staff is a ridiculously powerful aether attractor


I still don't know what class to take through SHB.

Maybe BLM because MSQ EXP, but I like being tank for experiencing mechanics for the first time, I want to wall to wall pull new dungeons and then die immediately.

One of my favorites desu.

Is it 4 days or 10 days to get max rested exp? Google gives conflicting answers.



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HOLD you fucking retard, they're going to add more lore

>at this time
The moogle tomestone event is limited time, which is why everyone is forcing CT. Yoshi is fucking retarded and should've stretched it vaguely until 5.1 at least, just like the Garo PvP shit. He's the one responsible for this alliance roulette bottleneck problem

Hasn't changed much since Heavensward but gaining and keeping Blood of the Dragon got easier. Will stay about as easy to keep in ShB but it did get simplified in how you max out Life of the Dragon's time. Next expac we're losing Heavy Thrust and Impulse Drive, along with piercing-resistance down on Disembowel; Heavy Thrust's damage-up is moved to Disembowel as a replacement.


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I just want it to be here already. I'm tired of speculating and shitposting, I just wanna fucking play.

pretty sure its 4.

Dubs chooses my main for ShB

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brothers you remember to log out at gridania right?

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Whatcha mean?

Bumping my post for more votes.

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convince me to not switch to gunbreaker

What are the requirements for Gunbreaker? I started but never finished Stormblood

There will be 2 million other gunbreakers on your datacenter.


Only have to be lv. 60 to access Gunbreaker, same rules as becoming SAM or RDM.

convince me not to healslut

This was made before we knew anything about the job changes

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It starts at lv60, so most likely the requirement will be to have a level 60 job and the HW msq completed.

I like Yshtola, but in Japanese she seems to have no personality at all.

fisher slut instead, like a true patrician


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Go subs. It's confirmed superior.

And here's the original, from before SB launched

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK FUCK Fuck they dropped even more if they don't add more lore fast I'm ruined

Perfect. I'm fucking hyped

In a somewhat related topic, do we know where to log out for the first MSQ?

Honestly what the fuck do you mean by "subs"?

It's fun

based and BANGpilled
can't wait to shoot my fucking healer

Probably Rising Stones.

user log the fuck out anywhere, it will take 30 seconds to teleport to wherever the quest is.

Fucking kek. I am glad I dropped DRK before we even saw the job changes. Feels good to know I chose right.

>forcing east coasters to play west ping classes

Is the trail version unlimited? What the fuck? Literally what's the point in the full game and the monthly subscription? Not memeing here I am legitimately enjoying my retarded level 10 stone-aero spamming conjurer.

This is my first choice if nobody convinces me otherwise. I've been alternating between NIN and BRD mostly since 2.1 and theyre both my favourite, but I'm thinking DNC will take BRDs place as my most played alt job.

Give it to me straight Yea Forums
How much of a faggot am I if I want to play NIN, DRK and BLM

>can't wait to shoot my fucking healer

Holy fuck where did all the RDM votes come in?

Dubs besides 00 are off on Yea Forums you summer solstice faggot

Why was he irrelevant in Stormblood? Just seemed stupid to me. I didn't want him to become King or anything, but nothing at all is stupid.

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why is red mage getting so many votes? I thought it looked kinda boring from the job trailer, did something change?

>provides supple shota and loli sacrifices to the elemental neets to mindbreak enslave and more
>kills violent foreigners and mhiggers
>kills poaching capitalists
>all natural fascists
Sounds based to me.

Attached: cute and funny elemental.png (640x363, 359K)

I'm from the UK

Nothing wrong with those jobs. You are a giant faggot though by needing to seek validation this hard.


Weeb faggot/10
scribbled the 'G' out of DRG and wrote in 'K' in Crayon faggot/10

you sound pretty based

Will Hydaelyn kill WoL before he could kill Her?

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>tons of RDM votes
>not a single DRG

Attached: ffxivshad.png (408x575, 575K)

user I get 34ms ping to my datacenter and I'm on the east coast. I've been doing mudras without clipping for 5 years. Git gud.

Right okay
How fucked is DRK then since it seems like people in this thread are calling it shit

I'm new

You're a massive faggot, but not because of your job choices

post logs

Don't forget the muh warcrime outfits on mog station that are making gooks freak out even as I type this out and the fact he played mmos for ages and plays a CUTE and FUNNY Lala. 300% /ourguy/ trannies btfo

She's like 17 or something, she barely looks younger than 16 at a real stretch.

95% of the game is after level 30. You will want more.

I was expecting a mention about a royalist faction wanting him to be king, only for him to say no.

>unironically using the term special snowflake
You deserve your seat in the shed.

tanks are probably going to be the most fun role in shadowbringers, and dark knight looks pretty dope

Because fuck MNK
t. Yoshida

Ok i'm doing Diadem but I have no idea how it works? How does it work and how does this cache work?

I'll play her game and fill her belly button with my cum

>TFW GNB main and RDM secondary
I see I am among TRUE MEN of CULTURE.

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RDM is the easiest job in the game, it comes as no surprise and it has been known for a while that it's extremely popular.

>sharing it to the guy that 100% wants to share it to reddit and or discord

Elementals are sentient aether. It makes sense that ancient people based hydaelyn and zodiark's form around Elementals

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Had to give Lyse something to do, so she gets to swoop in and become the savior of Ala Mhigo or some shit. I like that he chooses to rebuild the fist of rhalgr instead of trying to become King, but him not appearing at all was retarded. Even fucking Oboro got a cameo during the liberation of Doma and he's actually not even supposed to be there.

>boring weeb or EDGAR RONI FIGARO

I'm thinking Machinist

The problem with DRK, to me, is that they Outheal damage, rather than mitigate it. If you ever played Blood DKs in WoW in earlier expansions, that. It's a pain in the ass to heal you up unless you do the self-healing rotations correctly, and 90% of them don't because as said, most of them are shitters as bad as DRGs. You could be that 1 in a hundred, but if you had to ask, you probably aren't. PLD is in a good place right now and will always be a reliable tank, do that instead.

DRG is the easiest job tho. RDM has to at least look at their dumb procs while playing whack-a-mole, DRG's rotation is 100% muscle memory with basically zero deviation or choices to be made.

Dark Knight just gives me the Berserk feeling I fucking love that shit.
>TFW Huge fucking sword
>TFW Raw ANGER albeit not as much as WAR

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Don't worry they gutted all of DRK's self healing but it's fine because they can mitigate magic damage.

Most of the doomposting about DRK is just metafags, and thus can be safely ignored

>Majority of shitposters on these threads are RDM mains

Attached: it rhymes.jpg (659x659, 99K)

They chose to split all the characters we're supposed to care about continents apart that introducing MORE would've just made it worse.
This isn't even accounting for the inherent bias and preference Doma got because it being Japan and China inspired
>mfw they'll never do anything with Widargelt being the rightful heir of Ala Mhigo and Ala Mhigo only exists to get brapped on by Zolus and his black rose

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Do you think you'll get to glam your trusts?

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Well yeah user, DRG is pretty easy when all you have to do is tank the floor

I expect it'll be Titania because we already got holy weapons from KotR, but I'd prefer Innocence.


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WHM since 2.1

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I hope they find a way to put Lunatic Pandora in

She's doing everything she can to make that unnecessary as seducing them is better

I just enjoy chilling in savage and a decent RDM is great for pf learning parties which is basically all I do after clearing

I played WoW for years so I think I can handle it if I learn, I'm just new as fuck to this game and haven't even gotten to 60 on NIN yet

I can't believe this fat, ugly bastard raped, enslaved and impregnated Y'sthola.

>straw poll gets posted to the /vg/ thread
>all the casuals who call raiders "trannies" chime in as red mage mains
like pottery



I just hate that they turned it into WAR Edgy edition. DRK has fallen so far from Heavensward it's not even funny anymore.

So Thancred goes from being papa Nier to Dante

Rolling for WHM

If you actually learn, then sure yeah. But if what said is true (I haven't looked at their ShB changes yet), then you might want to reconsider PLD. Half their skills are equivalent to DRK anyways and you can help heal when you have shitter healers too.

When are we going to fight other final bosses from other Final Fantasy games? We're missing Emperor, Zeromus, Bizarro & Safer Sephiroth, Ultimecia, Necron, and Braska's Final Aeon.

Did someone repost my poll on /vg/? Fucking shitters.

I doubt it. Prove of that is all the retards flocking to RDM like bees to honey. And I do mean retards. People who deal less damage than tank, people who back flip into abyss, such and such. Needless to say great RDM players do exsist, obviously, but the average one is worse than DRG in ARR. And boy they are in every corner like ants.


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I play ps4, the only log for me on fflogs is from rabanastre just after it was released. Also I never claimed to be a top tier minmaxing savage raider, I only said I dont have trouble with mudras.

Fuck off

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What is Rival Wings and why can't I play it?

I don't know what you're talking about, he looks nothing like Dante

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So that's how alphinaud dies.

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Yeah that helps because I leveled an alt to 55-ish as a paladin and from what I've played of DRK they seemed to have an almost identical rotation at the start

PLD is pretty fun though so i'd definitely be down for that too, I think the thing I love most about FF14 so far is that unlike wow None of the classes are boring

Why are all of the FFXIV youtube content creators universally insufferable holy shit

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This. PLD is so fucking boring it's ridiculous. WAR is the most fun tank.

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People like RDM because of the aesthetic AND the ease of play.

You are a mage, with a sword, who fights with magic and melee, and wears bad ass fancy coats and hats and shit. Do you have any idea how many people this appeals to?

Oh that was brd.

This is the only NIN log I could find

Attached: 20190615_223620.jpg (1046x1706, 281K)

We call that the lowest common denominator, user
aka pandering to the faggot masses

Think about the type of person likely to devote enough time to an MMO to be writing guides and shit for it and you have your answer

I havent the MCH changes yet? Its my main DPS class, so I hope they didn't fuck it up too much.

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>2 monk votes
Bros... we're gonna make it, right?

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Almost every content creator is shit.

What are the fun things I can do at level 60?

this, spellsword classes are basically nonexistant outside of actual dnd so if it's ever present in a videogame, I'm gonna play it, even if it's 'easy'





>tanking Suzy ex learning party.
>see ast using diurnal when we have a white mage, ask why.
>"because it has more healing potency"
>tell him there's no point in big heals if you're fucking dead.
>butt buddy tells me to stop talking and that I don't know how to play

I guess he was right cause we spent the entire time wiping to the first set of flame panels.

Too bad they removed all the fun elements of WAR in favour of DUDELMAOSIXFELLCLEAVES

MCH is 100% different in shb. It's getting a complete rework

Attached: d.jpg (500x265, 38K)

anyone wanna erp on cactuar

Okay real talk why doesn't SE sell job hoodies and t-shirts?

absolute bs what vpn do you use?

It looks fun now, so that's good

>ShB theme is almost completely incomprehensible and it still manages to be better than this
Stormblood was a mistake


nin just seems rough to go orange as, it's the stuff I kinda strive towards. i get it though if you're in mostly for the aesthetic which is fine but stuff like monk or ninja always feels like I'm at a disadvantage because of the side of the planet I got alotted to. shit sucks

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extremely terrible

>they don't enjoy throwing up barriers and mitigating hits for the whole party
?they just want to mash DURR CLEAVE ME SWING AXE ME DO DAMAGE

Absolute faggots

No bro, it's time to give it up. Our time will never come.

Attached: snake-smoke-8.jpg (1660x1038, 196K)


I don't get it.

The only reason to swap sects is to do whatever the other healer doesn't. If you got a WHM, put shields up, if you got an AST, get them regens son

400 DPS is a massive amount you retarded faggot.
Right now PLD is just retardedly broken with stupidly high potencies on everything. It's shit design when you have this garbage:
>DRK gets 1/5 of a Bloodspiller and 1/6 of an Edge of Shadow per combo
>WAR gets 2/5 of a Fell Cleave per combo
>GNB gets one Burst Strike per combo
>PLD gets three Fell Cleaves and a free Holy Spirit per combo

Can someone tell me what happened to those "warriors of Light" Are they supposed to be you? or were they someone else?

From what people said here, it's "better" but more ping reliant, so min maxers and parsers are losing their shit.

They're letting it fly soon

Why are you so upset?

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Pray, grant me succor, my Warrior of Light.

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>min masers and parsers are losing their shit
You keep saying this yet literally nobody gives a shit about it. Everyone's just saying it's the same as its ever been, unplayable at a high level if you have high ping but otherwise fine

Use mudfish with fastconnect, I've managed to orange a few times on nin with it.

they probably became Sin Eater leaders


>>GNB gets one Burst Strike per combo
Burst Strike isn't even their best cartridge expenditure idiot. It's a filler.

absolutely shocked at the lack of SMN and DNC votes tbqh

They're the cutscene warriors of light. Yoshi made it super fucking complicated for some reason instead of just making them the canon wol

He sure is uppity for a half-garlean

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Watch the scene one more time. Those two guards who serve as the boss of Ghimlyt Dark and know who Solus is are in the tent with Varis. He was being watched and couldn't just openly seek help.

Yeah and Fell Cleave isn't WAR's best gauge spender, and Bloodspiller isn't DRK's best use of blood. It's still what you're getting from an "extra" cartridge

Fuck min/max. I’m going to punch shit at lightning speeds because it’s fun.

Swell ye seas of old, Leviathan Leviathan
Surging tides grow bold, Leviathan
Seething currents whorl, Leviathan Leviathan
To swallow up the world, Leviathan Leviathan

I still can't believe they are angry about that, its just a fucking kimono.

Attached: far eastern schoolboy.jpg (800x600, 235K)

If you could weave multiple times before during wildfire you can do it on 5.x MCH. The only new thing is controlling your automaton queen during your rotation

There was a guy yesterday insulting everyone who disagreed with him pretty hard and there is that gigantic word post on the XIV sub.

I'll be playing it until 4.05 and maybe through the first tier, but if they haven't at least lowered PB's cooldown by then I'll be dropping the job just like literally everyone else with a brain.

You're supposed to do endgame content, retard. Not level more jobs. 99% of the average player's playtime is spent at max level.

>want to play with focus on the story
>but too lazy to do sidequests for that extra world building

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Looks like I am playing SMN or DNC then.

He's Papa Nier in the guise of Dante

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They just made it less fun though.

It's not really massive. It is literally 1/20th of the nearly 8k dps, and everyone's still above a respectable 7200. WARs are still above Gunbreakers but no, WAR fags don't give a shit if someone is weaker than them and they don't ask to boost them up too, they just want their own epeen polished.
In the big picture, that's pretty well balanced and they're all competitive for anything besides bleeding-edge raid faggots, and those faggots are a minority in a "journey, not the destination" game like this. Noone gives two fucks or remembers who downed it first after the initial week unless they want to kiss their ass like a white knight defending a female player hoping to get laid, aka, it's a wasted gesture that will never happen.

He is full my dude. They don't all have the eye.

>SCH still the strongest healer
>WAR probably still meta with PLD


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If Varis just decides to assume control and mobilize imperial forces on HIS will, what is Solus going to do about it? Show up and say he's Solus to the masses so they don't follow Varis? Not like anyone would believe him.

I kinda hope the instance server gets absolutely fucked on launch so I have a good excuse to go do all those sidequests I have left

just say fuck it and use the duty finder

It's pretty massive. It's bigger than the gap between PLD and WAR/DRK was in HW in terms of percentages.

>yfw the final jobs in XIV will be Geomancer, Gambler, and Mystic Knight


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who is this?

The thing is, I don't care. I play the game for fun.

Let's see yours though.


>Gamblers potencies are based on how many TT cards and MGP you have

And yet noone gives two fucks now which tank you use do they? Not besides massive sperglords anyways. Noone will care later either, they'll all -work- is my point.

Like old diadem or eureka? If it is old diadem then you just do fates over and over. If it is Eureka you are better off killing yourself lel.

I assume the Ascians can just jack Varis' body and puppet him around if he doesn't cooperate with them willingly.

Did they make any huge mechanical changes? Last I saw, they added in some tools for refreshing GL stacks and made it so that you have to switch from FoF to FoW for max damage at more than 3 GL.

Hopefully we'll get more tanks and Thancred. People think that Solus will be a tank trust in the early parts of ShB

Says the retard who doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about and thinks you can use Gnashing Fang every time you get a catridge.

Is there any way to remove materia from gear?

You go fishing.

Well then just do that in the first place instead of keeping a loose end like Varis walking around.

>People think that Solus will be a tank trust
Those people are retarded

>And yet noone gives two fucks now which tank you use do they
Are you joking?

>want to resub
>but know I won't have anything to do until >shad rolls around

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They gutted half its skills and literally fixed none of the problems anyone had with it from Stormblood

bumping my poll again.

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God, I wanna fuck Loli Minfilia

Yeah I don't really know why they don't just do that, even if they have to kill him to take his body, that shouldn't be hard either.

Sup bros, tank need Excogitation?

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Ascians can't just take whomever they please or they would have done that to fuck us over already by possessing people we love and need, or people in positions of power.

They straight said before that Thancred was more susceptible to possession due to the stress he was putting himself under to try and fill Louisoix's shoes.

Jesus christ, the time investment that FFXIV would require by now must be reaching quadruple digits. MMO players are insane.

just wait it out user

i haven't played the game in like 2 months because I burned myself out right before Heavensward and still haven't forgiven myself for it

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Thats exactly how resurrected Xande did. Granted, he killed a lot of opposition


>would easily trade story length for better cutscenes
>would easily trade number of dungeons for more animated and less linear dungeon design
>would easily trade number of savages to have longer more intensive and uniquely designed fights instead of 'learn 3 mechs and repeat'
Why do they keep settling for mediocrity bros

>SCH still the strongest healer in a game where nobody gives a fuck of how much you heal
Though 5.0 raiding will most likely be WHM+SCH since the pairing is confirmed to work. AST is looking much worse despite everyone wanting SCH to be in the cuckshed.
We'll see.

the legendary bunbreaker

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>durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr just use gnashing fang every 3 gcds lol

It's a toss up for me between SMN and DRK. I'll probably just end up doing both

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Upheaval is WAR's best usage of gauge, my dude

Attached: 1560469949200.jpg (658x702, 163K)

>Trust options are based on who is with you at that point in the story
>There's a tank before you meet Thancred again
Take your pick: Hoary Boulder, Arenvald or Fordola.

Worrying if true. If they kept MNK in their current state and just added on more skills, MNK should have been in a good place.

Know where I can read up more on these changes?

>Realized I can't put up Excog pre-pull anymore

Oh well, Recitation will still be stupid to guarantee the crit adlo pre-pull.

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Like actual Diadem as in I'm doing Trials of the Fury.

Nobody is making you play. Vote with your wallet if you dislike how things are done currently. Me? I'm having a blast with things as they are though.

tfw Mystic Knight/Rune Fencer never

Stop, you're talking to a retard who is so fucking stupid he thinks you can use Gnashing Fang every 10 seconds.

>1.0fag came back

Attached: ohno.jpg (313x254, 14K)

They can take over corpses, though, and it shouldn't be that hard for Solus to just kill off Varis if he needs his skin.

$20 says the speedrun meta becomes solo heal SCH and Yoshi ruptures a blood vessel

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Well I'm sure Varis is under a lot of pressure too.

>They straight said before that Thancred was more susceptible to possession due to the stress he was putting himself under to try and fill Louisoix's shoes.
finding out your grandpa was an ascian, he planned everything from the get go and talks of worrying about potential rebellion again is cause for stress

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Not him but I am gonna get enough SKS to get the CD low enough to be used after every combo and YOU CAN'T STOP MEEEEEEEE.

>ah WOD I'm wet wet wet

Attached: fairy.png (1024x576, 959K)

Join us.

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>Fordola as a trust
it's more than I dare to dream

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Here's my pick.

Attached: 1553979031258.jpg (1024x576, 95K)

>tfw watching malcolm in the middle right now

What would Mystic Knight even do in XIV? In V I remember having to cast spells on the sword and then just hitting for big damage. Never played XI so I don't know how it worked there.

WAR's best usage is being in the shed while GLD/DRK/GUN chads fuck all the healslut pussy

budget went to Hidibrand

Attached: 1560444911174.webm (960x540, 2.63M)

I love that Yea Forums gets the reverse in class difficulty every single time for literally every dps role. MCH, MNK, SMN. It's like a trifecta of a hivemind that regurgitates dumb shit.

>hey I think these things could be imrpoved
>reee dont play then
my guy
private servers when

>solo heal as sch
You mean WHM.
SCH doesn't have the mp management that it has now.

I think you might need a towel.

Attached: 1543045586053.png (794x269, 95K)

>Greg wants to fuck Hildy

Theres no way Estinien would let his boyfriend get touched by that thing

Pls respond

I think a Garlean might be the tank

Attached: 1560557851290.webm (1398x964, 1.23M)

Crit adlo is nerfed now.

More like
>Don't pay money for things you don't like
Stop being a cuck and paying for product you consider subpar.

Why is Greg so gay

There is no way RDM has this many votes, I don't know what /xivg/ did to this poll.

It's ok user i'm sure some day someone will agree with you 1.0 was worth half a shit.

Literally a gorillion stacks of aetherflow they can't dump into energy drain anymore and the best free oGCD aoe healing in the game with the retarded buff to sacred soil

MP management will also probably be a joke with lucid on the shorter CD


Attached: 1552956561690.jpg (1920x3176, 1.85M)

>crit adlo
You poor creature

What the fuck am I looking at here?

>He unironically believes SCH ever needed the 45s aetherflow cooldown
You are never leaving the shed, WHMkun.

Attached: 1550097786297.png (3084x2568, 188K)

MCH's new toys

>all these shitter mages
you also linked it in xivg didn't you

it's still good with the guaranteed crit


Nigga learn your Aeons

Spreadlo is nerfed to shit, critlo still let's the tank ignore shit for a bit

>there's no way the best job has this many votes

Go finish the Hildibrand quests

someone did do that, yes

>He trusted an ((Ascian))

one of the new datamined MCH weapon

>not using ED for dps
Shut the fuck up greylet.

Just wait until FFXIV is finally retired and they rework it into a mostly single player experience

shit is Greg disguised as Yojimbo?

It quite literally isn't. The only thing that was nerfed was deployement tactics and that strat has been made irrelevant thanks to Recitation - Indom for 750 potency heal aoe.
SCH lost absolutely nothing in terms of healing and only got stronger as a result of SE stupidity.

Spreadlo will still be better on average as long as recitation is up. I'm fine with the nerf.

More consistency for deploys but nerf of critlo literally letting you ignore mechanics before

Pure garleans all do have the eye.

>he doesn't know

Ah you are right, I'll just go play the other final fantasy mmos that have class design I enjoy. I forgot having any criticism of something means you can't like any other thing about it and must stop even if there is no alternative. thank you for your wisdom senpai

Casters are disproportionally popular, you have no idea. This, despite being out of the meta for Heavensward and a good chunk of Stormblood. Check any DF for seiryu and you'll always see two casters at least. DRG/MCH/NIN are probably the rarest classes I see.