Which VR system should I get

Should I get the HTC Vive or the Oculus S?

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Vive is old, Rift S is bad
wait for Index

I’ve never heard of index what’s the deal with it?

just wait for valve index or don't bother

Index has better FOV, resolution, lenses, comfort, and audio than the headsets you mentioned. But you'll need to save up for it.

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Index. Or a Rift CV1 or Vive if you can't wait.

Don't get an index until I get one

I’ve heard the oculus is no where as good as the vive I just want to play shut like doom vr will this get in the way?

They're both more or less the same.

I’ll probably get Oculus S then if it’s a extra 200 for something that’s similar

you will regret not researching your purchase sufficiently

Enjoying my quest so far but ive only played pavlov and demos because all the games are $30+

How so?

I can't speak for the Rift S, but I got a Quest and the inside out tracking is pretty good if you don't want to deal with lighthouses or sensor set up for the headset.

Seriously don’t bother. They’re all a waste of money and there are no games

This. Only game I'm really enjoying is Sports Scramble. Everything else is just ports and shit and the sales on the store or shit. It's why I prefer sideloading more.


Lighthouse tracking vs Inside-Out tracking
Touch controllers vs Vive Wands
Screen quality, SDE
Vive potentially able to upgrade to Index
It's complicated

I’ll try the oculus if I don’t like it I can always just sell it and buy a oculus

With no games.

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and you can't even use it for porn

>no games
>posts a picture of a bunch of PSVR exclusives
What did you mean by this?


Sold my Rift for a Quest and use ALVR to stream SteamVR games. No regrets. Get a Quest.

You can buy both an Oculus Quest and Rift S and still have spent less than buying an Index.

fuck off faceberg

>Rift tracking
>CPU intensive
Only if you run them through USB2 like an idiot. You're looking at 1-2% CPU usage per sensor depending on your processor, which only really matters if you're running quad-core and not something with eight threads minimum.

So I'm a helicopter pilot and I was considering getting a cockpit setup with VR to use with XPlane 11 for training purposes, and I guess I'd play some games with it since I have it. Which headset would be the best for that specific scenario?

FUCK the Rift S
If you want to hold a gun up to your face it loses tracking, the screen has a lower refresh rate than the og rift/vive too (80hz instead of 90, which was widely agreed as the minimum needed)
If I was you I'd buy a regular Rift second hand. Or get a used vive and then buy the index controllers

>Plane stuff
Assuming you got the money and the PC to power it, resolution is everything in this case, so you'd probably want an HP Reverb which has the best screen resolution of the available consumer headsets.

Rift or Samsung Odyssey if you are going to be cockpit only as you can prob pick up a used rift with no controllers etc for very cheap
Do not go near any of the other WMR headsets or the Rift S as it doesnt have manual IPD adjustment. Which means if the distance between your pupils is more or less than 64 you will have a blurry image


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I'm going to wait until they invent neural interfaces or hardlight holograms.

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uhmmmm shareholders are NOT going to like this, Zuck promised them Oculus would finally start drawing a profit this year

Vive if you're cheap, and Index if you aren't, if you want desktop VR. Quest if you want VR not attached to a computer.

Fuck yeah, Black Mirror style.

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Is ~8ft x 8ft enough for roomscale?

I agree with this user, Resolution is a very big deal.

Lol yep. Be interesting to see if Rift 2 will be viable or just the Rift S-2 and Quest 2. Whether the dark age of VR continues or not.

That's acutally more than required amount which you can usually just get by with 6 by 6 so you should be good.

Anyone got that compilation pic handy of the older headsets reading an airplane's dash?

The Rift 2 doesn't exist
Facebook wont be making enthusiast hardware any more
Which is shit when you consider they are throwing money at developers to make games

How long before Carmack jumps ship you think? I think he's the only remaining member of the Oculus crew still around.

That's what you get with Facebook's walled garden

Probably not any time soon. He's fascinated with milking out set pieces of hardware, and really wanted to do full on phone gaming stuff awhile back, but Bethesda at the time had other plans for him. Now he's working on VR which was a pet project of his, and it happens to now be combined with phone hardware.

why would you want 2 bad headsets? better to save up and get the best

That old man is getting a golden shower from a vr loli for sure.

this one?

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>no Vive Pro
>no O+

Its an old image
From what I've heard the Vive Pro is a rip off. Index is meant to be better and the entire kit with controllers costs less than the Vive Pro HMD alone did at launch

It is but it also has a much better screen than the OG Vive and is on par with the O+ in that regard
That pic is too outdated to be of any use, screens across the board have gotten much better
The problem with the Index will be actually getting a hold of one, Valve probably won't get caught up with demand until next year

imagine how good it'll be when you get one though, laughing at all those faceberg shills with their bad camera tracking and literal IPD headaches

None actually because VR is a gimmick fad that is already over.

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Living the dream

>That guy in the back

Realistically this particular niche will be better suited for AR
I give it 10 years

I have a rift. I like it. considering getting a quest too because you can stream steamvr games to your quest apparently.