>Western female chars are ug-

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Other urls found in this thread:


Still sorta ugly

I wish Emma Frost was in this game.

only when japan is doing the design

Attached: morrigan-aensland-night-warriors-darkstalkers-revenge-anime-613.jpg (1430x1080, 242K)

It's like they barely tried

Attached: b7597f35b40c714af2bd538879169f3c.jpg (680x1008, 93K)

team ninja made that

what're the pictures from?

There will be a X-Men DLC so there's still hope.

Someone post the webm of the ass

Just type Darkstalkers cartoon and you will find it

the west isn't incapable of making good looking characters, they just largely don't because there's a war on beauty by an extremely loud group

>Western female chars are ugly

Attached: KitanaMK11.jpg (585x300, 30K)

prone bone

what the fuck

is this shit real?

Attached: 1553740166409.gif (500x374, 1.89M)

Is Darkstalkers Blu Ray now? will buy.

Psylocke 100% convinced me to buy this game. I enjoyed the first two, so I was already interested, but I was worried they'd be filled with MCU onions shit and pandering to Marvel's usual audience. Glad to see that's not the case.

From a japanese dev btw

>game based on western IP
>developed and published by japanese companies
That's your answer, OP.

OP, BTFO!!!!

Attached: Dumb White Slut for Everyone.jpg (400x400, 29K)

Here's hoping then.

I want to fuck her in the ass.

Imagine of this game does so well that the Pendulum shifts back to more Japanese companies doing western IP.

It's from the same people that did the Street Fighter cartoon. Everybody from both shows is fucking ugly.

How the fuck does a Switch game have better character models than a PS4/Xbox/PC game?

Attached: the_avengers_square_enix.jpg (825x464, 40K)

This is being made by Japs

Given the IP and being a Switch exclusive I can see it easily doing 1.5 Million+ sales. I'm not sure how the first two sold, and those figures would be hard to compare against since they were full-on multiplats.


Attached: Psylocke.webm (1280x720, 1.97M)

Is there a better position?

It doesnt? MUA games look like shit and generally play like an aborted diablo game.

two different styles. The Avengers game has more realistic facial models. The other game is more cartoony and slightly more anime style.

So it's really down to personal preference on which has better character models.


Jesus that widow. What a slag.

character design in MUA3 is far better than those discount capeshit designs. And the x-men legends games (MUA's predecessors) were objectively good couch co-op games

I wish they just went full MCU character design.Banner looks better than everyone else.

Elsa bloodstone definitely caught my attention

Attached: 9364E950-3704-4F04-B1E4-6A967D16C2AE.jpg (696x390, 35K)

>Wow, Psylocke looks... cool.
I applaud his self-control.

I really want to use her, but my pride rests with Captain America. I'm sure doujins will help me fill the void.

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>tfw no Nextwave stuff for the game

Attached: sad girl.jpg (251x231, 11K)

Sweet peach

Attached: 1554964822640.jpg (644x422, 69K)

Team Ninja were the modelers for that version of Psylocke.

Post main teams boys:
>Iron Fist
>Ghost Rider

Attached: 1533877415827.jpg (315x311, 37K)

even then, Cap looks like 45 yr old cosplaying as Cap with some milsurp shit he bought.

I unironically love sluts and slags

I like Iron Man's design, but seriously, what the fuck happened with Thor and Cap?

OP is a fag
this thread is filled with candy asses
only Nippon can into female design

Attached: 1447457757461.gif (190x207, 52K)

They did? This is as close as they cant get without wasting millions on the budget licensing the actual actors likeness and it looks like shit. They could have go full comic book. This shitty in-between does not work at all.

I am buckets to her. 2D Psylocke was perfect.

exceptional taste user

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its better without the guy there

Attached: 87yg78t086g0g98g80y8ty8uftgutf.webm (704x904, 1.67M)

Actually,that version of the character was designed by an Asian.

Attached: JL.jpg (800x1067, 256K)

Isnt there some /ss/ subplot with felicia and harry potter in that or something?

She was so damn thicc in MvC. Her sprite's thighs were bigger than her waist.

I wish Cyclops was playable

>i-i-i-i-its a Japanese game
you weebs are retarded she and all the others are western characters

Attached: 1538319508666.gif (350x197, 2.49M)

Emma Frost is an adulterous bitch and I'm glad she's not here.

>Captain America (Leader)
>Daredevil (Bad boy)
>Ms. Marvel (Comic relief)
>Hawkeye (Ranged)

Attached: marvel-ultimate-alliance-3-characters-35710-1560471944.png (1216x475, 723K)

ok so she is a western character just because the art is from some Japanese guy dont them a eastern character

Attached: 5dd70eebc7a58398c1fb8a437ff255ac.jpg (1280x1816, 558K)

I wish her tits were bigger

t. Tiffafag

>Spider-Gwen good
>Miles bad
Mmmm, fuck off

>Not a fan
>Ghost Rider, Storm, & Elsa
>Gamora & Elektra above those 3
>Likes Spider-Gwen more than Miles
What the fuck?

Attached: 1503702407519.jpg (419x479, 180K)

all the characters look like there comic book selves weebs trying to say there jap because

Attached: 1503494023063.jpg (600x579, 43K)

>Spider-Man (OG Homie)
>Captain Marvel (I enjoyed her movie)
>Falcon (A black dude with wings, nuff said)
>Ms.Marvel (She's cute, CUTE)


Not him, but aren't we all?

Psylocke in particular seems mostly inspired by her 90s Capcom fighting game self since that's the slight variant on her comics design at the time that caught on with the Japs a lot. The rest seem pretty comic accurate, yeah, with a few redesigns on the costume side (IIRC Logan's suit has more black than normal).

If you don't know anything about comics or comic artists then just stfu. Your ignorance is appalling.

Betsy Braddock (Psylocke) is British. However, that isn't her real body. That's the body of an assassin named Kwannon, who is Japanese. Betsy has been in her body for the past 20+ years. That version of the character was designed by Jim Less who is a Korean American. He's not Japanese.

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Is Blade in this game

retarded fucking weebs

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the one in this game has nothing on the capcom psylocke. small breasts, small ass, thighs aren't as toned. anyone defending the design in this game is cucked to begin with


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>western comics
You fucking moron. kek

ok weeb

the only one i hate is cap the costume fucking sucks

These bad boyz

Attached: 44.png (758x619, 733K)

Here is your DLC bro.

Attached: __jennifer_walters_armor_carol_danvers_storm_shuma_gorath_and_etc_marvel_and_etc_drawn_by_butcha_u__ (1200x1024, 908K)

Hmm looks like jurnos aren't doing enough to correct this problem.

bros, why is Shuma Gorath there?

kek I thought the same thing

can you play with CPU's?

that spinal curve hurts my back

That's an edit of her original sprite. Psylocke's breasts weren't quite that big in-game (Although they're still pretty big regardless).

Attached: psylockeflip.gif (500x610, 205K)

Wow, I guess sex really sells. I unironically want to buy this game now even though Super Mario Maker is right around the corner. Is it fun?

they are going crazy going on rants about cyberpunk 2077

Attached: screenshot-twitter.com-2019.06.10-23-07-19.png (737x367, 410K)

she's still much thicker than this numarvel garbage

God, Emma does things to my dick...
What am I supposed to do, bros?

I want to make babies with Grace

Literally white Yoruichi.

Doc. Strange
if no best boy Cyke then Hawkeye instead

fuck off retard

Capcom used 90s design for everyone.

And MUA is using a tweaked version for Xmen.

>can you play with CPU's?
Yes. There's even a more behind-the-back camera angle available for single-player.

Psylocke came first you dumbass weeb

That's some serious lordosis

She's japanese. Well, her body is japanese and her mind is british or something. See, the japanese woman was an assassin that killed the british lady, but the lady was a psyker so in her panic she overtook the assassin's mind and lived in there from that point.

We've got at least one more character reveal before launch and Scott has a model with attack animations, but the DLC pass has X-Men content. It's a 50/50 as to if you need to pay for him, but he'll be there.

Jesus Christ, all 5 of them look like generic white dudes. You'd think that wouldn't be an issue with Black Widow.

It's just weird, like, I have nothing against "generic white dude" meme, but I just don't think Banner and Iron Man should look like that.

Yes, yes she is

Nintendo characters are inevitable.

Attached: 69225291_p0.jpg (638x865, 189K)

Both look terrible.

May they have a strong jaw.

But that game is being made by Team Ninja, a Japanese developer.

>Banner is the most attractive one there

ok so

Attached: D3lXTsjXsAEpAd_-orig.jpg (1200x1200, 93K)

Is it really? That explains everything

interesting. Might get the game now. It was annoying having to plan things with friends in progression games like castle crashers back in middleschool, but its nice to know I can have CPU's helping out if my friends can't.

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Its a pretty braindead series but I find it fun.


Even nip art is best when they take western inspirations.

Attached: Capcom1769.jpg (1053x1370, 1.07M)

How twin brother is also Captain Britain

I think it's pretty self-explanatory


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How fucking new are you?

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>uses a character design from 3 decades ago that modern comics refuse to use

Yea Forums BTFO!

Attached: psylocke05.jpg (1005x1005, 440K)

Play Rogue-Like

Attached: WinterisComing1.jpg (360x704, 179K)

What was Kirby thinking with these designs?

Attached: injk (2).jpg (984x1415, 334K)

one game ok dumbass

Attached: 5338bc0d090dbc6126d3eaf0f0bc42b4.jpg (924x600, 46K)

There is ton of good western artists. Of course hacks from dumblr or lazy shits going be more obvious.

But it's baffling that people tend do dismiss western art as bad.

Attached: Justice-League-Alliance-Alex-Ross-Exclusive.png (1310x742, 1.56M)

ok what is this supposed to tell me

Attached: 1560467647169.webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

>actually liking Miles Morales

Now that i know Team Ninja is making it i wish it was an action game instead of MAHVEL garbage

Attached: 5871e8fc98d5392509c51a4b7fa66fbc.jpg (1920x1080, 109K)


Why is his DC art so based, but Marvel art shit?

Alex Ross can only draw one type of jaw.

I wish she kept her butterfly motif after the body swap

This is my kind of metronome

capcom increased her breast size in MvC2
IIRC betsy was never THAT stacked in the comics

whats with you weebs if marvel did not like how the characters looked they would make them change it

Attached: 157147.jpg (225x350, 8K)

This game is shaping up to be a lot better than squares avengers game.
Sure ultimate alliance has 3 day one dlcs but avengers has costume microtransactions.

And Shinkiro still draw people like George Clooney.

Flaws exist on ton of artists.

Attached: __falke_ryuu_g_kasugano_sakura_cody_travers_and_etc_street_fighter_v_and_etc_drawn_by_mori_toshiaki_ (850x1200, 249K)

Alex Ross also did work for Marvel.

Attached: Ross-Marvels.jpg (1400x700, 167K)

>Alex Ross doesn't draw for Marvel

Attached: Earths-Mightest-Heroes.jpg (1374x2100, 2.93M)

jim is really good at drawing masculine characters

Miles can be good when he's not written as Peter 2: Black Spider-Man. Enter The Spider-Verse was a perfect example of how to write him, even if it was a movie and not a comic.

Spider-Gwen was also in Spider-Verse but she's also pretty one-note. She's just Spidey but it's Gwen in the suit.

This is a gamw Nintendo is footing the bill for
And one that's not on the major platforms

I have a feeling it's a game marvel has a little less fate in. So less control

>actually like Spider-Gwen
At least Miles has unique powers to work with within the context of a game like this.
Also he's pretty good in Spiderverse

Not getting my hopes up. All the DLC could be X-men and they'd still miss major characters

What I meant to say was, why does the art he creates for DC so good looking, while the art he makes for Marvel so terrible?

Western devs CAN make hot characters.

They simply choose not to because being attractive is oppressive or something.

Attached: neveragain.jpg (600x338, 64K)

Read "Marvels" (that's the name of the comic) illustrated by Alex Ross. You'll change your mind.
This is why UMvC3 Shinkiro is best Shinkiro. Forced him to draw weirdos and masks which stopped Clooneyface.
Fuck, I love that he drew square-head Kirby-style Hulk here.

Attached: UMvC3 4.jpg (2692x3807, 2.51M)

Little fun fact. Alex Ross has people dress up like the characters and then he creates is images based off of that.

Attached: KQhkcba.jpg (600x315, 26K)

>There will be a X-Men DLC so there's still Hope.

Attached: STK405911.jpg (1780x2700, 2.57M)

pic not related

>silver age nostalgia cover man

no thanks

>Western devs CAN make hot characters
>Posts a butterface
Come on user, at least try.

Attached: cf2.jpg (717x1115, 116K)

Why does cap look like old man Armie Hammer?

ok retard its still a western game like all the other marvel ultimate alliance games it a Japanese guy started to a Japanese comic of spider-man is it a manga or a comic book

>Miles can be good when he's not written as Peter 2: Black Spider-Man. Enter The Spider-Verse was a perfect example of how to write him, even if it was a movie and not a comic.
You could just say notBendis. Everyone that isn't Bendis has written him much much better.

Ton of people actually do.

Now everyone use a 3d model as reference. Just watch some manga artist streams.

what games are you people looking at you say they are ugly but post the same 3 games over and over

>X-Men DLC

Speaking of that I really hope the Japanese love for 90's X-Men will be enough to get best girl in the game but I doubt it'll happen.

Attached: Jubilee.jpg (600x928, 76K)

>its still a western game
The developer is Team Ninja aka the Dead of Alive team aka "We physically cannot ship a game without fat titties in it Inc."

It doesnt, it just knows that



Those designs look Kirby as fuck I don't know what you're talking about.

>The developer is Team Ninja
ok so you are telling me the other 2 are jap games now too

How many characters are there in the DLC?
We need Scott, Emma, Piotr, Ilyana, Rogue, Kitty, Bobby (for those sweet diversity checkboxes), maybe Beast, maybe Angel
also fuck Jean

God I hope

Attached: __jubilee_marvel_and_etc_drawn_by_robert_porter__e7bde985cd8c9446782eed8ae7174981.jpg (1153x1400, 438K)

Because you're a DC fanboy.

Based cap player, the struggle has been real ever since Marvel Super Heroes, but it's America first, ass second.

Didn't she become a normie?

Probably something like

>Stan pls stop fucking my wife

Its a japanese game published by a japanese company using western characters, how is this difficult to understand

>a Japanese guy started to a Japanese comic of spider-man is it a manga or a comic book
If it's published in a manga magazine in Japan, then yes, it's a manga, now stop pretending to be retarded.

Attached: fdb10b8c-1c85-4ae0-a860-0bb94d124b59.jpg (480x640, 57K)

Jubilee is still relevant in the actual comics? i love her so much in the 90's


Jubilee's powers are in a constant state of "Fuck off we'll give her them if we feel like it"

are you both retarded?

If it's being developed by Team Ninja then it's literally NOT a western game.

Capeshit has a lot of sexy designs, at least the legacy stuff, but that doesn't automatically mean it's getting accurately translated to vidya, especially not in 2019. If the character looks good then you can thank this specific JAPANESE studio for it as they always prioritize character models and emphasize sexy instead of shying away from it.

Attached: 1552779731000.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Protip: a manga and a comic book are exactly the same goddamn thing.

>ok retard its still a western game
Literally no it isn't retard.

Lads give it to me straight: are there literally any Western games that haven't uglified their females, or at least shrunk their tits and flattened their asses enough to make them just look like normies?


no they are not Yea Forums told me so

Vampire Jubliee is the best. Of course Marvel ruined her.

>emphasize sexy instead of shying away from it
>what is DOA6

Of course they are, but you know very well what's the differentiation people do between them, same with cartoon/anime.

Cocksteady capeshit games and nu-Tomb Raider off the top of my head

so you are telling me that the only reason they have their classic costumes is because its a Japanese game

The Witcher

yes but you will cal them ugly anyway

Attached: cage.png (1630x801, 1.41M)

After playing the game today at a Best Buy im actually really excited to get the game.

These are decent examples

And this is a fucking goblin.

>he thinks this isn't ugly

A game littered with sex appeal that retard parrot faggots pretend is not because it does not suit the narrative they need to propagate their political bullshit.

The game speaks for itself, you either never looked at it or you are one of the aforementioned faggots.

Attached: lick.jpg (675x1200, 116K)

thanks for proving my point

Attached: 1544596210640.png (491x535, 206K)

Hentai cover. X-Men anime style added to MvC characters

this the game has lots of sexy shit in it but retards will say there is not is

I think there's a trend recently of developers modeling characters after their voice actors in the west and using motion/face capture and I don't think the tech is quite there to make them look really good.

The reason she looks good is because it's a Japanese game made by Team Ninja.

Attached: CBRdAil.png (1514x751, 1.39M)

Your shitty girls are ugly. Now fuck off back to your general.

Battle Chasers

Attached: b191f8b6b2963756f5187401ffe69086.png (1000x1161, 953K)

ok retard

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Attached: Sup.png (668x398, 23K)

>Still no Ant-Man gameplay

Attached: 1560561643384.jpg (1632x1224, 525K)

>butcha u is DLC
Thank you, Jesus.

he's not wrong why are you angry

The new Street of Rage is being made by a western studio and their Blaze is pretty hot.

Attached: Dlps2WHX4AAlGxn.jpg:large.jpg (646x616, 64K)

shit wrong image

Attached: marvel future fight psylocke.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

hot take: anime means cartoon.

That's just Risty.

I'm not exactly complaining about that.

Attached: __risty_queen_s_blade_drawn_by_eiwa__d57885c4ca93630b91eae39cddb9e8e5.jpg (850x1198, 157K)

Is the game any good? never played an Ultimate Aliance game

How are we 200 posts in yet no one has mentioned this is a Nintendo-funded exclusive developed by Japanese developer Team Ninja?

I still need to play this.

It's Diablo-lite with marvel characters
They're pretty good for a playthrough or two

>imagine being so brainwashed by Yea Forums that you actually believed a meme

Attached: veia.png (307x296, 144K)

She got better. She also has an adopted kid so somehow she's now a MILF even though she's still 18

nope you are

Attached: DqQWewYX0AITmnZ-medium.jpg (1200x672, 119K)

MUA series is a Diablo-lite designed to just sit down and enjoy with friends (although 3 is accommodating solo play more). You get character progression, unlock costumes, get bonuses for canon teams, etc. They're a good time.

what game

second question: is it a good game

marvel future fight and i dont know thinking about trying it myself

Attached: LrKdMKp.png (1280x720, 453K)

Because that's kinda common knowledge for these threads, unless someone asks about it.

Attached: 57173073_p0.png (2953x3677, 2.7M)

wrong about what? what are you doing?

Everyone looks good from a certain angle. Also she has a shit ton of makeup on.

im not doing anything faker

>magik is in
Oh great, now I gotta get a switch.

why are you posting a game made by Koreans?

At least the Street Fighter cartoon was entertaining to watch especially for Bison yelling "YES! YES!"


why are we posti

He's terminally retarded

That's not MUA3

Attached: 1543040854319.png (195x211, 102K)

no u

Attached: 4gv.jpg (235x188, 9K)

>android, iOS

>Also she has a shit ton of makeup on

Attached: 1480525971252.gif (480x336, 867K)

Red Monika was around waaaaay before Risty

i hope silk will be in

Attached: Cindy_Moon_(Earth-12131)_from_Marvel_Avengers_Alliance.png (1024x1325, 705K)

Why are you guys responding to someone pretending not knowing Western characters are being done Japanese developers? He's been at this for a while and obviously doing it for (You)'s. Stop giving it to him.

Is UA3 going to be good? I haven't watched the E3 footage

God I love Rogue so much.

Attached: 1542319307485.jpg (564x840, 83K)

no all of my posts are 100 percent serious

do you know that's a game model

Attached: 1550096568155.jpg (640x640, 33K)

As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.

What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..

I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.

gameplay-wise it seems okay. About the same as the old games
I havent seen much in terms of customization though. Nothing will ever compete with X-Men Legends 2's options

I've been here for 10+ years and I'll never ever understand the obsession or dopamine rush of getting a fucking response good or bad(more commonly bad) from an anonymous board. All retards must fucking hang.

Why not judge by yourself?

Butterface is still hot, albeit only 75% as hot.

Everyone on "that forum" must be put to death

Attached: 1548910212967.png (1500x2000, 702K)

Started playing last October. It's very much a phone game. The moment you start, you'll get bombarded with so much shit.
The roster is nice and large. Even that short lived Quasar who was in a coma and ten died in Secret Empire is a playable character.

Attached: tumblr_ornq0iSqtB1r7hjkqo2_1280.jpg (1249x1920, 931K)

Holy shit is this ingame? They made her even lewder

Wait, i thought this was one of those shitty MAHVEL vs what ever combo spam fighting games. That looks more interesting, not that i will ever play it thanks to the exclusivity. Voice acting is shit though.

Elektra gameplay fuckin where?

Oh damn. I like that design. Might try that out.

>These are the people posting on Yea Forums
>Can't even see the fucking artstyle shift

i might give it a try

any they say artstyle is what matters but cant tell games apart

Attached: 1544164434072.gif (200x175, 2.44M)

If you hate Miles but like Spider-Gwen, that means you masturbate to her trash character. I'm talking comics, not ItSV btw.

>can be good
Imagine reading shitty hero comic books like a 10 yo, and they're only good sometimes by your standards

It's not a debate when Crystal Dynamics got Burger King to design Thor.

fugg i want psy, but i'm saving crystals so i can get mysterio and spidey's costumes.

The west didn't make this. It was the gook.

>So it's really down to personal preference on which has better character models

Are you taking the piss? No it fucking isn't. One looks great and the other looks like absolute shit.

you should probably stretch more then

>As someone
>3 paragraphs


You niggers are gonna pay to play this cashgrab aren't you?

Why? Just tell me why.

Nah, it's just the thot pose. Pressing your waist forward at the hips makes your ass look bigger.

Imagine being so scared of video game tits going away that you lash out and say extreme shit you don't believe in order to secure your preffered outcome

What the fuck are you talking about?


>Shuma's tentacle

Attached: 1451241592591.png (229x345, 51K)

Rockstar, FromSoftware, Metal gear,
Bethesda, Insomniac, Eidos

Not user, but he's simply saying it's subjective. One using facial render technology, the other is made from scratch using a LoL/Overwatch-styled anime-like cartoons.

Personally, both look equally shit to me.

This looks like the cover of a bootleg MCU phone game that names its characters shit like Private United States or Metal Man.

Honest question, why even bother? people are always gonna be racist and 99% of them are dug in deep and wont budge, "debating" them is never going to lead anywhere.

It's objectively true that she is not ugly.You aren't repulsed by her, and you wouldn't think this if she were real.

didn't read lol

Attached: faggot ray.jpg (323x327, 21K)

There is nothing subjective about it

I'm surprised Marvel never done anything with Storm, she was literally winning Marvel female popularity polls left and right back in the 2000s.

>It's objectively true that she is not ugly.
She is ugly.
>You aren't repulsed by her
I am.
>and you wouldn't think this if she were real.
Of course I would, you fucking retard.


Not before she became a vampire.

You're shortness, and saltyness is revealing

There are some great looking western design females, Yea Forums is just being a weeaboo faggot again.

Attached: 1.jpg (1072x745, 132K)

You can go back to your general now, MKfag.

Except it is. You 'subjectively' don't like motion capture for in game models and 'subjectively' prefer the western anime style while there's other people whom 'subjectively' prefer the former.

She's a cute, A CUTE!

Attached: 2.jpg (1185x674, 129K)

Now show her troglodyte in-game model

No... its irrelevant anyways.

because before the whole Avengers craze, Storm, Jean, and Invisible Girl were the only notable female superheroes for marvel between normies

No, there is literally no subjectivity to it. Those character models look like absolute garbage for the realistic movie style and the models for this game look great for the comic book style approach.

Style does not factor into it. One game has good character models the other does not,

I mean, the Russos already did that with Endgame, so it works.

Attached: 6ac.png (218x248, 101K)


That's why. But perhaps it's for the best just look at stupid shit they do. Even then she isn't exactly treated badly.

It's literally the only relevant portion to this topic,

Attached: bone-tomahawk-2.jpg (502x346, 62K)

Kamala has no nemesis no interesting back story and most of her comics are her hanging out with friends and punching any bad guy that shows up.

Her comics have been canceled multiple times for piss poor sales and creators literally admitted they originally made her for diversity reasons and being a woman.

Who pays you to shit post this hard?

I want a game where I can play as Fat Gamer Thor.

I hate him to but kamala is worse in every way

Because the games made by Japs. And they reverted the current nu-male character costumes back to all the classic outfits.

90% of the roster don't actually look like they do in the game currently. Go take a look at current Psylocke, Cyclops, Magneto etc

Based Japs are giving us big tits, thighs and ass and skin tight costumes. Meanwhile the west gives us.......

Attached: 1560353302953.jpg (615x310, 63K)

>Switch only
>No Gambit

Fuck this game, seriously. 1 and 2 are two of my favorite games, but probably gonna skip 3.

>Switch only
Nintendo is pretty much the only reason its being made so.

what a salty fuck

bro she has on a black catsuit that is her clasic look

Cry more.

Attached: Marvel's Spider-Man_20181221173939.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

>Sexy psylocke

>Man in a fucking wig

looks like mk is making fools salty till this day

Her design, aka her outfit in this instance isn't the issue its the art style. Its just ugly as sin.


Shes at least cute
But she has no purpose as a character
A thing about team characters is that they don't normally work without their team

ok but that is still black widow classic look her costumes sucked

I'm never going to get over how similar these character's look.

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Oh, you're a nigger. That explains your awful taste.

You could've just posted OW.

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God I wish he made a sequel


Am I gay if I find the top right image (and only that one) hot?


Her book has been cancelled once. You're confusing her with Captain Marvel again. Nigga you literally say this every thread and gegt pointed out you're wrong time and time again and you still bitch about it.

these are literally the same

>short haired storm
>usually looks pretty ugly due to who gets their hands on her
>Japan gets her
>Makes her somehow pretty hot and event cute in some instances

Attached: 7526_1323286832844_full.jpg (600x331, 34K)


>usually looks pretty ugly

Attached: 1474343090659.png (873x623, 133K)

Because Square decided to ape the MCU visual direction but couldn't be bothered to pay up royalties for the actual actors. So now you have these weird cosplayer designs for this game that would otherwise be an MCU game.

>but she has the same suit HUUUUUUUR

The Rocksteady and the Netherrealms Harley both wear the iconic skin tight red and black suit. One looks gorgeous, the other looks like a fucking potato sack.

>She’s at least cute

I’m actually not a low iq nigger and a demand well written characters. Them looking good is just a side bonus, but she’s not even that because her costume looks like shit and is too bland to even be considered “generic”. People say they hate miles because he’s just a black spider man with almost the same back story as Peter, but Kamala was literally created for the same reasons but her comics rarely have her fighting for more than one page (which she normally wins with no effort) and mainly is about her hanging out with her “Diverse” group of school friends and being muslim (which is odd because she supports gays and is a feminist, both of which muslims don’t actually like)

But seriously, is there a name for an animu woman with this hairstyle and body type (who may or may not be a swordswoman)?

Attached: hero_psylocke.png (1595x2044, 632K)


Attached: Injustice 2_20190108235039.png (655x910, 736K)

>I'm not a low iq nigger
>Reads comics

Dumping a few examples

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Uh...only one thing comes to mind in the way of visual style.

Attached: taimanin_asagi_3_sample_006.jpg (1024x768, 219K)

Comics are far more deep than any book.

How do you go from this

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (1920x3242, 657K)

>says that in a thread about comic book characters

Go rob your grandma again Tyrone.

to this?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Attached: __kanzaki_kaori_to_aru_majutsu_no_index_drawn_by_jack_barro__fd113d0196dc9774b72b18dbb598e82c.jpg (727x691, 392K)

The fuck is that from? Injustice 2?

it dont look like a trash bag like you said looks like you over reacted

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Nothing personnel, OP.

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>Didn’t even have a argument for Kamala’s pathetic poorly written existence


its almost like they are to different games

>Dr. Strange

3 X-men and a Wizard.

Last one. Is there a term for this aside from the general nee-san archetype that these kind of characters sometimes have?

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Anyone but kamala

From the last game, hopefully they're all still in
>Captain America

Holy shit, that is bad.

>and a Wizard.
Isn't that you?

Kunoichi is probably the closest thing to what you're looking for.

yes the reason it looks like that is because it's gear you put together not a full costume



You sure showed me.

>he doesnt know

Attached: chrome_O9R51EW1pO.png (616x81, 8K)

Don't worry, they are. (Don't mind this user's taste though):

Attached: 220px-Janeway_Season7.jpg (220x269, 15K)

Western female chars are ugly

Attached: D4c42ZEWkAETX1x (1).png (509x583, 235K)

hay /fgg/

Makes more sense considering Psylocke's Ninja background.

But why is the ass covered up and the boobs small?

What does this even mean? I'm comparing a 3D model rendition of the same character made from the same source material in the same generation. Bonus points for the fact that even though both games belong to a genre that should emphasize character models, the one that looks like shit comes from the game that has the biggest responsibility of doing so.

Looks like a transvestite.

why do you guys only get her making that face

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190510162711.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)

I never played any of the Marvel Alliance games. Are they any good? How challenging are they? Can they be solo'd until completion or do you have to play co-op?


Attached: gwenpool.jpg (648x720, 144K)

ok what does that have to do with black widows costumes being boring

Attached: HQ.png (1218x915, 1001K)

Still ugly.

The costume design is not the issue, it's the model. How fucking dense are you?

ok idiot

There must be, that shit is everywhere in japanese media.

Attached: sarashi.jpg (1300x1200, 643K)

>it's the model
what's wrong what is its fine or are you hate it because it's a nrs game like other guys


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>cheats on /ourguy/ Quicksliver

Man you don't even know do you, Psylocke on the right is the current Psylocke and you'l notice she's no longer Asian.

Why isn't she Asian you ask? well she was never actually Asian in the fist place she was inhabiting an Asian woman's body but nobody really remember that, until SJW's found out about it and demanded she be turned back into a white woman.

So now you no longer have the most famous badass Asian X-Man the only one left is Jubilee to dorky one and Jubilee is currently a vampire that shoots sparkles, good job SJW faggots you literally ruined the best Asian woman super hero.

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do you think I'm lying or something?

Attached: psylocke-vs-storm-x-men-disassembled-1.jpg (1040x1600, 529K)

Dark, long ponytail with bangs is just a miracle of the universe. All the best girls have some sort of ponytail with bangs.

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To be fair, that was near-universally panned at the time for being totally out-of-character (it was forced by editorial who didn't feel there was enough drama in their relationship) to the point where both that and Quicksilver going insane was retconned a few years later as being attributed to the old MIND CONTROL! trope.

Attached: ffannual21-Crystal-hair.jpg (508x198, 51K)

Editorial enjoy shitting on Quicksilver. God knows he could benefit from an entire reboot at this point.

That's an awful lot of bullshit just to hide your sexual repression of women, your racism, and your sexism.

hope it has intercharacter banter

Attached: an america, a canadian, and an americanadian walk into a bar.jpg (1249x1920, 783K)

Pietro and Crystal just deserved to be happy ;_;

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Gene trash

Is Hela playable in this? I saw her in the trailer and unf

That sword is making me think Peacock

It is kind of a weird turn for the character. I mean body switchings? Whats the point of that for the character really?
And you can't really say she's a bad ass asian character because she's not even asian
Buuuut most of her run as a character she has been so. So yeah people view her that way without knowing about her connections with Captain Britain

If you like her just as a bad ass psychic ninja, well kwannon is back too...

What ideas do you really have to have your cake and eat it too

>Pietro and Crystal are such editorial clusterfucks that half the time no one can remember if Luna exists or how old she is anymore
I swear one day I'll get a job writing comics and the only thing I'll do is unfuck their shit up.

The ninja girl is still around and has powers, but as far as I'm aware she's under X-Men house arrest because she's a fucking ninja who gives no fucks over killing.

At least those assholes at Marvel can't ruin her here...

>What ideas do you really have to have your cake and eat it too
Between that and the Kraven shit from this week's Spidey, I feel like they're trying to go that route for a lot of creative retcons.

The face is ugly. Western female chars always have ugly faces.

Body is 10/10

good meme

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X-Men are the gay kids who get picked on but also start shit with everyone, and are also super exclusive in their social groups too
Inhumans are the special needs kids who are walked off into their own room. Black Bolt has Aspergers and no one wants him to go into an autistic rage. but then you have Crystal who's like a high functioning autist and everyone likes her

get her JEAN !

it's called being a fit female, you seething tranny



The character models are the only thing that looks good in M:UA 3. The environments are awful and it looks as bad as a mobile game in spots.

caitlyn jenner as black widow?

>You idiots! These are not them! You’ve captured their stunt doubles!

Attached: tumblr_l6xyg2FfJT1qzhiqwo2_1280[1].png (1024x576, 864K)

have the released the character roster for marvel alliance 3 yet?

the thing is, if the character has been depicted one way for over 30 years and and you're going to retcon it, why not just retcon that they were always Asian and leave it at that, she's a psychic all they had to say way she had body dysmorphia and originally thought she was white and made other people see it that way as well until Captain Britain helped her overcome it without her really knowing.

Id say for any appearance outside of comics just make her half asian half British
And never mention the body switching thing again on comics until it's basically been retconned

Or make the body switching thing a little more... Not her stealing someone else's body and more like a Josuke of part 8 kind of thing

>that psylocke
>big tits
lol no

Attached: 75004562_p0.jpg (700x700, 110K)

Oh I am laughing

This is from the most recent E3 build. There's a few more characters in the base game to come.

Then there's three DLC packs drawing characters from
>X-Men (so basically leftover characters)
>Fantastic Four (obvious)
>Marvel Knights (Moon Knight and Punisher are basically a given; probably Blade too)

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Godspeed, Anonymous.

Also Crystal's early-mid '90s costume from her stint in the Avengers better be an alt, I swear.

Attached: 2d84a081fa1a1d68f3d7f08cbf418975.jpg (874x1025, 308K)

>scarlet witch
>dr strange
Man I wish played these characters more back when Marvel heroes was still around. They are criminally underrated before capeshit became mainstream

What the fuck are you talking about? Iron man looks like a mestizo mutt

I miss the jackets the all had in the 90s

Why is every single fan drawing of Mika fighting always a bear hug? That's not even one of her moves.

Attached: hela.jpg (1366x768, 183K)

>she's a psychic all they had to say way she had body dysmorphia and originally thought she was white and made other people see it that way as well until Captain Britain helped her overcome it without her really knowing
I like that but what if
>Shes an asian baby adopt by captain Britain's family
>She grows up feeling different and wishes she was like everyone else
>Same time her mutant powers develop
>Everyone thinks she's a weak telepath but turns out she's really strong and has been crutched due to making everyone think she was white, even fooling herself
>When she meet kwannon it's the first time she's met a bad ass asian girl
>Instead of switching she learned to admire her and accepted her asianness (also explains the powerup)

hela thicc

Jean's not in the base roster, at least yet. She'll almost certainly be DLC though since the roster would've been finalized long before Dark Phoenix came out and tanked.

The whole spandex/bomber jacket combo that Rogue, Crystal and Sersi had in the '90s was pretty great. I actually really liked it that Tracer took a page from that era of design.

Attached: Tracer-portrait.png (726x1500, 786K)

Cause it is hot and nobody actually plays SF since it has been shit after 3?

Attached: 1554893894114.jpg (600x899, 59K)

It's not used by one specific archetype, it just seems to be a traditional hairstyle mainly used by swordwomen and archers.

During the inhumans push did they ever bring this up?
I mean puts Quicksilver in a weird place, not only is he usually an avenger, but he's still a mutant and his wife is an inhuman


Spiderman can be considered a mutant? OR IS HE INHUMAN? GASP!


Attached: 1554339301228.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

Psylock's entire body switch weeaboo fantasy shit was retarded as fuck. You're a retard for getting mad over it.

>clothed is hotter

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>FromSoftware, Metal gear

Attached: 1560607726060.jpg (1701x2543, 783K)

nice pasta you degenerate libshit

Ashly Anderson

>weeaboo fantasy
>not just more of Claremont's fetishes

Tobey best spidey.

>why not just retcon that they were always Asian and leave it at that,

Because they don't need to in order to appeal to your retarded ass. The swap back shouldn't even stick if we're lucky. Fucking hell you're a moron. Every thread with you, "DRRR I CAN'T UNDERSTAND A BRAIN SWAP, COMICS ARE WEIRD." Just shut up.

Attached: 3eb410adfa9d84027a65a8df30b0d04b.gif (190x207, 48K)

I wish they'd give Armor a stronger push.

Attached: armor wanted.jpg (572x862, 121K)

The thing is dude, it's a HUUUGE elephant in the room for her character
Not something you could ignore
Not just cause bodyswapping isn't exactly a vanilla fetish
But also she stole someones body...

They have a super smart gorilla cat man, a purple demon, Glob Herman and a nigh endless source of other oddities. Her being a brain swapped person is not an elephant in the room. Her situation wouldn't even raise an eyebrow for all the weird shit X-men see. You are a moron.

This wasn't a big deal for 30 years.

Attached: glob date.jpg (1231x1535, 215K)

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That's cause no one really touched her character

is that psylocke a figure

What the hell are you on about? It was a huge deal in the 90s run of x-men. It was brought up again in the early 2000s, and then again in Remender's X-force. It was brought up many times, with many times to switch back organically. She chose to remain as she was.
Way to show how you don't read comics.

Attached: RCO001_1469460515.jpg (967x1503, 328K)

you dont know how to use that do you

>having a nice ass and not being an inflexible landwhale is "lordosis" now

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Okay how does she stand as a character?
Is her swapping back and forth like a cyborg thing (where almost all his stories are the same)

Nigga she's been a main outside of that brief period she was dead, Morrison's run, and Whedon's run. In fact, she might have even been thrown into the X-Treme team during those two runs, but no one read that book cause at that point Claremont was in full blown trashmode.

ultimate alliance 1's premise completely ruined the MCU for me because its everything the MCU should've been. the first game is a very fun love letter to marvel comics and it has this feeling of soul to it because it has absolutely no MCU influence what so ever and it has all these crazy obscure characters jam packed into it with a pretty interesting overarching story and absolutely kino cutscenes.


Good. Now do it more often.

The swap created a huge struggle over her sense of identity where both she and Kwannon got into a fight of who was whom. Ultimately Kwannon died and Betsy was left with questions but rather than making a fuss over who she WAS decided she would rather focus on who she has become and who she is. To undo that all of sudden is undoing a huge part of her character and the terms she came to as a person.

Instead of arguing this shit you clearly have no understanding of, go read a fucking comic book.

Attached: Uncanny_X-Men_Vol_1_257.jpg (1179x1813, 387K)

After going through the xehanort saga body stealing just rubs me the wrong way

>Widow has a maniler jaw than Banner

Banner also looks like Otacon.

Attached: yikes.png (250x250, 66K)

>KH fag being a little bitch about a series he doesn't understand the context around that is completely different.

Just shut up. Psylocke didn't STEAL anyone's body herself and if anything the swap was the only reason Kwannon even managed to survive at all. Also Kwannon was barely a character anyways she only stuck around long enough to give Betsy some drama and then died again.

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Yeah it's called best girl, especially when they have black hair and an athletic to muscular body.

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kino taste

Seriously though, Hisako deserves more attention.

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Why the fuck didn't they go with this design?

I thought this game was by Team Ninja and Nintendo but now people are saying its Crystal Dynamics?

The Avengers game is Crystal Dynamics

Nah, Crystal Dynamics is doing that Avengers game. Team Ninja is doing MUA

First is Ultimate Alliance 3, the other is the Avengers game.

nice blog post faggot

Thanks. I was confused. I guess both games have people being butthurt about them "not being like the movie".

I vastly prefer the artstyle in UA3 and not just for the qts.

This seems to be it's own thing while the other Avengers game rips everything from the movies except the actor's likenesses

is that blue berry even shorter than marie?

Psylocke is a British woman in a Japanese woman's body so canonically she should look like Anri Okita.

>Try to emulate the MCU look to appeal to normies
>End up appealing to hardly anyone

That presentation was sad, I was almost expecting the one guy to just flatout say "Please cheer." at some points.

Oh man. Reminds me of the Double Dragons cartoon.

You're a fucking idiot, gain taste.

Would it be really do hard to add a power stone like mode in these games?

How is it that they ALL look hideous?

Does she have any good alt costumes in the comics? Her powers seem interesting but I can't get into the yellow jumpsuit.

Don't think anyone is necessarily terrible, just not a fan.
Great to see Black Panther, Magneto, Miles and Iron Fist in the same game.

Attached: my-image.png (1216x374, 621K)

doesn't work that way. She should look japanese af, but talk with a mad thicc British accent.

Have a link to this tool with the MUA icons loaded?

What is this game about anyway? Is it a fighting game?

They look like a bunch of fat guys. Except for Black Widow, who looks like Woody Harrelson when he was playing that drag queen on Anger Management. Did they mo-cap the VAs for this? Cause when they were showing them off, most of them looked like fat guys, too.

Attached: grid-cell-31447-1402072961-19-1600x800.jpg (1600x800, 83K)

Please have She Hulk in it please

Attached: she_hulk_by_elee0228-dapcbkx.jpg (730x1095, 127K)

Her most notable ones are her '90s costume in during her stint in the Avengers and the standard blue Fantatic Four costume she wore when she dated The Human Torch.

>Square Enix Avengers is ripping off the movies but this game isn't
bullshit, this game is way more inspired by the movies and it's pretty obvious. Stuff like the new Guardian designs, Captain America's design,Spider-Verse getting favorable treatment, and Thanos being the main antagonist

Attached: Nebula-in-Marvel-Ultimate-Alliance-3.jpg (1788x955, 206K)

Attached: Annotation 2019-06-16 032239.png (1887x643, 1001K)

Their costumes are similar for sake of consistency but tonely it tries taking nods from all over

I just want emma bloodstone

Banner looks dreamy. He almost looks like he's out of a Japanese game.

>Captain McDonalds
>el hombre de planchar

GGs burger lobby.

What's his name again?

Attached: Hombre de Acero.jpg (180x201, 5K)

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 77K)

That doesn't refute what I'm saying though. The new Avengers game isn't ripping off the movies any more than this game so I don't see why people are claiming otherwise

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Why do you like MUA1 when Gambit was only in 2?

love this design of her

the power of face scans + ugly looking voice actors

>get the thiccest psylocke yet
>on a nintendo console

i cant fucking wait

Nolan North's not a bad looking guy by any means.

Attached: Nolan_North.jpg (627x768, 114K)


Will Riker?

your dumbass doesn't have any reading comprehension do you?

could work

There's no need to retcon shit to make things easier for non comic reading assholes like you.

neck yourself smooth brain

pretty sure Jim Lee is korean

Since she's basically guaranteed with the Fantastic Four DLC pack, I hope Sue gets her terrible '90s redesign as an alt costume.

Attached: Dc9Rr6GUQAA4SPk.jpg (1165x808, 319K)

I can't be the only one thinking Bruce looks like Todd Coward

Mr Fitzpatrick, please. We've talked about this.

I was thinking Johnathan Frakes. Voyager, Johnathan Frakes

copy pasted every thread

I doubt that thing will ever come back, it almost as bad as Things jumpsuit

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I want 90s Felicia to show up

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I see they finally made a game of the XXX-parody.

but he is old now. you would never cast him to play a young, fit, handsome superhero in an actual movie

Is this game coming to pc or Consoles?
Is there any possible way it comes here? Like maybe ms convinces the big n to let them publish it on xbox or pc, and they get other ms stuff on the switch like minecraft dungeons, banjo, and possibly gamepass.

Magic users don't have to be young, fit, or handsome, he can be fucking Zataro for all it matters


Stark looks like he's in his late 30's early 40's, in that new game, I think he can still play characters in that range with his young sounding energetic voice for at least 10+ years.

Leave gay fuck

Moon Knight
Gambit or Wolverine

No, a cowtit old hag used up whore with more makeup than a clown is not attractive, get some taste faggot

Attached: miyukiblush.jpg (1124x630, 116K)

What ya got against Miles he one of the very very few good "diversity" characters

His skin looks too smooth for someone in his early 40's

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No he's not. In fact he's one of the worst.