Which Yuusha are you mainan?
Which Yuusha are you mainan?
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XI because that'll be my first Dragon Quest.
None, I hate the mall, give me Reimu.
Terry alt
Dragon Warrior Monsters is the most dear Dragon Quest to me and was my first
Erdrick. If he’s the one we were waiting for, he’s the one I’ll be using.
Eleven and Eight definitely.
Maybe the V skin occasionally but the flesh cored pants and shirt just dont sit right with me.
The original Loto
Eight arguably has the best design and dresses stylishly. As in, not in a bunch of rags. So I'll be using him.
III because he has my favorite sword design ever.
I'll play a little of all of them though, since I like all their designs and games.
>no fem erdrick
shit sucks
Default or Dante Eleven probably
maybe daily dose Erdrick or default Eight
I like the one with the funny fish hat.
terry, eight, angelo, luminary.
sword hero
The Guv of course.
>No FemIV
Now that's a tragedy
holy shit gohan blanco is in
>irrelevant non canon erdrick
Idgaf about dragon quest but this purple nigga dope
Terry Alt and Angelo alt are the best
The Goku one.
this, madason alt for BEST ALT
probably going to use eight quite a bit too
what is the official name of 8's hero? because it;s 8 and i don't just want to call him 8's Hero if Luminary, Eldrick and "not the green bitch but the green bitchboy."
Don't know dick about DQ but the Pirate Hero and Namor Hero look way cooler than the other two.
Why do you guys pretend III's hero is the only Erdrick of the heroes when every DQ protagonist is an Erdrick? Hell, he's not even the first Erdrick, the luminary is
Yangus calls him the Guv and Jessica ends up referring to him as such, sometimes.
I'm only getting Banjo so none of them
Eighto and Erdrick.
Gohan > Bulma > Android 17 > Pan
Luminary's from the very recenty game and the first DQ hero is Loto. i know this guy in 8 was more an escort of the cursed king and i want a name. i hate to call them all Eldrick since the old DQ canon was far in the past in 8. but. eh.
Only a few Heroes have canon names. The community usually calls him Eight
"Guv" is a slang Northern Brits used to refer to their boss in the 80s.
that's right! now will the announcer as well?
I agree with you but 8 is all rags wtf is wrong with you buddy??
sometimes Eight because i like his design
sometimes Luminary because i have that hairstyle
Yes, I know. But it's the only "name" he's given. He's never called anything other then (You)
Probably not. Unlike the Koopalings, The Hero's name portait doesn't change at all. It's just going to be Hero/Yuusha. Funny indeed that Brave was right on the nose. Has no one brought that up?
6 months of shitting in denialfags throat. You already know who I'm playing.
Based Solo.
He's in a tunic and coat. If anything he's just casual. Which makes sense, since he was trying to lay low to avoid people finding out that King Trode had been cursed.
I know people rigtfully hate the DBZ conparisons but
Brown hair is trunks/android 17
Green hair is yamcha
Obviously goku/gohan
and the last one is....the great sayaman?
I'll be maining VIII but i also plan on switching and using Erdrick from time to time
sad but understandable. i was just imagining a win screen scene with "the Guv" and Yangus cheering him on but this obviously is not ps2 shilling anymore.
>every DQ protagonist is an Erdrick
Erdrick is only a thing in 1-3 (and 11). Other games have different settings entirely.
the default one is XI right? cuz its a mix between him and III
Eight is probably the least DBZ comparison. His companion, Angelo is just Trunks. I hope that Eight has the proper spikey hair for his Psych Up, but that was only added in the NA version exactly for the DBZ comparisons. SE hoped that it would increase sales.
>Eight is probably the least DBZ comparison.
well since they reconned the saiyan hair.
I'm confused by how people all throughout the thread are talking like each one of them is going to have a full set of alt colors when, in fact, they are alts of 11 and therefore there will only be one alt color for each of them. These aren't separate character slots, people.
All of them except Discount Gohan.
Wait, they removed it for the 3ds one? I thought they kept it in. Sucks. I really liked his Super High Tension.
They should have added green afro chick instead of male IV.
Also weird they didn't go with V. After Loto he is the most recognizable/parodied Dragon Quest hero.
Using them to make me go back and play older DQs. I loved DQ XI and Will main him and then only allow myself to use others when I’ve beaten their games. Do I start with VIII or III?
A sad case of
>Male is default
Even though Sonia is WAY more popular. I really feel like they should have just done that for those two instead of having alt colors to reference the other characters, but I guess then people would have been mad anyway.
it was very obviously dragonball pandering and they killed it for mobile releases. tensions is the same in functionality, it was hard to get used to i have to admit but DQ isn't DB even if we want it to be.
Yeah but the koopalings all got individual names and the narrator says them "Wendy, Lemi" etc so we are theorising if they all will just be "hero" or we are getting Solo, Erdrick etc
Probably the former considering only a few have canon names like it was already said but still.
I haven't see anyone here name an alt that doesn't exist.
>uses the title Loto as if it's anything other than the Japanese name of the title that got changed to Erdrick in the West
Erdrick, for no other reason than my disdain for zoomers
It was only ever a thing in the english release of DQ8 on the PS2. Not really a retcon.
english canon is still canon. it's just you dodge the obviously change it's made because DBZ is huge but DQ or Dragon Warrior is niche. a calculated change, retconned.
i'll take it if i can keep the tokyo symphony rendition. which we do.
I've only played DQ 11 and 8 but fuck them, I'm gonna play Erdrick. I didn't spend months shitposting about those two and Erdrick has the best design out of them all anyway.
Either Erdrick or the dude from 4, as I have yet to play 8 or 11.
Only ever played IX. Probably bandana-kun
>Also weird they didn't go with V.
How have you faggots still fail to understand this? Madason is always depicted as a mage. And don't fucking say "hurr he uses swords in game durr" it doesn't fucking matter, he is literally depicted with a staff even in Smash. Solo fits in better.
Roto. 3 is my favorite. That Terry alt for Eighter is pretty nice too though.
>Erdrick has the best design out of them all anyway.
Shit taste. He is easily one of the shittiest looking protags in DQ.
Not only that the character is HERO.
Madison isn't the Hero
I wish the brown parts were less skin-colored tho.
Solo will be my main duder, but I'll prob go with Terry and Erdrick occasionally
8 and Roto mostly.
Probably Eleven since he's the latest one I've played.
>skin coloured
It’s supposed to be like that
he is in the final smash and not his rainbow haired son
Extremely based and literally me.
Going with Eight, he has the Munch-Meister
I actually recognized 8 from game magazines back in the day, so probably him.
yeah but it looks fuckin dumb.
Got the rest of these?
And it looks weird.
Different user but isn't that final Smash just reused from Dragon Quest Heroes card game?
We are Sword Bros. I wish it was in this picture.
if that's the case lol i didn't know it went a cheaper megaman.
Im talking about the names that the announcer will use or maybe even the character selection screen, Bowser Jr has 8 different skins and each has their own call-outs
It'll just be Hero. None have canon names.
I’ve got you covered senpai
1 3 4 5 7
>hero, warrior, martial artist and mage
This team either steamroll the opponent or gets absolutely bodied. No in betweens.
6 looks so fucking kino
Fucking hell I meant 4
Mads is mainly known for spells and monster taming so his moveset wouldn't transfer over well to alts. Sucks but what can you do? Going with Luminary left things open enough to give most everyone something.
with a bit of green too he would be perfect
I'm a little torn between Luminary Loto. I really like how ordinary Luminary looks, like an average guy with these ornate looking weaponry, and as a contrast I really like how larger than life Loto looks.
Eight is a great design but the sword and shield ruin it for me, and Solo is really odd looking. Not necessarily in a bad way, just not my thing
Angelo Luminary
Terry Guv
Madason Erdrick
Default Solo
I always swap costumes so I'll end up using all of them.
i love how loto's second color gives him a piccolo crown
Solo looks cool as always but his alt is definitely the worst of the bunch due to the lack of the horn helmet.
one billion hours in photoshop
DQ7 might be one of the most depressing JRPGs
Bros before hoes my ass
Y'know its an awful feeling when realizing that going with Abel could have let them use Terry or one of the Joker protags as alts.
>guy with a bandana and long coat, basically looks most like he could be in a Western RPG
>is the one with a fucking katana
Erdrick with the V alt or Eight with the Terry alt
I'm honestly tempted to gagsub this with him coming to terms with only being in a FS.
Its one of the few games that made me tear up
I mean as an independent alt, the color scheme looks nice on him.
Please do. Also I'm still mad that S03 hasn't been fully translated.
That would be V.
>the entire statue scene
It's more like a swashbuckling pirate blade, but even then it still doesnt work with the outfit for me. And I think I just don't like the shield design period
Gonma go with standard Luminary and 8’s Terry alt, since it’s the closest I can get to some VI content. I really gotta look for some more DQ games, I hate that I never got them sooner. V DS, VII 3DS, and VIII 3DS. Plus Heroes on PS4, and then Builders I, Builders II, and XI S for the Switch. Also post some cute DQ boys pls.
It's the Dragovian King Sword and Shield from the postgame in VIII. Him having that over a regular sword is a reference for the fans
I know I’m sounding like a newfag shitposter but he doesn’t look like the first hero and worst, he looks like fucking Vegetto.
Are they seriously not making it where male and female versions are the different costumes for those with gender diffs? That’s super weird
>WAY more popular
In fan art sure.
here's a cute boy
Luminary baby.
Erdrick is the only one who matters, I've been a huge fan ever since the very first leaks came out.
It's a character with four different skins to pick from. It makes sense why they didn't use the female variants.
God Eight is such a cool looking motherfucker.
>implying looking like Vegito is a bad thing
sofia is too lewd for Smash
This, no way her outfit would fly, and she was the only viable female yuusha.
Fake Dragon Quest fans pick Erdrick.
True Dragon Quest fans pick Luminary.
Fair enough, then.
Ah the horror, hither we wend again
All of them
I'm not a fan of 8's coat, but his dragovian armor would make me choose him.
Bull. I didn't like Eleven at all. 3 was my stand out favorite since the NES days. But I'll probably play 8 the most.
Definitely Eight, but not because I've played his game or anything like that. It's because he reminds me of pic related, which is a character I've legit wanted to be included in Smash.
Accursed Luminary. You have brought nothing but strife and misery.
I've only played 1-6 so I'm sticking with the chad Solo who I thought would've never had a chance.
DQ4 >>
That is a cute boy for sure. ...Mind telling me about him?
I wonder who could be behind this post
his name is Erik. he makes his living as a thief, living in the dark underbelly of Heliodor and stealing from the rich folks that live above
I'm choosing Solo cause 4 was my first DQ.
Gonna start DQ3 on the GBC. What should I know before going in?
8 cuz guv
Jester becomes Sage. But are you willing to deal with a fucking retard in your party for 20 levels?
>Jam Band draws near!
So let’s see we got
I can’t get a name for 4’s protag
Get a thief in the start, or just use a guide for mini medals.
>8 has the fucking mouse
>He fucking animates too
It's almost always more then that because of when you get to the Class changer. As long as you weren't constantly running from battles.
Make sure that you pick the right personality for what kind of character you want. You'll always have opportunity to change it with various accessories, but it's easier to have what you want by default. Make your party varied. Don't bother with the Dealer until later. Defense is probably more important then attack. Never let your HP get under half. Don't underestimate status magic. A blind can disable an entire groups threat.
Yamcha and bulma’s son
Can they have different taunts?
I dunno if the koopalings have different taunts
Huh, you are kinda right, they do look like the results of Bulma breeding not with a manlet, but with a cool looking bandit.
You don't even need a Jester for it. You'll find an item that lets anyone class change to Sage. Jester can just do it without the consumable. It only matters if you want to do more than one sage.
If you play the Pachisi mini game, NEVER send in the main hero.
>If you play the Pachisi mini game, NEVER send in the main hero.
a lot of people caught munchie in eight's pocket, now check this out
There's a glitch. I kind of don't want to tell it to you to avoid poisoning your mind, but it's completely circumvented by just not sending in the hero. If you HAVE to know, look at the spoiler below.
There are squares that can change stats in the mini-game. If the hero lands on a square that winds up lowering his strength, then enters into a battle and wins, regardless of who it was, it'll overflow his XP and force him to level up to 99.
There is more then one of those things and they are a rare drop from a monster in the late game as well. Zen books are no problem. Not like you should have more then one Sage anyway.
That's fucking dedication.
Oh shit. I had never realised. This alt got a bit better
Yeah, but only one of them is actually easy to find, and the rare drops from the monsters requires grinding, so realistically you'll probably only ever pick up that one.
I don't get it, why doesn't the black-haired one have an earring
I sleep
fuck yes, I take every bad thing I said about you
3 always has been and always will be my favorite.
I've been wondering, what's the hero's name in smash? Like is he just called hero?
Just hero, yeah
Yeah. He's just Hero
Played all the DQ games. Dragon Quest VIII is still my favorite protag for his wayfarer design, excellent post game story, relatable reactions to scenes and he looks a lot like me.
probably the luminary since the only dragon quest game i will play is dragon quest S
so does the green guy with fish ears just not use a shield? how does that work?
Let me fix that for you.
Look closer, user.
He has this on his back
8 cuz that game was fun
i see he has one, retard but he's not using it
Who tf is Namor?
You’re the retard here, moron. They are alts of the same character if the base one uses it he obviously does too. Watch the trailer before calling out the others, moron.
Is that a particular sword and shield from DQ8 he is using here? They look neat.
Just got this for a reasonable price, what am I in for.
I can't imagine somebody being this stupid.
It's the Dragovian sword and shield. You can only get it in the post-game.
150 hours of watching sprites walk in place. Should have gotten the 3DS remake.
The longest slowest game ever
Dragovanian KING sword. The regular sword is different.
so let me guess, they are the best sword and shield in the game but they come from the optional super boss so once you've gotten them there's nothing you can actually do with them?
All Smash dlc will be out by the time you get to your first battle. Enjoy.
No, you get from an optional postgame superboss and you can use it against the others postgame super bosses
Erdrick since my first game was Dragon Warrior 3.
I'm torn between Eight with Terry palette and Roto with Madason palette
Actually, in the PS2 version, its just the one postgame superboss, but you're allowed to fight it up to 7 or so times to get all 7 or so rewards from it, and it gets more stats each fight.
Roto or the guvnor.
8 looks the coolest, plus of these four, it's the DQ game I've played the most of.
I'm planning on aying through XI on Switch and VIII on 3DS eventually though.
I googled this and saw, "Who is Erdrick and Why He Matters." I thought this was a game for gaming icons.
Never played DQ III, first one was IV on the DS, what is a good team to start with? Is Warrior/ Wizard/ Priest or Fighter/ Wizard/ Priest better? What about the reclassing?
I know this is bait, but people actually think DQ Heroes aren't icons.
Why is Erdrick often depicted as a girl who becomes addicted to monster cock?
>dude he’s got robes and a stick, he must be a mage!
Lmaoing at your life rn
He's also a thing in Builders. Since it's a sequel to 1's bad ending.
Are all the Heroes using their "Ultimate" swords and shields? That would be a neat touch.
Erdrick can be male or female in DQ3 and in the SNES version, party members can have personalities that affect stat growth and "sexy" typically has the best growths and is female exclusive. Also there's porn of everything.
Once you get isekai'd into a fantasy world you will see how tasty are those things
Yes they are. Erdrick is using Erdrick's sword/shield, Solo is using the Zenithan sword/ shield, Eight is using the Dragovian king sword/shield. Haven't played XI yet but it's probably the same.
Not looking forward to the inevitable Metal Slime spirit fight.
Loto. According to all DQ doujins he fucks the bitches.
Based Japan. Non canon. Sad.
>you have one second to beat Kirby
Peak DQ. Seriously. Looks like vegetable soup but it's a masterpiece.
There's lore reasons he can't be the same as the others really.
Yeah he has his best sword, or at least the best one you can equip with a shield.
Nice. Can't wait to play DQ XI, I was really busy when it came out so I decided I might wait for the Switch version so I can play it in bed, holy hell was that lucky since it turned out to be the Definitive Edition.
>Metal Bunny Kirby
>Timed Stamina Battle
>The enemy tends to avoid conflict
>The enemy will occasionally be invincible
i know his design isn't all that spectacular, but i cant help but love him
>30 seconds
I just don't like the hair.
This, hands down.
>Terry cucked the shit hero from VI
You can't make this up. No idea why Terry is so popular but I'll take it, I fucking love DWM.
thanks doc
I wish I never noticed the pink soles
Unlocking jobs 100 hours into the game
>I just noticed
Thanks! I hate it
I really like that he just looks like a simple ordinary traveler. Little guy destined for big things is a trope I dont get tired of
Its hard to choose between the DQ4 skin or Guv, but I think its gonna be Guv
Anyone? I'm not familiar with DQ III.
Eight, because it's my favorite.
>8th in full view
come on man that's the one spoiler that you shouldn't play with
And he fucks his sister.
i really wouldn't understand why anyone would pick the luminary over erdrick
the latter's pretty much the king of the whole series, at least from what i gather
Because he's from the newest game, and there's a reason luminary and Erdrick have the same sword and shield, which is also neat for the series story/lore.
I think Nintendo's already spoiled that desu
>i really wouldn't understand why anyone would pick the luminary over erdrick
Dragon Quest XI will be the first DQ game for a lot of people. After this massive marketing push, it might be the first for the majority of people. And people fall back on whatever character made the biggest impact. As you can see in this thread with most people picking the hero from Dragon Quest VIII (the most played DQ game in the west right now).
Fighter is better to start off with.
I love this Yoshihiko alt
I'm going with the Terry alt too since the DQ5 alt for Erdrick's flesh sleeves and pants look too weird.
I get what they were going for but it looks so wrong to me.
>tfw the best DQ protag probably has the most NTR doujins
>most of those doujins feature horse cock
This because it's the only DQ I played for more than a few hours.
This one.
You can start with anyone. The game isn't that hard until the last quarter. I would start with Hero/Warrior/Priest/Mage. There's an optimal group, but you need to know all the mechanics of the game, items and what the classes do. I'd suggest playing the game blind the first time.
Or not. I can tell you how to cheese the game if you really want it.
I thought it's Loto, not Roto
The Japanese spell it Roto, because they don't have an L in their alphabet. They use R and L interchangeably when pronouncing western words. [Insert Super NES joke here]
IV because green is a good color and his gear is the coolest. Also because he's cute and FDQIV was the best one
The dedication to keeping Toriyama's designs consistent in this image is awesome. This is the kind of art I like.
Trunk followed by the bandana guy, the green guy looks like horrid shit, and Erdrick always looked like shit
Not sure which I'll use. I've only played the first game and I think part of the second.
As an old DQfag this made me kek
I'm going to use 3, I think he looks chad as fuck and he had a harem in my game. I'm not a big fan of 8 and 11's designs even though I liked their game, and even though 4 looks cool, I used the female protag in that game.
>it was literally right in our face the entire time
People didn't believe this shit when it first came out, fucking dummies.
someone replied with this (pp vanished tho)
also I realized Incineroar is that "beast wrestler" enemy type (the one who usually has claw weapons too)
I think people were hating on Roto (Eldrick) so hard because it was so obvious. And because Dragon Quest is right on that threshold of becoming popular in the west. Popular enough that trolls know what it is, but not hyped enough that they will try it.
I do like the fact that the DQ protags have their ultimate swords and shields. Nice touch.
I hope 8's protag can go into Super Saiyan mode like in the actual game where his bandana flies off when his tension gets high enough(at 100). I haven't got far into 11 but can 11's protag also go into SS mode as well?
Tempted to go with III since he's voiced by the yuusha-o and all
So it was Hiyama after all. I mean, it was obvious with that final scream, but I'm glad to hear him in smash again after his Link was replaced.
>I think people were hating on Roto (Eldrick) so hard because it was so obvious.
Why were people so hard in denial over it? I saw people trying to dismiss Brave being Erdrick because it was "too obvious" while ignoring how obvious the other DLC character filenames were.
IV hero is closest I'll get to playing as VII protag cause of the green
So I guess that
Why does the first lad look so... aquatic?
I can only assume they were purposefully trolling. Because if they weren't, then there's a lot of really dumb people out there.
But the months of anti Roto threads proved that 99% of the haters didn't know anything about Dragon Quest besides the things they've heard from others. So I'm leaning towards they are true idiots. I mean, this is a group of people who said a Dragon Quest rep won't get in because "no one cares about Dragon Quest outside Japan" and "Chrono is more popular." We're dealing with some real rocket scientists here...
supposed to be dragon wings on his head but they honestly remind me of monsters like this
I don’t know. I’ve only played the first game and he is only in the final smash. And I never finished it. So, either the Luminary or the guy with the rat.
I never played Erdrick's game but I did play XI, which in turn led me to love Erdrick.
So I choose Erdrick.
It always looked like 1960s Aquaman to me too. Probably why I used the female version.