What other modern videogames are explicity WHITES ONLY

what other modern videogames are explicity WHITES ONLY

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the sims, faggot

What game is that?
Shadow of Mordor

Bubonic plague simulator


plague tale innocence
kingdom c-oh wait cumans

Imagine being so fragile.

God of War 2018
Devil May Cry

>plague tale innocence
Isn't that a movie game for girls?


dilate your anus you reptile jew im sure that shit is clogged up

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>god of war 2018

Black people unironically love sony exclusives.

>Devil May Cry

good thing capcom fixed it in V

op is a faggot

Any puzzle game harder than Cut The Rope

asian created games
>for whites

but shitskins remind me of poop. I don't want to vomit while playing video games

Gone Home

>it's another insecure white gamer thread

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>imagine being so inferior you get triggered because white people don't like you

read this

Still a bit upset over that, he had a perfectly fine design and a powerful moustache. 5 ruined him

kuru kuru kurunin

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Fuck niggers tbqh

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luckiest dog in the world

Imagine being so fragile that you need constant confirmation of your humanity, by way of overrepresentation needlessly injected into every form of media.
I'd just lynch myself at that point.

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based as hell

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