Why does Issac weigh less than 2.5 kg?

Why does Issac weigh less than 2.5 kg?

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He’s a small guy.

That's a coma, it refers to 2.5 metric tons.

Isnt that a coma? Like 2,500kg?

it's clearly a dot
Issac confirmed for manlet

Because he's dead space.

Proper diet and exercise, or just an adaptation to 0g gravity

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that says 2500kg
which raises a larger question, thats a utility elevator, which usually are supposed to carry about 25000lbs. why does the ishimura have such wimpy elevators?

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For one, it’s on a space ship.


and two?

nice one

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Some places use a dot instead of a comma, take Russia for example.

I'm having trouble with the first enemies, I keep shooting them but they won't go down, even when I land head-shots. Garbage fucking game.

I know this specific post is a joke but I reckon there is someone out there dumb enough to make this criticism.

I know your type, the type of guy who doesn't read SHIT, just likes to shoot. you're supposed to hit their limbs, you troglodyte

How the fuck am I supposed to know that shit? I read a faq for every game I play.

alright alright you had your fun

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Kinesis modules. Making everything float sorta removes the weight limit.

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Good bait but I remember first reading about this game when it came out and seeing shit about how you have to cut off their limbs to kill them, and my retarded teenage brain thought you'd be having to fight them off as they grapple you and trying to manually saw off their limbs with a bonesaw or something, made it seem way scarier than it actually turned out to be

>and trying to manually saw off their limbs with a bonesaw or something
I mean, you're not wrong since the Ripper exists

>Max Load: 2.500 KG
>Do not exceed maximum load
You are blind, right?

Sort of but I mean like a handheld saw or knife or something while the necromorphs were grappling with you scratching and biting and shit, it seemed super terrifying in my head

OP is trolling us epic style



Are you blind? How can a man only way a couple kilograms?

They've managed to create lighter yet tougher materials

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>metric system

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What says that's a utility elevator?
Maybe it's an overdesigned passenger car...

I can't remember for certain but I'm pretty sure you see an actual cargo elevator around the mining deck. It's more like a hydraulic platform.

>clearly says Cargo Elevator

>American hegemony shattered
These are refugees

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No, bad user, life is awesome.


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Clearly these are Engrish translations and they don't reflect what they are.

>talks about utility elevator
>immediately talks about a cargo elevator (essentially equating them to each other)
Regardless of the semantics between cargo/utility, you're definitely wrong about it being "an over-designed passenger car" and it definitely has an absurdly low max load limit for either a utility or cargo elevator

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>still pretending

>still thinks 2.5 kg is 2500 kg

Yeah that was an oops on my part.
I guess something to do with mass in artificial gravity fields...

I said coma, not death

>max load
>it's something about character and not maximum cargo ability because word "cargo" wasn't used lmao

>not vidya namefag is also a fucking retard who doesn't proofread his posts

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Does the centrifuge rotate in the ship or does the ship rotate around the centrifuge

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No more (you) for (you), blind sir.

I thought the US was the only country that uses commas for thousand places and periods for decimals point.

>he thinks I'M blind

But what if, like, we're ALL blind dude

Yes you are.

Go ahead and prove it.

north america as a whole does
not sure about other countries

is dead space 2 worth playing?

I think I've had it on steam for like 4 years now and just never got around to it. I beat 1 doing the 1 gun run on my first playthrough (but also used infinite stasis cheat) so I don't think I experienced the game properly.

You already did by posting your question about character when image only contains info about cargo characteristics and warning about exceeding it.
Stop pretending.

europe is pretty much the only region that uses decimal points instead of commas for thousands separators afaik

Dead space 2 is literally an upgrade of the first one in every aspect.

Worse atmosphere and feeling overall, but mechanics are more polished. It's worth a try

Obviously you will cause irreparable damage to a cargo lift that has a weight limit of 2.5 kg. We're talking about an average weight of a man, plus his equipment. We're looking at 120 - 130 kg.

No, he isn't whole

How many fingers am I holding up?

You sir are wrong, Dead Space 2 is inferior in every way that isn't a no gravity segment.

does this game have an unkillable thing chasing you too?

I hated that shit in the first one

different feel from the first game, with a much larger emphasis on combat/weapon and armor customization
overall a great sequel, both games fill a role fantastically
fuck dead space 3 though

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what is the best loadout? and why is the Riot Security Suit and the Contact Beam

That's not fair since you could have some stuffed up your arsehole

It sure does, And it's even more annoying than in the first.

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Still counts, user.

Up, not in

>Obviously you will cause irreparable damage
>to a cargo lift that has a weight limit of 2.5 kg.
>2.5 kg.
And it's doesn't make a sense, right? Especially in sci-fi future setting. Then, it's means that is exactly 2500KG and dot here is only for making sure that is next triple of numbers starts because of document standarts(or whatever what they put in lore).
For example, sometimes billion can be described as
But you wouldn't call it one.

>Then, it's means that is exactly 2500KG
You're confused, it says 2.5 kg.

Do you see after dot three numbers?
There is three numbers, not one.
And these numbers is 5 0 0, after dot.

Yes, 2.500 kg is still 2.5 kg


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Please, read again everything after where i typed 2500KG in this post

>contact beam
Such an underrated weapon
Every time I had to do a Stalker section I would just huddle in a corner and wait with a charged shot for them to run at me one at a time. Pops them like balloons with a single hit.

I don't care what you typed, the game shows it at 2.5 kg that's all there is to it.

why do you keep replying to him?

>Riot Security with the Contact Beam and the Ripper
My favorite loadout

Because im bored and because i don't have anything better to do for now.
So yeah, i'll stop for now thanks to your question and just go to different threads/boards.


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fair enough I guess
can't say I haven't done the same

I'm glad you finally manned up and admitted you're wrong

>new game+ Riot Security Suit plus contact beam fully upgrated pop all necromorphs like a ballon
it was a fun run

Man the first two games are a fucking treat. Especially the second game had done everything right, it's a disgrace what happened to the series afterwards.

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I can do you one better: New Game+, Impossible difficulty, maxed out Seeker Rifle.
One-shots every single necromorph type while zoomed in until after you meet up with Dayna and the Scientologists. You'll have so much ammo stocked up by that point that the rest of the playthrough is totally trivial.

Dead Space 2 is the best game in the entire series
Dead Space 1 if anything is hurt by its nonlinearity and backtracking
Dead Space 2 also has the best enemy and environment design, and the cleverest scare segments
There are only a few bad things wrong with it. There are cheap enemy spawns, some mechanical nitpicks like enemies not being staggered as much by weapons and some of the alt fires feeling homogenized. Also the female models are a little wonky. They made Nichole's model ugly as shit, but Ellie, a random pilot, is for some reason more beautiful than virtually any model or actress in the world

>New Game+ Riot Security with a fully upgraded Contact Beam, Ripper, and Flamethrower
Man, I'm going to go replay DS2. Too many good memories be flooding

>but Ellie, a random pilot, is for some reason more beautiful than virtually any model or actress in the world
Thank god I wasn't the only one. I mean damn, Issac. You're a lucky son of a bitch

>Ellie, a random pilot, is for some reason more beautiful than virtually any model or actress in the world

forgot mfw

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>lucky son of a bitch
He never was. And can't say that about other survivors.

What did he mean by this?

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>He didn't want to bang Ellie right then and there while Ross watched
Do you know nothing about survival?

does anybody have the isacc clarke gf meme

>and then DS3 happened and just ruined her

Please do not remind me. I have gone through great lengths to forget about 2+1

Dead space 1 scared the utter shit out of my 16 year old self.

I'm now 26, should I download Dead Space 2 right now or play RE2 remake?

The game practically pauses itself and has a person walk into your home and shout directly in your ear "Shoot their limbs" and has a neon sign right next to the plasma cutter saying "Shoot their fucking limbs, not their head retard"

>play dead space 1
>it's not scary at all

I don't get it

seems like youve got a few years left to do both

sounds fun definitely will try when i replay

Only continental Europe does it. UK and the rest of the world doesn't.

SHIT opinion

Did that chick die? What's the story behind this? Is there a full vid?


but it says : MAX LORD 2.600 Kg

I really enjoyed Dead Space 1 but when I played 2 it felt like the whole game was perpetually stuck in the first act. I never felt like I had gone past the first level and then bam the game is over. It's not like it's a particularly short game, it just felt like I was always waiting for something extraordinary to happen and it never came.



Chick. Faggot. Tranny. Whatever. I want to know what happened before and afterwards

Basically, they tried to trap that dude, and the dude freaked out because he almost caught the gay.
Or something like that. Either that, or they were just being obnoxious. Memory's not what it used to be.

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Yes it has a couple for the last mission. That's it though I think they are only in the game for like 10 minutes because right after that you fight the last boss.

what did they mean by this

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that the air isn't pure user, what else would you think it is