Explain this to me Yea Forums. Why aren't you complaining about dad pandering like you do every time they market towards women?
Explain this to me Yea Forums...
Other urls found in this thread:
Because that ad has been out for months and no one cares about Nintendo ads anyway.
Targeting an ad for videogames at women is like targeting an ad for tampons at men.
>yet ANOTHER fucking Twitter screenshot thread
Daddy issues; the tweet.
Sorry my father loved me more than yours loved you.
No one would complain if they were pandering to Mom's on mother's day either
This desu
It's not pandering if it's your regular demographic.
Isn't it fathers day or something? Remember that one fathers day oprah told fathers to be better?
sex differences aren't real
let's say I google sth like uuuh
an audiophile forum
half the members are going to be female, right?
it came out this week
imagine feeling this persecuted
Is this post implying that I dislike my mother?
she was probably talking to her primary demographic there
>ywn have two cute mutt daughters
Why even live?
Ive been seeing it on tv for months. Or at least another Switch commercial with the same dude and his daughters.
Dads. Nintendo's bread and butter.
Wonder what dad games there are for the Switch.
middle aged white women?
One "for the moms" would be just as fine, the fuck is ths bait.
Dads are a universal good.
Do people literally forget about #cancelfathersday
Or all the dozens of articles on how mothers day was more important?
Yea, no shit normal people have no problem with fathers day. Normal people don't have a problem with mothers day either.
zelda games
it's almost as if it's the current year
Fathers get treated like shit compared to mothers, despite being just as, if not more, important. I wouldn't be against pandering to mothers, either. If mothers actually played video games, I'm sure Nintendo would make ads aimed towards them, too.
Meanwhile, men aged 18 - 45 are the largest consumers of video games, manga, anime, and comic books. Women of the same age are the primary purchasers of just about everything else.
>Do people literally forget about #cancelfathersday
i never knew of it in the first place, I have a life
We both know this isn't a video games thread
The real question is why Shadman hasn't done his usual gig with this shit.
>Doesnt see edgy youtubers whining.
>Proceeds to whine and make an edgy post about it.
This isnt real right?
I mean it was posted a ton on Yea Forums last year so you're either new or not a common poster.
It was just SJWs, sure, but the fact that it existed is fucked up
If they made an ad called "For the moms" I wouldn't complain either. My mom likes Nintendo.
Thank God there's at least one other person here who doesn't live their life on twitter like the rest of Yea Forums seems to these days.
>dad pandering
imaging having an opinion that incorporates those words
Women deny me sex, that's why I get mad at some form of medium focusing on women
Mario games with multiplayer modes are dadcore. Kirby games too if you have young kids.
Fathers were gamers
I don't care if they make games for women or trunks people, I just don't want them to ruin existing franchises with their fetish and casual shit.
Not vidya
I'll explain how this is not really a video game thread, son. You see, it all started when I got this 5...
Doesn't this person realize that they're the ones complaining about pandering this time thus fulfilling the required quota?
protip: if you go out of your way to look for people with retarded opinions you'll find them, it doesn't matter and wouldn't impact you at all if you didn't care, only start worrying when they form a political party
it's kinda ironic because I was probably spending time with my father
>Hey, treat women better
>Hurr durr, that's an attack on men
That's you
When a father is seen in public with their child they're seen as a baby sitter.
A father gets no paternity leave.
A father, if in the case of separation or a birth outside of marriage, at best gets weekends but the weekday is given to the mother
A father, even if he earns equal to the mother, will have to pay child support, and the mother gets to decide what that amount of money goes towards the child vs herself
The father is the only one who will ever have to worry about whether the child is his own in a toxic relationship. Hell even a stable relationship, without genetic proof, the father might have to question it.
Fathers are fucking stepped on in our culture and it's disgusting.
Except that’s not what he was saying at all, cupcake. Maybe you should chill out a bit, remember to call your dad and tell him you love him, and then apologize for being such a disappointing little shit.
Well the current Democrat party is rallying under those retarded opinions.
Open borders, gun grabs, hate speech laws, etc.
The internet has unfortunately given a platform to extremists.
It's about the Switch, you low level IQ liberal.
user, you can't possibly be this dense. Ads that shit on fathers and say they're incompetent retards are more common than they have any right to be. An ad respecting them and not calling them retarded filth that can barely keep a family together because they are incredibly lazy is rare as fuck.
Dont ads like that imply that men are evil garbage treating women wrong
and its always a white man, even though white men at the nicest to women
Yes, though those weren't even the ads I was talking about.
It's okay user, niggers don't know what is a dad, so it's okay you don't understand.
see I could refute this but I know you're either baiting or retarded so I'll so something better with my time instead
I'll just point out we moved from "ending father's day" to "Open borders, gun grabs, hate speech laws, etc." in two posts.
>Hey, treat women better
>Hurr durr, that's an attack on men
That's all of you
I can't tell if you're doing a bit where you act like a right wing strawman or not
>>Hey, treat women better
>>Hurr durr, that's an attack on men
It literally is though.
Was literally a hoax perpetrated by /pol/.
I don't remember people bitching about mother's day shit, but then again I'm sure this stupid asshole probably has a vendetta against those kinds of ads when it fits their victim status.
I'm speaking of the fact that extremist retards on twitter influence the mainstream party these days.
And you can't refute anything I said, because many of the current D presidential candidates are absolutely about the things I stated. There are people like Joe Biden who aren't about anything, but then there are people like Elizabeth Warren who have advocated all three.
I'm doing a 'bit' where I point out how the extreme ends of the party have become more extreme than they've ever been.
> Why aren't you complaining about dad pandering like you do every time they market towards women?
Incorrect, every game with a Father, Sibling Dynamic is called a "Dad Simulator/The Last Of Us Clone" by Yea Forums.
white gamers are the most insecure demographic on the planet. white dad's are part of the same demographic as white gamers.
>There are people like Joe Biden who aren't about anything,
ok retard
>The Left
>car is turning right
Deepest lore.
Who the fuck bitches about mother's day? It's a given niggers bitch about father's day but no one except orphans bitch about mother's day.
This is only true in America. It isn't like this in the majority of the world.
This about some edgy leftist who sick burns strawmen over a commercial ABOUT video games. This thread is not about video games.
Dad rarely gets pandered to. People forget dad even gets a day half the time.
>literally everything panders to women and mothers
>something panders to men and dads
Horseshoe theory confirmed yet again.
>tfw raised by an old school chad father
so.is will NEVER relate
>majority of the world
The majority of the world fucks like animals. Stop looking at the first world and assuming it's the majority
Why would someone without a dad bitch about Father's day?
They wouldn't even know the definition of the word father let alone experience what it's like having one.
Okay user, you can have a (You) too.
Dads aren't obnoxious
they aren't trying to destroy or alter video game standards
they aren't trying to censor shit
they are great and wholesome human beings, they raised us while trannies didn't
pandering to them is just a gesture of kindness towards older people instead of making PR-motivated changes and alterations to cave in to a screeching and loud crowd
>commercial ABOUT video games.
>This thread is not about video games.
Because 90% of those cases are that the father abandoned them?
There's a reason 70% of black and mixed black children do not grow up with a father.
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
Because fuck gays.
>there are no jobs
is this crypto left propaganda?
>treat women right
>don't feel attacked
Maybe you should just start treating women correctly
ok retard
>Search up Tweet
>It was made 8 hours ago and has exactly two likes and one retweet
I hope you get hit by a drunk driver and die
Its almost as if people are losing their patience with threads being hijacked for useless nonsense instead of content related to the board
Dads are more important to society than roasties.
>Yea Forums archive of this post
>70 pages of results found
Fuck off
in what way are women treated wrong
Who else is going to buy games for children?
Why is it so difficult for you troglodytes to just fucking talk about VIDEO GAMES?
The people who primarily buy nintendo games are indeed parents.
Dads are based and want to see you succeed in life. Trannies hate you and want to see you fail
Image should be mirrored so the car turns left.
the thread was made to talk about politics not video games
>Maybe you should just start treating women correctly
Give me one reason to. Just. One.
Got me there. I wish Yea Forums was less blatantly biased and more loyal to the contrarian worldview. Give me shitposts and memes. If I see the same shit I see on youtube and twitter on here, then something's wrong.
The most video game thing about this thread is the one thing OP and everybody else is ignoring. Maybe you should remake the thread so it's not about some butthurt ideologue.
>Reeeeee stop talking about politics!
sorry you had a bad dad, faggot
Mainly so you don't go and shoot up a public area
>it is illegal in france to get a paternity test because it "destroys the family"
nigga pls
>Give me one reason to. Just. One.
That's what women think about you. Wonder why?
No, but it apparently did triggger dumb twitter users.
should really title it "for the normal people"
There's a board for that, THAT'S NOT THIS ONE.
Cry more, /pol/.
Sega Ages line
What's wrong with that?
Parents buy video games and tampons too, for their kids or their wives.
>Posted by a guy fucking whining about it like the same youtubers he's criticizing
I fucking hate twitter and I hate the smoothbrain retards who populate it.
Define "correctly."
>Mainly so you don't go and shoot up a public area
That's a reason for you to give him sex, not a reason for him to get sex.
>Implying it'll make a difference
They're the same as they've always been, why don't you just ignore the fucking games you don't like, maybe a like a normal person?
pic related straight up just reads Yea Forums threads and calls it news
>Buying tampons for your kids and wife
How impotent are you?
I can't see any vidya
have sex
Dad is cool. Mom is uncool. It's that easy.
.t seething, childless
>Nintendo is a video game company
>switch is video game console
>Ad shows them playing video games
>Ad talks about video games
Unfortunately for you, I have been enlightened.
>the left critiques the right
>climate, income inequality, dominionism
>the right critiques the left
>libtards don't logic
>also attack helicopter, lol
this is why the right is losing with zoomers
No shit, but woman shouldn't have anything to say in first place since they'll be in the kitchen with their switch
>like, maybe a like a normal person
Normal people don't care much about video games and can easily ignore them. Nor do they come to video game discussion sites like Yea Forums.
The very fact that user comes here means that he cares about video games and unlike a "normal person" he can't just ignore it because video games are important to him.
Pandering to people who actually care about and play games is fine. Pandering to people who don't play games and want to ruin the industry is not.
Yeah, but in the parts of the world that aren't like that, women are regularly beaten, raped, and treated in general how men are treated in the West.
It's okay, because feminists are importing these very people. In 100 years time, either we'll all be living like the Saudis, or there won't be any Saudis.
It's not even close to in every game, I guess you're just one of those shitters that only plays the most mainstream AAA games and that's it, get fucked disphit.
Please explain what you believe or think "pandering towards women" means, or is.
Talk about which vidyas you've been playing lately
What now? Is this some Canadian thing?
no u
You removing yourself from the gene pool makes it easier for me to get women. Keep it up.
Fa.m, you want me to change everything about myself, my worldviews, my values, etc. Just to have sex for a few minutes every couple days? That's your answer?
it's basically old-testament boomer christianity with decadence thrown in
>income inequality
Remind me how 8 years of Obama did anything for that.
1)that's also stupid and 2) this person is complaining about it so surely they complain about the opposite too right?
no he thinks christianity is a powerful governing force on earth
he's living in the bush years
Sounds like a case of tertiary thread, which moot explicitly said was bad
Do people complain when this are pandered for the moms?
nothing wrong with twitter threads tbqh
So women are only good for sex! Based user.
you're right, but i think he meant bl*ck people
Well you're seething that you can't get it so yes.
>You removing yourself from the gene pool makes it easier for me to get 35 year old washed up roastie thots with three kids. K-Keep it up.
Absolutely based post.
>Don't like when people bitch about things
>Nobody bitching about thing
>"Guess I'll start"
they don't have solutions for their problems user they just bring them up and when they don't solve them (because they can't) that wasn't left at all (because nothing is)
But it's Father's day lmao
I wish there was an easy way to filter any and all twitter screenshot threads.
Hey now, don't be conceited. You're in a shitty Yea Forums thread, even if you do pass your genes on they're probably fucking garbage.
Not when his incel ass goes on a shooting rampage and kills you + 6 roasties. There's literally no way to stop them, either, since they'll just steal a truck and drive it into a Victoria Secret. As long as incels exist, so too will their beta uprisings.
obama is a reform capitalist who gave out golden parachutes, the left hates him
Sounds like everyday israeli stuff. Why the funny name for it?
If it is what I think it is then it exists stronger than ever with Donald Trump, although the form might have changed a little.
Tragically those thots still want and think they deserve Chad.
Neck yourself boomer
Go hack to your fox news and diabetes
>It's not EVERY game
>It's only every single mainstream game made in the West in the past 5 years
Yeah, and not everyone gives a shit about Japanese or indie games.
>income inequality
Please point out example in the same company where two people, one male, one female, are hired for the same position, and one is given an initial pay less than the other. Please take out the examples where the female offers to take a pay less than the average pay for the job.
There is no income inequality. There is the fact that males will more frequently ask for a higher initial pay, will more frequently ask for a raise / promotion, will more frequently work overtime, and will more frequently neglect to take unpaid leave. For example, just recently I (who had very good credentials) applied for a job asking for an initial pay above the 5 year experience mark. They offered me a pay only slightly lower than that, about at the level of the 3 year experience level, rather than the usual pay given to newcomers.
Income inequality is not because of personal discrimination, it is because of cultural attitudes towards workplace behavior, this cannot be fixed at a political level or some retarded aspect such as legally requiring workplaces to pay employees equally, because that's just going to fuck over the entire market.
No one was complaining about nintendo pandering to moms
>Have sex: the post
>wtf why are gender relations at an all time low in America? RESPECT ME YOU INCEL BETA KEKS, AND RAISE LIL' TYRONE FOR ME
Go dilate
its a fucking ad for the switch, on fathers day, what do you expect? A switch christmas ad?
It's definitely not in every mainstream western game in the past 5 years. Maybe stop playing shit games from shit companies, bucko.
>because that's just going to fuck over the entire market
They'll do it anyway, in fact they already are.
These retards think Obama is a communist.
Hell they think Paul Ryan was far left
>Raised by single mother
just wait until they make an ad on women's day, Yea Forums will be bitching about it
screencap this if you want to
The economy has been functioning just fucking hundreds of years without people telling employers that all people with the same title need to have the same wage, because that's not how shit works.
>Maybe you should just start treating women correctly
Meaning what? I don't treat them any differently than I do a dude. If you mean put them on a pedestal. Well you can go fuck the biggest, spikiest cactus in the Nevada Desert because only a faggot would do that.
>spend 95% of the year doing a combination of jerking off people who aren't males and shitting on males
>the other 5% of the year is pandering
How many men working at Nintendo got scholarships and opportunities just because they had a penis?
>egyptians were black
>the validity of this theory a legitimate modern concern for anybody
went from reasonable to cringey /pol/tard incel-tier real fast. you can't be competent to seriously discuss politics and society and unironically believe in the white supremacy myth at the same time.
that's like a low-skilled mcdonalds worker asking to be paid $15 an hour
>Yea Forums will be bitching about it
Truly the most dire of consequences. Nintendo may not survive the squabbling of such epic proportions.
>I don't see anyone whining
Maybe they should look in the mirror
income inequality refers to the gap in wealth between the tails of earning power not specially earnings differences between genders my guy
the gains in productivity have been captured by capital because they've been obtained through outsourcing and automation, making it orthogonal to disputes about differences in male and female behaviors
Everyone from Ubisoft to Blizzard to EA to Naughty Dog to Activision are shoehorning this shit into their games. Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, League of Legends, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Far Cry, and so on. Pretty much the only franchise that hasn't been tarnished is Call of Duty, and who the fuck even plays that?
Snoyboys, that's who.
What a healthy actitude you have
Is that actually a real thing? How far gone as a country do you have to be to stigmatize wanting to be the biological father of your own children? Frogs are just as bad as I'd heard.
look at the OP, that was the subject matter from the start, sorry for staying on-topic
The proposed solutions to income inequality would be increased minimum wage, wealth tax, marginal tax rates and more funding for social programs. America did stuff like this back in the 40’s through 60’s and we had the strongest middle class and fantastic economic expansion. Start paying attention.
179 post an still no vidya
>Women are sex objects
Posts like these reek of virginity. They overestimate the value of sex to the point where it becomes tantamount to one's mental stability.
nobody ever bitched about nintendo celebrating mothers day
>>the validity of this theory a legitimate modern concern for anybody
>Who is AOC
There is no difference in earning power. Inherently a career driven female has just as much earning power as a career driven male if not more so, for leverages they gain in quotas.
There is no fucking income inequality and to suggest there is will just further suck off corporations into lowering the wages of male employees to compensate. Their wages go lower, lazy females go higher, the radicals are satisfied, and profits escalate.
Tackle cultural change, not political like some imbecile.
Every franchise you listed is absolute garbage, you have shit taste and you're a disservice to this board.
>Pretty much the only franchise that hasn't been tarnished is Call of Duty
We've had Nazi Nigger Women and literal propaganda in the upcoming title, are you really that dense?
>have wife and daughter
I don't understand
I remember when Yea Forums was having a fit over these ads.
"I'm not a gamer..."
sex with women makes you impotent since the labia walls are coated with female juices
>Wife and daughter menustrates
That means they aren't pregnant with your children.
I was referring to income inequality between the rich and you
gender stereotypes definitely lower women's pay though, there are a lot of good videos on that topic that are easy to digest
wage floors simply reduce the amount of labor of a kind purchased and social programs don't redistribute wealth to the middle they distribute wealth from the middle to the bottom, and your problem is that you are squeezing the middle out of existence
the entire reason you have been hollowed out is due to international competition from asia and you can't pull some reactionary bullshit to regain your position here
>Get proven wrong
>Y-You just have awful taste
you are actually fucking retarded do not respond to me
>due to international competition from asia
Only solution is to remove asia from the equation. Extreme protectionism.
good luck with that my guy even some dinky tariffs on china (a fashy garbage fire) get bipartisan asspain
Please refute from linking any from the lispy queer that served to lower women's pay more than any other youtuber in history via the voxadpocalypse
But no. All differences between men and women pay is based on cultural attitudes. Men are more willing to take dirty jobs, late night jobs, risky jobs, deadly jobs, lonely jobs, long hour jobs, and so on. They're also more willing to ask for higher pay, better benefits, promotions, raises etc. The difference is in culturual attitudes dumb nuts
So? I don't play them, I exclusively play indie or Japanese games. The last AAA Western game I purchased was Civ VI, and before that, it was Civ V. And even Civ has been infected, but I'm too addicted to quit just because of some retarded SJW pandering in a genre with a 0.5% female playerbase.
Well, I don't actually complain about women shit, since I'm not a /pol/tard.
But also, it's an ad, so I inherently hate it and all it represents.
Its purpose isn't even compatible with the definition of pandering, unless you're one of these days who watch the Super Bowl "for the commercials."
I wasn't proven wrong, you listed a handful of games from a handful of companies that anyone with half a brain wouldn't play anyway. My original point is that there are plenty of games that are just fine, but since you have the taste of a 15 year old it was a mistake to think that you'd try to look beyond shit made for the lowest common denominator.
>wahhhhhh I have no response
As typical from a neanderthal. Continue on with your day brainlet.
I don't know why, but that's not about moms so it's irrelevant to the thread.
You fucking got me. You bastard
what part of don't respond to me stupid person was too challenging for you to read
>unwanted jobs are always the highest paying
Then what's the problem?
If a switch ad for women was about a girl beating guys in games and then it was called girl power: there would be bantz and memes
If a switch ad for women was about gamergate or how sexist males are, then there would be butthurt.
It's like this is your first year on Yea Forums
>Parents divorced when I was very young
>First couple years after the divorce he tried coming around somewhat often
>Slowly he came less and less to the point to where I'd maybe get a phone call or text once a year
>Had no real male role model growing up, no one ever taught me about girls, gave me the sex talk, never even had a beer with the guy now that I'm in my mid 20s
>Recently get a phone call from him, saying he's upset we never talk
>He actually tells me, word for word "I didn't have an easy life, my life was hard because I never had a male role model in my life growing up, and it just made things hard for me"
>Waited for him to draw the parallel between our situations and apologize for not being there as much as he should have been and that we should both talk more and build a good relationship together
>He didn't. He just talked about himself having a hard time as if it excuses him for not being present in my life
For one of the first times in my life I was left genuinely speechless. I was just shocked that he somehow couldn't see he was doing the same thing to me.
Fuck off bàck to plebbit,you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
t. seething roastie
Dads get no respect as it is. Go kill yourself you hag.
Oh do tell user, what are some of these games that are only for god-like gamers such as yourself?
It can be done.
With the power.
I don't know, I probably mistook the 'me' part as being an individual, seeing how you're just the echo of a movement of retards, and hardly an individual. Couldn't quite point out where the individual, or 'me', was there.
Dads aren't an insignificant minority.
post yfw you have a good relationship with your dad
Civ isn't AAA is it?
Yes, unwanted jobs are typically higher paying than wanted jobs. There's a reason why construction pays $20 an hour and is always hiring full time compared to Walmart who typically only hires part time at minimum wage.
i see at least two dumbasses complaining about it
the state is well in the hands of people that do not care about the welfare of their countrymen at all
the entire bureaucracy is captured by people that only care if they get their own pensions
>nintendo does one ad for dads before father's day
>trannies seething for months
/pol/ is dying.
Mandela effect
Not nearly as fast as resetera after the pedogate lmao
I dunno, the games cost upwards of $5 million to make, sell for $60 on launch, and go on sale for $15 within 2 years, so I assumed they were.
Gonna take him out for mini golfing and lunch with my gf tomorrow
Sorry you can't relate resetera trannies and niggers
ok i will permit you to reply to me one last time for you to describe my politics
this should be really good
Not an argument.
Unions make sure that unwanted jobs don't get the wage they deserve. Government jobs in particular.
In my country prison wardens are in serious need, but nobody wants to be one because it gives the same wage as most other jobs that only require a short education. There's no oppourtunity to get a good wage because that's negotiated by the unions and the unions are in the pockets of the Socal Democratic party.
>Taking your dad out with your girlfriend
Someone post the R*dditor whose dad fingered his girlfriend and got her to suck his dick.
This is the place that posts stuff that came from r/all
Seething poltard,you are a brainlet that need to have sex.
>>He actually tells me, word for word "I didn't have an easy life, my life was hard because I never had a male role model in my life growing up, and it just made things hard for me"
That's his way of apologizing.
Yeah empathy is a rare trait, it seems. I hope if you have kids you don't repeat the cycle and make it all about you.
If I were to guess you're one of two things.
1. You're an edgy radical centrist. You dispute the economics of socialism and communism, but at the same time you're for worker's rights, and are all about muh equality. While anti big business, you support capitalism, though you see a big importance in government regulation in the areas such as gun control, carbon emissions, and trade.
2. You're a marxist. You don't believe in the free market, but you believe in the democratic transition from a free market society into one that is socialist, eventually with the abolition of economic inequality. You believe that while corruption can occur in a government, that it should be controlled by the people, and ultimate, the rules decided by the people should be governed to their utmost in service of the people.
Both of these examples are utterly retarded but I'm sure one fits you to a T
Whoa, such an amazing video games discussion is going here!!!
>there are no jobs
dumb fucking niggers. this country is drowning in work, but because it's jobs you people feel is beneath you, that means we have no jobs.
god I hate you children so fucking much.
Oh no I'm sorry did we interrupt your single sentence greentext thread about anime girls?
i'm a social liberal so i'm closer to the first but given that the u.s. government is a global force for evil disarming the populace is entirely out of the question
Unions are absolutely awesome...
as a concept.
In practice they either
1. REQUIRE membership, meaning if you have a job with a required union part of your paycheck goes to them every 2 weeks
2. NEVER give you an option in what your membership goes towards. I would love to pay a part of my paycheck exclusively to the idea that unions would organize strikes and boycotts towards worse living conditions and payments to employees, but if I'm in a job that's part of a union, in most cases part of my paycheck is going god damned straight to a political party, which is retarded.
Yeah fuck moms dude dumb bitch telling me no xbox fuck you mom suck my dick and make me spaghetti for supper dumb bitch haha
As a Euro we have multiple layers of it.
People dont like transgender freaks or niggers no matter how you people try to force then...now you get it!
>men are paid more because they take $40k/yr tradie work and women all work at walmart
this exchange has been funny but you really need to read like, a book in the issue or something, instead of going with your gut feeling, you argue like me when I was 20
you know women are a majority of college grads, even in high-wage, high-demand fields like medicine, the type of work that gets you way more than $20/hour
the fact of the matter is that people have an internal bias that limits women, people are more likely to see a woman as a bitch if she's their boss and stuff like that, you would be surprised what's in books if you would just read one for once. People who talk about the wage gap haven't forgotten about dangerous jobs, the issue is a lot bigger and more systemic and complex than that. Also if dirty and dangerous work=high pay then trash men would be paid like kings
There's nothing better than a Twitter screenshot thread to start up some meaningful discussions about video games!
Good, you're probably closer to Tucker Carlson than either Democrat or Republican, which I am too though more on the conservative side, so I can more see eye to eye with you than many of my retarded neo con friends.
The US needs a third party socially libertarian economically moderate left party.
So it seems, so it seems...
>Dropped out of highschool at 17 because of abusive mother
>Living paycheck to paycheck
>Bomb Cyclone ends up destroying my work, and I've been unemployed since
>Can't find a job, despite having 5 years of work experience, since I don't have a degree, and out of the past 30 applications I've put in this year, I only got 2 calls back
>Some cunt who never had to work a hard day in his life tells me that there are too many jobs
If there were, then they'd be hiring anyone they could.
I think you meant to write AND
There's a lot of jobs you're not qualified for :^)
>only put in 30 applications in a whole year
you're not trying you fucking bitch
...so there aren't a lot of jobs. If they were hurting for work, they'd be lowering their standards.
>you know women are a majority of college grads
You know a majority of college degrees are liberal arts right, which women take up a disproportionate amount of?
>even in high-wage, high-demand fields like medicine
Yes, and many such women chose to go into fields such as pharm tech, nursing etc. Women dominated fields that tend to pay less
>people are likely to see a woman as a bitch if she's their boss
My best boss has been a woman, so no. My worst boss has been as well, but that's because the entire fucking store agreed she was a lazy cunt that used her assistant managers as her worker bees
>trash men would be paid like kings
They are. Alaskan King Crab fisherman make 90k/yr you dumbass. The more risk you put into a job the better pay you get.
Stop dealing with gender studies retard shit.
People don't have that internal bias for no reason. It's there because there's truth to it.
We're not even 30 weeks into the damn year.
oh, right. i forgot. GENOCIDE DADS. reply to this post or you're a fag who doesn't believe in genociding dad people.
>>Some cunt who never had to work a hard day in his life tells me that there are too many jobs
i'm 32 and have literally been working since 16, when I first started bagging groceries and pumping gas at shell.
if I lost my job right fucking now, I could walk to mcdonalds and apply to sweep floors for minimum wage. would I make as much as I do as an electrician? no, of course not, but at least I'd have a job to work until one in my field becomes available.
lazy niggers(like yourself) will always scream about no jobs because one isn't handed to you. I could even do day construction for the city, which actually pays well but is back breaking work that ZOOMERS wouldn't apply for because "it's too hard and i'm qualified for something better"
More like companies end up being excessively risk-adverse, so they just give up on their job openings and overload their employees with the workload of multiple people.
Nigger I literally don't take this shit at this point. You're either bombing your interviews or you fucked your resume hard. Every single time I've ever applied, first callback, first in person interview, instantly hired with an above average pay.
Because dads are men and not women or trannies.
Gamers hate women and trannies.
And minorities.
But dads are based.
Except the black ones.
>applying to 1 job a week
Holy shit, filling out a job application, no matter how intensive or demanding its requirements, does not take any more than a few hours at the most. You are not actively looking for a job and then getting upset when you don't get one.
>If they were hurting for work, they'd be lowering their standards
This is something modern society has forgotten is necessary. I blame unions, they don't let employers hire unskilled workers to do a job that someone with a two-year education does, despite the fact that the unskilled worker can be trained to work at the same level in two weeks.
based as fuck, but try not to antagonize desperate people even if they are lazy nigs.
>my best boss has been a woman, so no.
I don't know how you can type this and not see how retarded and desperate this type of argument looks
>the fact of the matter is that people have an internal bias that limits women, people are more likely to see a woman as a bitch if she's their boss and stuff like that, you would be surprised what's in books if you would just read one for once. People who talk about the wage gap haven't forgotten about dangerous jobs, the issue is a lot bigger and more systemic and complex than that. Also if dirty and dangerous work=high pay then trash men would be paid like kings
Take a gander folks. This is literally what feminism brain washes girls to think. No wonder they're so fucking miserable nowadays
What the fuck I am a frog and even I didn't know that. One more reason to stay with 2D girls.
Lazy niggers should be antagonized at every oppourtunity.
It's because women are expected to be servile. A lot of the most famous psychological studies are how far people are willing to bend their behavior when they feel like they're expected to.
not an argument
read a book on the topic
I'm not lazy, I worked 40+ hour weeks in a warehouse before it got washed away. I've been to every store that's been hiring within a 15 mile radius of my house, and you have the gall to talk like you've actually had a real job in your life, let alone had any hardships.
Because it's Father's Day, "black trans attack helicopter" meanwhile gets every average Tuesday with today's social media.
>I don't know how you can type this and not see how retarded and desperate this type of argument looks
Because you're a retarded faggot, that's how
My worst boss ever, yes, was a female.
My second worst boss ever? Male
Third worst boss? Male
Fourth worst boss? Female
Fifth worst boss? Female
I initially worked in retail followed by food service. About 75% of my bosses were females, so no fucking shit most of my worst bosses were female. With that said, one of my most recent bosses who was female is currently one of my best friends.
Fuck off with your unscientific garbage. If you want to argue statistics maybe you should differ causation from correlation first.
He never actually apologized or said he knew he did the same to me though. It felt more like he was trying to guilt me into feeling badly for him
Most managers in retail are female, and considering retail is the absolute worst work environment you can get at entry level is it any surprise that most people consider their boss a 'bitch'?
>It's because women are expected to be servile
No, it's because there's truth to it. And if there isn't then they get the pay they deserve, as I and others have observed in real life.
You fucking academics and your ivory tower.
Black dad's are based because they keep blacks poor
i don't care about your anecdotes
You don't care because your mind is already solidified in the fiction that encases your world view.
Everybody has a dad buddy. It isn't like this is pandering to some oppressed minority group.
>as I and others have observed in real life.
this is a good substitute for science actually
That is pretty based.
because no one plays games that cater to women. not even women themselves.
Any actual individual that has studied statistics or marketing can tell you there's a definitive difference between causation and correlation, and to mistake the two is infantile and unscientific. You are using raw stats to create an argument instead of an experiment upon the basis of those statistics. Your argument is pop science at best.
Who wants to bet this guy thinks IQ is 100% environmental and that there are no race differences?
I don't think I've ever seen anyone angry over pandering to moms, why would people be mad over pandering to dads ?
>white supremacy myth
It's not a myth that whites rule the world. If we could just get rid of a couple of (((parasites))) siphoning our wealth and polluting our culture wed already be on Mars.
oh the ironing
read a book
because VIDEO GAMES are for MEN. they are made BY MEN for MEN. women can fuck right off, they can't have my VIDEO GAMES
Lmao the cringe
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
>getting angry at being told to read
read nigga
>being mad about needing to re-open your front hole
They're literally on a separate website
Actually in most other parts of the civilized world (emphasis on civilized) it's even worse for fathers because "muh femuhnizm"
>It's about the Switch
Fucking idiot. Literal fucking retard
there is nothing on mars. it's a dead shithole
>it's almost as if they only care about "pandering" when it's to people they don't like
coherence, fucking great
>the rest of Yea Forums
user, this is 4channel. We're ad friendly here and do not mingle with those filthy 4channers.
What is this Yea Forums?
>nfl players are kneeling on the sidelines to protest the police
>d-dude what the fuck Yea Forums mods I was talking about sports!!!!
The hacker known as Anonymous' blog.
Yea Forums? This is 4channel a family friendly bulletin board
after your teen years you start to realize that corporations, landowning boomers, and the military are bigger welfare queens than minorities by orders of magnitude
Ironic that you call out the irony here, because you're so convinced of your own superiority that there can be no way you can be wrong.
sorry to tell you but I'm right dude
lmao, its amazing how someone can be arrogant yet be so ignorant themselves. any with a cursory grasp of statistics knows that women get degrees and go into poorly paid fields such as early education while men overwhelmingly pick fields like engineering. and don't pull the misogyny card stops women from picking the fields because the countries ranked higher on gender equality have the greatest disparities in gender choices.
the public sector worker is the biggest tick in the game
I'm sure that's what every retard said, keep their line going
kelly comics are satire, user
Democracy sucks. No candidate will ever be elected on the promises of less social security to the electorate, despite it being needed.
>tfw your father warned you about the dangers of girly games and waifu trash, and led you down the path of Quake, Doom, Contra, Gradius, and everything fun
incel detected
Tranny pedo detected, FBI alerted
Wow one single ad for dads in the ocean of women focused ads that make men looks like bumbling idiots.
>see my dad for the first time in a while
>"so how's your social life,user"
>posts tf2 image
You're missing out.
hello tick
Nothing wrong with TF2 lad.
After the recent resetera pedo scandal I'm afraid to lead my kids down the path of the weeb. I ended up pretty fine but many people seem not to.
i know it's just funny going from quake and doom to team fortress
But resetera and their ilk tend to hate weebgames because they "objectify women"
>Visit my dad for the weekend because one of the days I'll be playing board games with some friends who live nearby
>Dad suggests going to more boardgame arrangements, maybe I'll meet a girl there, although they're rare
No dad. I'm too old to meet girls. It's too late.
Yes I don't like it when they pander to the exact type of people who try to politicize a Father's Day ad
Jesus fucking Christ clown world man
they also play weeb games because they are 40 year old virgins
Father's Day is coming up, isn't it?
You'd be moronic not to capitalize on that or Mother's Day. Or any day that marks a "spend your disposable income you fucking cretins" period.
They hate lewd weebshit, so I guess that's what I'll have to expose my kids to, and let them understand yadayada pro sex feminism yadayada etc.
Fucking this. I don't fucking care what some fucking nobody thinks about something I wasn't even aware of. The only reason this thread exists is to foam up fake outrage toward's somebody elses fake outrage.
cool citations
Because this sort of thing is rare?
I don't follow what resetera does and does not do, but I can say with a good deal of certainty that I won't be giving my parents grandchildren. Although I don't think weeb games have much to do with it, they're an excellent way to cope.
Based. Who else is going fishing with their dad on father's day?
Honestly my gf goes back and forth between wanting children and not wanting children, but if we get married and after a year I can't convince her to eventually want them I might kill myself desu
Women take more time off, are statistically less likely to negotiate salary, and on average willingly opt in to lower paying work
Stfu about this already
>my gf
How about you kill yourself right now or fuck off from the Yea Forumsirgin board?
well if she works and doesn't produce children you can divorce her without any major economic problems
>they aren´t to destroy or alter video game standards
>they aren´t trying to censor shit
retard zoomer
Not to mention the potential of (paid) maternity leave has to be deducted from wages.
>lawyer fees
>not major economic problems
But yea at the very least there wouldn't be a custody battle in that case. The problem is that a lifetime relationship takes at minimum 3 years to develop in adulthood, and after you get to 25, 3 years is a long fucking time
>after you get to 25, 3 years is a long fucking time
What are you talking about? The years go by faster and faster as they fill with more and more monotonous things.
but we did mock it
If you want to complain about twitter screencaps then it makes sense to do so in a twitter screencap thread.
No I don't you assuming prick. My dad spent more time telling me to study or stop overusing utilities than he did actually playing with me. He sees my interests as infantile.
I'm talking about the countdown to when you can have children and expect to also have grandchildren before you die.
That timer basically ends at 35-40 in this day and age. Once you hit 40, at best you're having kids, but kiss the idea of grandkids goodbye.
As someone that's 25, I have a dad that's 64, and I'm determined to make sure he has grandkids before he dies, which is insanely stressful to me.
they also work fewer hours and the proportion of graduating doctors is irrelevant, because doctors are a minuscule proportion of the economy at under a million, after you account for inactive physicians (this makes physicians less than 1% of the workforce)
I figured more time off covered that but yeah
He was making a joke about niggers.
I'm not black. His statement was still implying that I have a "dad buddy".
Because I want dads to cum inside me.
>Women take more time off, are statistically less likely to negotiate salary, and on average willingly opt in to lower paying work
But why?
Those are large factors but the biggest is simply the choice of job each gender has a tendency towards. Anyone who looks at the gender ratio of an engineering class vs. an english class in college can instantly tell. And of course when a woman finds out her degree isn't quite as useful the disappointment is what so promotes the development of the "gender gap"
This were the first switch ads, so cringy, they still make them but less often, almost everything in the USA has this type of imagery nowadays, if not everything.
Because of cultural expectations and stigmas.
Eventually, like birth rates, this will even out. You don't need the fucked up shit equivalent to the one child policy to ruin everything and create a dystopia
He means a buddy that's a dad or acts like one. Like, y'know, someone around your own age but is dad as fuck? I know a few guys like that.
dads are b&rp'd
There's also this magic button that hides threads! Shocking, right?
Family usually, dunno about this one guess they're just less bold, and higher paying jobs are usually dangerous or dirty
Then it wouldn't be a joke about black people, plenty of them are technically fathers.
Oh, I think he just forgot a comma. Meant to write
>Everybody has a dad, buddy
Because I know my dad isn't stupid enough to buy shit he doesn't need or want just because the T.V. told him to.
Biology most likely. Ms. women's studies will say it's cultural but don't trust 'em.
The left can't meme
Hiding a problem is the same as letting it grow.
>Talking about video games is a problem
>Women take more time off
Maternity leave, not only do you have to take time off, but it also fucks up your momentum in your career. If you are in a high paced ambitious environment (where the pays are high) your career track just got set back greatly.
>are statistically less likely to negotiate salary
Disposition, in general women are less likely to be aggressive, if only it wasn't controversial to say that women and men have different tendencies in this area
>on average willingly opt in to lower paying work
I don't know the exact stats but biology makes women less suited for some physical work which closes off some profitable blue collar work if you have to start from such a disadvantage compared to an otherwise equal man.
Talking about video games isn't a problem. The wrong people talking about them in the wrong way is. Nice try twisting the words though.
For physical and child care, no shit there's a biological element. It'll even out a bit over time as it has thus far though. Eventually it'll be 90 cents on the dollar or something, just because physical detriment will always pay more, and enjoyment of child care will always cause it to pay less due to less stress. Biology certainly plays a role, but it's retarded to suggest it's not also cultural to an extent.
Man it's almost as if encourage nuclear families was a good thing
Haven't meet a Dad who use bullshit victimism to get something censored just because it offends them or because it may be "bad for children"
>my Dad never played vidya and hated that I played vidya
>despite that I still loved him
I miss my dad so much bros
That kind of biology too, but I was actually thinking of hormones that create different behavior and personality in men and women.
Like briefly mentions.
>talking about video games
>b& doesn't know how to drive
Same but mother.
Deepest lore.
>fathers day is bad because men are evil
Can we start sending SJWs to concentration camps already?
What do they need to concentrate on?
100% Orange Juice.
An ad pandering to dads on fathers day. Fuck me.
Then what is pic related if not thinly veiled complaining about Nintendo pandering to dads?
Fucking horseshoe man
so feminazis keep going with their shitty war on men i see.
shit like this is the reason no one likes you.
based user