Character use a scythe as a weapon

>character use a scythe as a weapon

Attached: 1520750976449.png (563x556, 428K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>seething because he doesn't know how to fight Gordeau

>scythe in game
>it's not a weapon
>it's only used to harvest crops

Attached: B341BFA4-30A1-4198-9BE8-96DD22C7BEC9.jpg (1200x683, 196K)

>main character
>wields a sword

Attached: 1465276739289.png (621x456, 255K)

Thank you for reminding me to watch yuru camp
I hope there is yuri

Attached: 1529755727019.jpg (1967x2112, 730K)

Don't post my favorite anime girl when saying something as stupid as
>durrrr me HATE scythe!!

Name 3.

>Character uses a club
>Doesnt say batter up



Attached: 1924191E-78AA-4890-9A6D-02C234A1214E.jpg (500x281, 49K)

Scythes aren't weapons

Let me swing one at you then.

>character uses her fists as a weapon

Attached: 1560637581788.jpg (759x1200, 89K)

Neither are drills, but those became a staple weapon in the mecha genre. Don't try to project realism onto fiction that was never aiming for realism in the first place.

>character use a drill as a weapon

Attached: 1499363625820.png (400x500, 183K)

Post more cute retards

Attached: g.png (370x92, 7K)

>character doesn't use a scythe as a weapon

Attached: Death.png (307x422, 36K)

Why would you do this to me? fucker.

>Most op dude ever
>Anything he touches dies
>Uses a scythe
Do I need to spell it out for you anons?

Attached: smugachu.jpg (567x580, 25K)

Attached: 1536976834874.jpg (324x300, 58K)

Heh heh
*teleports inside of you*

Attached: Kayn.jpg (1920x1200, 926K)

He only uses the scythe when he wants to take them alive

>character dual wields
>characters weapon is larger than the character itself
>characters weapon has serrated edge

Attached: 1560614835233.png (2304x1296, 3.32M)

Neither is a wrench, hammer, sledgehammer, or chainsaw

>Enemy uses two scythes.

Attached: Friederender.png (900x1209, 519K)

>chainsaw isn't a weapon
That's where you're wrong vato!

>enemy has cute feet

Attached: dark_souls_3_sister_friede_barefoot_by_nyanaki_db4ear8-pre.jpg (1192x670, 110K)

He’s cute

Image saved

Death with any others kind of weapons look stupid

Attached: f14bd09387b1cda9a15bbacfdb8b6117.jpg (836x1179, 173K)

Sorry to disappoint you, there kinda isn't. They're shippable, but the show is just not gay enough.
Hopefully S2 delivers.

Attached: 67454262_p1.jpg (1295x1812, 1.08M)

God a scythe would be such a shitty weapon compared to a spear or literally any other polearm

What is up with barefoot female characters in Dark Souls?
Is Miyazaki a footfag?

harvest moon
story of seasons
stardew valley

Wht the fuck did I enjoy Growlanser 2 so much?

Not cute at all, also was this shot really necessary?

not if you turn it into this

Give me the TRUTH

Attached: __furudo_erika_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_murakata__15eed03bf040528f8fc15acb54ef5b83.jpg (665x1000, 430K)

>Beam sabers are common weapons in game
>Steel katana is the strongest sword you can get

Attached: 1556247714429.png (253x282, 164K)


Attached: sickle.jpg (584x438, 86K)

you like using this reaction image

Ruby Rose is a very cute retard

fuck off, commie

Could be, depending on the type.

this is my 1st time posting this, user
paranoid a bit?

I like that song

Death Touch doesn't allow for multiple kills with one strike.

Not even retarded commies were retarded enough to use sythes as weapons
they turned them into spears

*dead angles u*

Enjoy being a hunchback who can't stand up straight. Scythe provides a way better work environment than the sickle.

claymore was better

>character dual wields scythes larger than the character itself with serrated edges

Attached: rtr.jpg (737x720, 124K)

I wonder if the Eclypse Scythe from Ninja Gaiden would work, seems way less cumbersome than what you usually see in vidya.

How is this game alive?

>character uses a guillotine as a weapon

Attached: RenFuji.png (1600x906, 1.62M)

Attached: 1474917263408.jpg (1280x720, 296K)

Ren's weapon has to be one of the worst I've ever seen.

>fucking turtles up something serious in DS with the shotel
>nerfed to shit in every sequel

Attached: 1458913982897.jpg (357x357, 26K)

Okay, but how about in terms of working my enemies

Attached: 1430601922660.jpg (540x390, 34K)

>Character uses a revolver as a weapon

Attached: The Time Has Come.jpg (352x337, 51K)

Then I'd recommend a sword or a spear rather than agricultural tools.

>citation needed

>Character conjures weapons

Attached: King Archer.webm (512x348, 2.6M)

>can't eat the god of death and bind his soul to a scythe because the devs forgot to place it on the map

>character uses a placenta as a weapon

Attached: weird.png (300x300, 50K)

t. Ocelot

I feel like some music is missing from this webm.

>character IS the weapon

Attached: 1556046922571.png (1013x915, 384K)


Don't those shrivel up pretty quickly?

Weenie detected

So just an unarmed fighter? Or are we talking Xenoblades kind of shit here?

An american?

>characters weapon is made of ice cream

Attached: Sweetstack.png (256x256, 72K)