How did they make it so kino?

How did they make it so kino?

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Other urls found in this thread:

honestly one of the best DLCs ever made, right up there with Blood and Wine for me.

Nogami is based

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>That music
>That blender
>That whole tower climb
>That agent 3 fight with the messed up splattack
>Vaporwave final boss
>Inner agent 3 with the only full song of calimari inkantation since it doesn't have the static at the start
Shit was so good
God bless splatoon

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fuck the 8-ball challenges though

Those were the easiest shit, just be patient.

The levels being made around certain types of weapons instead of everything really made a difference. The atmosphere, characters, and music were awesome too.

No, fuck all the rainmaker / tower control challenges.

The intro cutscene to the inner agent 3 fight is the most kino thing in video game history.

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best switch exclusive, it feels like the full realization of the linear 3d marios design philosophy

>not girl power

anyone playing the splatfest? still a few hours left

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Haven't played the game in ages but I'll be sure to hop on for the final splatfest. Missed the one in the first game, don't want to miss this one.

So who's ready for narwhals to be illegal

Splatoonfags deserve death, stop making threads all the time

Be like the Sushi Strikerfags and get out of here

>reeeee stop talking about video games

the power of aesthetics

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when do you reckon it will drop to $10 bros?

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Yeah, I've gotta do a few more matches to get to royalty then I'm out. This shifty station isn't too exciting and I don't feel strongly about the subject so I just want my shells.
Excited for the last splatfest. I want my fucking killer wails back.

the final boss was the definition of kino

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You know, you don't have to enter these threads.

>stop making threads all the time

Cute protagonists.

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Attached: octo ending.webm (853x480, 1.98M)

>tfw no agent 3 cape

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>tfw thought the blender was originally a killing machine but convinced myself at the last second that it was a makeshift rocket to the surface when playing it
>mfw my original guess was right all along
Beating all missions in the same night it came out with a fucked up joycon was also a rewarding experience, I wish I could experience playing it for the first time again

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It got so robbed for so many awards that year

It wasn't normiecore enough.

That and it was harder than the story mode, so many people just skipped through it just to get their octoling like the bastards they are.

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It even lost vidyagaemawards best soundtrack

What did it lose to?

That's okay we'll always know who they are because they won't have the golden hairpin.

wtf even is a narwhal

This Splatfest fucking sucks and I'm glad I just finished.

Smash and Deltarune

>tfw you love the Afro inkling but the golden toothpick is mostly hidden except the top stick

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Help I can’t beat the level where you have to defend the orb I can only make it to about 20 seconds

Is it even worth picking the base game up at this point?

>game made by zoomer jap devs with no interference from the old guard
Nintendo needed (and still needs) fresh ideas, we need more original games like splatoon, and less Mario,Zelda,etc

yeah, it's still very active. Doesn't take long at all to find a match

You HAVE beat inner agent 3, right?


Attached: Agents 3 4 8.jpg (1024x575, 65K)

IA3 is a bonus boss, you don't have to beat it to reach the final boss. It just gives you the hairpin for bragging rights

You know it, shit was hype as fuck.

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If you mean Girl Power Station, the octolings come at you in the same pattern every single time. Either watch a video of it or pay attention when you're trying it yourself. All you have to do is gun them down when they jump in or toss a bomb onto the marker and keep track of which direction they'll be coming from.

Does off the hook is gay?



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Any chance this goes on sale soon

That's the biggest crime of all, OE's soundtrack is literally one of the best I've ever heard. Smash remixes are so fucking overrated.

Just fucking kill them.
Also shooting the orb heals it, that might help.

DLC very rarely go on sale, even on something like steam.
You're already on the hook and there's no point in offering you a deal.
Even GOTY type bundles typically get better discounts than DLC.

Fuck am I exhausted. Fuck holiday weekends.

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get some rest then

b-but squid thread

these threads are a dime a dozen.

>interspecies lesbians
Yea Forums is ok with this
And I thought Yea Forums was the Tumblr board

I like them regardless

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No they're not. They're a diamond dozen.

>when that Ebb and Flow styled Now or Never kicks in during the final mission's last minute

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One underrated thing about Splatoon 2 is the animation. It has been a while since I last played Nintendo games, I've been playing on PC and PS4 so I'm used to graphics way beyond what the Switch can offer, but the animation in this really stood out to me out of all the recent games I can imagine. Not that other Nintendo first-party games look bad, but there is something special about this one.

it's unironically soul

I saved the video. i'm never doing that shit ever again. Hours of fucking torture

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Yeah there's definitely a lot of love put into it and it shows. I'm just hoping after the final Splatfest they don't just leave things be with the series. They need to keep the fire burning, even if it's just a small announcement that Splatoon series will continue but the next game isn't ready for development yet.

Arguably the real GOTY of 2018 if GoW was able to get it. Though I still maintain Red Dead 2 was the best in general, its music could not live up to Octo Expansion's.

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>just noticed a few days ago that inklings/octolings have a unique animation for curling bombs if you stand still and they fist pump when it explodes.
cute as heck

>everyone complaining about girl power
>meanwhile i couldn't beat that one with the limited ink and the towers of boxes on mini-flooders because i use stick controls
why did so many people have trouble with Girl Power in the first place?

Probably people that are below X rank

Agreed, the base campaign really suffered from needing to be winnable with every weapon.

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Here's your top level players bro

>the way she's curled up in the chair instead of sitting in it normally


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Octolings are autistic

Autistic is codeword for cute if the subject is female

It's cute

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Veemo is a good girl, you stop

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Monolith soft.

>stop discussing video games on a video game board


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>tfw beat it second try
I feel terrible for knowing I didn't experience the suffering many people had with it.

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I dunno. That was a pretty lewd look she was giving Agent 3 at the end.

Confused woomy best woomy.

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Seriously. The entire final boss sequence was just 110% fucking kino

I didn't like the special stage.

>tfw your huge expansion pack loses to a fucking demo

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It was entirely platonic.

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Redpill me on this DLC Yea Forums, what makes it so great? I'm thinking of buying it after the splatfest is over

The levels are fun challenges and it expands the lore in very interesting ways. Also you get to play as veemo.

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>Lore, deepest lore, lore out the ass
>Actually challenging single-player levels
>Tons of great music
>More interaction with the lore characters
>Fucking kino last few levels and final boss

It basically feels like what the single player campaign should have been


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If you like 80's vaporwave shit the aesthetics are top notch in that department. You get atmosphere like no other game out, even for Splatoon standards. Whoever worked on this were top-notch gamedevs, and I can't thank them enough for it. Just be prepared to rage against the machine, in more ways than one...

>a set of different challenges with a banger new soundtrack
>actual difficulty
>lore and characterization for everyone involved
>decent story, especially the last levels

8 and 3's relationship is entirely platonic.

These two on the other hand are total faggots.

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Shacking up with Agent 4 now are we?

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It’s too hard.

Git gud

I mean 8 and 4 are canonically rooming together

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Git lost

And we all know what happens when teenage girls are having sleep overs.

I suspect it isn't as sapphic as Yea Forums believes

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You mean to tell me they don't have pillow fights in their underwear?

If the sleepovers my sister had growing up were any indication, no.

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not really
men just cant comprehend female friendship
they're so used to thinking with their dicks that then assume any physical contact is sexual

Damn you Veemo!

Ironic considering women do the same to male characters.

The Octo Expansion is one of those games that proves that a fantastic soundtrack can turn an 8/10 into a 12/10.

>mfw Nasty Majesty starts playing in-game
>the entire progression of songs after that
Fuck that whole sequence was so good.

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Still my personal favorite

>no Nasty Majesty, Shark Bytes, or Fly Octo Fly in Smash
But we get seventeen Now or Nevers, of course. Fucking hell.
>but OE came out too late for the music to get into Smash!
Bullshit. Unlike characters or a stage or whatever, the music tracks would be a five minute drag and drop job, so that excuse doesn't hold water. Sakurai is just a retard.

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Gotta say a lofi mix was the last thing I ever expected out of my squidgame

>go the entire splatfest without seeing any pride shit in the square
>fire up the game for the last 20 minutes
>very first thing I lay my eyes on is trans pride
Come on. Also hurry up and match me damn it, I just need a little more for royalty.

I need to do more about the Pride posts but I just don't think about it when I'm in game.

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>it's a kid using their parents online episode

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Boo, my last match is a mirror match.

>How did they make it so kino?
They drew inspiration from MGS2

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>tfw didn't even play this Fest

Nintendo fucked up revealing the apocalypse so early

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this is my first splatfest and im so sad it's not nighttime dance party anymore :(
when do we get to know who won?

Too bad. I love these pastel colors. Especially the blue

The next rotation, in two hours.

Thank God it's over

So you guys are going to wear the skulls of your enemies and fucking crush Orderfags right?

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thank you, im stoked. wish i played more today, i forgot about it until an hour ago thanks to

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I went to play a celebratory round of Salmon Run and had a disconnect right in the middle of a griller wave that threw everything into hell and it devolved into us desperately relay reviving each other. But we did it. We survived.

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I can just imagine some salty Jap drawing this and muttering moon curses under their breath the entire time

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What did they mean by this?

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>tfw no butteball cat to carry around

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I miss my fat old cat.
He was practically a lazy old dog trapped in cat form.

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they fuckin

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Sometimes a family is two lesbians and some fat cats

I mean the evidence is really starting to pile up

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just rerolled the abilities on my shoes and got 3 swim speeds, whats the odds of that? should i keep it?

What's the main?


such a satisfying secret boss.

10/10 would scream uncontrollably as I get run down by autobombs again

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ink resistance
if you mean weapon, i change often

>3 swim speeds
hell yeah you keep it
They're just so cute together.

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Literally the only thing I ship in any of the things I watch/read/play

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This woom gets more lewd every time I see her

Even though I still don't have that, I gave up.

By making every single part of it perfect, and letting you rescue octo daughter who is best daughter. Fuck this splatfest that just happened, though. I went like 8 matches in a row and each one had at least one teammate not doing a fucking thing. Unicorn lost, but at least I got to be cute blue veemo for a bit.

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This may be a bit controversial, but I think inklings and octolings are very cute.

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The fuck outta here nigger

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Love this game

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why doesn't twitter reverse image search exist

>we use twitter because we hate you, firthy baka gaijin
Who knows. Literally one of the most ill-suited sites to host an art platform.

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Have you tried holding ZR?

Of course

Thanks for the tip

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>tfw I will never get a full screamo Pearl album

Attached: metalpearl10.png (1536x2048, 963K)

You will if you vote chaos

At the very least, I hope they actually dress her in her metal outfit for Splatoon 3

Attached: metalpearl2.jpg (897x1200, 109K)

>Chaos gets metalopod Pearl
>Order gets electronic Marina
Chaos wins again baby

Attached: hoodiepearl.png (1403x992, 1.05M)

> Chaos gives us the possibility of a metal idol duo with Pearl and Callie
the choice is obvious

I mean even in my wildest dreams I'm not banking on that, but go big if you want user

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It’s because of him that I am hopeful for both New Horizons and Splatoon 3 (whenever that comes out).

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I never really had popsicles shaped like this as a kid, I only got the dinky single ones.

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>wanting best couple to break up

Never happening

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And now we count down to an actual war.

the foreshadowing

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People are going to datamine the win/lose quotes and ruin everything and it sucks

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>Marina wipe across the board
I knew I should've gone with my gut and chosen narwhal. At least the blue was still really nice.

That veemo might be TOO cute.

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Jesus christ, why was the splatfest so skewed?

Robin pls no

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>Narwhal had 60% popularity
Shit, I thought unicorn would be the infinitely more popular team with all the unicorn art I saw.

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No such thing as too cute.


Who wants to play as gay ass unicorns

Maybe this was a "Dewey defeats Truman" kind of thing.

It's a complete victory for the good guys again.

That just means their art was yeah'd! more so it gets priority in the plaza, it doesn't indicate how popular a group is.
If you actually played you'd see Narwhal had a lot more mirror matches and that's how you can gauge popularity.

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I'm pretty sure I just played with actual toddlers just now because I feel so bad for that team. Not even mad, just bad because they're little kids who don't know why they're getting these eggs.

>leaving out Pearl's lack of response

No one steals my baby.

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Pearl is the one who breaks up Off the Hook confirmed!
Finally Marina can go full Beyonce and reach her full potential.

There a full pic of this?

not that i know of

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Dunno, I got up to royalty for unicorn and had a handful of mirror matches. Was enough that I didn't really consider that it might be less popular.

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You can still have mirror matches if the game can't immediately find you a team to face on the other side. It just means you're more likely to have them on Narwhal.

The best thing to happen to pearl was meeting marina she's not gonna be the one to break up their band

Oh god, my heart.

Her reaction begs to differ.

They're not breaking up at all, they're not gonna recycle that plot point

Attached: oepearl3.png (844x856, 345K)


You say that with a straight face after playing the 2nd game's campaign?

That's precisely why I don't think they're gonna do it again.

She's just unsure because she knows marina is better than her and she keeps her down. But marina will reassure her how much she loves her

That's exactly why it'll happen again. The only flipside is that it'll be the winner, not the loser of the final splatfest that will become the villain of 3.

I mean all we can do is wait and see I suppose.

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Is thst a pearl plush or squid form pearlb

Something is definitely up but I don't know if it'll be something as predictable as a split. The whole apocalypse thing might be closer to the mark than the memes let on.

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The only bigger fan of Pearl than Marina is Pearl.

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Meant for

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>two octo daughters
Could I handle that much love?

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If there is something I'd ever choose to die ODing on it'd be love

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>that stripper outfit on a cunny

Will any company be able to top that

Gotta stay alive, though. Who else is going to nurture and care for them?

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True. Wouldn't do to leave them fending for themselves.

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I wish I were better with splatling.

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>Lore, deepest lore, lore out the ass
Where was this? I didn't find much.

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>those thangs
>all those blended up subjects
This story was fucked up.

Not quite yet.

Attached: 1559894563715.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

Order banzai!

>Agent 8 making it to the surface!
>Agent 8 finding out her new best friends are celebrities!
>Agent 8 being reassured by Agent 3 that she'll be welcome in Inkopolis!
>Agent 8 seeing lots of fellow octos in Inkopolis!
>Agent 8 being introduced to her idols, the Squid Sisters!
>Agent 8 meeting her new roommate!
>Agent 8 getting a part time job!
>Agent 8 buying her first pair of fresh new shoes!

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I don't want to pay for Nintendo Online. Is Splatoon 2 worth playing for the single player?

Stop making me want to give her a wonderful life, damn it.

Octo Expansion is one of the best things ever but otherwise no.

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Base, not really. With the expansion, yeah.