If Cyberpunk was created by EA

If Cyberpunk was created by EA

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haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)

haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)

haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)


haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)

haha upvoted my fellow redditor! :)

haha upvoted my fellow redditor! :)

haha upvoted my fellow redditor! :)

haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)

haha upvoted my fellow redditor! :)

haha upvoted my fellow redditor! :)

haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)

haha upvoted my fellow redditor! :)

haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)

Awful thread.

Hurf durr get off ma vidyer


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we did it reddit! :)

I bet you guys just can't wait to post this on /r/Yea Forums

haha upvoted my fellow redditor! :)

haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)


haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)

no mario

oh no mario!

Haha! I would give you gold if I could, fellow redditor!

This thread gave me cancer
Ironic reddit posting is not funny

based and redpilled

Suck it up. Breaking the circlejerk is unironically healthy for the industry

White and male would be separate microtransactions.

>If Cyberpunk was created by EA
No bulge slider

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haha! we did it reddit! look at how many posts we linked!!!! xD

Amen brother. When reddit propagates lies we are back on iron fields. Invictus Yea Forums.

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EA bad

edit: thanks for the gold stranger!

it's actually from facebook you fucking retarded negroids, look at the filename

>Le ebul EA

Fuck off faggot

kys mass replying tranny

Begone redditors. We won the tumblr war and we will dominate in this one.

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>he says this as reddit and Yea Forums are one and the same

t. tranny

haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)

> he implies Yea Forums is one person

holy fucking cancer

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no mario

wow really funny and original guys

haha upvoted my dear redditor! :)

Unironically best thread on Yea Forums right now

As said

I am one person

This isn't the girl putting peanut butter in her asshole so the dog licks it while she shlicks herself thread though.

no mario

[Spoiler] you may kill me after july 9th

>mass replies
>ironic r*dditposting
>muh eehayy maymay
it's summer alright

if it was still 2008

I buy and play some EA games, ask me anything.

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based oldfag

The 22 year old virgin is in the house.

haha upvoted my fellow redditor! :)

Is this the new forced meme?

I bet these guys think they're so funny when really everyone else hates them

haha upvoted my fellow redditor! :)


Which guys do you mean


the mass repliers and the 'haha upvoted' folks. They're not funny. They're all just a bunch of boring white guys with no talent or interesting personality traits

Post cute dogs or some shit

Attached: Cute_Doggo.webm (864x1080, 937K)

can't these retarded jannies ban these fags

Definitely not

Nice redit meme.

Unbased and badgoypilled

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no mario

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did someone say SPIDERMAN THREAD?

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This thread gave me cancer
Ironic reddit posting is not funny

I want to cum inside this cat's mounth guy what do I do?

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>Friend,of 20 years, works at EA.
>He thinks im just joining the ea "hatewagon" because i wasnt excited for anthem
>still wont admit anthem is shit
Are they indoctrinating employees over there

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hehehhe epic post friend, i bet you're totally right!! btw guys how do i upvote posts on this website? i haven't figured that out quite yet

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more like CyberJUNK


>not posting the superior version

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First you have to find the cat.

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>Are they indoctrinating employees over there
Most workplaces do, and rightfully so. The alternative won't make your employees stay.

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literally no one:
Yea Forums: hAha uPVotEd My dEaR rEdDitoR! :)

Fuck now this is HELLA epic

I know its bait but I really really hate this reddit meme

I like the irony. If this was a thursday evening comedian's show then I'd applaud my TV.

imma bout to end this whole boards carreer

That's one hecking cute pupper. I want it to fuck my ass

ohnononono the absolute STATE of this BOARD I'm legit finna go MENTAL!

anyone else hate black people?

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I'll never understand zoomer humor

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This thread reminds me of Yea Forums circa 2014
It wasn't funny then either

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hahaha updooted

Haha, check out this cool meem I found in google image search my guys!

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Doge float.

that's it, I'll revoke your true gamer license

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No Mario! Nosiree!

Weird flex but okay, boomer.