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He's right, though. Instead of just saying characters are customizable they always have to refer to skin color to appeal to American politics.

Selecting skin tones reminds me of being an alt-right winger. God damn video games....!

the feature is selectable skin tones you fucking retard

On any other publication that sort of headline would be innocuous, however with Kotaku, it absolutely is identity politics.

That's a fan news account, not official


>two outlets can say the exact same thing, one is correct and the other one is wrong

>colours are politics
Dumb burgers

The weird part is that the Kotaku headline from the link doesn't even mention it.

Animal Crossing News itself is the one making a big deal about it. Though Kotaku has been openly whining about it since 2013.

Characters were already customizable and skin tone wasn't, retard.

The article he linked doesn't even talk about selectable skin tones specifically brainlet. Don't reply to me if your IQ is not reaching triple digits.

>Censoring the name
Fuck off OP, it's pretty pathetic of you to post your own tweets on Yea Forums

Still a slave to the long dead vowel aristocracy, are we

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When your country has a long and disastrous history with skin color, yes, it is a political issue over here

>game gives you more choice in customizing your character
>kotaku politicizes it
>Yea Forumspol/ politicizes it too

i miss video games

but what? nothing no one really cares about this and if you do, your lying.

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What does it have to do with my post? Come back after you learn to read, you deflecting retard.

>nothing no one really cares about this and if you do, your lying
it's a feature the fans have been asking for since wild world

Kotaku didn't politicize shit. It's just the mere mention of Kotaku on Yea Forums is a trigger word unironically.

Plus every board on Yea Forums can go from 0 to /pol/-lite at the mere mention of race or a non-lily white skin tone. Unless it's a waifu someone can jack off to. It's just fucking sad.

>literal clown

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you're either a retard or being consciously ignorant. either way go back fag

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>So how many times have you stolen something?

>Never in my life!
>Just a few times...
>Too many times to count.

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Seethe, incel.

have sex

I hope the mere mention of skin tones other than white existing in your escapist fantasy video game doesn't hurt your ego too much.

Thats stupid, I dont want darkies in my game. Not buying.

Post your face. I'd like to see what an actual incel looks like

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Basedtendo. I can't wait to bully whities with my black villager posse

i stole the words right out of your text box, does that answer your question

Nice to see an incel post an OC thats not some lame ass wojak or another recycled pepe meme.

Glad you took the time from complaining about Tifa's redesign to shit up another thread.

I understand not liking obvious hamfisted western political "commentary" like Horizon Zero Dawn, The New Collossus, Watch Dogs 3, etc but how have we come to a point where people think someone bringing up a video game feature where you can select your skin tone is political "baiting?"

There's just no middle ground with these people. I hate Kotaku as much as anyone with a functioning brain should but they're taking this shit to the extreme for no reason. Just because Mafia 3 was an obvious white guilt simulator doesn't mean every game where you play as a black dude is.

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oh no

That's fine and all but man do I miss being able to get a tan. Just another soulful feature from the original that's gone now I guess.

it is a true statement regardless of who publishes it
however, in kotaku's case, they tend to publish only certain truths, then layer on a lot of bullshit

I don't follow weebshit bud. But I'm curious: why do all of you fags sound and type exactly the same? Do you not have the mental capacity to deviate from your prototypical twitter/reddit posting format?

>they tend to publish only certain truths
you can't publish everything

>kotaku regularly does retarded shit and stretches reality to fit their narrative
>wtf why do people hate kotaku? They weren't retarded this time

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what i mean to say is they publish only truths that fit the narrative they want to tell
this is deceptive and should be frowned upon regardless of who does it and for what reasons. journalists should present the situation as it is to the best of their ability and let readers decide for themselves what to make of it, not selectively publish only the parts that fit the story they want to tell.

>character customization is politics

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Anti-white companies must go DOWN!

>what i mean to say is they publish only truths that fit the narrative they want to tell
name 1 news outlet that doesn't do this

interesting how you blatantly ignore kotaku's headline which is clearly intended to be political. stay mad nigger

>Mentioning having selectable skins tones is fucking political

What the fuck happened to this goddamn board?

No one who has this opinion cares about animal crossing. Go enjoy your little sims spin off fantasy where you can pretend races are getting along just fine.

Wait... is she talking about us?

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reminder that white girls like to fuck dogs

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Think positively~ Now you can filter out blacks and browns from trying to visit your island.

I can tell that a spic made this image.

white sexual insecurity from a bunch of fuckin nerds lol

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It looks like the time of rising up is upon us